/** * Copyright 2010-2024 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.graph.ui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowException; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile; import com.jogamp.opengl.fixedfunc.GLMatrixFunc; import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer; import com.jogamp.graph.ui.layout.Padding; import com.jogamp.math.FloatUtil; import com.jogamp.math.Matrix4f; import com.jogamp.math.Quaternion; import com.jogamp.math.Recti; import com.jogamp.math.Vec2f; import com.jogamp.math.Vec3f; import com.jogamp.math.Vec4f; import com.jogamp.math.geom.AABBox; import com.jogamp.math.util.PMVMatrix4f; import com.jogamp.newt.event.GestureHandler.GestureEvent; import com.jogamp.newt.event.GestureHandler.GestureListener; import com.jogamp.newt.event.KeyEvent; import com.jogamp.newt.event.KeyListener; import com.jogamp.newt.event.MouseAdapter; import com.jogamp.newt.event.NEWTEvent; import com.jogamp.newt.event.PinchToZoomGesture; import com.jogamp.newt.event.MouseEvent; import com.jogamp.newt.event.MouseListener; /** * Generic Shape, potentially using a Graph via {@link GraphShape} or other means of representing content. * <p> * A shape includes the following build-in user-interactions * - drag shape w/ 1-pointer click, see {@link #setDraggable(boolean)} * - resize shape w/ 1-pointer click and drag in 1/4th bottom-left and bottom-right corner, see {@link #setResizable(boolean)}. * </p> * <p> * A shape is expected to have its 0/0 origin in its bottom-left corner, otherwise the drag-zoom sticky-edge will not work as expected. * </p> * <p> * A shape's {@link #getBounds()} includes its optional {@link #getPadding()} and optional {@link #getBorderThickness()}. * </p> * <p> * GraphUI is GPU based and resolution independent. * </p> * <p> * GraphUI is intended to become an immediate- and retained-mode API. * </p> * <p> * Default colors (toggle-off is full color): * - non-toggle: 0.6 * color, static -> 0.6 * - pressed: 0.8 * color, static -> 0.5 * - toggle-off: 1.0 * color, static -> 0.6 * - toggle-on: 0.8 * color * </p> * @see Scene */ public abstract class Shape { /** * General {@link Shape} visitor */ public static interface Visitor1 { /** * Visitor method * @param s the {@link Shape} to process * @return true to signal operation complete and to stop traversal, otherwise false */ boolean visit(Shape s); } /** * General {@link Shape} visitor */ public static interface Visitor2 { /** * Visitor method * @param s the {@link Shape} to process * @param pmv the {@link PMVMatrix4f} setup from the {@link Scene} down to the {@link Shape} * @return true to signal operation complete and to stop traversal, otherwise false */ boolean visit(Shape s, final PMVMatrix4f pmv); } /** * {@link Shape} move listener */ public static interface MoveListener { /** * Move callback * @param s the moved shape * @param origin original position * @param dest new position */ void run(Shape s, Vec3f origin, Vec3f dest); } /** * General {@link Shape} listener action */ public static interface Listener { void run(final Shape shape); } /** * {@link Shape} listener action returning a boolean value */ public static interface ListenerBool { boolean run(final Shape shape); } protected static final boolean DEBUG_DRAW = false; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final int DIRTY_SHAPE = 1 << 0 ; private static final int DIRTY_STATE = 1 << 1 ; private Group parent; protected final AABBox box; private final Vec3f position = new Vec3f(); private float zOffset = 0; private final Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion(); private Vec3f rotPivot = null; private final Vec3f scale = new Vec3f(1f, 1f, 1f); private volatile int dirty = DIRTY_SHAPE | DIRTY_STATE; private final Object dirtySync = new Object(); /** Default base-color w/o color channel, will be modulated w/ pressed- and toggle color */ protected final Vec4f rgbaColor = new Vec4f(0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 1.0f); /** Default pressed color-factor (darker and slightly transparent), modulated base-color. ~0.65 (due to alpha) */ protected final Vec4f pressedRGBAModulate = new Vec4f(0.70f, 0.70f, 0.70f, 0.8f); /** Default toggle color-factor (darkest), modulated base-color. 0.60 * 0.83 ~= 0.50 */ protected final Vec4f toggleOnRGBAModulate = new Vec4f(0.83f, 0.83f, 0.83f, 1.0f); /** Default toggle color-factor, modulated base-color. 0.60 * 1.00 ~= 0.60 */ protected final Vec4f toggleOffRGBAModulate = new Vec4f(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.0f); private final Vec4f rgba_tmp = new Vec4f(0, 0, 0, 1); private final Vec4f cWhite = new Vec4f(1, 1, 1, 1); private int id = -1; private String name = "noname"; private static final int IO_VISIBLE = 1 << 0; private static final int IO_INTERACTIVE = 1 << 1; private static final int IO_ACTIVABLE = 1 << 2; private static final int IO_TOGGLEABLE = 1 << 3; private static final int IO_DRAGGABLE = 1 << 4; private static final int IO_RESIZABLE = 1 << 5; private static final int IO_RESIZE_FIXED_RATIO = 1 << 6; private static final int IO_ACTIVE = 1 << 7; private static final int IO_DOWN = 1 << 8; private static final int IO_TOGGLE = 1 << 9; private static final int IO_DRAG_FIRST = 1 << 10; private static final int IO_IN_MOVE = 1 << 11; private static final int IO_IN_RESIZE_BR = 1 << 12; private static final int IO_IN_RESIZE_BL = 1 << 13; private volatile int ioState = IO_DRAGGABLE | IO_RESIZABLE | IO_INTERACTIVE | IO_ACTIVABLE | IO_VISIBLE; private final boolean isIO(final int mask) { return mask == ( ioState & mask ); } private final Shape setIO(final int mask, final boolean v) { if( v ) { ioState |= mask; } else { ioState &= ~mask; } return this; } private float borderThickness = 0f; private Padding padding = null; private final Vec4f borderColor = new Vec4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); private ArrayList<MouseGestureListener> mouseListeners = new ArrayList<MouseGestureListener>(); private ArrayList<KeyListener> keyListeners = new ArrayList<KeyListener>(); private ListenerBool onInitListener = null; private MoveListener onMoveListener = null; private Listener onToggleListener = null; private ArrayList<Listener> activationListeners = new ArrayList<Listener>(); private Listener onClickedListener = null; private final Vec2f objDraggedFirst = new Vec2f(); // b/c its relative to Shape and we stick to it private final int[] winDraggedLast = { 0, 0 }; // b/c its absolute window pos private static final float resize_sxy_min = 1f/200f; // 1/2% - TODO: Maybe customizable? private static final float resize_section = 1f/5f; // resize action in a corner /** * Create a generic UI {@link Shape} */ protected Shape() { this.box = new AABBox(); } protected void setParent(final Group c) { parent = c; } /** * Returns the last parent container {@link Group} this shape has been added to or {@code null}. * <p> * Since a shape can be added to multiple container (DAG), * usability of this information depends on usage. * </p> */ public Group getParent() { return parent; } /** Set a symbolic ID for this shape for identification. Default is -1 for noname. */ public final Shape setID(final int id) { this.id = id; return this; } /** Return the optional symbolic ID for this shape. */ public final int getID() { return this.id; } /** Set a symbolic name for this shape for identification. Default is `noname`. */ public Shape setName(final String name) { this.name = name; return this; } /** Return the optional symbolic name for this shape, defaults to `noname`. */ public final String getName() { return this.name; } /** Returns true if this shape denotes a {@link Group}, otherwise false. */ public boolean isGroup() { return false; } /** Returns true if this shape is visible, otherwise false. */ public final boolean isVisible() { return isIO(IO_VISIBLE); } /** * Enable or disable this shape's visibility. * <p> * Note that invisible shapes are still considered for picking/activation. * To completely mute the shape, issue {@link #setInteractive(boolean)} as well. * </p> */ public final Shape setVisible(final boolean v) { return setIO(IO_VISIBLE, v); } /** * Sets the padding for this shape, which is included in {@link #getBounds()B} and also includes the border. Default is zero. * * Method issues {@link #markShapeDirty()}. * * @param padding distance of shape to the border, i.e. padding * @return this shape for chaining * @see #getPadding() * @see #hasPadding() */ public final Shape setPaddding(final Padding padding) { this.padding = padding; markShapeDirty(); return this; } /** * Returns {@link Padding} of this shape, which is included