#include <inttypes.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> /* Linux headers don't work properly */ #define __USE_GNU #include <dlfcn.h> #undef __USE_GNU /* Current versions of Solaris don't expose the XF86 extensions, although with the recent transition to Xorg this will probably happen in an upcoming release */ #if !defined(__sun) && !defined(_HPUX) #include <X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h> #else /* Need to provide stubs for these */ Bool XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize( Display *display, int screen, int* size) { return False; } Bool XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp( Display *display, int screen, int size, unsigned short *red_array, unsigned short *green_array, unsigned short *blue_array) { return False; } Bool XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp( Display *display, int screen, int size, unsigned short *red_array, unsigned short *green_array, unsigned short *blue_array) { return False; } #endif /* HP-UX doesn't define RTLD_DEFAULT. */ #if defined(_HPUX) && !defined(RTLD_DEFAULT) #define RTLD_DEFAULT NULL #endif /* Need to expose DefaultScreen and RootWindow macros to Java */ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib_DefaultScreen(JNIEnv *env, jclass _unused, jlong display) { return DefaultScreen((Display*) (intptr_t) display); } JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib_DefaultVisualID(JNIEnv *env, jclass _unused, jlong display, jint screen) { return (jlong) XVisualIDFromVisual( DefaultVisual( (Display*) (intptr_t) display, screen ) ); } JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib_RootWindow(JNIEnv *env, jclass _unused, jlong display, jint screen) { return RootWindow((Display*) (intptr_t) display, screen); } JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib_dlopen(JNIEnv *env, jclass _unused, jstring name) { const jbyte* chars; void* res; chars = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, name, NULL); res = dlopen(chars, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, name, chars); return (jlong) ((intptr_t) res); } JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib_dlsym(JNIEnv *env, jclass _unused, jstring name) { const jbyte* chars; void* res; chars = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, name, NULL); res = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, chars); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, name, chars); return (jlong) ((intptr_t) res); } /* Need to pull this in as we don't have a stub header for it */ extern Bool XineramaEnabled(Display* display); static const char * clazzNameInternalBufferUtil = "com/jogamp/nativewindow/impl/InternalBufferUtil"; static const char * clazzNameInternalBufferUtilStaticCstrName = "copyByteBuffer"; static const char * clazzNameInternalBufferUtilStaticCstrSignature = "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;"; static const char * clazzNameByteBuffer = "java/nio/ByteBuffer"; static jclass clazzInternalBufferUtil = NULL; static jmethodID cstrInternalBufferUtil = NULL; static jclass clazzByteBuffer = NULL; static void _initClazzAccess(JNIEnv *env) { jclass c; if(NULL!=cstrInternalBufferUtil) return ; c = (*env)->FindClass(env, clazzNameInternalBufferUtil); if(NULL==c) { fprintf(stderr, "FatalError: Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib: can't find %s\n", clazzNameInternalBufferUtil); (*env)->FatalError(env, clazzNameInternalBufferUtil); } clazzInternalBufferUtil = (jclass)(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, c); if(NULL==clazzInternalBufferUtil) { fprintf(stderr, "FatalError: Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib: can't use %s\n", clazzNameInternalBufferUtil); (*env)->FatalError(env, clazzNameInternalBufferUtil); } c = (*env)->FindClass(env, clazzNameByteBuffer); if(NULL==c) { fprintf(stderr, "FatalError: Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib: can't find %s\n", clazzNameByteBuffer); (*env)->FatalError(env, clazzNameByteBuffer); } clazzByteBuffer = (jclass)(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, c); if(NULL==c) { fprintf(stderr, "FatalError: Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib: can't use %s\n", clazzNameByteBuffer); (*env)->FatalError(env, clazzNameByteBuffer); } cstrInternalBufferUtil = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, clazzInternalBufferUtil, clazzNameInternalBufferUtilStaticCstrName, clazzNameInternalBufferUtilStaticCstrSignature); if(NULL==cstrInternalBufferUtil) { fprintf(stderr, "FatalError: Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib:: can't create %s.