/* * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.fixedfunc; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.ShortBuffer; import javax.media.opengl.GL; import javax.media.opengl.GL2; import javax.media.opengl.GL2ES1; import javax.media.opengl.GL2ES2; import javax.media.opengl.GL2GL3; import javax.media.opengl.GLArrayData; import javax.media.opengl.GLES2; import javax.media.opengl.GLException; import javax.media.opengl.GLRunnable2; import javax.media.opengl.GLUniformData; import javax.media.opengl.fixedfunc.GLLightingFunc; import javax.media.opengl.fixedfunc.GLPointerFunc; import javax.media.opengl.fixedfunc.GLPointerFuncUtil; import jogamp.opengl.Debug; import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers; import com.jogamp.common.util.IntIntHashMap; import com.jogamp.common.util.PropertyAccess; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.PMVMatrix; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderCode; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderProgram; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderState; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.fixedfunc.ShaderSelectionMode; /** * * <p> * Note: Certain GL FFP state values (e.g.: alphaTestFunc and cullFace) * are mapped to a lower number range so they can be stored in low precision storage, * i.e. in a 'lowp int' (GL ES2). * </p> */ public class FixedFuncPipeline { protected static final boolean DEBUG; static { Debug.initSingleton(); DEBUG = PropertyAccess.isPropertyDefined("jogl.debug.FixedFuncPipeline", true); } /** The maximum texture units which could be used, depending on {@link ShaderSelectionMode}. */ public static final int MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS = 8; public static final int MAX_LIGHTS = 8; public FixedFuncPipeline(final GL2ES2 gl, final ShaderSelectionMode mode, final PMVMatrix pmvMatrix) { shaderRootClass = FixedFuncPipeline.class; shaderSrcRoot = shaderSrcRootDef; shaderBinRoot = shaderBinRootDef; vertexColorFile = vertexColorFileDef; vertexColorLightFile = vertexColorLightFileDef; fragmentColorFile = fragmentColorFileDef; fragmentColorTextureFile = fragmentColorTextureFileDef; init(gl, mode, pmvMatrix); } public FixedFuncPipeline(final GL2ES2 gl, final ShaderSelectionMode mode, final PMVMatrix pmvMatrix, final Class<?> shaderRootClass, final String shaderSrcRoot, final String shaderBinRoot, final String vertexColorFile, final String vertexColorLightFile, final String fragmentColorFile, final String fragmentColorTextureFile) { this.shaderRootClass = shaderRootClass; this.shaderSrcRoot = shaderSrcRoot; this.shaderBinRoot = shaderBinRoot; this.vertexColorFile = vertexColorFile; this.vertexColorLightFile = vertexColorLightFile; this.fragmentColorFile = fragmentColorFile; this.fragmentColorTextureFile = fragmentColorTextureFile; init(gl, mode, pmvMatrix); } public ShaderSelectionMode getShaderSelectionMode() { return requestedShaderSelectionMode; } public void setShaderSelectionMode(final ShaderSelectionMode mode) { requestedShaderSelectionMode=mode; } public ShaderSelectionMode getCurrentShaderSelectionMode() { return currentShaderSelectionMode; } public boolean verbose() { return verbose; } public void setVerbose(final boolean v) { verbose = DEBUG || v; } public boolean isValid() { return shaderState.linked(); } public ShaderState getShaderState() { return shaderState; } public int getActiveTextureUnit() { return activeTextureUnit; } public void destroy(final GL2ES2 gl) { if(null != shaderProgramColor) { shaderProgramColor.release(gl, true); } if(null != shaderProgramColorLight) { shaderProgramColorLight.release(gl, true); } if(null != shaderProgramColorTexture2) { shaderProgramColorTexture2.release(gl, true); } if(null != shaderProgramColorTexture4) { shaderProgramColorTexture4.release(gl, true); } if(null != shaderProgramColorTexture4) { shaderProgramColorTexture4.release(gl, true); } if(null != shaderProgramColorTexture8Light) { shaderProgramColorTexture8Light.release(gl, true); } shaderState.destroy(gl); } // // Simple Globals // public void glColor4f(final GL2ES2 gl, final float red, final float green, final float blue, final float alpha) { colorStatic.put(0, red); colorStatic.put(1, green); colorStatic.put(2, blue); colorStatic.put(3, alpha); shaderState.useProgram(gl, true); final GLUniformData ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_ColorStatic); if(null!=ud) { // same data object .. shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } else { throw new GLException("Failed to update: mgl_ColorStatic"); } } // // Arrays / States // public void glEnableClientState(final GL2ES2 gl, final int glArrayIndex) { glToggleClientState(gl, glArrayIndex, true); } public void glDisableClientState(final GL2ES2 gl, final int glArrayIndex) { glToggleClientState(gl, glArrayIndex, false); } private void glToggleClientState(final GL2ES2 gl, final int glArrayIndex, final boolean enable) { final String arrayName = GLPointerFuncUtil.getPredefinedArrayIndexName(glArrayIndex, clientActiveTextureUnit); if(null == arrayName) { throw new GLException("arrayIndex "+toHexString(glArrayIndex)+" unknown"); } shaderState.useProgram(gl, true); if(enable) { shaderState.enableVertexAttribArray(gl, arrayName ); } else { shaderState.disableVertexAttribArray(gl, arrayName ); } switch( glArrayIndex ) { case GLPointerFunc.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY: final int enableV = enable ? 