 * Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
 * met:
 * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright
 *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of
 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
 * this software without specific prior written permission.
 * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL
 * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use
 * in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear
 * facility.
 * Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored
 * and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline.

package com.sun.gluegen;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;

import com.sun.gluegen.cgram.types.*;

/** Parses and provides access to the contents of .cfg files for the
    JavaEmitter. */

public class JavaConfiguration {

  private int nestedReads;
  private String packageName;
  private String implPackageName;
  private String className;
  private String implClassName;
   * Root directory for the hierarchy of generated java classes. Default is
   * working directory.
  private String javaOutputDir = ".";
   * Directory into which generated native JNI code will be written. Default
   * is current working directory.
  private String nativeOutputDir = ".";
   * If true, then each native *.c and *.h file will be generated in the
   * directory nativeOutputDir/packageAsPath(packageName). Default is false.
  private boolean nativeOutputUsesJavaHierarchy;
   * Style of code emission. Can emit everything into one class
   * (AllStatic), separate interface and implementing classes
   * (InterfaceAndImpl), only the interface (InterfaceOnly), or only
   * the implementation (ImplOnly).
  private int emissionStyle = JavaEmitter.ALL_STATIC;
   * List of imports to emit at the head of the output files.
  private List/*<String>*/ imports = new ArrayList();
   * The kind of exception raised by the generated code if run-time
   * checks fail. Defaults to RuntimeException.
  private String runtimeExceptionType = "RuntimeException";
  private Map/*<String,Integer>*/ accessControl = new HashMap();
  private Map/*<String,TypeInfo>*/ typeInfoMap = new HashMap();
  private Set/*<String>*/ returnsString = new HashSet();
  private Map/*<String, String>*/ returnedArrayLengths = new HashMap();
   * Key is function that has some byte[] arguments that should be
   * converted to String args; value is List of Integer argument indices
  private Map/*<String,List<Integer>>*/ argumentsAreString = new HashMap();
  private Set/*<Pattern>*/ ignores = new HashSet();
  private Map/*<String,Pattern>*/ ignoreMap = new HashMap();
  private Set/*<Pattern>*/ ignoreNots = new HashSet();
  private Set/*<Pattern>*/ unimplemented = new HashSet();
  private Set/*<String>*/ nioDirectOnly = new HashSet();
  private Set/*<String>*/ manuallyImplement = new HashSet();
  private Map/*<String,List<String>>*/ customJavaCode = new HashMap();
  private Map/*<String,List<String>>*/ classJavadoc = new HashMap();
  private Map/*<String,String>*/ structPackages = new HashMap();
  private List/*<String>*/ customCCode = new ArrayList();
  private List/*<String>*/ forcedStructs = new ArrayList();
  private Map/*<String, String>*/ returnValueCapacities = new HashMap(); 
  private Map/*<String, String>*/ returnValueLengths = new HashMap(); 
  private Map/*<String, List<String>>*/ temporaryCVariableDeclarations = new HashMap();
  private Map/*<String, List<String>>*/ temporaryCVariableAssignments = new HashMap();
  private Map/*<String,List<String>>*/ extendedInterfaces = new HashMap();
  private Map/*<String,List<String>>*/ implementedInterfaces = new HashMap();
  private Map/*<String,String>*/ javaTypeRenames = new HashMap();
  private Map/*<String,String>*/ javaMethodRenames = new HashMap();
  private Map/*<String,List<String>>*/ javaPrologues = new HashMap();
  private Map/*<String,List<String>>*/ javaEpilogues = new HashMap();

  /** Reads the configuration file.
      @param filename path to file that should be read
  public final void read(String filename) throws  IOException {
    read(filename, null);
  /** Reads the specified file, treating each line as if it started with the
      specified string.
      @param filename path to file that should be read
      @param linePrefix if not null, treat each line read as if it were
      prefixed with the specified string.
  protected final void read(String filename, String linePrefix) throws IOException {
    File file = new File(filename);
    BufferedReader reader = null;
    try {
      reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
    catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Could not read file \"" + file + "\"", fnfe);
    int lineNo = 0;
    String line = null;
    boolean hasPrefix = linePrefix != null && linePrefix.length() > 0;
    try {
      while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        if (hasPrefix)
          line = linePrefix + " " + line;

