# This .cfg file provides common options used among all glue code # generated for Jogl on all platforms. HierarchicalNativeOutput false # Raise GLException instead of RuntimeException in glue code RuntimeExceptionType GLException UnsupportedExceptionType GLException # Imports needed by all glue code Import java.util.* Import javax.media.opengl.* Import javax.media.opengl.fixedfunc.* Import jogamp.opengl.* ##################################################################### # Mostly desktop OpenGL stuff below # # Don't output #defines of GL version identifier strings as constants, # because we don't need them java-side. Ignore GL_VERSION_.+ Ignore KHRONOS_.+ # Ignore GL functions that deal with explicit pointer values in such a # way that we cannot implement the functionality in Java Ignore glGetBufferPointerv Ignore glGetBufferPointervARB Ignore glGetBufferPointerivNV Ignore glGetNamedBufferPointervEXT Ignore glGetPointerv Ignore glGetPointervEXT Ignore glGetPointerIndexedvEXT Ignore glGetTexParameterPointervAPPLE Ignore glGetVertexAttribPointerv Ignore glGetVertexAttribPointervARB Ignore glGetVertexAttribPointervNV Ignore glTracePointerRangeMESA Ignore glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex Ignore glDebugMessageCallbackARB Ignore glDebugMessageCallbackAMD # Manually implement glMapBuffer as the size of the returned buffer # can only be computed by calling another routine ManuallyImplement glMapBuffer ForceProcAddressGen glMapBuffer # Ignore the ATI_map_object_buffer extension for now unless someone # claims they need it, as it will undoubtedly require a similar # construct to glMapBuffer Ignore glMapObjectBufferATI Ignore glUnmapObjectBufferATI # Ignore some GL functions that have outgoing void** parameters; we cannot yet deal with them Ignore glGetVariantPointervEXT # FIXME: these extensions require either a handle to a device context # or take void** parameters or both. Until we think through the # semantics of each of these individually we need to disable them. # WGL_ARB_buffer_region Ignore wglCreateBufferRegion Ignore wglDeleteBufferRegion Ignore wglSaveBufferRegion Ignore wglRestoreBufferRegion Ignore wglGetSyncValuesOML Ignore wglGetMscRateOML Ignore wglSwapBuffersMscOML Ignore wglSwapLayerBuffersMscOML Ignore wglWaitForMscOML Ignore wglWaitForSbcOML Ignore wglGetDigitalVideoParametersI3D Ignore wglSetDigitalVideoParametersI3D Ignore wglGetGammaTableParametersI3D Ignore wglSetGammaTableParametersI3D Ignore wglGetGammaTableI3D Ignore wglSetGammaTableI3D Ignore wglEnableGenlockI3D Ignore wglDisableGenlockI3D Ignore wglIsEnabledGenlockI3D Ignore wglGenlockSourceI3D Ignore wglGetGenlockSourceI3D Ignore wglGenlockSourceEdgeI3D Ignore wglGetGenlockSourceEdgeI3D Ignore wglGenlockSampleRateI3D Ignore wglGetGenlockSampleRateI3D Ignore wglGenlockSourceDelayI3D Ignore wglGetGenlockSourceDelayI3D Ignore wglQueryGenlockMaxSourceDelayI3D Ignore wglCreateImageBufferI3D Ignore wglDestroyImageBufferI3D Ignore wglAssociateImageBufferEventsI3D Ignore wglReleaseImageBufferEventsI3D # # IgnoreExtension directives # # Ignore extensions requiring persistent pointer-to-pointer storage as # there is no such thing as a direct "BufferBuffer" IgnoreExtension GL_IBM_vertex_array_lists IgnoreExtension GL_INTEL_parallel_arrays IgnoreExtension GL_SUN_triangle_list # Ignore extensions never approved by the ARB IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_coordinate_frame # Ignore discontinued extensions IgnoreExtension GL_NV_element_array # >>> OpenGL 1.1 # Ignore extensions subsumed in OpenGL 1.1 (from OpenGL 1.1 spec, Appendix C) IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_vertex_array IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_blend_logic_op IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_copy_texture IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_polygon_offset IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_subtexture IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_texture IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_texture_object # <<< OpenGL 1.1 # >>> OpenGL 1.2 # Ignore extensions subsumed in OpenGL 1.2 and 1.2.1 (from OpenGL 1.2.1 spec, Appendix D) IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_bgra IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_blend_color IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_blend_minmax IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_blend_subtract IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_color_subtable IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_convolution IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_draw_range_elements IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_histogram IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_packed_pixels # NOTE: also ignoring GL_EXT_paletted_texture because it appears that it was subsumed # into the core even though that isn't stated explicitly in the spec IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_paletted_texture IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_rescale_normal IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_separate_specular_color IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_texture3D IgnoreExtension GL_HP_convolution_border_modes IgnoreExtension GL_SGI_color_matrix IgnoreExtension GL_SGI_color_table IgnoreExtension GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp IgnoreExtension GL_SGIS_texture_lod # <<< OpenGL 1.2 # >>> OpenGL 1.3 # Ignore extensions subsumed in OpenGL 1.3 (from OpenGL 1.3 spec, Appendix F) IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_multisample IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_multitexture IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_texture_compression IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_texture_cube_map IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_texture_env_add IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_texture_env_combine IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_transpose_matrix IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_texture_cube_map IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_texture_env_add IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_texture_env_combine IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 IgnoreExtension GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp # <<< OpenGL 1.3 # >>> OpenGL 1.4 # Ignore extensions subsumed in OpenGL 1.4 (from OpenGL 1.4 spec, Appendix G) IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_depth_texture IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_point_parameters IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_shadow IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_window_pos IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_blend_func_separate IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_fog_coord IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_secondary_color IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_stencil_wrap IgnoreExtension GL_NV_blend_square IgnoreExtension GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap # <<< OpenGL 1.4 # >>> OpenGL 1.5 # Ignore extensions subsumed in OpenGL 1.5 (from OpenGL 1.5 spec, Appendix H) IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_occlusion_query IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_shadow_funcs # <<< OpenGL 1.5 # >>> OpenGL 2.0 # Ignore extensions subsumed in OpenGL 2.0 (from OpenGL 2.0 spec, Appendix I) # NOTE that GL_ARB_shader_objects is NOT ignored here, because the # naming convention is too different for us to pick up the entry # points automatically (e.g. glCreateShaderObjectARB was exposed as # glCreateShader) # IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_shader_objects IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_vertex_shader IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_fragment_shader IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_point_sprite IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_draw_buffers IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate # Don't ignore the following one since the entry point is different from anything in the core # IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_stencil_two_side # <<< OpenGL 2.0 # >>> OpenGL 2.1 # Ignore extensions subsumed in OpenGL 2.1 (from OpenGL 2.1 spec, Appendix J) IgnoreExtension GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_texture_sRGB # <<< OpenGL 2.1 # >>> OpenGL 3.0 # Ignore/Rename extensions subsumed in OpenGL 3.0 (from OpenGL 3.0 spec, Appendix N) RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_NV_conditional_render RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_color_buffer_float # gl.h uses GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float IgnoreExtension GL_NV_depth_buffer_float RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_texture_float RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_EXT_packed_float RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent # gl.h uses GL_ARB_framebuffer_object RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_framebuffer_object IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_framebuffer_object RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_NV_half_float RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_half_float_pixel # naming collision w/ GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture, but included anyways # RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit #Big gap of promoted tokens and functions: GL_EXT_texture_integer RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_EXT_texture_integer RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_EXT_texture_array RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 # gl.h uses GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_EXT_transform_feedback IgnoreExtension GL_NV_transform_feedback # gl.h uses GL_ARB_vertex_array_object RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_vertex_array_object IgnoreExtension GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object # gl.h uses GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_map_buffer_range # <<< OpenGL 3.0 # >>> OpenGL 3.1 # Rename extension suffices (if exist) subsumed in OpenGL 3.1 (from OpenGL 3.1 spec, Appendix G.1) # We alias 3.1 subsumed extension even for GL2, due to the convenience of the common GL2GL3 profile! RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_draw_instanced IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_draw_instanced RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_copy_buffer # Does not match the common namespace GL_NV_primitive_restart RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object # We rename EXT_texture_rectangle into core, so ARB_texture_rectangle will stay for convenience RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_EXT_texture_rectangle IgnoreExtension GL_NV_texture_rectangle RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object # <<< OpenGL 3.1 # >>> OpenGL 3.2 # Rename extension suffices (if exist) subsumed in OpenGL 3.2 (from OpenGL 3.2 spec, Appendix H.1) RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_provoking_vertex RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_texture_multisample RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_depth_clamp # GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 is subsumed but values/namespace is orthogonal IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_sync # <<< OpenGL 3.2 # >>> OpenGL 3.3 # Rename extension suffices (if exist) subsumed in OpenGL 3.3 (from OpenGL 3.3 spec, Appendix I.1) RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_blend_func_extended RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_sampler_objects RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_texture_swizzle RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_timer_query RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_instanced_arrays RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev # <<< OpenGL 3.3 # >>> OpenGL 4.0 # Rename extension suffices (if exist) subsumed in OpenGL 4.0 (from OpenGL 4.0 spec, Appendix J.1) RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_texture_query_lod RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_draw_indirect RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_sample_shading RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_shader_subroutine RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_tessellation_shader RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_texture_gather RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 # <<< OpenGL 4.0 # >>> OpenGL 4.1 # Rename extension suffices (if exist) subsumed in OpenGL 4.1 (from OpenGL 4.1 spec, Appendix K.1) RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_get_program_binary RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_shader_precision RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit RenameExtensionIntoCore GL_ARB_viewport_array # <<< OpenGL 4.1 # >>> OpenGL 4.2 # Rename extension suffices (if exist) subsumed in OpenGL 4.2 (from OpenGL 4.2 spec, Appendix L.1) # <<< OpenGL 4.2 # Ignore a few obsolete versions of extensions that have been subsumed into the core or ARB extensions IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_multisample IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_point_parameters IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects IgnoreExtension GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store # # Opaques and other directives for platform-independent routines # Opaque boolean GLboolean Opaque long GLsync Opaque long GLeglImageOES ReturnsString glGetString ReturnsString glGetStringi # Experimental: Only NIO function, no arrays .. # NIOOnly __ALL__ # # NIODirectOnly directives for pointer functions # essential where memory needs to be kept pinpointed after the function call. # essential where the buffer lifecycle extends the function call. # # Note-1: API calls like glColorPointer(..) will not be exploded to # multiple primitive arrays, since the pointer argument is 'void *'. # # Note-2: It may be possible to track the primitive non-direct NIO backed arrays and pinpoint them. # JNI's Get*ArrayElements may be able to pinpoint, however it could result # in a copy of the data, which would render this feature non performant. # The tracking itself may be another no-go, since it would add up complexity # and failing to free resources would be another negative sideeffect. # NIODirectOnly glColorPointer NIODirectOnly glEdgeFlagPointer NIODirectOnly glFeedbackBuffer NIODirectOnly glFogCoordPointer NIODirectOnly glGetBufferSubData NIODirectOnly glGetProgramStringARB NIODirectOnly glIndexPointer NIODirectOnly glMatrixIndexPointerARB NIODirectOnly glMultiTexCoordPointerEXT NIODirectOnly glNormalPointer NIODirectOnly glPixelDataRangeNV NIODirectOnly glSecondaryColorPointer NIODirectOnly glSelectBuffer NIODirectOnly