package jogamp.opengl.util.pngj; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import; import; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.ImageInfo; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.ImageLine.SampleType; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks.ChunkHelper; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks.ChunkLoadBehaviour; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks.ChunkRaw; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks.ChunksList; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks.PngChunk; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks.PngChunkIDAT; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks.PngChunkIHDR; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks.PngChunkSkipped; import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks.PngMetadata; /** * Reads a PNG image, line by line. *
* The reading sequence is as follows:
* see {@link ChunksList}
protected int currentChunkGroup = -1;
protected int rowNum = -1; // last read row number, starting from 0
private long offset = 0; // offset in InputStream = bytes read
private int bytesChunksLoaded; // bytes loaded from anciallary chunks
protected final InputStream inputStream;
protected InflaterInputStream idatIstream;
protected PngIDatChunkInputStream iIdatCstream;
protected CRC32 crctest; // If set to non null, it gets a CRC of the unfiltered bytes, to check for images equality
* Constructs a PngReader from an InputStream.
* See also
* Position before: after IDHR (crc included) Position after: just after the first IDAT chunk id
* This can be called several times (tentatively), it does nothing if already run
* (Note: when should this be called? in the constructor? hardly, because we loose the opportunity to call
* setChunkLoadBehaviour() and perhaps other settings before reading the first row? but sometimes we want to access
* some metadata (plte, phys) before. Because of this, this method can be called explicitly but is also called
* implicititly in some methods (getMetatada(), getChunksList())
private final void readFirstChunks() {
if (!firstChunksNotYetRead())
int clen = 0;
boolean found = false;
byte[] chunkid = new byte[4]; // it's important to reallocate in each iteration
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_1_AFTERIDHR;
while (!found) {
clen = PngHelperInternal.readInt4(inputStream);
offset += 4;
if (clen < 0)
PngHelperInternal.readBytes(inputStream, chunkid, 0, 4);
offset += 4;
if (Arrays.equals(chunkid, ChunkHelper.b_IDAT)) {
found = true;
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_4_IDAT;
// add dummy idat chunk to list
chunksList.appendReadChunk(new PngChunkIDAT(imgInfo, clen, offset - 8), currentChunkGroup);
} else if (Arrays.equals(chunkid, ChunkHelper.b_IEND)) {
throw new PngjInputException("END chunk found before image data (IDAT) at offset=" + offset);
if (Arrays.equals(chunkid, ChunkHelper.b_PLTE))
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_2_PLTE;
readChunk(chunkid, clen, false);
if (Arrays.equals(chunkid, ChunkHelper.b_PLTE))
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_3_AFTERPLTE;
int idatLen = found ? clen : -1;
if (idatLen < 0)
throw new PngjInputException("first idat chunk not found!");
iIdatCstream = new PngIDatChunkInputStream(inputStream, idatLen, offset);
idatIstream = new InflaterInputStream(iIdatCstream);
if (!crcEnabled)
* Reads (and processes) chunks after last IDAT.
void readLastChunks() {
// PngHelper.logdebug("idat ended? " + iIdatCstream.isEnded());
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_5_AFTERIDAT;
if (!iIdatCstream.isEnded())
int clen = iIdatCstream.getLenLastChunk();
byte[] chunkid = iIdatCstream.getIdLastChunk();
boolean endfound = false;
boolean first = true;
boolean skip = false;
while (!endfound) {
skip = false;
if (!first) {
clen = PngHelperInternal.readInt4(inputStream);
offset += 4;
if (clen < 0)
throw new PngjInputException("bad chuck len " + clen);
PngHelperInternal.readBytes(inputStream, chunkid, 0, 4);
offset += 4;
first = false;
if (Arrays.equals(chunkid, ChunkHelper.b_IDAT)) {
skip = true; // extra dummy (empty?) idat chunk, it can happen, ignore it
} else if (Arrays.equals(chunkid, ChunkHelper.b_IEND)) {
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_6_END;
endfound = true;
readChunk(chunkid, clen, skip);
if (!endfound)
throw new PngjInputException("end chunk not found - offset=" + offset);
// PngHelper.logdebug("end chunk found ok offset=" + offset);
* Reads chunkd from input stream, adds to ChunksList, and returns it. If it's skipped, a PngChunkSkipped object is
* created
private PngChunk readChunk(byte[] chunkid, int clen, boolean skipforced) {
if (clen < 0)
throw new PngjInputException("invalid chunk lenght: " + clen);
// skipChunksByIdSet is created lazyly, if fist IHDR has already been read
if (skipChunkIdsSet == null && currentChunkGroup > ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_0_IDHR)
skipChunkIdsSet = new HashSet
* The default behaviour is print to stderr, but it can be overriden.
