/** * Copyright 2009-2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.opengl.util; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLException; import com.jogamp.opengl.fixedfunc.GLMatrixFunc; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLUniformData; import jogamp.common.os.PlatformPropsImpl; import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.FloatUtil; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.Matrix4f; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.Quaternion; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.Ray; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.Recti; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.Vec3f; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.Vec4f; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.AABBox; import com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.Frustum; /** * PMVMatrix implements a subset of the fixed function pipeline * regarding the projection (P), modelview (Mv) and texture (T) matrix operations, * which is specified in {@link GLMatrixFunc}. *
* This is the second implementation of `PMVMatrix` using * direct {@link Matrix4f}, {@link Vec4f} and {@link Vec3f} math operations instead of `float[]` * via {@link com.jogamp.opengl.math.FloatUtil FloatUtil}. *
** PMVMatrix provides the {@link #getMviMat() inverse modelview matrix (Mvi)} and * {@link #getMvitMat() inverse transposed modelview matrix (Mvit)}. * {@link Frustum} is also provided by {@link #getFrustum()}. * * To keep these derived values synchronized after mutable Mv operations like {@link #glRotatef(float, float, float, float) glRotatef(..)} * in {@link #glMatrixMode(int) glMatrixMode}({@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW GL_MODELVIEW}), * users have to call {@link #update()} before using Mvi and Mvit. *
** All matrices are provided in column-major order, * as specified in the OpenGL fixed function pipeline, i.e. compatibility profile. * See {@link Matrix4f}. *
** PMVMatrix can supplement {@link GL2ES2} applications w/ the * lack of the described matrix functionality. *
** The {@link SyncBuffer} abstraction is provided, e.g. {@link #getSyncPMvMviMat()}, * to synchronize the respective {@link Matrix4f matrices} with the `float[]` backing store. * The latter is represents the data to {@link GLUniformData} via its {@link FloatBuffer}s, see {@link SyncBuffer#getBuffer()}, * and is pushed to the GPU eventually. * * {@link SyncBuffer}'s {@link SyncAction} is called by {@link GLUniformData#getBuffer()}, * i.e. before the data is pushed to the GPU. * * The provided {@link SyncAction} ensures that the {@link Matrix4f matrices data} * gets copied into the `float[]` backing store. * * PMVMatrix provides two specializations of {@link SyncBuffer}, {@link SyncMatrix4f} for single {@link Matrix4f} mappings * and {@link SyncMatrices4f} for multiple {@link Matrix4f} mappings. * * They can be feed directly to instantiate a {@link GLUniformData} object via e.g. {@link GLUniformData#GLUniformData(String, int, int, SyncBuffer)}. *
** All matrices are backed up by a common primitive float-array for performance considerations * and are a {@link Buffers#slice2Float(float[], int, int) sliced} representation of it. *
** Note: *
* Implementation uses non-direct non-NIO Buffers with guaranteed backing array, * which allows faster access in Java computation. *
*/ public PMVMatrix() { // I Identity // T Texture // P Projection // Mv ModelView // Mvi Modelview-Inverse // Mvit Modelview-Inverse-Transpose // actual underlying Matrix4f data matP = new Matrix4f(); matMv = new Matrix4f(); matMvi = new Matrix4f(); matMvit = new Matrix4f(); matTex = new Matrix4f(); // float back buffer for GPU, Matrix4f -> matrixStore via SyncedBuffer matrixStore = new float[5*16]; // FloatBuffer for single Matrix4f back-buffer matrixP = Buffers.slice2Float(matrixStore, mP_offset, 1*16); // P matrixMv = Buffers.slice2Float(matrixStore, mMv_offset, 1*16); // Mv matrixMvi = Buffers.slice2Float(matrixStore, mMvi_offset, 1*16); // Mvi matrixMvit = Buffers.slice2Float(matrixStore, mMvit_offset, 1*16); // Mvit matrixTex = Buffers.slice2Float(matrixStore, mTex_offset, 1*16); // T // FloatBuffer for aggregated multiple Matrix4f back-buffer matrixPMvMvit = Buffers.slice2Float(matrixStore, mP_offset, 