// Tracks glBegin/glEnd calls to determine whether it is legal to // query Vertex Buffer Object state private boolean inBeginEndPair; public GLES2Impl(GLProfile glp, GLContextImpl context) { this._context = context; this.bufferSizeTracker = context.getBufferSizeTracker(); this.bufferStateTracker = context.getBufferStateTracker(); this.glStateTracker = context.getGLStateTracker(); this.glProfile = glp; } public final boolean isGL4bc() { return false; } public final boolean isGL4() { return false; } public final boolean isGL3bc() { return false; } public final boolean isGL3() { return false; } public final boolean isGL2() { return false; } public final boolean isGLES1() { return false; } public final boolean isGLES2() { return true; } public final boolean isGLES() { return true; } public final boolean isGL2ES1() { return false; } public final boolean isGL2ES2() { return true; } public final boolean isGL2GL3() { return false; } public final boolean hasGLSL() { return true; } public final GL4bc getGL4bc() throws GLException { throw new GLException("Not a GL4bc implementation"); } public final GL4 getGL4() throws GLException { throw new GLException("Not a GL4 implementation"); } public final GL3bc getGL3bc() throws GLException { throw new GLException("Not a GL3bc implementation"); } public final GL3 getGL3() throws GLException { throw new GLException("Not a GL3 implementation"); } public final GL2 getGL2() throws GLException { throw new GLException("Not a GL2 implementation"); } public final GLES1 getGLES1() throws GLException { throw new GLException("Not a GLES1 implementation"); } public final GLES2 getGLES2() throws GLException { return this; } public final GL2ES1 getGL2ES1() throws GLException { throw new GLException("Not a GL2ES1 implementation"); } public final GL2ES2 getGL2ES2() throws GLException { return this; } public final GL2GL3 getGL2GL3() throws GLException { throw new GLException("Not a GL2GL3 implementation"); } // // Helpers for ensuring the correct amount of texture data // private GLBufferSizeTracker bufferSizeTracker; private GLBufferStateTracker bufferStateTracker; private GLStateTracker glStateTracker; private boolean bufferObjectExtensionsInitialized = false; private boolean haveOESFramebufferObject; private void initBufferObjectExtensionChecks() { if (bufferObjectExtensionsInitialized) return; bufferObjectExtensionsInitialized = true; haveOESFramebufferObject = isExtensionAvailable("GL_OES_framebuffer_object"); } private boolean checkBufferObject(boolean avail, boolean enabled, int state, String kind, boolean throwException) { if (!avail) { if (!enabled) return true; if(throwException) { throw new GLException("Required extensions not available to call this function"); } return false; } int buffer = bufferStateTracker.getBoundBufferObject(state, this); if (enabled) { if (buffer == 0) { if(throwException) { throw new GLException(kind + " must be enabled to call this method"); } return false; } } else { if (buffer != 0) { if(throwException) { throw new GLException(kind + " must be disabled to call this method"); } return false; } } return true; } private boolean checkArrayVBODisabled(boolean throwException) { initBufferObjectExtensionChecks(); return checkBufferObject(true, false, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, "array vertex_buffer_object", throwException); } private boolean checkArrayVBOEnabled(boolean throwException) { initBufferObjectExtensionChecks(); return checkBufferObject(true, true, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, "array vertex_buffer_object", throwException); } private boolean checkElementVBODisabled(boolean throwException) { initBufferObjectExtensionChecks(); return checkBufferObject(true, false, GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, "element vertex_buffer_object", throwException); } private boolean checkElementVBOEnabled(boolean throwException) { initBufferObjectExtensionChecks(); return checkBufferObject(true, true, GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, "element vertex_buffer_object", throwException); } private boolean checkUnpackPBODisabled(boolean throwException) { // PBO n/a for ES 1.1 or ES 2.0 return true; } private boolean checkUnpackPBOEnabled(boolean throwException) { // PBO n/a for ES 1.1 or ES 2.0 return false; } private boolean checkPackPBODisabled(boolean throwException) { // PBO n/a for ES 1.1 or ES 2.0 return true; } private boolean checkPackPBOEnabled(boolean throwException) { // PBO n/a for ES 1.1 or ES 2.0 return false; } private HashMap/*<MemoryObject>*/ arbMemCache = new HashMap(); /** Entry point to C language function: <br> <code> LPVOID glMapBuffer(GLenum target, GLenum access); </code> */ public java.nio.ByteBuffer glMapBuffer(int target, int access) { final long __addr_ = ((GLES2ProcAddressTable)_context.getGLProcAddressTable())._addressof_glMapBuffer; if (__addr_ == 0) { throw new GLException("Method \"glMapBuffer\" not available"); } final long sz = bufferSizeTracker.getBufferSize(bufferStateTracker, target, this); if (0 == sz) { return null; } final long addr = dispatch_glMapBuffer(target, access, __addr_); if (0 == addr) { return null; } ByteBuffer buffer; MemoryObject memObj0 = new MemoryObject(addr, sz); // object and key MemoryObject memObj1 = MemoryObject.getOrAddSafe(arbMemCache, memObj0); if(memObj0 == memObj1) { // just added .. if(null != memObj0.getBuffer()) { throw new InternalError(); } buffer = newDirectByteBuffer(addr, sz); Buffers.nativeOrder(buffer); memObj0.setBuffer(buffer); } else { // already mapped buffer = memObj1.getBuffer(); if(null == buffer) { throw new InternalError(); } } buffer.position(0); return buffer; } /** Encapsulates function pointer for OpenGL function <br>: <code> LPVOID glMapBuffer(GLenum target, GLenum access); </code> */ native private long dispatch_glMapBuffer(int target, int access, long glProcAddress); native private ByteBuffer newDirectByteBuffer(long addr, long capacity); public void glClearDepth(double depth) { glClearDepthf((float)depth); } public void glDepthRange(double zNear, double zFar) { glDepthRangef((float)zNear, (float)zFar); }