* This happens rarely - most errors are fatal.
protected void logWarn(String warn) {
* @see #setChunkLoadBehaviour(ChunkLoadBehaviour)
public ChunkLoadBehaviour getChunkLoadBehaviour() {
return chunkLoadBehaviour;
* Determines which ancillary chunks (metada) are to be loaded
* @param chunkLoadBehaviour
* {@link ChunkLoadBehaviour}
public void setChunkLoadBehaviour(ChunkLoadBehaviour chunkLoadBehaviour) {
this.chunkLoadBehaviour = chunkLoadBehaviour;
* All loaded chunks (metada). If we have not yet end reading the image, this will include only the chunks before
* the pixels data (IDAT)
* Critical chunks are included, except that all IDAT chunks appearance are replaced by a single dummy-marker IDAT
* chunk. These might be copied to the PngWriter
* @see #getMetadata()
public ChunksList getChunksList() {
if (firstChunksNotYetRead())
return chunksList;
int getCurrentChunkGroup() {
return currentChunkGroup;
* High level wrapper over chunksList
* @see #getChunksList()
public PngMetadata getMetadata() {
if (firstChunksNotYetRead())
return metadata;
* If called for first time, calls readRowInt. Elsewhere, it calls the appropiate readRowInt/readRowByte
* In general, specifying the concrete readRowInt/readRowByte is preferrable
* @see #readRowInt(int) {@link #readRowByte(int)}
public ImageLine readRow(int nrow) {
if (imgLine == null)
imgLine = new ImageLine(imgInfo, SampleType.INT, unpackedMode);
return imgLine.sampleType != SampleType.BYTE ? readRowInt(nrow) : readRowByte(nrow);
* Reads the row as INT, storing it in the {@link #imgLine} property and returning it.
* The row must be greater or equal than the last read row.
* @param nrow
* Row number, from 0 to rows-1. Increasing order.
* @return ImageLine object, also available as field. Data is in {@link ImageLine#scanline} (int) field.
public ImageLine readRowInt(int nrow) {
if (imgLine == null)
imgLine = new ImageLine(imgInfo, SampleType.INT, unpackedMode);
if (imgLine.getRown() == nrow) // already read
return imgLine;
readRowInt(imgLine.scanline, nrow);
return imgLine;
* Reads the row as BYTES, storing it in the {@link #imgLine} property and returning it.
* The row must be greater or equal than the last read row. This method allows to pass the same row that was last
* read.
* @param nrow
* Row number, from 0 to rows-1. Increasing order.
* @return ImageLine object, also available as field. Data is in {@link ImageLine#scanlineb} (byte) field.
public ImageLine readRowByte(int nrow) {
if (imgLine == null)
imgLine = new ImageLine(imgInfo, SampleType.BYTE, unpackedMode);
if (imgLine.getRown() == nrow) // already read
return imgLine;
readRowByte(imgLine.scanlineb, nrow);
return imgLine;
* @see #readRowInt(int[], int)
public final int[] readRow(int[] buffer, final int nrow) {
return readRowInt(buffer, nrow);
* Reads a line and returns it as a int[] array.
* You can pass (optionally) a prealocatted buffer.
* If the bitdepth is less than 8, the bytes are packed - unless {@link #unpackedMode} is true.
* @param buffer
* Prealocated buffer, or null.
* @param nrow
* Row number (0 is top). Most be strictly greater than the last read row.
* @return The scanline in the same passwd buffer if it was allocated, a newly allocated one otherwise
public final int[] readRowInt(int[] buffer, final int nrow) {
if (buffer == null)
buffer = new int[unpackedMode ? imgInfo.samplesPerRow : imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked];
if (!interlaced) {
if (nrow <= rowNum)
throw new PngjInputException("rows must be read in increasing order: " + nrow);
int bytesread = 0;
while (rowNum < nrow)
bytesread = readRowRaw(rowNum + 1); // read rows, perhaps skipping if necessary
decodeLastReadRowToInt(buffer, bytesread);
} else { // interlaced
if (deinterlacer.getImageInt() == null)
deinterlacer.setImageInt(readRowsInt().scanlines); // read all image and store it in deinterlacer
System.arraycopy(deinterlacer.getImageInt()[nrow], 0, buffer, 0, unpackedMode ? imgInfo.samplesPerRow
: imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked);
return buffer;
* Reads a line and returns it as a byte[] array.