        if (line.trim().startsWith("#"))
          // comment line
        StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(line);
        if (tok.hasMoreTokens())
          // always reset delimiters in case of CustomJavaCode, etc.
          String cmd = tok.nextToken(" \t\n\r\f");

          dispatch(cmd, tok, file, filename, lineNo);
    } finally {

    if (nestedReads == 0) {
      if (allStatic() && implClassName != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                                        "Error in configuration file \"" + filename + "\": Cannot use " +
                                        "directive \"ImplJavaClass\" in conjunction with " +
                                        "\"Style AllStatic\"");

      if (className == null && (emissionStyle() != JavaEmitter.IMPL_ONLY)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Output class name was not specified in configuration file");
      if (packageName == null && (emissionStyle() != JavaEmitter.IMPL_ONLY)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Output package name was not specified in configuration file");

      if (allStatic()) {
        implClassName = className;
        // If we're using the "Style AllStatic" directive, then the
        // implPackageName is the same as the regular package name
        implPackageName = packageName;
      } else {
        if (implClassName == null) {
          // implClassName defaults to "<className>Impl" if ImplJavaClass
          // directive is not used
          if (className == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("If ImplJavaClass is not specified, must specify JavaClass");
          implClassName = className + "Impl";
        if (implPackageName == null) {
          // implPackageName defaults to "<packageName>.impl" if ImplPackage
          // directive is not used
          if (packageName == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("If ImplPackageName is not specified, must specify PackageName");
          implPackageName = packageName + ".impl";

  /** Returns the package name parsed from the configuration file. */
  public String      packageName()                   { return packageName; }
  /** Returns the implementation package name parsed from the configuration file. */
  public String      implPackageName()               { return implPackageName; }
  /** Returns the class name parsed from the configuration file. */
  public String      className()                     { return className; }
  /** Returns the implementation class name parsed from the configuration file. */
  public String      implClassName()                 { return implClassName; }
  /** Returns the Java code output directory parsed from the configuration file. */
  public String      javaOutputDir()                 { return javaOutputDir; }
  /** Returns the native code output directory parsed from the configuration file. */
  public String      nativeOutputDir()               { return nativeOutputDir; }
  /** Returns whether the native code directory structure mirrors the Java hierarchy. */
  public boolean     nativeOutputUsesJavaHierarchy() { return nativeOutputUsesJavaHierarchy; }
  /** Returns the code emission style (constants in JavaEmitter) parsed from the configuration file. */
  public int         emissionStyle()                 { return emissionStyle; }
  /** Returns the access control for the emitted Java method. Returns one of JavaEmitter.ACC_PUBLIC, JavaEmitter.ACC_PROTECTED, JavaEmitter.ACC_PRIVATE, or JavaEmitter.ACC_PACKAGE_PRIVATE. */
  public int         accessControl(String methodName) {
    Integer ret = (Integer) accessControl.get(methodName);
    if (ret != null) {
      return ret.intValue();
    // Default access control is public
    return JavaEmitter.ACC_PUBLIC;

  /** Returns the kind of exception to raise if run-time checks fail in the generated code. */
  public String      runtimeExceptionType()          { return runtimeExceptionType; }
  /** Returns the list of imports that should be emitted at the top of each .java file. */
  public List/*<String>*/ imports()                  { return imports; }

  /** If this type should be considered opaque, returns the TypeInfo
      describing the replacement type. Returns null if this type
      should not be considered opaque. */
  public TypeInfo typeInfo(Type type, TypeDictionary typedefDictionary) {
    // Because typedefs of pointer types can show up at any point,
    // walk the pointer chain looking for a typedef name that is in
    // the TypeInfo map.
    int pointerDepth = type.pointerDepth();
    for (int i = 0; i <= pointerDepth; i++) {
      String name = type.getName();
      if (name != null) {
        TypeInfo info = (TypeInfo) typeInfoMap.get(name);
        while (info != null) {
          if (info.name().equals(name) && info.pointerDepth() == i) {
            return info;
          info = info.next();

      if (type.isCompound()) {
        // Try struct name as well
        name = type.asCompound().getStructName();
        if (name != null) {
          TypeInfo info = (TypeInfo) typeInfoMap.get(name);
          while (info != null) {
            if (info.name().equals(name) && info.pointerDepth() == i) {
              return info;
            info = info.next();

