/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN * MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR * DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR * ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE * DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use * in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear * facility. * * Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored * and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline. */ package com.sun.gluegen.opengl; import com.sun.gluegen.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; public class BuildComposablePipeline { public static final int GEN_DEBUG = 1 << 0 ; // default public static final int GEN_TRACE = 1 << 1 ; // default public static final int GEN_CUSTOM = 1 << 2 ; public static final int GEN_PROLOG_XOR_DOWNSTREAM = 1 << 3 ; int mode; private String outputDir; private String outputPackage; private String outputName; private Class classToComposeAround; private Class classPrologOpt; private Class classDownstream; private String basePackage; private String baseName; // does not include package! private String downstreamPackage; private String downstreamName; // does not include package! // Only desktop OpenGL has immediate mode glBegin / glEnd private boolean hasImmediateMode; // Desktop OpenGL and GLES1 have GL_STACK_OVERFLOW and GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW errors private boolean hasStackOverflow; public static Class getClass(String name) { Class clazz=null; try { clazz = Class.forName(name); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not find class \"" + name + "\"", e); } return clazz; } public static Method getMethod(Class clazz, Method m) { Method res = null; try { res = clazz.getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes()); } catch (Exception e) { } return res; } public static void main(String[] args) { String classToComposeAroundName = args[0]; Class classPrologOpt, classDownstream; Class classToComposeAround = getClass(classToComposeAroundName); String outputDir = args[1]; String outputPackage, outputName; int mode; if(args.length>2) { String outputClazzName = args[2]; outputPackage = getPackageName(outputClazzName); outputName = getBaseClassName(outputClazzName); classPrologOpt = getClass(args[3]); classDownstream = getClass(args[4]); mode = GEN_CUSTOM; if(args.length>5) { if(args[5].equals("prolog_xor_downstream")) { mode |= GEN_PROLOG_XOR_DOWNSTREAM; } } } else { outputPackage = getPackageName(classToComposeAroundName); outputName = null; // TBD .. classPrologOpt = null; classDownstream = classToComposeAround; mode = GEN_DEBUG | GEN_TRACE; } BuildComposablePipeline composer = new BuildComposablePipeline(mode, outputDir, outputPackage, outputName, classToComposeAround, classPrologOpt, classDownstream); try { composer.emit(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Error generating composable pipeline source files", e); } } protected BuildComposablePipeline(int mode, String outputDir, String outputPackage, String outputName, Class classToComposeAround, Class classPrologOpt, Class classDownstream) { this.mode=mode; this.outputDir=outputDir; this.outputPackage=outputPackage; this.outputName=outputName; this.classToComposeAround=classToComposeAround; this.classPrologOpt=classPrologOpt; this.classDownstream=classDownstream; if (! classToComposeAround.isInterface()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( classToComposeAround.getName() + " is not an interface class"); } try { hasImmediateMode = (classToComposeAround.getMethod("glBegin", new Class[] { Integer.TYPE }) != null); } catch (Exception e) { } try { hasStackOverflow = (classToComposeAround.getField("GL_STACK_OVERFLOW") != null); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** * Emit the java source code for the classes that comprise the composable * pipeline. */ public void emit() throws IOException { List/*<Method>*/ publicMethodsRaw = new ArrayList(); publicMethodsRaw.addAll(Arrays.asList(classToComposeAround.getMethods())); Set/*<Method>*/ publicMethodsPlain = new HashSet(); for (Iterator iter=publicMethodsRaw.