/** Available and recommended on Mac OS X >= 10.6 Update 4 */ public static final int JAWT_MACOSX_USE_CALAYER = 0x80000000; public static final VersionNumber JAWT_MacOSXCALayerMinVersion = new VersionNumber(10,6,4); private int jawt_version_cached = 0; public final int getCachedVersion() { return jawt_version_cached; } /** Helper routine for all users to call to access the JAWT. */ public static JAWT getJAWT(final int jawt_version_flags) { JAWTUtil.initSingleton(); // Workaround for 4845371. // Make sure the first reference to the JNI GetDirectBufferAddress is done // from a privileged context so the VM's internal class lookups will succeed. return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<JAWT>() { public JAWT run() { int jawt_version_flags_mod = jawt_version_flags; JAWT jawt = JAWT.create(); if( 0 != ( jawt_version_flags_mod & JAWT_MACOSX_USE_CALAYER ) ) { jawt.setVersion(jawt_version_flags_mod); if (JAWTFactory.JAWT_GetAWT(jawt)) { jawt.jawt_version_cached = jawt.getVersion(); return jawt; } jawt_version_flags_mod &= ~JAWT_MACOSX_USE_CALAYER; System.err.println("MacOSX "+Platform.OS_VERSION_NUMBER+" >= "+JAWT_MacOSXCALayerMinVersion+": Failed to use JAWT_MACOSX_USE_CALAYER"); } jawt.setVersion(jawt_version_flags_mod); if (!JAWTFactory.JAWT_GetAWT(jawt)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialize JAWT: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(jawt_version_flags_mod)); } jawt.jawt_version_cached = jawt.getVersion(); return jawt; } }); }