      // Try all typedef names that map to this type
      Set entrySet = typedefDictionary.entrySet();
      for (Iterator iter = entrySet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
        // "eq" equality is OK to use here since all types have been canonicalized
        if (entry.getValue() == type) {
          name = (String) entry.getKey();
          TypeInfo info = (TypeInfo) typeInfoMap.get(name);
          while (info != null) {
            if (info.name().equals(name) && info.pointerDepth() == i) {
              return info;
            info = info.next();

      if (type.isPointer()) {
        type = type.asPointer().getTargetType();

    return null;

  /** Indicates whether the given function (which returns a
      <code>char*</code> in C) should be translated as returning a
      <code>java.lang.String</code>. */
  public boolean returnsString(String functionName) {
    return returnsString.contains(functionName);

  /** Provides a Java MessageFormat expression indicating the number
      of elements in the returned array from the specified function
      name. Indicates that the given return value, which must be a
      pointer to a CompoundType, is actually an array of the
      CompoundType rather than a pointer to a single object. */
  public String returnedArrayLength(String functionName) {
    return (String) returnedArrayLengths.get(functionName);

  /** Returns a list of <code>Integer</code>s which are the indices of <code>const char*</code>
      arguments that should be converted to <code>String</code>s. Returns null if there are no
      such hints for the given function name. */

  public List/*<Integer>*/ stringArguments(String functionName) {
    return (List) argumentsAreString.get(functionName);

  /** Returns true if the given function should only create a java.nio
      variant, and no array variants, for <code>void*</code> and other
      C primitive pointers. */
  public boolean nioDirectOnly(String functionName) {
    return nioDirectOnly.contains(functionName);

  /** Returns true if the glue code for the given function will be
      manually implemented by the end user. */
  public boolean manuallyImplement(String functionName) {
    return manuallyImplement.contains(functionName);

  /** Returns a list of Strings containing user-implemented code for
      the given Java type name (not fully-qualified, only the class
      name); returns either null or an empty list if there is no
      custom code for the class. */
  public List customJavaCodeForClass(String className) {
    List res = (List) customJavaCode.get(className);
    if (res == null) {
      res = new ArrayList();
      customJavaCode.put(className, res);
    return res;

  /** Returns a list of Strings containing Javadoc documentation for
      the given Java type name (not fully-qualified, only the class
      name); returns either null or an empty list if there is no
      Javadoc documentation for the class. */
  public List javadocForClass(String className) {
    List res = (List) classJavadoc.get(className);
    if (res == null) {
      res = new ArrayList();
      classJavadoc.put(className, res);
    return res;

  /** Returns the package into which to place the glue code for
      accessing the specified struct. Defaults to emitting into the
      regular package (i.e., the result of {@link #packageName}). */
  public String packageForStruct(String structName) {
    String res = (String) structPackages.get(structName);
    if (res == null) {
      res = packageName;
    return res;

  /** Returns, as a List of Strings, the custom C code to be emitted
      along with the glue code for the main class. */
  public List/*<String>*/ customCCode() {
    return customCCode;

  /** Returns, as a List of Strings, the structs for which glue code
      emission should be forced. */
  public List/*<String>*/ forcedStructs() {
    return forcedStructs;

  /** Returns a MessageFormat string of the C expression calculating
      the capacity of the java.nio.ByteBuffer being returned from a
      native method, or null if no expression has been specified. */
  public String returnValueCapacity(String functionName) {
    return (String) returnValueCapacities.get(functionName);

  /** Returns a MessageFormat string of the C expression calculating
      the length of the array being returned from a native method, or
      null if no expression has been specified. */
  public String returnValueLength(String functionName) {
    return (String) returnValueLengths.get(functionName);

  /** Returns a List of Strings of expressions declaring temporary C
      variables in the glue code for the specified function. */
  public List/*<String>*/ temporaryCVariableDeclarations(String functionName) {
    return (List) temporaryCVariableDeclarations.get(functionName);

