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An Animator can be attached to one or more {@link GLAutoDrawable}s to drive their display() methods in a loop.

The Animator class creates a background thread in which the calls to display() are performed. After each drawable has been redrawn, a brief pause is performed to avoid swamping the CPU, unless {@link #setRunAsFastAsPossible} has been called.

*/ public class Animator { protected static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.debug("Animator"); private volatile ArrayList/**/ drawables = new ArrayList(); private AnimatorImpl impl; private Runnable runnable; private boolean runAsFastAsPossible; protected ThreadGroup threadGroup; protected Thread thread; protected volatile boolean shouldStop; protected boolean ignoreExceptions; protected boolean printExceptions; /** Creates a new, empty Animator. */ public Animator(ThreadGroup tg) { if(GLProfile.isAWTJOGLAvailable()) { try { impl = (AnimatorImpl) Class.forName("com.sun.opengl.util.awt.AWTAnimatorImpl").newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if(null==impl) { impl = new AnimatorImpl(); } threadGroup = tg; if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("Animator created, ThreadGroup: "+threadGroup); } } public Animator() { this((ThreadGroup)null); } /** Creates a new Animator for a particular drawable. */ public Animator(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { this((ThreadGroup)null); add(drawable); } /** Creates a new Animator for a particular drawable. */ public Animator(ThreadGroup tg, GLAutoDrawable drawable) { this(tg); add(drawable); } /** Adds a drawable to the list managed by this Animator. */ public synchronized void add(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { ArrayList newList = (ArrayList) drawables.clone(); newList.add(drawable); drawables = newList; notifyAll(); } /** Removes a drawable from the list managed by this Animator. */ public synchronized void remove(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { ArrayList newList = (ArrayList) drawables.clone(); newList.remove(drawable); drawables = newList; } /** Returns an iterator over the drawables managed by this Animator. */ public Iterator/**/ drawableIterator() { return drawables.iterator(); } /** Sets a flag causing this Animator to ignore exceptions produced while redrawing the drawables. By default this flag is set to false, causing any exception thrown to halt the Animator. */ public void setIgnoreExceptions(boolean ignoreExceptions) { this.ignoreExceptions = ignoreExceptions; } /** Sets a flag indicating that when exceptions are being ignored by this Animator (see {@link #setIgnoreExceptions}), to print the exceptions' stack traces for diagnostic information. Defaults to false. */ public void setPrintExceptions(boolean printExceptions) { this.printExceptions = printExceptions; } /** Sets a flag in this Animator indicating that it is to run as fast as possible. By default there is a brief pause in the animation loop which prevents the CPU from getting swamped. This method may not have an effect on subclasses. */ public final void setRunAsFastAsPossible(boolean runFast) { runAsFastAsPossible = runFast; } /** Called every frame to cause redrawing of all of the GLAutoDrawables this Animator manages. Subclasses should call this to get the most optimized painting behavior for the set of components this Animator manages, in particular when multiple lightweight widgets are continually being redrawn. */ protected void display() { impl.display(this, ignoreExceptions, printExceptions); } class MainLoop implements Runnable { public void run() { try { if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("Animator started: "+Thread.currentThread()); } while (!shouldStop) { // Don't consume CPU unless there is work to be done if (drawables.size() == 0) { synchronized (Animator.this) { while (drawables.size() == 0 && !shouldStop) { try { Animator.this.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } display(); if (!runAsFastAsPossible) { // Avoid swamping the CPU Thread.yield(); } } if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("Animator stopped: "+Thread.currentThread()); } } finally { shouldStop = false; synchronized (Animator.this) { thread = null; Animator.this.notify(); } } } } /** Starts this animator. */ public synchronized void start() { if (thread != null) { throw new GLException("Already started"); } if (runnable == null) { runnable = new MainLoop(); } if(null==threadGroup) { thread = new Thread(runnable); } else { thread = new Thread(threadGroup, runnable); } thread.start(); } /** Indicates whether this animator is currently running. This should only be used as a heuristic to applications because in some circumstances the Animator may be in the process of shutting down and this method will still return true. */ public synchronized boolean isAnimating() { return (thread != null); } /** Stops this animator. In most situations this method blocks until completion, except when called from the animation thread itself or in some cases from an implementation-internal thread like the AWT event queue thread. */ public synchronized void stop() { shouldStop = true; notifyAll(); // It's hard to tell whether the thread which calls stop() has // dependencies on the Animator's internal thread. Currently we // use a couple of heuristics to determine whether we should do // the blocking wait(). if (impl.skipWaitForStop(thread)) { return; } while (shouldStop && thread != null) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } }