From 4dd44b985fe0541be3a3bcd9045d201ed3ca2cc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sven Gothel
- * Basic FBO is supported if the context is either GL-ES >= 2.0, GL >= core 3.0 or implements the extensions
- *
- * Basic FBO support may only include one color attachment and no multisampling,
- * as well as limited internal formats for renderbuffer.
- *
- * Full FBO is supported if the context is either GL >= core 3.0 or implements the extensions
- *
- * Full FBO support includes multiple color attachments and multisampling.
- * Always an instance of {@link Attachment}. Either an instance of {@link ColorAttachment} or {@link TextureAttachment}.
- public static final boolean supportsFullFBO(GL gl) {
- return !forceMinimumFBOSupport &&
- ( gl.isGL3() || // GL >= 3.0
- gl.isExtensionAvailable(GLExtensions.ARB_framebuffer_object) || // ARB_framebuffer_object
- ( gl.isExtensionAvailable(GLExtensions.EXT_framebuffer_object) && // All EXT_framebuffer_object*
- gl.isExtensionAvailable(GLExtensions.EXT_framebuffer_multisample) &&
- gl.isExtensionAvailable(GLExtensions.EXT_framebuffer_blit) &&
- gl.isExtensionAvailable(GLExtensions.EXT_packed_depth_stencil)
- )
- ) ;
- }
- public static final int getMaxSamples(GL gl) {
- if( supportsFullFBO(gl) ) {
- int[] val = new int[] { 0 } ;
- gl.glGetIntegerv(GL2GL3.GL_MAX_SAMPLES, val, 0);
- return val[0];
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
+ public static interface Colorbuffer {
+ /**
+ * Initializes the color buffer and set it's parameter, if uninitialized, i.e. name is Implementation employs an initialization counter, hence it can be paired recursively with {@link #free(GL)}. Implementation employs an initialization counter, hence it can be paired recursively with {@link #initialize(GL)}.
@@ -232,9 +265,9 @@ public class FBObject {
if( ! ( o instanceof Attachment ) ) return false;
final Attachment a = (Attachment)o;
return type == a.type &&
- format == a.format ||
- width == a.width ||
- height== a.height ||
+ format == a.format &&
+ width == a.width &&
+ height== a.height &&
name == ;
@@ -259,8 +292,7 @@ public class FBObject {
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName()+"[type "+type+", format 0x"+Integer.toHexString(format)+", "+width+"x"+height+
- ", name 0x"+Integer.toHexString(name)+", obj 0x"+Integer.toHexString(objectHashCode())+
- ", resOwner "+resourceOwner+", initCount "+initCounter+"]";
+ ", name 0x"+Integer.toHexString(name)+", obj 0x"+Integer.toHexString(objectHashCode())+"]";
public static Type getType(int attachmentPoint, int maxColorAttachments) {
@@ -277,7 +309,7 @@ public class FBObject {
/** Other renderbuffer attachment which maybe a colorbuffer, depth or stencil. */
public static class RenderAttachment extends Attachment {
private int samples;
@@ -339,14 +371,13 @@ public class FBObject {
- public void initialize(GL gl) throws GLException {
- super.initialize(gl);
- if( 1 == getInitCounter() && 0 == getName() ) {
+ public boolean initialize(GL gl) throws GLException {
+ final boolean init = 0 == getName();
+ if( init ) {
+ int glerr = checkPreGLError(gl);
final int[] name = new int[] { -1 };
gl.glGenRenderbuffers(1, name, 0);
- if( 0 == name[0] ) {
- throw new GLException("null renderbuffer, "+this);
- }
gl.glBindRenderbuffer(GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, getName());
@@ -355,43 +386,37 @@ public class FBObject {
} else {
gl.glRenderbufferStorage(GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, format, getWidth(), getHeight());
- int glerr = gl.glGetError();
+ glerr = gl.glGetError();
if(GL.GL_NO_ERROR != glerr) {
gl.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, name, 0);
throw new GLException("GL Error 0x"+Integer.toHexString(glerr)+" while creating "+this);
- resourceOwner = true;
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println("Attachment.init: "+this);
+ return init;
public void free(GL gl) {
- if(1 == getInitCounter() && resourceOwner && 0 != getName() ) {
- final int[] name = new int[] { getName() };
+ final int[] name = new int[] { getName() };
+ if( 0 != name[0] ) {
gl.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, name, 0);
+ setName(0);
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(" "+this);
+ }
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName()+"[type "+type+", format 0x"+Integer.toHexString(format)+", samples "+samples+", "+getWidth()+"x"+getHeight()+
- ", name 0x"+Integer.toHexString(getName())+", obj 0x"+Integer.toHexString(objectHashCode())+
- ", resOwner "+resourceOwner+", initCount "+getInitCounter()+"]";
+ ", name 0x"+Integer.toHexString(getName())+", obj 0x"+Integer.toHexString(objectHashCode())+"]";
- /**
- * Marker interface, denotes a color buffer attachment.
- * Always an instance of {@link Attachment}. Either an instance of {@link ColorAttachment} or {@link TextureAttachment}.
- */
- public static interface Colorbuffer {
- }
/** Color render buffer attachment */
public static class ColorAttachment extends RenderAttachment implements Colorbuffer {
public ColorAttachment(int iFormat, int samples, int width, int height, int name) {
@@ -444,9 +469,11 @@ public class FBObject {
* @throws GLException if texture generation and setup fails. The just created texture name will be deleted in this case.
- public void initialize(GL gl) throws GLException {
- super.initialize(gl);
- if( 1 == getInitCounter() && 0 == getName() ) {
+ public boolean initialize(GL gl) throws GLException {
+ final boolean init = 0 == getName();
+ if( init ) {
+ int glerr = checkPreGLError(gl);
final int[] name = new int[] { -1 };
gl.glGenTextures(1, name, 0);
if(0 == name[0]) {
@@ -468,31 +495,111 @@ public class FBObject {
if( 0 < wrapT ) {
gl.glTexParameteri(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, wrapT);
- int glerr = gl.glGetError();
+ glerr = gl.glGetError();
if(GL.GL_NO_ERROR != glerr) {
gl.glDeleteTextures(1, name, 0);
throw new GLException("GL Error 0x"+Integer.toHexString(glerr)+" while creating "+this);
- resourceOwner = true;
- }
- if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("Attachment.init: "+this);
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("Attachment.init: "+this);
+ }
+ return init;
public void free(GL gl) {
- if(1 == getInitCounter() && resourceOwner && 0 != getName() ) {
- final int[] name = new int[] { getName() };
+ final int[] name = new int[] { getName() };
+ if( 0 != name[0] ) {
gl.glDeleteTextures(1, name, 0);
+ setName(0);
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(" "+this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a color {@link TextureAttachment}, i.e. type {@link Type#COLOR_TEXTURE},
+ * selecting the texture data type and format automatically.
+ *
+ * Using default min/mag filter {@link GL#GL_NEAREST} and default wrapS/wrapT {@link GL#GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE}.true
if basic FBO support is available, otherwise false
- * ARB_ES2_compatibility
, ARB_framebuffer_object
, EXT_framebuffer_object
or OES_framebuffer_object
- * true
if full FBO support is available, otherwise false
- * ARB_framebuffer_object
, or all of
- * EXT_framebuffer_object
, EXT_framebuffer_multisample
- * EXT_framebuffer_blit
, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil
- * zero
+ * @return true
if newly initialized, otherwise false
+ * @throws GLException if buffer generation or setup fails. The just created buffer name will be deleted in this case.
+ */
+ public boolean initialize(GL gl) throws GLException;
+ /**
+ * Releases the color buffer if initialized, i.e. name is not zero
+ * @throws GLException if buffer release fails.
+ */
+ public void free(GL gl) throws GLException;
+ /**
+ * Writes the internal format to the given GLCapabilities object.
+ * @param caps the destination for format bits
+ * @param rgba8Avail whether rgba8 is available
+ */
+ public void formatToGLCapabilities(GLCapabilities caps, boolean rgba8Avail);
/** Common super class of all attachments */
@@ -155,21 +134,89 @@ public class FBObject {
private int name;
- /** true
if resource is initialized by {@link #initialize(GL)}, hence {@link #free(GL)} is allowed to free the GL resources. */
- protected boolean resourceOwner;
- private int initCounter;
protected Attachment(Type type, int iFormat, int width, int height, int name) {
this.type = type;
this.format = iFormat;
this.width = width;
this.height = height; = name;
- this.resourceOwner = false;
- this.initCounter = 0;
+ /**
+ * Writes the internal format to the given GLCapabilities object.
+ * @param caps the destination for format bits
+ * @param rgba8Avail whether rgba8 is available
+ */
+ public final void formatToGLCapabilities(GLCapabilities caps, boolean rgba8Avail) {
+ final int _format;
+ switch(format) {
+ case GL.GL_RGBA:
+ _format = rgba8Avail ? GL.GL_RGBA8 : GL.GL_RGBA4;
+ break;
+ case GL.GL_RGB:
+ _format = rgba8Avail ? GL.GL_RGB8 : GL.GL_RGB565;
+ break;
+ default:
+ _format = format;
+ }
+ switch(_format) {
+ case GL.GL_RGBA4:
+ caps.setRedBits(4);
+ caps.setGreenBits(4);
+ caps.setBlueBits(4);
+ caps.setAlphaBits(4);
+ break;
+ case GL.GL_RGB5_A1:
+ caps.setRedBits(5);
+ caps.setGreenBits(5);
+ caps.setBlueBits(5);
+ caps.setAlphaBits(1);
+ break;
+ case GL.GL_RGB565:
+ caps.setRedBits(5);
+ caps.setGreenBits(6);
+ caps.setBlueBits(5);
+ caps.setAlphaBits(0);
+ break;
+ case GL.GL_RGB8:
+ caps.setRedBits(8);
+ caps.setGreenBits(8);
+ caps.setBlueBits(8);
+ caps.setAlphaBits(0);
+ break;
+ case GL.GL_RGBA8:
+ caps.setRedBits(8);
+ caps.setGreenBits(8);
+ caps.setBlueBits(8);
+ caps.setAlphaBits(8);
+ break;
+ caps.setDepthBits(16);
+ break;
+ caps.setDepthBits(24);
+ break;
+ caps.setDepthBits(32);
+ break;
+ caps.setStencilBits(1);
+ break;
+ caps.setStencilBits(4);
+ break;
+ caps.setStencilBits(8);
+ break;
+ caps.setDepthBits(24);
+ caps.setStencilBits(8);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("format invalid: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(format));
+ }
+ }
/** width of attachment */
public final int getWidth() { return width; }
/** height of attachment */
@@ -180,45 +227,31 @@ public class FBObject {
public final int getName() { return name; }
/* pp */ final void setName(int n) { name = n; }
- public final int getInitCounter() { return initCounter; }
- * Initializes the attachment buffer and set it's parameter, if uninitialized, i.e. name is zero
- * zero
+ *
+ final boolean init = 0 == name;
+ if( init ) {
do init ..
- freeResources = true; // if all OK
- */
- }
+ return init;
+ *
+ * @return true
if newly initialized, otherwise false
+ * @throws GLException if buffer generation or setup fails. The just created buffer name will be deleted in this case.
+ */
+ public abstract boolean initialize(GL gl) throws GLException;
- * Releases the attachment buffer if initialized, i.e. name is zero
- * zero
+ *
+ if(0 != name) {
do free ..
- }
- */
- initCounter--;
- if(0 == initCounter) {
- resourceOwner = false;
name = 0;
- if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.println(" "+this);
- }
- }
+ *
+ * @throws GLException if buffer release fails.
+ */
+ public abstract void free(GL gl) throws GLException;
* true
if you request alpha channel, otherwise false
+ * @param width texture width
+ * @param height texture height
+ * @return the created and uninitialized color {@link TextureAttachment}
+ */
+ public static final TextureAttachment createColorTextureAttachment(GLProfile glp, boolean alpha, int width, int height) {
+ return createColorTextureAttachment(glp, alpha, width, height, GL.GL_NEAREST, GL.GL_NEAREST, GL.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, GL.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a color {@link TextureAttachment}, i.e. type {@link Type#COLOR_TEXTURE},
+ * selecting the texture data type and format automatically.
+ *
+ * @param glp the chosen {@link GLProfile}
+ * @param alpha set to true
if you request alpha channel, otherwise false
+ * @param width texture width
+ * @param height texture height
+ * @param magFilter if > 0 value for {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER}
+ * @param minFilter if > 0 value for {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER}
+ * @param wrapS if > 0 value for {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S}
+ * @param wrapT if > 0 value for {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T}
+ * @return the created and uninitialized color {@link TextureAttachment}
+ */
+ public static final TextureAttachment createColorTextureAttachment(GLProfile glp, boolean alpha, int width, int height,
+ int magFilter, int minFilter, int wrapS, int wrapT) {
+ final int textureInternalFormat, textureDataFormat, textureDataType;
+ if(glp.isGLES()) {
+ textureInternalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB;
+ textureDataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB;
+ textureDataType = GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ } else {
+ textureInternalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA8 : GL.GL_RGB8;
+ textureDataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_BGRA : GL.GL_RGB;
+ textureDataType = alpha ? GL2GL3.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV : GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ }
+ return createColorTextureAttachment(textureInternalFormat, width, height, textureDataFormat, textureDataType, magFilter, minFilter, wrapS, wrapT);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a color {@link TextureAttachment}, i.e. type {@link Type#COLOR_TEXTURE}.
+ *
+ * @param internalFormat internalFormat parameter to {@link GL#glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long)}
+ * @param width texture width
+ * @param height texture height
+ * @param dataFormat format parameter to {@link GL#glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long)}
+ * @param dataType type parameter to {@link GL#glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long)}
+ * @param magFilter if > 0 value for {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER}
+ * @param minFilter if > 0 value for {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER}
+ * @param wrapS if > 0 value for {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S}
+ * @param wrapT if > 0 value for {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T}
+ * @return the created and uninitialized color {@link TextureAttachment}
+ */
+ public static final TextureAttachment createColorTextureAttachment(int internalFormat, int width, int height, int dataFormat, int dataType,
+ int magFilter, int minFilter, int wrapS, int wrapT) {
+ return new TextureAttachment(Type.COLOR_TEXTURE, internalFormat, width, height, dataFormat, dataType,
+ magFilter, minFilter, wrapS, wrapT, 0 /* name */);
+ }
+ private static boolean hasAlpha(int format) {
+ switch(format) {
+ case GL.GL_RGBA8:
+ case GL.GL_RGBA4:
+ case GL.GL_RGBA:
+ case GL.GL_BGRA:
+ case 4:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
private boolean initialized;
- private boolean basicFBOSupport;
private boolean fullFBOSupport;
private boolean rgba8Avail;
private boolean depth24Avail;
@@ -523,6 +630,9 @@ public class FBObject {
private final void validateColorAttachmentPointRange(int point) {
+ if(!initialized) {
+ throw new GLException("FBO not initialized");
+ }
if(maxColorAttachments != colorAttachmentPoints.length) {
throw new InternalError("maxColorAttachments "+maxColorAttachments+", array.lenght "+colorAttachmentPoints);
@@ -621,7 +731,6 @@ public class FBObject {
this.initialized = false;
// TBD @ init
- this.basicFBOSupport = false;
this.fullFBOSupport = false;
this.rgba8Avail = false;
this.depth24Avail = false;
@@ -657,14 +766,11 @@ public class FBObject {
private void init(GL gl, int width, int height, int samples) throws GLException {
if(initialized) {
throw new GLException("FBO already initialized");
- }
- fullFBOSupport = supportsFullFBO(gl);
- if( !fullFBOSupport && !supportsBasicFBO(gl) ) {
+ }
+ if( !gl.hasBasicFBOSupport() ) {
throw new GLException("FBO not supported w/ context: "+gl.getContext()+", "+this);
- basicFBOSupport = true;
+ fullFBOSupport = gl.hasFullFBOSupport();
rgba8Avail = gl.isGL2GL3() || gl.isExtensionAvailable(GLExtensions.OES_rgb8_rgba8);
depth24Avail = fullFBOSupport || gl.isExtensionAvailable(GLExtensions.OES_depth24);
@@ -680,10 +786,7 @@ public class FBObject {
int val[] = new int[1];
- int glerr = gl.glGetError();
- if(DEBUG && GL.GL_NO_ERROR != glerr) {
- System.err.println("FBObject.init-preexisting.0 GL Error 0x"+Integer.toHexString(glerr));
- }
+ int glerr = checkPreGLError(gl);
int realMaxColorAttachments = 1;
maxColorAttachments = 1;
@@ -703,16 +806,7 @@ public class FBObject {
colorAttachmentPoints = new Colorbuffer[maxColorAttachments];
colorAttachmentCount = 0;
- maxSamples = 0;
- if(fullFBOSupport) {
- gl.glGetIntegerv(GL2GL3.GL_MAX_SAMPLES, val, 0);
- glerr = gl.glGetError();
- if(GL.GL_NO_ERROR == glerr) {
- maxSamples = val[0];
- } else if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("FBObject.init-GL_MAX_SAMPLES query GL Error 0x"+Integer.toHexString(glerr));
- }
- }
+ maxSamples = gl.getMaxRenderbufferSamples();
if(!forceMinimumFBOSupport) {
gl.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, val, 0);
maxTextureSize = val[0];
@@ -733,10 +827,9 @@ public class FBObject {
this.samples = samples <= maxSamples ? samples : maxSamples;
if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("FBObject "+width+"x"+height+", "+samples+" -> "+samples+" samples");
- System.err.println("basicFBOSupport: "+basicFBOSupport);
+ System.err.println("FBObject "+width+"x"+height+", "+samples+" -> "+this.samples+" samples");
System.err.println("fullFBOSupport: "+fullFBOSupport);
- System.err.println("maxColorAttachments: "+maxColorAttachments+"/"+realMaxColorAttachments);
+ System.err.println("maxColorAttachments: "+maxColorAttachments+"/"+realMaxColorAttachments+" [capped/real]");
System.err.println("maxSamples: "+maxSamples);
System.err.println("maxTextureSize: "+maxTextureSize);
System.err.println("maxRenderbufferSize: "+maxRenderbufferSize);
@@ -761,12 +854,8 @@ public class FBObject {
throw new GLException("size "+width+"x"+height+" exceeds on of the maxima [texture "+maxTextureSize+", renderbuffer "+maxRenderbufferSize+"]");
- if(null != samplesSink) {
- // init sampling sink
- samplesSink.reset(gl, width, height);
- resetMSAATexture2DSink(gl);
- }
+ resetMSAATexture2DSink(gl);
// generate fbo ..
gl.glGenFramebuffers(1, val, 0);
fbName = val[0];
@@ -780,7 +869,8 @@ public class FBObject {
if(!gl.glIsFramebuffer(fbName)) {
checkNoError(gl, GL.GL_INVALID_VALUE, "FBObject Init.isFB"); // throws GLException
- bound = true;
+ bound = true;
+ samplesSinkDirty = true;
initialized = true;
@@ -797,7 +887,7 @@ public class FBObject {
* to match the new given parameters.
- * Currently incompatibility and hence recreation is given if + * Incompatibility and hence recreation is forced if * the size or sample count doesn't match for subsequent calls. *
* @@ -820,17 +910,17 @@ public class FBObject { * to match the new given parameters. * *- * Currently incompatibility and hence recreation is given if - * the size or sample count doesn't match for subsequent calls. + * Currently incompatibility and hence recreation of the attachments will be performed + * if the size or sample count doesn't match for subsequent calls. *
* *Leaves the FBO bound state untouched
* * @param gl the current GL context - * @param newWidth - * @param newHeight + * @param newWidth the new width, it's minimum is capped to 1 + * @param newHeight the new height, it's minimum is capped to 1 * @param newSamples if > 0, MSAA will be used, otherwise no multisampling. Will be capped to {@link #getMaxSamples()}. - * @throws GLException in case of an error + * @throws GLException in case of an error, i.e. size too big, etc .. */ public final void reset(GL gl, int newWidth, int newHeight, int newSamples) { if(!initialized) { @@ -841,13 +931,15 @@ public class FBObject { newSamples = newSamples <= maxSamples ? newSamples : maxSamples; // clamp if( newWidth != width || newHeight != height || newSamples != samples ) { + if(0>=newWidth) { newWidth = 1; } + if(0>=newHeight) { newHeight = 1; } if(newWidth > 2 + maxTextureSize || newHeight> 2 + maxTextureSize || newWidth > maxRenderbufferSize || newHeight> maxRenderbufferSize ) { throw new GLException("size "+width+"x"+height+" exceeds on of the maxima [texture "+maxTextureSize+", renderbuffer "+maxRenderbufferSize+"]"); } if(DEBUG) { - System.err.println("FBObject.reset - START - "+this); + System.err.println("FBObject.reset - START - "+width+"x"+height+", "+samples+" -> "+newWidth+"x"+newHeight+", "+newSamples+"; "+this); } final boolean wasBound = isBound(); @@ -856,11 +948,18 @@ public class FBObject { height = newHeight; samples = newSamples; detachAllImpl(gl, true , true); - resetMSAATexture2DSink(gl); - if(wasBound) { - bind(gl); - } else { + /** + * Postpone reset of samplesSink until syncFramebuffer, + * issued at use(..) method (swapBuffer usually initiates it). + * This allows another thread to still use the 'samplesSinkTexture' + * until swapBuffer happens and does not invalidate the GL_FRONT + * FBO (framebuffer & texture). + resetMSAATexture2DSink(gl); + */ + samplesSinkDirty = true; + + if(!wasBound) { unbind(gl); } @@ -870,6 +969,28 @@ public class FBObject { } } + /** + * Writes the internal format of the attachments to the given GLCapabilities object. + * @param caps the destination for format bits + */ + public final void formatToGLCapabilities(GLCapabilities caps) { + caps.setSampleBuffers(samples > 0); + caps.setNumSamples(samples); + caps.setDepthBits(0); + caps.setStencilBits(0); + + final Colorbuffer cb = samples > 0 ? getSamplingSink() : getColorbuffer(0); + if(null != cb) { + cb.formatToGLCapabilities(caps, rgba8Avail); + } + if(null != depth) { + depth.formatToGLCapabilities(caps, rgba8Avail); + } + if(null != stencil && stencil != depth) { + stencil.formatToGLCapabilities(caps, rgba8Avail); + } + } + /** * Note that the status may reflect an incomplete state during transition of attachments. * @return The FB status. {@link GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE} if ok, otherwise return GL FBO error state or -1 @@ -954,6 +1075,15 @@ public class FBObject { } } + private static int checkPreGLError(GL gl) { + int glerr = gl.glGetError(); + if(DEBUG && GL.GL_NO_ERROR != glerr) { + System.err.println("Pre-existing GL error: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(glerr)); + Thread.dumpStack(); + } + return glerr; + } + private final boolean checkNoError(GL gl, int err, String exceptionMessage) throws GLException { if(GL.GL_NO_ERROR != err) { if(null != gl) { @@ -974,7 +1104,7 @@ public class FBObject { } /** - * Attaches a Texture2D Color Buffer to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point, + * Attaches a {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. {@link TextureAttachment}, to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point, * selecting the texture data type and format automatically. * *Using default min/mag filter {@link GL#GL_NEAREST} and default wrapS/wrapT {@link GL#GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE}.
