Set your CLASSPATH environment variable: Add the ANTLR jar file to your classpath.
Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable: Create an environment variable named JAVA_HOME and set it to point to the root of your Java SDK.
Install GNU Make: To confirm that it is installed, run "make -v"; you should see some output that starts with "GNU Make version" and then a version number.
Build the source tree: You can do this by opening a command shell in the "make" directory of the source tree and typing "make PLATFORM COMPILER_OPTIONS CG_OPTIONS". PLATFORM, COMPILER_OPTIONS and CG_OPTIONS are as follows:
PLATFORM This must be one of "win32", "x11", or "macosx". "win32" will build the code for 32-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems, "x11" will build for Linux or Sun Solaris, and "macosx" will build for Apple MacOS X.
COMPILER_OPTIONS This is currently only needed when "win32" is specified. COMPILER_OPTIONS must be one of "VC6=1" or "VC7=1"; choosing the former will invoke the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 compiler, and the latter option will invoke the Microsoft Visual C++ 7 (Visual Studio .NET) compiler. These are the two compilers currently supported by Jogl on Win32.
CG_OPTIONS A value of "CG=1" will generate an experimental binding for the Cg language runtime by NVidia Corporation. As of this writing the Cg binding was only supported on the Windows platform.
Add Jogl to your CLASSPATH: To be able to use Jogl, you must add the build process Java bytecode output directory (/build/classes) to your CLASSPATH environment variable.
Add Jogl to your PATH: To be able to use Jogl, you must also add the build process JNI code library directory (/build/obj) to your PATH.
Test if everything's working: To test if everything went well, you should build the "" demo in the "/demos/gears" directory. Run "javac" and then "java Gears"; you should see some spinning 3D gears appear in a window.
Build Javadoc: "make doc" will produce the end-user documentation for Jogl along with some auxiliary utility packages. "make devdoc" will produce the developers' documentation, including that for the GlueGen tool. Appending "CG=1" to either of these commands will cause the javadoc for the Cg binding to be generated.
Note that there are a lot of warnings produced by ANTLR about the
C grammar and our modifications to some of the signatures of the
productions; the C grammar warnings have been documented by the
author of the grammar as having been investigated completely and
harmless, and the warnings about our modifications are also
- Christopher Kline and Kenneth Russell, June 2003