path: root/src/demos/hdr/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/demos/hdr/')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/demos/hdr/ b/src/demos/hdr/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9c83ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/demos/hdr/
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+package demos.hdr;
+import java.util.regex.*;
+/** This file contains code to read and write four byte rgbe file format
+ developed by Greg Ward. It handles the conversions between rgbe and
+ pixels consisting of floats. The data is assumed to be an array of floats.
+ By default there are three floats per pixel in the order red, green, blue.
+ (RGBE_DATA_??? values control this.) Only the mimimal header reading and
+ writing is implemented. Each routine does error checking and will return
+ a status value as defined below. This code is intended as a skeleton so
+ feel free to modify it to suit your needs. <P>
+ Ported to Java and restructured by Kenneth Russell. <BR>
+ posted to <BR>
+ written by Bruce Walter ( 5/26/95 <BR>
+ based on code written by Greg Ward <BR>
+public class RGBE {
+ // Flags indicating which fields in a Header are valid
+ private static final int VALID_PROGRAMTYPE = 0x01;
+ private static final int VALID_GAMMA = 0x02;
+ private static final int VALID_EXPOSURE = 0x04;
+ private static final String gammaString = "GAMMA=";
+ private static final String exposureString = "EXPOSURE=";
+ private static final Pattern widthHeightPattern = Pattern.compile("-Y (\\d+) \\+X (\\d+)");
+ public static class Header {
+ // Indicates which fields are valid
+ private int valid;
+ // Listed at beginning of file to identify it after "#?".
+ // Defaults to "RGBE"
+ private String programType;
+ // Image has already been gamma corrected with given gamma.
+ // Defaults to 1.0 (no correction)
+ private float gamma;
+ // A value of 1.0 in an image corresponds to <exposure>
+ // watts/steradian/m^2. Defaults to 1.0.
+ private float exposure;
+ // Width and height of image
+ private int width;
+ private int height;
+ private Header(int valid,
+ String programType,
+ float gamma,
+ float exposure,
+ int width,
+ int height) {
+ this.valid = valid;
+ this.programType = programType;
+ this.gamma = gamma;
+ this.exposure = exposure;
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ }
+ public boolean isProgramTypeValid() { return ((valid & VALID_PROGRAMTYPE) != 0); }
+ public boolean isGammaValid() { return ((valid & VALID_GAMMA) != 0); }
+ public boolean isExposureValid() { return ((valid & VALID_EXPOSURE) != 0); }
+ public String getProgramType() { return programType; }
+ public float getGamma() { return gamma; }
+ public float getExposure() { return exposure; }
+ public int getWidth() { return width; }
+ public int getHeight() { return height; }
+ public String toString() {
+ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+ if (isProgramTypeValid()) {
+ buf.append(" Program type: ");
+ buf.append(getProgramType());
+ }
+ buf.append(" Gamma");
+ if (isGammaValid()) {
+ buf.append(" [valid]");
+ }
+ buf.append(": ");
+ buf.append(getGamma());
+ buf.append(" Exposure");
+ if (isExposureValid()) {
+ buf.append(" [valid]");
+ }
+ buf.append(": ");
+ buf.append(getExposure());
+ buf.append(" Width: ");
+ buf.append(getWidth());
+ buf.append(" Height: ");
+ buf.append(getHeight());
+ return buf.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ public static Header readHeader(DataInputStream in) throws IOException {
+ int valid = 0;
+ String programType = null;
+ float gamma = 1.0f;
+ float exposure = 1.0f;
+ int width = 0;
+ int height = 0;
+ String buf = in.readLine();
+ if (buf == null) {
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected EOF reading magic token");
+ }
+ if (buf.charAt(0) == '#' && buf.charAt(1) == '?') {
+ programType = buf.substring(2);
+ buf = in.readLine();
+ if (buf == null) {
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected EOF reading line after magic token");
+ }
+ }
+ boolean foundFormat = false;
+ boolean done = false;
+ while (!done) {
+ if (buf.equals("FORMAT=32-bit_rle_rgbe")) {
+ foundFormat = true;
+ } else if (buf.startsWith(gammaString)) {
+ valid |= VALID_GAMMA;
+ gamma = Float.parseFloat(buf.substring(gammaString.length()));
+ } else if (buf.startsWith(exposureString)) {
+ valid |= VALID_EXPOSURE;
+ exposure = Float.parseFloat(buf.substring(exposureString.length()));
+ } else {
+ Matcher m = widthHeightPattern.matcher(buf);