  /** Returns a List of Strings of expressions containing assignments
      to temporary C variables in the glue code for the specified
      function. */
  public List/*<String>*/ temporaryCVariableAssignments(String functionName) {
    return (List) temporaryCVariableAssignments.get(functionName);

  /** Returns a List of Strings indicating the interfaces the passed
      interface should declare it extends. May return null or a list
      of zero length if there are none. */
  public List/*<String>*/ extendedInterfaces(String interfaceName) {
    List res = (List) extendedInterfaces.get(interfaceName);
    if (res == null) {
      res = new ArrayList();
      extendedInterfaces.put(interfaceName, res);
    return res;

  /** Returns a List of Strings indicating the interfaces the passed
      class should declare it implements. May return null or a list
      of zero length if there are none. */
  public List/*<String>*/ implementedInterfaces(String className) {
    List res = (List) implementedInterfaces.get(className);
    if (res == null) {
      res = new ArrayList();
      implementedInterfaces.put(className, res);
    return res;

  /** Returns true if this #define, function, struct, or field within
      a struct should be ignored during glue code generation. */
  public boolean shouldIgnore(String symbol) {

    //System.err.println("CHECKING IGNORE: " + symbol);

    // Simple case; the entire symbol is in the ignore table.
    if (ignores.contains(symbol)) {
      return true;

    // Ok, the slow case. We need to check the entire table, in case the table
    // contains an regular expression that matches the symbol.
    for (Iterator iter = ignores.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      Pattern regexp = (Pattern)iter.next();
      Matcher matcher = regexp.matcher(symbol);
      if (matcher.matches()) {
        return true;

    // Check negated ignore table if not empty
    if (ignoreNots.size() > 0) {
      // Ok, the slow case. We need to check the entire table, in case the table
      // contains an regular expression that matches the symbol.
      for (Iterator iter = ignoreNots.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        Pattern regexp = (Pattern)iter.next();
        Matcher matcher = regexp.matcher(symbol);
        if (!matcher.matches()) {
          return true;

    return false;

  /** Returns true if this function should be given a body which
      throws a run-time exception with an "unimplemented" message
      during glue code generation. */
  public boolean isUnimplemented(String symbol) {

    // Simple case; the entire symbol is in the ignore table.
    if (unimplemented.contains(symbol)) {
      return true;

    // Ok, the slow case. We need to check the entire table, in case the table
    // contains an regular expression that matches the symbol.
    for (Iterator iter = unimplemented.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      Pattern regexp = (Pattern)iter.next();
      Matcher matcher = regexp.matcher(symbol);
      if (matcher.matches()) {
        return true;

    return false;

  /** Returns a replacement name for this type, which should be the
      name of a Java wrapper class for a C struct, or the name
      unchanged if no RenameJavaType directive was specified for this
      type. */
  public String renameJavaType(String javaTypeName) {
    String rename = (String) javaTypeRenames.get(javaTypeName);
    if (rename != null) {
      return rename;
    return javaTypeName;

  /** Returns a replacement name for this function which should be
      used as the Java name for the bound method. It still calls the
      originally-named C function under the hood. Returns null if this
      function has not been explicitly renamed. */
  public String getJavaMethodRename(String functionName) {
    return (String) javaMethodRenames.get(functionName);

  /** Returns true if the emission style is AllStatic. */
  public boolean allStatic() {
    return (emissionStyle == JavaEmitter.ALL_STATIC);

  /** Returns true if an interface should be emitted during glue code generation. */
  public boolean emitInterface() {
    return (emissionStyle() == JavaEmitter.INTERFACE_AND_IMPL ||
            emissionStyle() == JavaEmitter.INTERFACE_ONLY);

  /** Returns true if an implementing class should be emitted during glue code generation. */
  public boolean emitImpl() {
    return (emissionStyle() == JavaEmitter.ALL_STATIC ||
            emissionStyle() == JavaEmitter.INTERFACE_AND_IMPL ||
            emissionStyle() == JavaEmitter.IMPL_ONLY);