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Method method = (Method) iter.next(); // Don't hook methods which aren't real GL methods, // such as the synthetic "isGL2ES2" "getGL2ES2" String name = method.getName(); boolean runHooks = name.startsWith("gl"); if (!name.startsWith("getGL") && !name.startsWith("isGL") && !name.equals("toString")) { publicMethodsPlain.add(new PlainMethod(method, runHooks)); } } if(0!=(mode&GEN_DEBUG)) { (new DebugPipeline(outputDir, outputPackage, classToComposeAround, classDownstream)).emit(publicMethodsPlain.iterator()); } if(0!=(mode&GEN_TRACE)) { (new TracePipeline(outputDir, outputPackage, classToComposeAround, classDownstream)).emit(publicMethodsPlain.iterator()); } if(0!=(mode&GEN_CUSTOM)) { (new CustomPipeline(mode, outputDir, outputPackage, outputName, classToComposeAround, classPrologOpt, classDownstream)).emit(publicMethodsPlain.iterator()); } } public static String getPackageName(String clazzName) { int lastDot = clazzName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot == -1) { // no package, class is at root level return null; } return clazzName.substring(0, lastDot); } public static String getBaseClassName(String clazzName) { int lastDot = clazzName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot == -1) { // no package, class is at root level return clazzName; } return clazzName.substring(lastDot+1); } //------------------------------------------------------- protected class PlainMethod { Method m; boolean runHooks; public PlainMethod(Method m, boolean runHooks) { this.m=m; this.runHooks = runHooks; } public Method getWrappedMethod() { return m; } public boolean runHooks() { return runHooks; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(obj instanceof PlainMethod) { PlainMethod b = (PlainMethod)obj; boolean res = m.getName().equals(b.m.getName()) && m.getModifiers() == b.m.getModifiers() && m.getReturnType().equals(b.m.getReturnType()) && Arrays.equals( m.getParameterTypes() , b.m.getParameterTypes() ) ; return res; } return false; } public int hashCode() { int hash = m.getName().hashCode() ^ m.getModifiers() ^ m.getReturnType().hashCode(); Class[] args = m.getParameterTypes(); for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++) { hash ^= args[i].hashCode(); } return hash; } public String toString() { Class[] args = m.getParameterTypes(); StringBuffer argsString = new StringBuffer(); argsString.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (i > 0) argsString.append(", "); argsString.append(args[i].getName()); } argsString.append(")"); return m.toString() + "\n\tname: " + m.getName() + "\n\tmods: " + m.getModifiers() + "\n\tretu: " + m.getReturnType() + "\n\targs[" + args.length + "]: "+argsString.toString(); } } /** * Emits a Java source file that represents one element of the composable * pipeline. */ protected abstract class PipelineEmitter { private File file; protected String basePackage; protected String baseName; // does not include package! protected String downstreamPackage; protected String downstreamName; // does not include package! protected String prologPackageOpt=null; protected String prologNameOpt=null; // does not include package! protected String outputDir; protected String outputPackage; protected Class baseInterfaceClass; protected Class prologClassOpt=null; protected Class downstreamClass; /** * @param outputDir the directory into which the pipeline classes will be * generated. * @param baseInterfaceClassName the full class name (including package, * e.g. "java.lang.String") of the interface that the pipeline wraps * @exception IllegalArgumentException if classToComposeAround is not an * interface. */ public PipelineEmitter(String outputDir, String outputPackage, Class baseInterfaceClass, Class prologClassOpt, Class downstreamClass) { this.outputDir=outputDir; this.outputPackage=outputPackage; this.baseInterfaceClass=baseInterfaceClass; this.prologClassOpt=prologClassOpt; this.downstreamClass=downstreamClass; basePackage = getPackageName(baseInterfaceClass.getName()); baseName = getBaseClassName(baseInterfaceClass.getName()); downstreamPackage = getPackageName(downstreamClass.getName()); downstreamName = getBaseClassName(downstreamClass.getName()); if(null!=prologClassOpt) { prologPackageOpt = getPackageName(prologClassOpt.getName()); prologNameOpt = getBaseClassName(prologClassOpt.getName()); } } public void emit(Iterator/*<Method>*/ methodsToWrap) throws IOException { String outputClassName = getOutputName(); this.file = new File(outputDir + File.separatorChar + outputClassName + ".java"); String parentDir = file.getParent(); if (parentDir != null) { File pDirFile = new File(parentDir); pDirFile.mkdirs(); } PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))); HashSet clazzList = new HashSet(); clazzList.add(baseInterfaceClass); clazzList.addAll(Arrays.asList(baseInterfaceClass.getInterfaces())); String[] ifNames = new String[clazzList.size()]; { int i=0; for (Iterator iter=clazzList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ifNames[i++] = new String(((Class)iter.next()).getName()); } } clazzList.add(downstreamClass); if(null!=prologClassOpt) { clazzList.add(prologClassOpt); } String[] importNames = new String[clazzList.size()+2]; { int i=0; importNames[i++] = new String("java.io.*"); importNames[i++] = new String("javax.media.opengl.*"); for (Iterator iter=clazzList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { importNames[i++] = new String(((Class)iter.next()).getName()); } } CodeGenUtils.emitJavaHeaders(output, outputPackage, outputClassName, "com.sun.gluegen.runtime", // FIXME: should make configurable true, importNames, new String[] { "public" }, ifNames, null, new CodeGenUtils.EmissionCallback() { public void emit(PrintWriter w) { emitClassDocComment(w); } } ); preMethodEmissionHook(output); constructorHook(output); emitGLIsMethods(output); emitGLGetMethods(output); while (methodsToWrap.hasNext()) { PlainMethod pm = (PlainMethod)methodsToWrap.next(); Method m = pm.getWrappedMethod(); emitMethodDocComment(output, m); emitSignature(output, m); emitBody(output, m, pm.runHooks()); } postMethodEmissionHook(output); output.println(); output.print(" private " + downstreamName + " " + getDownstreamObjectName() + ";"); // end the class output.println(); output.print("} // end class "); output.println(outputClassName); output.flush(); output.close(); System.out.println("wrote to file: "+file); // JAU } /** Get the name of the object through which API calls should be routed. */ protected String getDownstreamObjectName() { return "downstream" + downstreamName; } /** Get the name of the object which shall be called as a prolog. */ protected String getPrologObjectNameOpt() { if(null!=prologNameOpt) { return "prolog" + prologNameOpt; } return null; } protected void emitMethodDocComment(PrintWriter output, Method m) { } protected void emitSignature(PrintWriter output, Method m) { output.print(" public "); output.print(' '); output.print(JavaType.createForClass(m.getReturnType()).getName()); output.print(' '); output.print(m.getName()); output.print('('); output.print(getArgListAsString(m, true, true)); output.println(")"); } protected void emitBody(PrintWriter output, Method m, boolean runHooks) { output.println(" {"); output.print(" "); Class retType = m.getReturnType(); boolean callPreDownstreamHook = runHooks && hasPreDownstreamCallHook(m); boolean callPostDownstreamHook = runHooks && hasPostDownstreamCallHook(m); boolean callDownstream = (null!=getMethod(downstreamClass, m)) && !( 0!=(GEN_PROLOG_XOR_DOWNSTREAM&getMode()) && callPreDownstreamHook ) ; boolean hasResult = (retType != Void.TYPE); if(!callDownstream) { if(!emptyDownstreamAllowed()) { throw new RuntimeException("Method "+m+" has no downstream ("+downstreamName+")"); } } if(!callPreDownstreamHook && !callPostDownstreamHook && !callDownstream) { if(!emptyMethodAllowed()) { throw new RuntimeException("Method "+m+" is empty, no downstream ("+downstreamName+") nor prolog ("+prologNameOpt+")."); } else { output.print(" if(DEBUG) { System.out.println(\"WARNING: No prolog, no downstream, empty: \"+"); printFunctionCallString(output, m); output.println("); } "); } } if (callPreDownstreamHook) { if(hasResult && !callDownstream) { if(callPostDownstreamHook) { output.print(" "+JavaType.createForClass(retType).getName()); output.print(" _res = "); } else { output.print(" return "); } } preDownstreamCallHook(output, m); } if(callDownstream) { if (hasResult) { if(callPostDownstreamHook) { output.print(" "+JavaType.createForClass(retType).getName()); output.print(" _res = "); } else { output.print(" return "); } } output.print(getDownstreamObjectName()); output.print('.'); output.print(m.getName()); output.print('('); output.print(getArgListAsString(m, false, true)); output.println(");"); } if (callPostDownstreamHook) { postDownstreamCallHook(output, m); } if (hasResult && callDownstream && callPostDownstreamHook) { output.println(" return _res;"); } output.println(" }"); } protected String getArgListAsString(Method m, boolean includeArgTypes, boolean includeArgNames) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(256); if (!includeArgNames && !includeArgTypes) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot generate arglist without both arg types and arg names"); } Class[] argTypes = m.getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; ++i) { if (includeArgTypes) { buf.append(JavaType.createForClass(argTypes[i]).getName()); buf.append(' '); } if (includeArgNames) { buf.append("arg"); buf.append(i); } if (i < argTypes.length-1) { buf.append(','); } } return buf.toString(); } /** The name of the class around which this pipeline is being * composed. E.g., if this pipeline was constructed with * "java.util.Set" as the baseInterfaceClassName, then this method will * return "Set". */ protected String getBaseInterfaceName() { return baseName; } /** Get the output name for this pipeline class. */ protected abstract String getOutputName(); /** * Called after the class headers have been generated, but before any * method wrappers have been generated. */ protected void preMethodEmissionHook(PrintWriter output) { output.println(" public static final boolean DEBUG = com.sun.opengl.impl.Debug.debug(\""+getOutputName()+"\");"); } /** * Emits the constructor for the pipeline; called after the preMethodEmissionHook. */ protected abstract void constructorHook(PrintWriter output); /** * Called after the method wrappers have been generated, but before the * closing parenthesis of the class is emitted. */ protected void postMethodEmissionHook(PrintWriter output) { output.println( " public String toString() {"); output.println( " StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();"); output.println( " sb.append(\""+getOutputName()+" [ implementing "+baseInterfaceClass.getName()+",\\n\\t\");"); if(null!=prologClassOpt) { output.println( " sb.append(\" prolog: \"+"+getPrologObjectNameOpt()+".toString()+\",\\n\\t\");"); } output.println( " sb.append(\" downstream: \"+"+getDownstreamObjectName()+".toString()+\"\\n\\t]\");"); output.println( " return sb.toString();"); output.println( " }"); } /** * Called before the pipeline routes the call to the downstream object. */ protected abstract void preDownstreamCallHook(PrintWriter output, Method m); protected abstract boolean hasPreDownstreamCallHook(Method m); /** * Called after the pipeline has routed the call to the downstream object, * but before the calling function exits or returns a value. */ protected abstract void postDownstreamCallHook(PrintWriter output, Method m); protected abstract boolean hasPostDownstreamCallHook(Method m); protected abstract int getMode(); protected abstract boolean emptyMethodAllowed(); protected abstract boolean emptyDownstreamAllowed(); /** Emit a Javadoc comment for this pipeline class. */ protected abstract void emitClassDocComment(PrintWriter output); /** * Emits one of the isGL* methods. */ protected void emitGLIsMethod(PrintWriter output, String type) { output.println(" public boolean is" + type + "() {"); Class clazz = BuildComposablePipeline.getClass("javax.media.opengl." + type); if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(baseInterfaceClass)) { output.println(" return true;"); } else { output.println(" return false;"); } output.println(" }"); } /** * Emits all of the isGL* methods. */ protected void