/** * Copyright 2013 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.common.util; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import com.jogamp.common.util.Ringbuffer; public abstract class RingBuffer01Base { private static boolean DEBUG = false; public abstract Ringbuffer<Integer> createEmpty(int initialCapacity); public abstract Ringbuffer<Integer> createFull(Integer[] source); public Integer[] createIntArray(int capacity, int startValue) { final Integer[] array = new Integer[capacity]; for(int i=0; i<capacity; i++) { array[i] = Integer.valueOf(startValue+i); } return array; } private void readTestImpl(Ringbuffer<Integer> rb, boolean clearRef, int capacity, int len, int startValue) { final int preSize = rb.size(); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong capacity "+rb, capacity, rb.capacity()); Assert.assertTrue("Too low capacity to read "+len+" elems: "+rb, capacity-len >= 0); Assert.assertTrue("Too low size to read "+len+" elems: "+rb, preSize >= len); Assert.assertTrue("Is empty "+rb, !rb.isEmpty()); for(int i=0; i<len; i++) { Integer vI = rb.get(); Assert.assertNotNull("Empty at read #"+(i+1)+": "+rb, vI); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong value at read #"+(i+1)+": "+rb, startValue+i, vI.intValue()); } Assert.assertEquals("Invalid size "+rb, preSize-len, rb.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Invalid free slots after reading "+len+": "+rb, rb.getFreeSlots()>= len); Assert.assertTrue("Is full "+rb, !rb.isFull()); } private void writeTestImpl(Ringbuffer<Integer> rb, int capacity, int len, int startValue) { final int preSize = rb.size(); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong capacity "+rb, capacity, rb.capacity()); Assert.assertTrue("Too low capacity to write "+len+" elems: "+rb, capacity-len >= 0); Assert.assertTrue("Too low size to write "+len+" elems: "+rb, preSize+len <= capacity); Assert.assertTrue("Is full "+rb, !rb.isFull()); for(int i=0; i<len; i++) { Assert.assertTrue("Buffer is full at put #"+i+": "+rb, rb.put( Integer.valueOf(startValue+i) )); } Assert.assertEquals("Invalid size "+rb, preSize+len, rb.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Is empty "+rb, !rb.isEmpty()); } private void moveGetPutImpl(Ringbuffer<Integer> rb, int pos) { Assert.assertTrue("RB is empty "+rb, !rb.isEmpty()); for(int i=0; i<pos; i++) { Assert.assertEquals("MoveFull.get failed "+rb, i, rb.get().intValue()); Assert.assertTrue("MoveFull.put failed "+rb, rb.put(i)); } } private void movePutGetImpl(Ringbuffer<Integer> rb, int pos) { Assert.assertTrue("RB is full "+rb, !rb.isFull()); for(int i=0; i<pos; i++) { Assert.assertTrue("MoveEmpty.put failed "+rb, rb.put(600+i)); Assert.assertEquals("MoveEmpty.get failed "+rb, 600+i, rb.get().intValue()); } } @Test public void test01_FullRead() { final int capacity = 11; final Integer[] source = createIntArray(capacity, 0); final Ringbuffer<Integer> rb = createFull(source); Assert.assertEquals("Not full size "+rb, capacity, rb.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); readTestImpl(rb, true, capacity, capacity, 0); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); } @Test public void test02_EmptyWrite() { final int capacity = 11; final Ringbuffer<Integer> rb = createEmpty(capacity); Assert.assertEquals("Not zero size "+rb, 0, rb.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); writeTestImpl(rb, capacity, capacity, 0); Assert.assertEquals("Not full size "+rb, capacity, rb.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); readTestImpl(rb, true, capacity, capacity, 0); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); } @Test public void test03_FullReadReset() { final int capacity = 11; final Integer[] source = createIntArray(capacity, 0); final Ringbuffer<Integer> rb = createFull(source); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); rb.resetFull(source); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); readTestImpl(rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); rb.resetFull(source); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); readTestImpl(rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); } @Test public void test04_EmptyWriteClear() { final int capacity = 11; final Ringbuffer<Integer> rb = createEmpty(capacity); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); rb.clear(); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); writeTestImpl(rb, capacity, capacity, 0); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); readTestImpl(rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); rb.clear(); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); writeTestImpl(rb, capacity, capacity, 0); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); readTestImpl(rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); } @Test public void test05_ReadResetMid01() { final int capacity = 11; final Integer[] source = createIntArray(capacity, 0); final Ringbuffer<Integer> rb = createFull(source); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); rb.resetFull(source); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); readTestImpl(rb, false, capacity, 5, 0); Assert.assertTrue("Is empty "+rb, !rb.isEmpty()); Assert.assertTrue("Is Full "+rb, !rb.isFull()); if( DEBUG ) { rb.dump(System.err, "ReadReset01["+5+"].pre0"); } rb.resetFull(source); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); if( DEBUG ) { rb.dump(System.err, "ReadReset01["+5+"].post"); } readTestImpl(rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); } @Test public void test06_ReadResetMid02() { final int capacity = 11; final Integer[] source = createIntArray(capacity, 0); final Ringbuffer<Integer> rb = createFull(source); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); rb.resetFull(source); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); moveGetPutImpl(rb, 5); // readTestImpl(rb, false, capacity, 5, 0); // Assert.assertTrue("Is empty "+rb, !rb.isEmpty()); // Assert.assertTrue("Is Full "+rb, !rb.isFull()); if( DEBUG ) { rb.dump(System.err, "ReadReset02["+5+"].pre0"); } rb.resetFull(source); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); if( DEBUG ) { rb.dump(System.err, "ReadReset02["+5+"].post"); } readTestImpl(rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); } private void test_GrowEmptyImpl(int initCapacity, int pos) { final int growAmount = 5; final int grownCapacity = initCapacity+growAmount; final Integer[] growArray = new Integer[growAmount]; for(int i=0; i<growAmount; i++) { growArray[i] = Integer.valueOf(100+i); } final Ringbuffer<Integer> rb = createEmpty(initCapacity); if( DEBUG ) { rb.dump(System.err, "GrowEmpty["+pos+"].pre0"); } movePutGetImpl(rb, pos); if( DEBUG ) { rb.dump(System.err, "GrowEmpty["+pos+"].pre1"); } rb.growEmptyBuffer(growArray); if( DEBUG ) { rb.dump(System.err, "GrowEmpty["+pos+"].post"); } Assert.assertEquals("Wrong capacity "+rb, grownCapacity, rb.capacity()); Assert.assertEquals("Not growAmount size "+rb, growAmount, rb.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Is full "+rb, !rb.isFull()); Assert.assertTrue("Is empty "+rb, !rb.isEmpty()); for(int i=0; i<growAmount; i++) { Integer vI = rb.get(); Assert.assertNotNull("Empty at read #"+(i+1)+": "+rb, vI); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong value at read #"+(i+1)+": "+rb, 100+i, vI.intValue()); } Assert.assertEquals("Not zero size "+rb, 0, rb.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); Assert.assertTrue("Is full "+rb, !rb.isFull()); } @Test public void test10_GrowEmpty01_Begin() { test_GrowEmptyImpl(11, 0); } @Test public void test11_GrowEmpty02_Begin2() { test_GrowEmptyImpl(11, 0+2); } @Test public void test12_GrowEmpty03_End() { test_GrowEmptyImpl(11, 11-1); } @Test public void test13_GrowEmpty04_End2() { test_GrowEmptyImpl(11, 11-1-2); } private void test_GrowFullImpl(int initCapacity, int pos, boolean debug) { final int growAmount = 5; final int grownCapacity = initCapacity+growAmount; final Integer[] source = createIntArray(initCapacity, 0); final Ringbuffer<Integer> rb = createFull(source); if( DEBUG || debug ) { rb.dump(System.err, "GrowFull["+pos+"].pre0"); } moveGetPutImpl(rb, pos); if( DEBUG || debug ) { rb.dump(System.err, "GrowFull["+pos+"].pre1"); } rb.growFullBuffer(growAmount); if( DEBUG || debug ) { rb.dump(System.err, "GrowFull["+pos+"].post"); } Assert.assertEquals("Wrong capacity "+rb, grownCapacity, rb.capacity()); Assert.assertEquals("Not orig size "+rb, initCapacity, rb.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Is full "+rb, !rb.isFull()); Assert.assertTrue("Is empty "+rb, !rb.isEmpty()); for(int i=0; i<growAmount; i++) { Assert.assertTrue("Buffer is full at put #"+i+": "+rb, rb.put( Integer.valueOf(100+i) )); } Assert.assertEquals("Not new size "+rb, grownCapacity, rb.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Not full "+rb, rb.isFull()); for(int i=0; i<initCapacity; i++) { Integer vI = rb.get(); Assert.assertNotNull("Empty at read #"+(i+1)+": "+rb, vI); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong value at read #"+(i+1)+": "+rb, (pos+i)%initCapacity, vI.intValue()); } for(int i=0; i<growAmount; i++) { Integer vI = rb.get(); Assert.assertNotNull("Empty at read #"+(i+1)+": "+rb, vI); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong value at read #"+(i+1)+": "+rb, 100+i, vI.intValue()); } Assert.assertEquals("Not zero size "+rb, 0, rb.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Not empty "+rb, rb.isEmpty()); Assert.assertTrue("Is full "+rb, !rb.isFull()); } @Test public void test20_GrowFull01_Begin() { test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0, false); } @Test public void test21_GrowFull02_Begin1() { test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0+1, false); } @Test public void test22_GrowFull03_Begin2() { test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0+2, false); } @Test public void test23_GrowFull04_Begin3() { test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0+3, false); } @Test public void test24_GrowFull05_End() { test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1, false); } @Test public void test25_GrowFull11_End1() { test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1-1, false); } @Test public void test26_GrowFull12_End2() { test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1-2, false); } @Test public void test27_GrowFull13_End3() { test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1-3, false); } }