@@ -986,13 +1116,15 @@ public class FBObject { * @param alpha set totrue
if you request alpha channel, otherwise false
* @return TextureAttachment instance describing the new attached texture colorbuffer if bound and configured successfully, otherwise GLException is thrown
* @throws GLException in case the texture colorbuffer couldn't be allocated or MSAA has been chosen
+ * @see #createColorTextureAttachment(GLProfile, boolean, int, int)
public final TextureAttachment attachTexture2D(GL gl, int attachmentPoint, boolean alpha) throws GLException {
- return attachTexture2D(gl, attachmentPoint, alpha, GL.GL_NEAREST, GL.GL_NEAREST, GL.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, GL.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ return (TextureAttachment)attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint,
+ createColorTextureAttachment(gl.getGLProfile(), alpha, width, height));
- * Attaches a Texture2D Color Buffer to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point,
+ * Attaches a {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. {@link TextureAttachment}, to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point,
* selecting the texture data type and format automatically.
* Leaves the FBO bound.
@@ -1006,23 +1138,15 @@ public class FBObject { * @param wrapT if > 0 value for {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T} * @return TextureAttachment instance describing the new attached texture colorbuffer if bound and configured successfully, otherwise GLException is thrown * @throws GLException in case the texture colorbuffer couldn't be allocated or MSAA has been chosen + * @see #createColorTextureAttachment(GLProfile, boolean, int, int, int, int, int, int) */ public final TextureAttachment attachTexture2D(GL gl, int attachmentPoint, boolean alpha, int magFilter, int minFilter, int wrapS, int wrapT) throws GLException { - final int textureInternalFormat, textureDataFormat, textureDataType; - if(gl.isGLES()) { - textureInternalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB; - textureDataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB; - textureDataType = GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; - } else { - textureInternalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA8 : GL.GL_RGB8; - textureDataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_BGRA : GL.GL_RGB; - textureDataType = alpha ? GL2GL3.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV : GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; - } - return attachTexture2D(gl, attachmentPoint, textureInternalFormat, textureDataFormat, textureDataType, magFilter, minFilter, wrapS, wrapT); + return (TextureAttachment)attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, + createColorTextureAttachment(gl.getGLProfile(), alpha, width, height, magFilter, minFilter, wrapS, wrapT)); } /** - * Attaches a Texture2D Color Buffer to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point. + * Attaches a {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. {@link TextureAttachment}, to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point. * *Leaves the FBO bound.
* @@ -1037,66 +1161,33 @@ public class FBObject { * @param wrapT if > 0 value for {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T} * @return TextureAttachment instance describing the new attached texture colorbuffer if bound and configured successfully, otherwise GLException is thrown * @throws GLException in case the texture colorbuffer couldn't be allocated or MSAA has been chosen + * @see #createColorTextureAttachment(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) */ public final TextureAttachment attachTexture2D(GL gl, int attachmentPoint, int internalFormat, int dataFormat, int dataType, int magFilter, int minFilter, int wrapS, int wrapT) throws GLException { - return attachTexture2D(gl, attachmentPoint, - new TextureAttachment(Type.COLOR_TEXTURE, internalFormat, width, height, dataFormat, dataType, - magFilter, minFilter, wrapS, wrapT, 0 /* name */)); + return (TextureAttachment)attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, + createColorTextureAttachment(internalFormat, width, height, dataFormat, dataType, magFilter, minFilter, wrapS, wrapT)); } /** - * Attaches a Texture2D Color Buffer to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point. + * Creates a {@link ColorAttachment}, selecting the format automatically. * - *
- * In case the passed TextureAttachment texA
is uninitialized, i.e. it's texture name is zero
- * a new texture name is generated and setup w/ the texture parameter.
- * Otherwise, i.e. texture name is not zero
, the passed TextureAttachment texA
- * considered complete and assumed matching this FBO requirement. A GL error may occur is the latter is untrue.
- *
Leaves the FBO bound.
- * - * @param gl the current GL context - * @param attachmentPoint the color attachment point ranging from [0..{@link #getMaxColorAttachments()}-1] - * @param texA the to be attached {@link TextureAttachment}. Maybe complete or uninitialized, see above. - * @return the passed TextureAttachmenttexA
instance describing the new attached texture colorbuffer if bound and configured successfully, otherwise GLException is thrown
- * @throws GLException in case the texture colorbuffer couldn't be allocated or MSAA has been chosen
+ * @param alpha set to true
if you request alpha channel, otherwise false
+ * @return uninitialized ColorAttachment instance describing the new attached colorbuffer
- public final TextureAttachment attachTexture2D(GL gl, int attachmentPoint, TextureAttachment texA) throws GLException {
- validateAddColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, texA);
- if(samples>0) {
- removeColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, texA);
- throw new GLException("Texture2D not supported w/ MSAA. If you have enabled MSAA with exisiting texture attachments, you may want to detach them via detachAllTexturebuffer(gl).");
- }
- texA.initialize(gl);
- addColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, texA);
- bind(gl);
- // Set up the color buffer for use as a renderable texture:
- gl.glFramebufferTexture2D(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER,
- GL.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + attachmentPoint,
- GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texA.getName(), 0);
- if(!ignoreStatus) {
- updateStatus(gl);
- if(!isStatusValid()) {
- detachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint);
- throw new GLException("attachTexture2D "+texA+" at "+attachmentPoint+" failed "+getStatusString()+", "+this);
- }
- }
- if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("FBObject.attachTexture2D: "+this);
+ public final ColorAttachment createColorAttachment(boolean alpha) {
+ final int internalFormat;
+ if( rgba8Avail ) {
+ internalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA8 : GL.GL_RGB8 ;
+ } else {
+ internalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA4 : GL.GL_RGB565;
- return texA;
+ return new ColorAttachment(internalFormat, samples, width, height, 0);
- * Attaches a Color Buffer to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point,
+ * Attaches a {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. {@link ColorAttachment}, to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point,
* selecting the format automatically.