1 : 0; // enable-bitwise: textureCoordsEnabled |= (1 << clientActiveTextureUnit); // disable-bitwise: textureCoordsEnabled &= ~(1 << clientActiveTextureUnit); if ( textureCoordEnabled.get(clientActiveTextureUnit) != enableV) { textureCoordEnabled.put(clientActiveTextureUnit, enableV); textureCoordEnabledDirty = true; } break; case GLPointerFunc.GL_COLOR_ARRAY: colorVAEnabledDirty = true; break; } } public void glVertexPointer(final GL2ES2 gl, final GLArrayData data) { shaderState.useProgram(gl, true); shaderState.vertexAttribPointer(gl, data); } public void glColorPointer(final GL2ES2 gl, final GLArrayData data) { shaderState.useProgram(gl, true); shaderState.vertexAttribPointer(gl, data); } public void glNormalPointer(final GL2ES2 gl, final GLArrayData data) { shaderState.useProgram(gl, true); shaderState.vertexAttribPointer(gl, data); } // // MULTI-TEXTURE // /** Enables/Disables the named texture unit (if changed), returns previous state */ private boolean glEnableTexture(final boolean enable, final int unit) { final boolean isEnabled = 0 != ( textureEnabledBits & ( 1 << activeTextureUnit ) ); if( isEnabled != enable ) { if(enable) { textureEnabledBits |= ( 1 << unit ); textureEnabled.put(unit, 1); } else { textureEnabledBits &= ~( 1 << unit ); textureEnabled.put(unit, 0); } textureEnabledDirty=true; } return isEnabled; } public void glClientActiveTexture(int textureUnit) { textureUnit -= GL.GL_TEXTURE0; if(0 <= textureUnit && textureUnit<MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS) { clientActiveTextureUnit = textureUnit; } else { throw new GLException("glClientActiveTexture textureUnit not within GL_TEXTURE0 + [0.."+MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS+"]: "+textureUnit); } } public void glActiveTexture(int textureUnit) { textureUnit -= GL.GL_TEXTURE0; if(0 <= textureUnit && textureUnit<MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS) { activeTextureUnit = textureUnit; } else { throw new GLException("glActivateTexture textureUnit not within GL_TEXTURE0 + [0.."+MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS+"]: "+textureUnit); } } public void glTexCoordPointer(final GL2ES2 gl, final GLArrayData data) { if( GLPointerFunc.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY != data.getIndex() ) { throw new GLException("Invalid GLArrayData Index "+toHexString(data.getIndex())+", "+data); } shaderState.useProgram(gl, true); data.setName( GLPointerFuncUtil.getPredefinedArrayIndexName(data.getIndex(), clientActiveTextureUnit) ) ; shaderState.vertexAttribPointer(gl, data); } public void glBindTexture(final int target, final int texture) { if(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D == target) { if( texture != boundTextureObject[activeTextureUnit] ) { boundTextureObject[activeTextureUnit] = texture; textureFormatDirty = true; } } else { System.err.println("FixedFuncPipeline: Unimplemented glBindTexture for target "+toHexString(target)+". Texture name "+toHexString(texture)); } } public void glTexImage2D(final int target, /* int level, */ final int internalformat, /*, int width, int height, int border, */ final int format /*, int type, Buffer pixels */) { final int ifmt; if(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D == target) { switch(internalformat) { case 3: case GL.GL_RGB: case GL.GL_RGB565: case GL.GL_RGB8: case GL.GL_RGB10: ifmt = 3; break; case 4: case GL.GL_RGBA: case GL.GL_RGB5_A1: case GL.GL_RGBA4: case GL.GL_RGBA8: case GL.GL_RGB10_A2: ifmt = 4; break; default: System.err.println("FixedFuncPipeline: glTexImage2D TEXTURE_2D: Unimplemented internalformat "+toHexString(internalformat)); ifmt = 4; break; } if( ifmt != texID2Format.put(boundTextureObject[activeTextureUnit], ifmt) ) { textureFormatDirty = true; // System.err.println("glTexImage2D TEXTURE_2D: internalformat ifmt "+toHexString(internalformat)+" fmt "+toHexString(format)+" -> "+toHexString(ifmt)); } } else { System.err.println("FixedFuncPipeline: Unimplemented glTexImage2D: target "+toHexString(target)+", internalformat "+toHexString(internalformat)); } } /* public void glTexImage2D(int target, int level, int internalformat, int width, int height, int border, int format, int type, long pixels_buffer_offset) { textureFormat.put(activeTextureUnit, internalformat); textureFormatDirty = true; }*/ public void glTexEnvi(final int target, final int pname, final int value) { if(GL2ES1.GL_TEXTURE_ENV == target && GL2ES1.GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE == pname) { final int mode; switch( value ) { case GL2ES1.GL_ADD: mode = 1; break; case GL2ES1.GL_MODULATE: mode = 2; break; case GL2ES1.GL_DECAL: mode = 3; break; case GL.GL_BLEND: mode = 4; break; case GL.GL_REPLACE: mode = 5; break; case GL2ES1.GL_COMBINE: mode = 2; // FIXME System.err.println("FixedFuncPipeline: glTexEnv GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: unimplemented mode: "+toHexString(value)); break; default: throw new GLException("glTexEnv GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: invalid mode: "+toHexString(value)); } setTextureEnvMode(mode); } else if(verbose) { System.err.println("FixedFuncPipeline: Unimplemented TexEnv: target "+toHexString(target)+", pname "+toHexString(pname)+", mode: "+toHexString(value)); } } private void setTextureEnvMode(final int value) { if( value != textureEnvMode.get(activeTextureUnit) ) { textureEnvMode.put(activeTextureUnit, value); textureEnvModeDirty = true; } } public void glGetTexEnviv(final int target, final int pname, final IntBuffer params) { // FIXME System.err.println("FixedFuncPipeline: Unimplemented glGetTexEnviv: target "+toHexString(target)+", pname "+toHexString(pname)); } public void glGetTexEnviv(final int target, final int pname, final int[] params, final int params_offset) { // FIXME System.err.println("FixedFuncPipeline: Unimplemented glGetTexEnviv: target "+toHexString(target)+", pname "+toHexString(pname)); } // // Point Sprites // public void glPointSize(final float size) { pointParams.put(0, size); pointParamsDirty = true; } public void glPointParameterf(final int pname, final float param) { switch(pname) { case