glTangentPointerEXT NIODirectOnly glTexCoordPointer NIODirectOnly glVariantPointerEXT NIODirectOnly glVertexArrayRangeNV NIODirectOnly glVertexArrayRangeApple NIODirectOnly glVertexAttribIPointer NIODirectOnly glVertexAttribLPointer NIODirectOnly glVertexAttribPointer NIODirectOnly glVertexPointer NIODirectOnly glVertexWeightPointerEXT NIODirectOnly glWeightPointerARB NIODirectOnly wglFreeMemoryNV NIODirectOnly glXFreeMemoryNV #NIO Review: No technical reason to constrain array access for these: #Return values #NIODirectOnly glGenBuffers #NIODirectOnly glGetPointerv # # NIODirectOnly directives for other extensions # #NIO Review: No technical reason to constrain array access for these: # Capacity of wglAllocateMemoryNV/glXAllocateMemoryNV return value is # same as value of first argument ReturnValueCapacity wglAllocateMemoryNV {0} ReturnValueCapacity glXAllocateMemoryNV {0} ReturnValueCapacity glMapBufferRange {2} ReturnValueCapacity glMapNamedBufferRangeEXT {2} # Pass arguments to ARB_vertex_program, ARB_fragment_program, # ARB_shader_objects, NV_vertex_program, NV_fragment_program, and # ARB_vertex_shader as Strings ArgumentIsString glBindAttribLocation 2 ArgumentIsString glBindAttribLocationARB 2 ArgumentIsString glGetAttribLocation 1 ArgumentIsString glGetAttribLocationARB 1 ArgumentIsString glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV 2 ArgumentIsString glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV 2 ArgumentIsString glGetUniformLocation 1 ArgumentIsString glGetUniformLocationARB 1 ArgumentIsString glLoadProgramNV 3 ArgumentIsString glProgramString 3 ArgumentIsString glProgramStringARB 3 ArgumentIsString glProgramNamedParameter4fNV 2 ArgumentIsString glProgramNamedParameter4dNV 2 ArgumentIsString glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV 2 ArgumentIsString glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV 2 ArgumentIsString glShaderSource 2 ArgumentIsString glShaderSourceARB 2 ArgumentIsString glCreateShaderProgramv 2 ArgumentIsString glBindFragDataLocation 2 ArgumentIsString glGetFragDataLocation 1 ArgumentIsString glGetUniformIndices 2 ArgumentIsString glGetUniformBlockIndex 1 ArgumentIsString glTransformFeedbackVaryings 2 # String return values must use byte[] etc .. # ArgumentIsString glGetActiveAttrib 6 # ArgumentIsString glGetActiveUniformBlockName 4 # ArgumentIsString glGetActiveUniformName 4 # ArgumentIsString glGetActiveUniform 6 # ArgumentIsString glGetProgramInfoLog 3 # ArgumentIsString glGetShaderInfoLog 3 # ArgumentIsString glGetShaderSource 3 # ArgumentIsString glGetTransformFeedbackVarying 6 # ArgumentIsString glGetActiveUniformARB 6 # ArgumentIsString glGetActiveSubroutineName 5 # ArgumentIsString glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName 5 # ArgumentIsString glGetNamedStringARB 4 - bug param1 is String r/o see below # ArgumentIsString glGetDebugMessageLogARB 7 # ArgumentIsString glGetDebugMessageLogAMD 6 ArgumentIsString glBindFragDataLocationIndexed 3 ArgumentIsString glGetFragDataIndex 1 ArgumentIsString glGetSubroutineIndex 2 ArgumentIsString glGetSubroutineUniformLocation 2 ArgumentIsString glDebugMessageInsertARB 5 ArgumentIsString glDebugMessageInsertAMD 4 ArgumentIsString glNamedStringARB 2 4 ArgumentIsString glDeleteNamedStringARB 1 ArgumentIsString glCompileShaderIncludeARB 2 ArgumentIsString glIsNamedStringARB 1 ArgumentIsString glGetNamedStringARB 1 ArgumentIsString glGetNamedStringivARB 1 # # Use cached GL_EXTENSION if possible, # which also allows GL3 compatibility. # JavaPrologue glGetString if(_context.isExtensionCacheInitialized()) { JavaPrologue glGetString if(GL.GL_EXTENSIONS==name) { JavaPrologue glGetString return _context.getGLExtensionsString(); JavaPrologue glGetString } /* else if(GL.GL_VERSION==name) { JavaPrologue glGetString return _context.getGLVersion(); JavaPrologue glGetString } */ JavaPrologue glGetString } # # Allow special FBO GLContext/GLDrawable to reset to it's # default FBO framebuffer. # JavaPrologue glBindFramebuffer if( 0 == framebuffer ) { JavaPrologue glBindFramebuffer if( GL_FRAMEBUFFER == target || 0x8CA9 /* GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER */ == target ) { JavaPrologue glBindFramebuffer framebuffer = _context.getDefaultDrawFramebuffer(); JavaPrologue glBindFramebuffer } else if( 0x8CA8 /* GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER */ == target ) { JavaPrologue glBindFramebuffer framebuffer = _context.getDefaultReadFramebuffer(); JavaPrologue glBindFramebuffer } JavaPrologue glBindFramebuffer } JavaEpilogue glBindFramebuffer _context.setBoundFramebuffer(target, framebuffer); # # Directives for Vertex Buffer Object and Pixel Buffer Object checking # # NOTE: we currently don't emit glue code for some of these but # include them for completeness. # # FIXME: what about glMultiDrawElements? Do we want to add a VBO # variant for that, or simply add checks to the top of the current # implementation? # JavaPrologue glBegin inBeginEndPair = true; JavaEpilogue glEnd inBeginEndPair = false; JavaEpilogue glBindBuffer bufferStateTracker.setBoundBufferObject({0}, {1}); JavaEpilogue glBindBufferARB bufferStateTracker.setBoundBufferObject({0}, {1}); JavaEpilogue glBindVertexArray bufferStateTracker.setBoundBufferObject(GL2GL3.