emitGLIsMethods(PrintWriter output) { emitGLIsMethod(output, "GL"); emitGLIsMethod(output, "GL3"); emitGLIsMethod(output, "GL2"); emitGLIsMethod(output, "GLES1"); emitGLIsMethod(output, "GLES2"); emitGLIsMethod(output, "GL2ES1"); emitGLIsMethod(output, "GL2ES2"); output.println(" public boolean isGLES() {"); output.println(" return isGLES2() || isGLES1();"); output.println(" }"); } /** * Emits one of the getGL* methods. */ protected void emitGLGetMethod(PrintWriter output, String type) { output.println(" public javax.media.opengl." + type + " get" + type + "() {"); Class clazz = BuildComposablePipeline.getClass("javax.media.opengl." + type); if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(baseInterfaceClass)) { output.println(" return this;"); } else { output.println(" throw new GLException(\"Not a " + type + " implementation\");"); } output.println(" }"); } /** * Emits all of the getGL* methods. */ protected void emitGLGetMethods(PrintWriter output) { emitGLGetMethod(output, "GL"); emitGLGetMethod(output, "GL3"); emitGLGetMethod(output, "GL2"); emitGLGetMethod(output, "GLES1"); emitGLGetMethod(output, "GLES2"); emitGLGetMethod(output, "GL2ES1"); emitGLGetMethod(output, "GL2ES2"); output.println(" public GLProfile getGLProfile() {"); output.println(" return "+getDownstreamObjectName()+".getGLProfile();"); output.println(" }"); } } // end class PipelineEmitter //------------------------------------------------------- protected class CustomPipeline extends PipelineEmitter { String className; int mode; public CustomPipeline(int mode, String outputDir, String outputPackage, String outputName, Class baseInterfaceClass, Class prologClassOpt, Class downstreamClass) { super(outputDir, outputPackage, baseInterfaceClass, prologClassOpt, downstreamClass); className = outputName; this.mode = mode; } protected String getOutputName() { return className; } protected int getMode() { return mode; } protected boolean emptyMethodAllowed() { return true; } protected boolean emptyDownstreamAllowed() { return true; } protected void preMethodEmissionHook(PrintWriter output) { super.preMethodEmissionHook(output); } protected void constructorHook(PrintWriter output) { output.print( " public " + getOutputName() + "(" ); output.print( downstreamName + " " + getDownstreamObjectName() ); if(null!=prologNameOpt) { output.println( ", " + prologNameOpt + " " + getPrologObjectNameOpt() + ")"); } else { output.println(")"); } output.println(" {"); output.println(" if (" + getDownstreamObjectName() + " == null) {"); output.println(" throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"null " + getDownstreamObjectName() + "\");"); output.println(" }"); output.print( " this." + getDownstreamObjectName()); output.println(" = " + getDownstreamObjectName() + ";"); if(null!=prologNameOpt) { output.print( " this." + getPrologObjectNameOpt()); output.println(" = " + getPrologObjectNameOpt() + ";"); } output.println(" }"); output.println(); } protected void postMethodEmissionHook(PrintWriter output) { super.postMethodEmissionHook(output); if(null!=prologNameOpt) { output.print(" private " + prologNameOpt + " " + getPrologObjectNameOpt() + ";"); } } protected void emitClassDocComment(PrintWriter output) { output.println("/**"); output.println(" * Composable pipeline {@link "+outputPackage+"."+outputName+"}, implementing the interface"); output.println(" * {@link "+baseInterfaceClass.getName()+"}"); output.println(" * <p>"); output.println(" * Each method follows the call graph <ul>"); if(null!=prologClassOpt) { output.println(" * <li> call <em>prolog</em> {@link "+prologClassOpt.getName()+"} if available"); } output.println(" * <li> call <em>downstream</em> {@link "+downstreamClass.getName()+"} if available"); if(null!=prologClassOpt && 0!=(GEN_PROLOG_XOR_DOWNSTREAM&getMode())) { output.println(" * <strong>and</strong> if no call to {@link "+prologClassOpt.getName()+"} is made"); } output.println(" * </ul><p>"); output.println(" * "); output.println(" * <ul>"); output.println(" * <li> <em>Interface</em> {@link "+baseInterfaceClass.getName()+"}"); if(null!