/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN * MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR * DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR * ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE * DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use * in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear * facility. * * Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored * and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline. */ package jogamp.opengl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashSet; import javax.media.nativewindow.NativeSurface; import javax.media.nativewindow.NativeWindowException; import javax.media.nativewindow.ProxySurface; import javax.media.nativewindow.UpstreamSurfaceHook; import javax.media.opengl.GL; import javax.media.opengl.GLAnimatorControl; import javax.media.opengl.GLAutoDrawable; import javax.media.opengl.GLContext; import javax.media.opengl.GLDrawable; import javax.media.opengl.GLDrawableFactory; import javax.media.opengl.GLEventListener; import javax.media.opengl.GLException; import javax.media.opengl.GLFBODrawable; import javax.media.opengl.GLRunnable; /** Encapsulates the implementation of most of the GLAutoDrawable's methods to be able to share it between GLAutoDrawable implementations like GLAutoDrawableBase, GLCanvas and GLJPanel. */ public class GLDrawableHelper { /** true if property <code>jogl.debug.GLDrawable.PerfStats</code> is defined. */ private static final boolean PERF_STATS; static { Debug.initSingleton(); PERF_STATS = Debug.isPropertyDefined("jogl.debug.GLDrawable.PerfStats", true); } protected static final boolean DEBUG = GLDrawableImpl.DEBUG; private final Object listenersLock = new Object(); private final ArrayList<GLEventListener> listeners = new ArrayList<GLEventListener>(); private final HashSet<GLEventListener> listenersToBeInit = new HashSet<GLEventListener>(); private final Object glRunnablesLock = new Object(); private volatile ArrayList<GLRunnableTask> glRunnables = new ArrayList<GLRunnableTask>(); private boolean autoSwapBufferMode; private volatile Thread exclusiveContextThread; /** -1 release, 0 nop, 1 claim */ private volatile int exclusiveContextSwitch; private GLAnimatorControl animatorCtrl; private static Runnable nop = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {} }; private GLContext sharedContext; private GLAutoDrawable sharedAutoDrawable; public GLDrawableHelper() { reset(); } public final void reset() { synchronized(listenersLock) { listeners.clear(); listenersToBeInit.clear(); } autoSwapBufferMode = true; exclusiveContextThread = null; exclusiveContextSwitch = 0; synchronized(glRunnablesLock) { glRunnables.clear(); } animatorCtrl = null; sharedContext = null; sharedAutoDrawable = null; } public final void setSharedContext(GLContext thisContext, GLContext sharedContext) throws IllegalStateException { if( null == sharedContext ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Null shared GLContext"); } if( thisContext == sharedContext ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Shared GLContext same as local"); } if( null != this.sharedContext ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Shared GLContext already set"); } if( null != this.sharedAutoDrawable ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Shared GLAutoDrawable already set"); } this.sharedContext = sharedContext; } public final void setSharedAutoDrawable(GLAutoDrawable thisAutoDrawable, GLAutoDrawable sharedAutoDrawable) throws IllegalStateException { if( null == sharedAutoDrawable ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Null shared GLAutoDrawable"); } if( thisAutoDrawable == sharedAutoDrawable ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Shared GLAutoDrawable same as this"); } if( null != this.sharedContext ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Shared GLContext already set"); } if( null != this.sharedAutoDrawable ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Shared GLAutoDrawable already set"); } this.sharedAutoDrawable = sharedAutoDrawable; } /** * @param shared returns the shared GLContext, based on set shared GLAutoDrawable * or GLContext. Maybe null if none is set. * @return true if initialization is pending due to a set shared GLAutoDrawable or GLContext * which is not ready yet. Otherwise false. */ public boolean isSharedGLContextPending(GLContext[] shared) { final GLContext shareWith; final boolean pending; if ( null != sharedAutoDrawable ) { shareWith = sharedAutoDrawable.getContext(); pending = null == shareWith || !shareWith.isCreated(); } else { shareWith = sharedContext; pending = null != shareWith && !shareWith.isCreated(); } shared[0] = shareWith; return pending; } @Override public final String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("GLAnimatorControl: "+animatorCtrl+", "); synchronized(listenersLock) { sb.append("GLEventListeners num "+listeners.size()+" ["); for (int i=0; i < listeners.size(); i++) { Object l = listeners.get(i); sb.append(l); sb.append("[init "); sb.append( !listenersToBeInit.contains(l) ); sb.append("], "); } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** Limit release calls of {@link #forceNativeRelease(GLContext)} to {@value}. */ private static final int MAX_RELEASE_ITER = 512; /** * Since GLContext's {@link GLContext#makeCurrent()} and {@link GLContext#release()} * is recursive, a call to {@link GLContext#release()} may not natively release the context. * <p> * This methods continues calling {@link GLContext#release()} until the context has been natively released. * </p> * @param ctx */ public static final void forceNativeRelease(GLContext ctx) { int releaseCount = 0; do { ctx.release(); releaseCount++; if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("GLDrawableHelper.forceNativeRelease() #"+releaseCount+" -- currentThread "+Thread.currentThread()+" -> "+GLContext.getCurrent()); } } while( MAX_RELEASE_ITER > releaseCount && ctx.isCurrent() ); if( ctx.isCurrent() ) { throw new GLException("Context still current after "+MAX_RELEASE_ITER+" releases: "+ctx); } } /** * Switch {@link GLContext} / {@link GLDrawable} association. * <p> * The <code>oldCtx</code> will be destroyed if <code>destroyPrevCtx</code> is <code>true</code>, * otherwise dis-associate <code>oldCtx</code> from <code>drawable</code> * via {@link GLContext#setGLDrawable(GLDrawable, boolean) oldCtx.setGLDrawable(null, true);}. * </p> * <p> * Re-associate <code>newCtx</code> with <code>drawable</code> * via {@link GLContext#setGLDrawable(GLDrawable, boolean) newCtx.setGLDrawable(drawable, true);}. * </p> * <p> * If the old or new context was current on this thread, it is being released before switching the drawable. * </p> * <p> * No locking is being performed on the drawable, caller is required to take care of it. * </p> * * @param drawable the drawable which context is changed * @param oldCtx the old context, maybe <code>null</code>. * @param destroyOldCtx if <code>true</code>, destroy the <code>oldCtx</code> * @param newCtx the new context, maybe <code>null</code> for dis-association. * @param newCtxCreationFlags additional creation flags if newCtx is not null and not been created yet, see {@link GLContext#setContextCreationFlags(int)} * * @see GLAutoDrawable#setContext(GLContext, boolean) */ public static final void switchContext(GLDrawable drawable, GLContext oldCtx, boolean destroyOldCtx, GLContext newCtx, int newCtxCreationFlags) { if( null != oldCtx ) { if( destroyOldCtx ) { oldCtx.destroy(); } else { oldCtx.setGLDrawable(null, true); // dis-associate old pair } } if(null!=newCtx) { newCtx.setContextCreationFlags(newCtxCreationFlags); newCtx.setGLDrawable(drawable, true); // re-associate new pair } } /** * If the drawable is not realized, OP is a NOP. * <ul> * <li>release context if current</li> * <li>destroy old drawable</li> * <li>create new drawable</li> * <li>attach new drawable to context</li> * <li>make context current, if it was current</li> * </ul> * <p> * Locking is performed via {@link GLContext#makeCurrent()} on the passed <code>context</code>. * </p> * * @param drawable * @param context maybe null * @return the new drawable */ public static final GLDrawableImpl recreateGLDrawable(GLDrawableImpl drawable, GLContext context) { if( ! drawable.isRealized() ) { return drawable; } final GLContext currentContext = GLContext.getCurrent(); final GLDrawableFactory factory = drawable.getFactory(); final NativeSurface surface = drawable.getNativeSurface(); final ProxySurface proxySurface = (surface instanceof ProxySurface) ? (ProxySurface)surface : null; if( null != context ) { // Ensure to sync GL command stream if( currentContext != context ) { context.makeCurrent(); } context.getGL().glFinish(); context.setGLDrawable(null, true); // dis-associate } if(null != proxySurface) { proxySurface.enableUpstreamSurfaceHookLifecycle(false); } try { drawable.setRealized(false); drawable = (GLDrawableImpl) factory.createGLDrawable(surface); // [2] drawable.setRealized(true); } finally { if(null != proxySurface) { proxySurface.enableUpstreamSurfaceHookLifecycle(true); } } if(null != context) { context.setGLDrawable(drawable, true); // re-association } if( null != currentContext ) { currentContext.makeCurrent(); } return drawable; } /** * Performs resize operation on the given drawable, assuming it is offscreen. * <p> * The {@link GLDrawableImpl}'s {@link NativeSurface} is being locked during operation. * In case the holder is an auto drawable or similar, it's lock shall be claimed by the caller. * </p> * <p> * May recreate the drawable via {@link #recreateGLDrawable(GLDrawableImpl, GLContext)} * in case of a a pbuffer- or pixmap-drawable. * </p> * <p> * FBO drawables are resized w/o drawable destruction. * </p> * <p> * Offscreen resize operation is validated w/ drawable size in the end. * An exception is thrown if not