path: root/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLContext.java
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authorSven Gothel <sgothel@jausoft.com>2014-12-07 04:03:02 +0100
committerSven Gothel <sgothel@jausoft.com>2014-12-07 04:03:02 +0100
commit35622a7cef4a28ce7e32bf008ef331d9a0d9e3e2 (patch)
treee688b4fcb141c0b6b026d20379fb0ba6dd60a256 /src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLContext.java
parent9ea218a5990b908e04235c407c0951c60df6ffba (diff)
Bug 1068 - Allow GLContext creation and makeCurrent without default framebuffer (Part 2); Bug 896: EGL_KHR_create_context (Part 1)
Bug 1068 - Allow GLContext creation and makeCurrent without default framebuffer (Part 2) Implement surfaceless context on EGL and GLX/X11 utilizing *UpstreamSurfacelessHook as introduced in commit 9ea218a5990b908e04235c407c0951c60df6ffba. Surfaceless context is probed during GL profile probing by default. If available, it will be used for offscreen FBO drawables. If probing fails, or is disabled, the new GLRendererQuirks.NoSurfacelessCtx is set. - GLProfile.disableSurfacelessContext disables surfaceless context probing, set property 'jogl.disable.surfacelesscontext' Tested: - Mesa/EGL works, - Mesa + NVidia w/ GLX fail on GNU/Linux): Fails NoSurfacelessCtx - TODO: Windows impl. and more tests +++ Bug 896: EGL_KHR_create_context (Part 1) - Detect EGL_KHR_create_context capability and utilize if available. - Implement EGLContext.createContextARBImpl(..), allowing native DEBUG context usage, where available. - EGL implements SharedResourceRunner, i.e. probing profiles on dedicated thread using common interface. - Probe desktop profile/context ability in EGLDrawableFactory SharedResourceRunner, Where EGLGLnDynamicLibraryBundleInfo covers EGL + desktop GL. - TODO: Tests w/ capable implementation
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLContext.java')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLContext.java b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLContext.java
index 964401244..b19f9b0be 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLContext.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLContext.java
@@ -50,7 +50,12 @@ import javax.media.opengl.GLProfile;
import jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl;
import jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableImpl;
+import jogamp.opengl.egl.EGL;
+import jogamp.opengl.egl.EGLExt;
+import jogamp.opengl.egl.EGLExtImpl;
+import jogamp.opengl.egl.EGLExtProcAddressTable;
+import com.jogamp.common.ExceptionUtils;
import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.ProcAddressTable;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLProcAddressResolver;
@@ -58,13 +63,19 @@ import com.jogamp.nativewindow.egl.EGLGraphicsDevice;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLRendererQuirks;
public class EGLContext extends GLContextImpl {
- private boolean eglQueryStringInitialized;
- private boolean eglQueryStringAvailable;
private EGLExt _eglExt;
// Table that holds the addresses of the native C-language entry points for
// EGL extension functions.
private EGLExtProcAddressTable eglExtProcAddressTable;
+ static final int CTX_PROFILE_CORE = GLContext.CTX_PROFILE_CORE;
+ static final int CTX_PROFILE_ES = GLContext.CTX_PROFILE_ES;
+ public static String getGLProfile(final int major, final int minor, final int ctp) throws GLException {
+ return GLContext.getGLProfile(major, minor, ctp);
+ }
EGLContext(final GLDrawableImpl drawable,
final GLContext shareWith) {
super(drawable, shareWith);
@@ -72,8 +83,6 @@ public class EGLContext extends GLContextImpl {
protected void resetStates(final boolean isInit) {
- eglQueryStringInitialized = false;
- eglQueryStringAvailable = false;
eglExtProcAddressTable = null;
// no inner state _eglExt = null;
@@ -140,11 +149,6 @@ public class EGLContext extends GLContextImpl {
- protected long createContextARBImpl(final long share, final boolean direct, final int ctp, final int major, final int minor) {