  /** Returns a list of Strings which should be emitted as a prologue
      to the body for the Java-side glue code for the given method.
      Returns null if no prologue was specified. */
  public List/*<String>*/ javaPrologueForMethod(MethodBinding binding,
                                                boolean forImplementingMethodCall,
                                                boolean eraseBufferAndArrayTypes) {
    List/*<String>*/ res = (List/*<String>*/) javaPrologues.get(binding.getName());
    if (res == null) {
      // Try again with method name and descriptor
      res = (List/*<String>*/) javaPrologues.get(binding.getName() +
    return res;

  /** Returns a list of Strings which should be emitted as an epilogue
      to the body for the Java-side glue code for the given method.
      Returns null if no epilogue was specified. */
  public List/*<String>*/ javaEpilogueForMethod(MethodBinding binding,
                                                boolean forImplementingMethodCall,
                                                boolean eraseBufferAndArrayTypes) {
    List/*<String>*/ res = (List/*<String>*/) javaEpilogues.get(binding.getName());
    if (res == null) {
      // Try again with method name and descriptor
      res = (List/*<String>*/) javaEpilogues.get(binding.getName() +
    return res;

  // Internals only below this point

  protected void dispatch(String cmd, StringTokenizer tok, File file, String filename, int lineNo) throws IOException {
    //System.err.println("read cmd = [" + cmd + "]"); 
    if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Package")) {
      packageName = readString("package", tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ImplPackage")) {
      implPackageName = readString("ImplPackage", tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("JavaClass")) {
      className = readString("JavaClass", tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ImplJavaClass")) {
      implClassName = readString("ImplJavaClass", tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("JavaOutputDir")) {
      javaOutputDir = readString("JavaOutputDir", tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("NativeOutputDir")) {
      nativeOutputDir = readString("NativeOutputDir", tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("HierarchicalNativeOutput")) {
      String tmp = readString("HierarchicalNativeOutput", tok, filename, lineNo);
      nativeOutputUsesJavaHierarchy = Boolean.valueOf(tmp).booleanValue();
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Style")) {
      String style = readString("Style", tok, filename, lineNo);
      if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("AllStatic")) {
        emissionStyle = JavaEmitter.ALL_STATIC;
      } else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("InterfaceAndImpl")) {
        emissionStyle = JavaEmitter.INTERFACE_AND_IMPL;
      } else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("InterfaceOnly")) {
        emissionStyle = JavaEmitter.INTERFACE_ONLY;
      } else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("ImplOnly")) {
        emissionStyle = JavaEmitter.IMPL_ONLY;
      } else {
        System.err.println("WARNING: Error parsing \"style\" command at line " + lineNo +
                           " in file \"" + filename + "\"");
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("AccessControl")) {
      readAccessControl(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Import")) {
      imports.add(readString("Import", tok, filename, lineNo));
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Opaque")) {
      readOpaque(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ReturnsString")) {
      readReturnsString(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ReturnedArrayLength")) {
      readReturnedArrayLength(tok, filename, lineNo);
      // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop
      // because ReturnedArrayLength changes them.
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ArgumentIsString")) {
      readArgumentIsString(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Ignore")) {
      readIgnore(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Unignore")) {
      readUnignore(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("IgnoreNot")) {
      readIgnoreNot(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Unimplemented")) {
      readUnimplemented(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("IgnoreField")) {
      readIgnoreField(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ManuallyImplement")) {
      readManuallyImplement(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("CustomJavaCode")) {
      readCustomJavaCode(tok, filename, lineNo);
      // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop
      // because readCustomJavaCode changes them.
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("CustomCCode")) {
      readCustomCCode(tok, filename, lineNo);
      // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop
      // because readCustomCCode changes them.
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ClassJavadoc")) {
      readClassJavadoc(tok, filename, lineNo);
      // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop
      // because readClassJavadoc changes them.
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("NioDirectOnly")) {
      nioDirectOnly.add(readString("NioDirectOnly", tok, filename, lineNo));
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("EmitStruct")) {
      forcedStructs.add(readString("EmitStruct", tok, filename, lineNo));
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("StructPackage")) {
      readStructPackage(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("TemporaryCVariableDeclaration")) {
      readTemporaryCVariableDeclaration(tok, filename, lineNo);
      // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop
      // because TemporaryCVariableDeclaration changes them.
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("TemporaryCVariableAssignment")) {
      readTemporaryCVariableAssignment(tok, filename, lineNo);
      // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop
      // because TemporaryCVariableAssignment changes them.
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ReturnValueCapacity")) {
      readReturnValueCapacity(tok, filename, lineNo);
      // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop
      // because ReturnValueCapacity changes them.
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ReturnValueLength")) {
      readReturnValueLength(tok, filename, lineNo);
      // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop
      // because ReturnValueLength changes them.
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Include")) {
      doInclude(tok, file, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("IncludeAs")) {
      doIncludeAs(tok, file, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Extends")) {
      readExtend(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Implements")) {
      readImplements(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("RenameJavaType")) {
      readRenameJavaType(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("RenameJavaMethod")) {
      readRenameJavaMethod(tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("RuntimeExceptionType")) {
      runtimeExceptionType = readString("RuntimeExceptionType", tok, filename, lineNo);
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("JavaPrologue")) {
      readJavaPrologueOrEpilogue(tok, filename, lineNo, true);
      // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop
      // because readJavaPrologueOrEpilogue changes them.
    } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("JavaEpilogue")) {
      readJavaPrologueOrEpilogue(tok, filename, lineNo, false);
      // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop
      // because readJavaPrologueOrEpilogue changes them.
    } else {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unknown command \"" + cmd +
                                 "\" in command file " + filename +
                                 " at line number " + lineNo);

