diff options
authorMichael Bien <[email protected]>2010-05-09 00:16:33 +0200
committerMichael Bien <[email protected]>2010-05-09 00:16:33 +0200
commita0312ede2d757b0387c17bc3db4bece37a8f756e (patch)
parentc822616311e6a52854f21654f4b11aa7df783b58 (diff)
MultiDeviceFractal demo can now use devices with different FP precision in parallel.
Added support for cl_amd_fp64.
3 files changed, 166 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/nbproject/project.properties b/nbproject/project.properties
index 68fc9bf..62a1870 100644
--- a/nbproject/project.properties
+++ b/nbproject/project.properties
@@ -1,93 +1,98 @@
-#default values
-application.title=JOCL Demos
-# This directory is removed when the project is cleaned:
-# Only compile against the classpath explicitly listed here:
-# Uncomment to specify the preferred debugger connection transport:
- ${run.classpath}
- ${run.test.classpath}
-# This directory is removed when the project is cleaned:
- ${reference.jocl.jar}:\
- ${file.reference.jogl.all.jar}:\
- ${file.reference.newt.all.jar}:\
- ${file.reference.nativewindow.all.jar}:\
- ${file.reference.gluegen-rt.jar}
-# Space-separated list of extra javac options
- ${javac.classpath}:\
- ${build.classes.dir}:\
- ${libs.junit.classpath}:\
- ${libs.junit_4.classpath}
- ${javac.classpath}:\
- ${build.classes.dir}
-# Space-separated list of JVM arguments used when running the project
-# (you may also define separate properties like run-sys-prop.name=value instead of -Dname=value
-# or test-sys-prop.name=value to set system properties for unit tests):
- ${jocl.root}/${rootrel.build}/natives/jocl${path.separator}\
- ${jogl.root}/${rootrel.build}/jogl/obj${path.separator}\
- ${jogl.root}/${rootrel.build}/nativewindow/obj${path.separator}\
- ${jogl.root}/${rootrel.build}/newt/obj${path.separator}\
- ${gluegen.root}/${rootrel.build}/obj"
- ${javac.test.classpath}:\
- ${build.test.classes.dir}
+#default values
+ ${javac.classpath}
+application.title=JOCL Demos
+# This directory is removed when the project is cleaned:
+# Only compile against the classpath explicitly listed here:
+# Uncomment to specify the preferred debugger connection transport:
+ ${run.classpath}
+ ${run.test.classpath}
+# This directory is removed when the project is cleaned:
+ ${reference.jocl.jar}:\
+ ${file.reference.jogl.all.jar}:\
+ ${file.reference.newt.all.jar}:\
+ ${file.reference.nativewindow.all.jar}:\
+ ${file.reference.gluegen-rt.jar}
+# Space-separated list of extra javac options
+ ${javac.classpath}:\
+ ${build.classes.dir}:\
+ ${libs.junit.classpath}:\
+ ${libs.junit_4.classpath}
+ ${javac.classpath}:\
+ ${build.classes.dir}
+# Space-separated list of JVM arguments used when running the project
+# (you may also define separate properties like run-sys-prop.name=value instead of -Dname=value
+# or test-sys-prop.name=value to set system properties for unit tests):
+run.jvmargs=-Xcheck:jni -Djava.library.path="\
+ ${jocl.root}/${rootrel.build}/natives/jocl${path.separator}\
+ ${jogl.root}/${rootrel.build}/jogl/obj${path.separator}\
+ ${jogl.root}/${rootrel.build}/nativewindow/obj${path.separator}\
+ ${jogl.root}/${rootrel.build}/newt/obj${path.separator}\
+ ${gluegen.root}/${rootrel.build}/obj"
+ ${javac.test.classpath}:\
+ ${build.test.classes.dir}
diff --git a/src/com/jogamp/opencl/demos/fractal/Mandelbrot.cl b/src/com/jogamp/opencl/demos/fractal/Mandelbrot.cl
index 640c775..2fc959c 100644
--- a/src/com/jogamp/opencl/demos/fractal/Mandelbrot.cl
+++ b/src/com/jogamp/opencl/demos/fractal/Mandelbrot.cl
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
#ifdef DOUBLE_FP
- #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
+ #ifdef AMD_FP
+ #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_fp64 : enable
+ #else
+ #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
+ #endif
typedef double varfloat;
typedef float varfloat;
diff --git a/src/com/jogamp/opencl/demos/fractal/MultiDeviceFractal.java b/src/com/jogamp/opencl/demos/fractal/MultiDeviceFractal.java
index 9420c6d..1b7f19d 100644
--- a/src/com/jogamp/opencl/demos/fractal/MultiDeviceFractal.java
+++ b/src/com/jogamp/opencl/demos/fractal/MultiDeviceFractal.java
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import com.jogamp.opencl.CLKernel;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLPlatform;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLProgram;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLProgram.CompilerOptions;
+import com.jogamp.opencl.util.CLProgramConfiguration;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.awt.TextRenderer;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ public class MultiDeviceFractal implements GLEventListener {
private CLGLContext clContext;
private CLCommandQueue[] queues;
private CLKernel[] kernels;
- private CLProgram program;
+ private CLProgram[] programs;
private CLEventList probes;
private CLGLBuffer<?>[] pboBuffers;
private CLBuffer<IntBuffer>[] colorMap;
@@ -166,8 +167,31 @@ public class MultiDeviceFractal implements GLEventListener {
- // load and build program
- program = clContext.createProgram(getClass().getResourceAsStream("Mandelbrot.cl"));
+ // check if we have 64bit FP support on all devices
+ // if yes we can use only one program for all devices + one kernel per device.
