path: root/src/jogl/native/libav/ffmpeg_impl_template.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/native/libav/ffmpeg_impl_template.c')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/native/libav/ffmpeg_impl_template.c b/src/jogl/native/libav/ffmpeg_impl_template.c
index 5261c8443..61aa798a0 100644
--- a/src/jogl/native/libav/ffmpeg_impl_template.c
+++ b/src/jogl/native/libav/ffmpeg_impl_template.c
@@ -1390,13 +1390,16 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL FF_FUNC(setStream0)
- (JNIEnv *env, jobject instance, jlong ptr, jlong jProcAddrGLTexSubImage2D, jlong jProcAddrGLGetError, jlong jProcAddrGLFlush, jlong jProcAddrGLFinish)
+ (JNIEnv *env, jobject instance, jlong ptr, jlong jProcAddrGLTexSubImage2D, jlong jProcAddrGLGetError, jlong jProcAddrGLFlush, jlong jProcAddrGLFinish,
+ jlong jProcAddrGLEnable, jlong jProcAddrGLBindTexture)
FFMPEGToolBasicAV_t *pAV = (FFMPEGToolBasicAV_t *)((void *)((intptr_t)ptr));
pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D = (PFNGLTEXSUBIMAGE2DPROC) (intptr_t)jProcAddrGLTexSubImage2D;
pAV->procAddrGLGetError = (PFNGLGETERRORPROC) (intptr_t)jProcAddrGLGetError;
pAV->procAddrGLFlush = (PFNGLFLUSH) (intptr_t)jProcAddrGLFlush;
pAV->procAddrGLFinish = (PFNGLFINISH) (intptr_t)jProcAddrGLFinish;
+ pAV->procAddrGLEnable = (PFNGLENABLE) (intptr_t)jProcAddrGLEnable;
+ pAV->procAddrGLBindTexture = (PFNGLBINDTEXTURE) (intptr_t)jProcAddrGLBindTexture;
#if 0
@@ -1408,7 +1411,8 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL FF_FUNC(setGLFuncs0)
- (JNIEnv *env, jobject instance, jlong ptr, jint texTarget, jint texFmt, jint texType)
+ (JNIEnv *env, jobject instance, jlong ptr, jint vTexTarget, jint vTexID, jint vTexFmt, jint vTexType,
+ jint sTexTarget, jint sTexID)
FFMPEGToolBasicAV_t *pAV = (FFMPEGToolBasicAV_t *)((void *)((intptr_t)ptr));
if( 0 == pAV->ready ) {
@@ -1723,58 +1727,65 @@ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL FF_FUNC(readNextPacket0)
_setIsGLOriented(env, pAV);
- // 1st plane or complete packed frame
- // FIXME: Libav Binary compatibility! JAU01
- DBG_TEXSUBIMG2D_a('Y',pAV,1,1,1,0);
- pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D(texTarget, 0,
- 0, 0,
- pAV->vTexWidth[0], pAV->pVCodecCtx->height,
- texFmt, texType, pAV->pVFrame->data[0] + p_offset[0]);
- if( pAV->vPixFmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P || pAV->vPixFmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ420P ) {
- // U plane
- // FIXME: Libav Binary compatibility! JAU01
- DBG_TEXSUBIMG2D_a('U',pAV,1,1,2,1);
- pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D(texTarget, 0,
- pAV->pVCodecCtx->width, 0,
- pAV->vTexWidth[1], pAV->pVCodecCtx->height/2,
- texFmt, texType, pAV->pVFrame->data[1] + p_offset[1]);
- // V plane
- // FIXME: Libav Binary compatibility! JAU01
- DBG_TEXSUBIMG2D_a('V',pAV,1,1,2,2);
- pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D(texTarget, 0,
- pAV->pVCodecCtx->width, pAV->pVCodecCtx->height/2,
- pAV->vTexWidth[2], pAV->pVCodecCtx->height/2,
- texFmt, texType, pAV->pVFrame->data[2] + p_offset[2]);
- } else if( pAV->vPixFmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P || pAV->vPixFmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P ) {
- // U plane
- // FIXME: Libav Binary compatibility! JAU01
- DBG_TEXSUBIMG2D_a('U',pAV,1,1,1,1);
- pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D(texTarget, 0,
- pAV->pVCodecCtx->width, 0,
- pAV->vTexWidth[1], pAV->pVCodecCtx->height,
- texFmt, texType, pAV->pVFrame->data[1] + p_offset[1]);
- // V plane
+ if( 0 != vTexID ) {
+ if( NULL != pAV->procAddrGLEnable ) {
+ pAV->procAddrGLEnable(vTexTarget);
+ }
+ pAV->procAddrGLBindTexture(vTexTarget, vTexID);
+ // 1st plane or complete packed frame
// FIXME: Libav Binary compatibility! JAU01
- DBG_TEXSUBIMG2D_a('V',pAV,3,2,1,1);
- pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D(texTarget, 0,
- pAV->pVCodecCtx->width+pAV->pVCodecCtx->width/2, 0,
- pAV->vTexWidth[2], pAV->pVCodecCtx->height,
- texFmt, texType, pAV->pVFrame->data[2] + p_offset[2]);
+ DBG_TEXSUBIMG2D_a('Y',pAV,1,1,1,0);
+ pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D(vTexTarget, 0,
+ 0, 0,
+ pAV->vTexWidth[0], pAV->pVCodecCtx->height,
+ vTexFmt, vTexType, pAV->pVFrame->data[0] + p_offset[0]);
- } // FIXME: Add more planar formats !
