package jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.ImageInfo; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.PngHelperInternal; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.PngjException; /** * iCCP chunk. *

* see */ public class PngChunkICCP extends PngChunkSingle { public final static String ID = ChunkHelper.iCCP; // private String profileName; private byte[] compressedProfile; // copmression/decopmresion is done in getter/setter public PngChunkICCP(final ImageInfo info) { super(ID, info); } @Override public ChunkOrderingConstraint getOrderingConstraint() { return ChunkOrderingConstraint.BEFORE_PLTE_AND_IDAT; } @Override public ChunkRaw createRawChunk() { final ChunkRaw c = createEmptyChunk(profileName.length() + compressedProfile.length + 2, true); System.arraycopy(ChunkHelper.toBytes(profileName), 0,, 0, profileName.length());[profileName.length()] = 0;[profileName.length() + 1] = 0; System.arraycopy(compressedProfile, 0,, profileName.length() + 2, compressedProfile.length); return c; } @Override public void parseFromRaw(final ChunkRaw chunk) { final int pos0 = ChunkHelper.posNullByte(; profileName = new String(, 0, pos0, PngHelperInternal.charsetLatin1); final int comp = ([pos0 + 1] & 0xff); if (comp != 0) throw new PngjException("bad compression for ChunkTypeICCP"); final int compdatasize = - (pos0 + 2); compressedProfile = new byte[compdatasize]; System.arraycopy(, pos0 + 2, compressedProfile, 0, compdatasize); } @Override public void cloneDataFromRead(final PngChunk other) { final PngChunkICCP otherx = (PngChunkICCP) other; profileName = otherx.profileName; compressedProfile = new byte[otherx.compressedProfile.length]; System.arraycopy(otherx.compressedProfile, 0, compressedProfile, 0, otherx.compressedProfile.length); // deep // copy } /** * The profile should be uncompressed bytes */ public void setProfileNameAndContent(final String name, final byte[] profile) { profileName = name; compressedProfile = ChunkHelper.compressBytes(profile, true); } public void setProfileNameAndContent(final String name, final String profile) { setProfileNameAndContent(name, profile.getBytes(PngHelperInternal.charsetLatin1)); } public String getProfileName() { return profileName; } /** * uncompressed **/ public byte[] getProfile() { return ChunkHelper.compressBytes(compressedProfile, false); } public String getProfileAsString() { return new String(getProfile(), PngHelperInternal.charsetLatin1); } }