* You can pass (optionally) a prealocatted buffer.
* If the bitdepth is less than 8, the bytes are packed - unless {@link #unpackedMode} is true.
* @param buffer
* Prealocated buffer, or null.
* @param nrow
* Row number (0 is top). Most be strictly greater than the last read row.
* @return The scanline in the same passwd buffer if it was allocated, a newly allocated one otherwise
public final byte[] readRowByte(byte[] buffer, final int nrow) {
if (buffer == null)
buffer = new byte[unpackedMode ? imgInfo.samplesPerRow : imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked];
if (!interlaced) {
if (nrow <= rowNum)
throw new PngjInputException("rows must be read in increasing order: " + nrow);
int bytesread = 0;
while (rowNum < nrow)
bytesread = readRowRaw(rowNum + 1); // read rows, perhaps skipping if necessary
decodeLastReadRowToByte(buffer, bytesread);
} else { // interlaced
if (deinterlacer.getImageByte() == null)
deinterlacer.setImageByte(readRowsByte().scanlinesb); // read all image and store it in deinterlacer
System.arraycopy(deinterlacer.getImageByte()[nrow], 0, buffer, 0, unpackedMode ? imgInfo.samplesPerRow
: imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked);
return buffer;
* @param nrow
* @deprecated Now {@link #readRow(int)} implements the same funcion. This method will be removed in future releases
public ImageLine getRow(int nrow) {
return readRow(nrow);
private void decodeLastReadRowToInt(int[] buffer, int bytesRead) {
if (imgInfo.bitDepth <= 8)
for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < bytesRead; i++)
buffer[i] = (rowb[j++] & 0xFF); //
for (int i = 0, j = 1; j <= bytesRead; i++)
buffer[i] = ((rowb[j++] & 0xFF) << 8) + (rowb[j++] & 0xFF); // 16 bitspc
if (imgInfo.packed && unpackedMode)
ImageLine.unpackInplaceInt(imgInfo, buffer, buffer, false);
private void decodeLastReadRowToByte(byte[] buffer, int bytesRead) {
if (imgInfo.bitDepth <= 8)
System.arraycopy(rowb, 1, buffer, 0, bytesRead);
for (int i = 0, j = 1; j < bytesRead; i++, j += 2)
buffer[i] = rowb[j];// 16 bits in 1 byte: this discards the LSB!!!
if (imgInfo.packed && unpackedMode)
ImageLine.unpackInplaceByte(imgInfo, buffer, buffer, false);
* Reads a set of lines and returns it as a ImageLines object, which wraps matrix. Internally it reads all lines,
* but decodes and stores only the wanted ones. This starts and ends the reading, and cannot be combined with other
* reading methods.
* This it's more efficient (speed an memory) that doing calling readRowInt() for each desired line only if the
* image is interlaced.
