/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN * MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR * DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR * ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE * DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use * in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear * facility. * * Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored * and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline. */ package com.jogamp.gluegen; import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag.ASTLocusTagProvider; import com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter.EmissionStyle; import com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter.MethodAccess; import com.jogamp.gluegen.Logging.LoggerIf; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import com.jogamp.gluegen.jgram.*; import com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.*; import static java.util.logging.Level.*; import static com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter.MethodAccess.*; import static com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaEmitter.EmissionStyle.*; /** Parses and provides access to the contents of .cfg files for the JavaEmitter. */ public class JavaConfiguration { private int nestedReads; private String libraryOnLoadName; private String packageName; private String implPackageName; private String className; private String implClassName; protected final LoggerIf LOG; public static String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); /** * Root directory for the hierarchy of generated java classes. Default is * working directory. */ private String javaOutputDir = "."; /** * Top output root directory for all generated files. Default is null, ie not to use it. */ private String outputRootDir = null; /** * Directory into which generated native JNI code will be written. Default * is current working directory. */ private String nativeOutputDir = "."; /** * If true, then each native *.c and *.h file will be generated in the * directory nativeOutputDir/packageAsPath(packageName). Default is false. */ private boolean nativeOutputUsesJavaHierarchy; /** * If true, then the comment of a native method binding will include a @native tag * to allow taglets to augment the javadoc with additional information regarding * the mapped C function. Defaults to false. */ private boolean tagNativeBinding; /** * If true, {@link TypeConfig.SemanticEqualityOp#equalSemantics(TypeConfig.SemanticEqualityOp)} * will attempt to perform a relaxed semantic equality test, e.g. skip the {@code const} and {@code volatile} qualifiers. * Otherwise a full semantic equality test will be performed. */ private boolean relaxedEqualSemanticsTest; /** * Style of code emission. Can emit everything into one class * (AllStatic), separate interface and implementing classes * (InterfaceAndImpl), only the interface (InterfaceOnly), or only * the implementation (ImplOnly). */ private EmissionStyle emissionStyle = AllStatic; /** * List of imports to emit at the head of the output files. */ private final List imports = new ArrayList(); /** * The package in which the generated glue code expects to find its * run-time helper classes (Buffers, Platform, * StructAccessor). Defaults to "com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime". */ private String gluegenRuntimePackage = "com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime"; /** * The kind of exception raised by the generated code if run-time * checks fail. Defaults to RuntimeException. */ private String runtimeExceptionType = "RuntimeException"; private String unsupportedExceptionType = "UnsupportedOperationException"; private final Map accessControl = new HashMap(); private final Map typeInfoMap = new HashMap(); private final Set returnsString = new HashSet(); private final Set returnsStringOnly = new HashSet(); private final Map returnsOpaqueJType = new HashMap(); private final Map returnedArrayLengths = new HashMap(); private final Set maxOneElement = new HashSet(); /** Pascal string argument index tuple for length and value. */ public static class PascalStringIdx { public final int lengthIndex; public final int valueIndex; PascalStringIdx(final int lenIdx, final int valIdx) { lengthIndex = lenIdx; valueIndex = valIdx; } public void pushValueIndex(final List indices) { indices.add(valueIndex); } public static final List pushValueIndex(final List source, List indices) { if( null == indices ) { indices = new ArrayList(2); } for(final PascalStringIdx p : source) { p.pushValueIndex(indices); } return indices; } @Override public String toString() { return "PascalString[lenIdx "+lengthIndex+", valIdx "+valueIndex+"]"; } } /** * Key is function that has some byte[] or short[] arguments that should be * converted to String args; value is