=prologClassOpt) { output.println(" * <li> <em>Prolog</em> {@link "+prologClassOpt.getName()+"}"); } output.println(" * <li> <em>Downstream</em> {@link "+downstreamClass.getName()+"}"); output.println(" * </ul><p>"); output.println(" * Sample code which installs this pipeline: </P>"); output.println(" * "); output.println("<PRE>"); if(null!=prologNameOpt) { output.println(" drawable.setGL( new "+className+"( drawable.getGL().getGL2ES2(), new "+prologNameOpt+"( drawable.getGL().getGL2ES2() ) ) );"); } else { output.println(" drawable.setGL( new "+className+"( drawable.getGL().getGL2ES2() ) );"); } output.println("</PRE>"); output.println("*/"); } protected boolean hasPreDownstreamCallHook(Method m) { return null!=getMethod(prologClassOpt, m); } protected void preDownstreamCallHook(PrintWriter output, Method m) { if(null!=prologNameOpt) { output.print(getPrologObjectNameOpt()); output.print('.'); output.print(m.getName()); output.print('('); output.print(getArgListAsString(m, false, true)); output.println(");"); } } protected boolean hasPostDownstreamCallHook(Method m) { return false; } protected void postDownstreamCallHook(PrintWriter output, Method m) { } } // end class CustomPipeline protected class DebugPipeline extends PipelineEmitter { String className; public DebugPipeline(String outputDir, String outputPackage, Class baseInterfaceClass, Class downstreamClass) { super(outputDir, outputPackage, baseInterfaceClass, null, downstreamClass); className = "Debug" + getBaseInterfaceName(); } protected String getOutputName() { return className; } protected int getMode() { return 0; } protected boolean emptyMethodAllowed() { return false; } protected boolean emptyDownstreamAllowed() { return false; } protected void preMethodEmissionHook(PrintWriter output) { super.preMethodEmissionHook(output); } protected void constructorHook(PrintWriter output) { output.print( " public " + getOutputName() + "(" ); output.println( downstreamName + " " + getDownstreamObjectName() + ")"); output.println(" {"); output.println(" if (" + getDownstreamObjectName() + " == null) {"); output.println(" throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"null " + getDownstreamObjectName() + "\");"); output.println(" }"); output.print( " this." + getDownstreamObjectName()); output.println(" = " + getDownstreamObjectName() + ";"); if(null!=prologNameOpt) { output.print( " this." + getPrologObjectNameOpt()); output.println(" = " + getPrologObjectNameOpt() + ";"); } output.println(" // Fetch GLContext object for better error checking (if possible)"); output.println(" _context = " + getDownstreamObjectName() + ".getContext();"); output.println(" }"); output.println(); } protected void postMethodEmissionHook(PrintWriter output) { super.postMethodEmissionHook(output); output.println(" private void checkGLGetError(String caller)"); output.println(" {"); if (hasImmediateMode) { output.println(" if (insideBeginEndPair) {"); output.println(" return;"); output.println(" }"); output.println(); } output.println(" // Debug code to make sure the pipeline is working; leave commented out unless testing this class"); output.println(" //System.err.println(\"Checking for GL errors " + "after call to \" + caller);"); output.println(); output.println(" int err = " + getDownstreamObjectName() + ".glGetError();"); output.println(" if (err == GL_NO_ERROR) { return; }"); output.println(); output.println(" StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(Thread.currentThread()+"); output.println(" \" glGetError() returned the following error codes " + "after a call to \" + caller + \": \");"); output.println(); output.println(" // Loop repeatedly to allow for distributed GL implementations,"); output.println(" // as detailed in the glGetError() specification"); output.println(" int recursionDepth = 10;"); output.println(" do {"); output.println(" switch (err) {"); output.println(" case GL_INVALID_ENUM: buf.append(\"GL_INVALID_ENUM \"); break;"); output.println(" case GL_INVALID_VALUE: buf.append(\"GL_INVALID_VALUE \"); break;"); output.println(" case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: buf.append(\"GL_INVALID_OPERATION \"); break;"); if (hasStackOverflow) { output.println(" case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: buf.append(\"GL_STACK_OVERFLOW \"); break;"); output.println(" case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: buf.append(\"GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW \"); break;"); } output.println(" case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: buf.append(\"GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY \"); break;"); output.println(" case GL_NO_ERROR: throw new InternalError(\"Should not be treating GL_NO_ERROR as error\");"); output.println(" default: buf.append(\"Unknown glGetError() return value: \");"); output.println(" }"); output.println(" buf.append(\"( \" + err + \" 0x\"+Integer.toHexString(err).toUpperCase() + \"), \");"); output.println(" } while ((--recursionDepth >= 0) && (err = " + getDownstreamObjectName() + ".glGetError()) != GL_NO_ERROR);"); output.println(" throw new GLException(buf.toString());"); output.println(" }"); if (hasImmediateMode) { output.println(" /** True if the pipeline is inside a glBegin/glEnd pair.*/"); output.println(" private boolean insideBeginEndPair = false;"); output.println(); } output.println(" private void checkContext() {"); output.println(" GLContext currentContext = GLContext.getCurrent();"); output.println(" if (currentContext == null) {"); output.println(" throw new GLException(\"No OpenGL context is current on this thread\");"); output.println(" }"); output.println(" if ((_context != null) && (_context != currentContext)) {"); output.println(" throw new GLException(\"This GL object is being incorrectly used with a different GLContext than that which created it\");"); output.println(" }"); output.println(" }"); output.println(" private GLContext _context;"); } protected void emitClassDocComment(PrintWriter output) { output.println("/** <P> Composable pipeline which wraps an underlying {@link GL} implementation,"); output.println(" providing error checking after each OpenGL method call. If an error occurs,"); output.println(" causes a {@link GLException} to be thrown at exactly the point of failure."); output.println(" Sample code which installs this pipeline: </P>"); output.println(); output.println("<PRE>"); output.println(" drawable.setGL(new DebugGL(drawable.getGL()));"); output.println("</PRE>"); output.println("*/"); } protected boolean hasPreDownstreamCallHook(Method m) { return true; } protected void preDownstreamCallHook(PrintWriter output, Method m) { output.println(" checkContext();"); } protected boolean hasPostDownstreamCallHook(Method m) { return true; } protected void postDownstreamCallHook(PrintWriter output, Method m) { if (m.getName().equals("glBegin")) { output.println(" insideBeginEndPair = true;"); output.println(" // NOTE: can't check glGetError(); it's not allowed inside glBegin/glEnd pair"); } else { if (m.getName().equals("glEnd")) { output.println(" insideBeginEndPair = false;"); } output.println(" String txt = new String(\""+ m.getName() + "(\" +"); Class[] params = m.getParameterTypes() ; for(int i=0; params!=null && i<params.length; i++) { if(params[i].equals(int.class)) { output.println(" \"<"+params[i].getName()+"> 0x\"+Integer.toHexString(arg"+i+").toUpperCase() +"); } else { output.println(" \"<"+params[i].getName()+">\" +"); } if(i<params.length-1) { output.println(" \", \" +"); } } output.println(" \")\");"); // calls to glGetError() are only allowed outside of glBegin/glEnd pairs output.println(" checkGLGetError( txt );"); } } } // end class DebugPipeline //------------------------------------------------------- protected class TracePipeline extends PipelineEmitter { String className; public TracePipeline(String outputDir, String outputPackage, Class baseInterfaceClass, Class downstreamClass) { super(outputDir, outputPackage, baseInterfaceClass, null, downstreamClass); className = "Trace" + getBaseInterfaceName(); } protected String getOutputName() { return className; } protected int getMode() { return 0; } protected boolean emptyMethodAllowed() { return false; } protected boolean emptyDownstreamAllowed() { return false; } protected void