From 711757aa4e087d97c3103489c47fbd7d76bcac3d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sven Gothel
* For GLES3, sampling-sink format must be equal w/ the sampling-source {@link Colorbuffer},
* see details below. Implementation aligns w/ {@link #createColorAttachment(boolean)}
- * and is enforced via {@link #sampleSinkFormatMismatch(GL)}.
+ * and is enforced via {@link #sampleSinkExFormatMismatch(GL)}.
* ES3 BlitFramebuffer Requirements: OpenGL ES 3.0.2 p194: 4.3.2 Copying Pixels
@@ -664,23 +664,40 @@ public class FBObject {
public static final TextureAttachment createColorTextureAttachment(final GL gl, final boolean alpha, final int width, final int height,
final int magFilter, final int minFilter, final int wrapS, final int wrapT) {
- final int textureInternalFormat, textureDataFormat, textureDataType;
+ final int internalFormat, dataFormat, dataType;
if(gl.isGLES3()) {
- textureInternalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA8 : GL.GL_RGB8;
- textureDataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB;
- textureDataType = GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ internalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA8 : GL.GL_RGB8;
+ dataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB;
} else if(gl.isGLES()) {
- textureInternalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB;
- textureDataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB;
- textureDataType = GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ internalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB;
+ dataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB;
} else {
- textureInternalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA8 : GL.GL_RGB8;
+ internalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA8 : GL.GL_RGB8;
// textureInternalFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB;
// textureInternalFormat = alpha ? 4 : 3;
- textureDataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_BGRA : GL.GL_RGB;
- textureDataType = alpha ? GL2GL3.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV : GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ dataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_BGRA : GL.GL_RGB;
+ dataType = alpha ? GL2GL3.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV : GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
- return createColorTextureAttachment(textureInternalFormat, width, height, textureDataFormat, textureDataType, magFilter, minFilter, wrapS, wrapT);
+ return createColorTextureAttachment(internalFormat, width, height, dataFormat, dataType, magFilter, minFilter, wrapS, wrapT);
+ }
+ public static final TextureAttachment createColorTextureAttachment(final GL gl, final int internalFormat, final int width, final int height,
+ final int magFilter, final int minFilter, final int wrapS, final int wrapT) {
+ final int dataFormat, dataType;
+ final boolean alpha = hasAlpha(internalFormat);
+ if( gl.isGLES3() ) {
+ dataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB;
+ } else if( gl.isGLES() ) {
+ dataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_RGBA : GL.GL_RGB;
+ } else {
+ dataFormat = alpha ? GL.GL_BGRA : GL.GL_RGB;
+ dataType = alpha ? GL2GL3.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV : GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ }
+ return createColorTextureAttachment(internalFormat, width, height, dataFormat, dataType, magFilter, minFilter, wrapS, wrapT);
@@ -738,6 +755,7 @@ public class FBObject {
private int textureAttachmentCount;
private Colorbuffer[] colorbufferAttachments; // colorbuffer attachment points
private RenderAttachment depth, stencil; // depth and stencil maybe equal in case of packed-depth-stencil
+ private boolean modified; // size, sampleCount, or any attachment modified
private FBObject samplingSink; // MSAA sink
private Colorbuffer samplingColorSink;
@@ -752,44 +770,59 @@ public class FBObject {
throw new GLException("FBO not initialized");
if(maxColorAttachments != colorbufferAttachments.length) {
- throw new InternalError("maxColorAttachments "+maxColorAttachments+", array.length "+colorbufferAttachments.length);
+ throw new InternalError(String.format("maxColorAttachments %d, array.length %d",
+ maxColorAttachments, colorbufferAttachments.length) );
if(0 > point || point >= maxColorAttachments) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("attachment point out of range: "+point+", should be within [0.."+(maxColorAttachments-1)+"], "+this);
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("attachment point out of range: %d, should be within [0..%d], %s",
+ point, maxColorAttachments-1, this.toString() ) );
private final void validateAddColorAttachment(final int point, final Colorbuffer ca) {
if( null != colorbufferAttachments[point] ) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot attach "+ca+", attachment point already in use by "+colorbufferAttachments[point]+", "+this);
+ throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Cannot attach %s at %d, attachment point already in use by %s, %s",
+ ca.toString(), point, colorbufferAttachments[point].toString(), this.toString() ) );
- private final void addColorAttachment(final int point, final Colorbuffer ca) {
- validateColorAttachmentPointRange(point);
+ private final void addColorAttachment(final int point, final Colorbuffer ca, final boolean validate) {
final Colorbuffer c = colorbufferAttachments[point];
- if( null != c && c != ca ) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Add failed: requested to add "+ca+" at "+point+", but slot is holding "+c+"; "+this);
+ if( validate ) {
+ validateColorAttachmentPointRange(point);
+ if( null == ca ) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Colorbuffer is null");
+ }
+ if( null != c ) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Cannot attach %s at %d, attachment point already in use by %s, %s",
+ ca.toString(), point, c.toString(), this.toString() ) );
+ }
colorbufferAttachments[point] = ca;
if( ca.isTextureAttachment() ) {
+ modified = true;
private final void removeColorAttachment(final int point, final Colorbuffer ca) {
+ if( null == ca ) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Colorbuffer is null");
+ }
final Colorbuffer c = colorbufferAttachments[point];
- if( null != c && c != ca ) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Remove failed: requested to removed "+ca+" at "+point+", but slot is holding "+c+"; "+this);
+ if( c != ca ) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Cannot detach %s at %d, slot is holding other: %s, %s",
+ ca.toString(), point, c.toString(), this.toString() ) );
colorbufferAttachments[point] = null;
if( ca.isTextureAttachment() ) {
+ modified = true;
@@ -899,15 +932,32 @@ public class FBObject {
this.textureAttachmentCount = 0;
this.depth = null;
this.stencil = null;
+ this.modified = true;
this.samplingSink = null;
this.samplingColorSink = null;
this.samplingSinkDirty = true;
- private void init(final GL gl, int width, int height, final int samples) throws GLException {
- if(initialized) {
- throw new GLException("FBO already initialized");
+ /**
+ * Initializes this FBO's instance.
+ *
+ * The sampling sink is not initializes, allowing manual assignment via {@link #setSamplingSink(FBObject)}
+ * if {@code newSamples > 0}.
+ * Leaves the FBO bound
* In case the new parameters are compatible with the current ones
- * no action will be performed. Otherwise all attachments will be recreated
+ * no action will be performed and method returns immediately.
- * Incompatibility and hence recreation is forced if
- * the size or sample count doesn't match for subsequent calls.
+ * {@link #resetSamplingSink(GL)} is being issued immediately
+ * to match the new configuration.
+ * Leaves the FBO bound state untouched
+ * In case the new parameters are compatible with the current ones
+ * no action will be performed. Otherwise all attachments will be recreated
+ * to match the new given parameters.
* Leaves the FBO bound state untouched
+ * Otherwise all attachments will be recreated
* to match the new given parameters.
- * Currently incompatibility and hence recreation of the attachments will be performed - * if the size or sample count doesn't match for subsequent calls. - *
* *Leaves the FBO bound state untouched
* @@ -1069,6 +1137,7 @@ public class FBObject { * from implicit double buffering while resetting the sink just before it's being used, eg. at swap-buffer. * @return {@code true} if this instance has been modified, otherwise {@code false}. * @throws GLException in case of an error, i.e. size too big, etc .. + * @deprecated Use {@link #init(GL, int, int, int)} or {@link #reset(GL, int, int, int)} */ public final boolean reset(final GL gl, int newWidth, int newHeight, int newSamples, final boolean resetSamplingSink) { if( !initialized ) { @@ -1108,24 +1177,20 @@ public class FBObject { height = newHeight; samples = newSamples; - if(0 < samples && null == samplingSink ) { - // needs valid samplingSink for detach*() -> bind() - samplingSink = new FBObject(); - samplingSink.init(gl, width, height, 0); - } + modified = true; + samplingSinkDirty = true; + detachAllImpl(gl, true, true, sampleCountChange); - if(resetSamplingSink) { + if( resetSamplingSink ) { resetSamplingSink(gl); } - samplingSinkDirty = true; - if(!wasBound) { unbind(gl); } if(DEBUG) { - System.err.println("FBObject.reset - END - "+this); + System.err.println("FBObject.reset - END - wasBound, "+wasBound+", "+this); } return true; } else { @@ -1133,6 +1198,34 @@ public class FBObject { } } + /** + * Simply resets this instance's size only, w/o validation. + * + *Leaves the FBO bound
+ * + * @param gl the current GL context + * @param newWidth the new width, it's minimum is capped to 1 + * @param newHeight the new height, it's minimum is capped to 1 + */ + private final void resetSizeImpl(final GL gl, final int newWidth, final int newHeight) { + if(DEBUG) { + System.err.println("FBObject.resetSize - START - "+width+"x"+height+", "+samples+" -> "+newWidth+"x"+newHeight); + } + + final int sampleCountChange = 0; // keep MSAA settings + width = newWidth; + height = newHeight; + + modified = true; + samplingSinkDirty = true; + + detachAllImpl(gl, true, true, sampleCountChange); + + if(DEBUG) { + System.err.println("FBObject.resetSize - END - "+this); + } + } + private void validateAttachmentSize(final Attachment a) { final int aWidth = a.getWidth(); final int aHeight = a.getHeight(); @@ -1353,7 +1446,7 @@ public class FBObject { ** For GLES3, sampling-sink {@link Colorbuffer} format must be equal w/ the sampling-source {@link Colorbuffer}. * Implementation aligns w/ {@link #createColorTextureAttachment(GLProfile, boolean, int, int, int, int, int, int)} - * and is enforced via {@link #sampleSinkFormatMismatch(GL)}. + * and is enforced via {@link #sampleSinkExFormatMismatch(GL)}. *
* * @param alpha set totrue
if you request alpha channel, otherwise false
@@ -1375,7 +1468,7 @@ public class FBObject {
* * For GLES3, sampling-sink {@link Colorbuffer} format must be equal w/ the sampling-source {@link Colorbuffer}. * Implementation aligns w/ {@link #createColorTextureAttachment(GLProfile, boolean, int, int, int, int, int, int)} - * and is enforced via {@link #sampleSinkFormatMismatch(GL)}. + * and is enforced via {@link #sampleSinkExFormatMismatch(GL)}. *
* * @param alpha set totrue
if you request alpha channel, otherwise false
@@ -1390,8 +1483,11 @@ public class FBObject {
- * Attaches a {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. {@link ColorAttachment}, to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point,
- * selecting the format automatically.
+ * Attaches a newly created and {@link Colorbuffer#initialize(GL) initialized} {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. a {@link ColorAttachment},
+ * at the given attachment point.
+ * + * The {@link ColorAttachment} is created using {@code alpha} if {@code true} and current {@code sample count} and {@code size}. + *
* *Leaves the FBO bound.
* @@ -1407,7 +1503,11 @@ public class FBObject { } /** - * Attaches a {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. {@link ColorAttachment}, to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point. + * Attaches a newly created and {@link Colorbuffer#initialize(GL) initialized} {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. a {@link ColorAttachment}, + * at the given attachment point. + *+ * The {@link ColorAttachment} is created using the given {@code internalFormat} and current {@code sample count} and {@code size}. + *
* *Leaves the FBO bound.
* @@ -1428,9 +1528,11 @@ public class FBObject { } /** - * Attaches a {@link Colorbuffer}, i.e. {@link ColorAttachment} or {@link TextureAttachment}, - * to this FBO's instance at the given attachment point. - * + * Attaches a {@link Colorbuffer} at the given attachment point + * and {@link Colorbuffer#initialize(GL) initializes} it, if not done yet. + *+ * {@link Colorbuffer} may be a {@link ColorAttachment} or {@link TextureAttachment}. + *
* If {@link Colorbuffer} is a {@link TextureAttachment} and is uninitialized, i.e. it's texture name is zero
* a new texture name is generated and setup w/ the texture parameter.
@@ -1443,7 +1545,7 @@ public class FBObject {
* @param gl
* @param attachmentPoint the color attachment point ranging from [0..{@link #getMaxColorAttachments()}-1]
* @param colbuf the to be attached {@link Colorbuffer}
- * @return newly attached {@link Colorbuffer} instance if bound and configured successfully, otherwise GLException is thrown
+ * @return given {@link Colorbuffer} instance if bound and configured successfully, otherwise GLException is thrown
* @throws GLException in case the colorbuffer couldn't be allocated or MSAA has been chosen in case of a {@link TextureAttachment}
public final Colorbuffer attachColorbuffer(final GL gl, final int attachmentPoint, final Colorbuffer colbuf) throws GLException {
@@ -1453,10 +1555,10 @@ public class FBObject {
private final Colorbuffer attachColorbufferImpl(final GL gl, final int attachmentPoint, final Colorbuffer colbuf) throws GLException {
validateAddColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, colbuf);
final boolean initializedColorbuf = colbuf.initialize(gl);
- addColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, colbuf);
+ addColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, colbuf, false);
if( colbuf.isTextureAttachment() ) {
final TextureAttachment texA = colbuf.getTextureAttachment();
@@ -1634,6 +1736,7 @@ public class FBObject {
private final void attachRenderbufferImpl2(final GL gl, final Attachment.Type atype, final int internalFormat) throws GLException {
+ // atype and current depth and stencil instance are already validated in 'attachRenderbufferImpl(..)'
if( Attachment.Type.DEPTH == atype ) {
if(null == depth) {
depth = createRenderAttachment(Type.DEPTH, internalFormat, samples, width, height);
@@ -1678,6 +1781,8 @@ public class FBObject {
gl.glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL.GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, stencil.getName());
+ modified = true;
if(!ignoreStatus) {
if( !isStatusValid() ) {
@@ -1715,16 +1820,16 @@ public class FBObject {
private final Colorbuffer detachColorbufferImpl(final GL gl, final int attachmentPoint, final DetachAction detachAction, final int sampleCountChange) {
- Colorbuffer colbuf = colorbufferAttachments[attachmentPoint]; // shortcut, don't validate here
+ final Colorbuffer colbufOld = colorbufferAttachments[attachmentPoint]; // shortcut, don't validate here
- if(null == colbuf) {
+ if(null == colbufOld) {
return null;
- removeColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, colbuf);
+ removeColorAttachment(attachmentPoint, colbufOld);
- if( colbuf.isTextureAttachment() ) {
- final TextureAttachment texA = colbuf.getTextureAttachment();
+ if( colbufOld.isTextureAttachment() ) {
+ final TextureAttachment texA = colbufOld.getTextureAttachment();
if( 0 != texA.getName() ) {
GL.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + attachmentPoint,
@@ -1739,17 +1844,19 @@ public class FBObject {
if(DetachAction.RECREATE == detachAction) {
+ final Colorbuffer colbufNew;
if( 0 < sampleCountChange ) {
// switch to MSAA: TextureAttachment -> ColorAttachment
- colbuf = createColorAttachment(hasAlpha(texA.format));
+ colbufNew = createColorAttachment(hasAlpha(texA.format));
} else {
// keep MSAA settings
texA.setSize(width, height);
+ colbufNew = texA;
- attachColorbufferImpl(gl, attachmentPoint, colbuf);
+ attachColorbufferImpl(gl, attachmentPoint, colbufNew);
} else {
- final ColorAttachment colA = colbuf.getColorAttachment();
+ final ColorAttachment colA = colbufOld.getColorAttachment();
if( 0 != colA.getName() ) {
@@ -1763,28 +1870,30 @@ public class FBObject {
if(DetachAction.RECREATE == detachAction) {
+ final Colorbuffer colbufNew;
if( 0 <= sampleCountChange || null == samplingColorSink ) {
// keep ColorAttachment,
// including 'switch to non-MSAA' if no samplingColorSink is available
// to determine whether a TextureAttachment or ColorAttachment is desired!
colA.setSize(width, height);
+ colbufNew = colA;
} else {
// switch to non MSAA
if( samplingColorSink.isTextureAttachment() ) {
final TextureAttachment samplingTextureSink = samplingColorSink.getTextureAttachment();
- colbuf = createColorTextureAttachment(samplingTextureSink.format, width, height,
- samplingTextureSink.dataFormat, samplingTextureSink.dataType,
- samplingTextureSink.magFilter, samplingTextureSink.minFilter,
- samplingTextureSink.wrapS, samplingTextureSink.wrapT);
+ colbufNew = createColorTextureAttachment(samplingTextureSink.format, width, height,
+ samplingTextureSink.dataFormat, samplingTextureSink.dataType,
+ samplingTextureSink.magFilter, samplingTextureSink.minFilter,
+ samplingTextureSink.wrapS, samplingTextureSink.wrapT);
} else {
- colbuf = createColorAttachment(samplingColorSink.getFormat(), 0, width, height);
+ colbufNew = createColorAttachment(samplingColorSink.getFormat(), 0, width, height);
- attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, colbuf);
+ attachColorbuffer(gl, attachmentPoint, colbufNew);
- return colbuf;
+ return colbufOld;
private final void freeAllColorbufferImpl(final GL gl) {
@@ -1824,7 +1933,10 @@ public class FBObject {
public final void detachRenderbuffer(final GL gl, final Attachment.Type atype, final boolean dispose) throws IllegalArgumentException {
- detachRenderbufferImpl(gl, atype, dispose ? DetachAction.DISPOSE : DetachAction.NONE);
+ final RenderAttachment res = detachRenderbufferImpl(gl, atype, dispose ? DetachAction.DISPOSE : DetachAction.NONE);
+ if(null == res) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("RenderAttachment type "+atype+", not attached, "+this);
+ }
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println("FBObject.detachRenderbuffer.X: [attachmentType "+atype+", dispose "+dispose+"]: "+this);
@@ -1844,7 +1956,7 @@ public class FBObject {
return res;