- return 0; // FIXME
- }
- @Override
protected void destroyContextARBImpl(final long _context) {
if (!EGL.eglDestroyContext(drawable.getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(), _context)) {
final int eglError = EGL.eglGetError();
@@ -155,14 +159,35 @@ public class EGLContext extends GLContextImpl {
+ private static final int ctx_attribs_idx_major = 0;
+ private static final int ctx_attribs_rom[] = {
+ /* 10 */ EGL.EGL_NONE
+ };
- protected boolean createImpl(final long shareWithHandle) throws GLException {
+ protected long createContextARBImpl(final long share, final boolean direct, final int ctp, final int reqMajor, final int reqMinor) {
final EGLGraphicsConfiguration config = (EGLGraphicsConfiguration) drawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration();
- final long eglDisplay = config.getScreen().getDevice().getHandle();
- final GLProfile glProfile = drawable.getGLProfile();
+ final EGLGraphicsDevice device = (EGLGraphicsDevice) config.getScreen().getDevice();
+ final long eglDisplay = device.getHandle();
final long eglConfig = config.getNativeConfig();
+ final EGLDrawableFactory factory = (EGLDrawableFactory) drawable.getFactoryImpl();
+ final boolean useKHRCreateContext = !GLProfile.disableOpenGLARBContext && factory.hasDefaultDeviceKHRCreateContext();
+ final boolean ctDesktopGL = 0 == ( GLContext.CTX_PROFILE_ES & ctp );
+ final boolean ctBwdCompat = 0 != ( CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT & ctp ) ;
+ final boolean ctFwdCompat = 0 != ( CTX_OPTION_FORWARD & ctp ) ;
+ final boolean ctDebug = 0 != ( CTX_OPTION_DEBUG & ctp ) ;
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": EGLContext.createContextARBImpl: Start "+getGLVersion(reqMajor, reqMinor, ctp, "@creation")
+ + ", useKHRCreateContext "+useKHRCreateContext
+ + ", device "+device);
+ }
if ( 0 == eglDisplay ) {
throw new GLException("Error: attempted to create an OpenGL context without a display connection");
@@ -170,72 +195,150 @@ public class EGLContext extends GLContextImpl {
throw new GLException("Error: attempted to create an OpenGL context without a graphics configuration");
+ if( !useKHRCreateContext && ctDesktopGL ) {
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": EGLContext.createContextARBImpl: DesktopGL not avail "+getGLVersion(reqMajor, reqMinor, ctp, "@creation"));
+ }
+ return 0; // n/a
+ }
try {
// might be unavailable on EGL < 1.2
- if( !EGL.eglBindAPI(EGL.EGL_OPENGL_ES_API) ) {
- throw new GLException("Caught: eglBindAPI to ES failed , error "+toHexString(EGL.eglGetError()));
+ if( !EGL.eglBindAPI( ctDesktopGL ? EGL.EGL_OPENGL_API : EGL.EGL_OPENGL_ES_API) ) {
+ throw new GLException("Caught: eglBindAPI to "+(ctDesktopGL ? "ES" : "GL")+" failed , error "+toHexString(EGL.eglGetError())+" - "+getGLVersion(reqMajor, reqMinor, ctp, "@creation"));
} catch (final GLException glex) {
if (DEBUG) {
- glex.printStackTrace();
+ ExceptionUtils.dumpThrowable("", glex);
- // Cannot check extension 'EGL_KHR_create_context' before having one current!
+ final int useMajor;
+ if( reqMajor >= 3 &&
+ GLRendererQuirks.existStickyDeviceQuirk( GLDrawableFactory.getEGLFactory().getDefaultDevice(), GLRendererQuirks.GLES3ViaEGLES2Config) ) {
+ useMajor = 2;
+ } else {
+ useMajor = reqMajor;
+ }
- final IntBuffer contextAttrsNIO;
- final int contextVersionReq, contextVersionAttr;
- {
- if ( glProfile.usesNativeGLES3() ) {
- contextVersionReq = 3;
- if( GLRendererQuirks.existStickyDeviceQuirk( GLDrawableFactory.getEGLFactory().getDefaultDevice(), GLRendererQuirks.GLES3ViaEGLES2Config) ) {
- contextVersionAttr = 2;
+ final IntBuffer attribs = Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer(ctx_attribs_rom);
+ if( useKHRCreateContext ) {
+ attribs.put(ctx_attribs_idx_major + 1, useMajor);
+ int index = ctx_attribs_idx_major + 2;
+ /** if( ctDesktopGL && reqMinor >= 0 ) { // FIXME: No minor version probing for ES currently!