+ if (m.matches()) {
+ width = Integer.parseInt(;
+ height = Integer.parseInt(;
+ done = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!done) {
+ buf = in.readLine();
+ if (buf == null) {
+ throw new IOException("Unexpected EOF reading header");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!foundFormat) {
+ throw new IOException("No FORMAT specifier found");
+ }
+ return new Header(valid, programType, gamma, exposure, width, height);
+ }
+ /** Simple read routine. Will not correctly handle run length encoding. */
+ public static void readPixels(DataInputStream in, float[] data, int numpixels) throws IOException {
+ byte[] rgbe = new byte[4];
+ float[] rgb = new float[3];
+ int offset = 0;
+ while(numpixels-- > 0) {
+ int numRead =;
+ if (numRead < 4) {
+ throw new IOException("Only able to read " + numRead + " out of expected " + rgbe.length + " bytes");
+ }
+ rgbe2float(rgb, rgbe, 0);
+ data[offset++] = rgb[0];
+ data[offset++] = rgb[1];
+ data[offset++] = rgb[2];
+ }
+ }
+ public static void readPixelsRaw(DataInputStream in, byte[] data, int offset, int numpixels) throws IOException {
+ int numExpected = 4 * numpixels;
+ int numRead =, offset, numExpected);
+ if (numRead < numExpected)
+ throw new IOException("Error reading raw pixels: got " + numRead + " bytes, expected " + numExpected);
+ }
+ public static void readPixelsRawRLE(DataInputStream in, byte[] data, int offset,
+ int scanline_width, int num_scanlines) throws IOException {
+ byte[] rgbe = new byte[4];
+ byte[] scanline_buffer = null;
+ int ptr, ptr_end;
+ int count;
+ byte[] buf = new byte[2];
+ if ((scanline_width < 8)||(scanline_width > 0x7fff)) {
+ /* run length encoding is not allowed so read flat*/
+ readPixelsRaw(in, data, offset, scanline_width*num_scanlines);
+ }
+ /* read in each successive scanline */
+ while (num_scanlines > 0) {
+ if ( < rgbe.length) {
+ throw new IOException("Error reading bytes: expected " + rgbe.length);
+ }
+ if ((rgbe[0] != 2)||(rgbe[1] != 2)||((rgbe[2] & 0x80) != 0)) {
+ /* this file is not run length encoded */
+ data[offset++] = rgbe[0];
+ data[offset++] = rgbe[1];
+ data[offset++] = rgbe[2];
+ data[offset++] = rgbe[3];
+ readPixelsRaw(in, data, offset, scanline_width*num_scanlines-1);
+ }
+ if ((((rgbe[2] & 0xFF)<<8) | (rgbe[3] & 0xFF)) != scanline_width) {
+ throw new IOException("Wrong scanline width " +
+ (((rgbe[2] & 0xFF)<<8) | (rgbe[3] & 0xFF)) +
+ ", expected " + scanline_width);
+ }
+ if (scanline_buffer == null) {
+ scanline_buffer = new byte[4*scanline_width];
+ }
+ ptr = 0;
+ /* read each of the four channels for the scanline into the buffer */
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ ptr_end = (i+1)*scanline_width;
+ while(ptr < ptr_end) {
+ if ( < buf.length) {
+ throw new IOException("Error reading 2-byte buffer");
+ }
+ if ((buf[0] & 0xFF) > 128) {
+ /* a run of the same value */
+ count = (buf[0] & 0xFF)-128;
+ if ((count == 0)||(count > ptr_end - ptr)) {
+ throw new IOException("Bad scanline data");
+ }
+ while(count-- > 0)
+ scanline_buffer[ptr++] = buf[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ /* a non-run */
+ count = buf[0] & 0xFF;
+ if ((count == 0)||(count > ptr_end - ptr)) {
+ throw new IOException("Bad scanline data");
+ }
+ scanline_buffer[ptr++] = buf[1];
+ if (--count > 0) {
+ if (, ptr, count) < count) {
+ throw new IOException("Error reading non-run data");
+ }
+ ptr += count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* copy byte data to output */
+ for(int i = 0; i < scanline_width; i++) {
+ data[offset++] = scanline_buffer[i];
+ data[offset++] = scanline_buffer[i+scanline_width];
+ data[offset++] = scanline_buffer[i+2*scanline_width];
+ data[offset++] = scanline_buffer[i+3*scanline_width];
+ }
+ num_scanlines--;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Standard conversion from float pixels to rgbe pixels. */
+ public static void float2rgbe(byte[] rgbe, float red, float green, float blue) {
+ float v;
+ int e;
+ v = red;
+ if (green > v) v = green;
+ if (blue > v) v = blue;
+ if (v < 1e-32f) {
+ rgbe[0] = rgbe[1] = rgbe[2] = rgbe[3] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ FracExp fe = frexp(v);
+ v = (float) (fe.getFraction() * 256.0 / v);
+ rgbe[0] = (byte) (red * v);
+ rgbe[1] = (byte) (green * v);
+ rgbe[2] = (byte) (blue * v);
+ rgbe[3] = (byte) (fe.getExponent() + 128);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Standard conversion from rgbe to float pixels. Note: Ward uses