  protected String readString(String cmd, StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      return tok.nextToken();
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"" + cmd + "\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e);

  protected Boolean readBoolean(String cmd, StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      return Boolean.valueOf(tok.nextToken());
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"" + cmd + "\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected boolean value", e);

  protected Class stringToPrimitiveType(String type) throws ClassNotFoundException {
    if (type.equals("boolean")) return Boolean.TYPE;
    if (type.equals("byte"))    return Integer.TYPE;
    if (type.equals("char"))    return Character.TYPE;
    if (type.equals("short"))   return Short.TYPE;
    if (type.equals("int"))     return Integer.TYPE;
    if (type.equals("long"))    return Long.TYPE;
    if (type.equals("float"))   return Float.TYPE;
    if (type.equals("double"))  return Double.TYPE;
    throw new RuntimeException("Only primitive types are supported here");

  protected void readAccessControl(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String methodName = tok.nextToken();
      String style = tok.nextToken();
      int acc = 0;
      if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("PUBLIC")) {
        acc = JavaEmitter.ACC_PUBLIC;
      } else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("PROTECTED")) {
        acc = JavaEmitter.ACC_PROTECTED;
      } else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("PRIVATE")) {
        acc = JavaEmitter.ACC_PRIVATE;
      } else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE_PRIVATE")) {
        acc = JavaEmitter.ACC_PRIVATE;
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"AccessControl\" command at line " + lineNo +
                           " in file \"" + filename + "\"");
      accessControl.put(methodName, new Integer(acc));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"AccessControl\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readOpaque(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      JavaType javaType = JavaType.createForClass(stringToPrimitiveType(tok.nextToken()));
      String cType = null;
      while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        if (cType == null) {
          cType = tok.nextToken();
        } else {
          cType = cType + " " + tok.nextToken();
      if (cType == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("No C type for \"Opaque\" command at line " + lineNo +
          " in file \"" + filename + "\"");
      TypeInfo info = parseTypeInfo(cType, javaType);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Opaque\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readReturnsString(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String name = tok.nextToken();
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ReturnsString\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readReturnedArrayLength(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String functionName = tok.nextToken();
      String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f");
      restOfLine = restOfLine.trim();
      returnedArrayLengths.put(functionName, restOfLine);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ReturnedArrayLength\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readIgnore(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String regex = tok.nextToken();
      Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
      ignoreMap.put(regex, pattern);
      //System.err.println("IGNORING " + regex + " / " + ignores.get(regex));
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Ignore\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readUnignore(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String regex = tok.nextToken();
      Pattern pattern = (Pattern) ignoreMap.get(regex);
      //System.err.println("UN-IGNORING " + regex + " / " + ignores.get(regex));
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Unignore\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readIgnoreNot(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String regex = tok.nextToken();
      //System.err.println("IGNORING NEGATION OF " + regex + " / " + ignores.get(regex));
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"IgnoreNot\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readUnimplemented(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String regex = tok.nextToken();
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Unimplemented\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readIgnoreField(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String containingStruct = tok.nextToken();
      String name = tok.nextToken();
      ignores.add(Pattern.compile(containingStruct + " " + name));
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"IgnoreField\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readManuallyImplement(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String name = tok.nextToken();
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ManuallyImplement\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readCustomJavaCode(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String className = tok.nextToken();
      String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f");
      addCustomJavaCode(className, restOfLine);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"CustomJavaCode\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void addCustomJavaCode(String className, String code) {
    List codeList = customJavaCodeForClass(className);