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING, {0}); JavaEpilogue glPushClientAttrib bufferStateTracker.clearBufferObjectState(); JavaEpilogue glPushClientAttrib glStateTracker.pushAttrib(mask); JavaEpilogue glPopClientAttrib bufferStateTracker.clearBufferObjectState(); JavaEpilogue glPopClientAttrib glStateTracker.popAttrib(); JavaEpilogue glBufferData bufferSizeTracker.setBufferSize(bufferStateTracker, {0}, this, {1}); BufferObjectKind Array glColorPointer BufferObjectKind Array glEdgeFlagPointer BufferObjectKind Array glElementPointerATI BufferObjectKind Array glFogCoordPointer BufferObjectKind Array glFogCoordPointerEXT # The next one is problematic. It isn't discussed by the specs and # doesn't have any associated state. BufferObjectKind Array glInterleavedArrays BufferObjectKind Array glMatrixIndexPointerARB BufferObjectKind Array glNormalPointer BufferObjectKind Array glSecondaryColorPointer BufferObjectKind Array glSecondaryColorPointerEXT BufferObjectKind Array glTexCoordPointer BufferObjectKind Array glVariantPointerEXT BufferObjectKind Array glVertexPointer BufferObjectKind Array glVertexAttribPointer BufferObjectKind Array glVertexAttribPointerARB BufferObjectKind Array glVertexAttribPointerNV BufferObjectKind Array glVertexAttribIPointer BufferObjectKind Array glVertexAttribLPointer BufferObjectKind Array glVertexWeightPointerEXT BufferObjectKind Array glWeightPointerARB BufferObjectKind Element glDrawElements BufferObjectKind Element glDrawElementsBaseVertex BufferObjectKind Element glDrawElementsInstanced BufferObjectKind Element glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance BufferObjectKind Element glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex BufferObjectKind Element glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance BufferObjectKind Element glDrawRangeElements BufferObjectKind Element glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex # There are no PBOs in the embedded OpenGL variants right now BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glBitmap BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glColorTable BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glColorSubTable BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexImage1D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexImage1DARB BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexImage2D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexImage2DARB BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexImage3D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexImage3DARB BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexSubImage1D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexSubImage2D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexSubImage3D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glConvolutionFilter1D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glConvolutionFilter2D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glDrawPixels BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glPixelMapfv BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glPixelMapuiv BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glPixelMapusv BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glPolygonStipple BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glSeparableFilter2D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glTexImage1D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glTexImage2D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glTexImage3D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glTexSubImage1D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glTexSubImage2D BufferObjectKind UnpackPixel glTexSubImage3D BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetColorTable BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetCompressedTexImage BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetCompressedTexImageARB BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetConvolutionFilter BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetHistogram BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetMinmax BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetPixelMapfv BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetPixelMapuiv BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetPixelMapusv BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetPolygonStipple BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetSeparableFilter BufferObjectKind PackPixel glGetTexImage BufferObjectKind PackPixel glReadPixels # Range check directives for various routines # FIXME: some of these are really the bare minimum and won't catch # many classes of errors. Should extend the DebugGL to perform much # more error checking with e.g. glDrawElements. RangeCheck glColorPointer 3 1 