| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
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cross-compilation 32bit on 64bit
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reverting commit cb092e517461b3047c966c38e92668010a3b7ef6
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Adding new classes DRMLib (gluegen of drm + gbm), DRMUtil and DRMMode GBMDummyUpstreamSurfaceHook
to new package jogamp.nativewindow.drm, allowing full awareness of DRM + GBM within NativeWindow for JOGL + NEWT.
DRMMode replaces the previous native code of collecting drmMode* attributes: active connector, used mode, encoder etc
and also supports multiple active connectors.
DRMUtil handles the global static drmFd (file descriptor), currently only the GNU/Linux DRM device is supported.
GBMDummyUpstreamSurfaceHook provides a simple dummy GBM surface.
NativeWindow provides the new nativewindow_drm.so and nativewindow-os-drm.jar,
which are included in most 'all' jar packages.
build property: setup.addNativeEGLGBM -> setup.addNativeDRMGBM
Changes NativeWindowFactory:
- TYPE_EGL_GBM -> TYPE_DRM_GBM while keeping the package ID of '.egl.gbm' for NEWT (using EGL)
- Initializing DRMUtil at initialization
Changes EGLDrawableFactory:
- Using native GBM device for the default EGL display creation instead of EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY.
This resolves issues as seen in Bug 1402, as well in cases w/o surfaceless support.
- GL profile mapping uses surfaceless when available for GBM,
otherwise uses createDummySurfaceImpl (dummy GBM surface via GBMDummyUpstreamSurfaceHook)
- createDummySurfaceImpl uses a dummy GBM surface via GBMDummyUpstreamSurfaceHook
- DesktopGL not available with GBM, see Bug 1401
NEWT's DRM + GBM + EGL Driver
- Using DRMLib, DRMUtil and DRMMode, removed most native code but WindowDriver swapBuffer
- ScreenDriver uses DRMMode, however currently only first connected CRT.
- WindowDriver aligns position and size to screen, positions other than 0/0 causes DRM failure
- WindowDriver reconfigure n/a
- DRM Cursor support (mouse pointer)
- Pointer event handling
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If gluegen was cleaned, the GlueGenTask would be absent, which would
cause a failure in jogl clean (even though GlueGenTask isn't needed in
the clean target). So, modified the jogl build so it doesn't load
GlueGenTask in the clean target.
Orig commit by Wade Walker.
This alternative patch uses the ant target common.gluegen.init
to define the 'gluegen' task post gluegen compile check and pre 'gluegen' call,
avoiding the if-then-else ant-task state query:
<equals arg1="${ant.project.invoked-targets}" arg2="clean" />
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Was removed mostly via commit 63e31d05ad9f1df99663997c2f04ad086f29c8fc
We have 2 choices building for java8 under java11:
1) use source, target and bootclasspath options
2) use release option
It is said that (2) is not yet accurate enough
and (1) shall be favored as it guarantees no java>8 class leak
from the build JDK.
This patch is isolated to allow removal of said bootclasspath
if desired by anybody
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(sgothel: This cherry picked merge will be refined)
Also removed a couple of duplicate "source" tags in javac tasks.
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branches, also re-add bootclasspath
Refines commit df7c0ad3b98d3520f023e026b6163bcba2c7ee7e
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using our OpenJFK 9 x86_64 and arm64 build.
Test demo class is 'com.jogamp.opengl.demos.ios.Hello',
residing in the new demo folder 'src/demos/com/jogamp/opengl/demos/ios/Hello.java'.
This commit does not yet include a working NEWT
specialization for iOS, but it shall followup soon.
Instead this commit demonstrates JOGL operating on
native UIWindow, UIView and CAEAGLLayer as provided by
Nativewindow's IOSUtil.
Test Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4lUQNFTGMI
Notable bug: The FBO used and sharing the COLORBUFFER RENDERBUFFER
memory resources with CAEAGLLayer to be displayed in the UIView
seemingly cannot handle GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24
or GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32 depth buffer - none at all (Device + Simulation).
Therefor the default demo GLEventListener chosen here
don't require a depth buffer ;-)
This issue can hopefully be mitigated with other means
than using a flat FBO sink similar to FBO multisampling.
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Since Java8 (or even earlier), JRE on OSX uses *.dylib native library suffix
instead of *.jnilib when automatically searching and loading them.
This is not easily being recognized by JogAmp, since we explicitly name
the native libraries with full path when testing with our TempJarCache.
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NewtCanvasJFX, a JavaFX Canvas Node, allows attaching a native NEWT Window to the JavaFX Node's native Window (if attached).
The mechanism is similar to NewtCanvasAWT.
Current implementation supports placing the NEWT Window
into the JavaFX scene of the native window correctly,
as well as the following different lifecycles
- attach NewtCanvasJFX to already visible group->scene->window
- attach NewtCanvasJFX to not yet visible or attached group->scene->window
- attach NEWT Window before or after NewtCanvasJFX's visibility
The above is covered by unit test: TestNewtCanvasJFXGLn
This is the initial commit for JavaFX support and has been tested on
- OpenJDK 8 + OpenJFX 8
- GNU/Linux X11
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(Lack of Aero / Blur )
Adopting new undocumented user32.dll Windows >= 8 API:
- SetWindowCompositionAttribute / AccentState
- <https://github.com/riverar/sample-win10-aeroglass/blob/master/MainWindow.xaml.cs>
- <http://withinrafael.com/adding-the-aero-glass-blur-to-your-windows-10-apps/>
- <http://undoc.airesoft.co.uk/user32.dll/SetWindowCompositionAttribute.php>
- <http://undoc.airesoft.co.uk/user32.dll/GetWindowCompositionAttribute.php>
Cleaning up WindowsDWM.h, use on header file (in stub_includes)
for GlueGen and implementation.
Merge java implementation within GDIUtil.DwmSetupTranslucency(..),
to be utilized by NEWT and JOGL.
NEWT issues GDIUtil.DwmSetupTranslucency(..) at creation
and when toggling decoration.
Toggling decoration on Win >= 8 leads to lost of translucency
when returning to decorated window.
On Win 7, this may work .. but is also buggy.
Followup patch is needed for NEWT to _not_ clear the background!
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JNI header moved to GlueGen via commit 532b8df474976b474f0cf4eb2d93588ded2ad3fe
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(GlueGen commit d8dff4c9f2186749b167195eeb339c33f56864e8)
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sed -i 's/javax\.media\.opengl/com\.jogamp\.opengl/g' `grep -Rl "javax\.media\.opengl" src`
sed -i 's/javax\.media\.nativewindow/com\.jogamp\.nativewindow/g' `grep -Rl "javax\.media\.nativewindow" src`
sed -i 's/javax\/media\//com\/jogamp\//g' `grep -Rl "javax/media/" src`
sed -i 's/javax\/media\//com\/jogamp\//g' `grep -Rl "javax/media/" doc`
Manually edited all occurences within make/**
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build/install scripts
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Adapt to GlueGen commit f5c48efcf546ba4e08e197ccced6df83b57e1755
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jogl-core.jar → jogl.jar
nativewindow-core.jar → nativewindow.jar
The build scripts have been edited to produce sets of natives for
each "module" (as opposed to producing one set of natives and then
have each module point to them via aliasing).
Bug: 1023
Bug: 1024
Depends on 46faa59d439ef235d7691fc64d56eedc600ffa1a from gluegen.
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Bring-up test only initializes the ovrHmdHandle
data structure by OVR native code.
See com.jogamp.oculusvr.OVRVersion
Current evaluation build compiles all OVR-SDK source
files itself w/o using provided libovr.a.
We also skip the GL dependent renderer of the SDK,
i.e. we prefer to utilize our JOGL 'barrel distortion' renderer.
This eases the 'chicken-egg' problem of OVR SDK dependencies,
i.e. libGL, libGLESv2 .. etc
Since the OVR source code is C++, we may still have to figure out
how to / and whether we shall link libstdc++ statically
to remove platform dependencies.
Right now we link libstdc++ statically if using GCC,
see make/build-oculusvr.xml (hackish .. TODO: better way to include all symbols).
Same consideration applies to GNU/Linux and libudev.so dependency,
since there are:
- libudev.so.0 and (Older distri's)
- libudev.so.1 (Debian8, ..)
Produced JAR artifacts are
- jar/atomic/oculusvr.jar
- jar/atomic/oculusvr-natives-<os.and.arch>.jar
i.e. only in 'atomic' variants to not bloat the default 'all' JAR files.
make/build-oculusvr.xml Notes:
- Currently native build only enabled on GNU/Linux (isLinux)
- Force disable native build via property 'c.build.oculusvr.skip'
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directory and classpath. This hopefully saves a few milliseconds in the build :)
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producing Java6 bytecode ; Apply JAR Manifest tags: Sealed, Permissions and Codebase
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a3f2ef50ad33c58a240a17fcf03e415d772207c3, etc; Fix NewtVersion, NativeWindowVersion and NewtVersionActivityLauncher
NewtVersion, NativeWindowVersion: Also search for extension javax.media.opengl (all packaging)
NewtVersionActivityLauncher: Use new launcher URI
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- Fix CALayer animation:
- All CALayer animations are set to nil via overriding 'actionForKey'
- Fix CALayer pos/size bug:
- Fix root and sub CALayer position to 0/0 and size on the main-thread w/o blocking.
- If the sub CALayer implements the Objective-C NativeWindow protocol NWDedicatedSize (e.g. JOGL's MyNSOpenGLLayer),
the dedicated size is passed to the layer, which propagates it appropriately.
- On OSX/Java7 our root CALayer's frame position and size gets corrupted by its NSView,
hence we have created the NWDedicatedSize protocol.
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NativeWindow-JAWT: Remove c.fixup.jawt.version.macosx (redundant, libjawt.dylib is rpath'ed always)
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X11Util/Native: Fix X11Util_initialize0() arguments were wrong and code still invoked XInitThreads() .. woops;
Added missing included "jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Util.h" incl. it's generation via javah,
which was the culprit of not detecting it at compile time.
This is a fix for commit fbe331f013608eb31ff0d8675f4e4c9881c9c48b
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Note: Patch set not clean since build*xml files contain 'NEWT Broadcom' driver changes of upcoming commit
due to pervious uncommitted work. Will be fixed w/ next commit.
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- Depends on GlueGen commit 9a71703904ebfec343fb2c7266343d37a2e4c3db
JAR file name changes:
- jogl.all.jar -> jogl-all.jar
- jogl.all-noawt.jar -> jogl-all-noawt.jar
- jogl.all-mobile.jar -> jogl-all-mobile.jar
- jogl.all-android.jar -> jogl-all-android.jar
- jogl.all-android.apk -> jogl-all-android.apk
Atomic JARs:
- nativewindow.core.jar -> nativewindow-core.jar
- nativewindow.awt.jar -> nativewindow-awt.jar
- nativewindow.os.x11.jar -> nativewindow-os-x11.jar
- nativewindow.os.win.jar -> nativewindow-os-win.jar
- nativewindow.os.macosx.jar -> nativewindow-os-osx.jar
- jogl.core.jar -> jogl-core.jar
- jogl.sdk.jar -> jogl-sdk.jar
- jogl.glmobile.jar -> jogl-glmobile.jar
- jogl.glmobile.dbg.jar -> jogl-glmobile-dbg.jar
- jogl.util.jar -> jogl-util.jar
- jogl.glutess.jar -> jogl-glutess.jar
- jogl.glumipmap.jar -> jogl-glumipmap.jar
- jogl.util.fixedfuncemu.jar -> jogl-util-fixedfuncemu.jar
- jogl.awt.jar -> jogl-awt.jar
- jogl.swt.jar -> jogl-swt.jar
- jogl.util.awt.jar -> jogl-util-awt.jar
- jogl.os.x11.jar -> jogl-os-x11.jar
- jogl.os.win.jar -> jogl-os-win.jar
- jogl.os.osx.jar -> jogl-os-osx.jar
- jogl.os.android.jar -> jogl-os-android.jar
- jogl.gldesktop.jar -> jogl-gldesktop.jar
- jogl.gldesktop.dbg.jar -> jogl-gldesktop-dbg.jar
- jogl.glugldesktop.jar -> jogl-glu-gldesktop.jar
- jogl.util.gldesktop.jar -> jogl-util-gldesktop.jar
- jogl.omx.jar -> jogl-omx.jar
- jogl.cg.jar -> jogl-cg.jar
- newt.core.jar -> newt-core.jar
- newt.ogl.jar -> newt-ogl.jar
- newt.awt.jar -> newt-awt.jar
- newt.event.jar -> newt-event.jar
- newt.driver.x11.jar -> newt-driver-x11.jar
- newt.driver.win.jar -> newt-driver-win.jar
- newt.driver.macosx.jar -> newt-driver-osx.jar
- newt.driver.android.jar -> newt-driver-android.jar
- newt.driver.kd.jar -> newt-driver-kd.jar
- newt.driver.intelgdl.jar -> newt-driver-intelgdl.jar
- newt.driver.broadcomegl.jar -> newt-driver-broadcomegl.jar
Test JARs:
- jogl.test.jar -> jogl-test.jar
- jogl.test-android.jar -> jogl-test-android.jar
- jogl.test-android.apk -> jogl-test-android.apk
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- Most of the android build work is done by gluegen ant files. Changes
made to gluegen in support of NDK r7 need to be reflected here:
- New/fewer environment variables.
- Specifying android.abi for packaging.
- Cross-compilation script cleaned up to look like gluegen's cross
compile script for consistency.
- Renamed install/re-install adb helper scripts to be ARM specific.
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(javax.media.nativewindow.<impl> -> com.jogamp.nativewindow.<impl>) 2/3
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common name win32 (same as stub_include)
Utilizing dlopen/dlsym in an efficient way relaxes the platform requirement of having Xinerama available.
This allows using Nokia N9 MeeGo out of the box.
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framework, NEWT)
- Fix Bug 516 (Determine Java Version).
See gluegen: 64639b805a32338385421f168e12c1ef7f749d00
- Fix OS X 10.5 linkage (weak framework, NEWT)
- Use weak framework linkage for all modules and frameworks:
AppKit, QuartzCore, Cocoa, OpenGL, JavaNativeFoundation
- NEWT: Handle NS exception while calling OS X >= 10.6 only methods:
- 'setAllowsConcurrentViewDrawing()'
- 'setCanDrawConcurrently()'
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is the default.
The following 5 GDI functions have their 'wgl' counterparts
which 'shall' being used in case the OpenGL DLL is being loaded dynamically.
(So reads the documentation & FAQ).
This seems to be required only in case the std. opengl32.dll is not being used.
This use case is called GDI/ICD.
If using a non std. OpenGL DLL, is called MCD.
We dynamically load the OpenGL DLL and fetch the address pointer.
Since we generally use the std. opengl32.dll, our use of the GDI callbacks
seems to be legal. However, to test using the 'wgl' method WGLUtil is introduced.
You can test using the 'wgl' variants
by defining the property: 'jogl.windows.useWGLVersionOf5WGLGDIFuncSet'.
In case you have troubles, ie crashes within pixelformat setup etc,
it might be interesting if this may impact your behavior.
- ChoosePixelFormat(long, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR)
- DescribePixelFormat(long, int, int, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR)
- GetPixelFormat(long)
- SetPixelFormat(long, int, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR)
- SwapBuffers(long)
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RegisteredClassFactory: Reference the factories itself instead of the RegisteredClass.
This enables the shutdown hook to clear the factories state,
which is required for proper recreation.
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X11AWTGraphicsConfigurationFactory in JAR files
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Missed build-nativewindow.xml commit
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attach/detach our GL one
- it seems to be more stable, having one root CALayer attached to the JAWT_SurfaceView forever
- tackles crach at GL layer destruction
- proper release of all GL layer resources
- now final [gl-layer dealloc] happens at very destruction of JAWT object,
even though it was removed from root-layer earlier (and all other references)
- see comment in MacOSXWindowSystemInterface-pbuffer.m :: createNSOpenGLLayer(..)
- at least no more crash .. and resource release ASAP, but the GL-layer itself (see above)
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- Use proper OSX types for NS/CGL prototypes (gluegen) and impl.
- Impl layeredSurface (native):
- OSXUtil: NSView backing creation
- OSXUtil: AttachJAWTSurfaceLayer
- CGL: NSOpenGLLayer type impl. and hook
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flags (-d32/-d64) ; glxext.h uses 'gl-64bit-types.h'
Cleanup dependencies and linker args
- JOGL/NEWT: remove Xxf86vm dependency
- NativeWindow Solaris: Use std 'Xinerama' and 'xf86vmode'
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for SWT access/calls
Adding OSXUtil: RunOnMainThread(), IsMainThread()
- Issuing a native call where the user Runnable is to be performed on the main thread
- Enable query if we are on the main thread.
Utilizing those for SWT access/calls
- Using the above to call all SWT functions on the main thread if required (incomplete)
- JOGL OSX CGL Context fails, ie expecting NS, but having CGL
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for 'GetLocationOnScreen()'