%s %s\n", clazzNameInternalBufferUtil, clazzNameInternalBufferUtilStaticCstrName, clazzNameInternalBufferUtilStaticCstrSignature); (*env)->FatalError(env, clazzNameInternalBufferUtilStaticCstrName); } } /* Java->C glue code: * Java package: com.jogamp.nativewindow.impl.x11.X11Lib * Java method: XVisualInfo XGetVisualInfo(long arg0, long arg1, XVisualInfo arg2, java.nio.IntBuffer arg3) * C function: XVisualInfo * XGetVisualInfo(Display * , long, XVisualInfo * , int * ); */ JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib_XGetVisualInfoCopied1__JJLjava_nio_ByteBuffer_2Ljava_lang_Object_2I(JNIEnv *env, jclass _unused, jlong arg0, jlong arg1, jobject arg2, jobject arg3, jint arg3_byte_offset) { XVisualInfo * _ptr2 = NULL; int * _ptr3 = NULL; XVisualInfo * _res; int count; jobject jbyteSource; jobject jbyteCopy; if (arg2 != NULL) { _ptr2 = (XVisualInfo *) (((char*) (*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, arg2)) + 0); } if (arg3 != NULL) { _ptr3 = (int *) (((char*) (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, arg3, NULL)) + arg3_byte_offset); } _res = XGetVisualInfo((Display *) (intptr_t) arg0, (long) arg1, (XVisualInfo *) _ptr2, (int *) _ptr3); count = _ptr3[0]; if (arg3 != NULL) { (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, arg3, _ptr3, 0); } if (_res == NULL) return NULL; _initClazzAccess(env); jbyteSource = (*env)->NewDirectByteBuffer(env, _res, count * sizeof(XVisualInfo)); jbyteCopy = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, clazzInternalBufferUtil, cstrInternalBufferUtil, jbyteSource); // FIXME: remove reference/gc jbyteSource ?? XFree(_res); return jbyteCopy; } static XIOErrorHandler origIOErrorHandler = NULL; static int displayIOErrorHandler(Display *dpy) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal: Nativewindow X11 IOError: Display %p not available\n", dpy); origIOErrorHandler(dpy); return 0; } static void displayIOErrorHandlerEnable(int onoff) { if(onoff) { if(NULL==origIOErrorHandler) { origIOErrorHandler = XSetIOErrorHandler(displayIOErrorHandler); } } else { XSetIOErrorHandler(origIOErrorHandler); origIOErrorHandler = NULL; } } /* Java->C glue code: * Java package: com.jogamp.nativewindow.impl.x11.X11Lib * Java method: int XCloseDisplay(long display) * C function: int XCloseDisplay(Display * display); */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib_XCloseDisplay__J(JNIEnv *env, jclass _unused, jlong display) { int _res; // fprintf(stderr, "X11Lib.XCloseDisplay: %p\n", (Display *) (intptr_t) display); displayIOErrorHandlerEnable(1); _res = XCloseDisplay((Display *) (intptr_t) display); displayIOErrorHandlerEnable(0); return _res; } /* Java->C glue code: * Java package: com.jogamp.nativewindow.impl.x11.X11Lib * Java method: long XOpenDisplay(java.lang.String arg0) * C function: Display * XOpenDisplay(const char * ); */ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_jogamp_nativewindow_impl_x11_X11Lib_XOpenDisplay__Ljava_lang_String_2(JNIEnv *env, jclass _unused, jstring arg0) { const char* _strchars_arg0 = NULL; Display * _res; if ( NULL != arg0 ) { _strchars_arg0 = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, arg0, (jboolean*)NULL); if ( NULL == _strchars_arg0 ) { (*env)->ThrowNew(env, (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError"), "Failed to get UTF-8 chars for argument \"arg0\" in native dispatcher for \"XOpenDisplay\""); return 0; } } _res = XOpenDisplay((char *) _strchars_arg0); // fprintf(stderr, "X11Lib.XOpenDisplay: %s -> %p\n", _strchars_arg0, _res); if ( NULL != arg0 ) { (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, arg0, _strchars_arg0); } return (jlong) (intptr_t) _res; }