// Attempt to return the same ByteBuffer object from glMapBufferARB if // the vertex buffer object's base address and size haven't changed private static class ARBVBOKey { private long addr; private int capacity; ARBVBOKey(long addr, int capacity) { this.addr = addr; this.capacity = capacity; } public int hashCode() { return (int) addr; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if ((o == null) || (!(o instanceof ARBVBOKey))) { return false; } ARBVBOKey other = (ARBVBOKey) o; return ((addr == other.addr) && (capacity == other.capacity)); } } private Map/*<ARBVBOKey, ByteBuffer>*/ arbVBOCache = new HashMap(); /** Entry point to C language function: <br> <code> LPVOID glMapBuffer(GLenum target, GLenum access); </code> */ public java.nio.ByteBuffer glMapBuffer(int target, int access) { final long __addr_ = _context.getGLProcAddressTable()._addressof_glMapBuffer; if (__addr_ == 0) { throw new GLException("Method \"glMapBuffer\" not available"); } int[] sz = new int[1]; glGetBufferParameteriv(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB, sz); long addr; addr = dispatch_glMapBuffer(target, access, __addr_); if (addr == 0 || sz[0] == 0) { return null; } ARBVBOKey key = new ARBVBOKey(addr, sz[0]); ByteBuffer _res = (ByteBuffer) arbVBOCache.get(key); if (_res == null) { _res = InternalBufferUtils.newDirectByteBuffer(addr, sz[0]); _res.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); arbVBOCache.put(key, _res); } return _res; } /** Entry point to C language function: <br> <code> LPVOID glMapBufferARB(GLenum target, GLenum access); </code> */ public java.nio.ByteBuffer glMapBufferARB(int target, int access) { final long __addr_ = _context.getGLProcAddressTable()._addressof_glMapBufferARB; if (__addr_ == 0) { throw new GLException("Method \"glMapBufferARB\" not available"); } int[] sz = new int[1]; glGetBufferParameterivARB(target, GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB, sz); long addr; addr = dispatch_glMapBufferARB(target, access, __addr_); if (addr == 0 || sz[0] == 0) { return null; } ARBVBOKey key = new ARBVBOKey(addr, sz[0]); ByteBuffer _res = (ByteBuffer) arbVBOCache.get(key); if (_res == null) { _res = InternalBufferUtils.newDirectByteBuffer(addr, sz[0]); _res.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); arbVBOCache.put(key, _res); } return _res; } /** Encapsulates function pointer for OpenGL function <br>: <code> LPVOID glMapBuffer(GLenum target, GLenum access); </code> */ native private long dispatch_glMapBuffer(int target, int access, long glProcAddress); /** Encapsulates function pointer for OpenGL function <br>: <code> LPVOID glMapBufferARB(GLenum target, GLenum access); </code> */ native private long dispatch_glMapBufferARB(int target, int access, long glProcAddress);