successful. * </p> * * @param drawable * @param context * @param newWidth the new width, it's minimum is capped to 1 * @param newHeight the new height, it's minimum is capped to 1 * @return the new drawable in case of an pbuffer/pixmap drawable, otherwise the passed drawable is being returned. * @throws NativeWindowException is drawable is not offscreen or it's surface lock couldn't be claimed * @throws GLException may be thrown a resize operation */ public static final GLDrawableImpl resizeOffscreenDrawable(GLDrawableImpl drawable, GLContext context, int newWidth, int newHeight) throws NativeWindowException, GLException { if(drawable.getChosenGLCapabilities().isOnscreen()) { throw new NativeWindowException("Drawable is not offscreen: "+drawable); } final NativeSurface ns = drawable.getNativeSurface(); final int lockRes = ns.lockSurface(); if (NativeSurface.LOCK_SURFACE_NOT_READY >= lockRes) { throw new NativeWindowException("Could not lock surface of drawable: "+drawable); } boolean validateSize = true; try { if(DEBUG && ( 0>=newWidth || 0>=newHeight) ) { System.err.println("WARNING: Odd size detected: "+newWidth+"x"+newHeight+", using safe size 1x1. Drawable "+drawable); Thread.dumpStack(); } if(0>=newWidth) { newWidth = 1; validateSize=false; } if(0>=newHeight) { newHeight = 1; validateSize=false; } // propagate new size if(ns instanceof ProxySurface) { final ProxySurface ps = (ProxySurface) ns; final UpstreamSurfaceHook ush = ps.getUpstreamSurfaceHook(); if(ush instanceof UpstreamSurfaceHook.MutableSize) { ((UpstreamSurfaceHook.MutableSize)ush).setSize(newWidth, newHeight); } else if(DEBUG) { // we have to assume UpstreamSurfaceHook contains the new size already, hence size check @ bottom System.err.println("GLDrawableHelper.resizeOffscreenDrawable: Drawable's offscreen ProxySurface n.a. UpstreamSurfaceHook.MutableSize, but "+ush.getClass().getName()+": "+ush); } } else if(DEBUG) { // we have to assume surface contains the new size already, hence size check @ bottom System.err.println("GLDrawableHelper.resizeOffscreenDrawable: Drawable's offscreen surface n.a. ProxySurface, but "+ns.getClass().getName()+": "+ns); } if(drawable instanceof GLFBODrawable) { if( null != context && context.isCreated() ) { ((GLFBODrawable) drawable).resetSize(context.getGL()); } } else { drawable = GLDrawableHelper.recreateGLDrawable(drawable, context); } } finally { ns.unlockSurface(); } if( validateSize && ( drawable.getWidth() != newWidth || drawable.getHeight() != newHeight ) ) { throw new InternalError("Incomplete resize operation: expected "+newWidth+"x"+newHeight+", has: "+drawable); } return drawable; } public final void addGLEventListener(GLEventListener listener) { addGLEventListener(-1, listener); } public final void addGLEventListener(int index, GLEventListener listener) { synchronized(listenersLock) { if(0>index) { index = listeners.size(); } // GLEventListener may be added after context is created, // hence we earmark initialization for the next display call. listenersToBeInit.add(listener); listeners.add(index, listener); } } /** * Note that no {@link GLEventListener#dispose(GLAutoDrawable)} call is being issued * due to the lack of a current context. * Consider calling {@link #disposeGLEventListener(GLAutoDrawable, GLDrawable, GLContext, GLEventListener)}. * @return the removed listener, or null if listener was not added */ public final GLEventListener removeGLEventListener(GLEventListener listener) { synchronized(listenersLock) { listenersToBeInit.remove(listener); return listeners.remove(listener) ? listener : null; } } public final GLEventListener removeGLEventListener(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { synchronized(listenersLock) { if(0>index) { index = listeners.size()-1; } final GLEventListener listener = listeners.remove(index); listenersToBeInit.remove(listener); return listener; } } public final int getGLEventListenerCount() { synchronized(listenersLock) { return listeners.size(); } } public final GLEventListener getGLEventListener(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { synchronized(listenersLock) { if(0>index) { index = listeners.size()-1; } return listeners.get(index); } } public final boolean getGLEventListenerInitState(GLEventListener listener) { synchronized(listenersLock) { return !listenersToBeInit.contains(listener); } } public final void setGLEventListenerInitState(GLEventListener listener, boolean initialized) { synchronized(listenersLock) { if(initialized) { listenersToBeInit.remove(listener); } else { listenersToBeInit.add(listener); } } } /** * Disposes the given {@link GLEventListener} via {@link GLEventListener#dispose(GLAutoDrawable)} * if it has been initialized and added to this queue. * <p> * If <code>remove</code> is <code>true</code>, the {@link GLEventListener} is removed from this drawable queue before disposal, * otherwise marked uninitialized. * </p> * <p> * Please consider using {@link #disposeGLEventListener(GLAutoDrawable, GLDrawable, GLContext, GLEventListener)} * for correctness, i.e. encapsulating all calls w/ makeCurrent etc. * </p> * @param autoDrawable * @param remove if true, the listener gets removed * @return the disposed and/or removed listener, otherwise null if neither action is performed */ public final GLEventListener disposeGLEventListener(GLAutoDrawable autoDrawable, GLEventListener listener, boolean remove) { synchronized(listenersLock) { if( remove ) { if( listeners.remove(listener) ) { if( !listenersToBeInit.remove(listener) ) { listener.dispose(autoDrawable); } return listener; } } else { if( listeners.contains(listener) && !listenersToBeInit.contains(listener) ) { listener.dispose(autoDrawable); listenersToBeInit.add(listener); return listener; } } } return null; } /** * Disposes all added initialized {@link GLEventListener}s via {@link GLEventListener#dispose(GLAutoDrawable)}. * <p> * If <code>remove</code> is <code>true</code>, the {@link GLEventListener}s are removed from this drawable queue before disposal, * otherwise maked uninitialized. * </p> * <p> * Please consider using {@link #disposeAllGLEventListener(GLAutoDrawable, GLContext, boolean)} * or {@link #disposeGL(GLAutoDrawable, GLContext, boolean)} * for correctness, i.e. encapsulating all calls w/ makeCurrent etc. * </p> * @param autoDrawable * @return the disposal count */ public final int disposeAllGLEventListener(GLAutoDrawable autoDrawable, boolean remove) { int disposeCount = 0; synchronized(listenersLock) { if( remove ) { for (int count = listeners.size(); 0 < count && 0 < listeners.size(); count--) { final GLEventListener listener = listeners.remove(0); if( !listenersToBeInit.remove(listener) ) { listener.dispose(autoDrawable); disposeCount++; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < listeners.size(); i++) { final GLEventListener listener = listeners.get(i); if( !listenersToBeInit.contains(listener) ) { listener.dispose(autoDrawable); listenersToBeInit.add(listener); disposeCount++; } } } } return disposeCount; } /** * Principal helper method which runs {@link #disposeGLEventListener(GLAutoDrawable, GLEventListener, boolean)} * with the context made current. * <p> * If an {@link GLAnimatorControl} is being attached and the current thread is different * than {@link GLAnimatorControl#getThread() the animator's thread}, it is paused during the operation. * </p> * * @param autoDrawable * @param context * @param listener * @param initAction */ public final GLEventListener disposeGLEventListener(final GLAutoDrawable autoDrawable, final GLDrawable drawable, final GLContext context, final GLEventListener listener, final boolean remove) { synchronized(listenersLock) { // fast path for uninitialized listener if( listenersToBeInit.contains(listener) ) { if( remove ) { listenersToBeInit.remove(listener); return listeners.remove(listener) ? listener : null; } return null; } } final boolean isPaused = isAnimatorAnimatingOnOtherThread() && animatorCtrl.pause(); final GLEventListener[] res = new GLEventListener[] { null }; final Runnable action = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { res[0] = disposeGLEventListener(autoDrawable, listener, remove); } }; invokeGL(drawable, context, action, nop); if(isPaused) { animatorCtrl.resume(); } return res[0]; } /** * Principal helper method which runs {@link #disposeAllGLEventListener(GLAutoDrawable, boolean)} * with the context made current. * <p> * If an {@link GLAnimatorControl} is being attached and the current thread is different * than {@link GLAnimatorControl#getThread() the animator's thread}, it is paused during the operation. * </p> * * @param autoDrawable * @param context * @param remove */ public final void disposeAllGLEventListener(final GLAutoDrawable autoDrawable, final GLDrawable drawable, final GLContext context, final boolean remove) { final boolean isPaused = isAnimatorAnimatingOnOtherThread() && animatorCtrl.pause(); final Runnable action = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { disposeAllGLEventListener(autoDrawable, remove); } }; invokeGL(drawable, context, action, nop); if(isPaused) { animatorCtrl.resume(); } } private final void init(GLEventListener l, GLAutoDrawable drawable, boolean sendReshape, boolean setViewport) { l.init(drawable); if(sendReshape) { reshape(l, drawable, 0, 0, drawable.getWidth(), drawable.getHeight(), setViewport, false /* checkInit */); } } /** * The default init action to be called once after ctx is being created @ 1st makeCurrent(). * @param sendReshape set to true if the subsequent display call won't reshape, otherwise false to avoid double reshape. **/ public final void init(GLAutoDrawable drawable, boolean sendReshape) { synchronized(listenersLock) { final ArrayList<GLEventListener> _listeners = listeners; final int listenerCount = _listeners.size(); if( listenerCount > 0 ) { for (int i=0; i < listenerCount; i++) { final GLEventListener listener = _listeners.get(i) ; // If make ctx current, invoked by invokGL(..), results in a new ctx, init gets called. // This may happen not just for initial setup, but for ctx recreation due to resource change (drawable/window), // hence it must be called unconditional, always. listenersToBeInit.remove(listener); // remove if exist, avoiding dbl init init( listener, drawable, sendReshape, 0==i /* setViewport */); } } else { // Expose same GL initialization if not using GLEventListener drawable.getGL().glViewport(0, 0, drawable.getWidth(), drawable.getHeight()); } } } public final void display(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { displayImpl(drawable); if( glRunnables.size()>0 && !execGLRunnables(drawable) ) { // glRunnables volatile OK; execGL.. only executed if size > 0 displayImpl(drawable); } } private final void displayImpl(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { synchronized(listenersLock) { final ArrayList<GLEventListener> _listeners = listeners; final int listenerCount = _listeners.size(); for (int i=0; i < listenerCount; i++) { final GLEventListener listener = _listeners.get(i) ; // GLEventListener may need to be init, // in case this one is added after the realization of the GLAutoDrawable if( listenersToBeInit.remove(listener) ) { init( listener, drawable, true /* sendReshape */, listenersToBeInit.size() + 1 == listenerCount /* setViewport if 1st init */ ); } listener.display(drawable); } } } private final void reshape(GLEventListener listener, GLAutoDrawable drawable, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean setViewport, boolean checkInit) { if(checkInit) { // GLEventListener may need to be init, // in case this one is added after the realization of the GLAutoDrawable synchronized(listenersLock) { if( listenersToBeInit.remove(listener) ) { listener.init(drawable); } } } if(setViewport) { final GL gl = drawable.getGL(); final int glerr0 = gl.glGetError(); if( GL.GL_NO_ERROR != glerr0 ) { System.err.println("Info: GLDrawableHelper.reshape: pre-exisiting GL error 0x"+Integer.toHexString(glerr0)); if(DEBUG) { Thread.dumpStack(); } } drawable.getGL().glViewport(x, y, width, height); } listener.reshape(drawable, x, y, width, height); } public final void reshape(GLAutoDrawable drawable, int x, int y, int width, int height) { synchronized(listenersLock) { for (int i=0; i < listeners.size(); i++) { reshape(listeners.get(i), drawable, x, y, width, height, 0==i /* setViewport */, true /* checkInit */); } } } private final boolean execGLRunnables(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { // glRunnables.size()>0 boolean res = true; // swap one-shot list asap final ArrayList<GLRunnableTask> _glRunnables; synchronized(glRunnablesLock) { if(glRunnables.size()>0) { _glRunnables = glRunnables; glRunnables = new ArrayList<GLRunnableTask>(); } else { _glRunnables = null; } } if(null!=_glRunnables) { for (int i=0; i < _glRunnables.size(); i++) { res = _glRunnables.get(i).run(drawable) && res; } } return res; } public final void flushGLRunnables() { if(glRunnables.size()>0) { // volatile OK // swap one-shot list asap final ArrayList<GLRunnableTask> _glRunnables; synchronized(glRunnablesLock) { if(glRunnables.size()>0) { _glRunnables = glRunnables; glRunnables = new ArrayList<GLRunnableTask>(); } else { _glRunnables = null; } } if(null!=_glRunnables) { for (int i=0; i < _glRunnables.size(); i++) { _glRunnables.get(i).flush(); } } } } public final void setAnimator(GLAnimatorControl animator) throws GLException { synchronized(glRunnablesLock) { if(animatorCtrl!=animator && null!=animator && null!=animatorCtrl) { throw new GLException("Trying to register GLAnimatorControl "+animator+", where "+animatorCtrl+" is already registered. Unregister first."); } animatorCtrl = animator; } } public final GLAnimatorControl getAnimator() { synchronized(glRunnablesLock) { return animatorCtrl; } } public final boolean isAnimatorStartedOnOtherThread() { return ( null != animatorCtrl ) ? animatorCtrl.isStarted() && animatorCtrl.getThread() != Thread.currentThread() : false ; } public final boolean isAnimatorStarted() { return ( null != animatorCtrl ) ? animatorCtrl.isStarted() : false ; } public final boolean isAnimatorAnimatingOnOtherThread() { return ( null != animatorCtrl ) ? animatorCtrl.isAnimating() && animatorCtrl.getThread() != Thread.currentThread() : false ; } public final boolean isAnimatorAnimating() { return ( null != animatorCtrl ) ? animatorCtrl.isAnimating() : false ; } /** * <p> * If <code>wait</code> is <code>true</code> the call blocks until the <code>glRunnable</code> * has been executed.<p> * <p> * If <code>wait</code> is <code>true</code> <b>and</b> * {@link GLDrawable#isRealized()} returns <code>false</code> <i>or</i> {@link GLAutoDrawable#getContext()} returns <code>null</code>, * the call is ignored and returns <code>false</code>.