in {@link #getBounds()B} and also includes the border. Default is zero. * @see #setPaddding(Padding) * @see #hasPadding() */ public Padding getPadding() { return padding; } /** Returns true if {@link #setPaddding(Padding)} added a non {@link Padding#zeroSumSize()} spacing to this shape. */ public boolean hasPadding() { return null != padding && !padding.zeroSumSize(); } /** * Sets the thickness of the border, which is included in {@link #getBounds()} and is outside of {@link #getPadding()}. Default is zero for no border. * * Method issues {@link #markShapeDirty()}. * * @param thickness border thickness, zero for no border * @return this shape for chaining * @see #setBorderColor(Vec4f) */ public final Shape setBorder(final float thickness) { borderThickness = Math.max(0f, thickness); markShapeDirty(); return this; } /** Returns true if a border has been enabled via {@link #setBorder(float, Padding)}. */ public final boolean hasBorder() { return !FloatUtil.isZero(borderThickness); } /** Returns the border thickness, see {@link #setBorder(float, Padding)}. */ public final float getBorderThickness() { return borderThickness; } /** Perform given {@link Runnable} action synchronized */ public final void runSynced(final Runnable action) { synchronized ( dirtySync ) { action.run(); } } /** * Clears all data and reset all states as if this instance was newly created * @param gl current {@link GL2ES2} instance used to release GPU resources * @param renderer {@link RegionRenderer} used to release GPU resources */ public final void clear(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer) { synchronized ( dirtySync ) { clearImpl0(gl, renderer); resetState(); } } private final void resetState() { position.set(0f, 0f, 0f); rotation.setIdentity(); rotPivot = null; scale.set(1f, 1f, 1f); box.reset(); mouseListeners.clear(); keyListeners.clear(); onInitListener = null; onMoveListener = null; onToggleListener = null; activationListeners.clear(); onClickedListener = null; markShapeDirty(); } /** * Destroys all data * @param gl current {@link GL2ES2} instance used to release GPU resources * @param renderer {@link RegionRenderer} used to release GPU resources */ public final void destroy(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer) { destroyImpl0(gl, renderer); resetState(); } /** * Set a user one-shot initializer callback. * <p> * {@link ListenerBool#run(Shape)} will be called * after each {@link #draw(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer, int[])} * until it returns true, signaling user initialization is completed. * </p> * @param l callback, which shall return true signaling user initialization is done */ public final void onInit(final ListenerBool l) { onInitListener = l; } /** * Set user callback to be notified when shape is {@link #move(Vec3f)}'ed. */ public final void onMove(final MoveListener l) { onMoveListener = l; } /** * Set user callback to be notified when shape {@link #toggle()}'ed. * <p> * This is usually the case when clicked, see {@link #onClicked(Listener)}. * </p> * <p> * Use {@link #isToggleOn()} to retrieve the state. * </p> */ public final void onToggle(final Listener l) { onToggleListener = l; } /** * Add user callback to be notified when shape is activated (pointer-over and/or click) or de-activated (pointer left). * <p> * Use {@link #isActive()} to retrieve the state. * </p> */ public final Shape addActivationListener(final Listener l) { if(l == null) { return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<Listener> clonedListeners = (ArrayList<Listener>) activationListeners.clone(); clonedListeners.add(l); activationListeners = clonedListeners; return this; } public final Shape removeActivationListener(final Listener l) { if (l == null) { return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<Listener> clonedListeners = (ArrayList<Listener>) activationListeners.clone(); clonedListeners.remove(l); activationListeners = clonedListeners; return this; } /** * Dispatch activation event event to this shape * @return true to signal operation complete and to stop traversal, otherwise false */ private final void dispatchActivationEvent(final Shape s) { final int sz = activationListeners.size(); for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++ ) { activationListeners.get(i).run(s); } } /** * Set user callback to be notified when shape is clicked. * <p> * Usually shape is {@link #toggle()}'ed when clicked, see {@link #onToggle(Listener)}. * However, in case shape is not {@link #isToggleable()} this is the last resort. * </p> */ public final void onClicked(final Listener l) { onClickedListener = l; } /** Move to scaled position. Position ends up in PMVMatrix4f unmodified. No {@link MoveListener} notification will occur. */ public final Shape moveTo(final float tx, final float ty, final float tz) { position.set(tx, ty, tz); return this; } /** Move to scaled position. Position ends up in PMVMatrix4f unmodified. No {@link MoveListener} notification will occur. */ public final Shape moveTo(final Vec3f t) { position.set(t); return this; } /** Move about scaled distance. Position ends up in PMVMatrix4f unmodified. No {@link MoveListener} notification will occur. */ public final Shape move(final float dtx, final float dty, final float dtz) { position.add(dtx, dty, dtz); return this; } private final Shape moveNotify(final float dtx, final float dty, final float dtz) { forwardMove(position.copy(), position.add(dtx, dty, dtz)); return this; } /** Move about scaled distance. Position ends up in PMVMatrix4f unmodified. No {@link MoveListener} notification will occur. */ public final Shape move(final Vec3f dt) { position.add(dt); return this; } private final void forwardMove(final Vec3f origin, final Vec3f dest) { if( !origin.isEqual(dest) ) { if( null != onMoveListener ) { onMoveListener.run(this, origin, dest); } } } /** Returns position, i.e. scaled translation as set via {@link #moveTo(float, float, float) or {@link #move(float, float, float)}}. */ public final Vec3f getPosition() { return position; } /** Returns {@link Quaternion} for rotation. */ public final Quaternion getRotation() { return rotation; } /** Return unscaled rotation origin, aka pivot. Null if not set via {@link #getRotationPivot()}. */ public final Vec3f getRotationPivot() { return rotPivot; } /** * Set unscaled rotation origin, aka pivot. Usually the {@link #getBounds()} center and should be set while {@link #validateImpl(GLProfile, GL2ES2)}. * @return this shape for chaining */ public final Shape setRotationPivot(final float px, final float py, final float pz) { rotPivot = new Vec3f(px, py, pz); return this; } /** * Set unscaled rotation origin, aka pivot. Usually the {@link #getBounds()} center and should be set while {@link #validateImpl(GLProfile, GL2ES2)}. * @param pivot rotation origin * @return this shape for chaining */ public final Shape setRotationPivot(final Vec3f pivot) { rotPivot = new Vec3f(pivot); return this; } /** * Set scale factor to given scale. * @see #scale(Vec3f) * @see #getScale() */ public final Shape setScale(final Vec3f s) { scale.set(s); return this; } /** * Set scale factor to given scale. * @see #scale(float, float, float) * @see #getScale() */ public final Shape setScale(final float sx, final float sy, final float sz) { scale.set(sx, sy, sz); return this; } /** * Multiply current scale factor by given scale. * @see #setScale(Vec3f) * @see #getScale() */ public final Shape scale(final Vec3f s) { scale.scale(s); return this; } /** * Multiply current scale factor by given scale. * @see #setScale(float, float, float) * @see #getScale() */ public final Shape scale(final float sx, final float sy, final float sz) { scale.scale(sx, sy, sz); return this; } /** * Returns scale factors. * @see #setScale(float, float, float) * @see #scale(float, float, float) */ public final Vec3f getScale() { return scale; } /** * Marks the shape dirty, causing next {@link #draw(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer, int[]) draw()} * to recreate the Graph shape and reset the region. */ public final void markShapeDirty() { synchronized ( dirtySync ) { dirty |= DIRTY_SHAPE; } } /** * Marks the rendering state dirty, causing next {@link #draw(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer, int[]) draw()} * to notify the Graph region to reselect shader and repaint potentially used FBOs. */ public final void markStateDirty() { synchronized ( dirtySync ) { dirty |= DIRTY_STATE; } } protected boolean isShapeDirty() { return 0 != ( dirty & DIRTY_SHAPE ) ; } protected final boolean isStateDirty() { return 0 != ( dirty & DIRTY_STATE ) ; } protected final String getDirtyString() { if( isShapeDirty() && isShapeDirty() ) { return "dirty[shape, state]"; } else if( isShapeDirty() ) { return "dirty[shape]"; } else if( isStateDirty() ) { return "dirty[state]"; } else { return "clean"; } } /** * Returns the unscaled bounding {@link AABBox} for this shape, borrowing internal instance. * * The returned {@link AABBox} will cover the unscaled shape * as well as its optional {@link #getPadding()} and optional {@link #getBorderThickness()}. * * The returned {@link AABBox} is only valid after an initial call to {@link #draw(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer, int[]) draw(..)