// Copyright 2010-2024 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. #ifndef uniforms_glsl #define uniforms_glsl uniform mat4 gcu_PMVMatrix01[3]; // P, Mv, and Mvi uniform vec4 gcu_ColorStatic; uniform float gcu_Weight; #ifdef USE_COLOR_TEXTURE uniform vec2 gcu_ColorTexBBox[3]; // box-min[2], box-max[2] and tex-size[2] uniform vec4 gcu_ColorTexClearCol; // clear color for gcu_ColorTexBBox clipping #endif #ifdef USE_FRUSTUM_CLIPPING uniform vec4 gcu_ClipFrustum[6]; // L, R, B, T, N, F each {n.x, n.y, n.z, d} #endif uniform mat4 gcu_PMVMatrix02[3]; // P, Mv, and Mvi uniform sampler2D gcu_FboTexUnit; /** * .x .y : texture-, fbo- or screen-size */ uniform vec2 gcu_FboTexSize; #endif // uniforms_glsl