* Notice that the columns in the matrix is not the pixel width of the image, but rather pixels x channels
* @see #readRowInt(int) to read about the format of each row
* @param rowOffset
* Number of rows to be skipped
* @param nRows
* Total number of rows to be read. -1: read all available
* @param rowStep
* Row increment. If 1, we read consecutive lines; if 2, we read even/odd lines, etc
* @return Set of lines as a ImageLines, which wraps a matrix
public ImageLines readRowsInt(int rowOffset, int nRows, int rowStep) {
if (nRows < 0)
nRows = (imgInfo.rows - rowOffset) / rowStep;
if (rowStep < 1 || rowOffset < 0 || nRows * rowStep + rowOffset > imgInfo.rows)
throw new PngjInputException("bad args");
ImageLines imlines = new ImageLines(imgInfo, SampleType.INT, unpackedMode, rowOffset, nRows, rowStep);
if (!interlaced) {
for (int j = 0; j < imgInfo.rows; j++) {
int bytesread = readRowRaw(j); // read and perhaps discards
int mrow = imlines.imageRowToMatrixRowStrict(j);
if (mrow >= 0)
decodeLastReadRowToInt(imlines.scanlines[mrow], bytesread);
} else { // and now, for something completely different (interlaced)
int[] buf = new int[unpackedMode ? imgInfo.samplesPerRow : imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked];
for (int p = 1; p <= 7; p++) {
for (int i = 0; i < deinterlacer.getRows(); i++) {
int bytesread = readRowRaw(i);
int j = deinterlacer.getCurrRowReal();
int mrow = imlines.imageRowToMatrixRowStrict(j);
if (mrow >= 0) {
decodeLastReadRowToInt(buf, bytesread);
deinterlacer.deinterlaceInt(buf, imlines.scanlines[mrow], !unpackedMode);
return imlines;
* Same as readRowsInt(0, imgInfo.rows, 1)
* @see #readRowsInt(int, int, int)
public ImageLines readRowsInt() {
return readRowsInt(0, imgInfo.rows, 1);
* Reads a set of lines and returns it as a ImageLines object, which wrapas a byte[][] matrix. Internally it reads
* all lines, but decodes and stores only the wanted ones. This starts and ends the reading, and cannot be combined
* with other reading methods.
* This it's more efficient (speed an memory) that doing calling readRowByte() for each desired line only if the
* image is interlaced.
* Notice that the columns in the matrix is not the pixel width of the image, but rather pixels x channels
* @see #readRowByte(int) to read about the format of each row. Notice that if the bitdepth is 16 this will lose
* information
* @param rowOffset
* Number of rows to be skipped
* @param nRows
* Total number of rows to be read. -1: read all available
* @param rowStep
* Row increment. If 1, we read consecutive lines; if 2, we read even/odd lines, etc
* @return Set of lines as a matrix
public ImageLines readRowsByte(int rowOffset, int nRows, int rowStep) {
if (nRows < 0)
nRows = (imgInfo.rows - rowOffset) / rowStep;
if (rowStep < 1 || rowOffset < 0 || nRows * rowStep + rowOffset > imgInfo.rows)
throw new PngjInputException("bad args");
ImageLines imlines = new ImageLines(imgInfo, SampleType.BYTE, unpackedMode, rowOffset, nRows, rowStep);
if (!interlaced) {
for (int j = 0; j < imgInfo.rows; j++) {
int bytesread = readRowRaw(j); // read and perhaps discards
int mrow = imlines.imageRowToMatrixRowStrict(j);
if (mrow >= 0)
decodeLastReadRowToByte(imlines.scanlinesb[mrow], bytesread);
} else { // and now, for something completely different (interlaced)
byte[] buf = new byte[unpackedMode ? imgInfo.samplesPerRow : imgInfo.samplesPerRowPacked];
for (int p = 1; p <= 7; p++) {
for (int i = 0; i < deinterlacer.getRows(); i++) {
int bytesread = readRowRaw(i);
int j = deinterlacer.getCurrRowReal();
int mrow = imlines.imageRowToMatrixRowStrict(j);
if (mrow >= 0) {
decodeLastReadRowToByte(buf, bytesread);
deinterlacer.deinterlaceByte(buf, imlines.scanlinesb[mrow], !unpackedMode);
return imlines;
* Same as readRowsByte(0, imgInfo.rows, 1)
* @see #readRowsByte(int, int, int)
public ImageLines readRowsByte() {
return readRowsByte(0, imgInfo.rows, 1);
* For the interlaced case, nrow indicates the subsampled image - the pass must be set already.
* This must be called in strict order, both for interlaced or no interlaced.
* Updates rowNum.
