# This .cfg file provides common options used among all Cg glue code
# generated for Jogl on all platforms.
Package net.java.games.cg
ImplPackage net.java.games.cg.impl
JavaClass CgGL
Style AllStatic
JavaOutputDir ../build/gensrc/classes
NativeOutputDir ../build/gensrc/native/jogl_cg
HierarchicalNativeOutput false

# Generate "flattened" NIO variants for routines taking C primitive
# pointers that aren't of type void*
FlattenNIOVariants true

# Map const char* return values to Java strings for these functions
ReturnsString cgGetEnumString
ReturnsString cgGetErrorString
ReturnsString cgGetLastErrorString
ReturnsString cgGetLastListing
ReturnsString cgGetParameterName
ReturnsString cgGetParameterSemantic
ReturnsString cgGetProfileString
ReturnsString cgGetProgramString
ReturnsString cgGetResourceString
ReturnsString cgGetString
ReturnsString cgGetTypeString

ArgumentIsString cgCreateProgram 2 4 5
ArgumentIsString cgCreateProgramFromFile 2 4 5
ArgumentIsString cgGetEnum 0
ArgumentIsString cgGetNamedParameter 1
ArgumentIsString cgGetNamedProgramParameter 2
ArgumentIsString cgGetNamedStructParameter 1
ArgumentIsString cgGetNamedUserType 1
ArgumentIsString cgGetProfile 0
ArgumentIsString cgGetType 0
ArgumentIsString cgGetResource 0
ArgumentIsString cgSetParameterSemantic 1

# Opaque definitions
Opaque boolean CGbool

# FIXME!!!!  Ignore these functions for now because we can't
# automatically handle C callbacks
Ignore cgGetErrorCallback
Ignore cgSetErrorCallback

# FIXME!!!!  Ignore these functions for now because bugs in the
# emitter code can't handle them
Ignore cgGetParameterValues

# Need to import New IO for Buffer classes
Import java.nio.*
# and java.security.* to allow unsigned Cg applications
Import java.security.*

# Raise CgException instead of RuntimeException in glue code
RuntimeExceptionType CgException

# Make sure the right definitions and include files are added to the
# generated C code

CustomCCode #include <stdlib.h>
CustomCCode #include <Cg/cgGL.h>

CustomJavaCode CgGL static {
CustomJavaCode CgGL   AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
CustomJavaCode CgGL     public Object run() {
CustomJavaCode CgGL       try {
CustomJavaCode CgGL         // Workaround so that these don't need to be in the system
CustomJavaCode CgGL         // path but can be referenced from java.library.path
CustomJavaCode CgGL         // (this is intended to help with Webstarted applications)
CustomJavaCode CgGL         System.loadLibrary("cg");
CustomJavaCode CgGL         System.loadLibrary("cgGL");
CustomJavaCode CgGL       } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
CustomJavaCode CgGL         // Consider this non-fatal
CustomJavaCode CgGL       }
CustomJavaCode CgGL       // Load the actual Cg binding
CustomJavaCode CgGL       System.loadLibrary("jogl_cg");
CustomJavaCode CgGL       return null;
CustomJavaCode CgGL     }
CustomJavaCode CgGL   });
CustomJavaCode CgGL }