<br> * This helps avoiding deadlocking the caller. * </p> * * @param drawable the {@link GLAutoDrawable} to be used * @param wait if <code>true</code> block until execution of <code>glRunnable</code> is finished, otherwise return immediatly w/o waiting * @param glRunnable the {@link GLRunnable} to execute within {@link #display()} * @return <code>true</code> if the {@link GLRunnable} has been processed or queued, otherwise <code>false</code>. */ public final boolean invoke(GLAutoDrawable drawable, boolean wait, GLRunnable glRunnable) { if( null == glRunnable || null == drawable || wait && ( !drawable.isRealized() || null==drawable.getContext() ) ) { return false; } GLRunnableTask rTask = null; Object rTaskLock = new Object(); Throwable throwable = null; synchronized(rTaskLock) { final boolean deferred; synchronized(glRunnablesLock) { deferred = isAnimatorAnimatingOnOtherThread(); if(!deferred) { wait = false; // don't wait if exec immediatly } rTask = new GLRunnableTask(glRunnable, wait ? rTaskLock : null, wait /* catch Exceptions if waiting for result */); glRunnables.add(rTask); } if( !deferred ) { drawable.display(); } else if( wait ) { try { rTaskLock.wait(); // free lock, allow execution of rTask } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throwable = ie; } if(null==throwable) { throwable = rTask.getThrowable(); } if(null!=throwable) { throw new RuntimeException(throwable); } } } return true; } public final boolean invoke(GLAutoDrawable drawable, boolean wait, List<GLRunnable> newGLRunnables) { if( null == newGLRunnables || newGLRunnables.size() == 0 || null == drawable || wait && ( !drawable.isRealized() || null==drawable.getContext() ) ) { return false; } final int count = newGLRunnables.size(); GLRunnableTask rTask = null; Object rTaskLock = new Object(); Throwable throwable = null; synchronized(rTaskLock) { final boolean deferred; synchronized(glRunnablesLock) { deferred = isAnimatorAnimatingOnOtherThread() || !drawable.isRealized(); if(!deferred) { wait = false; // don't wait if exec immediately } for(int i=0; i<count-1; i++) { glRunnables.add( new GLRunnableTask(newGLRunnables.get(i), null, false) ); } rTask = new GLRunnableTask(newGLRunnables.get(count-1), wait ? rTaskLock : null, wait /* catch Exceptions if waiting for result */); glRunnables.add(rTask); } if( !deferred ) { drawable.display(); } else if( wait ) { try { rTaskLock.wait(); // free lock, allow execution of rTask } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throwable = ie; } if(null==throwable) { throwable = rTask.getThrowable(); } if(null!=throwable) { throw new RuntimeException(throwable); } } } return true; } public final void enqueue(GLRunnable glRunnable) { if( null == glRunnable) { return; } synchronized(glRunnablesLock) { glRunnables.add( new GLRunnableTask(glRunnable, null, false) ); } } public final void setAutoSwapBufferMode(boolean enable) { autoSwapBufferMode = enable; } public final boolean getAutoSwapBufferMode() { return autoSwapBufferMode; } private final String getExclusiveContextSwitchString() { return 0 == exclusiveContextSwitch ? "nop" : ( 0 > exclusiveContextSwitch ? "released" : "claimed" ) ; } /** * Dedicates this instance's {@link GLContext} to the given thread.<br/> * The thread will exclusively claim the {@link GLContext} via {@link #display()} and not release it * until {@link #destroy()} or <code>setExclusiveContextThread(null)</code> has been called. * <p> * Default non-exclusive behavior is <i>requested</i> via <code>setExclusiveContextThread(null)</code>, * which will cause the next call of {@link #display()} on the exclusive thread to * release the {@link GLContext}. Only after it's async release, {@link #getExclusiveContextThread()} * will return <code>null</code>. * </p> * <p> * To release a previous made exclusive thread, a user issues <code>setExclusiveContextThread(null)</code> * and may poll {@link #getExclusiveContextThread()} until it returns <code>null</code>, * <i>while</i> the exclusive thread is still running. * </p> * <p> * Note: Setting a new exclusive thread without properly releasing a previous one * will throw an GLException. * </p> * <p> * One scenario could be to dedicate the context to the {@link com.jogamp.opengl.util.AnimatorBase#getThread() animator thread} * and spare redundant context switches. * </p> * @param t the exclusive thread to claim the context, or <code>null</code> for default operation. * @return previous exclusive context thread * @throws GLException If an exclusive thread is still active but a new one is attempted to be set */ public final Thread setExclusiveContextThread(Thread t, GLContext context) throws GLException { if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("GLDrawableHelper.setExclusiveContextThread(): START switch "+getExclusiveContextSwitchString()+", thread "+exclusiveContextThread+" -> "+t+" -- currentThread "+Thread.currentThread()); } final Thread oldExclusiveContextThread = exclusiveContextThread; if( exclusiveContextThread == t ) { exclusiveContextSwitch = 0; // keep } else if( null == t ) { exclusiveContextSwitch = -1; // release } else { exclusiveContextSwitch = 1; // claim if( null != exclusiveContextThread ) { throw new GLException("Release current exclusive Context Thread "+exclusiveContextThread+" first"); } if( null != context && context.isCurrent() ) { try { forceNativeRelease(context); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new GLException(ex); } } exclusiveContextThread = t; } if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("GLDrawableHelper.setExclusiveContextThread(): END switch "+getExclusiveContextSwitchString()+", thread "+exclusiveContextThread+" -- currentThread "+Thread.currentThread()); } return oldExclusiveContextThread; } /** * @see #setExclusiveContextThread(Thread, GLContext) */ public final Thread getExclusiveContextThread() { return exclusiveContextThread; } private static final ThreadLocal<Runnable> perThreadInitAction = new ThreadLocal<Runnable>(); /** Principal helper method which runs a Runnable with the context made current. This could have been made part of GLContext, but a desired goal is to be able to implement GLAutoDrawable's in terms of the GLContext's public APIs, and putting it into a separate class helps ensure that we don't inadvertently use private methods of the GLContext or its implementing classes. <p> Note: Locking of the surface is implicit done by {@link GLContext#makeCurrent()}, where unlocking is performed by the latter {@link GLContext#release()}. </p> * * @param drawable * @param context * @param runnable * @param initAction */ public final void invokeGL(final GLDrawable drawable, final GLContext context, final Runnable runnable, final Runnable initAction) { if(null==context) { if (DEBUG) { Exception e = new GLException(getThreadName()+" Info: GLDrawableHelper " + this + ".invokeGL(): NULL GLContext"); e.printStackTrace(); } return; } if(PERF_STATS) { invokeGLImplStats(drawable, context, runnable, initAction); } else { invokeGLImpl(drawable, context, runnable, initAction); } } /** * Principal helper method which runs * {@link #disposeAllGLEventListener(GLAutoDrawable, boolean) disposeAllGLEventListener(autoDrawable, false)} * with the context made current. * <p> * If <code>destroyContext</code> is <code>true</code> the context is destroyed in the end while holding the lock. * </p> * <p> * If <code>destroyContext</code> is <code>false</code> the context is natively released, i.e. released as often as locked before. * </p> * @param autoDrawable * @param context * @param destroyContext destroy context in the end while holding the lock */ public final void disposeGL(final GLAutoDrawable autoDrawable, final GLContext context, boolean destroyContext) { // Support for recursive makeCurrent() calls as well as calling // other drawables' display() methods from within another one's GLContext lastContext = GLContext.getCurrent(); Runnable lastInitAction = null; if (lastContext != null) { if (lastContext == context) { lastContext = null; } else { // utilize recursive locking lastInitAction = perThreadInitAction.get(); lastContext.release(); } } int res; try { res = context.makeCurrent(); if (GLContext.CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT != res) { if(GLContext.CONTEXT_CURRENT_NEW == res) { throw new GLException(getThreadName()+" GLDrawableHelper " + this + ".invokeGL(): Dispose case (no init action given): Native context was not created (new ctx): "+context); } if( listeners.size() > 0 && null != autoDrawable ) { disposeAllGLEventListener(autoDrawable, false); } } } finally { try { if(destroyContext) { context.destroy(); } else { forceNativeRelease(context); } flushGLRunnables(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Catched Exception on thread "+getThreadName()); e.printStackTrace(); } if (lastContext != null) { final int res2 = lastContext.makeCurrent(); if (null != lastInitAction && res2 == GLContext.CONTEXT_CURRENT_NEW) { lastInitAction.run(); } } } } private final void invokeGLImpl(final GLDrawable drawable, final GLContext context, final Runnable runnable, final Runnable initAction) { final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); // Exclusive Cases: // 1: lock - unlock : default // 2: lock - - : exclusive, not locked yet // 3: - - - : exclusive, already locked // 4: - - unlock : ex-exclusive, already locked final boolean _isExclusiveThread, _releaseExclusiveThread; if( null != exclusiveContextThread) { if( currentThread == exclusiveContextThread ) { _releaseExclusiveThread = 0 > exclusiveContextSwitch; _isExclusiveThread = !