package jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.ImageInfo; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.PngjException; // see public abstract class PngChunk { public final String id; // 4 letters public final boolean crit, pub, safe; private int lenori = -1; // merely informational, for read chunks private boolean writePriority = false; // for queued chunks protected final ImageInfo imgInfo; private int chunkGroup = -1; // chunk group where it was read or writen /** * This static map defines which PngChunk class correspond to which ChunkID The client can add other chunks to this * map statically, before reading */ public final static Map> factoryMap = new HashMap>(); static { factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.IDAT, PngChunkIDAT.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.IHDR, PngChunkIHDR.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.PLTE, PngChunkPLTE.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.IEND, PngChunkIEND.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.tEXt, PngChunkTEXT.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.iTXt, PngChunkITXT.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.zTXt, PngChunkZTXT.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.bKGD, PngChunkBKGD.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.gAMA, PngChunkGAMA.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.pHYs, PngChunkPHYS.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.iCCP, PngChunkICCP.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.tIME, PngChunkTIME.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.tRNS, PngChunkTRNS.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.cHRM, PngChunkCHRM.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.sBIT, PngChunkSBIT.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.sRGB, PngChunkSRGB.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.hIST, PngChunkHIST.class); factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.sPLT, PngChunkSPLT.class); } protected PngChunk(String id, ImageInfo imgInfo) { = id; this.imgInfo = imgInfo; this.crit = ChunkHelper.isCritical(id); = ChunkHelper.isPublic(id); = ChunkHelper.isSafeToCopy(id); } public abstract ChunkRaw createChunk(); public abstract void parseFromChunk(ChunkRaw c); // override to make deep copy from read data to write public abstract void cloneDataFromRead(PngChunk other); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static T cloneChunk(T chunk, ImageInfo info) { PngChunk cn = factoryFromId(, info); if (cn.getClass() != chunk.getClass()) throw new PngjException("bad class cloning chunk: " + cn.getClass() + " " + chunk.getClass()); cn.cloneDataFromRead(chunk); return (T) cn; } public static PngChunk factory(ChunkRaw chunk, ImageInfo info) { PngChunk c = factoryFromId(ChunkHelper.toString(chunk.idbytes), info); c.lenori = chunk.len; c.parseFromChunk(chunk); return c; } public static PngChunk factoryFromId(String cid, ImageInfo info) { PngChunk chunk = null; try { Class cla = factoryMap.get(cid); if (cla != null) { Constructor constr = cla.getConstructor(ImageInfo.class); chunk = constr.newInstance(info); } } catch (Exception e) { // this can happend for unkown chunks } if (chunk == null) chunk = new PngChunkUNKNOWN(cid, info); return chunk; } protected ChunkRaw createEmptyChunk(int len, boolean alloc) { ChunkRaw c = new ChunkRaw(len, ChunkHelper.toBytes(id), alloc); return c; } @Override public String toString() { return "chunk id= " + id + " (" + lenori + ") c=" + getClass().getSimpleName(); } void setPriority(boolean highPrioriy) { writePriority = highPrioriy; } void write(OutputStream os) { ChunkRaw c = createChunk(); if (c == null) throw new PngjException("null chunk ! creation failed for " + this); c.writeChunk(os); } public boolean isWritePriority() { return writePriority; } /** must be overriden - only relevant for ancillary chunks */ public boolean allowsMultiple() { return false; // override if allows multiple ocurrences } /** mustGoBeforeXX/After must be overriden - only relevant for ancillary chunks */ public boolean mustGoBeforeIDAT() { return false; } public boolean mustGoBeforePLTE() { return false; } public boolean mustGoAfterPLTE() { return false; } static boolean isKnown(String id) { return factoryMap.containsKey(id); } public int getChunkGroup() { return chunkGroup; } public void setChunkGroup(int chunkGroup) { this.chunkGroup = chunkGroup; } }