/** * Copyright 2013 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package jogamp.opengl.openal.av; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import com.jogamp.common.util.LFRingbuffer; import com.jogamp.common.util.Ringbuffer; import com.jogamp.common.util.locks.LockFactory; import com.jogamp.common.util.locks.RecursiveLock; import com.jogamp.openal.AL; import com.jogamp.openal.ALC; import com.jogamp.openal.ALCcontext; import com.jogamp.openal.ALCdevice; import com.jogamp.openal.ALExt; import com.jogamp.openal.ALFactory; import com.jogamp.openal.util.ALHelpers; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.av.AudioSink; /*** * OpenAL Audio Sink */ public class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink { private static final String AL_SOFT_buffer_samples = "AL_SOFT_buffer_samples"; private static final ALC alc; private static final AL al; private static final ALExt alExt; private static final boolean staticAvailable; private String deviceSpecifier; private ALCdevice device; private boolean hasSOFTBufferSamples; private AudioFormat preferredAudioFormat; private ALCcontext context; private final RecursiveLock lock = LockFactory.createRecursiveLock(); /** Playback speed, range [0.5 - 2.0], default 1.0. */ private float playSpeed; private float volume = 1.0f; static class ALAudioFrame extends AudioFrame { private final int alBuffer; ALAudioFrame(int alBuffer) { this.alBuffer = alBuffer; } public ALAudioFrame(int alBuffer, int pts, int duration, int dataSize) { super(pts, duration, dataSize); this.alBuffer = alBuffer; } /** Get this frame's OpenAL buffer name */ public final int getALBuffer() { return alBuffer; } public String toString() { return "ALAudioFrame[pts " + pts + " ms, l " + duration + " ms, " + byteSize + " bytes, buffer "+alBuffer+"]"; } } // private ALAudioFrame[] alFrames = null; private int[] alBufferNames = null; private int frameGrowAmount = 0; private int frameLimit = 0; private Ringbuffer<ALAudioFrame> alFramesAvail = null; private Ringbuffer<ALAudioFrame> alFramesPlaying = null; private volatile int alBufferBytesQueued = 0; private volatile int playingPTS = AudioFrame.INVALID_PTS; private volatile int enqueuedFrameCount; private int[] alSource = null; private AudioFormat chosenFormat; private int alChannelLayout; private int alSampleType; private int alFormat; private boolean initialized; private volatile boolean playRequested = false; static { ALC _alc = null; AL _al = null; ALExt _alExt = null; try { _alc = ALFactory.getALC(); _al = ALFactory.getAL(); _alExt = ALFactory.getALExt(); } catch(Throwable t) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("ALAudioSink: Catched "+t.getClass().getName()+": "+t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } } alc = _alc; al = _al; alExt = _alExt; staticAvailable = null != alc && null != al && null != alExt; } public ALAudioSink() { initialized = false; chosenFormat = null; if( !staticAvailable ) { return; } try { // Get handle to default device. device = alc.alcOpenDevice(null); if (device == null) { throw new RuntimeException("ALAudioSink: Error opening default OpenAL device"); } // Get the device specifier. deviceSpecifier = alc.alcGetString(device, ALC.ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); if (deviceSpecifier == null) { throw new RuntimeException("ALAudioSink: Error getting specifier for default OpenAL device"); } // Create audio context. context = alc.alcCreateContext(device, null); if (context == null) { throw new RuntimeException("ALAudioSink: Error creating OpenAL context for "+deviceSpecifier); } lockContext(); try { // Check for an error. if ( alc.alcGetError(device) != ALC.ALC_NO_ERROR ) { throw new RuntimeException("ALAudioSink: Error making OpenAL context current"); } hasSOFTBufferSamples = al.alIsExtensionPresent(AL_SOFT_buffer_samples); preferredAudioFormat = queryPreferredAudioFormat(); if( DEBUG ) { System.out.println("ALAudioSink: OpenAL