GL2ES1.GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN: pointParams.put(2, param); break; case GL2ES1.GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX: pointParams.put(3, param); break; case GL.GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE: pointParams.put(4+3, param); break; } pointParamsDirty = true; } public void glPointParameterfv(final int pname, final float[] params, final int params_offset) { switch(pname) { case GL2ES1.GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION: pointParams.put(4+0, params[params_offset + 0]); pointParams.put(4+1, params[params_offset + 1]); pointParams.put(4+2, params[params_offset + 2]); break; } pointParamsDirty = true; } public void glPointParameterfv(final int pname, final java.nio.FloatBuffer params) { final int o = params.position(); switch(pname) { case GL2ES1.GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION: pointParams.put(4+0, params.get(o + 0)); pointParams.put(4+1, params.get(o + 1)); pointParams.put(4+2, params.get(o + 2)); break; } pointParamsDirty = true; } // private int[] pointTexObj = new int[] { 0 }; private void glDrawPoints(final GL2ES2 gl, final GLRunnable2<Object,Object> glDrawAction, final Object args) { if(gl.isGL2GL3()) { gl.glEnable(GL2GL3.GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE); } if(gl.isGL2ES1()) { gl.glEnable(GL2ES1.GL_POINT_SPRITE); } loadShaderPoints(gl); shaderState.attachShaderProgram(gl, shaderProgramPoints, true); validate(gl, false); // sync uniforms glDrawAction.run(gl, args); if(gl.isGL2ES1()) { gl.glDisable(GL2ES1.GL_POINT_SPRITE); } if(gl.isGL2GL3()) { gl.glDisable(GL2GL3.GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE); } shaderState.attachShaderProgram(gl, selectShaderProgram(gl, currentShaderSelectionMode), true); } private static final GLRunnable2<Object, Object> glDrawArraysAction = new GLRunnable2<Object,Object>() { @Override public Object run(final GL gl, final Object args) { final int[] _args = (int[])args; gl.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_POINTS, _args[0], _args[1]); return null; } }; private final void glDrawPointArrays(final GL2ES2 gl, final int first, final int count) { glDrawPoints(gl, glDrawArraysAction, new int[] { first, count }); } // // Lighting // public void glLightfv(final GL2ES2 gl, int light, final int pname, final java.nio.FloatBuffer params) { shaderState.useProgram(gl, true); light -=GLLightingFunc.GL_LIGHT0; if(0 <= light && light < MAX_LIGHTS) { GLUniformData ud = null; switch(pname) { case GLLightingFunc.GL_AMBIENT: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_LightSource+"["+light+"].ambient"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_DIFFUSE: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_LightSource+"["+light+"].diffuse"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_SPECULAR: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_LightSource+"["+light+"].specular"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_POSITION: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_LightSource+"["+light+"].position"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_SPOT_DIRECTION: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_LightSource+"["+light+"].spotDirection"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_SPOT_EXPONENT: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_LightSource+"["+light+"].spotExponent"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_SPOT_CUTOFF: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_LightSource+"["+light+"].spotCutoff"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_LightSource+"["+light+"].constantAttenuation"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_LightSource+"["+light+"].linearAttenuation"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_LightSource+"["+light+"].quadraticAttenuation"); break; default: throw new GLException("glLightfv invalid pname: "+toHexString(pname)); } if(null!=ud) { ud.setData(params); shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } } else { throw new GLException("glLightfv light not within [0.."+MAX_LIGHTS+"]: "+light); } } public void glMaterialfv(final GL2ES2 gl, final int face, final int pname, final java.nio.FloatBuffer params) { shaderState.useProgram(gl, true); switch (face) { case GL.GL_FRONT: case GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK: break; case GL.GL_BACK: System.err.println("FixedFuncPipeline: Unimplemented glMaterialfv GL_BACK face"); return; default: } GLUniformData ud = null; switch(pname) { case GLLightingFunc.GL_AMBIENT: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_FrontMaterial+".ambient"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE: { ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_FrontMaterial+".ambient"); if(null!=ud) { ud.setData(params); shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } } // fall through intended .. case GLLightingFunc.GL_DIFFUSE: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_FrontMaterial+".diffuse"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_SPECULAR: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_FrontMaterial+".specular"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_EMISSION: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_FrontMaterial+".emission"); break; case GLLightingFunc.GL_SHININESS: ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_FrontMaterial+".shininess"); break; default: throw new GLException("glMaterialfv invalid pname: "+toHexString(pname)); } if(null!=ud) { ud.setData(params); shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } else if(verbose) { } } // // Misc States // public void glShadeModel(final GL2ES2 gl, final int mode) { shaderState.useProgram(gl, true); final GLUniformData ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_ShadeModel); if(null!