* Leaves raw result in rowb
* Returns bytes actually read (not including the filter byte)
private int readRowRaw(final int nrow) {
if (nrow == 0 && firstChunksNotYetRead())
if (nrow == 0 && interlaced)
Arrays.fill(rowb, (byte) 0); // new subimage: reset filters: this is enough, see the swap that happens lines
// below
int bytesRead = imgInfo.bytesPerRow; // NOT including the filter byte
if (interlaced) {
if (nrow < 0 || nrow > deinterlacer.getRows() || (nrow != 0 && nrow != deinterlacer.getCurrRowSubimg() + 1))
throw new PngjInputException("invalid row in interlaced mode: " + nrow);
bytesRead = (imgInfo.bitspPixel * deinterlacer.getPixelsToRead() + 7) / 8;
if (bytesRead < 1)
throw new PngjExceptionInternal("wtf??");
} else { // check for non interlaced
if (nrow < 0 || nrow >= imgInfo.rows || nrow != rowNum + 1)
throw new PngjInputException("invalid row: " + nrow);
rowNum = nrow;
// swap buffers
byte[] tmp = rowb;
rowb = rowbprev;
rowbprev = tmp;
// loads in rowbfilter "raw" bytes, with filter
PngHelperInternal.readBytes(idatIstream, rowbfilter, 0, bytesRead + 1);
offset = iIdatCstream.getOffset();
if (offset < 0)
throw new PngjExceptionInternal("bad offset ??" + offset);
if (maxTotalBytesRead > 0 && offset >= maxTotalBytesRead)
throw new PngjInputException("Reading IDAT: Maximum total bytes to read exceeeded: " + maxTotalBytesRead
+ " offset:" + offset);
rowb[0] = 0;
rowb[0] = rowbfilter[0];
if ((rowNum == imgInfo.rows - 1 && !interlaced) || (interlaced && deinterlacer.isAtLastRow()))
return bytesRead;
* Reads all the (remaining) file, skipping the pixels data. This is much more efficient that calling readRow(),
* specially for big files (about 10 times faster!), because it doesn't even decompress the IDAT stream and disables
* CRC check Use this if you are not interested in reading pixels,only metadata.
public void readSkippingAllRows() {
if (firstChunksNotYetRead())
// we read directly from the compressed stream, we dont decompress nor chec CRC
try {
int r;
do {
r =, 0, rowbfilter.length);
} while (r >= 0);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PngjInputException("error in raw read of IDAT", e);
offset = iIdatCstream.getOffset();
if (offset < 0)
throw new PngjExceptionInternal("bad offset ??" + offset);
if (maxTotalBytesRead > 0 && offset >= maxTotalBytesRead)
throw new PngjInputException("Reading IDAT: Maximum total bytes to read exceeeded: " + maxTotalBytesRead
+ " offset:" + offset);
* Set total maximum bytes to read (0: unlimited; default: 200MB).
* default=true
public void setShouldCloseStream(boolean shouldCloseStream) {
this.shouldCloseStream = shouldCloseStream;
* Normally this does nothing, but it can be used to force a premature closing. Its recommended practice to call it
* after reading the image pixels.
public void end() {
if (currentChunkGroup < ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_6_END)
* Interlaced PNG is accepted -though not welcomed- now...
public boolean isInterlaced() {
return interlaced;
* set/unset "unpackedMode"
* 1. At construction time, the header and IHDR chunk are read (basic image info)
* 2. Afterwards you can set some additional global options. Eg. {@link #setUnpackedMode(boolean)},
* {@link #setCrcCheckDisabled()}.
* 3. Optional: If you call getMetadata() or getChunksLisk() before start reading the rows, all the chunks before IDAT
* are automatically loaded and available
* 4a. The rows are read onen by one of the readRowXXX methods: {@link #readRowInt(int)},
* {@link PngReader#readRowByte(int)}, etc, in order, from 0 to nrows-1 (you can skip or repeat rows, but not go
* backwards)
* 4b. Alternatively, you can read all rows, or a subset, in a single call: {@link #readRowsInt()},
* {@link #readRowsByte()} ,etc. In general this consumes more memory, but for interlaced images this is equally
* efficient, and more so if reading a small subset of rows.
* 5. Read of the last row auyomatically loads the trailing chunks, and ends the reader.
* 6. end() forcibly finishes/aborts the reading and closes the stream
public class PngReader {
* Basic image info - final and inmutable.
public final ImageInfo imgInfo;
* not necesarily a filename, can be a description - merely informative
protected final String filename;
private ChunkLoadBehaviour chunkLoadBehaviour = ChunkLoadBehaviour.LOAD_CHUNK_ALWAYS; // see setter/getter
private boolean shouldCloseStream = true; // true: closes stream after ending - see setter/getter
// some performance/defensive limits
private long maxTotalBytesRead = 200 * 1024 * 1024; // 200MB
private int maxBytesMetadata = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // for ancillary chunks - see setter/getter
private int skipChunkMaxSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // chunks exceeding this size will be skipped (nor even CRC checked)
private String[] skipChunkIds = { "fdAT" }; // chunks with these ids will be skipped (nor even CRC checked)
private HashSetFileHelper.createPngReader(File f)
if available.