- private final void detachRenderbufferImpl(final GL gl, Attachment.Type atype, final DetachAction detachAction) throws IllegalArgumentException {
+ private final RenderAttachment detachRenderbufferImpl(final GL gl, Attachment.Type atype, final DetachAction detachAction) throws IllegalArgumentException {
switch ( atype ) {
case DEPTH:
@@ -1854,23 +1966,25 @@ public class FBObject {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("only depth/stencil types allowed, was "+atype+", "+this);
if( null == depth && null == stencil ) {
- return ; // nop
+ return null; // nop
final boolean packed = isDepthStencilPackedFormat();
if( packed ) {
// Note: DEPTH_STENCIL shares buffer w/ depth and stencil
atype = Attachment.Type.DEPTH_STENCIL;
+ final RenderAttachment renderOld;
switch ( atype ) {
case DEPTH:
- if( null != depth ) {
- final int format = depth.format;
- if( 0 != depth.getName() ) {
+ renderOld = depth;
+ if( null != renderOld ) {
+ final int format = renderOld.format;
+ if( 0 != renderOld.getName() ) {
switch(detachAction) {
@@ -1883,14 +1997,15 @@ public class FBObject {
- if( null != stencil ) {
- final int format = stencil.format;
- if(0 != stencil.getName()) {
+ renderOld = stencil;
+ if( null != renderOld ) {
+ final int format = renderOld.format;
+ if(0 != renderOld.getName()) {
switch(detachAction) {
@@ -1903,9 +2018,10 @@ public class FBObject {
- if( null != depth ) {
- final int format = depth.format;
- if(0 != depth.getName()) {
+ renderOld = depth;
+ if( null != renderOld ) {
+ final int format = renderOld.format;
+ if(0 != renderOld.getName()) {
if(packed) {
@@ -1913,7 +2029,7 @@ public class FBObject {
switch(detachAction) {
@@ -1946,8 +2062,11 @@ public class FBObject {
- default: // handled
+ default:
+ throw new InternalError("XXX"); // handled by caller
+ modified = true;
+ return renderOld;
private final void freeAllRenderbufferImpl(final GL gl) throws IllegalArgumentException {
@@ -2117,41 +2236,50 @@ public class FBObject {
private final boolean sampleSinkSizeMismatch() {
return samplingSink.getWidth() != width || samplingSink.getHeight() != height ;
- private final boolean sampleColorsinkUninit() {
- return null != samplingColorSink && 0 == samplingColorSink.getName() ;
- }
private final boolean sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch() {
- final boolean depthMismatch = null != depth &&
- ( null == samplingSink.depth ||
- depth.format != samplingSink.depth.format );
+ if ( ( null != depth && ( null == samplingSink.depth || depth.format != samplingSink.depth.format ) )
+ ||
+ ( null == depth && null != samplingSink.depth )
+ ) {
+ return true;
+ }
- final boolean stencilMismatch = null != stencil &&
- ( null == samplingSink.stencil ||
- stencil.format != samplingSink.stencil.format );
+ if ( ( null != stencil && ( null == samplingSink.stencil || stencil.format != samplingSink.stencil.format ) )
+ ||
+ ( null == stencil && null != samplingSink.stencil )
+ ) {
+ return true;
+ }
- return depthMismatch || stencilMismatch;
+ return false;
- * For GLES3, sampling-sink {@link Colorbuffer} format must be equal w/ the sampling-source {@link Colorbuffer}.
+ * For GLES3, sampling-sink {@link Colorbuffer} internal format must be equal w/ the sampling-source {@link Colorbuffer}.
* Implementation aligns w/ {@link #createColorTextureAttachment(GLProfile, boolean, int, int, int, int, int, int)}
* and {@link #createColorAttachment(boolean)}.
- private final boolean sampleSinkFormatMismatch(final GL gl) {
+ private final boolean sampleSinkExFormatMismatch(final GL gl) {
if( null != samplingColorSink && getColorbufferCount() > 0 && gl.isGL2ES3() ) {
final Attachment ca = (Attachment)getColorbuffer(0); // should be at attachment-point 0
- return ( null != ca && ca.format != samplingColorSink.getFormat() ) ||
- hasAlpha(samplingColorSink.getFormat()) != hasAttachmentUsingAlpha();
+ // We cannot comply w/ attachment's format other than attachment point 0!
+ // return ( null != ca && ca.format != samplingColorSink.getFormat() ) ||
+ // hasAlpha(samplingColorSink.getFormat()) != hasAttachmentUsingAlpha();
+ return null != ca && ca.format != samplingColorSink.getFormat();
return false;
- * Manually reset the MSAA sampling sink, if used.
+ * Manually validates the MSAA sampling sink, if used.
* If MSAA is being used and no sampling sink is attached via {@link #setSamplingSink(FBObject)} * a new sampling sink is being created. *
*+ * If the sampling sink size or attributes differs from the source, its attachments are reset + * to match the source. + *
+ ** Automatically called by {@link #reset(GL, int, int, int, boolean)} * and {@link #syncSamplingSink(GL)}. *
@@ -2159,6 +2287,9 @@ public class FBObject { * It is recommended to call this method after initializing the FBO and attaching renderbuffer etc for the 1st time * if access to sampling sink resources is required. * + * + *Leaves the FBO bound state untouched
+ * * @param gl the current GL context * @return {@code true} if this instance has been modified, otherwise {@code false}. * @throws GLException in case of an error, i.e. size too big, etc .. @@ -2166,126 +2297,172 @@ public class FBObject { public final boolean resetSamplingSink(final GL gl) throws GLException { if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("FBObject.resetSamplingSink.0"); + Thread.dumpStack(); } + if( 0 == samples ) { - final boolean res; + final boolean modifiedInstance; // MSAA off - if(null != samplingSink && samplingSink.initialized) { + if( null != samplingSink ) { // cleanup - samplingSink.detachAll(gl); - res = true; + if( samplingSink.initialized ) { + samplingSink.detachAll(gl); + } + samplingSink = null; + samplingColorSink = null; + modifiedInstance = true; } else { - res = false; + modifiedInstance = false; } + this.modified = false; if(DEBUG) { - System.err.println("FBObject.resetSamplingSink.X1: zero samples, mod "+res+"\n\tTHIS "+this); + System.err.println("FBObject.resetSamplingSink.X1: zero samples, mod "+modifiedInstance+"\n\tTHIS "+this); } - return res; + return modifiedInstance; } - boolean res = false; + boolean modifiedInstance = false; if( null == samplingSink ) { samplingSink = new FBObject(); - res = true; - } - if( !samplingSink.initialized ) { samplingSink.init(gl, width, height, 0); - res = true; + samplingColorSink = null; + modifiedInstance = true; + } else if( !samplingSink.initialized ) { + throw new InternalError("InitState Mismatch: samplingSink set, but not initialized "+samplingSink); + } else if( null == samplingColorSink || 0 == samplingColorSink.getName() ) { + throw new InternalError("InitState Mismatch: samplingColorSink set, but not initialized "+samplingColorSink+", "+samplingSink); } if(DEBUG) { - System.err.println("FBObject.resetSamplingSink.1: mod "+res+"\n\tTHIS "+this+",\n\tSINK "+samplingSink); + System.err.println("FBObject.resetSamplingSink.1: mod "+modifiedInstance+"\n\tTHIS "+this+",\n\tSINK "+samplingSink); } - boolean sampleSinkFormatMismatch = sampleSinkFormatMismatch(gl); + boolean sampleSinkExFormatMismatch = sampleSinkExFormatMismatch(gl); boolean sampleSinkSizeMismatch = sampleSinkSizeMismatch(); boolean sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch = sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch(); - boolean sampleColorsinkUninit = sampleColorsinkUninit(); - if(!sampleSinkFormatMismatch && !sampleSinkSizeMismatch && !sampleColorsinkUninit && !sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch) { - if(DEBUG) { - System.err.println("FBObject.resetSamplingSink.X2: Matching: format "+!sampleSinkFormatMismatch+", size "+!sampleSinkSizeMismatch +", csUninit "+!sampleColorsinkUninit +", depthStencil "+!sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch+", mod "+res); + if( modifiedInstance ) { + // samplingColorSink == null + // must match size, format and colorbuffer do not exist yet + if( sampleSinkExFormatMismatch || sampleSinkSizeMismatch ) { + throw new InternalError("InitState Mismatch: Matching exFormat "+!sampleSinkExFormatMismatch+ + ", size "+!sampleSinkSizeMismatch +", "+this); + } + } else { + // samplingColorSink != null + if(!sampleSinkExFormatMismatch && !sampleSinkSizeMismatch && !sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch) { + if(DEBUG) { + System.err.println("FBObject.resetSamplingSink.X2: Matching: exFormat "+!sampleSinkExFormatMismatch+ + ", size "+!sampleSinkSizeMismatch +", depthStencil "+!sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch+ + ", mod "+modifiedInstance); + } + // all properties match .. + samplingSink.modified = false; + this.modified = false; + return modifiedInstance; } - // all properties match .. - return res; } - unbind(gl); + final boolean wasBound; + if( isBound() ) { + markUnbound(); // automatic GL unbind by sampleSink binding + wasBound = true; + } else { + wasBound = false; + } if(DEBUG) { - System.err.println("FBObject.resetSamplingSink.2: Mismatch. Matching: format "+!sampleSinkFormatMismatch+", size "+!sampleSinkSizeMismatch +", csUninit "+!sampleColorsinkUninit +", depthStencil "+!sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch); - Thread.dumpStack(); + System.err.println("FBObject.resetSamplingSink.2: wasBound "+wasBound+", matching: exFormat "+!sampleSinkExFormatMismatch+ + ", size "+!sampleSinkSizeMismatch +", depthStencil "+!sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch); } - if( sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch ) { + modifiedInstance = true; + + if( sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch ) { // includes 1st init samplingSink.detachAllRenderbuffer(gl); - res = true; } - final Colorbuffer preSamplingColorSink = samplingColorSink; - final boolean samplingColorSinkShallBeTA = null == preSamplingColorSink || preSamplingColorSink.isTextureAttachment(); + final boolean samplingColorSinkShallBeTA = null == samplingColorSink || samplingColorSink.isTextureAttachment(); - if( sampleSinkFormatMismatch ) { + if( sampleSinkExFormatMismatch ) { samplingSink.detachAllColorbuffer(gl); samplingColorSink = null; - res = true; } else if( sampleSinkSizeMismatch ) { - samplingSink.reset(gl, width, height); - res = true; - } - - if(null == samplingColorSink) { - final boolean hasAlpha = hasAttachmentUsingAlpha(); - if( samplingColorSinkShallBeTA ) { - samplingColorSink = samplingSink.attachTexture2D(gl, 0, hasAlpha); + samplingSink.resetSizeImpl(gl, width, height); + samplingColorSink = samplingSink.getColorbuffer(0); + } + + if( null == samplingColorSink ) { // sampleSinkFormatMismatch || 1st init + final Colorbuffer cb0 = getColorbuffer(0); // align with colorbuffer at attachment-point 0 + if( null != cb0 ) { + // match pre-existing format + if( samplingColorSinkShallBeTA ) { + samplingColorSink = createColorTextureAttachment(gl, cb0.getFormat(), width, height, + GL.GL_NEAREST, GL.GL_NEAREST, + GL.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, GL.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); + } else { + samplingColorSink = createColorAttachment(cb0.getFormat(), 0, width, height); + } + samplingSink.attachColorbuffer(gl, 0, samplingColorSink); } else { - samplingColorSink = samplingSink.attachColorbuffer(gl, 0, hasAlpha); + // match default format + final boolean hasAlpha = hasAttachmentUsingAlpha(); + if( samplingColorSinkShallBeTA ) { + samplingColorSink = samplingSink.attachTexture2D(gl, 0, hasAlpha); + } else { + samplingColorSink = samplingSink.attachColorbuffer(gl, 0, hasAlpha); + } } - res = true; - } else if( 0 == samplingColorSink.getName() ) { - // final boolean dispose = true; - // detachColorbufferImpl(gl, 0, dispose ? DetachAction.DISPOSE : DetachAction.NONE); - ((Attachment)samplingColorSink).setSize(width, height); - samplingSink.attachColorbuffer(gl, 0, samplingColorSink); - res = true; } - if( sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch ) { + if( sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch ) { // includes 1st init samplingSink.attachRenderbuffer(gl, depth.format); if( null != stencil && !isDepthStencilPackedFormat() ) { samplingSink.attachRenderbuffer(gl, stencil.format); } - res = true; } - sampleSinkFormatMismatch = sampleSinkFormatMismatch(gl); + sampleSinkExFormatMismatch = sampleSinkExFormatMismatch(gl); sampleSinkSizeMismatch = sampleSinkSizeMismatch(); sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch = sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch(); - sampleColorsinkUninit = sampleColorsinkUninit(); - if(sampleSinkFormatMismatch || sampleSinkSizeMismatch || sampleColorsinkUninit || sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch) { + if(sampleSinkExFormatMismatch || sampleSinkSizeMismatch || sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch) { throw new InternalError("Samples sink mismatch after reset: \n\tTHIS "+this+",\n\t SINK "+samplingSink+ - "\n\t Mismatch. Matching: format "+!sampleSinkFormatMismatch+", size "+!sampleSinkSizeMismatch +", csUninit "+!sampleColorsinkUninit +", depthStencil "+!sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch); + "\n\t Mismatch. Matching: exFormat "+!sampleSinkExFormatMismatch+ + ", size "+!sampleSinkSizeMismatch +", depthStencil "+!sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch); + } + + samplingSink.modified = false; + samplingSink.unbind(gl); + this.modified = false; + + if(wasBound) { + bind(gl); } if(DEBUG) { - System.err.println("FBObject.resetSamplingSink.XX: END mod "+res+"\n\tTHIS "+this+",\n\tSINK "+samplingSink+ - "\n\t Matching: format "+!sampleSinkFormatMismatch+", size "+!sampleSinkSizeMismatch +", csUninit "+!sampleColorsinkUninit +", depthStencil "+!sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch); + System.err.println("FBObject.resetSamplingSink.XX: END mod "+modifiedInstance+"\n\tTHIS "+this+",\n\tSINK "+samplingSink+ + "\n\t Matching: exFormat "+!sampleSinkExFormatMismatch+ + ", size "+!sampleSinkSizeMismatch +", depthStencil "+!sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch); } - return res; + return modifiedInstance; } /** * Setting this FBO sampling sink. - * @param newSamplingSink the new FBO sampling sink to use, or null to remove current sampling sink + * @param newSamplingSink the new and initialized FBO sampling sink to use, or null to remove current sampling sink * @return the previous sampling sink or null if none was attached * @throws GLException if this FBO doesn't use MSAA or the given sink uses MSAA itself + * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code newSamplingSink} is not null and not initialized */ - public FBObject setSamplingSink(final FBObject newSamplingSink) throws GLException { + public FBObject setSamplingSink(final FBObject newSamplingSink) throws /* IllegalStateException, */ GLException { final FBObject prev = samplingSink; if( null == newSamplingSink) { samplingSink = null; samplingColorSink = null; } else if( samples > 0 ) { + if( !newSamplingSink.isInitialized() ) { + throw new IllegalStateException("SamplingSink not initialized: "+newSamplingSink); + } if( newSamplingSink.getNumSamples() > 0 ) { throw new GLException("SamplingSink FBO cannot use MSAA itself: "+newSamplingSink); } @@ -2294,6 +2471,7 @@ public class FBObject { } else { throw new GLException("Setting SamplingSink for non MSAA FBO not allowed: "+this); } + modified = true; samplingSinkDirty = true; return prev; } @@ -2367,7 +2545,7 @@ public class FBObject { * @param gl the current GL context */ public final boolean isBound(final GL gl) { - bound = bound && fbName != gl.getBoundFramebuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER) ; + bound = bound && fbName == gl.getBoundFramebuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER) ; return bound; } @@ -2402,13 +2580,17 @@ public class FBObject { markUnbound(); if(samples>0 && samplingSinkDirty) { // implies fullFBOSupport samplingSinkDirty = false; - resetSamplingSink(gl); + if( isModified() ) { + resetSamplingSink(gl); + } checkPreGLError(gl); gl.glBindFramebuffer(GL2ES3.GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, fbName); // read from this MSAA fb gl.glBindFramebuffer(GL2ES3.GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, samplingSink.getWriteFramebuffer()); // write to sampling sink ((GL2ES3)gl).glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, width, height, // since MSAA is supported, casting to GL2ES3 is OK GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL.GL_NEAREST); checkNoError(null, gl.glGetError(), "FBObject syncSampleSink"); // throws GLException if error + } else { + modified = false; } if(fullFBOSupport) { // default read/draw buffers, may utilize GLContext/GLDrawable override of @@ -2523,7 +2705,9 @@ public class FBObject { /** Returns the framebuffer name to render to. */ public final int getWriteFramebuffer() { return fbName; } /** Returns the framebuffer name to read from. Depending on multisampling, this may be a different framebuffer. */ - public final int getReadFramebuffer() { return ( samples > 0 ) ? samplingSink.getReadFramebuffer() : fbName; } + public final int getReadFramebuffer() { + return 0 < samples ? ( null != samplingSink ? samplingSink.getReadFramebuffer() : 0 ) : fbName; + } public final int getDefaultReadBuffer() { return GL.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0; } /** Return the number of attached {@link Colorbuffer}s */ public final int getColorbufferCount() { return colorbufferCount; } @@ -2547,13 +2731,24 @@ public class FBObject { */ public final boolean isSamplingBufferDirty() { return samplingSinkDirty; } + /** + * Returnstrue
if size, sample-count or any attachment of this instance
+ * or its {@link #getSamplingSink() sampling-sink} has been modified since last {@link #syncSamplingSink(GL) sync},
+ * {@link #use(GL, TextureAttachment) use}, {@link #reset(GL, int, int, int) reset}
+ * or {@link #resetSamplingSink(GL) resetSamplingSink}.
+ *
+ * Otherwise method returns false
+ *