} * or {@link #validate(GL2ES2)}. * * @see #getBounds(GLProfile) */ public final AABBox getBounds() { return box; } /** * Returns the scaled width of the bounding {@link AABBox} for this shape. * * The returned width will cover the scaled shape * as well as its optional scaled {@link #getPadding()} and optional scaled {@link #getBorderThickness()}. * * The returned width is only valid after an initial call to {@link #draw(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer, int[]) draw(..)} * or {@link #validate(GL2ES2)}. * * @see #getBounds() */ public final float getScaledWidth() { return box.getWidth() * getScale().x(); } /** * Returns the scaled height of the bounding {@link AABBox} for this shape. * * The returned height will cover the scaled shape * as well as its optional scaled {@link #getPadding()} and optional scaled {@link #getBorderThickness()}. * * The returned height is only valid after an initial call to {@link #draw(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer, int[]) draw(..)} * or {@link #validate(GL2ES2)}. * * @see #getBounds() */ public final float getScaledHeight() { return box.getHeight() * getScale().y(); } public final float getScaledDepth() { return box.getDepth() * getScale().z(); } /** * Returns the unscaled bounding {@link AABBox} for this shape. * * This variant differs from {@link #getBounds()} as it * returns a valid {@link AABBox} even before {@link #draw(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer, int[]) draw(..)} * and having an OpenGL instance available. * * @see #getBounds() */ public final AABBox getBounds(final GLProfile glp) { validate(glp); return box; } /** Experimental selection draw command used by {@link Scene}. */ public void drawToSelect(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer, final int[] sampleCount) { synchronized ( dirtySync ) { validate(gl); drawToSelectImpl0(gl, renderer, sampleCount); } } /** * Renders the shape. * <p> * {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)} is expected to be completed beforehand. * </p> * @param gl the current GL object * @param renderer {@link RegionRenderer} which might be used for Graph Curve Rendering, also source of {@link RegionRenderer#getMatrix()} and {@link RegionRenderer#getViewport()}. * @param sampleCount sample count if used by Graph renderModes */ public void draw(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer, final int[] sampleCount) { final boolean isPressed = isPressed(), isToggleOn = isToggleOn(); final Vec4f rgba; if( hasColorChannel() ) { if( isPressed ) { rgba = pressedRGBAModulate; } else if( isToggleable() ) { if( isToggleOn ) { rgba = toggleOnRGBAModulate; } else { rgba = toggleOffRGBAModulate; } } else { rgba = cWhite; } } else { rgba = rgba_tmp; if( isPressed ) { rgba.mul(rgbaColor, pressedRGBAModulate); } else if( isToggleable() ) { if( isToggleOn ) { rgba.mul(rgbaColor, toggleOnRGBAModulate); } else { rgba.mul(rgbaColor, toggleOffRGBAModulate); } } else { rgba.set(rgbaColor); } } synchronized ( dirtySync ) { validate(gl); drawImpl0(gl, renderer, sampleCount, rgba); } if( null != onInitListener ) { if( onInitListener.run(this) ) { onInitListener = null; } } } /** * Validates the shape's underlying {@link GLRegion}. * <p> * If the region is dirty, it gets {@link GLRegion#clear(GL2ES2) cleared} and is reused. * </p> * @param gl current {@link GL2ES2} object * @see #validate(GLProfile) */ public final Shape validate(final GL2ES2 gl) { synchronized ( dirtySync ) { if( isShapeDirty() ) { box.reset(); } validateImpl(gl.getGLProfile(), gl); dirty = 0; } return this; } /** * Validates the shape's underlying {@link GLRegion} w/o a current {@link GL2ES2} object * <p> * If the region is dirty a new region is created * and the old one gets pushed to a dirty-list to get disposed when a GL context is available. * </p> * @see #validate(GL2ES2) */ public final Shape validate(final GLProfile glp) { synchronized ( dirtySync ) { if( isShapeDirty() ) { box.reset(); } validateImpl(glp, null); dirty = 0; } return this; } /** * Setup the {@link PMVMatrix4f#getMv() modelview matrix} of the given {@link PMVMatrix4f} for this object. * - Scale shape from its center position * - Rotate shape around optional scaled pivot, see {@link #setRotationPivot(float[])}), otherwise rotate around its scaled center (default) * <p> * Shape's origin should be bottom-left @ 0/0 to have build-in drag-zoom work properly. * </p> * @param pmv the matrix * @see #setRotationPivot(float[]) * @see #getRotation() * @see #moveTo(float, float, float) * @see #setScale(float, float, float) */ public void setTransformMv(final PMVMatrix4f pmv) { final boolean hasScale = !scale.isEqual(Vec3f.ONE); final boolean hasRotate = !rotation.isIdentity(); final boolean hasRotPivot = null != rotPivot; final Vec3f ctr = box.getCenter(); final boolean sameScaleRotatePivot = hasScale && hasRotate && ( !hasRotPivot || rotPivot.isEqual(ctr) ); pmv.translateMv(position.x(), position.y(), position.z()); // translate, scaled if( sameScaleRotatePivot ) { // Scale shape from its center position and rotate around its center pmv.translateMv(ctr.x()*scale.x(), ctr.y()*scale.y(), ctr.z()*scale.z()); // add-back center, scaled pmv.rotateMv(rotation); pmv.scaleMv(scale.x(), scale.y(), scale.z()); pmv.translateMv(-ctr.x(), -ctr.y(), -ctr.z()); // move to center } else if( hasRotate || hasScale ) { if( hasRotate ) { if( hasRotPivot ) { // Rotate shape around its scaled pivot pmv.translateMv(rotPivot.x()*scale.x(), rotPivot.y()*scale.y(), rotPivot.z()*scale.z()); // pivot back from rot-pivot, scaled pmv.rotateMv(rotation); pmv.translateMv(-rotPivot.x()*scale.x(), -rotPivot.y()*scale.y(), -rotPivot.z()*scale.z()); // pivot to rot-pivot, scaled } else { // Rotate shape around its scaled center pmv.translateMv(ctr.x()*scale.x(), ctr.y()*scale.y(), ctr.z()*scale.z()); // pivot back from center-pivot, scaled pmv.rotateMv(rotation); pmv.translateMv(-ctr.x()*scale.x(), -ctr.y()*scale.y(), -ctr.z()*scale.z()); // pivot to center-pivot, scaled } } if( hasScale ) { // Scale shape from its center position pmv.translateMv(ctr.x()*scale.x(), ctr.y()*scale.y(), ctr.z()*scale.z()); // add-back center, scaled pmv.scaleMv(scale.x(), scale.y(), scale.z()); pmv.translateMv(-ctr.x(), -ctr.y(), -ctr.z()); // move to center } } } /** * {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) Setup} the given {@link PMVMatrix4f} * and apply this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) transformation}. * </p> * @param pmvMatrixSetup {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup} to {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) setup} given {@link PMVMatrix4f} {@code pmv}. * @param viewport used viewport for {@link PMVMatrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Recti, Vec3f)} * @param pmv a new {@link PMVMatrix4f} which will {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) be setup}, * {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) shape-transformed} and can be reused by the caller. * @return the given {@link PMVMatrix4f} for chaining * @see Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) * @see #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) * @see #setPMVMatrix(Scene, PMVMatrix4f) */ public PMVMatrix4f setPMVMatrix(final Scene.PMVMatrixSetup pmvMatrixSetup, final Recti viewport, final PMVMatrix4f pmv) { pmvMatrixSetup.set(pmv, viewport); setTransformMv(pmv); return pmv; } /** * {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) Setup} the given {@link PMVMatrix4f} * and apply this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) transformation}. * </p> * @param scene {@link Scene} to retrieve {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup} and the viewport. * @param pmv a new {@link PMVMatrix4f} which will {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) be setup}, * {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) shape-transformed} and can be reused by the caller. * @return the given {@link PMVMatrix4f} for chaining * @see Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) * @see #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) * @see #setPMVMatrix(com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene.PMVMatrixSetup, Recti, PMVMatrix4f) */ public PMVMatrix4f setPMVMatrix(final Scene scene, final PMVMatrix4f pmv) { return setPMVMatrix(scene.getPMVMatrixSetup(), scene.getViewport(), pmv); } /** * Retrieve surface (view) port of this shape, i.e. lower x/y position and size. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} has to be setup properly for this object, * i.e. its {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION} and {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW} for the surrounding scene * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. See {@link #setPMVMatrix(Scene, PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param pmv well formed {@link PMVMatrix4f}, e.g. could have been setup via {@link Shape#setPMVMatrix(Scene, PMVMatrix4f)}. * @param viewport the int[4] viewport * @param surfacePort Recti target surface port * @return given Recti {@code surfacePort} for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} operation, otherwise {@code null} */ public Recti getSurfacePort(final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final Recti viewport, final Recti surfacePort) { final Vec3f winCoordHigh = new Vec3f(); final Vec3f winCoordLow = new Vec3f(); final Vec3f high = box.getHigh(); final Vec3f low = box.getLow(); final Matrix4f matPMv = pmv.getPMv(); if( Matrix4f.mapObjToWin(high, matPMv, viewport, winCoordHigh) ) { if( Matrix4f.mapObjToWin(low, matPMv, viewport, winCoordLow) ) { surfacePort.setX( (int)Math.abs( winCoordLow.x() ) ); surfacePort.setY( (int)Math.abs( winCoordLow.y() ) ); surfacePort.setWidth( (int)Math.abs( winCoordHigh.x() - winCoordLow.x() ) ); surfacePort.setHeight( (int)Math.abs( winCoordHigh.y() - winCoordLow.y() ) ); return surfacePort; } } return null; } /** * Retrieve surface (view) size in pixels of this shape. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} has to be setup properly for this object, * i.e. its {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION} and {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW} for the surrounding scene * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. See {@link #setPMVMatrix(Scene, PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param pmv well formed {@link PMVMatrix4f}, e.g. could have been setup via {@link Shape#setPMVMatrix(Scene, PMVMatrix4f)}. * @param viewport the int[4] viewport * @param surfaceSize int[2] target surface size * @return given int[2] {@code surfaceSize} in pixels for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} operation, otherwise {@code null} * @see #getSurfaceSize(com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene.PMVMatrixSetup, Recti, PMVMatrix4f, int[]) * @see #getSurfaceSize(Scene, PMVMatrix4f, int[]) */ public int[/*2*/] getSurfaceSize(final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final Recti viewport, final int[/*2*/] surfaceSize) { // System.err.println("Shape::getSurfaceSize.VP "+viewport[0]+"/"+viewport[1]+" "+viewport[2]+"x"+viewport[3]); final Vec3f winCoordHigh = new Vec3f(); final Vec3f winCoordLow = new Vec3f(); final Vec3f high = box.getHigh(); final Vec3f low = box.getLow(); final Matrix4f matPMv = pmv.getPMv(); if( Matrix4f.mapObjToWin(high, matPMv, viewport, winCoordHigh) ) { if( Matrix4f.mapObjToWin(low, matPMv, viewport, winCoordLow) ) { surfaceSize[0] = (int)Math.abs(winCoordHigh.x() - winCoordLow.x()); surfaceSize[1] = (int)Math.abs(winCoordHigh.y() - winCoordLow.y()); return surfaceSize; } } return null; } /** * Retrieve surface (view) size in pixels of this shape. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} will be {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) setup} properly for this shape * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param pmvMatrixSetup {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup} to {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) setup} given {@link PMVMatrix4f} {@code pmv}. * @param viewport used viewport for {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} * @param pmv a new {@link PMVMatrix4f} which will {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) be setup}, * {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) shape-transformed} and can be reused by the caller. * @param surfaceSize int[2] target surface size * @return given int[2] {@code surfaceSize} in pixels for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} operation, otherwise {@code null} * @see #getSurfaceSize(PMVMatrix4f, Recti, int[]) * @see #getSurfaceSize(Scene, PMVMatrix4f, int[]) */ public int[/*2*/] getSurfaceSize(final Scene.PMVMatrixSetup pmvMatrixSetup, final Recti viewport, final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final int[/*2*/] surfaceSize) { return getSurfaceSize(setPMVMatrix(pmvMatrixSetup, viewport, pmv), viewport, surfaceSize); } /** * Retrieve surface (view) size in pixels of this shape. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} will be {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) setup} properly for this shape * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param scene {@link Scene} to retrieve {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup} and the viewport. * @param pmv a new {@link PMVMatrix4f} which will {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) be setup}, * {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) shape-transformed} and can be reused by the caller. * @param surfaceSize int[2] target surface size * @return given int[2] {@code surfaceSize} in pixels for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} operation, otherwise {@code null} * @see #getSurfaceSize(PMVMatrix4f, Recti, int[]) * @see #getSurfaceSize(com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene.PMVMatrixSetup, Recti, PMVMatrix4f, int[]) */ public int[/*2*/] getSurfaceSize(final Scene scene, final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final int[/*2*/] surfaceSize) { return getSurfaceSize(scene.getPMVMatrixSetup(), scene.getViewport(), pmv, surfaceSize); } /** * Retrieve pixel per scaled shape-coordinate unit, i.e. [px]/[obj]. * @param shapeSizePx int[2] shape size in pixel as retrieved via e.g. {@link #getSurfaceSize(com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene.PMVMatrixSetup, Recti, PMVMatrix4f, int[])} * @param pixPerShape float[2] pixel scaled per shape-coordinate unit result storage * @return given float[2] {@code pixPerShape} * @see #getPixelPerShapeUnit(Scene, PMVMatrix4f, float[]) * @see #getSurfaceSize(com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene.PMVMatrixSetup, Recti, PMVMatrix4f, int[]) * @see #getScaledWidth() * @see #getScaledHeight() */ public float[] getPixelPerShapeUnit(final int[] shapeSizePx, final float[] pixPerShape) { pixPerShape[0] = shapeSizePx[0] / getScaledWidth(); pixPerShape[0] = shapeSizePx[1] / getScaledHeight(); return pixPerShape; } /** * Retrieve pixel per scaled shape-coordinate unit, i.e. [px]/[obj]. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} has to be setup properly for this object, * i.e. its {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION} and {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW} for the surrounding scene * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. See {@link #setPMVMatrix(Scene, PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param pmv well formed {@link PMVMatrix4f}, e.g. could have been setup via {@link Shape#setPMVMatrix(Scene, PMVMatrix4f)}. * @param viewport the int[4] viewport * @param pixPerShape float[2] pixel per scaled shape-coordinate unit result storage * @return given float[2] {@code pixPerShape} for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} operation, otherwise {@code null} * @see #getPixelPerShapeUnit(int[], float[]) * @see #getSurfaceSize(Scene, PMVMatrix4f, int[]) * @see #getScaledWidth() * @see #getScaledHeight() */ public float[] getPixelPerShapeUnit(final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final Recti viewport, final float[] pixPerShape) { final int[] shapeSizePx = new int[2]; if( null != getSurfaceSize(pmv, viewport, shapeSizePx) ) { return getPixelPerShapeUnit(shapeSizePx, pixPerShape); } else { return null; } } /** * Retrieve pixel per scaled shape-coordinate unit, i.e. [px]/[obj]. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} will be {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) setup} properly for this shape * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param scene {@link Scene} to retrieve {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup} and the viewport. * @param pmv a new {@link PMVMatrix4f} which will {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) be setup}, * {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) shape-transformed} and can be reused by the caller. * @param pixPerShape float[2] pixel per scaled shape-coordinate unit result storage * @return given float[2] {@code pixPerShape} for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} operation, otherwise {@code null} * @see #getPixelPerShapeUnit(int[], float[]) * @see #getSurfaceSize(Scene, PMVMatrix4f, int[]) * @see #getScaledWidth() * @see #getScaledHeight() */ public float[] getPixelPerShapeUnit(final Scene scene, final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final float[] pixPerShape) { final int[] shapeSizePx = new int[2]; if( null != getSurfaceSize(scene, pmv, shapeSizePx) ) { return getPixelPerShapeUnit(shapeSizePx, pixPerShape); } else { return null; } } /** * Map given object coordinate relative to this shape to window coordinates. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} has to be setup properly for this object, * i.e. its {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION} and {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW} for the surrounding scene * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. See {@link #setPMVMatrix(Scene, PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param pmv well formed {@link PMVMatrix4f}, e.g. could have been setup via {@link Shape#setPMVMatrix(Scene, PMVMatrix4f)}. * @param viewport the viewport * @param objPos object position relative to this shape's center * @param glWinPos int[2] target window position of objPos relative to this shape * @return given int[2] {@code glWinPos} for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} operation, otherwise {@code null} * @see #shapeToWinCoord(com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene.PMVMatrixSetup, Recti, float[], PMVMatrix4f, int[]) * @see #shapeToWinCoord(Scene, float[], PMVMatrix4f, int[]) */ public int[/*2*/] shapeToWinCoord(final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final Recti viewport, final Vec3f objPos, final int[/*2*/] glWinPos) { // System.err.println("Shape::objToWinCoordgetSurfaceSize.VP "+viewport[0]+"/"+viewport[1]+" "+viewport[2]+"x"+viewport[3]); final Vec3f winCoord = new Vec3f(); if( pmv.mapObjToWin(objPos, viewport, winCoord) ) { glWinPos[0] = (int)(winCoord.x()); glWinPos[1] = (int)(winCoord.y()); return glWinPos; } return null; } /** * Map given object coordinate relative to this shape to window coordinates. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} will be {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) setup} properly for this shape * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param pmvMatrixSetup {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup} to {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) setup} given {@link PMVMatrix4f} {@code pmv}. * @param viewport used viewport for {@link PMVMatrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Recti, Vec3f)} * @param objPos object position relative to this shape's center * @param pmv a new {@link PMVMatrix4f} which will {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) be setup}, * {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) shape-transformed} and can be reused by the caller. * @param glWinPos int[2] target window position of objPos relative to this shape * @return given int[2] {@code glWinPos} for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} operation, otherwise {@code null} * @see #shapeToWinCoord(PMVMatrix4f, Recti, float[], int[]) * @see #shapeToWinCoord(Scene, float[], PMVMatrix4f, int[]) */ public int[/*2*/] shapeToWinCoord(final Scene.PMVMatrixSetup pmvMatrixSetup, final Recti viewport, final Vec3f objPos, final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final int[/*2*/] glWinPos) { return this.shapeToWinCoord(setPMVMatrix(pmvMatrixSetup, viewport, pmv), viewport, objPos, glWinPos); } /** * Map given object coordinate relative to this shape to window coordinates. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} will be {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) setup} properly for this shape * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param scene {@link Scene} to retrieve {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup} and the viewport. * @param objPos object position relative to this shape's center * @param pmv a new {@link PMVMatrix4f} which will {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) be setup}, * {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) shape-transformed} and can be reused by the caller. * @param glWinPos int[2] target window position of objPos relative to this shape * @return given int[2] {@code glWinPos} for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} operation, otherwise {@code null} * @see #shapeToWinCoord(PMVMatrix4f, Recti, float[], int[]) * @see #shapeToWinCoord(com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene.PMVMatrixSetup, Recti, float[], PMVMatrix4f, int[]) */ public int[/*2*/] shapeToWinCoord(final Scene scene, final Vec3f objPos, final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final int[/*2*/] glWinPos) { return this.shapeToWinCoord(scene.getPMVMatrixSetup(), scene.getViewport(), objPos, pmv, glWinPos); } /** * Map given gl-window-coordinates to object coordinates relative to this shape and its z-coordinate. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} has to be setup properly for this object, * i.e. its {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_PROJECTION} and {@link GLMatrixFunc#GL_MODELVIEW} for the surrounding scene * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. See {@link #setPMVMatrix(Scene, PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param pmv well formed {@link PMVMatrix4f}, e.g. could have been setup via {@link Shape#setPMVMatrix(Scene, PMVMatrix4f)}. * @param viewport the Rect4i viewport * @param glWinX in GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left * @param glWinY in GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left * @param objPos target object position of glWinX/glWinY relative to this shape * @return given {@code objPos} for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} * and {@link Matrix4f#mapWinToObj(float, float, float, float, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f, Vec3f) gluUnProject(..)} * operation, otherwise {@code null} * @see #winToShapeCoord(com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene.PMVMatrixSetup, Recti, int, int, PMVMatrix4f, float[]) * @see #winToShapeCoord(Scene, int, int, PMVMatrix4f, float[]) */ public Vec3f winToShapeCoord(final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final Recti viewport, final int glWinX, final int glWinY, final Vec3f objPos) { final Vec3f ctr = box.getCenter(); if( Matrix4f.mapObjToWin(ctr, pmv.getPMv(), viewport, objPos) ) { final float winZ = objPos.z(); if( Matrix4f.mapWinToObj(glWinX, glWinY, winZ, pmv.getPMvi(), viewport, objPos) ) { return objPos; } } return null; } /** * Map given gl-window-coordinates to object coordinates relative to this shape and its z-coordinate. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} will be {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) setup} properly for this shape * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param pmvMatrixSetup {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup} to {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) setup} given {@link PMVMatrix4f} {@code pmv}. * @param viewport used viewport for {@link PMVMatrix4f#mapWinToObj(float, float, float, Recti, Vec3f)} * @param glWinX in GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left * @param glWinY in GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left * @param pmv a new {@link PMVMatrix4f} which will {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) be setup}, * {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) shape-transformed} and can be reused by the caller. * @param objPos target object position of glWinX/glWinY relative to this shape * @return given {@code objPos} for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} * and {@link Matrix4f#mapWinToObj(float, float, float, float, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f, Vec3f) gluUnProject(..)