_releaseExclusiveThread; exclusiveContextSwitch = 0; } else { // Exclusive thread usage, but on other thread return; } } else { _releaseExclusiveThread = false; _isExclusiveThread = false; } // Support for recursive makeCurrent() calls as well as calling // other drawables' display() methods from within another one's int res = GLContext.CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT; GLContext lastContext = GLContext.getCurrent(); Runnable lastInitAction = null; if (lastContext != null) { if (lastContext == context) { res = GLContext.CONTEXT_CURRENT; lastContext = null; } else { // utilize recursive locking lastInitAction = perThreadInitAction.get(); lastContext.release(); } } try { final boolean releaseContext; if( GLContext.CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT == res ) { res = context.makeCurrent(); releaseContext = !_isExclusiveThread; } else { releaseContext = _releaseExclusiveThread; } if (GLContext.CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT != res) { try { perThreadInitAction.set(initAction); if (GLContext.CONTEXT_CURRENT_NEW == res) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("GLDrawableHelper " + this + ".invokeGL(): Running initAction"); } initAction.run(); } runnable.run(); if ( autoSwapBufferMode ) { drawable.swapBuffers(); } } finally { if( _releaseExclusiveThread ) { exclusiveContextThread = null; if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL() - Release ExclusiveContextThread -- currentThread "+Thread.currentThread()); } } if( releaseContext ) { try { context.release(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Catched Exception on thread "+getThreadName()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } finally { if (lastContext != null) { final int res2 = lastContext.makeCurrent(); if (null != lastInitAction && res2 == GLContext.CONTEXT_CURRENT_NEW) { lastInitAction.run(); } } } } private final void invokeGLImplStats(final GLDrawable drawable, final GLContext context, final Runnable runnable, final Runnable initAction) { final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); // Exclusive Cases: // 1: lock - unlock : default // 2: lock - - : exclusive, not locked yet // 3: - - - : exclusive, already locked // 4: - - unlock : ex-exclusive, already locked final boolean _isExclusiveThread, _releaseExclusiveThread; if( null != exclusiveContextThread) { if( currentThread == exclusiveContextThread ) { _releaseExclusiveThread = 0 > exclusiveContextSwitch; _isExclusiveThread = !_releaseExclusiveThread; } else { // Exclusive thread usage, but on other thread return; } } else { _releaseExclusiveThread = false; _isExclusiveThread = false; } // Support for recursive makeCurrent() calls as well as calling // other drawables' display() methods from within another one's int res = GLContext.CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT; GLContext lastContext = GLContext.getCurrent(); Runnable lastInitAction = null; if (lastContext != null) { if (lastContext == context) { res = GLContext.CONTEXT_CURRENT; lastContext = null; } else { // utilize recursive locking lastInitAction = perThreadInitAction.get(); lastContext.release(); } } long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long tdA = 0; // makeCurrent long tdR = 0; // render time long tdS = 0; // swapBuffers long tdX = 0; // release boolean ctxClaimed = false; boolean ctxReleased = false; boolean ctxDestroyed = false; try { final boolean releaseContext; if( GLContext.CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT == res ) { res = context.makeCurrent(); releaseContext = !_isExclusiveThread; ctxClaimed = true; } else { releaseContext = _releaseExclusiveThread; } if (GLContext.CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT != res) { try { perThreadInitAction.set(initAction); if (GLContext.CONTEXT_CURRENT_NEW == res) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("GLDrawableHelper " + this + ".invokeGL(): Running initAction"); } initAction.run(); } tdR = System.currentTimeMillis(); tdA = tdR - t0; // makeCurrent runnable.run(); tdS = System.currentTimeMillis(); tdR = tdS - tdR; // render time if ( autoSwapBufferMode ) { drawable.swapBuffers(); tdX = System.currentTimeMillis(); tdS = tdX - tdS; // swapBuffers } } finally { if( _releaseExclusiveThread ) { exclusiveContextSwitch = 0; exclusiveContextThread = null; if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL() - Release ExclusiveContextThread -- currentThread "+Thread.currentThread()); } } if( releaseContext ) { try { context.release(); ctxReleased = true; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Catched Exception on thread "+getThreadName()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } finally { tdX = System.currentTimeMillis() - tdX; // release / destroy if (lastContext != null) { final int res2 = lastContext.makeCurrent(); if (null != lastInitAction && res2 == GLContext.CONTEXT_CURRENT_NEW) { lastInitAction.run(); } } } long td = System.currentTimeMillis() - t0; System.err.println("td0 "+td+"ms, fps "+(1.0/(td/1000.0))+", td-makeCurrent: "+tdA+"ms, td-render "+tdR+"ms, td-swap "+tdS+"ms, td-release "+tdX+"ms, ctx claimed: "+ctxClaimed+", ctx release: "+ctxReleased+", ctx destroyed "+ctxDestroyed); } protected static String getThreadName() { return Thread.currentThread().getName(); } }