package com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import; import jogamp.graph.curve.text.GlyphString; import jogamp.graph.font.FontInt; import jogamp.graph.geom.plane.AffineTransform; import jogamp.graph.geom.plane.Path2D; import com.jogamp.graph.font.Font; import com.jogamp.graph.geom.Vertex; public abstract class TextRenderer extends Renderer { /** * Create a Hardware accelerated Text Renderer. * @param factory optional Point.Factory for Vertex construction. Default is Vertex.Factory. */ public static TextRenderer create(Vertex.Factory factory, int type) { return new jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.TextRendererImpl01(factory, type); } protected TextRenderer(Vertex.Factory factory, int type) { super(factory, type); } /** Render the String in 3D space wrt to the font provided at the position provided * the outlines will be generated, if not yet generated * @param gl the current GL state * @param font {@link Font} to be used * @param str text to be rendered * @param position the lower left corner of the string * @param fontSize font size * @param texSize texture size for multipass render * @throws Exception if TextRenderer not initialized */ public abstract void renderString3D(GL2ES2 gl, Font font, String str, float[] position, int fontSize, int texSize); /**Create the resulting {@link GlyphString} that represents * the String wrt to the font. * @param font {@link Font} to be used * @param size font size * @param str {@link String} to be created * @param sharpness parameter for Region generation of the resulting GlyphString * @return the resulting GlyphString inclusive the generated region */ public GlyphString createString(GL2ES2 gl, Font font, int size, String str, float sharpness) { AffineTransform affineTransform = new AffineTransform(pointFactory); Path2D[] paths = new Path2D[str.length()]; ((FontInt)font).getOutline(str, size, affineTransform, paths); GlyphString glyphString = new GlyphString(pointFactory, font.getName(Font.NAME_UNIQUNAME), str); glyphString.createfromFontPath(paths, affineTransform); glyphString.generateRegion(gl.getContext(), sharpness, st, renderType); return glyphString; } public void flushCache() { Iterator iterator = stringCacheMap.values().iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()){ GlyphString glyphString =; glyphString.destroy(); } stringCacheMap.clear(); stringCacheArray.clear(); } @Override protected void disposeImpl(GL2ES2 gl) { flushCache(); } public final void setCacheMaxSize(int newSize ) { stringCacheMaxSize = newSize; validateCache(0); } public final int getCacheMaxSize() { return stringCacheMaxSize; } public final int getCacheSize() { return stringCacheArray.size(); } protected void validateCache(int space) { while ( getCacheSize() + space > getCacheMaxSize() ) { String key = stringCacheArray.remove(0); stringCacheMap.remove(key); } } protected GlyphString getCachedGlyphString(Font font, String str, int fontSize) { final String key = font.getName(Font.NAME_UNIQUNAME) + "." + str.hashCode() + "." + fontSize; return stringCacheMap.get(key); } protected void addCachedGlyphString(Font font, String str, int fontSize, GlyphString glyphString) { final String key = font.getName(Font.NAME_UNIQUNAME) + "." + str.hashCode() + "." + fontSize; validateCache(1); stringCacheMap.put(key, glyphString); stringCacheArray.add(stringCacheArray.size(), key); } // Cache is adding at the end of the array public static final int DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 32; private HashMap stringCacheMap = new HashMap(DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE); private ArrayList stringCacheArray = new ArrayList(DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE); private int stringCacheMaxSize = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE; // -1 unlimited, 0 off, >0 limited }