=ud) { ud.setData(mode); shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } } /** ES2 supports CullFace implicit public void glCullFace(int faceName) { int _cullFace; switch(faceName) { case GL.GL_FRONT: _cullFace = 1; break; case GL.GL_BACK: _cullFace = 2; break; case GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK: _cullFace = 3; break; default: throw new GLException("glCullFace invalid faceName: "+toHexString(faceName)); } if(0 < _cullFace) { if(0>cullFace) { _cullFace *= -1; } if(cullFace != _cullFace) { cullFace = _cullFace; cullFaceDirty=true; } } } */ public void glAlphaFunc(final int func, final float ref) { int _func; switch(func) { case GL.GL_NEVER: _func = 1; break; case GL.GL_LESS: _func = 2; break; case GL.GL_EQUAL: _func = 3; break; case GL.GL_LEQUAL: _func = 4; break; case GL.GL_GREATER: _func = 5; break; case GL.GL_NOTEQUAL: _func = 6; break; case GL.GL_GEQUAL: _func = 7; break; case GL.GL_ALWAYS: _func = 8; break; default: throw new GLException("glAlphaFunc invalid func: "+toHexString(func)); } if(0 < _func) { if(0>alphaTestFunc) { _func *= -1; } if( alphaTestFunc != _func || alphaTestRef != ref ) { alphaTestFunc = _func; alphaTestRef = ref; alphaTestDirty=true; } } } /** * @return false if digested in regard to GL2ES2 spec, * eg this call must not be passed to an underlying ES2 implementation. * true if this call shall be passed to an underlying GL2ES2/ES2 implementation as well. */ public boolean glEnable(final int cap, final boolean enable) { switch(cap) { case GL.GL_BLEND: case GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST: case GL.GL_DITHER: case GL.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL: case GL.GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE: case GL.GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE: case GL.GL_SCISSOR_TEST: case GL.GL_STENCIL_TEST: return true; case GL.GL_CULL_FACE: /** ES2 supports CullFace implicit final int _cullFace; if(0>cullFace && enable || 0<cullFace && !enable) { _cullFace = cullFace * -1; } else { _cullFace = cullFace; } if(_cullFace != cullFace) { cullFaceDirty=true; cullFace=_cullFace; } */ return true; case GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D: glEnableTexture(enable, activeTextureUnit); return false; case GLLightingFunc.GL_LIGHTING: lightingEnabled=enable; return false; case GL2ES1.GL_ALPHA_TEST: final int _alphaTestFunc; if(0>alphaTestFunc && enable || 0<alphaTestFunc && !enable) { _alphaTestFunc = alphaTestFunc * -1; } else { _alphaTestFunc = alphaTestFunc; } if(_alphaTestFunc != alphaTestFunc) { alphaTestDirty=true; alphaTestFunc=_alphaTestFunc; } return false; case GL2ES1.GL_POINT_SMOOTH: pointParams.put(1, enable ? 1.0f : 0.0f); pointParamsDirty = true; return false; case GL2ES1.GL_POINT_SPRITE: // gl_PointCoord always enabled return false; } final int light = cap - GLLightingFunc.GL_LIGHT0; if(0 <= light && light < MAX_LIGHTS) { if ( (lightsEnabled.get(light)==1) != enable ) { lightsEnabled.put(light, enable?1:0); lightsEnabledDirty = true; return false; } } System.err.println("FixedFunctionPipeline: "+(enable ? "glEnable" : "glDisable")+" "+toHexString(cap)+" not handled in emulation and not supported in ES2"); return false; // ignore! } // // Draw // public void glDrawArrays(final GL2ES2 gl, int mode, final int first, final int count) { switch(mode) { case GL2.GL_QUAD_STRIP: mode=GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP; break; case GL2.GL_POLYGON: mode=GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN; break; case GL.GL_POINTS: glDrawPointArrays(gl, first, count); return; } validate(gl, true); if ( GL2GL3.GL_QUADS == mode && !gl.isGL2() ) { for (int j = first; j < count - 3; j += 4) { gl.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, j, 4); } } else { gl.glDrawArrays(mode, first, count); } } public void glDrawElements(final GL2ES2 gl, final int mode, final int count, final int type, final java.nio.Buffer indices) { validate(gl, true); if ( GL2GL3.GL_QUADS == mode && !gl.isGL2() ) { final int idx0 = indices.position(); if( GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE == type ) { final ByteBuffer b = (ByteBuffer) indices; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { gl.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0x000000ff & b.get(idx0+j), 4); } } else if( GL.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT == type ){ final ShortBuffer b = (ShortBuffer) indices; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { gl.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0x0000ffff & b.get(idx0+j), 4); } } else { final IntBuffer b = (IntBuffer) indices; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { gl.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0xffffffff & b.get(idx0+j), 4); } } } else { // FIXME: Impl. VBO usage .. or unroll (see above)! if( !gl.getContext().isCPUDataSourcingAvail() ) { throw new GLException("CPU data sourcing n/a w/ "+gl.getContext()); } // if( GL.GL_POINTS != mode ) { ((GLES2)gl).glDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices); /* } else { // FIXME GL_POINTS ! ((GLES2)gl).glDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices); } */ } } public void glDrawElements(final GL2ES2 gl, final int mode, final int count, final int type, final long indices_buffer_offset) { validate(gl, true); if ( GL2GL3.GL_QUADS == mode && !gl.isGL2() ) { throw new GLException("Cannot handle indexed QUADS on !GL2 w/ VBO due to lack of CPU index access"); } else /* if( GL.GL_POINTS != mode ) */ { gl.glDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices_buffer_offset); } /* else { // FIXME GL_POINTS ! gl.glDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices_buffer_offset); } */ } private final int textureEnabledCount() { int