+ ldexp(col+0.5,exp-(128+8)). However we wanted pixels in the
+ range [0,1] to map back into the range [0,1]. */
+ public static void rgbe2float(float[] rgb, byte[] rgbe, int startRGBEOffset) {
+ float f;
+ if (rgbe[startRGBEOffset + 3] != 0) { /*nonzero pixel*/
+ f = (float) ldexp(1.0,(rgbe[startRGBEOffset + 3] & 0xFF)-(128+8));
+ rgb[0] = (rgbe[startRGBEOffset + 0] & 0xFF) * f;
+ rgb[1] = (rgbe[startRGBEOffset + 1] & 0xFF) * f;
+ rgb[2] = (rgbe[startRGBEOffset + 2] & 0xFF) * f;
+ } else {
+ rgb[0] = 0;
+ rgb[1] = 0;
+ rgb[2] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public static double ldexp(double value, int exp) {
+ if(!finite(value)||value==0.0) return value;
+ value = scalbn(value,exp);
+ // No good way to indicate errno (want to avoid throwing
+ // exceptions because don't know about stability of calculations)
+ // if(!finite(value)||value==0.0) errno = ERANGE;
+ return value;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Internals only below this point
+ //
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Math routines, some fdlibm-derived
+ //
+ static class FracExp {
+ private double fraction;
+ private int exponent;
+ public FracExp(double fraction, int exponent) {
+ this.fraction = fraction;
+ this.exponent = exponent;
+ }
+ public double getFraction() { return fraction; }
+ public int getExponent() { return exponent; }
+ }
+ private static final double two54 = 1.80143985094819840000e+16; /* 43500000 00000000 */
+ private static final double twom54 = 5.55111512312578270212e-17; /* 0x3C900000 0x00000000 */
+ private static final double huge = 1.0e+300;
+ private static final double tiny = 1.0e-300;
+ private static int hi(double x) {
+ long bits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x);
+ return (int) (bits >>> 32);
+ }
+ private static int lo(double x) {
+ long bits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x);
+ return (int) bits;
+ }
+ private static double fromhilo(int hi, int lo) {
+ return Double.longBitsToDouble((((long) hi) << 32) |
+ (((long) lo) & 0xFFFFFFFFL));
+ }
+ private static FracExp frexp(double x) {
+ int hx = hi(x);
+ int ix = 0x7fffffff&hx;
+ int lx = lo(x);
+ int e = 0;
+ if(ix>=0x7ff00000||((ix|lx)==0))
+ return new FracExp(x, e); /* 0,inf,nan */
+ if (ix<0x00100000) { /* subnormal */
+ x *= two54;
+ hx = hi(x);
+ ix = hx&0x7fffffff;
+ e = -54;
+ }
+ e += (ix>>20)-1022;
+ hx = (hx&0x800fffff)|0x3fe00000;
+ lx = lo(x);
+ return new FracExp(fromhilo(hx, lx), e);
+ }
+ private static boolean finite(double x) {
+ int hx;
+ hx = hi(x);
+ return (((hx&0x7fffffff)-0x7ff00000)>>31) != 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * copysign(double x, double y) <BR>
+ * copysign(x,y) returns a value with the magnitude of x and
+ * with the sign bit of y.
+ */
+ private static double copysign(double x, double y) {
+ return fromhilo((hi(x)&0x7fffffff)|(hi(y)&0x80000000), lo(x));
+ }
+ /**
+ * scalbn (double x, int n) <BR>
+ * scalbn(x,n) returns x* 2**n computed by exponent
+ * manipulation rather than by actually performing an
+ * exponentiation or a multiplication.
+ */
+ private static double scalbn(double x, int n) {
+ int hx = hi(x);
+ int lx = lo(x);
+ int k = (hx&0x7ff00000)>>20; /* extract exponent */
+ if (k==0) { /* 0 or subnormal x */
+ if ((lx|(hx&0x7fffffff))==0) {
+ return x; /* +-0 */
+ }
+ x *= two54;
+ hx = hi(x);
+ k = ((hx&0x7ff00000)>>20) - 54;
+ if (n< -50000) {
+ return tiny*x; /*underflow*/
+ }
+ }
+ if (k==0x7ff) {
+ return x+x; /* NaN or Inf */
+ }
+ k = k+n;
+ if (k > 0x7fe) {
+ return huge*copysign(huge,x); /* overflow */
+ }
+ if (k > 0) {
+ /* normal result */
+ return fromhilo((hx&0x800fffff)|(k<<20), lo(x));
+ }
+ if (k <= -54) {
+ if (n > 50000) {
+ /* in case integer overflow in n+k */
+ return huge*copysign(huge,x); /* overflow */
+ } else {
+ return tiny*copysign(tiny,x); /* underflow */
+ }
+ }
+ k += 54; /* subnormal result */
+ x = fromhilo((hx&0x800fffff)|(k<<20), lo(x));
+ return x*twom54;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test harness
+ //
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ try {
+ DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(args[i])));
+ Header header = RGBE.readHeader(in);
+ System.err.println("Header for file \"" + args[i] + "\":");
+ System.err.println(" " + header);
+ byte[] data = new byte[header.getWidth() * header.getHeight() * 4];
+ readPixelsRawRLE(in, data, 0, header.getWidth(), header.getHeight());
+ in.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }