/** * Copyright 2011 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.opengl.swt; import java.util.List; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.AbstractGraphicsConfiguration; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.AbstractGraphicsDevice; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.AbstractGraphicsScreen; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.GraphicsConfigurationFactory; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeSurface; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowException; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.ProxySurface; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.UpstreamSurfaceHook; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.VisualIDHolder; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.VisualIDHolder.VIDType; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLAnimatorControl; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLAutoDrawable; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLCapabilities; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLCapabilitiesChooser; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLCapabilitiesImmutable; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLContext; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLDrawable; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableFactory; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLEventListener; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLException; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLRunnable; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLSharedContextSetter; import com.jogamp.opengl.Threading; import jogamp.nativewindow.macosx.OSXUtil; import jogamp.nativewindow.x11.X11Util; import jogamp.opengl.Debug; import jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl; import jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper; import jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableImpl; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.internal.DPIUtil; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import com.jogamp.common.GlueGenVersion; import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform; import com.jogamp.common.util.VersionUtil; import com.jogamp.common.util.locks.LockFactory; import com.jogamp.common.util.locks.RecursiveLock; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.swt.SWTAccessor; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.x11.X11GraphicsDevice; import com.jogamp.opengl.JoglVersion; /** * Native SWT Canvas implementing GLAutoDrawable * <p> * Implementation allows use of custom {@link GLCapabilities}. * </p> * <p> * <a name="contextSharing"><h5>OpenGL Context Sharing</h5></a> * To share a {@link GLContext} see the following note in the documentation overview: * <a href="../../../../overview-summary.html#SHARING">context sharing</a> * as well as {@link GLSharedContextSetter}. * </p> */ public class GLCanvas extends Canvas implements GLAutoDrawable, GLSharedContextSetter { private static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.debug("GLCanvas"); /* * Flag for whether the SWT thread should be used for OpenGL calls when in single-threaded mode. This is controlled * by the setting of the threading mode to worker (do not use SWT thread), awt (use SWT thread), or false (always use * calling thread). * * @see Threading * * Now done dynamically to avoid early loading of gluegen library. */ //private static final boolean useSWTThread = ThreadingImpl.getMode() != ThreadingImpl.WORKER; /* GL Stuff */ private final RecursiveLock lock = LockFactory.createRecursiveLock(); private final GLDrawableHelper helper = new GLDrawableHelper(); private final GLCapabilitiesImmutable capsRequested; private final GLCapabilitiesChooser capsChooser; private volatile Rectangle clientAreaPixels, clientAreaWindow; private volatile GLDrawableImpl drawable; // volatile: avoid locking for read-only access private volatile GLContextImpl context; // volatile: avoid locking for read-only access /* Native window surface */ private final boolean useX11GTK; private volatile long x11Window; // .. or X11 child window (for GL rendering) private final AbstractGraphicsScreen screen; /* Construction parameters stored for GLAutoDrawable accessor methods */ private int additionalCtxCreationFlags = 0; /* Flag indicating whether an unprocessed reshape is pending. */ private volatile boolean sendReshape; // volatile: maybe written by WindowManager thread w/o locking private static String getThreadName() { return Thread.currentThread().getName(); } private static String toHexString(final int v) { return "0x"+Integer.toHexString(v); } private static String toHexString(final long v) { return "0x"+Long.toHexString(v); } /* * Invokes init(...) on all GLEventListeners. Assumes context is current when run. */ private final Runnable initAction = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { helper.init(GLCanvas.this, !sendReshape); } }; /* * Action to handle display in OpenGL, also processes reshape since they should be done at the same time. * * Assumes GLContext is current when run. */ private final Runnable displayAction = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (sendReshape) { helper.reshape(GLCanvas.this, 0, 0, clientAreaPixels.width, clientAreaPixels.height); sendReshape = false; } helper.display(GLCanvas.this); } }; /* Action to make specified context current prior to running displayAction */ private final Runnable makeCurrentAndDisplayOnGLAction = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final RecursiveLock _lock = lock; _lock.lock(); try { if( !GLCanvas.this.isDisposed() ) { helper.invokeGL(drawable, context, displayAction, initAction); } } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } }; /* Swaps buffers, assuming the GLContext is current */ private final Runnable swapBuffersOnGLAction = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final RecursiveLock _lock = lock; _lock.lock(); try { final boolean drawableOK = null != drawable && drawable.isRealized(); if( drawableOK && !GLCanvas.this.isDisposed() ) { drawable.swapBuffers(); } } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } }; /* * Disposes of OpenGL resources */ private final Runnable disposeOnEDTGLAction = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final RecursiveLock _lock = lock; _lock.lock(); try { final GLAnimatorControl animator = getAnimator(); final boolean animatorPaused; if(null!=animator) { // can't remove us from animator for recreational addNotify() animatorPaused = animator.pause(); } else { animatorPaused = false; } GLException exceptionOnDisposeGL = null; if( null != context ) { if( context.isCreated() ) { try { if( !GLCanvas.this.isDisposed() ) { helper.disposeGL(GLCanvas.this, context, true); } else { context.destroy(); } } catch (final GLException gle) { exceptionOnDisposeGL = gle; } } context = null; } Throwable exceptionOnUnrealize = null; if( null != drawable ) { try { drawable.setRealized(false); } catch( final Throwable re ) { exceptionOnUnrealize = re; } drawable = null; } Throwable exceptionOnDeviceClose = null; try { if( 0 != x11Window) { SWTAccessor.destroyX11Window(screen.getDevice(), x11Window); x11Window = 0; } screen.getDevice().close(); } catch (final Throwable re) { exceptionOnDeviceClose = re; } if (animatorPaused) { animator.resume(); } // throw exception in order of occurrence .. if( null != exceptionOnDisposeGL ) { throw exceptionOnDisposeGL; } if( null != exceptionOnUnrealize ) { throw GLException.newGLException(exceptionOnUnrealize); } if( null != exceptionOnDeviceClose ) { throw GLException.newGLException(exceptionOnDeviceClose); } } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } }; private class DisposeGLEventListenerAction implements Runnable { private GLEventListener listener; private final boolean remove; private DisposeGLEventListenerAction(final GLEventListener listener, final boolean remove) { this.listener = listener; this.remove = remove; } @Override public void run() { final RecursiveLock _lock = lock; _lock.lock(); try { if( !GLCanvas.this.isDisposed() ) { listener = helper.disposeGLEventListener(GLCanvas.this, drawable, context, listener, remove); } } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } }; /** * Creates an instance using {@link #GLCanvas(Composite, int, GLCapabilitiesImmutable, GLCapabilitiesChooser)} * on the SWT thread. * * @param parent * Required (non-null) parent Composite. * @param style * Optional SWT style bit-field. The {@link SWT#NO_BACKGROUND} bit is set before passing this up to the * Canvas constructor, so OpenGL handles the background. * @param caps * Optional GLCapabilities. If not provided, the default capabilities for the default GLProfile for the * graphics device determined by the parent Composite are used. Note that the GLCapabilities that are * actually used may differ based on the capabilities of the graphics device. * @param chooser * Optional GLCapabilitiesChooser to customize the selection of the used GLCapabilities based on the * requested GLCapabilities, and the available capabilities of the graphics device. * @return a new instance */ public static GLCanvas create(final Composite parent, final int style, final GLCapabilitiesImmutable caps, final GLCapabilitiesChooser chooser) { final GLCanvas[] res = new GLCanvas[] { null }; parent.getDisplay().syncExec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { res[0] = new GLCanvas( parent, style, caps, chooser ); } }); return res[0]; } /** * Creates a new SWT GLCanvas. * * @param parent * Required (non-null) parent Composite. * @param style * Optional SWT style bit-field. The {@link SWT#NO_BACKGROUND} bit is set before passing this up to the * Canvas constructor, so OpenGL handles the background. * @param capsReqUser * Optional GLCapabilities. If not provided, the default capabilities for the default GLProfile for the * graphics device determined by the parent Composite are used. Note that the GLCapabilities that are * actually used may differ based on the capabilities of the graphics device. * @param capsChooser * Optional GLCapabilitiesChooser to customize the selection of the used GLCapabilities based on the * requested GLCapabilities, and the available capabilities of the graphics device. */ public GLCanvas(final Composite parent, final int style, final GLCapabilitiesImmutable capsReqUser, final GLCapabilitiesChooser capsChooser) { /* NO_BACKGROUND required to avoid clearing bg in native SWT widget (we do this in the GL display) */ super(parent, style | SWT.NO_BACKGROUND); GLProfile.initSingleton(); // ensure JOGL is completely initialized SWTAccessor.setRealized(this, true); clientAreaPixels = SWTAccessor.getClientAreaInPixels(this); clientAreaWindow = getClientArea(); /* Get the nativewindow-Graphics Device associated with this control (which is determined by the parent Composite). * Note: SWT is owner of the native handle, hence closing operation will be a NOP. */ final AbstractGraphicsDevice swtDevice = SWTAccessor.getDevice(this); useX11GTK = SWTAccessor.useX11GTK(); if(useX11GTK) { // Decoupled X11 Device/Screen allowing X11 display lock-free off-thread rendering final long x11DeviceHandle = X11Util.openDisplay(swtDevice.getConnection()); if( 0 == x11DeviceHandle ) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating display(EDT): "+swtDevice.getConnection()); } final AbstractGraphicsDevice x11Device = new X11GraphicsDevice(x11DeviceHandle, AbstractGraphicsDevice.DEFAULT_UNIT, true /* owner */); screen = SWTAccessor.getScreen(x11Device, -1 /* default */); } else { screen = SWTAccessor.getScreen(swtDevice, -1 /* default */); } /* Select default GLCapabilities if none was provided, otherwise use cloned provided caps */ if(null == capsReqUser) { this.capsRequested = new GLCapabilities(GLProfile.getDefault(screen.getDevice())); } else { this.capsRequested = (GLCapabilitiesImmutable) capsReqUser.cloneMutable(); } this.capsChooser = capsChooser; // post create .. when ready x11Window = 0; drawable = null; context = null; // Bug 1362 fix or workaround: Seems SWT/GTK3 at least performs lazy initialization // Minimal action required: setBackground of the parent canvas before reparenting! setBackground(new Color(parent.getDisplay(), 255, 255, 255)); final Listener listener = new Listener () { @Override public void handleEvent (final Event event) { switch (event.type) { case SWT.Paint: displayIfNoAnimatorNoCheck(); break; case SWT.Resize: updateSizeCheck(); break; case SWT.Dispose: GLCanvas.this.dispose(); break; } } }; addListener (SWT.Resize, listener); addListener (SWT.Paint, listener); addListener (SWT.Dispose, listener); } @Override public final void setSharedContext(final GLContext sharedContext) throws IllegalStateException { helper.setSharedContext(this.context, sharedContext); } @Override public final void setSharedAutoDrawable(final GLAutoDrawable sharedAutoDrawable) throws IllegalStateException { helper.setSharedAutoDrawable(this, sharedAutoDrawable); } private final UpstreamSurfaceHook swtCanvasUpStreamHook = new UpstreamSurfaceHook() { @Override public final void create(final ProxySurface s) { /* nop */ } @Override public final void destroy(final ProxySurface s) { /* nop */ } @Override public final int getSurfaceWidth(final ProxySurface s) { return clientAreaPixels.width; } @Override public final int getSurfaceHeight(final ProxySurface s) { return clientAreaPixels.height; } @Override public String toString() { return "SWTCanvasUpstreamSurfaceHook[upstream: "+GLCanvas.this.toString()+", "+clientAreaPixels.width+"x"+clientAreaPixels.height+" [pixel], "+clientAreaWindow.width+"x"+clientAreaWindow.height+" [win]]"; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * Returns <code>null</code>. * </p> */ @Override public final NativeSurface getUpstreamSurface() { return null; } }; protected final void updateSizeCheck() { final Rectangle oClientAreaPixels = clientAreaPixels; final Rectangle nClientAreaPixels = SWTAccessor.getClientAreaInPixels(this); if ( nClientAreaPixels != null && ( nClientAreaPixels.width != oClientAreaPixels.width || nClientAreaPixels.height != oClientAreaPixels.height ) ) { clientAreaPixels = nClientAreaPixels; // write back new value clientAreaWindow = getClientArea(); final GLDrawableImpl _drawable = drawable; final boolean drawableOK = null != _drawable && _drawable.isRealized(); if(DEBUG) { final long dh = drawableOK ? _drawable.getHandle() : 0; System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLCanvas.sizeChanged: ("+Thread.currentThread().getName()+"): "+nClientAreaPixels.x+"/"+nClientAreaPixels.y+" "+nClientAreaPixels.width+"x"+nClientAreaPixels.height+" - drawableHandle "+toHexString(dh)); } if( drawableOK ) { if( ! _drawable.getChosenGLCapabilities().isOnscreen() ) { final RecursiveLock _lock = lock; _lock.lock(); try { final GLDrawableImpl _drawableNew = GLDrawableHelper.resizeOffscreenDrawable(_drawable, context, nClientAreaPixels.width, nClientAreaPixels.height); if(_drawable != _drawableNew) { // write back drawable = _drawableNew; } } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } } if(0 != x11Window) { SWTAccessor.resizeX11Window(screen.getDevice(), clientAreaPixels, x11Window); } sendReshape = true; // async if display() doesn't get called below, but avoiding deadlock } } private boolean isValidAndVisibleOnEDTActionResult; private final Runnable isValidAndVisibleOnEDTAction = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { isValidAndVisibleOnEDTActionResult = !GLCanvas.this.isDisposed() && GLCanvas.this.isVisible(); } }; private final boolean isValidAndVisibleOnEDT() { synchronized(isValidAndVisibleOnEDTAction) { runOnEDTIfAvail(true, isValidAndVisibleOnEDTAction); return isValidAndVisibleOnEDTActionResult; } } /** assumes drawable == null (implying !drawable.isRealized()) ! Checks of !isDispose() and isVisible() */ protected final boolean validateDrawableAndContextWithCheck() { if( !isValidAndVisibleOnEDT() ) { return false; } return validateDrawableAndContextPostCheck(); } private final boolean isDrawableAndContextValid() { // drawable != null implies drawable.isRealized()==true return null != drawable && null != context; } /** assumes drawable == null (implying !drawable.isRealized()) || context == null ! No check of !isDispose() and isVisible() */ private final boolean validateDrawableAndContextPostCheck() { boolean res; final RecursiveLock _lock = lock; _lock.lock(); try { if(null == drawable) { // 'displayable' (isValidAndVisibleOnEDT()) must have been checked upfront if appropriate! createDrawableImpl(); // checks clientArea size (i.e. drawable size) and perf. realization } final GLDrawable _drawable = drawable; if ( null != _drawable ) { // drawable realization goes in-hand w/ it's construction if( null == context ) { // re-try context creation res = createContextImpl(_drawable); // pending creation. } else { res = true; } if(res) { sendReshape = true; } } else { if(DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": SWT.GLCanvas.validate "+toHexString(hashCode())+": null drawable"); } res = false; } if(DEBUG) { final boolean isDrawableNull = null == drawable; final boolean isDrawableRealized = !isDrawableNull ? drawable.isRealized() : false; System.err.println(getThreadName()+": SWT.GLCanvas.validate.X "+toHexString(hashCode())+": "+res+", drawable[null "+isDrawableNull+", realized "+isDrawableRealized+"], has context "+(null!