+ attribs.put(index + 0, EGLExt.EGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_KHR);
+ attribs.put(index + 1, reqMinor);
+ index += 2;
+ } */
+ if( ctDesktopGL && ( useMajor > 3 || useMajor == 3 && reqMinor >= 2 ) ) {
+ attribs.put(index + 0, EGLExt.EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_PROFILE_MASK_KHR);
+ if( ctBwdCompat ) {
} else {
- contextVersionAttr = 3;
+ }
+ index += 2;
+ }
+ int flags = 0;
+ if( ctDesktopGL && useMajor >= 3 && !ctBwdCompat && ctFwdCompat ) {
+ }
+ if( ctDebug ) {
+ }
+ if( 0 != flags ) {
+ attribs.put(index + 0, EGLExt.EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR);
+ attribs.put(index + 1, flags);
+ index += 2;
+ }
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": EGLContext.createContextARBImpl: attrs.1: major "+useMajor+", flags "+toHexString(flags)+", index "+index);
+ }
+ } else {
+ attribs.put(ctx_attribs_idx_major + 1, useMajor);
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": EGLContext.createContextARBImpl: attrs.2: major "+useMajor);
+ }
+ }
+ long ctx=0;
+ try {
+ ctx = EGL.eglCreateContext(eglDisplay, eglConfig, share, attribs);
+ } catch (final RuntimeException re) {
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": Info: EGLContext.createContextARBImpl glXCreateContextAttribsARB failed with "+getGLVersion(reqMajor, reqMinor, ctp, "@creation"));
+ ExceptionUtils.dumpThrowable("", re);
+ }
+ }
+ if(0!=ctx) {
+ if (!EGL.eglMakeCurrent(eglDisplay, drawable.getHandle(), drawableRead.getHandle(), ctx)) {
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName()+": EGLContext.createContextARBImpl couldn't make current "+getGLVersion(reqMajor, reqMinor, ctp, "@creation")+" - error "+toHexString(EGL.eglGetError()));
+ // release & destroy
+ EGL.eglDestroyContext(eglDisplay, ctx);
+ ctx = 0;
+ } else if (DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": EGLContext.createContextARBImpl: OK "+getGLVersion(reqMajor, reqMinor, ctp, "@creation")+", share "+share+", direct "+direct);
+ }
+ } else if (DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": EGLContext.createContextARBImpl: NO "+getGLVersion(reqMajor, reqMinor, ctp, "@creation")+" - error "+toHexString(EGL.eglGetError()));
+ }
+ return ctx;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected boolean createImpl(final long shareWithHandle) throws GLException {
+ final EGLGraphicsConfiguration config = (EGLGraphicsConfiguration) drawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration();
+ final AbstractGraphicsDevice device = config.getScreen().getDevice();
+ final boolean availableGLVersionsSet = GLContext.getAvailableGLVersionsSet(device);
+ if( !GLProfile.disableOpenGLARBContext && availableGLVersionsSet ) {
+ contextHandle = createContextARB(shareWithHandle, true);
+ if( 0 == contextHandle ) {
+ throw new GLException(getThreadName()+": Unable to create temp OpenGL context(0) on eglDevice "+device+
+ ", eglConfig "+config+", "+drawable.getGLProfile()+", shareWith "+toHexString(shareWithHandle)+", error "+toHexString(EGL.eglGetError()));
+ }
+ } else {
+ final GLProfile glProfile = drawable.getGLProfile();
+ final int reqMajor;
+ if ( glProfile.usesNativeGLES3() ) {
+ reqMajor = 3;
} else if ( glProfile.usesNativeGLES2() ) {
- contextVersionReq = 2;
- contextVersionAttr = 2;
+ reqMajor = 2;
} else if ( glProfile.usesNativeGLES1() ) {
- contextVersionReq = 1;
- contextVersionAttr = 1;
+ reqMajor = 1;
} else {
throw new GLException("Error creating OpenGL context - invalid GLProfile: "+glProfile);
- final int[] contextAttrs = new int[] { EGL.EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, contextVersionAttr, EGL.EGL_NONE };
- contextAttrsNIO = Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer(contextAttrs);
- }
- contextHandle = EGL.eglCreateContext(eglDisplay, eglConfig, shareWithHandle, contextAttrsNIO);
- if (contextHandle == 0) {
- throw new GLException("Error creating OpenGL context: eglDisplay "+toHexString(eglDisplay)+
- ", eglConfig "+config+", "+glProfile+", shareWith "+toHexString(shareWithHandle)+", error "+toHexString(EGL.eglGetError()));
+ final int ctp = GLContext.CTX_PROFILE_ES | getContextCreationFlags();
+ contextHandle = createContextARBImpl(shareWithHandle, true, ctp, reqMajor, 0);
+ if( 0 == contextHandle ) {
+ throw new GLException(getThreadName()+": Unable to create temp OpenGL context(1) on eglDevice "+device+
+ ", eglConfig "+config+", "+drawable.getGLProfile()+", shareWith "+toHexString(shareWithHandle)+", error "+toHexString(EGL.eglGetError()));
+ }