} * operation, otherwise {@code null} * @see #winToShapeCoord(PMVMatrix4f, Recti, int, int, float[]) * @see #winToShapeCoord(Scene, int, int, PMVMatrix4f, float[]) */ public Vec3f winToShapeCoord(final Scene.PMVMatrixSetup pmvMatrixSetup, final Recti viewport, final int glWinX, final int glWinY, final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final Vec3f objPos) { return this.winToShapeCoord(setPMVMatrix(pmvMatrixSetup, viewport, pmv), viewport, glWinX, glWinY, objPos); } /** * Map given gl-window-coordinates to object coordinates relative to this shape and its z-coordinate. * <p> * The given {@link PMVMatrix4f} will be {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) setup} properly for this shape * including this shape's {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f)}. * </p> * @param scene {@link Scene} to retrieve {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup} and the viewport. * @param glWinX in GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left * @param glWinY in GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left * @param pmv a new {@link PMVMatrix4f} which will {@link Scene.PMVMatrixSetup#set(PMVMatrix4f, Recti) be setup}, * {@link #setTransformMv(PMVMatrix4f) shape-transformed} and can be reused by the caller. * @param objPos target object position of glWinX/glWinY relative to this shape * @return given {@code objPos} for successful {@link Matrix4f#mapObjToWin(Vec3f, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f) gluProject(..)} * and {@link Matrix4f#mapWinToObj(float, float, float, float, Matrix4f, Recti, Vec3f, Vec3f) gluUnProject(..)} * operation, otherwise {@code null} * @see #winToShapeCoord(PMVMatrix4f, Recti, int, int, float[]) * @see #winToShapeCoord(com.jogamp.graph.ui.Scene.PMVMatrixSetup, Recti, int, int, PMVMatrix4f, float[]) */ public final Vec3f winToShapeCoord(final Scene scene, final int glWinX, final int glWinY, final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final Vec3f objPos) { return this.winToShapeCoord(scene.getPMVMatrixSetup(), scene.getViewport(), glWinX, glWinY, pmv, objPos); } public final Vec4f getColor() { return rgbaColor; } /** * Set base color. * <p> * Base color w/o color channel, will be modulated w/ pressed- and toggle color * </p> * <p> * Default RGBA value is 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 1.0f * </p> */ public Shape setColor(final float r, final float g, final float b, final float a) { this.rgbaColor.set(r, g, b, a); return this; } /** * Set base color. * <p> * Default base-color w/o color channel, will be modulated w/ pressed- and toggle color * </p> * <p> * Default RGBA value is 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 1.0f * </p> */ public Shape setColor(final Vec4f c) { this.rgbaColor.set(c); return this; } /** * Set pressed color. * <p> * Default pressed color-factor w/o color channel, modulated base-color. ~0.65 (due to alpha) * </p> * <p> * Default RGBA value is 0.70f, 0.70f, 0.70f, 0.8f * </p> */ public Shape setPressedColorMod(final float r, final float g, final float b, final float a) { this.pressedRGBAModulate.set(r, g, b, a); return this; } /** * Set toggle-on color. * <p> * Default toggle-on color-factor w/o color channel, modulated base-color. 0.60 * 0.83 ~= 0.50 * </p> * <p> * Default RGBA value is 0.83f, 0.83f, 0.83f, 1.0f * </p> */ public final Shape setToggleOnColorMod(final float r, final float g, final float b, final float a) { this.toggleOnRGBAModulate.set(r, g, b, a); return this; } /** * Set toggle-off color. * <p> * Default toggle-off color-factor w/o color channel, modulated base-color. 0.60 * 1.00 ~= 0.60 * </p> * <p> * Default RGBA value is 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.0f * </p> */ public final Shape setToggleOffColorMod(final float r, final float g, final float b, final float a) { this.toggleOffRGBAModulate.set(r, g, b, a); return this; } public final Vec4f getBorderColor() { return borderColor; } /** * Set border color. * <p> * Default RGBA value is 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.0f * </p> * @see #setBorder(float) */ public final Shape setBorderColor(final float r, final float g, final float b, final float a) { this.borderColor.set(r, g, b, a); markShapeDirty(); return this; } /** * Set border color. * <p> * Default RGBA value is 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.0f * </p> * @see #setBorder(float) */ public final Shape setBorderColor(final Vec4f c) { this.borderColor.set(c); markShapeDirty(); return this; } @Override public final String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName()+"["+getSubString()+"]"; } public String getSubString() { final String pivotS; if( null != rotPivot ) { pivotS = "pivot["+rotPivot+"], "; } else { pivotS = ""; } final String scaleS; if( !scale.isEqual( Vec3f.ONE ) ) { scaleS = "scale["+scale+"], "; } else { scaleS = "scale 1, "; } final String rotateS; if( !rotation.isIdentity() ) { final Vec3f euler = rotation.toEuler(new Vec3f()); rotateS = "rot["+euler+"], "; } else { rotateS = ""; } final String activeS = isIO(IO_ACTIVE) ? ", active" : ""; final String ps = hasPadding() ? padding.toString()+", " : ""; final String bs = hasBorder() ? "border[l "+getBorderThickness()+", c "+getBorderColor()+"], " : ""; final String idS = -1 != id ? ", id "+id : ""; final String nameS = "noname" != name ? ", '"+name+"'" : ""; return getDirtyString()+idS+nameS+", visible "+isIO(IO_VISIBLE)+activeS+", toggle "+isIO(IO_TOGGLE)+ ", able[toggle "+isIO(IO_TOGGLEABLE)+", iactive "+isInteractive()+", resize "+isResizable()+", move "+this.isDraggable()+ "], pos["+position+"], "+pivotS+scaleS+rotateS+ ps+bs+"box"+box; } // // Input // public final Shape setPressed(final boolean b) { setIO(IO_DOWN, b); markStateDirty(); return this; } public final boolean isPressed() { return isIO(IO_DOWN); } /** * Set this shape toggleable, default is off. * @param toggleable * @see #isInteractive() */ public final Shape setToggleable(final boolean toggleable) { return setIO(IO_TOGGLEABLE, toggleable); } /** * Returns true if this shape is toggable, * i.e. rendered w/ {@link #setToggleOnColorMod(float, float, float, float)} or {@link #setToggleOffColorMod(float, float, float, float)}. * @see #isInteractive() */ public boolean isToggleable() { return isIO(IO_TOGGLEABLE); } /** * Set this shape's toggle state, default is off. * @param v * @return */ public final Shape setToggle(final boolean v) { setIO(IO_TOGGLE, v); toggleNotify(v); if( null != onToggleListener ) { onToggleListener.run(this); } markStateDirty(); return this; } public final Shape toggle() { if( isToggleable() ) { setIO(IO_TOGGLE, !isToggleOn()); toggleNotify(isToggleOn()); if( null != onToggleListener ) { onToggleListener.run(this); } markStateDirty(); } return this; } protected void toggleNotify(final boolean on) {} /** Returns true this shape's toggle state. */ public final boolean isToggleOn() { return isIO(IO_TOGGLE); } protected final boolean setActive(final boolean v, final float zOffset) { if( isActivable() ) { this.zOffset = zOffset; setIO(IO_ACTIVE, v); if( !v ) { releaseInteraction(); } if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("XXX "+(v?" Active":"DeActive")+" "+this); } dispatchActivationEvent(this); return true; } else { return false; } } /** Returns true of this shape is active */ public boolean isActive() { return isIO(IO_ACTIVE); } protected final Listener forwardActivation = new Listener() { @Override public void run(final Shape shape) { dispatchActivationEvent(shape); } }; public float getAdjustedZ() { return getAdjustedZImpl(); } protected final float getAdjustedZImpl() { return position.z() * getScale().z() + zOffset; } /** * Set whether this shape is interactive, * i.e. any user interaction like * - {@link #isToggleable()} * - {@link #isDraggable()} * - {@link #isResizable()} * but excluding programmatic changes. * @param v new value for {@link #isInteractive()} * @see #isInteractive() * @see #setDraggable(boolean) * @see #setResizable(boolean) * @see #setDragAndResizeable(boolean) */ public final Shape setInteractive(final boolean v) { return setIO(IO_INTERACTIVE, v); } /** * Returns if this shape allows user interaction, see {@link #setInteractive(boolean)} * @see #setInteractive(boolean) */ public final boolean isInteractive() { return isIO(IO_INTERACTIVE); } /** * Set whether this shape is allowed to be activated, i.e become {@link #isActive()}. * <p> * A non activable shape still allows a shape to be dragged or resized, * it just can't gain the main focus. * </p> */ public final Shape setActivable(final boolean v) { return