/** * Copyright 2010-2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package jogamp.graph.curve.opengl; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.ShortBuffer; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLUniformData; import jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.shader.AttributeNames; import jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.shader.UniformNames; import jogamp.opengl.Debug; import com.jogamp.common.util.PropertyAccess; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.Region; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.GLRegion; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RenderState; import com.jogamp.opengl.FBObject; import com.jogamp.opengl.FBObject.Attachment; import com.jogamp.opengl.FBObject.TextureAttachment; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.FloatUtil; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.AABBox; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLArrayDataClient; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLArrayDataServer; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderProgram; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.Texture; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureCoords; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureSequence; public final class VBORegion2PVBAAES2 extends GLRegion { private static final boolean DEBUG_FBO_1 = false; private static final boolean DEBUG_FBO_2 = false; /** * Boundary triggering FBO resize if *
     *      fbo[Width|Height] - targetFbo[Width|Height] > RESIZE_BOUNDARY.

* Increasing the FBO will add RESIZE_BOUNDARY/2. *


* Reducing FBO resize to gain performance. *


* Defaults to disabled since: * - not working properly * - FBO texture rendered > than desired size * - FBO resize itself should be fast enough ?! *

*/ private static final int RESIZE_BOUNDARY; static { Debug.initSingleton(); final String key = "jogl.debug.graph.curve.vbaa.resizeLowerBoundary"; RESIZE_BOUNDARY = Math.max(0, PropertyAccess.getIntProperty(key, true, 0)); if( RESIZE_BOUNDARY > 0 ) { System.err.println("key: "+RESIZE_BOUNDARY); } } private final RenderState.ProgramLocal rsLocal; // Pass-1: private int curVerticesCap = 0; private int curIndicesCap = 0; private GLArrayDataServer gca_VerticesAttr; private GLArrayDataServer gca_CurveParamsAttr; private GLArrayDataServer gca_ColorsAttr; private GLArrayDataServer indicesBuffer; private final GLUniformData gcu_ColorTexUnit; private final float[] colorTexBBox; // x0, y0, x1, y1 private final GLUniformData gcu_ColorTexBBox; private ShaderProgram spPass1 = null; // Pass-2: private GLArrayDataServer gca_FboVerticesAttr; private GLArrayDataServer gca_FboTexCoordsAttr; private GLArrayDataServer indicesFbo; private final GLUniformData gcu_FboTexUnit; private final GLUniformData gcu_FboTexSize; private final float[] pmvMatrix02 = new float[2*16]; // P + Mv private final GLUniformData gcu_PMVMatrix02; private ShaderProgram spPass2 = null; private FBObject fbo; private TextureAttachment texA; private int fboWidth = 0; private int fboHeight = 0; private boolean fboDirty = true; final int[] maxTexSize = new int[] { -1 } ; /** *

* Since multiple {@link Region}s may share one * {@link ShaderProgram}, the uniform data must always be updated. *

* * @param gl * @param renderer * @param renderModes * @param pass1 * @param quality * @param sampleCount */ public void useShaderProgram(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer, final int renderModes, final boolean pass1, final int quality, final int sampleCount) { final RenderState rs = renderer.getRenderState(); final boolean updateLocGlobal = renderer.useShaderProgram(gl, renderModes, pass1, quality, sampleCount, colorTexSeq); final ShaderProgram sp = renderer.getRenderState().getShaderProgram(); final boolean updateLocLocal; if( pass1 ) { updateLocLocal = !sp.equals(spPass1); spPass1 = sp; if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("XXX changedSP.p1 updateLocation loc "+updateLocLocal+" / glob "+updateLocGlobal); } if( updateLocLocal ) { rs.updateAttributeLoc(gl, true, gca_VerticesAttr, true); rs.updateAttributeLoc(gl, true, gca_CurveParamsAttr, true); if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) { rs.updateAttributeLoc(gl, true, gca_ColorsAttr, true); } } rsLocal.update(gl, rs, updateLocLocal, renderModes, true, true); rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, updateLocLocal, gcu_PMVMatrix02, true); if( null != gcu_ColorTexUnit ) { rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, updateLocLocal, gcu_ColorTexUnit, true); rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, updateLocLocal, gcu_ColorTexBBox, true); } } else { updateLocLocal = !sp.equals(spPass2); spPass2 = sp; if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("XXX changedSP.p2 updateLocation loc "+updateLocLocal+" / glob "+updateLocGlobal); } if( updateLocLocal ) { rs.updateAttributeLoc(gl, true, gca_FboVerticesAttr, true); rs.updateAttributeLoc(gl, true, gca_FboTexCoordsAttr, true); } rsLocal.update(gl, rs, updateLocLocal, renderModes, false, true); rs.updateUniformDataLoc(gl, updateLocLocal, false /* updateData */, gcu_FboTexUnit, true); // FIXME always update if changing tex-unit rs.updateUniformLoc(gl, updateLocLocal, gcu_FboTexSize, sampleCount > 1); // maybe optimized away for sampleCount <= 1 } } public VBORegion2PVBAAES2(final GLProfile glp, final int renderModes, final TextureSequence colorTexSeq, final int pass2TexUnit, final int initialVerticesCount, final int initialIndicesCount) { super(glp, renderModes, colorTexSeq); rsLocal = new RenderState.ProgramLocal(); // Pass 1: initBuffer(initialVerticesCount, initialIndicesCount); if( hasColorTexture() ) { gcu_ColorTexUnit = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ColorTexUnit, colorTexSeq.getTextureUnit()); colorTexBBox = new float[4]; gcu_ColorTexBBox = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_ColorTexBBox, 4, FloatBuffer.wrap(colorTexBBox)); } else { gcu_ColorTexUnit = null; colorTexBBox = null; gcu_ColorTexBBox = null; } FloatUtil.makeIdentity(pmvMatrix02, 0); FloatUtil.makeIdentity(pmvMatrix02, 16); gcu_PMVMatrix02 = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_PMVMatrix02, 4, 4, FloatBuffer.wrap(pmvMatrix02)); // Pass 2: gcu_FboTexUnit = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_FboTexUnit, pass2TexUnit); gcu_FboTexSize = new GLUniformData(UniformNames.gcu_FboTexSize, 2, FloatBuffer.wrap(new float[2])); indicesFbo = GLArrayDataServer.createData(3, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 2, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER); indicesFbo.puts((short) 0); indicesFbo.puts((short) 1); indicesFbo.puts((short) 3); indicesFbo.puts((short) 1); indicesFbo.puts((short) 2); indicesFbo.puts((short) 3); indicesFbo.seal(true); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.FBO_TEXCOORDS_ATTR_NAME, 2, GL.GL_FLOAT, false, 4, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(1); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.putf(0); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.seal(true); gca_FboVerticesAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.FBO_VERTEX_ATTR_NAME, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT, false, 4, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW); } private void initBuffer(final int verticeCount, final int indexCount) { indicesBuffer = GLArrayDataServer.createData(3, glIdxType(), indexCount, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW, GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER); indicesBuffer.setGrowthFactor(growthFactor); curIndicesCap = indicesBuffer.getElemCapacity(); gca_VerticesAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.VERTEX_ATTR_NAME, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT, false, verticeCount, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW); gca_VerticesAttr.setGrowthFactor(growthFactor); gca_CurveParamsAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.CURVEPARAMS_ATTR_NAME, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT, false, verticeCount, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW); gca_CurveParamsAttr.setGrowthFactor(growthFactor); if( hasColorChannel() ) { gca_ColorsAttr = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSL(AttributeNames.COLOR_ATTR_NAME, 4, GL.GL_FLOAT, false, verticeCount, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW); gca_ColorsAttr.setGrowthFactor(growthFactor); } curVerticesCap = gca_VerticesAttr.getElemCapacity(); } @Override public void growBuffer(final int verticesCount, final int indicesCount) { if( curIndicesCap < indicesBuffer.elemPosition() + indicesCount ) { // System.err.printf("XXX Buffer grow - Indices: %d < ( %d = %d + %d ); Status: %s%n", // curIndicesCap, indicesBuffer.elemPosition() + indicesCount, indicesBuffer.elemPosition(), indicesCount, indicesBuffer.elemStatsToString()); indicesBuffer.growIfNeeded(indicesCount * indicesBuffer.getCompsPerElem()); curIndicesCap = indicesBuffer.getElemCapacity(); } if( curVerticesCap < gca_VerticesAttr.elemPosition() + verticesCount ) { // System.err.printf("XXX Buffer grow - Verices: %d < ( %d = %d + %d ); Status: %s%n", // curVerticesCap, gca_VerticesAttr.elemPosition() + verticesCount, gca_VerticesAttr.elemPosition(), verticesCount, gca_VerticesAttr.elemStatsToString()); gca_VerticesAttr.growIfNeeded(verticesCount * gca_VerticesAttr.getCompsPerElem()); gca_CurveParamsAttr.growIfNeeded(verticesCount * gca_CurveParamsAttr.getCompsPerElem()); if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) { gca_ColorsAttr.growIfNeeded(verticesCount * gca_ColorsAttr.getCompsPerElem()); } curVerticesCap = gca_VerticesAttr.getElemCapacity(); } } @Override public void setBufferCapacity(final int verticesCount, final int indicesCount) { if( curIndicesCap < indicesCount ) { indicesBuffer.reserve(indicesCount); curIndicesCap = indicesBuffer.getElemCapacity(); } if( curVerticesCap < verticesCount ) { gca_VerticesAttr.reserve(verticesCount); gca_CurveParamsAttr.reserve(verticesCount); if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) { gca_ColorsAttr.reserve(verticesCount); } curVerticesCap = gca_VerticesAttr.getElemCapacity(); } } @Override protected final void clearImpl(final GL2ES2 gl) { if(DEBUG_INSTANCE) { System.err.println("VBORegion2PES2 Clear: " + this); // Thread.dumpStack(); } if( null != indicesBuffer ) { indicesBuffer.clear(gl); } if( null != gca_VerticesAttr ) { gca_VerticesAttr.clear(gl); } if( null != gca_CurveParamsAttr ) { gca_CurveParamsAttr.clear(gl); } if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) { gca_ColorsAttr.clear(gl);; } fboDirty = true; } @Override public void printBufferStats(final PrintStream out) { final int[] size= { 0 }, capacity= { 0 }; out.println("VBORegion2PVBAAES2: idx32 "+usesI32Idx()); printAndCount(out, " indices ", indicesBuffer, size, capacity); out.println(); printAndCount(out, " vertices ", gca_VerticesAttr, size, capacity); out.println(); printAndCount(out, " params ", gca_CurveParamsAttr, size, capacity); out.println(); printAndCount(out, " color ", gca_ColorsAttr, size, capacity); final float filled = (float)size[0]/(float)capacity[0]; out.println(); out.printf(" total [bytes %,d / %,d], filled %.1f%%, left %.1f%%]%n", size[0], capacity[0], filled*100f, (1f-filled)*100f); } @Override protected final void pushVertex(final float[] coords, final float[] texParams, final float[] rgba) { // NIO array[3] is much slows than group/single // gca_VerticesAttr.putf(coords, 0, 3); // gca_CurveParamsAttr.putf(texParams, 0, 3); // gca_VerticesAttr.put3f(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]); put3f((FloatBuffer)gca_VerticesAttr.getBuffer(), coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]); // gca_CurveParamsAttr.put3f(texParams[0], texParams[1], texParams[2]); put3f((FloatBuffer)gca_CurveParamsAttr.getBuffer(), texParams[0], texParams[1], texParams[2]); if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) { if( null != rgba ) { // gca_ColorsAttr.putf(rgba, 0, 4); // gca_ColorsAttr.put4f(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]); put4f((FloatBuffer)gca_ColorsAttr.getBuffer(), rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null color given for COLOR_CHANNEL rendering mode"); } } } @Override protected final void pushVertices(final float[] coords1, final float[] coords2, final float[] coords3, final float[] texParams1, final float[] texParams2, final float[] texParams3, final float[] rgba) { // gca_VerticesAttr.put3f(coords1[0], coords1[1], coords1[2]); // gca_VerticesAttr.put3f(coords2[0], coords2[1], coords2[2]); // gca_VerticesAttr.put3f(coords3[0], coords3[1], coords3[2]); put3f((FloatBuffer)gca_VerticesAttr.getBuffer(), coords1[0], coords1[1], coords1[2]); put3f((FloatBuffer)gca_VerticesAttr.getBuffer(), coords2[0], coords2[1], coords2[2]); put3f((FloatBuffer)gca_VerticesAttr.getBuffer(), coords3[0], coords3[1], coords3[2]); // gca_CurveParamsAttr.put3f(texParams1[0], texParams1[1], texParams1[2]); // gca_CurveParamsAttr.put3f(texParams2[0], texParams2[1], texParams2[2]); // gca_CurveParamsAttr.put3f(texParams3[0], texParams3[1], texParams3[2]); put3f((FloatBuffer)gca_CurveParamsAttr.getBuffer(), texParams1[0], texParams1[1], texParams1[2]); put3f((FloatBuffer)gca_CurveParamsAttr.getBuffer(), texParams2[0], texParams2[1], texParams2[2]); put3f((FloatBuffer)gca_CurveParamsAttr.getBuffer(), texParams3[0], texParams3[1], texParams3[2]); if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) { if( null != rgba ) { final float r=rgba[0], g=rgba[1], b=rgba[2], a=rgba[3]; // gca_ColorsAttr.put4f(r, g, b, a); // gca_ColorsAttr.put4f(r, g, b, a); // gca_ColorsAttr.put4f(r, g, b, a); put4f((FloatBuffer)gca_ColorsAttr.getBuffer(), r, g, b, a); put4f((FloatBuffer)gca_ColorsAttr.getBuffer(), r, g, b, a); put4f((FloatBuffer)gca_ColorsAttr.getBuffer(), r, g, b, a); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null color given for COLOR_CHANNEL rendering mode"); } } } @Override protected final void pushIndex(final int idx) { if( usesI32Idx() ) { indicesBuffer.puti(idx); } else { indicesBuffer.puts((short)idx); } } @Override protected final void pushIndices(final int idx1, final int idx2, final int idx3) { if( usesI32Idx() ) { // indicesBuffer.put3i(idx1, idx2, idx3); put3i((IntBuffer)indicesBuffer.getBuffer(), idx1, idx2, idx3); } else { // indicesBuffer.put3s((short)idx1, (short)idx2, (short)idx3); put3s((ShortBuffer)indicesBuffer.getBuffer(), (short)idx1, (short)idx2, (short)idx3); } } @Override protected void updateImpl(final GL2ES2 gl) { // seal buffers indicesBuffer.seal(gl, true); indicesBuffer.enableBuffer(gl, false); gca_CurveParamsAttr.seal(gl, true); gca_CurveParamsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false); gca_VerticesAttr.seal(gl, true); gca_VerticesAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false); if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) { gca_ColorsAttr.seal(gl, true); gca_ColorsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false); } if( null != gcu_ColorTexUnit && colorTexSeq.isTextureAvailable() ) { final TextureSequence.TextureFrame frame = colorTexSeq.getLastTexture(); final Texture tex = frame.getTexture(); final TextureCoords tc = tex.getImageTexCoords(); final float tcSx = 1f / ( tc.right() - tc.left() ); colorTexBBox[0] = box.getMinX() * tcSx; colorTexBBox[2] = box.getMaxX() * tcSx; if( tex.getMustFlipVertically() ) { final float tcSy = 1f / ( tc.bottom() - tc.top() ); colorTexBBox[1] = box.getMaxY() * tcSy; colorTexBBox[3] = box.getMinY() * tcSy; } else { final float tcSy = 1f / ( tc.top() - tc.bottom() ); colorTexBBox[1] = box.getMinY() * tcSy; colorTexBBox[3] = box.getMaxY() * tcSy; } } gca_FboVerticesAttr.seal(gl, false); { final FloatBuffer fb = (FloatBuffer)gca_FboVerticesAttr.getBuffer(); fb.put( 2, box.getMinZ()); fb.put( 5, box.getMinZ()); fb.put( 8, box.getMinZ()); fb.put(11, box.getMinZ()); } // Pending gca_FboVerticesAttr-seal and fboPMVMatrix-setup, follow fboDirty // push data 2 GPU .. indicesFbo.seal(gl, true); indicesFbo.enableBuffer(gl, false); fboDirty = true; // the buffers were disabled, since due to real/fbo switching and other vbo usage } private final AABBox drawWinBox = new AABBox(); private final int[] drawView = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; private final float[] drawVec4Tmp0 = new float[4]; private final float[] drawVec4Tmp1 = new float[4]; private final float[] drawVec4Tmp2 = new float[4]; private final float[] drawMat4PMv = new float[16]; private static final int border = 2; // surrounding border, i.e. width += 2*border, height +=2*border @Override protected void drawImpl(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer, final int[/*1*/] sampleCount) { if( 0 >= indicesBuffer.getElemCount() ) { if(DEBUG_INSTANCE) { System.err.printf("VBORegion2PVBAAES2.drawImpl: Empty%n"); } return; // empty! } if( Float.isInfinite(box.getWidth()) || Float.isInfinite(box.getHeight()) ) { if(DEBUG_INSTANCE) { System.err.printf("VBORegion2PVBAAES2.drawImpl: Inf %s%n", box); } return; // inf } final int vpWidth = renderer.getWidth(); final int vpHeight = renderer.getHeight(); if(vpWidth <=0 || vpHeight <= 0 || null==sampleCount || sampleCount[0] <= 0){ renderRegion(gl); } else { if(0 > maxTexSize[0]) { gl.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, maxTexSize, 0); } final RenderState rs = renderer.getRenderState(); final float winWidth, winHeight; final float ratioObjWinWidth, ratioObjWinHeight; final float diffObjWidth, diffObjHeight; final float diffObjBorderWidth, diffObjBorderHeight; int targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight; { final float diffWinWidth, diffWinHeight; final int targetWinWidth, targetWinHeight; // Calculate perspective pixel width/height for FBO, // considering the sampleCount. drawView[2] = vpWidth; drawView[3] = vpHeight; renderer.getMatrix().multPMvMatrixf(drawMat4PMv, 0); box.mapToWindow(drawWinBox, drawMat4PMv, drawView, true /* useCenterZ */, drawVec4Tmp0, drawVec4Tmp1, drawVec4Tmp2); winWidth = drawWinBox.getWidth(); winHeight = drawWinBox.getHeight(); targetWinWidth = (int)Math.ceil(winWidth); targetWinHeight = (int)Math.ceil(winHeight); diffWinWidth = targetWinWidth-winWidth; diffWinHeight = targetWinHeight-winHeight; ratioObjWinWidth = box.getWidth() / winWidth; ratioObjWinHeight= box.getHeight() / winHeight; diffObjWidth = diffWinWidth * ratioObjWinWidth; diffObjHeight = diffWinHeight * ratioObjWinHeight; diffObjBorderWidth = border * ratioObjWinWidth; diffObjBorderHeight = border * ratioObjWinHeight; targetFboWidth = (targetWinWidth+2*border)*sampleCount[0]; targetFboHeight = (targetWinHeight+2*border)*sampleCount[0]; if( DEBUG_FBO_2 ) { final float ratioWinWidth, ratioWinHeight; ratioWinWidth = winWidth/targetWinWidth; ratioWinHeight = winHeight/targetWinHeight; final float renderFboWidth, renderFboHeight; renderFboWidth = (winWidth+2*border)*sampleCount[0]; renderFboHeight = (winHeight+2*border)*sampleCount[0]; final float ratioFboWidth, ratioFboHeight; ratioFboWidth = renderFboWidth/targetFboWidth; ratioFboHeight = renderFboHeight/targetFboHeight; final float diffFboWidth, diffFboHeight; diffFboWidth = targetFboWidth-renderFboWidth; diffFboHeight = targetFboHeight-renderFboHeight; System.err.printf("XXX.MinMax obj %s%n", box.toString()); System.err.printf("XXX.MinMax obj d[%.3f, %.3f], r[%f, %f], b[%f, %f]%n", diffObjWidth, diffObjHeight, ratioObjWinWidth, ratioObjWinWidth, diffObjBorderWidth, diffObjBorderHeight); System.err.printf("XXX.MinMax