- // We might want a sync here, ensuring the texture data is uploaded?
- //
- // No, glTexSubImage2D() shall block until new pixel data are taken,
- // i.e. shall be a a synchronous client command
- //
- // pAV->procAddrGLFinish(); // No sync required and too expensive for multiple player
- pAV->procAddrGLFlush(); // No sync required, but be nice
+ if( pAV->vPixFmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P || pAV->vPixFmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ420P ) {
+ // U plane
+ // FIXME: Libav Binary compatibility! JAU01
+ DBG_TEXSUBIMG2D_a('U',pAV,1,1,2,1);
+ pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D(vTexTarget, 0,
+ pAV->pVCodecCtx->width, 0,
+ pAV->vTexWidth[1], pAV->pVCodecCtx->height/2,
+ vTexFmt, vTexType, pAV->pVFrame->data[1] + p_offset[1]);
+ // V plane
+ // FIXME: Libav Binary compatibility! JAU01
+ DBG_TEXSUBIMG2D_a('V',pAV,1,1,2,2);
+ pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D(vTexTarget, 0,
+ pAV->pVCodecCtx->width, pAV->pVCodecCtx->height/2,
+ pAV->vTexWidth[2], pAV->pVCodecCtx->height/2,
+ vTexFmt, vTexType, pAV->pVFrame->data[2] + p_offset[2]);
+ } else if( pAV->vPixFmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P || pAV->vPixFmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P ) {
+ // U plane
+ // FIXME: Libav Binary compatibility! JAU01
+ DBG_TEXSUBIMG2D_a('U',pAV,1,1,1,1);
+ pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D(vTexTarget, 0,
+ pAV->pVCodecCtx->width, 0,
+ pAV->vTexWidth[1], pAV->pVCodecCtx->height,
+ vTexFmt, vTexType, pAV->pVFrame->data[1] + p_offset[1]);
+ // V plane
+ // FIXME: Libav Binary compatibility! JAU01
+ DBG_TEXSUBIMG2D_a('V',pAV,3,2,1,1);
+ pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D(vTexTarget, 0,
+ pAV->pVCodecCtx->width+pAV->pVCodecCtx->width/2, 0,
+ pAV->vTexWidth[2], pAV->pVCodecCtx->height,
+ vTexFmt, vTexType, pAV->pVFrame->data[2] + p_offset[2]);
+ } // FIXME: Add more planar formats !
+ // We might want a sync here, ensuring the texture data is uploaded?
+ //
+ // No, glTexSubImage2D() shall block until new pixel data are taken,
+ // i.e. shall be a a synchronous client command
+ //
+ // pAV->procAddrGLFinish(); // No sync required and too expensive for multiple player
+ pAV->procAddrGLFlush(); // No sync required, but be nice
+ }
} // draining frames loop
@@ -1822,9 +1833,43 @@ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL FF_FUNC(readNextPacket0)
(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, pAV->ffmpegMediaPlayer, ffmpeg_jni_mid_pushSubtitleASS, (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, r->ass), sPTS, sStart, sEnd);
JoglCommon_ExceptionCheck1_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "FFmpeg: Exception occured at pushSubtitleASS(..)");
} else {
+ /**
+ *
+ * - AV_PIX_FMT_PAL8 8 bits with AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32 palette
+ *
+ * - SUBTITLE_BITMAP images are special in the sense that they
+ * are like PAL8 images. first pointer to data, second to
+ * palette. This makes the size calculation match this.
+ * size_t buf_size = src_rect->type == SUBTITLE_BITMAP && j == 1 ? AVPALETTE_SIZE : src_rect->h * src_rect->linesize[j];
+ * - linesize[0] > 0
+ * - linesize[1] == 0 -> AVPALETTE_SIZE
+ */
if( pAV->verbose ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "S[f %d, i %d]: null\n", (int)r->type, i);
+ int hasText = NULL != r->text;
+ int hasASS = NULL != r->ass;
+ fprintf(stderr, "S[f %d, i %d, pts[%d [%d..%d]]: text %d, ass %d, %d/%d %dx%d c %d, lsz[%d, %d, %d, %d], data[%d, %d, %d, %d]\n",
+ (int)r->type, i, sPTS, sStart, sEnd, hasText, hasASS,
+ r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h, r->nb_colors,
+ r->linesize[0], r->linesize[1], r->linesize[2], r->linesize[3],
+ NULL != r->data[0], NULL != r->data[1], NULL != r->data[2], NULL != r->data[3]);
+ }
+ if( 0 != sTexID ) {
+ if( NULL != pAV->procAddrGLEnable ) {
+ pAV->procAddrGLEnable(sTexTarget);
+ }
+ pAV->procAddrGLBindTexture(sTexTarget, sTexID);
+ const GLenum texIFmt = GL_RGBA;
+ const GLenum texType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ // pAV->procAddrGLTexSubImage2D(sTexTarget, 0,
+ // 0, 0,
+ // pAV->vTexWidth[0], pAV->pVCodecCtx->height,
+ // texIFmt, texType, pAV->pVFrame->data[0] + p_offset[0]);
+ (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, pAV->ffmpegMediaPlayer, ffmpeg_jni_mid_pushSubtitleTex,
+ sTexID, r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h, sPTS, sStart, sEnd);
+ JoglCommon_ExceptionCheck1_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "FFmpeg: Exception occured at pushSubtitleTex(..)");
pAV->sPTS = sPTS;