4*16); // P + Mv + Mvi + Mvit matrixPMvMvi = Buffers.slice2Float(matrixStore, mP_offset, 3*16); // P + Mv + Mvi matrixPMv = Buffers.slice2Float(matrixStore, mP_offset, 2*16); // P + Mv matPSync = new SyncBuffer0(matP, matrixP); // mP_offset matMvSync = new SyncBuffer1(matMv, matrixMv, mMv_offset); matMviSync = new SyncBuffer1(matMvi, matrixMvi, mMvi_offset); matMvitSync = new SyncBuffer1(matMvit, matrixMvit, mMvit_offset); matTexSync = new SyncBuffer1(matTex, matrixTex, mTex_offset); matPMvMvitSync = new SyncBufferN(new Matrix4f[] { matP, matMv, matMvi, matMvit }, matrixPMvMvit, mP_offset); matPMvMviSync = new SyncBufferN(new Matrix4f[] { matP, matMv, matMvi }, matrixPMvMvi, mP_offset); matPMvSync = new SyncBufferN(new Matrix4f[] { matP, matMv }, matrixPMv, mP_offset); mat4Tmp1 = new Matrix4f(); mat4Tmp2 = new Matrix4f(); vec3Tmp1 = new Vec3f(); vec4Tmp1 = new Vec4f(); reset(); frustum = null; } /** * Issues {@link #glLoadIdentity()} on all matrices, * i.e. {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW GL_MODELVIEW}, {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION GL_PROJECTION} or {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE GL_TEXTURE} * and resets all internal states. * * Leaves {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW GL_MODELVIEW} the active matrix mode. */ public final void reset() { matP.loadIdentity(); matMv.loadIdentity(); matTex.loadIdentity(); modifiedBits = MODIFIED_ALL; dirtyBits = DIRTY_ALL; requestMask = 0; matrixMode = GL_MODELVIEW; } /** Returns the current matrix-mode, one of {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW GL_MODELVIEW}, {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION GL_PROJECTION} or {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE GL_TEXTURE}. */ public final int glGetMatrixMode() { return matrixMode; } // // Temporary storage access for efficiency // /** * Return the first temporary Matrix4f exposed to be reused for efficiency. ** Temporary storage is only used by this class within single method calls, * hence has no side-effects. *
*/ public final Matrix4f getTmp1Mat() { return mat4Tmp1; } /** * Return the second temporary Matrix4f exposed to be reused for efficiency. ** Temporary storage is only used by this class within single method calls, * hence has no side-effects. *
*/ public final Matrix4f getTmp2Mat() { return mat4Tmp2; } /** * Return the first temporary Vec3f exposed to be reused for efficiency. ** Temporary storage is only used by this class within single method calls, * hence has no side-effects. *
*/ public final Vec3f getTmp1Vec3f() { return vec3Tmp1; } /** * Return the first temporary Vec4f exposed to be reused for efficiency. ** Temporary storage is only used by this class within single method calls, * hence has no side-effects. *
*/ public final Vec4f getTmp1Vec4f() { return vec4Tmp1; } // // Regular Matrix4f access as well as their SyncedBuffer counterpart SyncedMatrix and SyncedMatrices // /** * Returns the {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX texture matrix} (T). ** See matrix storage details. *
*/ public final Matrix4f getTMat() { return matTex; } /** * Returns the {@link SyncMatrix} of {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX texture matrix} (T). ** See matrix storage details. *
*/ public final SyncMatrix4f getSyncTMat() { return matTexSync; } /** * Returns the {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX projection matrix} (P). ** See matrix storage details. *
*/ public final Matrix4f getPMat() { return matP; } /** * Returns the {@link SyncMatrix} of {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX projection matrix} (P). ** See matrix storage details. *
*/ public final SyncMatrix4f getSyncPMat() { return matPSync; } /** * Returns the {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX modelview matrix} (Mv). ** See matrix storage details. *
*/ public final Matrix4f getMvMat() { return matMv; } /** * Returns the {@link SyncMatrix} of {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX modelview matrix} (Mv). ** See matrix storage details. *
*/ public final SyncMatrix4f getSyncMvMat() { return matMvSync; } /** * Returns the inverse {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX modelview matrix} (Mvi). ** Method enables the Mvi matrix update, and performs it's update w/o clearing the modified bits. *