n=0; for(int i=MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS-1; i>=0; i--) { if( 0 != textureEnabled.get(i) ) { n++; } } return n; } public void validate(final GL2ES2 gl, final boolean selectShader) { if( selectShader ) { if( ShaderSelectionMode.AUTO == requestedShaderSelectionMode) { final ShaderSelectionMode newMode; // pre-validate shader switch if( 0 != textureEnabledBits ) { if(lightingEnabled) { newMode = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_TEXTURE8_LIGHT_PER_VERTEX; } else { final int n = textureEnabledCount(); if( 4 < n ) { newMode = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_TEXTURE8; } else if ( 2 < n ) { newMode = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_TEXTURE4; } else { newMode = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_TEXTURE2; } } } else { if(lightingEnabled) { newMode = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_LIGHT_PER_VERTEX; } else { newMode = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR; } } shaderState.attachShaderProgram(gl, selectShaderProgram(gl, newMode), true); // enables shader-program implicit } else { shaderState.useProgram(gl, true); } } GLUniformData ud; if( pmvMatrix.update() ) { ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_PMVMatrix); if(null!=ud) { final FloatBuffer m; if(ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_TEXTURE8_LIGHT_PER_VERTEX == currentShaderSelectionMode || ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_LIGHT_PER_VERTEX== currentShaderSelectionMode ) { m = pmvMatrix.glGetPMvMvitMatrixf(); } else { m = pmvMatrix.glGetPMvMatrixf(); } if(m != ud.getBuffer()) { ud.setData(m); } // same data object .. shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } else { throw new GLException("Failed to update: mgl_PMVMatrix"); } } if(colorVAEnabledDirty) { ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_ColorEnabled); if(null!=ud) { final int ca = true == shaderState.isVertexAttribArrayEnabled(GLPointerFuncUtil.mgl_Color) ? 1 : 0 ; if(ca!=ud.intValue()) { ud.setData(ca); shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } } else { throw new GLException("Failed to update: mgl_ColorEnabled"); } colorVAEnabledDirty = false; } /** ES2 supports CullFace implicit if(cullFaceDirty) { ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_CullFace); if(null!=ud) { ud.setData(cullFace); shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } cullFaceDirty = false; } */ if(alphaTestDirty) { ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_AlphaTestFunc); if(null!=ud) { ud.setData(alphaTestFunc); shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_AlphaTestRef); if(null!=ud) { ud.setData(alphaTestRef); shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } alphaTestDirty = false; } if(pointParamsDirty) { ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_PointParams); if(null!=ud) { // same data object shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } pointParamsDirty = false; } if(lightsEnabledDirty) { ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_LightsEnabled); if(null!=ud) { // same data object shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } lightsEnabledDirty=false; } if(textureCoordEnabledDirty) { ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_TexCoordEnabled); if(null!=ud) { // same data object shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } textureCoordEnabledDirty=false; } if(textureEnvModeDirty) { ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_TexEnvMode); if(null!=ud) { // same data object shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } textureEnvModeDirty = false; } if(textureFormatDirty) { for(int i = 0; i<MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS; i++) { textureFormat.put(i, texID2Format.get(boundTextureObject[i])); } ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_TexFormat); if(null!=ud) { // same data object shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } textureFormatDirty = false; } if(textureEnabledDirty) { ud = shaderState.getUniform(mgl_TextureEnabled); if(null!=ud) { // same data object shaderState.uniform(gl, ud); } textureEnabledDirty=false; } if(verbose) { System.err.println("validate: "+toString(null, DEBUG).toString()); } } public StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder sb, final boolean alsoUnlocated) { if(null == sb) { sb = new StringBuilder(); } sb.append("FixedFuncPipeline["); sb.append(", textureEnabled: "+toHexString(textureEnabledBits)+", "); Buffers.toString(sb, null, textureEnabled); sb.append("\n\t, textureCoordEnabled: "); Buffers.toString(sb, null, textureCoordEnabled); sb.append("\n\t lightingEnabled: "+lightingEnabled); sb.append(", lightsEnabled: "); Buffers.toString(sb, null, lightsEnabled); sb.append("\n\t, shaderProgramColor: "+shaderProgramColor); sb.append("\n\t, shaderProgramColorTexture2: "+shaderProgramColorTexture2); sb.append("\n\t, shaderProgramColorTexture4: "+shaderProgramColorTexture4); sb.append("\n\t, shaderProgramColorTexture8: "+shaderProgramColorTexture8); sb.append("\n\t, shaderProgramColorLight: "+shaderProgramColorLight); sb.append("\n\t, shaderProgramColorTexture8Light: "+shaderProgramColorTexture8Light); sb.append("\n\t, ShaderState: "); shaderState.toString(sb, alsoUnlocated); sb.append("]"); return sb; } @Override public String toString() { return toString(null, DEBUG).toString(); } private static final String constMaxTextures0 = "#define MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS 0\n"; private static final String constMaxTextures2 = "#define MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS 2\n"; private static final String constMaxTextures4 = "#define MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS 4\n"; private static final String constMaxTextures8 = "#define MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS 8\n"; private final void customizeShader(final GL2ES2 gl, final ShaderCode vp, final ShaderCode fp, final String maxTextureDefine) { final int rsVpPos = vp.defaultShaderCustomization(gl, true, true); final int rsFpPos = fp.defaultShaderCustomization(gl, true, true); vp.insertShaderSource(0, rsVpPos, maxTextureDefine); fp.insertShaderSource(0, rsFpPos, maxTextureDefine); } private final void loadShaderPoints(final GL2ES2 gl) { if( null != shaderProgramPoints ) { return; } final ShaderCode vp = ShaderCode.create( gl, GL2ES2.GL_VERTEX_SHADER, shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot, shaderBinRoot, shaderPointFileDef, true); final ShaderCode fp = ShaderCode.create( gl, GL2ES2.