From d49fd968963909f181423eae46c613189468fac3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: djp <>
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2003 19:27:01 +0000
Subject: Initial revision

git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/projects/SUN/JOGL/git-svn/svn-server-sync/jogl/trunk@3 232f8b59-042b-4e1e-8c03-345bb8c30851
 src/net/java/games/gluegen/cgram/ | 433 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 433 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/net/java/games/gluegen/cgram/

(limited to 'src/net/java/games/gluegen/cgram/')

diff --git a/src/net/java/games/gluegen/cgram/ b/src/net/java/games/gluegen/cgram/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a93b939c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/net/java/games/gluegen/cgram/
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+import antlr.collections.AST;
+import antlr.CommonAST;
+import antlr.Token;
+import java.lang.reflect.*;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+  Class TNode is an implementation of the AST interface
+  and adds many useful features:
+  It is double-linked for reverse searching.
+  (this is currently incomplete, in that method doubleLink() must
+  be called after any changes to the tree to maintain the 
+  reverse links).
+  It can store a definition node (defNode), so that nodes such
+  as scoped names can refer to the node that defines the name.
+  It stores line numbers for nodes.
+  Searches for parents and children of a tree can be done
+  based on their type.
+  The tree can be printed to System.out using a lisp-style syntax.
+ */
+public class TNode extends CommonAST {
+  protected int ttype;
+  protected String text;
+  protected int lineNum = 0;
+  protected TNode defNode;
+  protected TNode up;
+  protected TNode left;
+  protected boolean marker = false;
+  protected Hashtable attributes = null;
+  static String tokenVocabulary;  
+  /** Set the token vocabulary to a tokentypes class
+      generated by antlr.
+  */
+  public static void setTokenVocabulary(String s) {
+    tokenVocabulary = s;
+  }
+public void initialize(Token token) {
+        CToken tok = (CToken) token;
+        setText(tok.getText());
+        setType(tok.getType());
+        setLineNum(tok.getLine());
+        setAttribute("source", tok.getSource());
+        setAttribute("tokenNumber", new Integer(tok.getTokenNumber()));
+public void initialize(AST tr) {
+        TNode t = (TNode) tr;
+        setText(t.getText());
+        setType(t.getType());
+        setLineNum(t.getLineNum());
+        setDefNode(t.getDefNode());
+        this.attributes = t.getAttributesTable();
+  /** Get the token type for this node */
+  public int getType() { return ttype; }
+  /** Set the token type for this node */
+  public void setType(int ttype_) { 
+    ttype = ttype_; 
+  }
+  /** Get the marker value for this node.
+   This member is a general-use marker.
+   */
+  public boolean getMarker() { return marker; }
+  /** Set the marker value for this node.
+   This property is a general-use boolean marker.
+   */
+  public void setMarker(boolean marker_) { 
+    marker = marker_; 
+  }
+  /** get the hashtable that holds attribute values.
+   */  
+  public Hashtable getAttributesTable() {
+    if(attributes == null)
+      attributes = new Hashtable(7);
+    return attributes;
+  }
+  /** set an attribute in the attribute table.
+   */
+  public void setAttribute(String attrName, Object value) {
+    if(attributes == null)
+      attributes = new Hashtable(7);
+    attributes.put(attrName,value);
+  }
+  /** lookup the attribute name in the attribute table.
+    If the value does not exist, it returns null.
+    */
+  public Object getAttribute(String attrName) {
+    if(attributes == null)
+      return null;
+    else
+      return attributes.get(attrName);
+  }
+  /** Get the line number for this node.
+   If the line number is 0, search for a non-zero line num among children */
+  public int getLineNum() { 
+    if(lineNum != 0)
+      return lineNum; 
+    else
+      if(down == null)
+        return lineNum; 
+      else
+        return ((TNode)down).getLocalLineNum();
+  }
+  public int getLocalLineNum() { 
+    if(lineNum != 0)
+      return lineNum; 
+    else
+      if(down == null)
+        if(right == null)
+          return lineNum; 
+        else
+          return ((TNode)right).getLocalLineNum();
+      else
+        return ((TNode)down).getLocalLineNum();
+  }
+  /** Set the line number for this node */
+  public void setLineNum(int lineNum_) { 
+    lineNum = lineNum_; 
+  }
+  /** Get the token text for this node */
+  public String getText() { return text; }
+  /** Set the token text for this node */
+  public void setText(String text_) { 
+    text = text_; 
+  }
+  /** return the last child of this node, or null if there is none */
+  public TNode getLastChild() {
+    TNode down = (TNode)getFirstChild();
+    if(down != null)
+      return down.getLastSibling(); 
+    else 
+      return null;
+  }
+  /** return the last sibling of this node, which is 
+      this if the next sibling is null */
+  public TNode getLastSibling() {
+    TNode next = (TNode)getNextSibling();
+    if(next != null)
+      return next.getLastSibling();
+    else
+      return this;
+  }
+  /** return the first sibling of this node, which is 
+      this if the prev sibling is null */
+  public TNode getFirstSibling() {
+    TNode prev = (TNode)left;
+    if(prev != null)
+      return prev.getFirstSibling();
+    else
+      return this;
+  }
+  /** return the parent node of this node */
+  public TNode getParent() {
+    return (TNode)getFirstSibling().up;
+  }
+  /** add the new node as a new sibling, inserting it ahead of any
+    existing next sibling.  This method maintains double-linking.
+    if node is null, nothing happens.  If the node has siblings, 
+    then they are added in as well.
+    */
+  public void addSibling(AST node) {
+    if(node == null) return;
+    TNode next = (TNode)right;
+    right = (TNode)node;
+    ((TNode)node).left = this;
+    TNode nodeLastSib = ((TNode)node).getLastSibling();
+    nodeLastSib.right = next;
+    if(next != null)
+      next.left = nodeLastSib;
+  }
+  /** return the number of children of this node */
+  public int numberOfChildren() {
+    int count = 0;
+    AST child = getFirstChild();
+    while(child != null) {
+      count++;
+      child = child.getNextSibling();
+    }
+    return count;
+  }
+  /** remove this node from the tree, resetting sibling and parent
+    pointers as necessary.  This method maintains double-linking */
+  public void removeSelf() {
+    TNode parent = (TNode)up;
+    TNode prev = (TNode)left;
+    TNode next = (TNode)right;
+    if(parent != null) { 
+      parent.down = next;
+      if(next != null) {
+        next.up = parent;
+        next.left = prev;    // which should be null
+      }
+    } 
+    else {      
+     if(prev != null)
+      prev.right = next;
+     if(next != null)
+       next.left = prev;
+    }
+  }
+  /** return the def node for this node */
+  public TNode getDefNode() {
+      return defNode;
+  }
+  /** set the def node for this node */
+  public void setDefNode(TNode n) {
+    defNode = n;
+  }
+  /** return a deep copy of this node, and all sub nodes.
+    New tree is doubleLinked, with no parent or siblings.
+    Marker value is not copied!
+    */
+  public TNode deepCopy() {
+    TNode copy = new TNode();
+    copy.ttype = ttype;
+    copy.text = text;
+    copy.lineNum = lineNum;
+    copy.defNode = defNode;
+    if(attributes != null)
+      copy.attributes = (Hashtable)attributes.clone();
+    if(down != null)
+      copy.down = ((TNode)down).deepCopyWithRightSiblings();
+    copy.doubleLink();
+    return copy;
+  }
+  /** return a deep copy of this node, all sub nodes,
+    and right siblings.
+    New tree is doubleLinked, with no parent or left siblings.