setIO(IO_ACTIVABLE, v); } /** Returns if this shape is allowed to be activated, i.e become {@link #isActive()}. */ public final boolean isActivable() { return isIO(IO_ACTIVABLE); } /** * Set whether this shape is draggable, * i.e. translated by 1-pointer-click and drag. * <p> * Default draggable is true. * </p> * @see #isDraggable() * @see #setInteractive(boolean) * @see #setResizable(boolean) * @see #setDragAndResizeable(boolean) */ public final Shape setDraggable(final boolean draggable) { return setIO(IO_DRAGGABLE, draggable); } /** * Returns if this shape is draggable, a user interaction. * @see #setDraggable(boolean) */ public final boolean isDraggable() { return isIO(IO_DRAGGABLE); } /** * Set whether this shape is resizable, * i.e. zoomed by 1-pointer-click and drag in 1/4th bottom-left and bottom-right corner. * <p> * Default resizable is true. * </p> * @see #isResizable() * @see #setInteractive(boolean) * @see #setDraggable(boolean) * @see #setDragAndResizeable(boolean) */ public final Shape setResizable(final boolean resizable) { return setIO(IO_RESIZABLE, resizable); } /** * Returns if this shape is resiable, a user interaction. * @see #setResizable(boolean) */ public final boolean isResizable() { return isIO(IO_RESIZABLE); } /** * Returns if aspect-ratio shall be kept at resize, if {@link #isResizable()}. * @see #setFixedARatioResize(boolean) */ public final boolean isFixedARatioResize() { return isIO(IO_RESIZE_FIXED_RATIO); } /** * Sets whether aspect-ratio shall be kept at resize, if {@link #isResizable()}. * @see #isResizable() * @see #isFixedARatioResize() */ public final Shape setFixedARatioResize(final boolean v) { return setIO(IO_RESIZE_FIXED_RATIO, v); } /** * Set whether this shape is draggable and resizable. * <p> * Default draggable and resizable is true. * </p> * @see #isDraggable() * @see #isResizable() * @see #setInteractive(boolean) * @see #setDraggable(boolean) * @see #setResizable(boolean) */ public final Shape setDragAndResizeable(final boolean v) { setDraggable(v); setResizable(v); return this; } public final Shape addMouseListener(final MouseGestureListener l) { if(l == null) { return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<MouseGestureListener> clonedListeners = (ArrayList<MouseGestureListener>) mouseListeners.clone(); clonedListeners.add(l); mouseListeners = clonedListeners; return this; } public final Shape removeMouseListener(final MouseGestureListener l) { if (l == null) { return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<MouseGestureListener> clonedListeners = (ArrayList<MouseGestureListener>) mouseListeners.clone(); clonedListeners.remove(l); mouseListeners = clonedListeners; return this; } public final Shape addKeyListener(final KeyListener l) { if(l == null) { return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<KeyListener> clonedListeners = (ArrayList<KeyListener>) keyListeners.clone(); clonedListeners.add(l); keyListeners = clonedListeners; return this; } public final Shape removeKeyListener(final KeyListener l) { if (l == null) { return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<KeyListener> clonedListeners = (ArrayList<KeyListener>) keyListeners.clone(); clonedListeners.remove(l); keyListeners = clonedListeners; return this; } /** * Combining {@link MouseListener} and {@link GestureListener} */ public static interface MouseGestureListener extends MouseListener, GestureListener { } /** * Convenient adapter combining dummy implementation for {@link MouseListener} and {@link GestureListener} */ public static abstract class MouseGestureAdapter extends MouseAdapter implements MouseGestureListener { @Override public void gestureDetected(final GestureEvent gh) { } } /** * {@link Shape} event info for propagated {@link NEWTEvent}s * containing reference of {@link #shape the intended shape} as well as * the {@link #objPos rotated relative position} to this shape. * The latter is normalized to bottom-left zero origin, allowing easier usage. */ public static class EventInfo { /** The associated {@link Shape} for this event */ public final Shape shape; /** The relative object coordinate of glWinX/glWinY to the associated {@link Shape}. */ public final Vec3f objPos; /** The GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left */ public final int[] winPos; /** The drag delta of the relative object coordinate of glWinX/glWinY to the associated {@link Shape}. */ public final Vec2f objDrag = new Vec2f(); /** The drag delta of GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left */ public final int[] winDrag = { 0, 0 }; /** * Ctor * @param glWinX in GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left * @param glWinY in GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left * @param shape associated shape * @param objPos relative object coordinate of glWinX/glWinY to the associated shape. */ EventInfo(final int glWinX, final int glWinY, final Shape shape, final Vec3f objPos) { this.winPos = new int[] { glWinX, glWinY }; this.shape = shape; this.objPos = objPos; } @Override public String toString() { return "EventInfo[winPos ["+winPos[0]+", "+winPos[1]+"], objPos ["+objPos+"], "+shape+"]"; } } private final void releaseInteraction() { setPressed(false); setIO(IO_IN_MOVE, false); setIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BR, false); setIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BL, false); } /** * Dispatch given NEWT mouse event to this shape * @param e original Newt {@link MouseEvent} * @param glWinX in GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left * @param glWinY in GL window coordinates, origin bottom-left * @param objPos object position of mouse event relative to this shape * @return true to signal operation complete and to stop traversal, otherwise false */ /* pp */ final boolean dispatchMouseEvent(final MouseEvent e, final int glWinX, final int glWinY, final Vec3f objPos) { /** * Checked at caller! if( !isInteractive() ) { return false; } */ final boolean resizableOrDraggable = isResizable() || isDraggable(); final Shape.EventInfo shapeEvent = new EventInfo(glWinX, glWinY, this, objPos); final short eventType = e.getEventType(); if( 1 == e.getPointerCount() ) { switch( eventType ) { case MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_CLICKED: toggle(); if( null != onClickedListener ) { onClickedListener.run(this); } break; case MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_PRESSED: if( resizableOrDraggable ) { setIO(IO_DRAG_FIRST, true); } setPressed(true); break; case MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASED: // Release active shape: last pointer has been lifted! releaseInteraction(); break; } } if( resizableOrDraggable && MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_DRAGGED == eventType ) { // adjust for rotation final Vec3f euler = rotation.toEuler(new Vec3f()); final boolean x_flip, y_flip; { final float x_rot = Math.abs(euler.x()); final float y_rot = Math.abs(euler.y()); x_flip = 1f*FloatUtil.HALF_PI <= y_rot && y_rot <= 3f*FloatUtil.HALF_PI; y_flip = 1f*FloatUtil.HALF_PI <= x_rot && x_rot <= 3f*FloatUtil.HALF_PI; } // 1 pointer drag and potential drag-resize if( isIO(IO_DRAG_FIRST) ) { objDraggedFirst.set(objPos); winDraggedLast[0] = glWinX; winDraggedLast[1] = glWinY; setIO(IO_DRAG_FIRST, false); final float ix = x_flip ? box.getWidth() - objPos.x() : objPos.x(); final float iy = y_flip ? box.getHeight() - objPos.y() : objPos.y(); final float minx_br = box.getMaxX() - box.getWidth() * resize_section; final float miny_br = box.getMinY(); final float maxx_br = box.getMaxX(); final float maxy_br = box.getMinY() + box.getHeight() * resize_section; if( minx_br <= ix && ix <= maxx_br && miny_br <= iy && iy <= maxy_br ) { if( isResizable() ) { setIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BR, true); } } else { final float minx_bl = box.getMinX(); final float miny_bl = box.getMinY(); final float maxx_bl = box.getMinX() + box.getWidth() * resize_section; final float maxy_bl = box.getMinY() + box.getHeight() * resize_section; if( minx_bl <= ix && ix <= maxx_bl && miny_bl <= iy && iy <= maxy_bl ) { if( isResizable() ) { setIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BL, true); } } else { setIO(IO_IN_MOVE, isDraggable()); } } if( DEBUG ) { System.err.printf("DragFirst: drag %b, resize[br %b, bl %b], obj[%s], flip[x %b, y %b]%n", isIO(IO_IN_MOVE), isIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BR), isIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BL), objPos, x_flip, y_flip); System.err.printf("DragFirst: %s%n", this); } return true; // end signal traversal at 1st drag } shapeEvent.objDrag.set( objPos.x() - objDraggedFirst.x(), objPos.y() - objDraggedFirst.y() ); shapeEvent.objDrag.scale(x_flip ? -1f : 1f, y_flip ? -1f : 1f); shapeEvent.winDrag[0] = glWinX - winDraggedLast[0]; shapeEvent.winDrag[1] = glWinY - winDraggedLast[1]; winDraggedLast[0] = glWinX; winDraggedLast[1] = glWinY; if( 1 == e.getPointerCount() ) { final float sdx = shapeEvent.objDrag.x() * scale.x(); // apply scale, since operation final float sdy = shapeEvent.objDrag.y() * scale.y(); // is from a scaled-model-viewpoint if( isIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BR) || isIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BL) ) { final float bw = box.getWidth(); final float bh = box.getHeight(); final float sdy2, sx, sy; if( isIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BR) ) { sx = scale.x() + sdx/bw; // bottom-right } else { sx = scale.x() - sdx/bw; // bottom-left } if( isFixedARatioResize() ) { sy = sx; sdy2 = bh * ( scale.y() - sy ); } else { sdy2 = sdy; sy = scale.y() - sdy2/bh; } if( resize_sxy_min <= sx && resize_sxy_min <= sy ) { // avoid scale flip if( DEBUG ) { System.err.printf("DragZoom: resize[br %b, bl %b], win[%4d, %4d], , flip[x %b, y %b], obj[%s], dxy +[%s], sdxy +[%.4f, %.4f], sdxy2 +[%.4f, %.4f], scale [%s] -> [%.4f, %.4f]%n", isIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BR), isIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BL), glWinX, glWinY, x_flip, y_flip, objPos, shapeEvent.objDrag, sdx, sdy, sdx, sdy2, scale, sx, sy); } if( isIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BR) ) { moveNotify( 0, sdy2, 0f); // bottom-right, sticky left- and top-edge } else { moveNotify( sdx, sdy2, 0f); // bottom-left, sticky right- and top-edge } setScale(sx, sy, scale.z()); } return true; // end signal traversal with completed drag } else if( isIO(IO_IN_MOVE) ) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.printf("DragMove: win[%4d, %4d] +[%2d, %2d], , flip[x %b, y %b], obj[%s] +[%s], rot %s%n", glWinX, glWinY, shapeEvent.winDrag[0], shapeEvent.winDrag[1], x_flip, y_flip, objPos, shapeEvent.objDrag, euler); } moveNotify( sdx, sdy, 0f); return true; // end signal traversal with completed move } } } // resizableOrDraggable && EVENT_MOUSE_DRAGGED e.setAttachment(shapeEvent); for(int i = 0; !e.isConsumed() && i < mouseListeners.size(); i++ ) { final MouseGestureListener l = mouseListeners.get(i); switch( eventType ) { case MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_CLICKED: l.mouseClicked(e); break; case MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_ENTERED: l.mouseEntered(e); break; case MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_EXITED: l.mouseExited(e); break; case MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_PRESSED: l.mousePressed(e); break; case MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASED: l.mouseReleased(e); break; case MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_MOVED: l.mouseMoved(e); break; case MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_DRAGGED: l.mouseDragged(e); break; case MouseEvent.EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL_MOVED: l.mouseWheelMoved(e); break; default: throw new NativeWindowException("Unexpected mouse event type " + e.getEventType()); } } return e.isConsumed(); // end signal traversal if consumed } /** * @param e original Newt {@link GestureEvent} * @param glWinX x-position in OpenGL model space * @param glWinY y-position in OpenGL model space * @param pmv well formed PMVMatrix4f for this shape * @param viewport the viewport * @param objPos object position of mouse event relative to this shape */ /* pp */ final void dispatchGestureEvent(final GestureEvent e, final int glWinX, final int glWinY, final PMVMatrix4f pmv, final Recti viewport, final Vec3f objPos) { if( isInteractive() && isResizable() && e instanceof PinchToZoomGesture.ZoomEvent ) { final PinchToZoomGesture.ZoomEvent ze = (PinchToZoomGesture.ZoomEvent) e; final float pixels = ze.getDelta() * ze.getScale(); // final int winX2 = glWinX + Math.round(pixels); final Vec3f objPos2 = winToShapeCoord(pmv, viewport, winX2, glWinY, new Vec3f()); if( null == objPos2 ) { return; } final float dx = objPos2.x(); final float dy = objPos2.y(); final float sx = scale.x() + ( dx/box.getWidth() ); // bottom-right final float sy = scale.y() + ( dy/box.getHeight() ); if( DEBUG ) { System.err.printf("DragZoom: resize[br %b, bl %b], win %4d/%4d, obj %s, %s + %.3f/%.3f -> %.3f/%.3f%n", isIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BR), isIO(IO_IN_RESIZE_BL), glWinX, glWinY, objPos, position, dx, dy, sx, sy); } if( resize_sxy_min <= sx && resize_sxy_min <= sy ) { // avoid scale flip if( DEBUG ) { System.err.printf("PinchZoom: pixels %f, win %4d/%4d, obj %s, %s + %.3f/%.3f -> %.3f/%.3f%n", pixels, glWinX, glWinY, objPos, position, dx, dy, sx, sy); } // moveNotify(dx, dy, 0f); setScale(sx, sy, scale.z()); } return; // FIXME: pass through event? Issue zoom event? } final Shape.EventInfo shapeEvent = new EventInfo(glWinX, glWinY, this, objPos); e.setAttachment(shapeEvent); for(int i = 0; !e.isConsumed() && i < mouseListeners.size(); i++ ) { mouseListeners.get(i).gestureDetected(e); } } /** * Dispatch given NEWT key event to this shape * @param e original Newt {@link KeyEvent} * @return true to signal operation complete and to stop traversal, otherwise false */ /* pp */ final boolean dispatchKeyEvent(final KeyEvent e) { /** * Checked at caller! if( !isInteractive() ) { return false; } */ final short eventType = e.getEventType(); for(int i = 0; !e.isConsumed() && i < keyListeners.size(); i++ ) { final KeyListener l = keyListeners.get(i); switch( eventType ) { case KeyEvent.EVENT_KEY_PRESSED: l.keyPressed(e); break; case KeyEvent.EVENT_KEY_RELEASED: l.keyReleased(e); break; default: throw new NativeWindowException("Unexpected key event type " + e.getEventType()); } } return e.isConsumed(); // end signal traversal if consumed } // // // protected abstract void validateImpl(final GLProfile glp, final GL2ES2 gl); /** * Actual draw implementation, called by {@link #draw(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer, int[])} * @param gl * @param renderer * @param sampleCount * @param rgba */ protected abstract void drawImpl0(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer, final int[] sampleCount, Vec4f rgba); /** * Actual draw implementation, called by {@link #drawToSelect(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer, int[])} * @param gl * @param renderer * @param sampleCount */ protected abstract void drawToSelectImpl0(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer, final int[] sampleCount); /** Custom {@link #clear(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer)} task, called 1st. */ protected abstract void clearImpl0(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer); /** Custom {@link #destroy(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer)} task, called 1st. */ protected abstract void destroyImpl0(final GL2ES2 gl, final RegionRenderer renderer); /** * Returns true if implementation uses an extra color channel or texture * which will be modulated with the passed rgba color {@link #drawImpl0(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer, int[], float[])}. * * Otherwise the base color will be modulated and passed to {@link #drawImpl0(GL2ES2, RegionRenderer, int[], float[])}. */ public abstract boolean hasColorChannel(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static int compareAsc0(final float a, final float b) { if( FloatUtil.isEqual2(a, b) ) { return 0; } else if( a < b ){ return -1; } else { return 1; } } private static int compareAsc1(final float a, final float b) { if (a < b) { return -1; // Neither is NaN, a is smaller } if (a > b) { return 1; // Neither is NaN, a is larger } return 0; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static int compareDesc0(final float a, final float b) { if( FloatUtil.isEqual2(a, b) ) { return 0; } else if( a < b ){ return 1; } else { return -1; } } private static int compareDesc1(final float a, final float b) { if (a < b) { return 1; // Neither is NaN, a is smaller } if (a > b) { return -1; // Neither is NaN, a is larger } return 0; } public static Comparator<Shape> ZAscendingComparator = new Comparator<Shape>() { @Override public int compare(final Shape s1, final Shape s2) { return compareAsc1( s1.getAdjustedZ(), s2.getAdjustedZ() ); } }; public static Comparator<Shape> ZDescendingComparator = new Comparator<Shape>() { @Override public int compare(final Shape s1, final Shape s2) { return compareDesc1( s2.getAdjustedZ(), s1.getAdjustedZ() ); } }; // // // }