preMethodEmissionHook(PrintWriter output) { super.preMethodEmissionHook(output); } protected void constructorHook(PrintWriter output) { output.print( " public " + getOutputName() + "(" ); output.println( downstreamName + " " + getDownstreamObjectName() + ", PrintStream " + getOutputStreamName() + ")"); output.println(" {"); output.println(" if (" + getDownstreamObjectName() + " == null) {"); output.println(" throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"null " + getDownstreamObjectName() + "\");"); output.println(" }"); output.print( " this." + getDownstreamObjectName()); output.println(" = " + getDownstreamObjectName() + ";"); output.print( " this." + getOutputStreamName()); output.println(" = " + getOutputStreamName() + ";"); output.println(" }"); output.println(); } protected void postMethodEmissionHook(PrintWriter output) { super.postMethodEmissionHook(output); output.println("private PrintStream " + getOutputStreamName() + ";"); output.println("private int indent = 0;"); output.println("protected String dumpArray(Object obj)"); output.println("{"); output.println(" if (obj == null) return \"[null]\";"); output.println(" StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(\"[\");"); output.println(" int len = java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(obj);"); output.println(" int count = Math.min(len,16);"); output.println(" for ( int i =0; i < count; i++ ) {"); output.println(" sb.append(java.lang.reflect.Array.get(obj,i));"); output.println(" if (i < count-1)"); output.println(" sb.append(',');"); output.println(" }"); output.println(" if ( len > 16 )"); output.println(" sb.append(\"...\").append(len);"); output.println(" sb.append(']');"); output.println(" return sb.toString();"); output.println("}"); output.println("protected void print(String str)"); output.println("{"); output.println(" "+getOutputStreamName()+".print(str);"); output.println("}"); output.println("protected void println(String str)"); output.println("{"); output.println(" "+getOutputStreamName()+".println(str);"); output.println("}"); output.println("protected void printIndent()"); output.println("{"); output.println(" for( int i =0; i < indent; i++) {"+getOutputStreamName()+".print(' ');}"); output.println("}"); } protected void emitClassDocComment(PrintWriter output) { output.println("/** <P> Composable pipeline which wraps an underlying {@link GL} implementation,"); output.println(" providing tracing information to a user-specified {@link java.io.PrintStream}"); output.println(" before and after each OpenGL method call. Sample code which installs this pipeline: </P>"); output.println(); output.println("<PRE>"); output.println(" drawable.setGL(new TraceGL(drawable.getGL(), System.err));"); output.println("</PRE>"); output.println("*/"); } protected boolean hasPreDownstreamCallHook(Method m) { return true; } protected void preDownstreamCallHook(PrintWriter output, Method m) { if ( m.getName().equals("glEnd") || m.getName().equals("glEndList")) { output.println("indent-=2;"); output.println(" printIndent();"); } else { output.println("printIndent();"); } output.print(" println("); printFunctionCallString(output, m); output.println(");"); } protected boolean hasPostDownstreamCallHook(Method m) { return true; } protected void postDownstreamCallHook(PrintWriter output, Method m) { Class ret = m.getReturnType(); if ( ret != Void.TYPE ) { output.println(" println(\" = \"+_res);"); } else { output.println(" println(\"\");"); } } private String getOutputStreamName() { return "stream"; } } // end class TracePipeline public static final void printFunctionCallString(PrintWriter output, Method m) { Class[] params = m.getParameterTypes(); output.print(" \"" + m.getName() + "(\""); for ( int i =0; i < params.length; i++ ) { if ( params[i].isArray() ) { output.print("+\"<"+params[i].getName()+">\""); } else if(params[i].equals(int.class)) { output.print("+\"<"+params[i].getName()+"> 0x\"+Integer.toHexString(arg"+i+").toUpperCase()"); } else { output.print("+\"<"+params[i].getName()+">\"+arg"+i); } if ( i < params.length-1) { output.print("+\",\""); } } output.print("+\")\""); } }