Extensions:"+al.alGetString(AL.AL_EXTENSIONS)); System.out.println("ALAudioSink: Null device OpenAL Extensions:"+alc.alcGetString(null, ALC.ALC_EXTENSIONS)); System.out.println("ALAudioSink: Device "+deviceSpecifier+" OpenAL Extensions:"+alc.alcGetString(device, ALC.ALC_EXTENSIONS)); System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasSOFTBufferSamples "+hasSOFTBufferSamples); System.out.println("ALAudioSink: preferredAudioFormat "+preferredAudioFormat); } // Create source { alSource = new int[1]; al.alGenSources(1, alSource, 0); final int err = al.alGetError(); if( err != AL.AL_NO_ERROR ) { alSource = null; throw new RuntimeException("ALAudioSink: Error generating Source: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(err)); } } if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("ALAudioSink: Using device: " + deviceSpecifier); } initialized = true; } finally { unlockContext(); } return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } destroy(); } } private final AudioFormat queryPreferredAudioFormat() { int sampleRate = DefaultFormat.sampleRate; final int[] value = new int[1]; alc.alcGetIntegerv(device, ALC.ALC_FREQUENCY, 1, value, 0); if ( alc.alcGetError(device) == ALC.ALC_NO_ERROR ) { sampleRate = value[0]; } return new AudioFormat(sampleRate, DefaultFormat.sampleSize, DefaultFormat.channelCount, DefaultFormat.signed, DefaultFormat.fixedP, DefaultFormat.planar, DefaultFormat.littleEndian); } private final void lockContext() { lock.lock(); alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(context); } private final void unlockContext() { alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(null); lock.unlock(); } private final void destroyContext() { lock.lock(); try { if( null != context ) { try { alc.alcDestroyContext(context); } catch (Throwable t) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("Catched "+t.getClass().getName()+": "+t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } } context = null; } // unroll lock ! while(lock.getHoldCount() > 1) { lock.unlock(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override public final String toString() { final int alSrcName = null != alSource ? alSource[0] : 0; final int alBuffersLen = null != alBufferNames ? alBufferNames.length : 0; final int ctxHash = context != null ? context.hashCode() : 0; return "ALAudioSink[init "+initialized+", playRequested "+playRequested+", device "+deviceSpecifier+", ctx "+toHexString(ctxHash)+", alSource "+alSrcName+ ", chosen "+chosenFormat+ ", al[chan "+ALHelpers.alChannelLayoutName(alChannelLayout)+", type "+ALHelpers.alSampleTypeName(alSampleType)+ ", fmt "+toHexString(alFormat)+", soft "+hasSOFTBufferSamples+ "], playSpeed "+playSpeed+", buffers[total "+alBuffersLen+", avail "+alFramesAvail.size()+", "+ "queued["+alFramesPlaying.size()+", apts "+getPTS()+", "+getQueuedTime() + " ms, " + alBufferBytesQueued+" bytes], "+ "queue[g "+frameGrowAmount+", l "+frameLimit+"]"; } public final String getPerfString() { final int alBuffersLen = null != alBufferNames ? alBufferNames.length : 0; return "Play [buffer "+alFramesPlaying.size()+"/"+alBuffersLen+", apts "+getPTS()+", "+getQueuedTime() + " ms, " + alBufferBytesQueued+" bytes]"; } @Override public final AudioFormat getPreferredFormat() { if( !staticAvailable ) { return null; } return preferredAudioFormat; } @Override public final int getMaxSupportedChannels() { if( !staticAvailable ) { return 0; } return hasSOFTBufferSamples ? 