=context)); } } finally { _lock.unlock(); } return res; } private final void createDrawableImpl() { final Rectangle nClientArea = clientAreaPixels; if(0 >= nClientArea.width || 0 >= nClientArea.height) { if(DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": SWT.GLCanvas.validate.X "+toHexString(hashCode())+": drawable could not be created: size < 0x0"); } return; // early out } final AbstractGraphicsDevice device = screen.getDevice(); device.open(); final long nativeWindowHandle; if( useX11GTK ) { final GraphicsConfigurationFactory factory = GraphicsConfigurationFactory.getFactory(device, capsRequested); final AbstractGraphicsConfiguration cfg = factory.chooseGraphicsConfiguration( capsRequested, capsRequested, capsChooser, screen, VisualIDHolder.VID_UNDEFINED); if(DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": SWT.GLCanvas.X11 "+toHexString(hashCode())+": factory: "+factory+", chosen config: "+cfg); } if (null == cfg) { throw new NativeWindowException("Error choosing GraphicsConfiguration creating window: "+this); } final int visualID = cfg.getVisualID(VIDType.NATIVE); if( VisualIDHolder.VID_UNDEFINED != visualID ) { // gdkWindow = SWTAccessor.createCompatibleGDKChildWindow(this, visualID, clientArea.width, clientArea.height); // nativeWindowHandle = SWTAccessor.gdk_window_get_xwindow(gdkWindow); x11Window = SWTAccessor.createCompatibleX11ChildWindow(screen, this, visualID, clientAreaPixels.width, clientAreaPixels.height); nativeWindowHandle = x11Window; } else { throw new GLException("Could not choose valid visualID: "+toHexString(visualID)+", "+this); } } else { nativeWindowHandle = SWTAccessor.getWindowHandle(this); if( SWTAccessor.isOSX ) { final float reqPixelScale = DPIUtil.autoScaleUp(this, 1f); if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": SWT.GLCanvas.OSX "+toHexString(hashCode())+": Scaling: devZoom "+DPIUtil.getDeviceZoom()+", general "+DPIUtil.autoScaleUp(1f)+", onWidged "+reqPixelScale); } if( reqPixelScale > 1f ) { OSXUtil.SetWindowPixelScale(nativeWindowHandle, reqPixelScale); } } } final GLDrawableFactory glFactory = GLDrawableFactory.getFactory(capsRequested.getGLProfile()); // Create a NativeWindow proxy for the SWT canvas final ProxySurface proxySurface = glFactory.createProxySurface(device, screen.getIndex(), nativeWindowHandle, capsRequested, capsChooser, swtCanvasUpStreamHook); // Associate a GL surface with the proxy final GLDrawableImpl _drawable = (GLDrawableImpl) glFactory.createGLDrawable(proxySurface); _drawable.setRealized(true); if(!_drawable.isRealized()) { // oops if(DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": SWT.GLCanvas.validate.X "+proxySurface); System.err.println(getThreadName()+": SWT.GLCanvas.validate.X "+toHexString(hashCode())+": Drawable could not be realized: "+_drawable); } } else { if(DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": SWT.GLCanvas.validate "+proxySurface); System.err.println(getThreadName()+": SWT.GLCanvas.validate "+toHexString(hashCode())+": Drawable created and realized: "+_drawable); } drawable = _drawable; } } private boolean createContextImpl(final GLDrawable drawable) { final GLContext[] shareWith = { null }; if( !helper.isSharedGLContextPending(shareWith) ) { context = (GLContextImpl) drawable.createContext(shareWith[0]); context.setContextCreationFlags(additionalCtxCreationFlags); if(DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": SWT.GLCanvas.validate "+toHexString(hashCode())+": Context created: has shared "+(null != shareWith[0])); } return true; } else { if(DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName()+": SWT.GLCanvas.validate "+toHexString(hashCode())+": Context !created: pending share"); } return false; } } @Override public void update() { // don't paint background etc .. nop avoids flickering // super.update(); } /** @Override public boolean forceFocus() { final boolean r = super.forceFocus(); if(r && 0 != gdkWindow) { SWTGTKUtil.focusGDKWindow(gdkWindow); } return r; } */ @Override public void dispose() { runInGLThread(disposeOnEDTGLAction); super.dispose(); } private final void displayIfNoAnimatorNoCheck() { if ( !helper.isAnimatorAnimatingOnOtherThread() ) { if( isDrawableAndContextValid() || validateDrawableAndContextPostCheck() ) { runInGLThread(makeCurrentAndDisplayOnGLAction); } } } // // GL[Auto]Drawable // @Override public void display() { if( isDrawableAndContextValid() || validateDrawableAndContextWithCheck() ) { runInGLThread(makeCurrentAndDisplayOnGLAction); } } @Override public final Object getUpstreamWidget() { return this; } @Override public final RecursiveLock getUpstreamLock() { return lock; } @Override public int getSurfaceWidth() { return clientAreaPixels.width; } @Override public int getSurfaceHeight() { return clientAreaPixels.height; } @Override public boolean isGLOriented() { final GLDrawable _drawable = drawable; return null != _drawable ? _drawable.isGLOriented() : true; } @Override public void addGLEventListener(final GLEventListener listener) { helper.addGLEventListener(listener); } @Override public void addGLEventListener(final int idx, final GLEventListener listener) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { helper.addGLEventListener(idx, listener); } @Override public int getGLEventListenerCount() { return helper.getGLEventListenerCount(); } @Override public GLEventListener getGLEventListener(final int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { return helper.getGLEventListener(index); } @Override public boolean areAllGLEventListenerInitialized() { return helper.areAllGLEventListenerInitialized(); } @Override public boolean getGLEventListenerInitState(final GLEventListener listener) { return helper.getGLEventListenerInitState(listener); } @Override public void setGLEventListenerInitState(final GLEventListener listener, final boolean initialized) { helper.setGLEventListenerInitState(listener, initialized); } @Override public GLEventListener disposeGLEventListener(final GLEventListener listener, final boolean remove) { final DisposeGLEventListenerAction r = new DisposeGLEventListenerAction(listener, remove); runInGLThread(r); return r.listener; } @Override public GLEventListener removeGLEventListener(final GLEventListener listener) { return helper.removeGLEventListener(listener); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p> * This impl. calls this class's {@link #dispose()} SWT override, * where the actual implementation resides. * </p> */ @Override public void destroy() { dispose(); } @Override public GLAnimatorControl getAnimator() { return helper.getAnimator(); } @Override public final Thread setExclusiveContextThread(final Thread t) throws GLException { return helper.setExclusiveContextThread(t, context); } @Override public final Thread getExclusiveContextThread() { return helper.getExclusiveContextThread(); } @Override public boolean getAutoSwapBufferMode() { return helper.getAutoSwapBufferMode(); } @Override public final GLDrawable getDelegatedDrawable() { return drawable; } @Override public GLContext getContext() { return context; } @Override public int getContextCreationFlags() { return additionalCtxCreationFlags; } @Override public GL getGL() { final GLContext _context = context; return (null == _context) ? null : _context.getGL(); } @Override public boolean invoke(final boolean wait, final GLRunnable runnable) throws IllegalStateException { return helper.invoke(this, wait, runnable); } @Override public boolean invoke(final boolean wait, final List<GLRunnable> runnables) throws IllegalStateException { return helper.invoke(this, wait, runnables); } @Override public void flushGLRunnables() { helper.flushGLRunnables(); } @Override public void setAnimator(final GLAnimatorControl arg0) throws GLException { helper.setAnimator(arg0); } @Override public void setAutoSwapBufferMode(final boolean arg0) { helper.setAutoSwapBufferMode(arg0); } @Override public GLContext setContext(final GLContext newCtx, final boolean destroyPrevCtx) { final RecursiveLock _lock = lock; _lock.lock(); try { final GLContext oldCtx = context; GLDrawableHelper.switchContext(drawable, oldCtx, destroyPrevCtx, newCtx, additionalCtxCreationFlags); context=(GLContextImpl)newCtx; return oldCtx; } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } @Override public void setContextCreationFlags(final int arg0) { additionalCtxCreationFlags = arg0; final GLContext _context = context; if(null != _context) { _context.setContextCreationFlags(additionalCtxCreationFlags); } } @Override public GL setGL(final GL arg0) { final GLContext _context = context; if (null != _context) { _context.setGL(arg0); return arg0; } return null; } @Override public GLContext createContext(final GLContext shareWith) { final RecursiveLock _lock = lock; _lock.lock(); try { if(drawable != null) { final GLContext _ctx = drawable.createContext(shareWith); _ctx.setContextCreationFlags(additionalCtxCreationFlags); return _ctx; } return null; } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } @Override public GLCapabilitiesImmutable getChosenGLCapabilities() { final GLDrawable _drawable = drawable; return null != _drawable ? (GLCapabilitiesImmutable)_drawable.getChosenGLCapabilities() : null; } @Override public GLCapabilitiesImmutable getRequestedGLCapabilities() { final GLDrawable _drawable = drawable; return null != _drawable ? (GLCapabilitiesImmutable)_drawable.getRequestedGLCapabilities() : null; } @Override public GLDrawableFactory getFactory() { final GLDrawable _drawable = drawable; return (_drawable != null) ? _drawable.getFactory() : null; } @Override public GLProfile getGLProfile() { return capsRequested.getGLProfile(); } @Override public long getHandle() { final GLDrawable _drawable = drawable; return (_drawable != null) ? _drawable.getHandle() : 0; } @Override public NativeSurface getNativeSurface() { final GLDrawable _drawable = drawable; return (_drawable != null) ? _drawable.getNativeSurface() : null; } @Override public boolean isRealized() { final GLDrawable _drawable = drawable; return (_drawable != null) ? _drawable.isRealized() : false; } @Override public void setRealized(final boolean arg0) { /* Intentionally empty */ } @Override public void swapBuffers() throws GLException { runInGLThread(swapBuffersOnGLAction); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * Implementation always supports multithreading, hence method always returns <code>true</code>. * </p> */ @Override public final boolean isThreadGLCapable() { return true; } /** * Runs the specified action in an SWT compatible thread, which is: * <ul> * <li>Mac OSX * <ul> * <!--li>AWT EDT: In case AWT is available, the AWT EDT is the OSX UI main thread</li--> * <!--li><i>Main Thread</i>: Run on OSX UI main thread.</li--> * <li>Current thread</li> * </ul></li> * <li>Linux, Windows, .. * <ul> * <!--li>Use {@link Threading#invokeOnOpenGLThread(boolean, Runnable)}</li--> * <li>Current thread</li> * </ul></li> * </ul> * The current thread seems to be valid for all platforms, * since no SWT lifecycle tasks are being performed w/ this call. * Only GL task, which are independent from the SWT threading model. * * @see Platform#AWT_AVAILABLE * @see Platform#getOSType() */ private void runInGLThread(final Runnable action) { /** if(Platform.OSType.MACOS == Platform.OS_TYPE) { SWTAccessor.invoke(true, action); } else { Threading.invokeOnOpenGLThread(true, action); } */ /** if( !isDisposed() ) { final Display d = getDisplay(); if( d.getThread() == Thread.currentThread() ) { action.run(); } else { d.syncExec(action); } } */ action.run(); } private void runOnEDTIfAvail(final boolean wait, final Runnable action) { final Display d = isDisposed() ? null : getDisplay(); if( null == d || d.isDisposed() || d.getThread() == Thread.currentThread() ) { action.run(); } else if(wait) { d.syncExec(action); } else { d.asyncExec(action); } } @Override public String toString() { final GLDrawable _drawable = drawable; final int dw = (null!=_drawable) ? _drawable.getSurfaceWidth() : -1; final int dh = (null!=_drawable) ? _drawable.getSurfaceHeight() : -1; return "SWT-GLCanvas[Realized "+isRealized()+ ",\n\t"+((null!=_drawable)?_drawable.getClass().getName():"null-drawable")+ ",\n\tFactory "+getFactory()+ ",\n\thandle "+toHexString(getHandle())+ ",\n\tDrawable size "+dw+"x"+dh+ ",\n\tSWT size "+getSurfaceWidth()+"x"+getSurfaceHeight()+"]"; } public static void main(final String[] args) { System.err.println(VersionUtil.getPlatformInfo()); System.err.println(GlueGenVersion.getInstance()); // System.err.println(NativeWindowVersion.getInstance()); System.err.println(JoglVersion.getInstance()); System.err.println(JoglVersion.getDefaultOpenGLInfo(null, null, true).toString()); final GLCapabilitiesImmutable caps = new GLCapabilities( GLProfile.getDefault(GLProfile.getDefaultDevice()) ); final Display display = new Display(); final Shell shell = new Shell(display); shell.setSize(128,128); shell.setLayout(new FillLayout()); final GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(shell, 0, caps, null); canvas.addGLEventListener(new GLEventListener() { @Override public void init(final GLAutoDrawable drawable) { final GL gl = drawable.getGL(); System.err.println(JoglVersion.getGLInfo(gl, null)); } @Override public void reshape(final GLAutoDrawable drawable, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) {} @Override public void display(final GLAutoDrawable drawable) {} @Override public void dispose(final GLAutoDrawable drawable) {} }); shell.open(); canvas.display(); display.dispose(); } }