  protected void readCustomCCode(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f");
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"CustomCCode\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readClassJavadoc(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String className = tok.nextToken();
      String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f");
      addClassJavadoc(className, restOfLine);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ClassJavadoc\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void addClassJavadoc(String className, String code) {
    List codeList = javadocForClass(className);

   * When const char* arguments in the C function prototypes are encountered,
   * the emitter will normally convert them to <code>byte[]</code>
   * arguments. This directive lets you specify which of those arguments
   * should be converted to <code>String</code> arguments instead of <code>
   * byte[] </code>. <p>
   * For example, given the C prototype:
   * <pre>
   * void FuncName(const char* ugh, int bar, const char *foo, const char* goop);
   * </pre>
   * The emitter will normally emit:
   * <pre>
   * public abstract void FuncName(byte[] ugh, int bar, byte[] foo, byte[] goop);
   * </pre>
   * However, if you supplied the following directive:
   * <pre>
   * ArgumentIsString FuncName 0 2
   * </pre>
   * The emitter will instead emit:
   * <pre>
   * public abstract void FuncName(String ugh, int bar, String foo, byte[] goop);
   * </pre>
   protected void readArgumentIsString(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
     try {
      String methodName = tok.nextToken();
      ArrayList argIndices = new ArrayList(2);
      while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        Integer idx = Integer.valueOf(tok.nextToken());

      if(argIndices.size() > 0) {
        argumentsAreString.put(methodName, argIndices);
      else {
        throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Error parsing \"ArgumentIsString\" command at line " + lineNo +
          " in file \"" + filename + "\": directive requires specification of at least 1 index");
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
        "Error parsing \"ArgumentIsString\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);
  protected void readStructPackage(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String struct = tok.nextToken();
      String pkg = tok.nextToken();
      structPackages.put(struct, pkg);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"StructPackage\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readReturnValueCapacity(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String functionName = tok.nextToken();
      String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f");
      restOfLine = restOfLine.trim();
      returnValueCapacities.put(functionName, restOfLine);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ReturnValueCapacity\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readReturnValueLength(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String functionName = tok.nextToken();
      String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f");
      restOfLine = restOfLine.trim();
      returnValueLengths.put(functionName, restOfLine);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ReturnValueLength\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readTemporaryCVariableDeclaration(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String functionName = tok.nextToken();
      String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f");
      restOfLine = restOfLine.trim();
      List list = (List) temporaryCVariableDeclarations.get(functionName);
      if (list == null) {
        list = new ArrayList/*<String>*/();
        temporaryCVariableDeclarations.put(functionName, list);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"TemporaryCVariableDeclaration\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readTemporaryCVariableAssignment(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String functionName = tok.nextToken();
      String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f");
      restOfLine = restOfLine.trim();
      List list = (List) temporaryCVariableAssignments.get(functionName);
      if (list == null) {
        list = new ArrayList/*<String>*/();
        temporaryCVariableAssignments.put(functionName, list);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"TemporaryCVariableAssignment\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void doInclude(StringTokenizer tok, File file, String filename, int lineNo) throws IOException {
    try {
      String includedFilename = tok.nextToken();
      File includedFile = new File(includedFilename);
      if (!includedFile.isAbsolute()) {
        includedFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), includedFilename);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Include\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void doIncludeAs(StringTokenizer tok, File file, String filename, int lineNo) throws IOException {
    try {
      StringBuffer linePrefix = new StringBuffer(128);
      while (tok.countTokens() > 1)
        linePrefix.append(" ");  
      // last token is filename
      String includedFilename = tok.nextToken();
      File includedFile = new File(includedFilename);
      if (!includedFile.isAbsolute()) {
        includedFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), includedFilename);
      read(includedFile.getAbsolutePath(), linePrefix.toString());
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"IncludeAs\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected void readExtend(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String interfaceName = tok.nextToken();
      List intfs = extendedInterfaces(interfaceName);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Extends\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e);