* Reads only the signature and first chunk (IDHR)
* @param filenameOrDescription
* : Optional, can be a filename or a description. Just for error/debug messages
public PngReader(InputStream inputStream, String filenameOrDescription) {
this.filename = filenameOrDescription == null ? "" : filenameOrDescription;
this.inputStream = inputStream;
this.chunksList = new ChunksList(null);
this.metadata = new PngMetadata(chunksList);
// starts reading: signature
byte[] pngid = new byte[8];
PngHelperInternal.readBytes(inputStream, pngid, 0, pngid.length);
offset += pngid.length;
if (!Arrays.equals(pngid, PngHelperInternal.getPngIdSignature()))
throw new PngjInputException("Bad PNG signature");
// reads first chunk
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_0_IDHR;
int clen = PngHelperInternal.readInt4(inputStream);
offset += 4;
if (clen != 13)
throw new PngjInputException("IDHR chunk len != 13 ?? " + clen);
byte[] chunkid = new byte[4];
PngHelperInternal.readBytes(inputStream, chunkid, 0, 4);
if (!Arrays.equals(chunkid, ChunkHelper.b_IHDR))
throw new PngjInputException("IHDR not found as first chunk??? [" + ChunkHelper.toString(chunkid) + "]");
offset += 4;
PngChunkIHDR ihdr = (PngChunkIHDR) readChunk(chunkid, clen, false);
boolean alpha = (ihdr.getColormodel() & 0x04) != 0;
boolean palette = (ihdr.getColormodel() & 0x01) != 0;
boolean grayscale = (ihdr.getColormodel() == 0 || ihdr.getColormodel() == 4);
// creates ImgInfo and imgLine, and allocates buffers
imgInfo = new ImageInfo(ihdr.getCols(), ihdr.getRows(), ihdr.getBitspc(), alpha, grayscale, palette);
// allocation: one extra byte for filter type one pixel
rowbfilter = new byte[imgInfo.bytesPerRow + 1];
rowb = new byte[imgInfo.bytesPerRow + 1];
rowbprev = new byte[rowb.length];
interlaced = ihdr.getInterlaced() == 1;
deinterlacer = interlaced ? new PngDeinterlacer(imgInfo) : null;
// some checks
if (ihdr.getFilmeth() != 0 || ihdr.getCompmeth() != 0 || (ihdr.getInterlaced() & 0xFFFE) != 0)
throw new PngjInputException("compression method o filter method or interlaced unrecognized ");
if (ihdr.getColormodel() < 0 || ihdr.getColormodel() > 6 || ihdr.getColormodel() == 1
|| ihdr.getColormodel() == 5)
throw new PngjInputException("Invalid colormodel " + ihdr.getColormodel());
if (ihdr.getBitspc() != 1 && ihdr.getBitspc() != 2 && ihdr.getBitspc() != 4 && ihdr.getBitspc() != 8
&& ihdr.getBitspc() != 16)
throw new PngjInputException("Invalid bit depth " + ihdr.getBitspc());
private boolean firstChunksNotYetRead() {
return currentChunkGroup < ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_1_AFTERIDHR;
* Reads last Internally called after having read the last line. It reads extra chunks after IDAT, if present.