RangeCheck glDrawElements 3 {1} RangeCheck glDrawElementsBaseVertex 3 {1} RangeCheck glDrawElementsInstanced 3 {1} RangeCheck glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance 3 {1} RangeCheck glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex 3 {1} RangeCheck glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance 3 {1} RangeCheck glDrawRangeElements 5 {3} RangeCheck glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex 5 {3} RangeCheck glEdgeFlagPointer 1 1 RangeCheck glElementPointerATI 1 1 RangeCheck glFogCoordPointer 2 1 RangeCheck glFogCoordPointerEXT 2 1 RangeCheck glInterleavedArrays 2 1 RangeCheck glMatrixIndexPointerARB 3 1 RangeCheck glNormalPointer 2 1 RangeCheck glSecondaryColorPointer 3 1 RangeCheck glSecondaryColorPointerEXT 3 1 RangeCheck glTexCoordPointer 3 1 RangeCheck glVariantPointerEXT 3 1 RangeCheck glVertexPointer 3 1 RangeCheck glVertexAttribPointer 5 1 RangeCheck glVertexAttribIPointer 4 1 RangeCheck glVertexAttribLPointer 4 1 RangeCheck glVertexAttribPointerARB 5 1 RangeCheck glWeightPointerARB 3 1 # Give ourselves the texture width and height for range checking inside glGetTexImage JavaPrologue glGetTexImage int width = 0, height = 0, depth = 1; JavaPrologue glGetTexImage int[] tmp = new int[1]; JavaPrologue glGetTexImage glGetTexLevelParameteriv(target, level, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, tmp, 0); JavaPrologue glGetTexImage width = tmp[0]; JavaPrologue glGetTexImage glGetTexLevelParameteriv(target, level, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, tmp, 0); JavaPrologue glGetTexImage height = tmp[0]; JavaPrologue glGetTexImage if (target == GL_TEXTURE_3D) { JavaPrologue glGetTexImage glGetTexLevelParameteriv(target, level, GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH, tmp, 0); JavaPrologue glGetTexImage depth = tmp[0]; JavaPrologue glGetTexImage } # Range check directives for various image-related routines RangeCheckBytes glColorTable 5 imageSizeInBytes({3}, {4}, {2} , 1 , 1 , false) RangeCheckBytes glColorTableEXT 5 imageSizeInBytes({3}, {4}, {2} , 1 , 1 , false) RangeCheckBytes glConvolutionFilter1D 5 imageSizeInBytes({3}, {4}, {2} , 1 , 1 , false) RangeCheckBytes glConvolutionFilter2D 6 imageSizeInBytes({4}, {5}, {2} , {3} , 1 , false) RangeCheckBytes glDrawPixels 4 imageSizeInBytes({2}, {3}, {0} , {1} , 1 , false) RangeCheckBytes glReadPixels 6 imageSizeInBytes({4}, {5}, {2} , {3} , 1 , true) RangeCheckBytes glTexImage1D 7 imageSizeInBytes({5}, {6}, {3} , 1 , 1 , false) RangeCheckBytes glTexImage2D 8 imageSizeInBytes({6}, {7}, {3} , {4} , 1 , false) RangeCheckBytes glTexImage3D 9 imageSizeInBytes({7}, {8}, {3} , {4} , {5} , false) RangeCheckBytes glTexSubImage1D 6 imageSizeInBytes({4}, {5}, {3} , 1 , 1 , false) RangeCheckBytes glTexSubImage2D 8 imageSizeInBytes({6}, {7}, {4} , {5} , 1 , false) RangeCheckBytes glTexSubImage3D 10 imageSizeInBytes({8}, {9}, {5} , {6} , {7} , false) # This may produce wrong answers for 1D textures RangeCheckBytes glGetTexImage 4 imageSizeInBytes({2}, {3}, width , height , depth, true) # Note we don't support glTexImage4DSGIS / glTexSubImage4DSGIS # FIXME: add the following unpack operations: # glBitmap, glPolygonStipple # and the following pack operations: # glGetColorTable, glGetConvolutionFilter, glGetSeparableFilter, glGetHistogram, glGetMinmax # Range checks for server-side object creation and deletion methods RangeCheck glGenBuffers 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteBuffers 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenBuffersARB 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteBuffersARB 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenFencesAPPLE 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteFencesAPPLE 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenFencesNV 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteFencesNV 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenFramebuffersEXT 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteFramebuffersEXT 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenOcclusionQueriesNV 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteOcclusionQueriesNV 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenProgramsARB 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteProgramsARB 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenProgramsNV 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteProgramsNV 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenQueries 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteQueries 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenQueriesARB 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteQueriesARB 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenRenderbuffersEXT 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenTextures 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteTextures 1 {0} RangeCheck glGenVertexArraysAPPLE 1 {0} RangeCheck glDeleteVertexArraysAPPLE 1 {0} # Javadoc for the GL class ClassJavadoc GL /** ClassJavadoc GL *