win %s%n", drawWinBox.toString()); System.err.printf("XXX.MinMax view[%d, %d] -> win[%.3f, %.3f], i[%d x %d], d[%.3f, %.3f], r[%f, %f]: FBO f[%.3f, %.3f], i[%d x %d], d[%.3f, %.3f], r[%f, %f], samples %d%n", drawView[2], drawView[3], winWidth, winHeight, targetWinWidth, targetWinHeight, diffWinWidth, diffWinHeight, ratioWinWidth, ratioWinHeight, renderFboWidth, renderFboHeight, targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight, diffFboWidth, diffFboHeight, ratioFboWidth, ratioFboHeight, sampleCount[0]); } } if( 0 >= targetFboWidth || 0 >= targetFboHeight ) { // Nothing .. return; } final int deltaFboWidth = Math.abs(targetFboWidth-fboWidth); final int deltaFboHeight = Math.abs(targetFboHeight-fboHeight); final boolean hasDelta = 0!=deltaFboWidth || 0!=deltaFboHeight; if( DEBUG_FBO_2 ) { System.err.printf("XXX.maxDelta: hasDelta %b: %d / %d, %.3f, %.3f%n", hasDelta, deltaFboWidth, deltaFboHeight, (float)deltaFboWidth/fboWidth, (float)deltaFboHeight/fboHeight); System.err.printf("XXX.Scale %d * [%f x %f]: %d x %d%n", sampleCount[0], winWidth, winHeight, targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight); } if( hasDelta || fboDirty || isShapeDirty() || null == fbo ) { final int maxLength = Math.max(targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight); if( maxLength > maxTexSize[0] ) { if( targetFboWidth > targetFboHeight ) { sampleCount[0] = (int)Math.floor(maxTexSize[0] / (winWidth+2*border)); } else { sampleCount[0] = (int)Math.floor(maxTexSize[0] / (winHeight+2*border)); } final float renderFboWidth, renderFboHeight; renderFboWidth = (winWidth+2*border)*sampleCount[0]; renderFboHeight = (winWidth+2*border)*sampleCount[0]; targetFboWidth = (int)Math.ceil(renderFboWidth); targetFboHeight = (int)Math.ceil(renderFboHeight); if( DEBUG_FBO_1 ) { System.err.printf("XXX.Rescale (MAX): win[%.3f, %.3f]: FBO f[%.3f, %.3f], i[%d x %d], msaa %d%n", winWidth, winHeight, renderFboWidth, renderFboHeight, targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight, sampleCount[0]); } if( sampleCount[0] <= 0 ) { // Last way out! renderRegion(gl); return; } } final int newFboWidth, newFboHeight, resizeCase; if( 0 >= RESIZE_BOUNDARY ) { // Resize w/o optimization newFboWidth = targetFboWidth; newFboHeight = targetFboHeight; resizeCase = 0; } else { if( 0 >= fboWidth || 0 >= fboHeight || null == fbo ) { // Case: New FBO newFboWidth = targetFboWidth; newFboHeight = targetFboHeight; resizeCase = 1; } else if( targetFboWidth > fboWidth || targetFboHeight > fboHeight ) { // Case: Inscrease FBO Size, add boundary/2 if avail newFboWidth = ( targetFboWidth + RESIZE_BOUNDARY/2 < maxTexSize[0] ) ? targetFboWidth + RESIZE_BOUNDARY/2 : targetFboWidth; newFboHeight = ( targetFboHeight+ RESIZE_BOUNDARY/2 < maxTexSize[0] ) ? targetFboHeight + RESIZE_BOUNDARY/2 : targetFboHeight; resizeCase = 2; } else if( targetFboWidth < fboWidth && targetFboHeight < fboHeight && fboWidth - targetFboWidth < RESIZE_BOUNDARY && fboHeight - targetFboHeight < RESIZE_BOUNDARY ) { // Case: Decreased FBO Size Request within boundary newFboWidth = fboWidth; newFboHeight = fboHeight; resizeCase = 3; } else { // Case: Decreased-Size-Beyond-Boundary or No-Resize newFboWidth = targetFboWidth; newFboHeight = targetFboHeight; resizeCase = 4; } } final int dResizeWidth = newFboWidth - targetFboWidth; final int dResizeHeight = newFboHeight - targetFboHeight; final float diffObjResizeWidth = dResizeWidth*ratioObjWinWidth; final float diffObjResizeHeight = dResizeHeight*ratioObjWinHeight; if( DEBUG_FBO_1 ) { System.err.printf("XXX.resizeFBO: case %d, has %dx%d > target %dx%d, resize: i[%d x %d], f[%.3f x %.3f] -> %dx%d%n", resizeCase, fboWidth, fboHeight, targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight, dResizeWidth, dResizeHeight, diffObjResizeWidth, diffObjResizeHeight, newFboWidth, newFboHeight); } final float minX = box.getMinX()-diffObjBorderWidth; final float minY = box.getMinY()-diffObjBorderHeight; final float maxX = box.getMaxX()+diffObjBorderWidth+diffObjWidth+diffObjResizeWidth; final float maxY = box.getMaxY()+diffObjBorderHeight+diffObjHeight+diffObjResizeHeight; gca_FboVerticesAttr.seal(false); { final FloatBuffer fb = (FloatBuffer)gca_FboVerticesAttr.getBuffer(); fb.put(0, minX); fb.put( 1, minY); fb.put(3, minX); fb.put( 4, maxY); fb.put(6, maxX); fb.put( 7, maxY); fb.put(9, maxX); fb.put(10, minY); fb.position(12); } gca_FboVerticesAttr.seal(true); FloatUtil.makeOrtho(pmvMatrix02, 0, true, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, -1, 1); useShaderProgram(gl, renderer, getRenderModes(), true, getQuality(), sampleCount[0]); renderRegion2FBO(gl, rs, targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight, newFboWidth, newFboHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight, sampleCount[0]); } else if( isStateDirty() ) { useShaderProgram(gl, renderer, getRenderModes(), true, getQuality(), sampleCount[0]); renderRegion2FBO(gl, rs, targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight, fboWidth, fboHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight, sampleCount[0]); } useShaderProgram(gl, renderer, getRenderModes(), false, getQuality(), sampleCount[0]); renderFBO(gl, rs, targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight, sampleCount[0]); } } private void renderFBO(final GL2ES2 gl, final RenderState rs, final int targetFboWidth, final int targetFboHeight, final int vpWidth, final int vpHeight, final int sampleCount) { gl.glViewport(0, 0, vpWidth, vpHeight); if( rs.isHintMaskSet(RenderState.BITHINT_BLENDING_ENABLED) ) { // RGB is already multiplied w/ alpha via renderRegion2FBO(..) gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_ONE, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } gl.glUniform(gcu_FboTexSize); gl.glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0 + gcu_FboTexUnit.intValue()); fbo.use(gl, texA); gca_FboVerticesAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true); indicesFbo.bindBuffer(gl, true); // keeps VBO binding gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLES, indicesFbo.getElemCount() * indicesFbo.getCompsPerElem(), GL.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); indicesFbo.bindBuffer(gl, false); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false); gca_FboVerticesAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false); fbo.unuse(gl); // setback: gl.glActiveTexture(currentActiveTextureEngine[0]); } private void renderRegion2FBO(final GL2ES2 gl, final RenderState rs, final int targetFboWidth, final int targetFboHeight, final int newFboWidth, final int newFboHeight, final int vpWidth, final int vpHeight, final int sampleCount) { if( 0 >= targetFboWidth || 0 >= targetFboHeight ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fboSize must be greater than 0: "+targetFboWidth+"x"+targetFboHeight); } final boolean blendingEnabled = rs.isHintMaskSet(RenderState.BITHINT_BLENDING_ENABLED); if(null == fbo) { fboWidth = newFboWidth; fboHeight = newFboHeight; final FloatBuffer fboTexSize = (FloatBuffer) gcu_FboTexSize.getBuffer(); { fboTexSize.put(0, fboWidth); fboTexSize.put(1, fboHeight); } fbo = new FBObject(); fbo.init(gl, fboWidth, fboHeight, 0); // Shall not use bilinear (GL_LINEAR), due to own VBAA. Result is smooth w/o it now! // FIXME: FXAA requires bilinear filtering! // texA = fbo.attachTexture2D(gl, 0, true, GL.GL_LINEAR, GL.GL_LINEAR, GL.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, GL.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); texA = fbo.attachTexture2D(gl, 0, true, GL.GL_NEAREST, GL.GL_NEAREST, GL.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, GL.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); if( !blendingEnabled ) { // no depth-buffer w/ blending fbo.attachRenderbuffer(gl, Attachment.Type.DEPTH, FBObject.DEFAULT_BITS); } if( DEBUG_FBO_1 ) { System.err.printf("XXX.createFBO: %dx%d%n%s%n", fboWidth, fboHeight, fbo.toString()); } } else if( newFboWidth != fboWidth || newFboHeight != fboHeight ) { fbo.reset(gl, newFboWidth, newFboHeight, 0); fbo.bind(gl); if( DEBUG_FBO_1 ) { System.err.printf("XXX.resetFBO: %dx%d -> %dx%d, target %dx%d%n", fboWidth, fboHeight, newFboWidth, newFboHeight, targetFboWidth, targetFboHeight); } fboWidth = newFboWidth; fboHeight = newFboHeight; final FloatBuffer fboTexSize = (FloatBuffer) gcu_FboTexSize.getBuffer(); { fboTexSize.put(0, fboWidth); fboTexSize.put(1, fboHeight); } } else { fbo.bind(gl); } //render texture gl.glViewport(0, 0, fboWidth, fboHeight); if( blendingEnabled ) { gl.glClearColor(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.0f); gl.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // no depth-buffer w/ blending // For already pre-multiplied alpha values, use: // gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_ONE, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // Multiply RGB w/ Alpha, preserve alpha for renderFBO(..) gl.glBlendFuncSeparate(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } else { gl.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); } renderRegion(gl); fbo.unbind(gl); fboDirty = false; } private void renderRegion(final GL2ES2 gl) { gl.glUniform(gcu_PMVMatrix02); gca_VerticesAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true); gca_CurveParamsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true); if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) { gca_ColorsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, true); } indicesBuffer.bindBuffer(gl, true); // keeps VBO binding if( null != gcu_ColorTexUnit && colorTexSeq.isTextureAvailable() ) { final TextureSequence.TextureFrame frame = colorTexSeq.getNextTexture(gl); gl.glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0 + colorTexSeq.getTextureUnit()); final Texture tex = frame.getTexture(); tex.bind(gl); tex.enable(gl); // nop on core gcu_ColorTexUnit.setData(colorTexSeq.getTextureUnit()); gl.glUniform(gcu_ColorTexUnit); // Always update, since program maybe used by multiple regions gl.glUniform(gcu_ColorTexBBox); // Always update, since program maybe used by multiple regions gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLES, indicesBuffer.getElemCount() * indicesBuffer.getCompsPerElem(), glIdxType(), 0); tex.disable(gl); // nop on core } else { gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLES, indicesBuffer.getElemCount() * indicesBuffer.getCompsPerElem(), glIdxType(), 0); } indicesBuffer.bindBuffer(gl, false); if( null != gca_ColorsAttr ) { gca_ColorsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false); } gca_CurveParamsAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false); gca_VerticesAttr.enableBuffer(gl, false); } @Override protected void clearShaderImpl(final GL2ES2 gl) { if( null != spPass1 ) { spPass1.destroy(gl); spPass1 = null; } if( null != spPass2 ) { spPass2.destroy(gl); spPass2 = null; } } @Override protected void destroyImpl(final GL2ES2 gl) { if(DEBUG_INSTANCE) { System.err.println("VBORegion2PES2 Destroy: " + this); // Thread.dumpStack(); } if(null != fbo) { fbo.destroy(gl); fbo = null; texA = null; } if(null != gca_VerticesAttr) { gca_VerticesAttr.destroy(gl); gca_VerticesAttr = null; } if(null != gca_CurveParamsAttr) { gca_CurveParamsAttr.destroy(gl); gca_CurveParamsAttr = null; } if(null != gca_ColorsAttr) { gca_ColorsAttr.destroy(gl); gca_ColorsAttr = null; } if(null != indicesBuffer) { indicesBuffer.destroy(gl); indicesBuffer = null; } if(null != gca_FboVerticesAttr) { gca_FboVerticesAttr.destroy(gl); gca_FboVerticesAttr = null; } if(null != gca_FboTexCoordsAttr) { gca_FboTexCoordsAttr.destroy(gl); gca_FboTexCoordsAttr = null; } if(null != indicesFbo) { indicesFbo.destroy(gl); indicesFbo = null; } } }