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot, shaderBinRoot, shaderPointFileDef, true); customizeShader(gl, vp, fp, constMaxTextures2); shaderProgramPoints = new ShaderProgram(); shaderProgramPoints.add(vp); shaderProgramPoints.add(fp); if(!shaderProgramPoints.link(gl, System.err)) { throw new GLException("Couldn't link VertexColor program: "+shaderProgramPoints); } } private final void loadShader(final GL2ES2 gl, final ShaderSelectionMode mode) { final boolean loadColor = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR == mode; final boolean loadColorTexture2 = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_TEXTURE2 == mode; final boolean loadColorTexture4 = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_TEXTURE4 == mode; final boolean loadColorTexture8 = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_TEXTURE8 == mode; final boolean loadColorTexture = loadColorTexture2 || loadColorTexture4 || loadColorTexture8 ; final boolean loadColorLightPerVertex = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_LIGHT_PER_VERTEX == mode; final boolean loadColorTexture8LightPerVertex = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR_TEXTURE8_LIGHT_PER_VERTEX == mode; if( null != shaderProgramColor && loadColor || null != shaderProgramColorTexture2 && loadColorTexture2 || null != shaderProgramColorTexture4 && loadColorTexture4 || null != shaderProgramColorTexture8 && loadColorTexture8 || null != shaderProgramColorLight && loadColorLightPerVertex || null != shaderProgramColorTexture8Light && loadColorTexture8LightPerVertex ) { return; } if( loadColor ) { final ShaderCode vp = ShaderCode.create( gl, GL2ES2.GL_VERTEX_SHADER, shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot, shaderBinRoot, vertexColorFile, true); final ShaderCode fp = ShaderCode.create( gl, GL2ES2.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot, shaderBinRoot, fragmentColorFile, true); customizeShader(gl, vp, fp, constMaxTextures0); shaderProgramColor = new ShaderProgram(); shaderProgramColor.add(vp); shaderProgramColor.add(fp); if(!shaderProgramColor.link(gl, System.err)) { throw new GLException("Couldn't link VertexColor program: "+shaderProgramColor); } } else if( loadColorTexture ) { final ShaderCode vp = ShaderCode.create( gl, GL2ES2.GL_VERTEX_SHADER, shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot, shaderBinRoot, vertexColorFile, true); final ShaderCode fp = ShaderCode.create( gl, GL2ES2.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot, shaderBinRoot, fragmentColorTextureFile, true); if( loadColorTexture2 ) { customizeShader(gl, vp, fp, constMaxTextures2); shaderProgramColorTexture2 = new ShaderProgram(); shaderProgramColorTexture2.add(vp); shaderProgramColorTexture2.add(fp); if(!shaderProgramColorTexture2.link(gl, System.err)) { throw new GLException("Couldn't link VertexColorTexture2 program: "+shaderProgramColorTexture2); } } else if( loadColorTexture4 ) { customizeShader(gl, vp, fp, constMaxTextures4); shaderProgramColorTexture4 = new ShaderProgram(); shaderProgramColorTexture4.add(vp); shaderProgramColorTexture4.add(fp); if(!shaderProgramColorTexture4.link(gl, System.err)) { throw new GLException("Couldn't link VertexColorTexture4 program: "+shaderProgramColorTexture4); } } else if( loadColorTexture8 ) { customizeShader(gl, vp, fp, constMaxTextures8); shaderProgramColorTexture8 = new ShaderProgram(); shaderProgramColorTexture8.add(vp); shaderProgramColorTexture8.add(fp); if(!shaderProgramColorTexture8.link(gl, System.err)) { throw new GLException("Couldn't link VertexColorTexture8 program: "+shaderProgramColorTexture8); } } } else if( loadColorLightPerVertex ) { final ShaderCode vp = ShaderCode.create( gl, GL2ES2.GL_VERTEX_SHADER, shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot, shaderBinRoot, vertexColorLightFile, true); final ShaderCode fp = ShaderCode.create( gl, GL2ES2.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot, shaderBinRoot, fragmentColorFile, true); customizeShader(gl, vp, fp, constMaxTextures0); shaderProgramColorLight = new ShaderProgram(); shaderProgramColorLight.add(vp); shaderProgramColorLight.add(fp); if(!shaderProgramColorLight.link(gl, System.err)) { throw new GLException("Couldn't link VertexColorLight program: "+shaderProgramColorLight); } } else if( loadColorTexture8LightPerVertex ) { final ShaderCode vp = ShaderCode.create( gl, GL2ES2.GL_VERTEX_SHADER, shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot, shaderBinRoot, vertexColorLightFile, true); final ShaderCode fp = ShaderCode.create( gl, GL2ES2.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, shaderRootClass, shaderSrcRoot, shaderBinRoot, fragmentColorTextureFile, true); customizeShader(gl, vp, fp, constMaxTextures8); shaderProgramColorTexture8Light = new ShaderProgram(); shaderProgramColorTexture8Light.add(vp); shaderProgramColorTexture8Light.add(fp); if(!shaderProgramColorTexture8Light.link(gl, System.err)) { throw new GLException("Couldn't link VertexColorLight program: "+shaderProgramColorTexture8Light); } } } private ShaderProgram selectShaderProgram(final GL2ES2 gl, ShaderSelectionMode newMode) { if(ShaderSelectionMode.AUTO == newMode) { newMode = ShaderSelectionMode.COLOR; } loadShader(gl, newMode); final ShaderProgram sp; switch(newMode) { case COLOR_LIGHT_PER_VERTEX: sp = shaderProgramColorLight; break; case COLOR_TEXTURE2: sp = shaderProgramColorTexture2; break; case COLOR_TEXTURE4: sp = shaderProgramColorTexture4; break; case COLOR_TEXTURE8: sp = shaderProgramColorTexture8; break; case COLOR_TEXTURE8_LIGHT_PER_VERTEX: sp = shaderProgramColorTexture8Light; break; case COLOR: default: sp = shaderProgramColor; } currentShaderSelectionMode = newMode; return sp; } private void init(final GL2ES2 gl, final ShaderSelectionMode mode, final PMVMatrix pmvMatrix) { if(null==pmvMatrix) { throw new GLException("PMVMatrix is null"); } this.pmvMatrix=pmvMatrix; this.requestedShaderSelectionMode = mode; this.shaderState=new ShaderState(); this.shaderState.setVerbose(verbose); shaderState.attachShaderProgram(gl, selectShaderProgram(gl, requestedShaderSelectionMode), true); // mandatory .. if(!shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_PMVMatrix, 4, 4, pmvMatrix.glGetPMvMvitMatrixf()))) { throw new GLException("Error setting PMVMatrix in shader: "+this); } shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_ColorEnabled, 0)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_ColorStatic, 4, colorStatic)); texID2Format.setKeyNotFoundValue(0); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_TexCoordEnabled, 1, textureCoordEnabled)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_TexEnvMode, 1, textureEnvMode)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_TexFormat, 1, textureFormat)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_TextureEnabled, 1, textureEnabled)); for(int i=0; i<MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS; i++) { shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_Texture+i, i)); } shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_ShadeModel, 0)); /** ES2 supports CullFace implicit shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_CullFace, cullFace)); */ shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_AlphaTestFunc, alphaTestFunc)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_AlphaTestRef, alphaTestRef)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_PointParams, 4, pointParams)); for(int i=0; i<MAX_LIGHTS; i++) { shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightSource+"["+i+"].ambient", 4, defAmbient)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightSource+"["+i+"].diffuse", 4, 0==i ? one4f : defDiffuseN)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightSource+"["+i+"].specular", 4, 0==i ? one4f : defSpecularN)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightSource+"["+i+"].position", 4, defPosition)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightSource+"["+i+"].spotDirection", 3, defSpotDir)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightSource+"["+i+"].spotExponent", defSpotExponent)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightSource+"["+i+"].spotCutoff", defSpotCutoff)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightSource+"["+i+"].constantAttenuation", defConstantAtten)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightSource+"["+i+"].linearAttenuation", defLinearAtten)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightSource+"["+i+"].quadraticAttenuation", defQuadraticAtten)); } shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightModel+".ambient", 4, defLightModelAmbient)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_LightsEnabled, 1, lightsEnabled)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_FrontMaterial+".ambient", 4, defMatAmbient)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_FrontMaterial+".diffuse", 4, defMatDiffuse)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_FrontMaterial+".specular", 4, defMatSpecular)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_FrontMaterial+".emission", 4, defMatEmission)); shaderState.uniform(gl, new GLUniformData(mgl_FrontMaterial+".shininess", defMatShininess)); shaderState.useProgram(gl, false); if(verbose) { System.err.println("init: "+toString(null, DEBUG).toString()); } } private String toHexString(final int i) { return "0x"+Integer.toHexString(i); } protected boolean verbose = DEBUG; private final FloatBuffer colorStatic = Buffers.copyFloatBuffer(one4f); private int activeTextureUnit=0; private int clientActiveTextureUnit=0; private final IntIntHashMap texID2Format = new IntIntHashMap(); private final int[] boundTextureObject = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // per unit private int textureEnabledBits = 0; private final IntBuffer textureEnabled = Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer(new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }); // per unit private boolean textureEnabledDirty = false; private final IntBuffer textureCoordEnabled = Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer(new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }); // per unit private boolean textureCoordEnabledDirty = false; // textureEnvMode: 1 GL_ADD, 2 GL_MODULATE (default), 3 GL_DECAL, 4 GL_BLEND, 5 GL_REPLACE, 6 GL_COMBINE private final IntBuffer textureEnvMode = Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer(new int[] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }); private boolean textureEnvModeDirty = false; private final IntBuffer textureFormat = Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer(new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }); // per unit private boolean textureFormatDirty = false; /** ES2 supports CullFace implicit private int cullFace=-2; // <=0 disabled, 1 GL_FRONT, 2 GL_BACK (default) and 3 GL_FRONT_AND_BACK private boolean cullFaceDirty = false; private static final String mgl_CullFace = "mgl_CullFace"; // 1i (lowp int) */ private boolean colorVAEnabledDirty = false; private boolean lightingEnabled=false; private final IntBuffer lightsEnabled = Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer(new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }); private boolean lightsEnabledDirty = false; private boolean alphaTestDirty=false; private int alphaTestFunc=-8; // <=0 disabled; 1 GL_NEVER, 2 GL_LESS, 3 GL_EQUAL, 4 GL_LEQUAL, 5 GL_GREATER, 6 GL_NOTEQUAL, 7 GL_GEQUAL, and 8 GL_ALWAYS (default) private float alphaTestRef=0f; private boolean pointParamsDirty = false; /** ( pointSize, pointSmooth, attn. pointMinSize, attn. pointMaxSize ) , ( attenuation coefficients 1f 0f 0f, attenuation fade theshold 1f ) */ private final FloatBuffer pointParams = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(new float[] { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }); private PMVMatrix pmvMatrix; private ShaderState shaderState; private ShaderProgram shaderProgramColor; private ShaderProgram shaderProgramColorTexture2, shaderProgramColorTexture4, shaderProgramColorTexture8; private ShaderProgram shaderProgramColorLight; private ShaderProgram shaderProgramColorTexture8Light; private ShaderProgram shaderProgramPoints; private ShaderSelectionMode requestedShaderSelectionMode = ShaderSelectionMode.AUTO; private ShaderSelectionMode currentShaderSelectionMode = requestedShaderSelectionMode; // uniforms .. private static final String mgl_PMVMatrix = "mgl_PMVMatrix"; // m4fv[4] - P, Mv, Mvi and Mvit private static final String mgl_ColorEnabled = "mgl_ColorEnabled"; // 1i private static final String mgl_ColorStatic = "mgl_ColorStatic"; // 4fv private static final String mgl_LightModel = "mgl_LightModel"; // struct mgl_LightModelParameters private static final String mgl_LightSource = "mgl_LightSource"; // struct mgl_LightSourceParameters[MAX_LIGHTS] private static final String mgl_FrontMaterial = "mgl_FrontMaterial"; // struct mgl_MaterialParameters private static final String mgl_LightsEnabled = "mgl_LightsEnabled"; // int mgl_LightsEnabled[MAX_LIGHTS]; private static final String mgl_AlphaTestFunc = "mgl_AlphaTestFunc"; // 1i (lowp int) private static final String mgl_AlphaTestRef = "mgl_AlphaTestRef"; // 1f private static final String mgl_ShadeModel = "mgl_ShadeModel"; // 1i private static final String mgl_PointParams = "mgl_PointParams"; // vec4[2]: { (sz, smooth, attnMinSz, attnMaxSz), (attnCoeff(3), attnFadeTs) } private static final String mgl_TextureEnabled = "mgl_TextureEnabled"; // int mgl_TextureEnabled[MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS]; private static final String mgl_Texture = "mgl_Texture"; // sampler2D mgl_Texture<0..7> private static final String mgl_TexCoordEnabled = "mgl_TexCoordEnabled"; // int mgl_TexCoordEnabled[MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS]; private static final String mgl_TexEnvMode = "mgl_TexEnvMode"; // int mgl_TexEnvMode[MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS]; private static final String mgl_TexFormat = "mgl_TexFormat"; // int mgl_TexFormat[MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS]; // private static final FloatBuffer zero4f = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }); private static final FloatBuffer neut4f = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }); private static final FloatBuffer one4f = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(new float[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }); public static final FloatBuffer defAmbient = neut4f; public static final FloatBuffer defDiffuseN = neut4f; public static final FloatBuffer defSpecularN = neut4f; public static final FloatBuffer defPosition = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(new float[] { 0f, 0f, 1f, 0f }); public static final FloatBuffer defSpotDir = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(new float[] { 0f, 0f, -1f }); public static final float defSpotExponent = 0f; public static final float defSpotCutoff = 180f; public static final float defConstantAtten = 1f; public static final float defLinearAtten = 0f; public static final float defQuadraticAtten = 0f; public static final FloatBuffer defLightModelAmbient = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(new float[] { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f }); public static final FloatBuffer defMatAmbient = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(new float[] { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f }); public static final FloatBuffer defMatDiffuse = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(new float[] { 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f }); public static final FloatBuffer defMatSpecular = neut4f; public static final FloatBuffer defMatEmission = neut4f; public static final float defMatShininess = 0f; private static final String vertexColorFileDef = "FixedFuncColor"; private static final String vertexColorLightFileDef = "FixedFuncColorLight"; private static final String fragmentColorFileDef = "FixedFuncColor"; private static final String fragmentColorTextureFileDef = "FixedFuncColorTexture"; private static final String shaderPointFileDef = "FixedFuncPoints"; private static final String shaderSrcRootDef = "shaders" ; private static final String shaderBinRootDef = "shaders/bin" ; private final Class<?> shaderRootClass; private final String shaderSrcRoot; private final String shaderBinRoot; private final String vertexColorFile; private final String vertexColorLightFile; private final String fragmentColorFile; private final String fragmentColorTextureFile; }