Common interface containing the subset of all profiles, GL3bc, GL3, GL2, GLES1 and GLES2.
ClassJavadoc GL * This interface reflects common data types, texture and framebuffer functionality.

ClassJavadoc GL */ ClassJavadoc GL2ES1 /** ClassJavadoc GL2ES1 *

ClassJavadoc GL2ES1 * Interface containing the common subset of GL2 and GLES1.
ClassJavadoc GL2ES1 * This interface reflects only the fixed functionality of OpenGL
ClassJavadoc GL2ES1 *

ClassJavadoc GL2ES1 */ ClassJavadoc GL2ES2 /** ClassJavadoc GL2ES2 *

ClassJavadoc GL2ES2 * Interface containing the common subset of GL3, GL2 and GLES2.
ClassJavadoc GL2ES2 * This interface reflects only the programmable shader functionality of desktop and embedded OpenGL
ClassJavadoc GL2ES2 *

ClassJavadoc GL2ES2 */ ClassJavadoc GL2GL3 /** ClassJavadoc GL2GL3 *

ClassJavadoc GL2GL3 * Interface containing the common subset of core GL3 (OpenGL 3.1+) and GL2 (OpenGL 3.0), ClassJavadoc GL2GL3 * also known as the OpenGL 3.0 forward compatible, non deprecated subset.
ClassJavadoc GL2GL3 * This interface reflects only the programmable shader functionality of desktop OpenGL
ClassJavadoc GL2GL3 *

ClassJavadoc GL2GL3 */ ClassJavadoc GL2 /** ClassJavadoc GL2 *

ClassJavadoc GL2 * This interface contains all core desktop OpenGL methods through ClassJavadoc GL2 * version 3.0, inclusive, as well as most of it's extensions defined at the ClassJavadoc GL2 * time of this specification. Early OpenGL extensions whose functionality ClassJavadoc GL2 * was incorporated into core OpenGL by version 3.0, inclusive, are specifically ClassJavadoc GL2 * excluded.
ClassJavadoc GL2 * Note: OpenGL 3.0 is the last subsumed version in the specification. ClassJavadoc GL2 * You need to use a {@link GL3} or {@link GL3bc} OpenGL 3.1+ context to benefit ClassJavadoc GL2 * from new functionality and versions. ClassJavadoc GL2 *