* Leaves the FBO bound.
@@ -1106,19 +1197,14 @@ public class FBObject { * @param alpha set totrue
if you request alpha channel, otherwise false
* @return ColorAttachment instance describing the new attached colorbuffer if bound and configured successfully, otherwise GLException is thrown
* @throws GLException in case the colorbuffer couldn't be allocated
+ * @see #createColorAttachment(boolean)
public final ColorAttachment attachColorbuffer(GL gl, int attachmentPoint, boolean alpha) throws GLException {
- final int internalFormat;
- if( rgba8Avail ) {
- internalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA8 : GL.GL_RGB8 ;
- } else {
- internalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA4 : GL.GL_RGB565;
- }
- return attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, internalFormat);
+ return (ColorAttachment) attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, createColorAttachment(alpha));
- * Attaches a Color Buffer to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point.
+ * Attaches a {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. {@link ColorAttachment}, to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point.
* Leaves the FBO bound.
* @@ -1135,46 +1221,80 @@ public class FBObject { throw new IllegalArgumentException("colorformat invalid: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(internalFormat)+", "+this); } - return attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, new ColorAttachment(internalFormat, samples, width, height, 0)); + return (ColorAttachment) attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, new ColorAttachment(internalFormat, samples, width, height, 0)); } /** - * Attaches a Color Buffer to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point. + * Attaches a {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. {@link ColorAttachment} or {@link TextureAttachment}, + * to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point. * + *
+ * If {@link Colorbuffer} is a {@link TextureAttachment} and is uninitialized, i.e. it's texture name is zero
+ * a new texture name is generated and setup w/ the texture parameter.
+ * Otherwise, i.e. texture name is not zero
, the passed TextureAttachment texA
+ * considered complete and assumed matching this FBO requirement. A GL error may occur is the latter is untrue.
+ *
Leaves the FBO bound.
* * @param gl * @param attachmentPoint the color attachment point ranging from [0..{@link #getMaxColorAttachments()}-1] - * @param colA the template for the new {@link ColorAttachment} - * @return ColorAttachment instance describing the new attached colorbuffer if bound and configured successfully, otherwise GLException is thrown - * @throws GLException in case the colorbuffer couldn't be allocated + * @param colbuf the to be attached {@link Colorbuffer} + * @return newly attached {@link Colorbuffer} instance if bound and configured successfully, otherwise GLException is thrown + * @throws GLException in case the colorbuffer couldn't be allocated or MSAA has been chosen in case of a {@link TextureAttachment} */ - public final ColorAttachment attachColorbuffer(GL gl, int attachmentPoint, ColorAttachment colA) throws GLException { - validateAddColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, colA); - - colA.initialize(gl); - addColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, colA); + public final Colorbuffer attachColorbuffer(GL gl, int attachmentPoint, Colorbuffer colbuf) throws GLException { + validateAddColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, colbuf); - bind(gl); + final boolean initializedColorbuf = colbuf.initialize(gl); + addColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, colbuf); - // Attach the color buffer - gl.glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, - GL.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + attachmentPoint, - GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, colA.getName()); + bind(gl); - if(!ignoreStatus) { - updateStatus(gl); - if(!isStatusValid()) { - detachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint); - throw new GLException("attachColorbuffer "+colA+" at "+attachmentPoint+" failed "+getStatusString()+", "+this); + if(colbuf instanceof TextureAttachment) { + final TextureAttachment texA = (TextureAttachment) colbuf; + + if(samples>0) { + removeColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, texA); + if(initializedColorbuf) { +; + } + throw new GLException("Texture2D not supported w/ MSAA. If you have enabled MSAA with exisiting texture attachments, you may want to detach them via detachAllTexturebuffer(gl)."); + } + + // Set up the color buffer for use as a renderable texture: + gl.glFramebufferTexture2D(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, + GL.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + attachmentPoint, + GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texA.getName(), 0); + + if(!ignoreStatus) { + updateStatus(gl); + if(!isStatusValid()) { + detachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, true); + throw new GLException("attachTexture2D "+texA+" at "+attachmentPoint+" failed "+getStatusString()+", "+this); + } + } + } else if(colbuf instanceof ColorAttachment) { + final ColorAttachment colA = (ColorAttachment) colbuf; + + // Attach the color buffer + gl.glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, + GL.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + attachmentPoint, + GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, colA.getName()); + + if(!ignoreStatus) { + updateStatus(gl); + if(!isStatusValid()) { + detachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, true); + throw new GLException("attachColorbuffer "+colA+" at "+attachmentPoint+" failed "+getStatusString()+", "+this); + } } } if(DEBUG) { - System.err.println("FBObject.attachColorbuffer: "+this); + System.err.println("FBObject.attachColorbuffer: [attachmentPoint "+attachmentPoint+", colbuf "+colbuf+"]: "+this); } - return colA; + return colbuf; } - /** * Attaches one depth, stencil or packed-depth-stencil buffer to this FBO's instance, @@ -1355,33 +1475,39 @@ public class FBObject { if(!ignoreStatus) { updateStatus(gl); if( !isStatusValid() ) { - detachRenderbuffer(gl, atype); + detachRenderbuffer(gl, atype, true); throw new GLException("renderbuffer attachment failed: "+this.getStatusString()); } } if(DEBUG) { - System.err.println("FBObject.attachRenderbuffer: "+this); - } + System.err.println("FBObject.attachRenderbuffer: [attachmentType "+atype+"]: "+this); + } } /** + * Detaches a {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. {@link ColorAttachment} or {@link TextureAttachment}. *Leaves the FBO bound!
