package jogamp.opengl.glu.gl2.nurbs; import jogamp.opengl.glu.nurbs.*; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2GL3; import com.jogamp.opengl.glu.GLU; import com.jogamp.opengl.glu.gl2.GLUgl2; /** * Class rendering curves with OpenGL * @author Tomáš Hráský * */ class GL2CurveEvaluator implements CurveEvaluator { /** * Output triangles (for callback) or render curve */ private boolean output_triangles; /** * OpenGL object */ private final GL2 gl; /** * Not used */ private int vertex_flag; /** * Not used */ private int normal_flag; /** * Not used */ private int color_flag; /** * Not used */ private int texcoord_flag; /** * Number of bezier arc - used for color distinguishing of arcs forming NURBS curve */ private int poradi; /** * Makes new Evaluator */ public GL2CurveEvaluator() { gl = GLUgl2.getCurrentGL2(); } /** * Pushes eval bit */ @Override public void bgnmap1f() { // DONE if (output_triangles) { vertex_flag = 0; normal_flag = 0; color_flag = 0; texcoord_flag = 0; } else { gl.glPushAttrib(GL2.GL_EVAL_BIT); } } /** * Pops all OpenGL attributes */ @Override public void endmap1f() { // DONE if (output_triangles) { } else { gl.glPopAttrib(); } } /** * Initializes opengl evaluator * @param type curve type * @param ulo lowest u * @param uhi highest u * @param stride control point coords * @param order curve order * @param ps control points */ @Override public void map1f(final int type, final float ulo, final float uhi, final int stride, final int order, final CArrayOfFloats ps) { if (output_triangles) { // TODO code for callback (output_triangles probably indicates callback) // System.out.println("TODO curveevaluator.map1f-output_triangles"); } else { gl.glMap1f(type, ulo, uhi, stride, order, ps.getArray(), ps .getPointer()); // DEBUG - drawing bézier control points // gl.glColor3d(.5,.5,.5); // gl.glPointSize(5); // gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_POINTS); // float[] ctrlpoints=ps.getArray(); // for(int i=ps.getPointer();i