ClassJavadoc GL2 */ ClassJavadoc GL3bc /** ClassJavadoc GL3bc *

ClassJavadoc GL3bc * This interface contains the OpenGL 3.x compatibility profile, ie includes all methods ClassJavadoc GL3bc * as defined in {@link GL2} and {@link GL3}.
ClassJavadoc GL3bc *

ClassJavadoc GL3bc */ ClassJavadoc GL3 /** ClassJavadoc GL3 *

ClassJavadoc GL3 * This interface contains all core, forward compatible, OpenGL methods starting from 3.1, ClassJavadoc GL3 * inclusive, as well as most of it's extensions defined at the time of this specification.
ClassJavadoc GL3 * Note: OpenGL 3.0 forward compatible, non deprecated functionality is included in the ClassJavadoc GL3 * 3.1 specification, hence the {@link GL2GL3} implemented interface.
ClassJavadoc GL3 * Note: OpenGL 3.1 forward compatible no more includes fixed point functionality. ClassJavadoc GL3 *

ClassJavadoc GL3 */ ClassJavadoc GLES1 /** ClassJavadoc GLES1 *

ClassJavadoc GLES1 * This interface contains all core embedded OpenGL methods of ES 1.x, with x >= 0, ClassJavadoc GLES1 * inclusive, as well as most of it's extensions defined at the ClassJavadoc GLES1 * time of this specification. ClassJavadoc GLES1 *

ClassJavadoc GLES1 */ ClassJavadoc GLES2 /** ClassJavadoc GLES2 *

ClassJavadoc GLES2 * This interface contains all core embedded OpenGL methods of ES 2.x, with x >= 0, ClassJavadoc GLES2 * inclusive, as well as most of it's extensions defined at the ClassJavadoc GLES2 * time of this specification. ClassJavadoc GLES2 *

ClassJavadoc GLES2 */ # Javadoc for the EGL class ClassJavadoc EGL /** ClassJavadoc EGL * Provides access to the embedded-specific OpenGL vendor extensions. ClassJavadoc EGL * See {@link GLBase} for more information. ClassJavadoc EGL */ # Javadoc for the WGL class ClassJavadoc WGL /** ClassJavadoc WGL * Provides access to the Windows-specific OpenGL vendor extensions. ClassJavadoc WGL * See {@link GLBase} for more information. ClassJavadoc WGL */ # Javadoc for the GLX class ClassJavadoc GLX /** ClassJavadoc GLX * Provides access to the X11-specific OpenGL vendor extensions. ClassJavadoc GLX * See {@link GLBase} for more information. ClassJavadoc GLX */ # Javadoc for the CGL class ClassJavadoc CGL /** ClassJavadoc CGL * Provides access to the MacOSX-specific OpenGL vendor extensions. ClassJavadoc CGL * See {@link GLBase} for more information. ClassJavadoc CGL */ # Javadoc for the XVisualInfo class ClassJavadoc XVisualInfo /** ClassJavadoc XVisualInfo * Wrapper for the XVisualInfo data structure, referenced by some GLX OpenGL ClassJavadoc XVisualInfo * extensions. No other access is provided to these data structures so currently ClassJavadoc XVisualInfo * this wrapper is not useful to end users, though it is used in the implementation. ClassJavadoc XVisualInfo */ # Custom code for querying extensions and exposing # wglAllocateMemoryNV/glXAllocateMemoryNV CustomJavaCode GL2GL3 /** CustomJavaCode GL2GL3 * Provides platform-independent access to the wglAllocateMemoryNV / CustomJavaCode GL2GL3 * glXAllocateMemoryNV extension. CustomJavaCode GL2GL3 */ CustomJavaCode GL2GL3 public java.nio.ByteBuffer glAllocateMemoryNV(int arg0, float arg1, float arg2, float arg3);