** See {@link #update()} and matrix storage details. *
* @see #update() * @see #clearAllUpdateRequests() */ public final Matrix4f getMviMat() { requestMask |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW ; updateImpl(false); return matMvi; } /** * Returns the {@link SyncMatrix} of inverse {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX modelview matrix} (Mvi). ** Method enables the Mvi matrix update, and performs it's update w/o clearing the modified bits. *
** See {@link #update()} and matrix storage details. *
* @see #update() * @see #clearAllUpdateRequests() */ public final SyncMatrix4f getSyncMviMat() { requestMask |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW ; updateImpl(false); return matMviSync; } /** * Returns the inverse transposed {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX modelview matrix} (Mvit). ** Method enables the Mvit matrix update, and performs it's update w/o clearing the modified bits. *
** See {@link #update()} and matrix storage details. *
* @see #update() * @see #clearAllUpdateRequests() */ public final Matrix4f getMvitMat() { requestMask |= DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW ; updateImpl(false); return matMvit; } /** * Returns the {@link SyncMatrix} of inverse transposed {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX modelview matrix} (Mvit). ** Method enables the Mvit matrix update, and performs it's update w/o clearing the modified bits. *
** See {@link #update()} and matrix storage details. *
* @see #update() * @see #clearAllUpdateRequests() */ public final SyncMatrix4f getSyncMvitMat() { requestMask |= DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW ; updateImpl(false); return matMvitSync; } /** * Returns {@link SyncMatrices4f} of 2 matrices within one FloatBuffer: {@link #getPMat() P} and {@link #getMvMat() Mv}. ** See matrix storage details. *
*/ public final SyncMatrices4f getSyncPMvMat() { return matPMvSync; } /** * Returns {@link SyncMatrices4f} of 3 matrices within one FloatBuffer: {@link #getPMat() P}, {@link #getMvMat() Mv} and {@link #getMviMat() Mvi}. ** Method enables the Mvi matrix update, and performs it's update w/o clearing the modified bits. *
** See {@link #update()} and matrix storage details. *
* @see #update() * @see #clearAllUpdateRequests() */ public final SyncMatrices4f getSyncPMvMviMat() { requestMask |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW ; updateImpl(false); return matPMvMviSync; } /** * Returns {@link SyncMatrices4f} of 4 matrices within one FloatBuffer: {@link #getPMat() P}, {@link #getMvMat() Mv}, {@link #getMviMat() Mvi} and {@link #getMvitMat() Mvit}. ** Method enables the Mvi and Mvit matrix update, and performs it's update w/o clearing the modified bits. *
** See {@link #update()} and matrix storage details. *
* @see #update() * @see #clearAllUpdateRequests() */ public final SyncMatrices4f getSyncPMvMvitMat() { requestMask |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW ; updateImpl(false); return matPMvMvitSync; } /** Returns the frustum, derived from projection * modelview */ public final Frustum getFrustum() { requestMask |= DIRTY_FRUSTUM; updateImpl(false); return frustum; } /** * @return the matrix of the current matrix-mode */ public final Matrix4f getCurrentMat() { return getMat(matrixMode); } /** * @param matrixName Either a matrix-get-name, i.e. * {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX}, {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX} or {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX}, * or a matrix-mode-name, i.e. * {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW GL_MODELVIEW}, {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION GL_PROJECTION} or {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE GL_TEXTURE} * @return the named matrix, not a copy! */ public final Matrix4f getMat(final int matrixName) { switch(matrixName) { case GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX: case GL_MODELVIEW: return matMv; case GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX: case GL_PROJECTION: return matP; case GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX: case GL.GL_TEXTURE: return matTex; default: throw new GLException("unsupported matrixName: "+matrixName); } } // // Basic Matrix4f, Vec3f and Vec4f operations similar to GLMatrixFunc // /** * Multiplies the {@link #getPMat() P} and {@link #getMvMat() Mv} matrix, i.e. ** result = P x Mv ** @param result 4x4 matrix storage for result * @return given result matrix for chaining */ public final Matrix4f mulPMvMat(final Matrix4f result) { return result.mul(matP, matMv); } /** * Multiplies the {@link #getMvMat() Mv} and {@link #getPMat() P} matrix, i.e. *