+ // if not we will have to create (at least) one program for 32 and one for 64bit devices.
+ // since there are different vendor extensions for double FP we use one program per device.
+ // (OpenCL spec is not very clear about this usecases)
+ boolean all64bit = true;
+ for (CLDevice device : devices) {
+ if(!isDoubleFPAvailable(device)) {
+ all64bit = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // load program(s)
+ if(all64bit) {
+ programs = new CLProgram[] {
+ clContext.createProgram(getClass().getResourceAsStream("Mandelbrot.cl"))
+ };
+ }else{
+ programs = new CLProgram[slices];
+ for (int i = 0; i < slices; i++) {
+ programs[i] = clContext.createProgram(getClass().getResourceAsStream("Mandelbrot.cl"));
+ }
+ }
} catch (IOException ex) {
@@ -258,33 +282,42 @@ public class MultiDeviceFractal implements GLEventListener {
* workaround: The driver keeps using the old binaries for some reason.
* to solve this we simple create a new program and release the old.
* however rebuilding programs should be possible -> remove when drivers are fixed.
+ * (again: the spec is not very clear about this kind of usages)
- if(program != null && rebuild) {
- String source = program.getSource();
- program.release();
- program = clContext.createProgram(source);
+ if(programs[0] != null && rebuild) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < programs.length; i++) {
+ String source = programs[i].getSource();
+ programs[i].release();
+ programs[i] = clContext.createProgram(source);
+ }
// disable 64bit floating point math if not available
- if(doublePrecision) {
- for (CLDevice device : program.getCLDevices()) {
- if(!device.isDoubleFPAvailable()) {
- doublePrecision = false;
- break;
+ for(int i = 0; i < programs.length; i++) {
+ CLDevice device = queues[i].getDevice();
+ CLProgramConfiguration configure = programs[i].prepare();
+ if(doublePrecision && isDoubleFPAvailable(device)) {
+ //cl_khr_fp64
+ configure.withDefine("DOUBLE_FP");
+ //amd's verson of double precision floating point math
+ if(!device.isDoubleFPAvailable() && device.isExtensionAvailable("cl_amd_fp64")) {
+ configure.withDefine("AMD_FP");
- }
+ if(programs.length > 1) {
+ configure.forDevice(device);
+ }
+ System.out.println(configure);
+ configure.withOption(CompilerOptions.FAST_RELAXED_MATH).build();
+ }
- if(doublePrecision) {
- program.build(CompilerOptions.FAST_RELAXED_MATH, "-D DOUBLE_FP");
- }else{
- program.build(CompilerOptions.FAST_RELAXED_MATH);
- }
rebuild = false;
for (int i = 0; i < kernels.length; i++) {
// init kernel with constants
- kernels[i] = program.createCLKernel("mandelbrot");
+ kernels[i] = programs[min(i, programs.length)].createCLKernel("mandelbrot");
@@ -292,7 +325,7 @@ public class MultiDeviceFractal implements GLEventListener {
// init kernels with constants
private void setKernelConstants() {
for (int i = 0; i < slices; i++) {
- kernels[i].setForce32BitArgs(!doublePrecision)
+ kernels[i].setForce32BitArgs(!doublePrecision || !isDoubleFPAvailable(queues[i].getDevice()))
.setArg(6, pboBuffers[i])
.setArg(7, colorMap[i])
.setArg(8, colorMap[i].getBuffer().capacity())
@@ -374,14 +407,17 @@ public class MultiDeviceFractal implements GLEventListener {
//draw info text
textRenderer.beginRendering(width, height, false);
- textRenderer.draw("precision: "+ (doublePrecision?"64bit":"32bit"), 10, height-15);
+ textRenderer.draw("device/time/precision", 10, height-15);
for (int i = 0; i < slices; i++) {
CLDevice device = queues[i].getDevice();
+ boolean doubleFP = doublePrecision && isDoubleFPAvailable(device);
CLEvent event = probes.getEvent(i);
long start = event.getProfilingInfo(START);
long end = event.getProfilingInfo(END);
- textRenderer.draw(device.getType().toString()+i +" "+(int)((end-start)/1000000.0f)+"ms", 10, height-(20+16*(slices-i)));
+ textRenderer.draw(device.getType().toString()+i +" "
+ + (int)((end-start)/1000000.0f)+"ms @"
+ + (doubleFP?"64bit":"32bit"), 10, height-(20+16*(slices-i)));
@@ -474,6 +510,11 @@ public class MultiDeviceFractal implements GLEventListener {
+ private boolean isDoubleFPAvailable(CLDevice device) {
+ return device.isDoubleFPAvailable() || device.isExtensionAvailable("cl_amd_fp64");
+ }
public void dispose(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {