/** * Copyright 2010-2024 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.graph.ui.widgets; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.Region; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.GLRegion; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer; import com.jogamp.graph.ui.GraphShape; import com.jogamp.graph.ui.Group; import com.jogamp.graph.ui.Shape; import com.jogamp.graph.ui.layout.Padding; import com.jogamp.graph.ui.shapes.BaseButton; import com.jogamp.graph.ui.shapes.Button; import com.jogamp.graph.ui.shapes.Rectangle; import com.jogamp.math.FloatUtil; import com.jogamp.math.Vec2f; import com.jogamp.math.Vec3f; import com.jogamp.math.Vec4f; import com.jogamp.newt.event.KeyAdapter; import com.jogamp.newt.event.KeyEvent; import com.jogamp.newt.event.KeyListener; import com.jogamp.newt.event.MouseEvent; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureSequence; /** * RangeSlider {@link Widget} either utilizing a simple positional round knob * or a rectangular page-sized knob. * @see #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, float, Vec2f, float, float) * @see #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float) */ public final class RangeSlider extends Widget { /** * {@link RangeSlider} slider value changed listener */ public static interface ChangeListener { /** * Slide dragged by user (including clicked position) * @param w the {@link RangeSlider} widget owning the slider * @param old_val previous absolute value position of the slider * @param val the absolute value position of the slider * @param old_val_pct previous percentage value position of the slider * @param val_pct the percentage value position of the slider * @param pos object position relative to the slider's bar * @param e NEWT original event or {@code null} if sourced from non-mouse, e.g. key-event */ void dragged(RangeSlider w, float old_val, float val, float old_val_pct, float val_pct, Vec3f pos, MouseEvent e); } private static interface ChangedAction { public void run(ChangeListener l); } /** * {@link RangeSlider} slider value peek listener */ public static interface PeekListener { /** * Slide position/value peeked by user (mouse over/hover) * @param w the {@link RangeSlider} widget owning the slider * @param val the absolute value peeked at the slider * @param val_pct the percentage value position peeked at the slider * @param pos object position relative to the slider's bar * @param e NEWT original event */ void peeked(RangeSlider w, float val, float val_pct, Vec3f pos, MouseEvent e); } private static interface PeekAction { public void run(PeekListener l); } private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final float pageKnobScale = 0.6f; // 0.6 * barWidth private static final float pageBarLineScale = 0.25f; // 1/4 * ( barWidth - pageKnobWidth ) private static final float pageKnobSizePctMin = 5f/100f; private final boolean horizontal; /** Knob thickness orthogonal to sliding direction */ private float knobThickn; /** Knob length in sliding direction */ private float knobLength; private final Vec2f size; private final Group barAndKnob, marks; private final Rectangle bar; private final GraphShape knob; private ArrayList<ChangeListener> changeListeners = new ArrayList<ChangeListener>(); private ArrayList<PeekListener> peekListeners = new ArrayList<PeekListener>(); private final Vec2f minMax = new Vec2f(0, 100); private final float knobScale; private float pageSize; private float val=0, val_pct=0; private boolean inverted=false; private float unitSize = 1; private final Vec4f activeColMod = new Vec4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1f); /** * Constructs a {@link RangeSlider}, i.e. its shapes and controls. * <p> * This slider comprises a background bar and a positional round knob, * with {@link #getValue()} at center position. * </p> * <p> * The spatial {@code size} gets automatically updated at {@link #validate(GL2ES2)} * </p> * @param renderModes Graph's {@link Region} render modes, see {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence) create(..)}. * @param size spatial dimension of this slider box. A horizontal slider has width >= height. * @param knobScale multiple of slider-bar height for {@link #getKnobThickness()} * @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider * @param unitSize size of one unit (element) in sliding direction * @param value current value of slider */ public RangeSlider(final int renderModes, final Vec2f size, final float knobScale, final Vec2f minMax, final float unitSize, final float value) { this(renderModes, size, knobScale, minMax, unitSize, Float.NaN, value); } /** * Constructs a {@link RangeSlider}, i.e. its shapes and controls. * <p> * This slider comprises a framing bar and a rectangular page-sized knob, * with {@link #getValue()} at page-start position. * </p> * <p> * The spatial {@code size} and {@code pageSize} gets automatically updated at {@link #validate(GL2ES2)} * </p> * @param renderModes Graph's {@link Region} render modes, see {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence) create(..)}. * @param size spatial dimension of this slider box. A horizontal slider has width >= height. * @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider * @param unitSize size of one unit (element) in sliding direction * @param pageSize size of one virtual-page, triggers rendering mode from knob to rectangle * @param value current value of slider */ public RangeSlider(final int renderModes, final Vec2f size, final Vec2f minMax, final float unitSize, final float pageSize, final float value) { this(renderModes, size, 0, minMax, unitSize, pageSize, value); } private RangeSlider(final int renderModes_, final Vec2f size, final float knobScale, final Vec2f minMax, final float unitSize, final float pageSz, final float value) { final int renderModes = renderModes_ & ~(Region.COLORCHANNEL_RENDERING_BIT); this.knobScale = knobScale; this.unitSize = unitSize; this.pageSize = pageSz; this.horizontal = size.x() >= size.y(); barAndKnob = new Group(); barAndKnob.setInteractive(false); marks = new Group(); marks.setInteractive(false); this.size = new Vec2f(size); if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("RangeSlider.ctor0 "+getDescription()); } setMinMaxImpl(minMax.x(), minMax.y()); // pre-set for setKnobSize() setKnobSize(pageSize, false, false); if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("RangeSlider.ctor1 "+getDescription()); } if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { final float barLineWidth; if( horizontal ) { barLineWidth = ( size.y() - knobThickn ) * pageBarLineScale; knob = new Rectangle(renderModes, knobLength, knobThickn, 0); } else { barLineWidth = ( size.x() - knobThickn ) * pageBarLineScale; knob = new Rectangle(renderModes, knobThickn, knobLength, 0); } bar = new Rectangle(renderModes, this.size.x(), this.size.y(), barLineWidth); } else { bar = new Rectangle(renderModes, this.size.x(), this.size.y(), 0); knob = new BaseButton(renderModes , knobThickn*1.01f, knobThickn); setBackgroundBarColor(0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.5f); } if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("RangeSlider.ctor3 "+getDescription()); } setColor(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.7f); setName("RangeSlider.container"); bar.setToggleable(false).setInteractive(true).setDragAndResizable(false).setName("RangeSlider.bar"); knob.setToggleable(false).setInteractive(true).setResizable(false).setName("RangeSlider.knob"); barAndKnob.addShape( bar ); barAndKnob.addShape( marks ); barAndKnob.addShape( knob ); addShape(barAndKnob); reconfig(minMax, true, value, false, 0); knob.onMove((final Shape s, final Vec3f origin, final Vec3f dest, final MouseEvent e) -> { final float old_val = val; final float old_val_pct = val_pct; if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { final float dy = inverted ? +knobLength: 0; // offset to knob start setValue(dest.x(), dest.y(), dy); } else { setValue(dest.x(), dest.y(), knobLength/2f); // centered } dispatchToListener( (final ChangeListener l) -> { l.dragged(RangeSlider.this, old_val, val, old_val_pct, val_pct, dest, e); }); }); bar.onClicked((final Shape s, final Vec3f pos, final MouseEvent e) -> { final float old_val = val; final float old_val_pct = val_pct; setValue(pos.x(), pos.y(), 0); dispatchToListener( (final ChangeListener l) -> { l.dragged(RangeSlider.this, old_val, val, old_val_pct, val_pct, pos, e); }); }); bar.onHover((final Shape s, final Vec3f pos, final MouseEvent e) -> { final float pval_pct = getKnobValuePct( pos.x(), pos.y(), 0 ); final float pval = valuePctToValue( pval_pct ); dispatchToListener( (final PeekListener l) -> { l.peeked(this, pval, pval_pct, pos, e); }); }); bar.addActivationListener((final Shape s) -> { dispatchActivationEvent(s); }); final Shape.MouseGestureListener mouseListener = new Shape.MouseGestureAdapter() { @Override public void mouseWheelMoved(final MouseEvent e) { final float old_val = val; final float old_val_pct = val_pct; float v = old_val; if( !e.isControlDown() ) { if( e.getRotation()[1] < 0f ) { if( inverted ) { v+=unitSize; } else { v-=unitSize; } } else { if( inverted ) { v-=unitSize; } else { v+=unitSize; } } } else if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ){ if( e.getRotation()[1] < 0f ) { if( inverted ) { v+=pageSize; } else { v-=pageSize; } } else { if( inverted ) { v-=pageSize; } else { v+=pageSize; } } } setValue( v ); dispatchToListener( (final ChangeListener l) -> { l.dragged(RangeSlider.this, old_val, val, old_val_pct, val_pct, knob.getPosition().minus(bar.getPosition()), e); }); } }; final KeyListener keyListener = new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyReleased(final KeyEvent e) { final float old_val = val; final float old_val_pct = val_pct; float v = old_val; final short keySym = e.getKeySymbol(); boolean action = false; if( horizontal ) { if( keySym == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT ) { action = true; if( inverted ) { v-=unitSize; } else { v+=unitSize; } } else if( keySym == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT ) { action = true; if( inverted ) { v+=unitSize; } else { v-=unitSize; } } } else { if( keySym == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN ) { action = true; if( inverted ) { v+=unitSize; } else { v-=unitSize; } } else if( keySym == KeyEvent.VK_UP ) { action = true; if( inverted ) { v-=unitSize; } else { v+=unitSize; } } } if( !action && Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { if( keySym == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN ) { action = true; if( inverted ) { v+=pageSize; } else { v-=pageSize; } } else if( keySym == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP ) { action = true; if( inverted ) { v-=pageSize; } else { v+=pageSize; } } } if( action ) { setValue( v ); dispatchToListener( (final ChangeListener l) -> { l.dragged(RangeSlider.this, old_val, val, old_val_pct, val_pct, knob.getPosition().minus(bar.getPosition()), null); }); } } }; bar.addKeyListener(keyListener); knob.addKeyListener(keyListener); bar.addMouseListener(mouseListener); knob.addMouseListener(mouseListener); final Shape.Listener onActivation = new Shape.Listener() { private final Vec4f origCol = new Vec4f(); private boolean oriColSet = false; private final Vec4f tmp = new Vec4f(); @Override public void run(final Shape s) { if( bar.isActive() || knob.isActive() ) { if( !oriColSet ) { origCol.set( knob.getColor() ); oriColSet = true; } knob.setColor( tmp.mul(origCol, activeColMod) ); } else { oriColSet = false; knob.setColor( origCol ); } } }; bar.addActivationListener(onActivation); knob.addActivationListener(onActivation); } @Override public void receiveKeyEvents(final Shape source) { source.addKeyListener(new Shape.ForwardKeyListener(barAndKnob)); source.addKeyListener(new Shape.ForwardKeyListener(knob)); } @Override public void receiveMouseEvents(final Shape source) { source.addMouseListener(new Shape.ForwardMouseListener(barAndKnob) { @Override public void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent e) { /* nop */ } }); } @Override protected void clearImpl0(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer) { super.clearImpl0(gl, renderer); changeListeners.clear(); peekListeners.clear(); } @Override protected void destroyImpl0(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer) { super.destroyImpl0(gl, renderer); changeListeners.clear(); peekListeners.clear(); } public final RangeSlider addChangeListener(final ChangeListener l) { if(l == null) { return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<ChangeListener> clonedListeners = (ArrayList<ChangeListener>) changeListeners.clone(); clonedListeners.add(l); changeListeners = clonedListeners; return this; } public final RangeSlider removeChangeListener(final ChangeListener l) { if (l == null) { return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<ChangeListener> clonedListeners = (ArrayList<ChangeListener>) changeListeners.clone(); clonedListeners.remove(l); changeListeners = clonedListeners; return this; } private final void dispatchToListener(final ChangedAction action) { final int sz = changeListeners.size(); for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++ ) { action.run( changeListeners.get(i) ); } } public final RangeSlider addPeekListener(final PeekListener l) { if(l == null) { return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<PeekListener> clonedListeners = (ArrayList<PeekListener>) peekListeners.clone(); clonedListeners.add(l); peekListeners = clonedListeners; return this; } public final RangeSlider removePeekListener(final PeekListener l) { if (l == null) { return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<PeekListener> clonedListeners = (ArrayList<PeekListener>) peekListeners.clone(); clonedListeners.remove(l); peekListeners = clonedListeners; return this; } private final void dispatchToListener(final PeekAction action) { final int sz = peekListeners.size(); for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++ ) { action.run( peekListeners.get(i) ); } } public