+ * * @param gl - * @param ca + * @param attachmentPoint + * @param dispose true if the Colorbuffer shall be disposed + * @return the detached Colorbuffer * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ - public final void detachColorbuffer(GL gl, int attachmentPoint) throws IllegalArgumentException { - if(null == detachColorbufferImpl(gl, attachmentPoint, false)) { + public final Colorbuffer detachColorbuffer(GL gl, int attachmentPoint, boolean dispose) throws IllegalArgumentException { + final Colorbuffer res = detachColorbufferImpl(gl, attachmentPoint, dispose ? DetachAction.DISPOSE : DetachAction.NONE); + if(null == res) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ColorAttachment at "+attachmentPoint+", not attached, "+this); } if(DEBUG) { - System.err.println("FBObject.detachColorbuffer: [attachmentPoint "+attachmentPoint+"]: "+this); + System.err.println("FBObject.detachColorbuffer: [attachmentPoint "+attachmentPoint+", dispose "+dispose+"]: "+res+", "+this); } + return res; } - private final Colorbuffer detachColorbufferImpl(GL gl, int attachmentPoint, boolean recreate) { - final Colorbuffer colbuf = colorAttachmentPoints[attachmentPoint]; // shortcut, don't validate here + private final Colorbuffer detachColorbufferImpl(GL gl, int attachmentPoint, DetachAction detachAction) { + Colorbuffer colbuf = colorAttachmentPoints[attachmentPoint]; // shortcut, don't validate here if(null == colbuf) { return null; @@ -1389,6 +1515,8 @@ public class FBObject { bind(gl); + removeColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, colbuf); + if(colbuf instanceof TextureAttachment) { final TextureAttachment texA = (TextureAttachment) colbuf; if( 0 != texA.getName() ) { @@ -1397,11 +1525,22 @@ public class FBObject { GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0); gl.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); } -; - removeColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, texA); - if(recreate) { - texA.setSize(width, height); - attachTexture2D(gl, attachmentPoint, texA); + switch(detachAction) { + case DISPOSE: +; + break; + case RECREATE: +; + if(samples == 0) { + // stay non MSAA + texA.setSize(width, height); + } else { + // switch to MSAA + colbuf = createColorAttachment(hasAlpha(texA.format)); + } + attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, colbuf); + break; + default: } } else if(colbuf instanceof ColorAttachment) { final ColorAttachment colA = (ColorAttachment) colbuf; @@ -1410,12 +1549,30 @@ public class FBObject { GL.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0+attachmentPoint, GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); } -; - removeColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, colbuf); - if(recreate) { - colA.setSize(width, height); - colA.setSamples(samples); - attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, colA); + switch(detachAction) { + case DISPOSE: +; + break; + case RECREATE: +; + if(samples > 0) { + // stay MSAA + colA.setSize(width, height); + colA.setSamples(samples); + } else { + // switch to non MSAA + if(null != samplesSinkTexture) { + colbuf = createColorTextureAttachment(samplesSinkTexture.format, width, height, + samplesSinkTexture.dataFormat, samplesSinkTexture.dataType, + samplesSinkTexture.magFilter, samplesSinkTexture.minFilter, + samplesSinkTexture.wrapS, samplesSinkTexture.wrapT); + } else { + colbuf = createColorTextureAttachment(gl.getGLProfile(), true, width, height); + } + } + attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, colbuf); + break; + default: } } return colbuf; @@ -1424,10 +1581,14 @@ public class FBObject { /** * * @param gl + * @param dispose true if the Colorbuffer shall be disposed * @param reqAType {@link Type#DEPTH}, {@link Type#DEPTH} or {@link Type#DEPTH_STENCIL} */ - public final void detachRenderbuffer(GL gl, Attachment.Type atype) throws IllegalArgumentException { - detachRenderbufferImpl(gl, atype, false); + public final void detachRenderbuffer(GL gl, Attachment.Type atype, boolean dispose) throws IllegalArgumentException { + detachRenderbufferImpl(gl, atype, dispose ? DetachAction.DISPOSE : DetachAction.NONE); + if(DEBUG) { + System.err.println("FBObject.detachRenderbuffer: [attachmentType "+atype+", dispose "+dispose+"]: "+this); + } } public final boolean isDepthStencilPackedFormat() { @@ -1439,7 +1600,7 @@ public class FBObject { return res; } - private final void detachRenderbufferImpl(GL gl, Attachment.Type atype, boolean recreate) throws IllegalArgumentException { + private final void detachRenderbufferImpl(GL gl, Attachment.Type atype, DetachAction detachAction) throws IllegalArgumentException { switch ( atype ) { case DEPTH: case STENCIL: @@ -1485,8 +1646,14 @@ public class FBObject { if( 0 != depth.getName() ) { gl.glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); } -; - if(!recreate) { + switch(detachAction) { + case DISPOSE: + case RECREATE: +; + break; + default: + } + if(DetachAction.RECREATE != detachAction) { depth = null; } break; @@ -1495,8 +1662,14 @@ public class FBObject { if(0 != stencil.getName()) { gl.glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL.GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); } -; - if(!recreate) { + switch(detachAction) { + case DISPOSE: + case RECREATE: +; + break; + default: + } + if(DetachAction.RECREATE != detachAction) { stencil = null; } break; @@ -1506,9 +1679,15 @@ public class FBObject { gl.glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); gl.glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL.GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); } -; -; - if(!recreate) { + switch(detachAction) { + case DISPOSE: + case RECREATE: +; +; + break; + default: + } + if(DetachAction.RECREATE != detachAction) { depth = null; stencil = null; } @@ -1516,14 +1695,15 @@ public class FBObject { default: throw new InternalError("XXX"); } - if(recreate) { + if(DetachAction.RECREATE == detachAction) { attachRenderbufferImpl2(gl, action, format); } } } /** - * Detaches all {@link ColorAttachment}s, {@link TextureAttachment}s and {@link RenderAttachment}s. + * Detaches all {@link ColorAttachment}s, {@link TextureAttachment}s and {@link RenderAttachment}s + * and disposes them. *Leaves the FBO bound!
** An attached sampling sink texture will be detached as well, see {@link #getSamplingSink()}. @@ -1538,7 +1718,8 @@ public class FBObject { } /** - * Detaches all {@link ColorAttachment}s and {@link TextureAttachment}s. + * Detaches all {@link ColorAttachment}s and {@link TextureAttachment}s + * and disposes them. *
Leaves the FBO bound!
** An attached sampling sink texture will be detached as well, see {@link #getSamplingSink()}. @@ -1553,7 +1734,7 @@ public class FBObject { } /** - * Detaches all {@link TextureAttachment}s + * Detaches all {@link TextureAttachment}s and disposes them. *
Leaves the FBO bound!
* An attached sampling sink texture will be detached as well, see {@link #getSamplingSink()}.
@@ -1566,30 +1747,33 @@ public class FBObject {
for(int i=0; i
+ * Only use this method if a subsequent {@link #unbind(GL)}, {@link #use(GL, TextureAttachment)} or {@link #bind(GL)}
+ * follows on any FBO.
+ * The operation is skipped, if no multisampling is used or
- * the msaa-buffer has not been flagged dirty by a previous call of {@link #bind(GL)},
- * see {@link #isSamplingBufferDirty()} If full FBO is supported, sets the read and write framebuffer individually to default after sampling, hence not disturbing
- * an optional operating MSAA FBO, see {@link GLBase#getDefaultReadFramebuffer()} and {@link GLBase#getDefaultDrawFramebuffer()} In case you intend to employ {@link GL#glReadPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.nio.Buffer) glReadPixels(..)}
+ * If multisampling is being used and flagged dirty by a previous call of {@link #bind(GL)} or after initialization,
+ * the msaa-buffers are sampled to it's sink {@link #getSamplingSink()}.
+ *
+ * Method also updates the sampling sink configuration (if used). Hence it is recommended to call this
+ * method after your have initialized the FBO and attached renderbuffer etc for the 1st time.
+ * Method is called automatically by {@link #use(GL, TextureAttachment)}.
+ *
+ * Methos always resets the framebuffer binding to default in the end.
+ * If full FBO is supported, sets the read and write framebuffer individually to default after sampling, hence not disturbing
+ * an optional operating MSAA FBO, see {@link GLBase#getDefaultReadFramebuffer()} and {@link GLBase#getDefaultDrawFramebuffer()}
+ *
+ * In case you use this FBO w/o the {@link GLFBODrawable} and intend to employ {@link GL#glReadPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.nio.Buffer) glReadPixels(..)}
* you may want to call {@link GL#glBindFramebuffer(int, int) glBindFramebuffer}({@link GL2GL3#GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER}, {@link #getReadFramebuffer()});
* Leaves the FBO unbound. If multisampling is being used, {@link #syncSamplingBuffer(GL)} is being called. If using multiple texture units, ensure you call {@link GL#glActiveTexture(int)} first! {@link #syncFramebuffer(GL)} is being called Leaves the FBO unbound!
+ * Since no native windowing system events are being processed, it is recommended
+ * to handle at least:
+ * true
if framebuffer object is bound via {@link #bind(GL)}, otherwise false
@@ -1785,49 +1988,54 @@ public class FBObject {
public final boolean isBound() { return bound; }
- * Samples the multisampling colorbuffer (msaa-buffer) to it's sink {@link #getSamplingSink()}.
- *
- * true
if basic or full FBO is supported, otherwise false
- * @param full true
for full FBO supported query, otherwise false
for basic FBO support query.
- * @see #supportsFullFBO(GL)
- * @see #supportsBasicFBO(GL)
- * @throws GLException if {@link #init(GL)} hasn't been called.
- */
- public final boolean supportsFBO(boolean full) throws GLException { checkInitialized(); return full ? fullFBOSupport : basicFBOSupport; }
+ /** @see GL#hasFullFBOSupport() */
+ public final boolean hasFullFBOSupport() throws GLException { checkInitialized(); return this.fullFBOSupport; }
* Returns true
if renderbuffer accepts internal format {@link GL#GL_RGB8} and {@link GL#GL_RGBA8}, otherwise false
@@ -1878,7 +2076,7 @@ public class FBObject {
public final boolean supportsDepth(int bits) throws GLException {
switch(bits) {
- case 16: return basicFBOSupport;
+ case 16: return true;
case 24: return depth24Avail;
case 32: return depth32Avail;
default: return false;
@@ -1913,11 +2111,11 @@ public class FBObject {
public final int getMaxColorAttachments() throws GLException { checkInitialized(); return maxColorAttachments; }
- /**
- * Returns the maximum number of samples for multisampling. Maybe zero if multisampling is not supported.
- * @throws GLException if {@link #init(GL)} hasn't been called.
- */
- public final int getMaxSamples() throws GLException { checkInitialized(); return maxSamples; }
+ public final int getMaxTextureSize() throws GLException { checkInitialized(); return this.maxTextureSize; }
+ public final int getMaxRenderbufferSize() throws GLException { checkInitialized(); return this.maxRenderbufferSize; }
+ /** @see GL#getMaxRenderbufferSamples() */
+ public final int getMaxSamples() throws GLException { checkInitialized(); return this.maxSamples; }
* Returns true
if this instance has been initialized with {@link #reset(GL, int, int)}
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38a8deef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ * Copyright 2012 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
+ * permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
+ * conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
+ * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ *
+ * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the
+ * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
+ * or implied, of JogAmp Community.
+ */
+package com.jogamp.opengl;
+import com.jogamp.common.util.locks.LockFactory;
+import com.jogamp.common.util.locks.RecursiveLock;
+import jogamp.opengl.GLAutoDrawableBase;
+import jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl;
+import jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableImpl;
+ * Fully functional {@link GLAutoDrawable} implementation
+ * utilizing already created created {@link GLDrawable} and {@link GLContext} instances.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * See example {@link com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.acore.TestGLAutoDrawableDelegateNEWT TestGLAutoDrawableDelegateNEWT}. + *
+ */ +public class GLAutoDrawableDelegate extends GLAutoDrawableBase implements GLAutoDrawable { + /** + * @param drawable a valid and already realized {@link GLDrawable} + * @param context a valid {@link GLContext}, may not be made current (created) yet. + * @param upstreamWidget optional UI element holding this instance, see {@link #getUpstreamWidget()}. + * @param ownDevice passtrue
if {@link AbstractGraphicsDevice#close()} shall be issued,
+ * otherwise pass false
. Closing the device is required in case
+ * the drawable is created w/ it's own new instance, e.g. offscreen drawables,
+ * and no further lifecycle handling is applied.
+ * @param lock optional custom {@link RecursiveLock}.
+ */
+ public GLAutoDrawableDelegate(GLDrawable drawable, GLContext context, Object upstreamWidget, boolean ownDevice, RecursiveLock lock) {
+ super((GLDrawableImpl)drawable, (GLContextImpl)context, ownDevice);
+ if(null == drawable) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("null drawable");
+ }
+ if(null == context) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("null context");
+ }
+ if(!drawable.isRealized()) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("drawable not realized");
+ }
+ this.upstreamWidget = upstreamWidget;
+ this.lock = ( null != lock ) ? lock : LockFactory.createRecursiveLock() ;
+ }
+ //
+ // expose default methods
+ //
+ /** Default implementation to handle repaint events from the windowing system */
+ public final void windowRepaintOp() {
+ super.defaultWindowRepaintOp();
+ }
+ /** Implementation to handle resize events from the windowing system. All required locks are being claimed. */
+ public final void windowResizedOp(int newWidth, int newHeight) {
+ super.defaultWindowResizedOp(newWidth, newHeight);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementation to handle destroy notifications from the windowing system.
+ *
+ * + * If the {@link NativeSurface} does not implement {@link WindowClosingProtocol} + * or {@link WindowClosingMode#DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE} is enabled (default), + * a thread safe destruction is being induced. + *
+ */ + public final void windowDestroyNotifyOp() { + super.defaultWindowDestroyNotifyOp(); + } + + // + // Complete GLAutoDrawable + // + + private Object upstreamWidget; + private final RecursiveLock lock; + + @Override + protected final RecursiveLock getLock() { return lock; } + + @Override + public final Object getUpstreamWidget() { + return upstreamWidget; + } + + /** + * Set the upstream UI toolkit object. + * @see #getUpstreamWidget() + */ + public final void setUpstreamWidget(Object newUpstreamWidget) { + upstreamWidget = newUpstreamWidget; + } + + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + *+ * This implementation calls {@link #defaultDestroy()}. + *
+ *+ * User still needs to destroy the upstream window, which details are hidden from this aspect. + * This can be performed by overriding {@link #destroyImplInLock()}. + *
+ */ + @Override + public final void destroy() { + defaultDestroy(); + } + + @Override + protected void destroyImplInLock() { + super.destroyImplInLock(); + } + + @Override + public void display() { + defaultDisplay(); + } + + // + // GLDrawable delegation + // + + @Override + public final GLDrawableFactory getFactory() { + return drawable.getFactory(); + } + + @Override + public final void setRealized(boolean realized) { + } + + @Override + public final void swapBuffers() throws GLException { + defaultSwapBuffers(); + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return getClass().getSimpleName()+"[ \n\tHelper: " + helper + ", \n\tDrawable: " + drawable + + ", \n\tContext: " + context + ", \n\tUpstreamWidget: "+upstreamWidget+ /** ", \n\tFactory: "+factory+ */ "]"; + } +} diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/ index f7e25fa01..cf81b85ee 100644 --- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/ +++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/ @@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ public class GLExtensions { public static final String OES_EGL_image_external = "GL_OES_EGL_image_external"; + public static final String ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 = "GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64"; + public static final String ARB_shader_objects = "GL_ARB_shader_objects"; + // // Aliased GLX/WGL/.. extensions // diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4caea03b2..000000000 --- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ -/** - * Copyright 2012 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are - * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - * - * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of - * conditions and the following disclaimer. - * - * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list - * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials - * provided with the distribution. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED - * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND - * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR - * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR - * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR - * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON - * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING - * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF - * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - * - * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the - * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed - * or implied, of JogAmp Community. - */ - -package com.jogamp.opengl; - -import; -import; -import; -import; -import; - -import jogamp.opengl.GLFBODrawableImpl; - -/** - * Platform-independent class exposing FBO offscreen functionality to - * applications. - *- * This class distinguishes itself from {@link GLAutoDrawableDelegate} - * with it's {@link #setSize(int, int)} functionality. - *
- */ -public class OffscreenAutoDrawable extends GLAutoDrawableDelegate { - - /** - * @param drawable a valid {@link GLDrawable}, may not be realized yet. - * @param context a valid {@link GLContext}, may not be made current (created) yet. - * @param ownDevice passtrue
if {@link AbstractGraphicsDevice#close()} shall be issued,
- * otherwise pass false
. Closing the device is required in case
- * the drawable is created w/ it's own new instance, e.g. offscreen drawables,
- * and no further lifecycle handling is applied.
- */
- public OffscreenAutoDrawable(GLDrawable drawable, GLContext context, boolean ownDevice) {
- super(drawable, context, null, ownDevice);
- }
- /**
- * Attempts to resize this offscreen auto drawable, if supported
- * by the underlying {@link GLDrawable).
- * @param newWidth
- * @param newHeight
- * @return true
if resize was executed, otherwise false
- * @throws GLException in case of an error during the resize operation
- */
- public boolean setSize(int newWidth, int newHeight) throws GLException {
- boolean done = false;
- if(drawable instanceof GLFBODrawableImpl) {
- Throwable tFBO = null;
- Throwable tGL = null;
- context.makeCurrent();
- try {
- ((GLFBODrawableImpl)drawable).setSize(context.getGL(), newWidth, newHeight);
- done = true;
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- tFBO = t;
- } finally {
- try {
- context.release();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- tGL = t;
- }
- }
- if(null != tFBO) {
- throw new GLException("OffscreenAutoDrawable.setSize(..) GLFBODrawableImpl.setSize(..) exception", tFBO);
- }
- if(null != tGL) {
- throw new GLException("OffscreenAutoDrawable.setSize(..) GLContext.release() exception", tGL);
- }
- }
- if(done) {
- this.defaultWindowResizedOp();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * If the underlying {@link GLDrawable} is an FBO implementation
- * and contains an {#link FBObject}, the same is returned.
- * Otherwise returns null
- */
- public FBObject getFBObject() {
- if(drawable instanceof GLFBODrawableImpl) {
- return ((GLFBODrawableImpl)drawable).getFBObject();
- }
- return null;
- }
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/swt/ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/swt/
index 8d237162c..02f62daec 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/swt/
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/swt/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ package com.jogamp.opengl.swt;
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ import;
import jogamp.opengl.Debug;
import jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl;
import jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper;
+import jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableImpl;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
@@ -97,8 +99,8 @@ public class GLCanvas extends Canvas implements GLAutoDrawable {
private final GLCapabilitiesImmutable capsRequested;
private final GLCapabilitiesChooser capsChooser;
- private volatile GLDrawable drawable; // volatile: avoid locking for read-only access
- private GLContext context;
+ private volatile GLDrawableImpl drawable; // volatile: avoid locking for read-only access
+ private GLContextImpl context;
/* Native window surface */
private AbstractGraphicsDevice device;
@@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ public class GLCanvas extends Canvas implements GLAutoDrawable {
- private final ProxySurface.UpstreamSurfaceHook swtCanvasUpStreamHook = new ProxySurface.UpstreamSurfaceHook() {
+ private final UpstreamSurfaceHook swtCanvasUpStreamHook = new UpstreamSurfaceHook() {
public final void create(ProxySurface s) { /* nop */ }
@@ -349,7 +351,27 @@ public class GLCanvas extends Canvas implements GLAutoDrawable {
( nClientArea.width != oClientArea.width || nClientArea.height != oClientArea.height )
) {
clientArea = nClientArea; // write back new value
- sendReshape = true; // Mark for OpenGL reshape next time the control is painted
+ GLDrawableImpl _drawable = drawable;
+ if( null != _drawable ) {
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("GLCanvas.sizeChanged: ("+Thread.currentThread().getName()+"): "+nClientArea.width+"x"+nClientArea.height+" - surfaceHandle 0x"+Long.toHexString(getNativeSurface().getSurfaceHandle()));
+ }
+ if( ! _drawable.getChosenGLCapabilities().isOnscreen() ) {
+ final RecursiveLock _lock = lock;
+ _lock.lock();
+ try {
+ final GLDrawableImpl _drawableNew = GLDrawableHelper.resizeOffscreenDrawable(_drawable, context, nClientArea.width, nClientArea.height);
+ if(_drawable != _drawableNew) {
+ // write back
+ drawable = _drawableNew;
+ }
+ } finally {
+ _lock.unlock();
+ }
+ sendReshape = true; // async if display() doesn't get called below, but avoiding deadlock
+ }
+ }
@@ -391,10 +413,10 @@ public class GLCanvas extends Canvas implements GLAutoDrawable {
if(null != proxySurface) {
/* Associate a GL surface with the proxy */
- drawable = glFactory.createGLDrawable(proxySurface);
+ drawable = (GLDrawableImpl) glFactory.createGLDrawable(proxySurface);
- context = drawable.createContext(shareWith);
+ context = (GLContextImpl) drawable.createContext(shareWith);
} finally {
@@ -455,6 +477,11 @@ public class GLCanvas extends Canvas implements GLAutoDrawable {
return helper.getAutoSwapBufferMode();
+ @Override
+ public final GLDrawable getDelegatedDrawable() {
+ return drawable;
+ }
public GLContext getContext() {
return null != drawable ? context : null;
@@ -502,7 +529,7 @@ public class GLCanvas extends Canvas implements GLAutoDrawable {
try {
final GLContext oldCtx = context;
- final boolean newCtxCurrent = helper.switchContext(drawable, oldCtx, newCtx, additionalCtxCreationFlags);
+ final boolean newCtxCurrent = GLDrawableHelper.switchContext(drawable, oldCtx, newCtx, additionalCtxCreationFlags);
if(newCtxCurrent) {
cgit v1.2.3