* result = Mv x P ** @param result 4x4 matrix storage for result * @return given result matrix for chaining */ public final Matrix4f mulMvPMat(final Matrix4f result) { return result.mul(matMv, matP); } /** * v_out = Mv * v_in * @param v_in input vector * @param v_out output vector * @return given result vector for chaining */ public final Vec4f mulMvMatVec4f(final Vec4f v_in, final Vec4f v_out) { return matMv.mulVec4f(v_in, v_out); } /** * v_out = Mv * v_in * * Affine 3f-vector transformation by 4x4 matrix, see {@link Matrix4f#mulVec3f(Vec3f, Vec3f)}. * * @param v_in input vector * @param v_out output vector * @return given result vector for chaining */ public final Vec3f mulMvMatVec3f(final Vec3f v_in, final Vec3f v_out) { return matMv.mulVec3f(v_in, v_out); } /** * v_out = P * v_in * @param v_in input vector * @param v_out output vector * @return given result vector for chaining */ public final Vec4f mulPMatVec4f(final Vec4f v_in, final Vec4f v_out) { return matP.mulVec4f(v_in, v_out); } /** * v_out = P * v_in * * Affine 3f-vector transformation by 4x4 matrix, see {@link Matrix4f#mulVec3f(Vec3f, Vec3f)}. * * @param v_in float[3] input vector * @param v_out float[3] output vector */ public final Vec3f mulPMatVec3f(final Vec3f v_in, final Vec3f v_out) { return matP.mulVec3f(v_in, v_out); } /** * v_out = P * Mv * v_in * @param v_in float[4] input vector * @param v_out float[4] output vector */ public final Vec4f mulPMvMatVec4f(final Vec4f v_in, final Vec4f v_out) { return matP.mulVec4f( matMv.mulVec4f( v_in, vec4Tmp1 ), v_out ); } /** * v_out = P * Mv * v_in * * Affine 3f-vector transformation by 4x4 matrix, see {@link Matrix4f#mulVec3f(Vec3f, Vec3f)}. * * @param v_in float[3] input vector * @param v_out float[3] output vector */ public final Vec3f mulPMvMatVec3f(final Vec3f v_in, final Vec3f v_out) { return matP.mulVec3f( matMv.mulVec3f( v_in, vec3Tmp1 ), v_out ); } // // GLMatrixFunc implementation // @Override public final void glMatrixMode(final int matrixName) { switch(matrixName) { case GL_MODELVIEW: case GL_PROJECTION: case GL.GL_TEXTURE: break; default: throw new GLException("unsupported matrixName: "+matrixName); } matrixMode = matrixName; } @Override public final void glGetFloatv(final int matrixGetName, final FloatBuffer params) { final int pos = params.position(); if(matrixGetName==GL_MATRIX_MODE) { params.put(matrixMode); } else { getMat(matrixGetName).get(params); // matrix -> params } params.position(pos); } @Override public final void glGetFloatv(final int matrixGetName, final float[] params, final int params_offset) { if(matrixGetName==GL_MATRIX_MODE) { params[params_offset]=matrixMode; } else { getMat(matrixGetName).get(params, params_offset); // matrix -> params } } @Override public final void glGetIntegerv(final int pname, final IntBuffer params) { final int pos = params.position(); if(pname==GL_MATRIX_MODE) { params.put(matrixMode); } else { throw new GLException("unsupported pname: "+pname); } params.position(pos); } @Override public final void glGetIntegerv(final int pname, final int[] params, final int params_offset) { if(pname==GL_MATRIX_MODE) { params[params_offset]=matrixMode; } else { throw new GLException("unsupported pname: "+pname); } } @Override public final void glLoadMatrixf(final float[] values, final int offset) { if(matrixMode==GL_MODELVIEW) { matMv.load(values, offset); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_MODELVIEW; } else if(matrixMode==GL_PROJECTION) { matP.load(values, offset); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_PROJECTION; } else if(matrixMode==GL.GL_TEXTURE) { matTex.load(values, offset); modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_TEXTURE; } } @Override public final void glLoadMatrixf(final java.nio.FloatBuffer m) { final int spos = m.position(); if(matrixMode==GL_MODELVIEW) { matMv.load(m); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_MODELVIEW; } else if(matrixMode==GL_PROJECTION) { matP.load(m); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_PROJECTION; } else if(matrixMode==GL.GL_TEXTURE) { matTex.load(m); modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_TEXTURE; } m.position(spos); } /** * Load the current matrix with the values of the given {@link Matrix4f}. *
