package jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.ImageInfo; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.PngjException; /** * All chunks that form an image, read or to be written. *

* chunks include all chunks, but IDAT is a single pseudo chunk without data **/ public class ChunksList { // ref: public static final int CHUNK_GROUP_0_IDHR = 0; // required - single public static final int CHUNK_GROUP_1_AFTERIDHR = 1; // optional - multiple public static final int CHUNK_GROUP_2_PLTE = 2; // optional - single public static final int CHUNK_GROUP_3_AFTERPLTE = 3; // optional - multple public static final int CHUNK_GROUP_4_IDAT = 4; // required (single pseudo chunk) public static final int CHUNK_GROUP_5_AFTERIDAT = 5; // optional - multple public static final int CHUNK_GROUP_6_END = 6; // only 1 chunk - requried /** * All chunks, read (or written) * * But IDAT is a single pseudo chunk without data */ protected List chunks = new ArrayList(); final ImageInfo imageInfo; // only required for writing public ChunksList(final ImageInfo imfinfo) { this.imageInfo = imfinfo; } /** * Keys of processed (read or writen) chunks * * @return key:chunk id, val: number of occurrences */ public HashMap getChunksKeys() { final HashMap ck = new HashMap(); for (final PngChunk c : chunks) { ck.put(, ck.containsKey( ? ck.get( + 1 : 1); } return ck; } /** * Returns a copy of the list (but the chunks are not copied) This * should not be used for general metadata handling */ public ArrayList getChunks() { return new ArrayList(chunks); } protected static List getXById(final List list, final String id, final String innerid) { if (innerid == null) return ChunkHelper.filterList(list, new ChunkPredicate() { @Override public boolean match(final PngChunk c) { return; } }); else return ChunkHelper.filterList(list, new ChunkPredicate() { @Override public boolean match(final PngChunk c) { if (! return false; if (c instanceof PngChunkTextVar && !((PngChunkTextVar) c).getKey().equals(innerid)) return false; if (c instanceof PngChunkSPLT && !((PngChunkSPLT) c).getPalName().equals(innerid)) return false; return true; } }); } /** * Adds chunk in next position. This is used onyl by the pngReader */ public void appendReadChunk(final PngChunk chunk, final int chunkGroup) { chunk.setChunkGroup(chunkGroup); chunks.add(chunk); } /** * All chunks with this ID * * @param id * @return List, empty if none */ public List getById(final String id) { return getById(id, null); } /** * If innerid!=null and the chunk is PngChunkTextVar or PngChunkSPLT, it's * filtered by that id * * @param id * @return innerid Only used for text and SPLT chunks * @return List, empty if none */ public List getById(final String id, final String innerid) { return getXById(chunks, id, innerid); } /** * Returns only one chunk * * @param id * @return First chunk found, null if not found */ public PngChunk getById1(final String id) { return getById1(id, false); } /** * Returns only one chunk or null if nothing found - does not include queued *

* If more than one chunk is found, then an exception is thrown * (failifMultiple=true or chunk is single) or the last one is returned * (failifMultiple=false) **/ public PngChunk getById1(final String id, final boolean failIfMultiple) { return getById1(id, null, failIfMultiple); } /** * Returns only one chunk or null if nothing found - does not include queued *

* If more than one chunk (after filtering by inner id) is found, then an * exception is thrown (failifMultiple=true or chunk is single) or the last * one is returned (failifMultiple=false) **/ public PngChunk getById1(final String id, final String innerid, final boolean failIfMultiple) { final List list = getById(id, innerid); if (list.isEmpty()) return null; if (list.size() > 1 && (failIfMultiple || !list.get(0).allowsMultiple())) throw new PngjException("unexpected multiple chunks id=" + id); return list.get(list.size() - 1); } /** * Finds all chunks "equivalent" to this one * * @param c2 * @return Empty if nothing found */ public List getEquivalent(final PngChunk c2) { return ChunkHelper.filterList(chunks, new ChunkPredicate() { @Override public boolean match(final PngChunk c) { return ChunkHelper.equivalent(c, c2); } }); } @Override public String toString() { return "ChunkList: read: " + chunks.size(); } /** * for debugging */ public String toStringFull() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(toString()); sb.append("\n Read:\n"); for (final PngChunk chunk : chunks) { sb.append(chunk).append(" G=" + chunk.getChunkGroup() + "\n"); } return sb.toString(); } }