+ if( !setGLFunctionAvailability(true, reqMajor, 0, ctp, false /* strictMatch */, false /* withinGLVersionsMapping */) ) {
+ EGL.eglMakeCurrent(drawable.getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(), EGL.EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL.EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL.EGL_NO_CONTEXT);
+ EGL.eglDestroyContext(drawable.getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(), contextHandle);
+ contextHandle = 0;
+ throw new InternalError("setGLFunctionAvailability !strictMatch failed");
+ }
if (DEBUG) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": Created OpenGL context 0x" +
+ System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": EGLContext.createImpl: Created OpenGL context 0x" +
Long.toHexString(contextHandle) +
",\n\twrite surface 0x" + Long.toHexString(drawable.getHandle()) +
",\n\tread surface 0x" + Long.toHexString(drawableRead.getHandle())+
",\n\tsharing with 0x" + Long.toHexString(shareWithHandle));
- if (!EGL.eglMakeCurrent(eglDisplay, drawable.getHandle(), drawableRead.getHandle(), contextHandle)) {
- throw new GLException("Error making context " +
- toHexString(contextHandle) + " current: error code " + toHexString(EGL.eglGetError()));
- }
- if( !setGLFunctionAvailability(true, contextVersionReq, 0, CTX_PROFILE_ES,
- true /* strictMatch */, // always req. strict match
- false /* withinGLVersionsMapping */) ) {
- if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": createImpl: setGLFunctionAvailability FAILED delete "+toHexString(contextHandle));
- }
- EGL.eglMakeCurrent(drawable.getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(), EGL.EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL.EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL.EGL_NO_CONTEXT);
- EGL.eglDestroyContext(drawable.getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(), contextHandle);
- contextHandle = 0;
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
+ return true;
@@ -246,8 +349,6 @@ public class EGLContext extends GLContextImpl {
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": Initializing EGLextension address table: "+key);
- eglQueryStringInitialized = false;
- eglQueryStringAvailable = false;
ProcAddressTable table = null;
synchronized(mappedContextTypeObjectLock) {
@@ -272,17 +373,34 @@ public class EGLContext extends GLContextImpl {
protected final StringBuilder getPlatformExtensionsStringImpl() {
+ final EGLGraphicsDevice device = (EGLGraphicsDevice) drawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration().getScreen().getDevice();
+ return getPlatformExtensionsStringImpl(device);
+ }
+ final static StringBuilder getPlatformExtensionsStringImpl(final EGLGraphicsDevice device) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- if (!eglQueryStringInitialized) {
- eglQueryStringAvailable = getDrawableImpl().getGLDynamicLookupHelper().isFunctionAvailable("eglQueryString");
- eglQueryStringInitialized = true;
- }
- if (eglQueryStringAvailable) {
- final String ret = EGL.eglQueryString(drawable.getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(), EGL.EGL_EXTENSIONS);
+ device.lock();
+ try{
+ final long handle = device.getHandle();
if (DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("EGL extensions: " + ret);
+ System.err.println("EGL PlatformExtensions: Device "+device);
+ EGLDrawableFactory.dumpEGLInfo("EGL PlatformExtensions: ", handle);
+ }
+ if( device.getEGLVersion().compareTo(Version1_5) >= 0 ) {
+ final String ret = EGL.eglQueryString(EGL.EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL.EGL_EXTENSIONS);
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("EGL extensions (Client): " + ret);
+ }
+ sb.append(ret).append(" ");
+ }
+ if( 0 != handle ) {
+ final String ret = EGL.eglQueryString(handle, EGL.EGL_EXTENSIONS);
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("EGL extensions (Server): " + ret);
+ }
+ sb.append(ret).append(" ");
- sb.append(ret);
+ } finally {
+ device.unlock();
return sb;
@@ -343,8 +461,8 @@ public class EGLContext extends GLContextImpl {
protected static boolean getAvailableGLVersionsSet(final AbstractGraphicsDevice device) {
return GLContext.getAvailableGLVersionsSet(device);
- protected static void setAvailableGLVersionsSet(final AbstractGraphicsDevice device) {
- GLContext.setAvailableGLVersionsSet(device);
+ protected static void setAvailableGLVersionsSet(final AbstractGraphicsDevice device, final boolean set) {
+ GLContext.setAvailableGLVersionsSet(device, set);
protected static String toHexString(final int hex) {