* Extension to {@link GLMatrixFunc}. *
*/ public final void glLoadMatrixf(final Matrix4f m) { if(matrixMode==GL_MODELVIEW) { matMv.load(m); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_MODELVIEW; } else if(matrixMode==GL_PROJECTION) { matP.load(m); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_PROJECTION; } else if(matrixMode==GL.GL_TEXTURE) { matTex.load(m); modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_TEXTURE; } } /** * Load the current matrix with the values of the given {@link Quaternion}'s rotation {@link Matrix4f#setToRotation(Quaternion) matrix representation}. ** Extension to {@link GLMatrixFunc}. *
*/ public final void glLoadMatrix(final Quaternion quat) { if(matrixMode==GL_MODELVIEW) { matMv.setToRotation(quat); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_MODELVIEW; } else if(matrixMode==GL_PROJECTION) { matP.setToRotation(quat); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_PROJECTION; } else if(matrixMode==GL.GL_TEXTURE) { matTex.setToRotation(quat); modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_TEXTURE; } } @Override public final void glPopMatrix() { if(matrixMode==GL_MODELVIEW) { matMv.pop(); } else if(matrixMode==GL_PROJECTION) { matP.pop(); } else if(matrixMode==GL.GL_TEXTURE) { matTex.pop(); } } @Override public final void glPushMatrix() { if(matrixMode==GL_MODELVIEW) { matMv.push(); } else if(matrixMode==GL_PROJECTION) { matP.push(); } else if(matrixMode==GL.GL_TEXTURE) { matTex.push(); } } @Override public final void glLoadIdentity() { if(matrixMode==GL_MODELVIEW) { matMv.loadIdentity(); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_MODELVIEW; } else if(matrixMode==GL_PROJECTION) { matP.loadIdentity(); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_PROJECTION; } else if(matrixMode==GL.GL_TEXTURE) { matTex.loadIdentity(); modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_TEXTURE; } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public final void glMultMatrixf(final FloatBuffer m) { final int spos = m.position(); if(matrixMode==GL_MODELVIEW) { matMv.mul( mat4Tmp1.load( m ) ); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_MODELVIEW; } else if(matrixMode==GL_PROJECTION) { matP.mul( mat4Tmp1.load( m ) ); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_PROJECTION; } else if(matrixMode==GL.GL_TEXTURE) { matTex.mul( mat4Tmp1.load( m ) ); modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_TEXTURE; } m.position(spos); } @Override public final void glMultMatrixf(final float[] m, final int m_offset) { if(matrixMode==GL_MODELVIEW) { matMv.mul( mat4Tmp1.load( m, m_offset ) ); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_MODELVIEW; } else if(matrixMode==GL_PROJECTION) { matP.mul( mat4Tmp1.load( m, m_offset ) ); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_PROJECTION; } else if(matrixMode==GL.GL_TEXTURE) { matTex.mul( mat4Tmp1.load( m, m_offset ) ); modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_TEXTURE; } } /** * Multiply the current matrix: [c] = [c] x [m] ** Extension to {@link GLMatrixFunc}. *
* @param m the right hand Matrix4f * @return this instance of chaining */ public final PMVMatrix glMultMatrixf(final Matrix4f m) { if(matrixMode==GL_MODELVIEW) { matMv.mul( m ); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_MODELVIEW; } else if(matrixMode==GL_PROJECTION) { matP.mul( m ); dirtyBits |= DIRTY_FRUSTUM ; modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_PROJECTION; } else if(matrixMode==GL.GL_TEXTURE) { matTex.mul( m ); modifiedBits |= MODIFIED_TEXTURE; } return this; } @Override public final void glTranslatef(final float x, final float y, final float z) { glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1.setToTranslation(x, y, z) ); } /** * Translate the current matrix. ** Extension to {@link GLMatrixFunc}. *
* @param t translation vec3 * @return this instance of chaining */ public final PMVMatrix glTranslatef(final Vec3f t) { return glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1.setToTranslation(t) ); } @Override public final void glScalef(final float x, final float y, final float z) { glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1.setToScale(x, y, z) ); } /** * Scale the current matrix. ** Extension to {@link GLMatrixFunc}. *
* @param s scale vec4f * @return this instance of chaining */ public final PMVMatrix glScalef(final Vec3f s) { return glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1.setToScale(s) ); } @Override public final void glRotatef(final float ang_deg, final float x, final float y, final float z) { glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1.setToRotationAxis(FloatUtil.adegToRad(ang_deg), x, y, z) ); } /** * Rotate the current matrix by the given axis and angle in radians. ** Consider using {@link #glRotate(Quaternion)} *
** Extension to {@link GLMatrixFunc}. *
* @param ang_rad angle in radians * @param axis rotation axis * @return this instance of chaining * @see #glRotate(Quaternion) */ public final PMVMatrix glRotatef(final float ang_rad, final Vec3f axis) { return glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1.setToRotationAxis(ang_rad, axis) ); } /** * Rotate the current matrix with the given {@link Quaternion}'s rotation {@link Matrix4f#setToRotation(Quaternion) matrix representation}. ** Extension to {@link GLMatrixFunc}. *
* @param quat the {@link Quaternion} * @return this instance of chaining */ public final PMVMatrix glRotate(final Quaternion quat) { return glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1.setToRotation(quat) ); } @Override public final void glOrthof(final float left, final float right, final float bottom, final float top, final float zNear, final float zFar) { glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1.setToOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar) ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @throws GLException if {@code zNear <= 0} or {@code zFar <= zNear} * or {@code left == right}, or {@code bottom == top}. * @see Matrix4f#setToFrustum(float, float, float, float, float, float) */ @Override public final void glFrustumf(final float left, final float right, final float bottom, final float top, final float zNear, final float zFar) throws GLException { glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1.setToFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar) ); } // // Extra functionality // /** * {@link #glMultMatrixf(FloatBuffer) Multiply} the {@link #glGetMatrixMode() current matrix} with the perspective/frustum matrix. * * @param fovy_deg fov angle in degrees * @param aspect aspect ratio width / height * @param zNear * @param zFar * @throws GLException if {@code zNear <= 0} or {@code zFar <= zNear} * @see Matrix4f#setToPerspective(float, float, float, float) */ public final void gluPerspective(final float fovy_deg, final float aspect, final float zNear, final float zFar) throws GLException { glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1.setToPerspective(FloatUtil.adegToRad(fovy_deg), aspect, zNear, zFar) ); } /** * {@link #glMultMatrixf(FloatBuffer) Multiply} and {@link #glTranslatef(float, float, float) translate} the {@link #glGetMatrixMode() current matrix} * with the eye, object and orientation. */ public final void gluLookAt(final Vec3f eye, final Vec3f center, final Vec3f up) { glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1.setToLookAt(eye, center, up, mat4Tmp2) ); } /** * Map object coordinates to window coordinates. *
* Traditional gluProject
* Traditional gluUnProject
* Traditional gluUnProject4
* Traditional gluPickMatrix
* See {@link Matrix4f#setToPick(float, float, float, float, Recti, int, Matrix4f) for details. *
* @param x the center x-component of a picking region in window coordinates * @param y the center y-component of a picking region in window coordinates * @param deltaX the width of the picking region in window coordinates. * @param deltaY the height of the picking region in window coordinates. * @param viewport Rect4i viewport vector */ public final void gluPickMatrix(final float x, final float y, final float deltaX, final float deltaY, final Recti viewport) { if( null != mat4Tmp1.setToPick(x, y, deltaX, deltaY, viewport, mat4Tmp2) ) { glMultMatrixf( mat4Tmp1 ); } } /** * Map two window coordinates w/ shared X/Y and distinctive Z * to a {@link Ray}. The resulting {@link Ray} maybe used for picking * using a {@link AABBox#getRayIntersection(Vec3f, Ray, float, boolean) bounding box}. ** Notes for picking winz0 and winz1: *
* A modified bit is set, if the corresponding matrix had been modified by a mutable operation * since last {@link #update()} or {@link #getModifiedBits(boolean) getModifiedBits(true)} call. *
* @param clear if true, clears the modified bits, otherwise leaves them untouched. * * @see #MODIFIED_PROJECTION * @see #MODIFIED_MODELVIEW * @see #MODIFIED_TEXTURE */ public final int getModifiedBits(final boolean clear) { final int r = modifiedBits; if(clear) { modifiedBits = 0; } return r; } /** * Returns the dirty bits due to mutable operations. ** A dirty bit is set , if the corresponding matrix had been modified by a mutable operation * since last {@link #update()} call. The latter clears the dirty state only if the dirty matrix (Mvi or Mvit) or {@link Frustum} * has been requested by one of the {@link #getMviMat() Mvi get}, {@link #getMvitMat() Mvit get} * or {@link #getFrustum() Frustum get} methods. *
* * @see #DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW * @see #DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW * @see #DIRTY_FRUSTUM * @see #getMviMat() * @see #getMvitMat() * @see #glGetPMvMviMatrixf() * @see #glGetPMvMvitMatrixf() * @see #getFrustum() */ public final int getDirtyBits() { return dirtyBits; } /** * Returns the request bit mask, which uses bit values equal to the dirty mask. ** The request bit mask is set by one of the {@link #getMviMat() Mvi get}, {@link #getMvitMat() Mvit get} * or {@link #getFrustum() Frustum get} methods. *
* * @see #clearAllUpdateRequests() * @see #DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW * @see #DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW * @see #DIRTY_FRUSTUM * @see #getMviMat() * @see #getMvitMat() * @see #glGetPMvMviMatrixf() * @see #glGetPMvMvitMatrixf() * @see #getFrustum() */ public final int getRequestMask() { return requestMask; } /** * Clears all {@link #update()} requests of the Mvi and Mvit matrix and Frustum * after it has been enabled by one of the {@link #getMviMat() Mvi get}, {@link #getMvitMat() Mvit get} * or {@link #getFrustum() Frustum get} methods. ** Allows user to disable subsequent Mvi, Mvit and {@link Frustum} updates if no more required. *
* * @see #getMviMat() * @see #getMvitMat() * @see #glGetPMvMviMatrixf() * @see #glGetPMvMvitMatrixf() * @see #getFrustum() * @see #getRequestMask() */ public final void clearAllUpdateRequests() { requestMask &= ~DIRTY_ALL; } /** * Update the derived {@link #getMviMat() inverse modelview (Mvi)}, * {@link #getMvitMat() inverse transposed modelview (Mvit)} matrices and {@link Frustum} * if they are dirty and they were requested * by one of the {@link #getMviMat() Mvi get}, {@link #getMvitMat() Mvit get} * or {@link #getFrustum() Frustum get} methods. ** The Mvi and Mvit matrices and {@link Frustum} are considered dirty, if their corresponding * {@link #getMvMat() Mv matrix} has been modified since their last update. *
** Method should be called manually in case mutable operations has been called * and caller operates on already fetched references, i.e. not calling * {@link #getMviMat() Mvi get}, {@link #getMvitMat() Mvit get} * or {@link #getFrustum() Frustum get} etc anymore. *
** This method clears the modified bits like {@link #getModifiedBits(boolean) getModifiedBits(true)}, * which are set by any mutable operation. The modified bits have no impact * on this method, but the return value. *
* * @return true if any matrix has been modified since last update call or * if the derived matrices Mvi and Mvit or {@link Frustum} were updated, otherwise false. * In other words, method returns true if any matrix used by the caller must be updated, * e.g. uniforms in a shader program. * * @see #getModifiedBits(boolean) * @see #MODIFIED_PROJECTION * @see #MODIFIED_MODELVIEW * @see #MODIFIED_TEXTURE * @see #DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW * @see #DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW * @see #DIRTY_FRUSTUM * @see #getMviMat() * @see #getMvitMat() * @see #glGetPMvMviMatrixf() * @see #glGetPMvMvitMatrixf() * @see #getFrustum() * @see #clearAllUpdateRequests() */ public final boolean update() { return updateImpl(true); } private final boolean updateImpl(final boolean clearModBits) { boolean mod = 0 != modifiedBits; if(clearModBits) { modifiedBits = 0; } if( 0 != ( dirtyBits & ( DIRTY_FRUSTUM & requestMask ) ) ) { if( null == frustum ) { frustum = new Frustum(); } mat4Tmp1.mul(matP, matMv); frustum.updateFrustumPlanes(mat4Tmp1); dirtyBits &= ~DIRTY_FRUSTUM; mod = true; } if( 0 == ( dirtyBits & requestMask ) ) { return mod; // nothing more requested which may have been dirty } return setMviMvit() || mod; } // // private // private static final String msgCantComputeInverse = "Invalid source Mv matrix, can't compute inverse"; private final boolean setMviMvit() { boolean res = false; if( 0 != ( dirtyBits & DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW ) ) { // only if dirt; always requested at this point, see update() if( !matMvi.invert(matMv) ) { throw new GLException(msgCantComputeInverse); } dirtyBits &= ~DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW; res = true; } if( 0 != ( requestMask & ( dirtyBits & DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW ) ) ) { // only if requested & dirty matMvit.transpose(matMvi); dirtyBits &= ~DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW; res = true; } return res; } private final Matrix4f matP; private final Matrix4f matMv; private final Matrix4f matMvi; private final Matrix4f matMvit; private final Matrix4f matTex; private static final int mP_offset = 0*16; private static final int mMv_offset = 1*16; private static final int mMvi_offset = 2*16; private static final int mMvit_offset = 3*16; private static final int mTex_offset = 4*16; private final float[] matrixStore; private final FloatBuffer matrixP, matrixMv, matrixMvi, matrixMvit, matrixTex; private final FloatBuffer matrixPMvMvit, matrixPMvMvi, matrixPMv; private final SyncMatrix4f matPSync, matMvSync, matMviSync, matMvitSync, matTexSync; private final SyncMatrices4f matPMvMvitSync, matPMvMviSync, matPMvSync; private final Matrix4f mat4Tmp1, mat4Tmp2; private final Vec3f vec3Tmp1; private final Vec4f vec4Tmp1; private int matrixMode = GL_MODELVIEW; private int modifiedBits = MODIFIED_ALL; private int dirtyBits = DIRTY_ALL; // contains the dirty bits, i.e. hinting for update operation private int requestMask = 0; // may contain the requested dirty bits: DIRTY_INVERSE_MODELVIEW | DIRTY_INVERSE_TRANSPOSED_MODELVIEW private Frustum frustum; private abstract class PMVSyncBuffer implements SyncMatrix4f { protected final Matrix4f mat; private final FloatBuffer fbuf; public PMVSyncBuffer(final Matrix4f m, final FloatBuffer fbuf) { this.mat = m; this.fbuf = fbuf; } @Override public final Buffer getBuffer() { return fbuf; } @Override public final SyncBuffer sync() { getAction().sync(); return this; } @Override public final Buffer getSyncBuffer() { getAction().sync(); return fbuf; } @Override public final Matrix4f getMatrix() { return mat; } @Override public final FloatBuffer getSyncFloats() { getAction().sync(); return fbuf; } } private final class SyncBuffer0 extends PMVSyncBuffer { private final SyncAction action = new SyncAction() { @Override public void sync() { mat.get(matrixStore); } }; public SyncBuffer0(final Matrix4f m, final FloatBuffer fbuf) { super(m, fbuf); } @Override public SyncAction getAction() { return action; } } private final class SyncBuffer1 extends PMVSyncBuffer { private final int offset; private final SyncAction action = new SyncAction() { @Override public void sync() { mat.get(matrixStore, offset); } }; public SyncBuffer1(final Matrix4f m, final FloatBuffer fbuf, final int offset) { super(m, fbuf); this.offset = offset; } @Override public SyncAction getAction() { return action; } } private final class SyncBufferN implements SyncMatrices4f { private final Matrix4f[] mats; private final FloatBuffer fbuf; private final int offset; private final SyncAction action = new SyncAction() { @Override public void sync() { int ioff = offset; for(int i=0; i