8 : 2; } @Override public final boolean isSupported(AudioFormat format) { if( !staticAvailable ) { return false; } if( format.planar || !format.littleEndian ) { // FIXME big-endian supported w/ SOFT where it's native format! return false; } final int alChannelLayout = ALHelpers.getDefaultALChannelLayout(format.channelCount); if( AL.AL_NONE != alChannelLayout ) { final int alSampleType = ALHelpers.getALSampleType(format.sampleSize, format.signed, format.fixedP); if( AL.AL_NONE != alSampleType ) { lockContext(); try { final int alFormat = ALHelpers.getALFormat(alChannelLayout, alSampleType, hasSOFTBufferSamples, al, alExt); return AL.AL_NONE != alFormat; } finally { unlockContext(); } } } return false; } @Override public final boolean init(AudioFormat requestedFormat, float frameDuration, int initialQueueSize, int queueGrowAmount, int queueLimit) { if( !staticAvailable ) { return false; } alChannelLayout = ALHelpers.getDefaultALChannelLayout(requestedFormat.channelCount); alSampleType = ALHelpers.getALSampleType(requestedFormat.sampleSize, requestedFormat.signed, requestedFormat.fixedP); lockContext(); try { if( AL.AL_NONE != alChannelLayout && AL.AL_NONE != alSampleType ) { alFormat = ALHelpers.getALFormat(alChannelLayout, alSampleType, hasSOFTBufferSamples, al, alExt); } else { alFormat = AL.AL_NONE; } if( AL.AL_NONE == alFormat ) { // not supported return false; } // Allocate buffers destroyBuffers(); { final float useFrameDuration = frameDuration > 1f ? frameDuration : AudioSink.DefaultFrameDuration; final int initialFrameCount = requestedFormat.getFrameCount( initialQueueSize > 0 ? initialQueueSize : AudioSink.DefaultInitialQueueSize, useFrameDuration); // frameDuration, int initialQueueSize, int queueGrowAmount, int queueLimit) { alBufferNames = new int[initialFrameCount]; al.alGenBuffers(initialFrameCount, alBufferNames, 0); final int err = al.alGetError(); if( err != AL.AL_NO_ERROR ) { alBufferNames = null; throw new RuntimeException("ALAudioSink: Error generating Buffers: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(err)); } final ALAudioFrame[] alFrames = new ALAudioFrame[initialFrameCount]; for(int i=0; i<initialFrameCount; i++) { alFrames[i] = new ALAudioFrame(alBufferNames[i]); } alFramesAvail = new LFRingbuffer<ALAudioFrame>(alFrames); alFramesPlaying = new LFRingbuffer<ALAudioFrame>(ALAudioFrame[].class, initialFrameCount); this.frameGrowAmount = requestedFormat.getFrameCount( queueGrowAmount > 0 ? queueGrowAmount : AudioSink.DefaultQueueGrowAmount, useFrameDuration); this.frameLimit = requestedFormat.getFrameCount( queueLimit > 0 ? queueLimit : AudioSink.DefaultQueueLimitWithVideo, useFrameDuration); } } finally { unlockContext(); } chosenFormat = requestedFormat; return true; } private static int[] concat(int[] first, int[] second) { final int[] result = Arrays.copyOf(first, first.length + second.length); System.arraycopy(second, 0, result, first.length, second.length); return result; } /** private static <T> T[] concat(T[] first, T[] second) { final T[] result = Arrays.copyOf(first, first.length + second.length); System.arraycopy(second, 0, result, first.length, second.length); return result; } */ private boolean growBuffers() { if( !alFramesAvail.isEmpty() || !alFramesPlaying.isFull() ) { throw new InternalError("Buffers: Avail is !empty "+alFramesAvail+" or Playing is !full "+alFramesPlaying); } if( alFramesAvail.capacity() >= frameLimit || alFramesPlaying.capacity() >= frameLimit ) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.growBuffers: Frame limit "+frameLimit+" reached: Avail "+alFramesAvail+", Playing "+alFramesPlaying); } return false; } final int[] newALBufferNames = new int[frameGrowAmount]; al.alGenBuffers(frameGrowAmount, newALBufferNames, 0); final int err = al.alGetError(); if( err != AL.AL_NO_ERROR ) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.growBuffers: Error generating "+frameGrowAmount+" new Buffers: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(err)); } return false; } alBufferNames = concat(alBufferNames, newALBufferNames); final ALAudioFrame[] newALBuffers = new ALAudioFrame[frameGrowAmount]; for(int i=0; i<frameGrowAmount; i++) { newALBuffers[i] = new ALAudioFrame(newALBufferNames[i]); } // alFrames = concat(alFrames , newALBuffers); alFramesAvail.growEmptyBuffer(newALBuffers); alFramesPlaying.growFullBuffer(frameGrowAmount); if( alFramesAvail.isEmpty() || alFramesPlaying.isFull() ) { throw