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                    <h1><a name="JNLPFiles">JNLP Files</a></h1>

                    You may choose to use JNLP to deploy your application
                    and reference the JOGL resources.<p/>

                    You have the choice to use <a href="http://jdk6.dev.java.net/plugin2/jnlp/">JNLP Applets</a>
                    or <a href="http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/">Java Webstart</a>.<p/>

                    You might want to have a look at our <a href="http://jogamp.org/deployment/jogamp-current/jogl-test-applets.html">Test page for JOGL Applets</a>. Here is a <a href="http://jogamp.org/deployment/jogamp-current/jogl-applet-runner-newt-gears-normal.html">documented example</a><p/>

                    Supported JNLP bases are:
                        <li> <code><b> http://jogamp.org/deployment/jogamp-current/ </b></code> Current Version </li>
                        <li> <code><b> http://jogamp.org/deployment/jogamp-next/ </b></code> Next Version </li>
                        <li> <code><b> http://jogamp.org/deployment/v2.0-rc3/ </b></code> Specific Version </li>

                    <h2>Desktop All in One</h2>

                    <h3>With AWT</h3>

                    <h3>Without AWT</h3>

                        The above JNLP files will load the <a href="#GluegenJARs">GlueGen JARs</a>
                        as well as the <a href="#JOGLAllInOneJARs">JOGL All-In-One JARs</a>.

                    <h1><a name="JARFiles">JAR Files</a></h1>

                    <h2><a name="NativeJARFiles">Native JAR Files</a></h2>
                    All JAR files containing platform dependent native libraries 
                    contain the string <code>natives</code> and the 
                    <a href="#NativeJARFileNameConvention"><b><i>os.and.arch</i></b></a>
                    identifier in their name.

                    The actual native library files are <a href="#NativeLibraryFiles">listed below</a>.

                    <h3><a name="NativeJARFileNameConvention">Naming Convention</a></h3>
                    JogAmp's build system has the notion of <b><i>os.and.arch</i></b> string identifier,
                    to name platform dependent build artifacts.<br/> 
                    Currently used and supported names are:

                    <h2><a name="GluegenJARs">Gluegen JARs - Mandatory</a></h2>

                    <h3><a name="JOGLAllInOneJARs">JOGL JARs - All-In-One</a></h3>

                        This might be the best solution
                        for desktop (applets and webstart).<br/>

                        It is much faster to download
                        a (maybe bigger) file once and cache
                        it for most purposes, than to download
                        tens of files where its cache might not
                        be reuseable.<br/>

                    <a name="JOGLAllInOneJARsAWT">With AWT</a>:

                    <a name="JOGLAllInOneJARsNoAWT">Without AWT</a>:

                    <a name="JOGLAllInOneJARsMobile">Mobile</a>:

                    <a name="JOGLAllInOneJARsAndroid">Android</a>:

                    <h3>Atomic Deployment </h3>

                    This is a fine tuned solution
                    where every byte counts.<br/>

                    It is also possible to use this
                    strategy as a starting point for
                    efficient manual deployment.<br/>


                        <li>Newt (optional):<br/>
                                <li>newt.ogl.jar  (to use NEWT with JOGL)</li>

                    <h4>Platform (mandatory)</h4>

                    Chose the same platform for all picks :)

                        <li>NativeWindow [pick your platfrom, if available]:<br/>

                        <li>JOGL [pick your platform]:<br/>

                        <li>Newt [pick your platform] (optional):<br/>

                    <h4>OpenGL Profile (mandatory)</h4>

                    Pick as many as you like, at least 1:

                        <li>Embedded Device Profiles<br/>

                        <li>Desktop Profiles<br/>

                    <h4>JOGL Toolkits/Misc (optional)</h4>

                    <h4>AWT (optional) </h4>

                        <li> nativewindow.awt.jar</li>
                        <li> jogl.awt.jar</li>
                        <li> jogl.util.awt.jar (if using jogl.util)</li>
                        <li> newt.awt.jar (if using with NEWT)</li>

                    <h4>GLU (optional) </h4>

                    <h2><a name="NativeLibraryFiles">Native Library Files</a></h2>

                    Gluegen native libraries:

                    NativeWindow native libraries

                    JOGL native libraries

                    NEWT native libraries

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                    by <a href="http://jogamp.org">http://jogamp.org</a>
                    is licensed under a <br/>
                    <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License</a>.