Rectangle getBar() { return bar; } public GraphShape getKnob() { return knob; } public Group getMarks() { return marks; } public RangeSlider clearMarks(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer) { marks.clear(gl, renderer); return this; } public Shape addMark(final float value, final Vec4f color) { final float sizex, sizey, itemLen, itemHeight; if( horizontal ) { sizey = size.y(); sizex = 2*sizey; itemLen = sizex; itemHeight = sizey; } else { sizex = size.x(); sizey = 2*sizex; itemLen = sizey; itemHeight = sizex; } final GraphShape mark = new Rectangle(knob.getRenderModes(), sizex, sizey, 0); final Vec2f pos = getItemValuePos(new Vec2f(), value, itemLen, itemHeight); mark.setInteractive(true).setToggleable(false).setDraggable(false).setResizable(false); mark.setColor(color); mark.moveTo(pos.x(), pos.y(), 0); marks.addShape(mark); return mark; } /** Returns spatial dimension of this slider */ public final Vec2f getSize() { return size; } /** Returns spatial knob thickness orthogonal to sliding direction */ public final float getKnobThickness() { return knobThickn; } /** Returns spatial knob length in sliding direction */ public final float getKnobLength() { return knobLength; } /** Returns slider value range, see {@link #setMinMax(Vec2f, float)} */ public Vec2f getMinMax() { return minMax; } /** Returns {@link #getMinMax()} range. */ public float getRange() { return minMax.y() - minMax.x(); } private static float getRange(final Vec2f minMax) { return minMax.y() - minMax.x(); } /** Returns current slider value */ public float getValue() { return val; } /** Returns current slider {@link #getValue() value} in percentage of {@link #getRange()}, */ public float getValuePct() { return val_pct; } /** * Sets the page-size if a rectangular knob is being used, i.e. {@link #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float)}, * otherwise does nothing. * @param pageSz the page-size, which will be clipped to {@link #getMinMax()}. * @return this instance of chaining * @see #getPageSize() * @see #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float) */ public RangeSlider setPageSize(final float pageSz) { return setKnobSize(pageSz, true, true); } private RangeSlider setKnobSize(final float pageSz, final boolean adjKnob, final boolean adjValue) { if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) && Float.isFinite(pageSz) ) { final float range = getRange(minMax); if( Float.isFinite(range) && !FloatUtil.isZero(range) ) { pageSize = Math.min(minMax.y(), Math.max(minMax.x(), pageSz)); } final float pageSizePct = getPageSizePct(pageKnobSizePctMin); final float width, height; if( horizontal ) { width = pageSizePct * this.size.x(); height = size.y() * pageKnobScale; knobLength = width; knobThickn = height; if( !paddingSet ) { setPaddding(new Padding(size.y()/2f, 0, size.y()/2f, 0)); paddingSet = true; } } else { width = size.x() * pageKnobScale; height = pageSizePct * this.size.y(); knobLength = height; knobThickn = width; if( !paddingSet ) { setPaddding(new Padding(0, size.x()/2f, 0, size.x()/2f)); paddingSet = true; } } if( adjKnob ) { ((Rectangle)knob).setDimension(width, height, 0); } if( adjValue ) { setValue( val ); } } else if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { // nop w/ invalid pageSz but valid pageSize } else { if( horizontal ) { knobThickn = size.y()*knobScale; if( !paddingSet ) { setPaddding(new Padding(knobThickn/2f, 0, knobThickn/2f, 0)); paddingSet = true; } } else { knobThickn = size.x()*knobScale; if( !paddingSet ) { setPaddding(new Padding(0, knobThickn/2f, 0, knobThickn/2f)); paddingSet = true; } } knobLength = knobThickn; } return this; } private boolean paddingSet = false; private void setMinMaxImpl(final float min, final float max) { this.minMax.set(Float.isFinite(min) ? min : 0, Float.isFinite(max) ? max : 0); } private RangeSlider reconfig(final Vec2f minMax, final boolean modValue, final float value, final boolean modKnobSz, final float pageSz) { if( null != minMax ) { setMinMaxImpl(minMax.x(), minMax.y()); } if( modKnobSz ) { setKnobSize(pageSz, true, !modValue); } if( modValue ) { setValue( value ); } if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("RangeSlider.cfg "+getDescription()); } return this; } /** * Returns the page-size if a rectangular knob is being used, i.e. {@link #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float)}, * otherwise returns {@link Float#NaN}. * @see #setPageSize(float) * @see #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float) */ public float getPageSize() { return pageSize; } /** * Returns the page-size percentage if a rectangular knob is being used, i.e. {@link #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float)}, * otherwise returns {@link Float#NaN}. * @param minPct minimum percentage to be returned, should be >= 0 * @see #setPageSize(float) * @see #RangeSlider(int, Vec2f, Vec2f, float, float, float) */ public float getPageSizePct(final float minPct) { if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { final float range = getRange(minMax); return Float.isFinite(range) && !FloatUtil.isZero(range) ? Math.max(minPct, pageSize / range) : minPct; } else { return Float.NaN; } } /** Sets the size of one unit (element) in sliding direction */ public RangeSlider setUnitSize(final float v) { unitSize = v; return this; } /** Returns the size of one unit (element) in sliding direction */ public float getUnitSize() { return unitSize; } /** * Sets whether this slider uses an inverted value range, * e.g. top 0% and bottom 100% for an vertical inverted slider * instead of bottom 0% and top 100% for a vertical non-inverted slider. */ public RangeSlider setInverted(final boolean v) { inverted = v; return setValue(val); } /** See {@link #setInverted(boolean)}. */ public boolean isInverted() { return inverted; } /** * Sets slider value range and current value, also updates related pageSize parameter if used. * @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider * @param value new value of slider, clipped against {@link #getMinMax()} * @return this instance of chaining */ public RangeSlider setMinMax(final Vec2f minMax, final float value) { return reconfig(minMax, true, value, true, pageSize); } /** * Sets slider value range, also updates related pageSize parameter if used. * @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider * @return this instance of chaining */ public RangeSlider setMinMax(final Vec2f minMax) { return reconfig(minMax, false, 0, true, pageSize); } /** * Calls {@link #setMinMax(Vec2f, float)} and {@link #setPageSize(float)}. * @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider * @param value new value of slider, clipped against {@code minMax} * @param pageSz the page-size, which will be clipped to {@code minMax} * @return this instance of chaining */ public RangeSlider setMinMaxPgSz(final Vec2f minMax, final float value, final float pageSz) { return reconfig(minMax, true, value, true, pageSz); } /** * Calls {@link #setMinMax(Vec2f, float)} and {@link #setPageSize(float)}. * @param minMax minimum- and maximum-value of slider * @param pageSz the page-size, which will be clipped to {@code minMax} * @return this instance of chaining */ public RangeSlider setMinMaxPgSz(final Vec2f minMax, final float pageSz) { return reconfig(minMax, false, 0, true, pageSz); } private RangeSlider setValue(final float pos_x, final float pos_y, final float adjustment) { return setValue( valuePctToValue( getKnobValuePct(pos_x, pos_y, adjustment) ) ); } // private float getKnobValuePct(final float pos_x, final float pos_y, final float adjustment) { /** * Sets slider value * @param v new value of slider, clipped against {@link #getMinMax()} * @return this instance of chaining */ public RangeSlider setValue(final float v) { final float v1 = Float.isFinite(v) ? v : 0f; final float pgsz = Float.isFinite(pageSize) ? pageSize : 0f; final float range = getRange(); val = Math.max(minMax.x(), Math.min(minMax.y() - pgsz, v1)); if( Float.isFinite(range) && !FloatUtil.isZero(range) ) { val_pct = ( val - minMax.x() ) / range; } else { val_pct = 0f; } setKnob(); return this; } /** * Returns generic item position reflects value on its center (round-knob) or page-size start and ranges from zero to max. * @param posRes {@link Vec2f} result storage * @param value value within {@link #getMinMax()} * @param itemLen item length in sliding direction * @param itemHeight item height orthogonal to sliding direction */ private Vec2f getItemValuePos(final Vec2f posRes, final float value, final float itemLen, final float itemHeight) { return getItemPctPos(posRes, ( value - minMax.x() ) / getRange(), itemLen, itemHeight); } /** * Returns generic item position reflects value on its center (round-knob) or page-size start and ranges from zero to max. * @param posRes {@link Vec2f} result storage * @param val_pct value percentage within [0..1] * @param itemLen item length in sliding direction * @param itemThickn item thickness orthogonal to sliding direction */ private Vec2f getItemPctPos(final Vec2f posRes, final float val_pct, final float itemLen, final float itemThickn) { final float v = inverted ? 