/** * Copyright 2014 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package jogamp.opengl; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import javax.media.opengl.*; import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers; import com.jogamp.common.util.IntObjectHashMap; /** * Tracking of {@link GLBufferStorage} instances via GL API callbacks. * <p> * See {@link GLBufferStorage} for generic details. * </p> * <p> * Buffer storage is created via * <ul> * <li><code>glBufferStorage</code> - storage creation with target via {@link #createBufferStorage(GLBufferStateTracker, GL, int, long, Buffer, int, int, CreateStorageDispatch, long)}</li> * <li>{@link GL#glBufferData(int, long, java.nio.Buffer, int)} - storage recreation with target via {@link #createBufferStorage(GLBufferStateTracker, GL, int, long, Buffer, int, int, CreateStorageDispatch, long)}</li> * <li>{@link GL2#glNamedBufferDataEXT(int, long, java.nio.Buffer, int)} - storage recreation, direct, via {@link #createBufferStorage(GL, int, long, Buffer, int, CreateStorageDispatch, long)}</li> * </ul> * Note that storage <i>recreation</i> as mentioned above also invalidate a previous storage instance, * i.e. disposed the buffer's current storage if exist and attaches a new storage instance. * </p> * <p> * Buffers storage is disposed via * <ul> * <li>{@link GL#glDeleteBuffers(int, IntBuffer)} - explicit, direct, via {@link #notifyBuffersDeleted(int, IntBuffer)} or {@link #notifyBuffersDeleted(int, int[], int)}</li> * <li>{@link GL#glBufferData(int, long, java.nio.Buffer, int)} - storage recreation via target</li> * <li>{@link GL2#glNamedBufferDataEXT(int, long, java.nio.Buffer, int)} - storage recreation, direct</li> * </ul> * </p> * * <p> * Implementation throws a {@link GLException} in all <i>construction</i> methods as listed below, * if GL-function constraints are not met. <code>createBufferStorage</code> also throws an exception * if the native GL-function fails. * <ul> * <li>{@link #createBufferStorage(GLBufferStateTracker, GL, int, long, Buffer, int, int, CreateStorageDispatch, long)}, etc ..</li> * <li>{@link #mapBuffer(GLBufferStateTracker, GL, int, int, MapBufferAllDispatch, long)}, etc ..</li> * </ul> * In <i>destruction</i> and informal methods, i.e. all others, implementation only issues a WARNING debug message, if enabled. * </p> * * <p> * Buffer mapping methods like {@link GL#mapBuffer(int, int)} ..., * require knowledge of the buffer's storage size as determined via it's creation with * {@link GL#glBufferData(int, long, java.nio.Buffer, int)} .... * </p> * <p> * Hence we track the OpenGL buffer's {@link GLBufferStorage} to be able to * access the buffer's storage size. The tracked {@link GLBufferStorage} instances * also allow users to conveniently access details of their created and maybe mapped buffer storage. * </p> * <p> * The {@link GLBufferObjectTracker} and it's tracked {@link GLBufferStorage} instances * maybe shared across multiple OpenGL context, hence this class is thread safe and employs synchronization. * </p> * <p> * Implementation requires and utilizes a local {@link GLBufferStateTracker} * to resolve the actual buffer-name bound to the given target. * </p> * <p> * Note: This tracker requires to be notified about all OpenGL buffer storage operations, * as well as the local {@link GLBufferStateTracker} to be notified about all * OpenGL buffer binding operations. * Hence buffer storage cannot be accessed properly if managed via native code. * </p> */ public class GLBufferObjectTracker { protected static final boolean DEBUG; static { Debug.initSingleton(); DEBUG = Debug.isPropertyDefined("jogl.debug.GLBufferObjectTracker", true); } static final class GLBufferStorageImpl extends GLBufferStorage { GLBufferStorageImpl(final int name, final long size, final int mutableUsage, final int immutableFlags) { super(name, size, mutableUsage, immutableFlags); } final void setMappedBuffer(final ByteBuffer bb) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf("%s.GLBufferStorage.setMappedBuffer: %s: %s -> %s%n", msgClazzName, toString(true), mappedBuffer, bb); } mappedBuffer = bb; } } /** * Map from buffer names to GLBufferObject. */ private final IntObjectHashMap bufferName2StorageMap; public GLBufferObjectTracker() { bufferName2StorageMap = new IntObjectHashMap(); bufferName2StorageMap.setKeyNotFoundValue(null); } public static interface CreateStorageDispatch { void create(final int targetOrBufferName, final long size, final Buffer data, final int mutableUsageOrImmutableFlags, final long glProcAddress); } /** * Must be called when [re]creating the GL buffer object via <code>glBufferStorage</code> and {@link GL#glBufferData(int, long, java.nio.Buffer, int)}, * i.e. implies destruction of the buffer. * * @param bufferStateTracker * @param caller * @param target * @param size * @param mutableUsage <code>glBufferData</code>, <code>glNamedBufferDataEXT</code> usage * @param immutableFlags <code>glBufferStorage</code> flags * @throws GLException if buffer is not bound to target * @throws GLException if size is less-or-eqaul zero for <code>glBufferStorage</code>, or size is less-than zero otherwise * @throws GLException if a native GL-Error occurs */ public synchronized final void createBufferStorage(final GLBufferStateTracker bufferStateTracker, final GL caller, final int target, final long size, final Buffer data, int mutableUsage, int immutableFlags, final CreateStorageDispatch dispatch, final long glProcAddress) throws GLException { final int glerrPre = caller.glGetError(); // clear if (DEBUG && GL.GL_NO_ERROR != glerrPre) { System.err.printf("%s.%s glerr-pre 0x%X%n", msgClazzName, msgCreateBound, glerrPre); } final int bufferName = bufferStateTracker.getBoundBufferObject(target, caller); if ( 0 == bufferName ) { throw new GLException(String.format("%s: Buffer for target 0x%X not bound", GL_INVALID_OPERATION, target)); } final boolean mutableBuffer = 0 != mutableUsage; final boolean invalidSize = ( mutableBuffer && 0 > size ) // glBufferData, glNamedBufferDataEXT || ( !mutableBuffer && 0 >= size ); // glBufferStorage if( invalidSize ) { throw new GLException(String.format("%s: Invalid size %d for buffer %d on target 0x%X", GL_INVALID_VALUE, size, bufferName, target)); } dispatch.create(target, size, data, mutableBuffer ? mutableUsage : immutableFlags, glProcAddress); final int glerrPost = caller.glGetError(); // be safe, catch failure! if(GL.GL_NO_ERROR != glerrPost) { throw new GLException(String.format("GL-Error 0x%X while creating %s storage for target 0x%X -> buffer %d of size %d with data %s", glerrPost, mutableBuffer ? "mutable" : "immutable", target, bufferName, size, data)); } final GLBufferStorageImpl objNew = new GLBufferStorageImpl(bufferName, size, mutableUsage, immutableFlags); final GLBufferStorageImpl objOld = (GLBufferStorageImpl) bufferName2StorageMap.put(bufferName, objNew); if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf("%s.%s target: 0x%X -> %d: %s -> %s%n", msgClazzName, msgCreateBound, target, bufferName, objOld, objNew); } if( null != objOld ) { objOld.setMappedBuffer(null); } } /** * Must be called when [re]creating the GL buffer object via {@link GL2#glNamedBufferDataEXT(int, long, java.nio.Buffer, int)}, * i.e. implies destruction of the buffer. * * @param bufferName * @param size * @param mutableUsage * @throws GLException if size is less-than zero * @throws GLException if a native GL-Error occurs */ public synchronized final void createBufferStorage(final GL caller, final int bufferName, final long size, final Buffer data, final int mutableUsage, int immutableFlags, final CreateStorageDispatch dispatch, final long glProcAddress) throws GLException { final int glerrPre = caller.glGetError(); // clear if (DEBUG && GL.GL_NO_ERROR != glerrPre) { System.err.printf("%s.%s glerr-pre 0x%X%n", msgClazzName, msgCreateNamed, glerrPre); } if ( 0 > size ) { // glBufferData, glNamedBufferDataEXT throw new GLException(String.format("%s: Invalid size %d for buffer %d", GL_INVALID_VALUE, size, bufferName)); } final boolean mutableBuffer = 0 != mutableUsage; if( !mutableBuffer ) { throw new InternalError("Immutable glNamedBufferStorageEXT not supported yet"); } dispatch.create(bufferName, size, data, mutableUsage, glProcAddress); final int glerrPost = caller.glGetError(); // be safe, catch failure! if(GL.GL_NO_ERROR != glerrPost) { throw new GLException(String.format("GL-Error 0x%X while creating %s storage for buffer %d of size %d with data %s", glerrPost, "mutable", bufferName, size, data)); } final GLBufferStorageImpl objNew = new GLBufferStorageImpl(bufferName, size, mutableUsage, 0 /* immutableFlags */); final GLBufferStorageImpl objOld = (GLBufferStorageImpl) bufferName2StorageMap.put(bufferName, objNew); if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf("%s.%s direct: %d: %s -> %s%n", msgClazzName, msgCreateNamed, bufferName, objOld, objNew); } if( null != objOld ) { objOld.setMappedBuffer(null); } } /** * Must be called when deleting GL buffer objects vis <code>glDeleteBuffers</code>. * @param count * @param bufferNames * @param offset */ public synchronized final void notifyBuffersDeleted(final int count, final int[] bufferNames, final int offset) { for(int i=0; i<count; i++) { notifyBufferDeleted(bufferNames[i+offset], i, count); } } /** * Must be called when deleting GL buffer objects vis <code>glDeleteBuffers</code>. * @param n * @param bufferNames */ public synchronized final void notifyBuffersDeleted(final int n, final IntBuffer bufferNames) { final int offset = bufferNames.position(); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { notifyBufferDeleted(bufferNames.get(i+offset), i, n); } } /** * Must be called when deleting GL buffer objects vis {@link GL#glDeleteBuffers(int, IntBuffer)}. * @param bufferName * @param i * @param count */ private synchronized final void notifyBufferDeleted(final int bufferName, final int i, final int count) { final GLBufferStorageImpl objOld = (GLBufferStorageImpl) bufferName2StorageMap.put(bufferName, null); if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf("%s.notifyBuffersDeleted()[%d/%d]: %d: %s -> null%n", msgClazzName, i+1, count, bufferName, objOld); } if( null == objOld ) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf("%s: %s.notifyBuffersDeleted()[%d/%d]: Buffer %d not tracked%n", warning, msgClazzName, i+1, count, bufferName); Thread.dumpStack(); } return; } objOld.setMappedBuffer(null); } public static interface MapBufferDispatch { ByteBuffer allocNioByteBuffer(final long addr, final long length); } public static interface MapBufferRangeDispatch extends MapBufferDispatch { long mapBuffer(final int targetOrBufferName, final long offset, final long length, final int access, final long glProcAddress); } public static interface MapBufferAllDispatch extends MapBufferDispatch { long mapBuffer(final int targetOrBufferName, final int access, final long glProcAddress); } private static final String GL_INVALID_OPERATION = "GL_INVALID_OPERATION"; private static final String GL_INVALID_VALUE = "GL_INVALID_VALUE"; /** * Must be called when mapping GL buffer objects via {@link GL#mapBuffer(int, int)}. * @throws GLException if buffer is not bound to target * @throws GLException if buffer is not tracked * @throws GLException if buffer is already mapped * @throws GLException if buffer has invalid store size, i.e. less-than zero */ public synchronized final GLBufferStorage mapBuffer(final GLBufferStateTracker bufferStateTracker, final GL caller, final int target, final int access, final MapBufferAllDispatch dispatch, final long glProcAddress) throws GLException { return this.mapBufferImpl(bufferStateTracker, caller, target, false /* useRange */, 0 /* offset */, 0 /* length */, access, dispatch, glProcAddress); } /** * Must be called when mapping GL buffer objects via {@link GL#mapBufferRange(int, long, long, int)}. * @throws GLException if buffer is not bound to target * @throws GLException if buffer is not tracked * @throws GLException if buffer is already mapped * @throws GLException if buffer has invalid store size, i.e. less-than zero * @throws GLException if buffer mapping range does not fit, incl. offset */ public synchronized final GLBufferStorage mapBuffer(final GLBufferStateTracker bufferStateTracker, final GL caller, final int target, final long offset, final long length, final int access, final MapBufferRangeDispatch dispatch, final long glProcAddress) throws GLException { return this.mapBufferImpl(bufferStateTracker, caller, target, true /* useRange */, length, access, access, dispatch, glProcAddress); } /** * Must be called when mapping GL buffer objects via {@link GL2#mapNamedBuffer(int, int)}. * @throws GLException if buffer is not tracked * @throws GLException if buffer is already mapped * @throws GLException if buffer has invalid store size, i.e. less-than zero */ public synchronized final GLBufferStorage mapBuffer(final int bufferName, final int access, final MapBufferAllDispatch dispatch, final long glProcAddress) throws GLException { return this.mapBufferImpl(0 /* target */, bufferName, true /* isNamedBuffer */, false /* useRange */, 0 /* offset */, 0 /* length */, access, dispatch, glProcAddress); } /** * Must be called when mapping GL buffer