new InternalError("Buffers: Avail is empty "+alFramesAvail+" or Playing is full "+alFramesPlaying); } if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Buffer grown "+frameGrowAmount+": Avail "+alFramesAvail+", playing "+alFramesPlaying); } return true; } private void destroyBuffers() { if( !staticAvailable ) { return; } if( null != alBufferNames ) { try { al.alDeleteBuffers(alBufferNames.length, alBufferNames, 0); } catch (Throwable t) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("Catched "+t.getClass().getName()+": "+t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } } alFramesAvail.clear(); alFramesAvail = null; alFramesPlaying.clear(); alFramesPlaying = null; alBufferBytesQueued = 0; // alFrames = null; alBufferNames = null; } } @Override public final void destroy() { initialized = false; if( !staticAvailable ) { return; } if( null != context ) { lockContext(); } try { stopImpl(); if( null != alSource ) { try { al.alDeleteSources(1, alSource, 0); } catch (Throwable t) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("Catched "+t.getClass().getName()+": "+t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } } alSource = null; } destroyBuffers(); } finally { destroyContext(); } if( null != device ) { try { alc.alcCloseDevice(device); } catch (Throwable t) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("Catched "+t.getClass().getName()+": "+t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } } device = null; } chosenFormat = null; } @Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return initialized; } private final int dequeueBuffer(boolean flush, boolean wait) { int alErr = AL.AL_NO_ERROR; final int releaseBufferCount; if( flush ) { releaseBufferCount = alFramesPlaying.size(); } else if( alBufferBytesQueued > 0 ) { final int releaseBufferLimes = Math.max(1, alFramesPlaying.size() / 4 ); final int[] val=new int[1]; int i=0; do { al.alGetSourcei(alSource[0], AL.AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, val, 0); alErr = al.alGetError(); if( AL.AL_NO_ERROR != alErr ) { throw new RuntimeException("ALError "+toHexString(alErr)+" while quering processed buffers at source. "+this); } if( wait && val[0] < releaseBufferLimes ) { i++; // clip wait at [2 .. 100] ms final int avgBufferDura = chosenFormat.getBytesDuration( alBufferBytesQueued / alFramesPlaying.size() ); final int sleep = Math.max(2, Math.min(100, releaseBufferLimes * avgBufferDura)); if( DEBUG || true ) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Dequeue.wait["+i+"]: avgBufferDura "+avgBufferDura+", releaseBufferLimes "+releaseBufferLimes+", sleep "+sleep+" ms, playImpl "+isPlayingImpl1()+", processed "+val[0]+", "+this); } unlockContext(); try { Thread.sleep( sleep - 1 ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } finally { lockContext(); } } } while ( wait && val[0] < releaseBufferLimes && alBufferBytesQueued > 0 ); releaseBufferCount = val[0]; } else { releaseBufferCount = 0; } if( releaseBufferCount > 0 ) { int[] buffers=new int[releaseBufferCount]; al.alSourceUnqueueBuffers(alSource[0], releaseBufferCount, buffers, 0); alErr = al.alGetError(); if( AL.AL_NO_ERROR != alErr ) { throw new RuntimeException("ALError "+toHexString(alErr)+" while dequeueing "+releaseBufferCount+" buffers. "+this); } for ( int i=0; i<releaseBufferCount; i++ ) { final ALAudioFrame releasedBuffer = alFramesPlaying.get(); if( null == releasedBuffer ) { throw new InternalError("Internal Error: "+this); } if( releasedBuffer.alBuffer != buffers[i] ) { alFramesAvail.dump(System.err, "Avail-deq02-post"); alFramesPlaying.dump(System.err, "Playi-deq02-post"); throw new InternalError("Buffer name mismatch: dequeued: "+buffers[i]+", released "+releasedBuffer+", "+this); } alBufferBytesQueued -= releasedBuffer.getByteSize(); if( !alFramesAvail.put(releasedBuffer) ) { throw new InternalError("Internal Error: "+this); } } if( flush && ( !alFramesAvail.isFull() || !alFramesPlaying.isEmpty() ) ) { alFramesAvail.dump(System.err, "Avail-deq03-post"); alFramesPlaying.dump(System.err, "Playi-deq03-post"); throw new InternalError("Flush failure: "+this); } } return releaseBufferCount; } private final int dequeueBuffer(boolean wait, int inPTS, int inDuration) { final int dequeuedBufferCount = dequeueBuffer( false /* flush */, wait ); final ALAudioFrame currentBuffer = alFramesPlaying.peek(); if( null != currentBuffer ) { playingPTS = currentBuffer.getPTS(); } else { playingPTS = inPTS; } if( DEBUG ) { if( dequeuedBufferCount > 0 ) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Write "+inPTS+", "+inDuration+" ms, dequeued "+dequeuedBufferCount+", wait "+wait+", "+getPerfString()); } } return dequeuedBufferCount; } @Override public final AudioFrame enqueueData(AudioDataFrame audioDataFrame) { return enqueueData(audioDataFrame.getPTS(), audioDataFrame.getData(), audioDataFrame.getByteSize()); } @Override public final AudioFrame enqueueData(int pts, ByteBuffer bytes, int byteCount) { if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) { return null; } final ALAudioFrame alFrame; int alErr = AL.AL_NO_ERROR; // OpenAL consumes buffers in the background // we first need to initialize the OpenAL buffers then // start continuous playback. lockContext(); try { alErr = al.alGetError(); if(al.alGetError() != AL.AL_NO_ERROR) { throw new RuntimeException("ALError "+toHexString(alErr)+" while makeCurrent. "+this); } final int duration = chosenFormat.getBytesDuration(byteCount); final boolean dequeueDone; if( alFramesAvail.isEmpty() ) { // try to dequeue first dequeueDone = dequeueBuffer(false, pts, duration) > 0; if( alFramesAvail.isEmpty() ) { // try to grow growBuffers(); } } else { dequeueDone = false; } if( !dequeueDone && alFramesPlaying.size() > 0 ) { // dequeue only possible if playing .. final boolean wait = isPlayingImpl0() && alFramesAvail.isEmpty(); // possible if grow failed or already exceeds it's limit! dequeueBuffer(wait, pts, duration); } alFrame = alFramesAvail.get(); if( null == alFrame ) { alFramesAvail.dump(System.err, "Avail"); throw new InternalError("Internal Error: avail.get null "+alFramesAvail+", "+this); } alFrame.setPTS(pts); alFrame.setDuration(duration); alFrame.setByteSize(byteCount); if( !alFramesPlaying.put( alFrame ) ) { throw new InternalError("Internal Error: "+this); } if( hasSOFTBufferSamples ) { final int samplesPerChannel = chosenFormat.getBytesSampleCount(byteCount) / chosenFormat.channelCount; // final int samplesPerChannel = ALHelpers.bytesToSampleCount(byteCount, alChannelLayout, alSampleType); alExt.alBufferSamplesSOFT(alFrame.alBuffer, chosenFormat.sampleRate, alFormat, samplesPerChannel, alChannelLayout, alSampleType, bytes); } else { al.alBufferData(alFrame.alBuffer, alFormat, bytes, byteCount, chosenFormat.sampleRate); } final int[] alBufferNames = new int[] { alFrame.alBuffer }; al.alSourceQueueBuffers(alSource[0], 1, alBufferNames, 0); alErr = al.alGetError(); if(al.alGetError() != AL.AL_NO_ERROR) { throw new RuntimeException("ALError "+toHexString(alErr)+" while queueing buffer "+toHexString(alBufferNames[0])+". "+this); } alBufferBytesQueued += byteCount; enqueuedFrameCount++; playImpl(); // continue playing, fixes issue where we ran out of enqueued data! } finally { unlockContext(); } return alFrame; } @Override public final boolean isPlaying() { if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) { return false; } if( playRequested ) { lockContext(); try { return isPlayingImpl0(); } finally { unlockContext(); } } else { return false; } } private final boolean isPlayingImpl0() { if( playRequested ) { return isPlayingImpl1(); } else { return false; } } private final boolean isPlayingImpl1() { final int[] val = new int[1]; al.alGetSourcei(alSource[0], AL.AL_SOURCE_STATE, val, 0); final int alErr = al.alGetError(); if(al.alGetError() != AL.AL_NO_ERROR) { throw new RuntimeException("ALError "+toHexString(alErr)+" while querying isPlaying. "+this); } return val[0] == AL.AL_PLAYING; } @Override public final void play() { if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) { return; } playRequested = true; lockContext(); try { playImpl(); if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: PLAY playImpl "+isPlayingImpl1()+", "+this); } } finally { unlockContext(); } } private final void playImpl() { if( playRequested && !isPlayingImpl1() ) { al.alSourcePlay(alSource[0]); final int alErr = al.alGetError(); if(al.alGetError() != AL.AL_NO_ERROR) { throw new RuntimeException("ALError "+toHexString(alErr)+" while start playing. "+this); } } } @Override public final void pause() { if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) { return; } if( playRequested ) { lockContext(); try { pauseImpl(); if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: PAUSE playImpl "+isPlayingImpl1()+", "+this); } } finally { unlockContext(); } } } private final void pauseImpl() { if( isPlayingImpl0() ) { playRequested = false; al.alSourcePause(alSource[0]); final int alErr = al.alGetError(); if(al.alGetError() != AL.AL_NO_ERROR) { throw new RuntimeException("ALError "+toHexString(alErr)+" while pausing. "+this); } } } private final void stopImpl() { if( isPlayingImpl0() ) { playRequested = false; al.alSourceStop(alSource[0]); final int alErr = al.alGetError(); if(al.alGetError() != AL.AL_NO_ERROR) { throw new RuntimeException("ALError "+toHexString(alErr)+" while pausing. "+this); } } } @Override public final float getPlaySpeed() { return playSpeed; } @Override public final boolean setPlaySpeed(float rate) { if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) { return false; } lockContext(); try { if( Math.abs(1.0f - rate) < 0.01f ) { rate = 1.0f; } if( 0.5f <= rate && rate <= 2.0f ) { // OpenAL limits playSpeed = rate; al.alSourcef(alSource[0], AL.AL_PITCH, playSpeed); return true; } } finally { unlockContext(); } return false; } @Override public final float getVolume() { return volume; } @Override public final boolean setVolume(float v) { if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) { return false; } lockContext(); try { if( Math.abs(v) < 0.01f ) { v = 0.0f; } else if( Math.abs(1.0f - v) < 0.01f ) { v = 1.0f; } if( 0.0f <= v && v <= 1.0f ) { // OpenAL limits volume = v; al.alSourcef(alSource[0], AL.AL_GAIN, v); return true; } } finally { unlockContext(); } return false; } @Override public final void flush() { if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) { return; } lockContext(); try { // pauseImpl(); stopImpl(); dequeueBuffer( true /* flush */, false /* wait */ ); if( alBufferNames.length != alFramesAvail.size() || alFramesPlaying.size() != 0 ) { throw new InternalError("XXX: "+this); } if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: FLUSH playImpl "+isPlayingImpl1()+", "+this); } } finally { unlockContext(); } } @Override public final int getEnqueuedFrameCount() { return enqueuedFrameCount; } @Override public final int getFrameCount() { return null != alBufferNames ? alBufferNames.length : 0; } @Override public final int getQueuedFrameCount() { if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) { return 0; } return alFramesPlaying.size(); } @Override public final int getFreeFrameCount() { if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) { return 0; } return alFramesAvail.size(); } @Override public final int getQueuedByteCount() { if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) { return 0; } return alBufferBytesQueued; } @Override public final int getQueuedTime() { if( !initialized || null == chosenFormat ) { return 0; } return chosenFormat.getBytesDuration(alBufferBytesQueued); } @Override public final int getPTS() { return playingPTS; } private static final String toHexString(int v) { return "0x"+Integer.toHexString(v); } private static final String getThreadName() { return Thread.currentThread().getName(); } }