+    defNode is not copied  */
+  public TNode deepCopyWithRightSiblings() {
+    TNode copy = new TNode();
+    copy.ttype = ttype;
+    copy.text = text;
+    copy.lineNum = lineNum;
+    copy.defNode = defNode;
+    if(attributes != null)
+      copy.attributes = (Hashtable)attributes.clone();
+    if(down != null)
+      copy.down = ((TNode)down).deepCopyWithRightSiblings();
+    if(right != null)
+      copy.right = ((TNode)right).deepCopyWithRightSiblings();
+    copy.doubleLink();
+    return copy;
+  }
+  /** return a short string representation of the node */
+  public String toString() {
+    StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer( getNameForType(getType()) +
+           "[" + getText() + ", " + "]");
+     if(this.getLineNum() != 0) 
+       str.append(" line:" + (this.getLineNum() ) );
+     Enumeration keys = (this.getAttributesTable().keys());
+     while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
+       String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
+       str.append(" " + key + ":" + (this.getAttribute(key)));
+     }
+    return str.toString();
+  }
+  /** print given tree to System.out */
+  public static void printTree(AST t) {
+       if (t == null) return;
+       printASTNode(t,0);
+       System.out.print("\n");
+  }
+  /** protected method that does the work of printing */
+  protected static void printASTNode(AST t, int indent) {
+     AST child1, next;
+     child1 = t.getFirstChild();         
+    System.out.print("\n");
+     for(int i = 0; i < indent; i++) 
+       System.out.print("   ");
+     if(child1 != null) 
+        System.out.print("(");
+     String s = t.getText();
+     if(s != null && s.length() > 0) {
+       System.out.print(getNameForType(t.getType()));
+       System.out.print(": \"" + s + "\"");
+     }  
+     else
+       System.out.print(getNameForType(t.getType()));
+     if(((TNode)t).getLineNum() != 0) 
+       System.out.print(" line:" + ((TNode)t).getLineNum() );
+     Enumeration keys = ((TNode)t).getAttributesTable().keys();
+     while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
+       String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
+       System.out.print(" " + key + ":" + ((TNode)t).getAttribute(key));
+     }
+     TNode def = ((TNode)t).getDefNode();
+     if(def != null)
+       System.out.print("[" + getNameForType(def.getType()) + "]");
+     if(child1 != null) {
+        printASTNode(child1,indent + 1);
+        System.out.print("\n");
+        for(int i = 0; i < indent; i++) 
+           System.out.print("   ");
+        System.out.print(")");
+     }
+     next = t.getNextSibling();
+     if(next != null) {
+        printASTNode(next,indent);
+     }
+  }
+  /** converts an int tree token type to a name.
+      Does this by reflecting on nsdidl.IDLTreeTokenTypes,
+      and is dependent on how ANTLR 2.00 outputs that class. */
+  public static String getNameForType(int t) {
+    try{
+      Class c = Class.forName(tokenVocabulary);
+      Field[] fields = c.getDeclaredFields();
+      if(t-2 < fields.length)
+        return fields[t-2].getName();
+    } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); }
+    return "unfoundtype: " + t;
+  }
+  /** set up reverse links between this node and its first
+     child and its first sibling, and link those as well */
+  public void doubleLink() {
+    TNode right = (TNode)getNextSibling();
+    if(right != null) {
+      right.left = this;
+      right.doubleLink();
+    }
+    TNode down = (TNode)getFirstChild();
+    if(down != null) {
+      down.up = this;
+      down.doubleLink();
+    }
+  }
+  /** find first parent of the given type,
+    return null on failure */
+  public TNode parentOfType(int type) {
+    if(up == null) {
+      if(left == null)
+        return null;
+      else
+        return left.parentOfType(type);
+    }
+    if(up.getType() == type)
+      return up;
+    return up.parentOfType(type);
+  }
+  /** find the first child of the node 
+    of the given type, return null on failure */
+  public TNode firstChildOfType(int type) {
+    TNode down = (TNode)getFirstChild();
+    if(down == null) 
+      return null;
+    if(down.getType() == type)
+      return down;
+    return down.firstSiblingOfType(type);
+  }
+  /** find the first sibling of the node 
+    of the given type, return null on failure */
+  public TNode firstSiblingOfType(int type) {
+    TNode right = (TNode)getNextSibling();
+    if(right == null) 
+      return null;
+    if(right.getType() == type)
+      return right;
+    return right.firstSiblingOfType(type);
+  }
cgit v1.2.3