1f - val_pct : val_pct; final float itemAdjust; if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { if( inverted ) { itemAdjust = itemLen; // top-edge } else { itemAdjust = 0; // bottom-edge } } else { itemAdjust = itemLen * 0.5f; // centered } if( horizontal ) { posRes.setX( Math.max(0, Math.min(size.x() - itemLen, v*size.x() - itemAdjust)) ); posRes.setY( -( itemThickn - size.y() ) * 0.5f ); } else { posRes.setX( -( itemThickn - size.x() ) * 0.5f ); posRes.setY( Math.max(0, Math.min(size.y() - itemLen, v*size.y() - itemAdjust)) ); } return posRes; } private float getKnobValuePct(final float pos_x, final float pos_y, final float adjustment) { final float v; if( horizontal ) { v = ( pos_x + adjustment ) / size.x(); } else { v = ( pos_y + adjustment ) / size.y(); } return Math.max(0.0f, Math.min(1.0f, inverted ? 1f - v : v)); } private float valuePctToValue(final float v) { final float range = getRange(); if( Float.isFinite(v) && Float.isFinite(range) && !FloatUtil.isZero(range) ) { final float pgsz_pct = Float.isFinite(pageSize) ? pageSize / range : 0f; final float pct = Math.max(0f, Math.min(1f - pgsz_pct, v)); return minMax.x() + ( pct * range ); } else { return 0f; } } private void setKnob() { final Vec2f pos = getItemPctPos(new Vec2f(), val_pct, knobLength, knobThickn); knob.moveTo(pos.x(), pos.y(), Button.DEFAULT_LABEL_ZOFFSET); } /** * Sets the slider knob color. * <p> * If this slider comprises a rectangular page-sized knob, * its rectangular frame also shares the same color with alpha 1.0f. * </p> * <p> * Base color w/o color channel, will be modulated w/ pressed- and toggle color * </p> * <p> * Default RGBA value is 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.7f * </p> */ @Override public final Shape setColor(final float r, final float g, final float b, final float a) { super.setColor(r, g, b, a); knob.setColor(r, g, b, a); if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { bar.setColor(r, g, b, 1.0f); } return this; } /** * Sets the slider knob color. * <p> * If this slider comprises a rectangular page-sized knob, * its rectangular frame also shares the same color with alpha 1.0f. * </p> * <p> * Base color w/o color channel, will be modulated w/ pressed- and toggle color * </p> * <p> * Default RGBA value is 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.7f * </p> */ @Override public Shape setColor(final Vec4f c) { this.rgbaColor.set(c); knob.setColor(c); if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { bar.setColor(c.x(), c.y(), c.z(), 1.0f); } return this; } /** * Sets the knob active modulation color * <p> * Default RGBA value is 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1f * </p> */ public Shape setActiveKnobColorMod(final Vec4f c) { if( !Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { activeColMod.set(c); } return this; } /** * Sets the slider background bar color, if this slider comprises only a positional round knob. * <p> * Default RGBA value is 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.5f * </p> */ public Shape setBackgroundBarColor(final float r, final float g, final float b, final float a) { if( !Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { bar.setColor(r, g, b, a); } return this; } /** * Sets the slider background bar color, if this slider comprises only a positional round knob. * <p> * Default RGBA value is 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.5f * </p> */ public Shape setBackgroundBarColor(final Vec4f c) { if( !Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { bar.setColor(c); } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * Sets the slider bar and knob pressed color modulation. * </p> */ @Override public final Shape setPressedColorMod(final float r, final float g, final float b, final float a) { super.setPressedColorMod(r, g, b, a); bar.setPressedColorMod(r, g, b, a); knob.setPressedColorMod(r, g, b, a); return this; } /** Return string description of current slider setting. */ public String getDescription() { final String pre = "value "+val+" "+(100f*val_pct)+"%, range "+minMax; final String post = ", ssize "+size+", knob[l "+knobLength+", t "+knobThickn+"]"; if( Float.isFinite(pageSize) ) { final float pageSizePct = getPageSizePct(pageKnobSizePctMin); final String detail = ", pageSize "+pageSize+" "+(pageSizePct*100f)+"% -> "+knobLength; if( horizontal ) { return "H "+pre+detail+"/"+size.x()+post; } else { return "V "+pre+detail+"/"+size.y()+post; } } else { if( horizontal ) { return "H "+pre+post; } else { return "V "+pre+post; } } } @Override public String getSubString() { return super.getSubString()+", "+getDescription()+" @ "+val+", "+(100f*val_pct)+"%"; } @Override protected void validateImpl(final GL2ES2 gl, final GLProfile glp) { if( isShapeDirty() ) { super.validateImpl(gl, glp); setKnobSize(pageSize, true, true); if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("RangeSlider.val "+getDescription()); } } } }