objects via {@link GL2#mapNamedBufferRange(int, long, long, int)}. * @throws GLException if buffer is not tracked * @throws GLException if buffer is already mapped * @throws GLException if buffer has invalid store size, i.e. less-than zero * @throws GLException if buffer mapping range does not fit, incl. offset */ public synchronized final GLBufferStorage mapBuffer(final int bufferName, final long offset, final long length, final int access, final MapBufferRangeDispatch dispatch, final long glProcAddress) throws GLException { return this.mapBufferImpl(0 /* target */, bufferName, true /* isNamedBuffer */, false /* useRange */, 0 /* offset */, 0 /* length */, access, dispatch, glProcAddress); } /** * @throws GLException if buffer is not bound to target * @throws GLException if buffer is not tracked * @throws GLException if buffer is already mapped * @throws GLException if buffer has invalid store size, i.e. less-than zero * @throws GLException if buffer mapping range does not fit, incl. optional offset */ private synchronized final GLBufferStorage mapBufferImpl(final GLBufferStateTracker bufferStateTracker, final GL caller, final int target, final boolean useRange, long offset, long length, final int access, final MapBufferDispatch dispatch, final long glProcAddress) throws GLException { final int bufferName = bufferStateTracker.getBoundBufferObject(target, caller); if( 0 == bufferName ) { throw new GLException(String.format("%s.%s: %s Buffer for target 0x%X not bound", msgClazzName, msgMapBuffer, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, target)); } return this.mapBufferImpl(target, bufferName, false /* isNamedBuffer */, useRange, offset, length, access, dispatch, glProcAddress); } /** * <p> * A zero store size will avoid a native call and returns the unmapped {@link GLBufferStorage}. * </p> * <p> * A null native mapping result indicating an error will * not cause a GLException but returns the unmapped {@link GLBufferStorage}. * This allows the user to handle this case. * </p> * @throws GLException if buffer is not tracked * @throws GLException if buffer is already mapped * @throws GLException if buffer has invalid store size, i.e. less-than zero * @throws GLException if buffer mapping range does not fit, incl. optional offset */ private synchronized final GLBufferStorage mapBufferImpl(final int target, final int bufferName, final boolean isNamedBuffer, final boolean useRange, long offset, long length, final int access, final MapBufferDispatch dispatch, final long glProcAddress) throws GLException { final GLBufferStorageImpl store = (GLBufferStorageImpl)bufferName2StorageMap.get(bufferName); if ( null == store ) { throw new GLException("Buffer with name "+bufferName+" not tracked"); } if( null != store.getMappedBuffer() ) { throw new GLException(String.format("%s.%s: %s Buffer storage of target 0x%X -> %d: %s is already mapped", msgClazzName, msgMapBuffer, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, target, bufferName, store)); } final long storeSize = store.getSize(); if ( 0 > storeSize ) { throw new GLException(String.format("%s.%s: %s Buffer storage of target 0x%X -> %d: %s is of less-than zero", msgClazzName, msgMapBuffer, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, target, bufferName, store)); } if( !useRange ) { length = storeSize; offset = 0; } if( length + offset > storeSize ) { throw new GLException(String.format("%s.%s: %s Out of range: offset %d, length %d, buffer storage of target 0x%X -> %d: %s", msgClazzName, msgMapBuffer, GL_INVALID_VALUE, offset, length, target, bufferName, store)); } if( 0 >= length || 0 > offset ) { throw new GLException(String.format("%s.%s: %s Invalid values: offset %d, length %d, buffer storage of target 0x%X -> %d: %s", msgClazzName, msgMapBuffer, GL_INVALID_VALUE, offset, length, target, bufferName, store)); } if( 0 == storeSize ) { return store; } final long addr; if( isNamedBuffer ) { if( useRange ) { addr = ((MapBufferRangeDispatch)dispatch).mapBuffer(bufferName, offset, length, access, glProcAddress); } else { addr = ((MapBufferAllDispatch)dispatch).mapBuffer(bufferName, access, glProcAddress); } } else { if( useRange ) { addr = ((MapBufferRangeDispatch)dispatch).mapBuffer(target, offset, length, access, glProcAddress); } else { addr = ((MapBufferAllDispatch)dispatch).mapBuffer(target, access, glProcAddress); } } // GL's map-buffer implementation always returns NULL on error, // user shall validate the result and the corresponding getGLError() value! if ( 0 == addr ) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.printf("%s.