  protected void readImplements(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String className = tok.nextToken();
      List intfs = implementedInterfaces(className);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Implements\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e);

  protected void readRenameJavaType(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String fromName = tok.nextToken();
      String toName   = tok.nextToken();
      javaTypeRenames.put(fromName, toName);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"RenameJavaType\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e);

  protected void readRenameJavaMethod(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo) {
    try {
      String fromName = tok.nextToken();
      String toName   = tok.nextToken();
      javaMethodRenames.put(fromName, toName);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"RenameJavaMethod\" command at line " + lineNo +
        " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e);

  protected void readJavaPrologueOrEpilogue(StringTokenizer tok, String filename, int lineNo, boolean prologue) {
    try {
      String methodName = tok.nextToken();
      String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f");
      restOfLine = restOfLine.trim();
      if (startsWithDescriptor(restOfLine)) {
        // Assume it starts with signature for disambiguation
        int spaceIdx = restOfLine.indexOf(' ');
        if (spaceIdx > 0) {
          String descriptor = restOfLine.substring(0, spaceIdx);
          restOfLine = restOfLine.substring(spaceIdx + 1, restOfLine.length());
          methodName = methodName + descriptor;
      Map code = (prologue ? javaPrologues : javaEpilogues);
      List/*<String>*/ data = (List/*<String>*/) code.get(methodName);
      if (data == null) {
        data = new ArrayList/*<String>*/();
        code.put(methodName, data);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"" + 
                                 (prologue ? "JavaPrologue" : "JavaEpilogue") +
                                 "\" command at line " + lineNo +
                                 " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);

  protected static TypeInfo parseTypeInfo(String cType, JavaType javaType) {
    String typeName = null;
    int pointerDepth = 0;
    int idx = 0;
    while (idx < cType.length() &&
           (cType.charAt(idx) != ' ') &&
           (cType.charAt(idx) != '*')) {
    typeName = cType.substring(0, idx);
    // Count pointer depth
    while (idx < cType.length()) {
      if (cType.charAt(idx) == '*') {
    return new TypeInfo(typeName, pointerDepth, javaType);

  protected void addTypeInfo(TypeInfo info) {
    TypeInfo tmp = (TypeInfo) typeInfoMap.get(info.name());
    if (tmp == null) {
      typeInfoMap.put(info.name(), info);
    while (tmp.next() != null) {
      tmp = tmp.next();

  private static int nextIndexAfterType(String s, int idx) {
    int len = s.length();
    while (idx < len) {
      char c = s.charAt(idx);

      if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c) ||
          Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) ||
          (c == '/')) {
      } else if (c == ';') {
        return (idx + 1);
      } else {
        return -1;
    return -1;

  private static int nextIndexAfterDescriptor(String s, int idx) {
    char c = s.charAt(idx);
    switch (c) {
      case 'B':
      case 'C':
      case 'D':
      case 'F':
      case 'I':
      case 'J':
      case 'S':
      case 'Z':
      case 'V': return (1 + idx);
      case 'L': return nextIndexAfterType(s, idx + 1);
      case ')': return idx;
      default: break;
    return -1;

  protected static boolean startsWithDescriptor(String s) {
    // Try to see whether the String s starts with a valid Java
    // descriptor.

    int idx = 0;
    int len = s.length();
    while ((idx < len) && s.charAt(idx) == ' ') {

    if (idx >= len) return false;
    if (s.charAt(idx++) != '(')  return false;
    while (idx < len) {
      int nextIdx = nextIndexAfterDescriptor(s, idx);
      if (nextIdx < 0) {
        return false;
      if (nextIdx == idx) {
        // ')'
      idx = nextIdx;
    int nextIdx = nextIndexAfterDescriptor(s, idx + 1);
    if (nextIdx < 0) {
      return false;
    return true;