private void readLastAndClose() {
// offset = iIdatCstream.getOffset();
if (currentChunkGroup < ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_5_AFTERIDAT) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private void close() {
if (currentChunkGroup < ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_6_END) { // this could only happen if forced close
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_6_END;
if (shouldCloseStream) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PngjInputException("error closing input stream!", e);
// nbytes: NOT including the filter byte. leaves result in rowb
private void unfilterRow(int nbytes) {
int ftn = rowbfilter[0];
FilterType ft = FilterType.getByVal(ftn);
if (ft == null)
throw new PngjInputException("Filter type " + ftn + " invalid");
switch (ft) {
throw new PngjInputException("Filter type " + ftn + " not implemented");
if (crctest != null)
crctest.update(rowb, 1, rowb.length - 1);
private void unfilterRowAverage(final int nbytes) {
int i, j, x;
for (j = 1 - imgInfo.bytesPixel, i = 1; i <= nbytes; i++, j++) {
x = j > 0 ? (rowb[j] & 0xff) : 0;
rowb[i] = (byte) (rowbfilter[i] + (x + (rowbprev[i] & 0xFF)) / 2);
private void unfilterRowNone(final int nbytes) {
for (int i = 1; i <= nbytes; i++) {
rowb[i] = (byte) (rowbfilter[i]);
private void unfilterRowPaeth(final int nbytes) {
int i, j, x, y;
for (j = 1 - imgInfo.bytesPixel, i = 1; i <= nbytes; i++, j++) {
x = j > 0 ? (rowb[j] & 0xFF) : 0;
y = j > 0 ? (rowbprev[j] & 0xFF) : 0;
rowb[i] = (byte) (rowbfilter[i] + PngHelperInternal.filterPaethPredictor(x, rowbprev[i] & 0xFF, y));
private void unfilterRowSub(final int nbytes) {
int i, j;
for (i = 1; i <= imgInfo.bytesPixel; i++) {
rowb[i] = (byte) (rowbfilter[i]);
for (j = 1, i = imgInfo.bytesPixel + 1; i <= nbytes; i++, j++) {
rowb[i] = (byte) (rowbfilter[i] + rowb[j]);
private void unfilterRowUp(final int nbytes) {
for (int i = 1; i <= nbytes; i++) {
rowb[i] = (byte) (rowbfilter[i] + rowbprev[i]);
* Reads chunks before first IDAT. Normally this is called automatically
* If the bitdepth is 16, the least significant byte is lost.
* These are the bytes read (not loaded) in the input stream. If exceeded, an exception will be thrown.
public void setMaxTotalBytesRead(long maxTotalBytesToRead) {
this.maxTotalBytesRead = maxTotalBytesToRead;
* @return Total maximum bytes to read.
public long getMaxTotalBytesRead() {
return maxTotalBytesRead;
* Set total maximum bytes to load from ancillary chunks (0: unlimited; default: 5Mb).
* If exceeded, some chunks will be skipped
public void setMaxBytesMetadata(int maxBytesChunksToLoad) {
this.maxBytesMetadata = maxBytesChunksToLoad;
* @return Total maximum bytes to load from ancillary ckunks.
public int getMaxBytesMetadata() {
return maxBytesMetadata;
* Set maximum size in bytes for individual ancillary chunks (0: unlimited; default: 2MB).
* Chunks exceeding this length will be skipped (the CRC will not be checked) and the chunk will be saved as a
* PngChunkSkipped object. See also setSkipChunkIds
public void setSkipChunkMaxSize(int skipChunksBySize) {
this.skipChunkMaxSize = skipChunksBySize;
* @return maximum size in bytes for individual ancillary chunks.
public int getSkipChunkMaxSize() {
return skipChunkMaxSize;
* Chunks ids to be skipped.
* These chunks will be skipped (the CRC will not be checked) and the chunk will be saved as a PngChunkSkipped
* object. See also setSkipChunkMaxSize
public void setSkipChunkIds(String[] skipChunksById) {
this.skipChunkIds = skipChunksById == null ? new String[] {} : skipChunksById;
* @return Chunk-IDs to be skipped.
public String[] getSkipChunkIds() {
return skipChunkIds;
* if true, input stream will be closed after ending read
* If false (default) packed types (bitdepth=1,2 or 4) will keep several samples packed in one element (byte or int)
* If true, samples will be unpacked on reading, and each element in the scanline will be sample. This implies more
* processing and memory, but it's the most efficient option if you intend to read individual pixels.
* This option should only be set before start reading.
* @param unPackedMode
public void setUnpackedMode(boolean unPackedMode) {
this.unpackedMode = unPackedMode;
* @see PngReader#setUnpackedMode(boolean)
public boolean isUnpackedMode() {
return unpackedMode;
* Disables the CRC integrity check in IDAT chunks and ancillary chunks, this gives a slight increase in reading
* speed for big files
public void setCrcCheckDisabled() {
crcEnabled = false;
* Just for testing. TO be called after ending reading, only if initCrctest() was called before start
* @return CRC of the raw pixels values
long getCrctestVal() {
return crctest.getValue();
* Inits CRC object and enables CRC calculation
void initCrctest() {
this.crctest = new CRC32();
* Basic info, for debugging.
public String toString() { // basic info
return "filename=" + filename + " " + imgInfo.toString();