%s: %s MapBuffer null result for target 0x%X -> %d: %s, off %d, len %d, acc 0x%X%n", msgClazzName, msgMapBuffer, warning, target, bufferName, store, offset, length, access); Thread.dumpStack(); } // User shall handle the glError ! } else { final ByteBuffer buffer = dispatch.allocNioByteBuffer(addr, length); Buffers.nativeOrder(buffer); if( DEBUG ) { System.err.printf("%s.%s: Target 0x%X -> %d: %s, off %d, len %d, acc 0x%X%n", msgClazzName, msgClazzName, target, bufferName, store.toString(false), offset, length, access); } store.setMappedBuffer(buffer); } return store; } public static interface UnmapBufferDispatch { boolean unmap(final int targetOrBufferName, final long glProcAddress); } /** * Must be called when unmapping GL buffer objects via {@link GL#glUnmapBuffer(int)}. * <p> * Only clear mapped buffer reference of {@link GLBufferStorage} * if native unmapping was successful. * </p> */ public synchronized final boolean unmapBuffer(final GLBufferStateTracker bufferStateTracker, final GL caller, final int target, final UnmapBufferDispatch dispatch, final long glProcAddress) { final int bufferName = bufferStateTracker.getBoundBufferObject(target, caller); final GLBufferStorageImpl store; if( 0 == bufferName ) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf("%s: %s.%s: Buffer for target 0x%X not bound%n", warning, msgClazzName, msgUnmapped, target); Thread.dumpStack(); } store = null; } else { store = (GLBufferStorageImpl) bufferName2StorageMap.get(bufferName); if( DEBUG && null == store ) { System.err.printf("%s: %s.%s: Buffer %d not tracked%n", warning, msgClazzName, msgUnmapped, bufferName); Thread.dumpStack(); } } final boolean res = dispatch.unmap(target, glProcAddress); if( res && null != store ) { store.setMappedBuffer(null); } if( DEBUG ) { System.err.printf("%s.%s %s target: 0x%X -> %d: %s%n", msgClazzName, msgUnmapped, res ? "OK" : "Failed", target, bufferName, store.toString(false)); if(!res) { Thread.dumpStack(); } } return res; } /** * Must be called when unmapping GL buffer objects via {@link GL2#glUnmapNamedBufferEXT(int)}. * <p> * Only clear mapped buffer reference of {@link GLBufferStorage} * if native unmapping was successful. * </p> */ public synchronized final boolean unmapBuffer(final int bufferName, final UnmapBufferDispatch dispatch, final long glProcAddress) { final GLBufferStorageImpl store = (GLBufferStorageImpl) bufferName2StorageMap.get(bufferName); if (DEBUG && null == store ) { System.err.printf("%s: %s.%s: Buffer %d not tracked%n", warning, msgClazzName, msgUnmapped, bufferName); Thread.dumpStack(); } final boolean res = dispatch.unmap(bufferName, glProcAddress); if( res && null != store ) { store.setMappedBuffer(null); } if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf("%s.%s %s %d: %s%n", msgClazzName, msgUnmapped, res ? "OK" : "Failed", bufferName, store.toString(false)); if(!res) { Thread.dumpStack(); } } return res; } public synchronized final long getBufferSize(final int bufferName) { final GLBufferStorageImpl store = (GLBufferStorageImpl)bufferName2StorageMap.get(bufferName); if ( null == store ) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf("%s: %s.getBufferSize(): Buffer %d not tracked%n", warning, msgClazzName, bufferName); Thread.dumpStack(); } return 0; } return store.getSize(); } public synchronized final GLBufferStorage getBufferStorage(final int bufferName) { return (GLBufferStorageImpl)bufferName2StorageMap.get(bufferName); } /** * Clear all tracked buffer object knowledge. * <p> * Shall only be called at GLContext destruction <i>iff</i> * there are no other shared GLContext instances left. * </p> */ public synchronized final void clear() { if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf("%s.clear() - Thread %s%n", msgClazzName, Thread.currentThread().getName()); // Thread.dumpStack(); } bufferName2StorageMap.clear(); } private static final String warning = "WARNING"; private static final String msgClazzName = "GLBufferObjectTracker"; private static final String msgUnmapped = "notifyBufferUnmapped()"; private static final String msgCreateBound = "createBoundBufferStorage()"; private static final String msgCreateNamed = "createNamedBufferStorage()"; private static final String msgMapBuffer = "mapBuffer()"; }