List of Integer argument indices */ private final Map> argumentsAreString = new HashMap>(); /** * Key is function that has a pascal string, i.e. length and some byte[] or short[] arguments that should be * converted to String args; value is a list of PascalStringArg */ private final Map> argumentsArePascalString = new HashMap>(); /** JavaCallback configuration definition (static) */ public static class JavaCallbackDef { final String cbFuncTypeName; final int cbFuncUserParamIdx; final String setFuncName; final int setFuncUserParamIdx; // optional final List cbFuncKeyIndices = new ArrayList(); final String userParamClassName; // optional final String customKeyClassName; // optional final List setFuncKeyIndices = new ArrayList(); JavaCallbackDef(final String cbFuncTypeName, final int cbFuncUserParamIdx, final String setFuncName, final int setFuncUserParamIdx, final String userParamClassName, final String customKeyClassName) { this.cbFuncTypeName = cbFuncTypeName; this.cbFuncUserParamIdx = cbFuncUserParamIdx; this.setFuncName = setFuncName; this.setFuncUserParamIdx = setFuncUserParamIdx; this.userParamClassName = userParamClassName; this.customKeyClassName = customKeyClassName; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("JavaCallbackDef[cbFunc[type %s, userParamIdx %d, keys %s], set[%s, keys %s, userParamIdx %d], Class[UserParam %s, Key %s]]", cbFuncTypeName, cbFuncUserParamIdx, cbFuncKeyIndices.toString(), setFuncName, setFuncKeyIndices.toString(), setFuncUserParamIdx, userParamClassName, customKeyClassName); } } private final List javaCallbackList = new ArrayList(); private final Map javaCallbackSetFuncToDef = new HashMap(); private final Set extendedIntfSymbolsIgnore = new HashSet(); private final Set extendedIntfSymbolsOnly = new HashSet(); private final Set extendedImplSymbolsIgnore = new HashSet(); private final Set extendedImplSymbolsOnly = new HashSet(); private final Set ignores = new HashSet(); private final Map ignoreMap = new HashMap(); private final Set ignoreNots = new HashSet(); private final Set unignores = new HashSet(); private final Set unimplemented = new HashSet(); private boolean forceUseNIOOnly4All = false; private final Set useNIOOnly = new HashSet(); private boolean forceUseNIODirectOnly4All = false; private final Set useNIODirectOnly = new HashSet(); private final Set immutableAccessSymbols = new HashSet(); private final Set manuallyImplement = new HashSet(); private final Map delegatedImplementation = new HashMap(); private final Map> customJavaCode = new HashMap>(); private final Map> customJNICode = new HashMap>(); private final Map> classJavadoc = new HashMap>(); private final Map> methodJavadoc = new HashMap>(); private final Map structPackages = new HashMap(); private final List customCCode = new ArrayList(); private final List forcedStructs = new ArrayList(); private final Map structMachineDataInfoIndex = new HashMap(); private final Map returnValueCapacities = new HashMap(); private final Map returnValueLengths = new HashMap(); private final Map> temporaryCVariableDeclarations = new HashMap>(); private final Map> temporaryCVariableAssignments = new HashMap>(); private final Map> extendedInterfaces = new HashMap>(); private final Map> implementedInterfaces = new HashMap>(); private final Map parentClass = new HashMap(); private final Map javaTypeRenames = new HashMap(); private final Map javaSymbolRenames = new HashMap(); private final Map> javaRenamedSymbols = new HashMap>(); private final Map> javaPrologues = new HashMap>(); private final Map> javaEpilogues = new HashMap>(); public JavaConfiguration() { LOG = Logging.getLogger(JavaConfiguration.class.getPackage().getName(), JavaConfiguration.class.getSimpleName()); } /** Reads the configuration file. @param filename path to file that should be read */ public final void read(final String filename) throws IOException { read(filename, null); } /** Reads the specified file, treating each line as if it started with the specified string. @param filename path to file that should be read @param linePrefix if not null, treat each line read as if it were prefixed with the specified string. */ protected final void read(final String filename, final String linePrefix) throws IOException { final File file = new File(filename); BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); } catch (final FileNotFoundException fnfe) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not read file \"" + file + "\"", fnfe); } int lineNo = 0; String line = null; final boolean hasPrefix = linePrefix != null && linePrefix.length() > 0; try { ++nestedReads; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { ++lineNo; if (hasPrefix) { line = linePrefix + " " + line; } if (line.trim().startsWith("#")) { // comment line continue; } final StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(line); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { // always reset delimiters in case of CustomJavaCode, etc. final String cmd = tok.nextToken(" \t\n\r\f"); dispatch(cmd, tok, file, filename, lineNo); } } reader.close(); } finally { --nestedReads; } if (nestedReads == 0) { if (allStatic() && implClassName != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error in configuration file \"" + filename + "\": Cannot use " + "directive \"ImplJavaClass\" in conjunction with " + "\"Style AllStatic\""); } if (className == null && (emissionStyle() != ImplOnly)) { // throw new RuntimeException("Output class name was not specified in configuration file \"" + filename + "\""); } if (packageName == null && (emissionStyle() != ImplOnly)) { throw new RuntimeException("Output package name was not specified in configuration file \"" + filename + "\""); } if (allStatic()) { implClassName = className; // If we're using the "Style AllStatic" directive, then the // implPackageName is the same as the regular package name implPackageName = packageName; } else { if (implClassName == null) { // implClassName defaults to "Impl" if ImplJavaClass // directive is not used if (className == null) { throw new RuntimeException("If ImplJavaClass is not specified, must specify JavaClass"); } implClassName = className + "Impl"; } if (implPackageName == null) { // implPackageName defaults to ".impl" if ImplPackage // directive is not used if (packageName == null) { throw new RuntimeException("If ImplPackageName is not specified, must specify PackageName"); } implPackageName = packageName + ".impl"; } } } } public void setOutputRootDir(final String s) { outputRootDir=s; } /** Returns the library basename used to {@link CCodeUnit#emitJNIOnLoadJNIEnvCode(String)}. */ public String libraryOnLoadName() { return libraryOnLoadName; } /** Returns the package name parsed from the configuration file. */ public String packageName() { return packageName; } /** Returns the implementation package name parsed from the configuration file. */ public String implPackageName() { return implPackageName; } /** Returns the class name parsed from the configuration file. */ public String className() { return className; } /** Returns the implementation class name parsed from the configuration file. */ public String implClassName() { return implClassName; } public boolean structsOnly() { return className == null && implClassName == null; } /** Returns the Java code output directory parsed from the configuration file. */ public String javaOutputDir() { return (null != outputRootDir) ? (outputRootDir + "/" + javaOutputDir) : javaOutputDir; } /** Returns the native code output directory parsed from the configuration file. */ public String nativeOutputDir() { return (null != outputRootDir) ? (outputRootDir + "/" + nativeOutputDir) : nativeOutputDir; } /** Returns whether the native code directory structure mirrors the Java hierarchy. */ public boolean nativeOutputUsesJavaHierarchy() { return nativeOutputUsesJavaHierarchy; } /** Returns whether the comment of a native method binding should include a @native tag. */ public boolean tagNativeBinding() { return tagNativeBinding; } /** * Returns whether {@link TypeConfig.SemanticEqualityOp#equalSemantics(TypeConfig.SemanticEqualityOp)} * shall attempt to perform a relaxed semantic equality test, e.g. skip the {@code const} and {@code volatile} qualifier * - or not. */ public boolean relaxedEqualSemanticsTest() { return relaxedEqualSemanticsTest; } /** Returns the code emission style (constants in JavaEmitter) parsed from the configuration file. */ public EmissionStyle emissionStyle() { return emissionStyle; } /** * Returns the access control for the given method-name * or fully qualified class-name. */ public MethodAccess accessControl(final String name) { final MethodAccess ret = accessControl.get(name); if (ret != null) { return ret; } // Default access control is public return PUBLIC; } /** Returns the package in which the generated glue code expects to find its run-time helper classes (Buffers, Platform, StructAccessor). Defaults to "com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime". */ public String gluegenRuntimePackage() { return gluegenRuntimePackage; } /** Returns the kind of exception to raise if run-time checks fail in the generated code. */ public String runtimeExceptionType() { return runtimeExceptionType; } /** Returns the kind of exception to raise if run-time checks fail in the generated code. */ public String unsupportedExceptionType() { return unsupportedExceptionType; } /** Returns the list of imports that should be emitted at the top of each .java file. */ public List imports() { return imports; } private static final boolean DEBUG_TYPE_INFO = false; /** * If the given {@code canonicalName} should be considered opaque, * returns the TypeInfo describing the replacement type. *

* Returns null if this type should not be considered opaque. *


* If symbol references a struct fields, see {@link #canonicalStructFieldSymbol(String, String)}, * it describes field's array-length or element-count referenced by a pointer. *

*/ public TypeInfo canonicalNameOpaque(final String canonicalName) { return typeInfoMap.get(canonicalName); } /** If this type should be considered opaque, returns the TypeInfo describing the replacement type. Returns null if this type should not be considered opaque. */ public TypeInfo typeInfo(Type type) { // Because typedefs of pointer types can show up at any point, // walk the pointer chain looking for a typedef name that is in // the TypeInfo map. if (DEBUG_TYPE_INFO) System.err.println("Incoming type = " + type + ", " + type.getDebugString()); final int pointerDepth = type.pointerDepth(); for (int i = 0; i <= pointerDepth; i++) { String name = type.getName(); if (DEBUG_TYPE_INFO) { System.err.printf(" [%2d] Name = %s%n", i, name); System.err.printf(" [%2d] Type = %s, pointerDepth %d, %s%n", i, type, type.pointerDepth(), type.getDebugString()); } if (name != null) { final TypeInfo info = closestTypeInfo(name, i + type.pointerDepth()); if (info != null) { final TypeInfo res = promoteTypeInfo(info, i); if (DEBUG_TYPE_INFO) { System.err.printf(" [A][%2d] name %s%n", i, name); System.err.printf(" [A][%2d] info %s%n", i, info.toString()); System.err.printf(" [A][%2d] res %s%n", i, res.toString()); } return res; } } if (type.isCompound()) { // Try struct name as well name = type.asCompound().getStructName(); if (name != null) { final TypeInfo info = closestTypeInfo(name, i + type.pointerDepth()); if (info != null) { final TypeInfo res = promoteTypeInfo(info, i); if (DEBUG_TYPE_INFO) { System.err.printf(" [A][%2d] name %s%n", i, name); System.err.printf(" [A][%2d] info %s%n", i, info.toString()); System.err.printf(" [A][%2d] res %s%n", i, res.toString()); } return res; } } } if (type.isPointer()) { type = type.asPointer().getTargetType(); } } if (DEBUG_TYPE_INFO) { System.err.println(" [X] NULL"); } return null; } // Helper functions for above private TypeInfo closestTypeInfo(final String name, final int pointerDepth) { TypeInfo info = typeInfoMap.get(name); TypeInfo closest = null; while (info != null) { if (DEBUG_TYPE_INFO) { System.err.println(" Checking TypeInfo for " + name + " at pointerDepth " + pointerDepth); } if (info.pointerDepth() <= pointerDepth && (closest == null || info.pointerDepth() > closest.pointerDepth())) { if (DEBUG_TYPE_INFO) { System.err.println(" Accepted"); } closest = info; } info = info.next(); } return closest; } // Promotes a TypeInfo to a higher pointer type (if necessary) private TypeInfo promoteTypeInfo(final TypeInfo info, final int numPointersStripped) { final int pd = info.pointerDepth(); int diff = numPointersStripped - pd; if (diff == 0) { return info; } if (diff < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("TypeInfo for " + info.name() + " and pointerDepth " + info.pointerDepth() + " should not have matched for depth " + numPointersStripped); } Class c = info.javaType().getJavaClass(); // Handle single-pointer stripping for types compatible with C // integral and floating-point types specially so we end up // generating NIO variants for these if (diff == 1) { JavaType jt = null; if (c == Boolean.TYPE) jt = JavaType.createForCCharPointer(); else if (c == Byte.TYPE) jt = JavaType.createForCCharPointer(); else if (c == Short.TYPE) jt = JavaType.createForCShortPointer(); else if (c == Integer.TYPE) jt = JavaType.createForCInt32Pointer(); else if (c == Long.TYPE) jt = JavaType.createForCInt64Pointer(); else if (c == Float.TYPE) jt = JavaType.createForCFloatPointer(); else if (c == Double.TYPE) jt = JavaType.createForCDoublePointer(); if (jt != null) return new TypeInfo(info.name(), numPointersStripped, jt); } while (diff > 0) { c = Array.newInstance(c, 0).getClass(); --diff; } return new TypeInfo(info.name(), numPointersStripped, JavaType.createForClass(c)); } /** Indicates whether the given function (which returns a char* in C) should be translated as returning a java.lang.String. */ public boolean returnsString(final String functionName) { return returnsString.contains(functionName); } /** Indicates whether the given function (which returns a char* in C) should be translated as returning a java.lang.String. */ public boolean returnsString(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { return returnsString.contains( symbol.getName() ) || oneInSet(returnsString, symbol.getAliasedNames()); } /** Indicates whether the given function (which returns a char* in C) should be translated as returning a java.lang.String only. Excluding other variants for struct field access. */ public boolean returnsStringOnly(final String functionName) { return returnsStringOnly.contains(functionName); } /** Returns the list of all configured JavaCallback definitions. */ public List getJavaCallbackList() { return javaCallbackList; } /** Returns the configured JavaCallback definition mapped to the JavaCallback-Set-Function name. */ public JavaCallbackDef javaCallbackSetFuncToDef(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { final String name = symbol.getName(); final Set aliases = symbol.getAliasedNames(); JavaCallbackDef res = javaCallbackSetFuncToDef.get(name); if( null == res ) { res = oneInMap(javaCallbackSetFuncToDef, aliases); } return res; } /** * Returns a MessageFormat string of the Java expression calculating * the number of elements in the returned array from the specified function * name or struct-field array-size. The literal 1 indicates a constant single object. *

* If symbol references a struct fields, see {@link #canonicalStructFieldSymbol(String, String)}, * it describes field's array-length or element-count referenced by a pointer. *


* In case of struct fields, this array length will also be used * for the native C function, i.e. multiplied w/ sizeof(C-Type) * and passed down to native code, if not overriden by * either {@link #returnValueCapacity(String)} or {@link #returnValueLength(String)}! *

*/ public String returnedArrayLength(final String symbol) { return returnedArrayLengths.get(symbol); } /** * Indicates whether the given symbol covers no or one single object. * This is useful for struct-field pointer, indicating a null value * holding no object or at most referincing memory for one single object. */ public boolean maxOneElement(final String symbol) { return maxOneElement.contains(symbol); } /** Returns a list of Integers which are the indices of const char* arguments that should be converted to Strings. Returns null if there are no such hints for the given function alias symbol. */ public List stringArguments(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { final String name = symbol.getName(); final Set aliases = symbol.getAliasedNames(); List res = argumentsAreString.get(name); if( null == res ) { res = oneInMap(argumentsAreString, aliases); if( null == res ) { return null; } } LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "ArgumentsAreString: {0} -> {1}", symbol, res); return res; } /** Returns a list of PascalStringIdx which are tuples of indices of int len, const char* arguments that should be converted to Strings. Returns null if there are no such hints for the given function alias symbol. */ public List pascalStringArgument(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { final String name = symbol.getName(); final Set aliases = symbol.getAliasedNames(); List res = argumentsArePascalString.get(name); if( null == res ) { res = oneInMap(argumentsArePascalString, aliases); if( null == res ) { return null; } } LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "ArgumentIsPascalString: {0} -> {1}", symbol, res); return res; } public int pascalStringLengthIndex(final AliasedSymbol symbol, final int valueIndex) { final List pascals = pascalStringArgument(symbol); if( null != pascals ) { for(final PascalStringIdx p : pascals) { if( valueIndex == p.valueIndex ) { return p.lengthIndex; } } } return -1; } public boolean isForceUsingNIOOnly4All() { return forceUseNIOOnly4All; } public void addUseNIOOnly(final String fname ) { useNIOOnly.add(fname); } /** Returns true if the given function should only create a java.nio variant, and no array variants, for void* and other C primitive pointers. NIO only still allows usage of array backed not direct Buffers. */ public boolean useNIOOnly(final String functionName) { return useNIODirectOnly(functionName) || forceUseNIOOnly4All || useNIOOnly.contains(functionName); } public void addUseNIODirectOnly(final String fname ) { useNIODirectOnly.add(fname); } /** Returns true if the given function should only create a java.nio variant, and no array variants, for void* and other C primitive pointers. NIO direct only does only allow direct Buffers. Implies useNIOOnly ! */ public boolean useNIODirectOnly(final String functionName) { return forceUseNIODirectOnly4All || useNIODirectOnly.contains(functionName); } /** Returns a list of Strings containing user-implemented code for the given Java type name (not fully-qualified, only the class name); returns either null or an empty list if there is no custom code for the class. */ public List customJavaCodeForClass(final String className) { List res = customJavaCode.get(className); if (res == null) { res = new ArrayList(); customJavaCode.put(className, res); } return res; } /** Returns a list of Strings containing user-implemented JNI code for the given Java type name (not fully-qualified, only the class name); returns either null or an empty list if there is no custom code for the class. */ public List customJNICodeForClass(final String className) { List res = customJNICode.get(className); if (res == null) { res = new ArrayList(); customJNICode.put(className, res); } return res; } public List javadocForMethod(final String methodName) { List res = methodJavadoc.get(methodName); if (res == null) { res = new ArrayList(); methodJavadoc.put(methodName, res); } return res; } /** Returns a list of Strings containing Javadoc documentation for the given Java type name (not fully-qualified, only the class name); returns either null or an empty list if there is no Javadoc documentation for the class. */ public List javadocForClass(final String className) { List res = classJavadoc.get(className); if (res == null) { res = new ArrayList(); classJavadoc.put(className, res); } return res; } /** Returns the package into which to place the glue code for accessing the specified struct. Defaults to emitting into the regular package (i.e., the result of {@link #packageName}). */ public String packageForStruct(final String structName) { String res = structPackages.get(structName); if (res == null) { res = packageName; } return res; } /** Returns, as a List of Strings, the custom C code to be emitted along with the glue code for the main class. */ public List customCCode() { return customCCode; } /** Returns, as a List of Strings, the structs for which glue code emission should be forced. */ public List forcedStructs() { return forcedStructs; } /** * Returns a MessageFormat string of the Java code defining {@code mdIdx}, * i.e. the index of the static MachineDescriptor index for structs. *

* If undefined, code generation uses the default expression: *

   *     private static final int mdIdx = MachineDataInfoRuntime.getStatic().ordinal();

*/ public String returnStructMachineDataInfoIndex(final String structName) { return structMachineDataInfoIndex.get(structName); } /** * Returns a MessageFormat string of the C expression calculating * the capacity of the java.nio.ByteBuffer being returned from a * native method, or null if no expression has been specified. *

* If symbol references a struct fields, see {@link #canonicalStructFieldSymbol(String, String)}, * it describes field's array-length or element-count referenced by a pointer. *

*/ public String returnValueCapacity(final String functionName) { return returnValueCapacities.get(functionName); } /** * Returns a MessageFormat string of the C expression calculating * the length of the array being returned from a native method. *

* If symbol references a struct fields, see {@link #canonicalStructFieldSymbol(String, String)}, * it describes field's array-length or element-count referenced by a pointer. *

*/ public String returnValueLength(final String symbol) { return returnValueLengths.get(symbol); } /** Returns a List of Strings of expressions declaring temporary C variables in the glue code for the specified function. */ public List temporaryCVariableDeclarations(final String functionName) { return temporaryCVariableDeclarations.get(functionName); } /** Returns a List of Strings of expressions containing assignments to temporary C variables in the glue code for the specified function. */ public List temporaryCVariableAssignments(final String functionName) { return temporaryCVariableAssignments.get(functionName); } /** Returns a List of Strings indicating the interfaces the passed interface should declare it extends. May return null or a list of zero length if there are none. */ public List extendedInterfaces(final String interfaceName) { List res = extendedInterfaces.get(interfaceName); if (res == null) { res = new ArrayList(); extendedInterfaces.put(interfaceName, res); } return res; } /** Returns a List of Strings indicating the interfaces the passed class should declare it implements. May return null or a list of zero length if there are none. */ public List implementedInterfaces(final String className) { List res = implementedInterfaces.get(className); if (res == null) { res = new ArrayList(); implementedInterfaces.put(className, res); } return res; } /** Returns a List of Strings indicating the interfaces the passed class should declare it implements. May return null or a list of zero length if there are none. */ public String extendedParentClass(final String className) { return parentClass.get(className); } public void logIgnoresOnce() { if(!loggedIgnores) { loggedIgnores = true; logIgnores(); } } private static boolean loggedIgnores = false; public void logIgnores() { LOG.log(INFO, "Extended Intf: {0}", extendedIntfSymbolsIgnore.size()); for (final String str : extendedIntfSymbolsIgnore) { LOG.log(INFO, "\t{0}", str); } LOG.log(INFO, "Extended Impl: {0}", extendedImplSymbolsIgnore.size()); for (final String str : extendedImplSymbolsIgnore) { LOG.log(INFO, "\t{0}", str); } LOG.log(INFO, "Ignores (All): {0}", ignores.size()); for (final Pattern pattern : ignores) { LOG.log(INFO, "\t{0}", pattern); } } public void logRenamesOnce() { if(!loggedRenames) { loggedRenames = true; logRenames(); } } private static boolean loggedRenames = false; public void logRenames() { LOG.log(INFO, "Symbol Renames: {0}", javaSymbolRenames.size()); for (final String key : javaSymbolRenames.keySet()) { LOG.log(INFO, "\t{0} -> {1}", key, javaSymbolRenames.get(key)); } LOG.log(INFO, "Symbol Aliasing (through renaming): {0}", javaSymbolRenames.size()); for(final String newName : javaSymbolRenames.values()) { final Set origNames = javaRenamedSymbols.get(newName); if(null!=origNames) { LOG.log(INFO, "\t{0} <- {1}", newName, origNames); } } } public static V oneInMap(final Map map, final Set symbols) { if( null != map && map.size() > 0 && null != symbols && symbols.size() > 0 ) { for(final K sym : symbols) { final V v = map.get(sym); if( null != v ) { return v; } } } return null; } public static boolean oneInSet(final Set set1, final Set set2) { if( null != set1 && set1.size() > 0 && null != set2 && set2.size() > 0 ) { for(final K sym : set2) { if( set1.contains( sym ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } private static boolean onePatternMatch(final Pattern ignoreRegexp, final Set set) { if( null != ignoreRegexp && null != set && set.size() > 0 ) { for(final String sym : set) { final Matcher matcher = ignoreRegexp.matcher(sym); if (matcher.matches()) { return true; } } } return false; } protected static ASTLocusTag getASTLocusTag(final AliasedSymbol s) { if( s instanceof ASTLocusTagProvider ) { return ((ASTLocusTagProvider)s).getASTLocusTag(); } else { return null; } } /** * Returns the canonical configuration name for a struct field name, * i.e. 'struct-name'.'field-name' */ public static String canonicalStructFieldSymbol(final String structName, final String fieldName) { return structName+"."+fieldName; } /** * Returns true if the glue code for the given aliased symbol * shall produce code for immutable access only. *

* This is implemented for whole struct-type symbols or struct-field names, * where no setter methods will be produced if marked immutable. *

*/ public final boolean immutableAccess(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { final String name = symbol.getName(); final Set aliases = symbol.getAliasedNames(); if ( immutableAccessSymbols.contains( name ) || oneInSet(immutableAccessSymbols, aliases) ) { LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "Immutable access: {0}", symbol); return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if the glue code for the given symbol * shall produce code for immutable access only. *

* This is implemented for whole struct-type symbols or struct-field names, * where no setter methods will be produced if marked immutable. *

*/ public final boolean immutableAccess(final String symbol) { if ( immutableAccessSymbols.contains( symbol ) ) { LOG.log(INFO, "Immutable access: {0}", symbol); return true; } return false; } /** * Variant of {@link #manuallyImplement(AliasedSymbol)}, * where this method only considers the {@link AliasedSymbol#getName() current-name} * of the given symbol, not the {@link #getJavaSymbolRename(String) renamed-symbol}. */ public boolean manuallyImplement(final String functionName) { if( manuallyImplement.contains(functionName) ) { LOG.log(INFO, "ManuallyImplement: \"{0}\"", functionName); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns true if the glue code for the given aliased function will be * manually implemented by the end user. *

* Both, the {@link AliasedSymbol#getName() current-name} * and all {@link AliasedSymbol#getAliasedNames() aliases} shall be considered. *


* If symbol references a struct field or method, see {@link #canonicalStructFieldSymbol(String, String)}, * it describes field's array-length or element-count referenced by a pointer. *

* @see #manuallyImplement(String) */ public boolean manuallyImplement(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { final String name = symbol.getName(); final Set aliases = symbol.getAliasedNames(); if ( manuallyImplement.contains( name ) || oneInSet(manuallyImplement, aliases) ) { LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "ManuallyImplement: {0}", symbol); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Variant of {@link #getDelegatedImplementation(AliasedSymbol)}, * where this method only considers the {@link AliasedSymbol#getName() current-name} * of the given symbol, not the {@link #getJavaSymbolRename(String) renamed-symbol}. */ public String getDelegatedImplementation(final String functionName) { final String res = delegatedImplementation.get(functionName); if( null == res ) { return null; } LOG.log(INFO, "DelegatedImplementation: {0} -> {1}", functionName, res); return res; } /** * Returns the {@code RENAMED-IMPL-SYMBOL} if the implementation of the glue code * of the given function shall be manually delegated by the end user. *

* {@code DelegateImplementation } *


* The interface is emitted unchanged. *


* The Java and native-code implementation is renamed to {@code RENAMED-IMPL-SYMBOL}. * The user's manual implementation of {@code ORIG-SYMBOL} * may delegate to {@code RENAMED-IMPL-SYMBOL}. *


* If symbol references a struct field or method, see {@link #canonicalStructFieldSymbol(String, String)}, * it describes field's array-length or element-count referenced by a pointer. *

*/ public String getDelegatedImplementation(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { final String name = symbol.getName(); final Set aliases = symbol.getAliasedNames(); String res = delegatedImplementation.get(name); if( null == res ) { res = oneInMap(delegatedImplementation, aliases); if( null == res ) { return null; } } LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "DelegatedImplementation: {0} -> {1}", symbol, res); return res; } /** * Variant of {@link #getOpaqueReturnType(AliasedSymbol)}, * where this method only considers the {@link AliasedSymbol#getName() current-name} * of the given symbol, not the {@link #getJavaSymbolRename(String) renamed-symbol}. */ public JavaType getOpaqueReturnType(final String functionName) { final JavaType res = returnsOpaqueJType.get(functionName); if( null == res ) { return null; } LOG.log(INFO, "ReturnsOpaque: {0} -> {1}", functionName, res); return res; } /** * Returns the opaque {@link JavaType} for the given function {@link AliasedSymbol} * or {@code null} if not opaque. *

* {@code ReturnsOpaque } *

*/ public JavaType getOpaqueReturnType(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { final String name = symbol.getName(); final Set aliases = symbol.getAliasedNames(); JavaType res = returnsOpaqueJType.get(name); if( null == res ) { res = oneInMap(returnsOpaqueJType, aliases); if( null == res ) { return null; } } LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "ReturnsOpaque: {0} -> {1}", symbol, res); return res; } /** * Variant of {@link #shouldIgnoreInInterface(AliasedSymbol)}, * where this method only considers the {@link AliasedSymbol#getName() current-name} * of the given symbol, not the {@link #getJavaSymbolRename(String) renamed-symbol}. */ public final boolean shouldIgnoreInInterface(final String symbol) { return shouldIgnoreInInterface( new AliasedSymbol.NoneAliasedSymbol(symbol) ); } /** * Returns true if this aliased symbol should be ignored * during glue code generation of interfaces and implementation. *

* Both, the {@link AliasedSymbol#getName() current-name} * and all {@link AliasedSymbol#getAliasedNames() aliases} shall be considered. *


* Implementation calls {@link #shouldIgnoreInInterface_Int(AliasedSymbol)} * and overriding implementations shall ensure its being called as well! *

* @param symbol the symbolic aliased name to check for exclusion */ public boolean shouldIgnoreInInterface(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { return shouldIgnoreInInterface_Int(symbol); } protected final boolean shouldIgnoreInInterface_Int(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { if( GlueGen.debug() ) { logIgnoresOnce(); } final String name = symbol.getName(); final Set aliases = symbol.getAliasedNames(); // Simple case-1; the symbol (orig or renamed) is in the interface ignore table if ( extendedIntfSymbolsIgnore.contains( name ) || oneInSet(extendedIntfSymbolsIgnore, aliases) ) { LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "Ignore Intf ignore (one): {0}", symbol); return true; } // Simple case-2; the entire symbol (orig and renamed) is _not_ in the not-empty interface only table if ( !extendedIntfSymbolsOnly.isEmpty() && !extendedIntfSymbolsOnly.contains( name ) && !oneInSet(extendedIntfSymbolsOnly, aliases) ) { LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "Ignore Intf !extended (all): {0}", symbol); return true; } return shouldIgnoreInImpl_Int(symbol); } /** * Returns true if this aliased symbol should be ignored * during glue code generation of implementation only. *

* Both, the {@link AliasedSymbol#getName() current-name} * and all {@link AliasedSymbol#getAliasedNames() aliases} shall be considered. *


* Implementation calls {@link #shouldIgnoreInImpl_Int(AliasedSymbol)} * and overriding implementations shall ensure its being called as well! *

* @param symbol the symbolic aliased name to check for exclusion */ public boolean shouldIgnoreInImpl(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { return shouldIgnoreInImpl_Int(symbol); } protected final boolean shouldIgnoreInImpl_Int(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { final String name = symbol.getName(); final Set aliases = symbol.getAliasedNames(); // Simple case-1; the symbol (orig or renamed) is in the interface ignore table if ( extendedImplSymbolsIgnore.contains( name ) || oneInSet(extendedImplSymbolsIgnore, aliases) ) { LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "Ignore Impl ignore (one): {0}", symbol); return true; } // Simple case-2; the entire symbol (orig and renamed) is _not_ in the not-empty interface only table if ( !extendedImplSymbolsOnly.isEmpty() && !extendedImplSymbolsOnly.contains( name ) && !oneInSet(extendedImplSymbolsOnly, aliases) ) { LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "Ignore Impl !extended (all): {0}", symbol); return true; } // Ok, the slow case. We need to check the entire table, in case the table // contains an regular expression that matches the symbol. for (final Pattern ignoreRegexp : ignores) { final Matcher matcher = ignoreRegexp.matcher(name); if ( matcher.matches() || onePatternMatch(ignoreRegexp, aliases) ) { LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "Ignore Impl RegEx: {0}", symbol); return true; } } // Check negated ignore table if not empty if (ignoreNots.size() > 0) { // Ok, the slow case. We need to check the entire table, in case the table // contains an regular expression that matches the symbol. for (final Pattern ignoreNotRegexp : ignoreNots) { final Matcher matcher = ignoreNotRegexp.matcher(name); if ( !matcher.matches() && !onePatternMatch(ignoreNotRegexp, aliases) ) { // Special case as this is most often likely to be the case. // Unignores are not used very often. if(unignores.isEmpty()) { LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "Ignore Impl unignores==0: {0} -> {1}", symbol, name); return true; } boolean unignoreFound = false; for (final Pattern unignoreRegexp : unignores) { final Matcher unignoreMatcher = unignoreRegexp.matcher(name); if ( unignoreMatcher.matches() || onePatternMatch(unignoreRegexp, aliases) ) { unignoreFound = true; break; } } if (!unignoreFound) { LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "Ignore Impl !unignore: {0} -> {1}", symbol, name); return true; } } } } return false; } /** Returns true if this function should be given a body which throws a run-time exception with an "unimplemented" message during glue code generation. */ public boolean isUnimplemented(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { // Ok, the slow case. We need to check the entire table, in case the table // contains an regular expression that matches the symbol. for (final Pattern unimplRegexp : unimplemented) { final Matcher matcher = unimplRegexp.matcher(symbol.getName()); if ( matcher.matches() || onePatternMatch(unimplRegexp, symbol.getAliasedNames()) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Return a set of aliased-name for comment in docs. *

* This is usually {@link AliasedSymbol#addAliasedName(String)}, * however an implementation may choose otherwise. *

* @param symbol the aliased symbol to retrieve the aliases * @return set of aliased-names or {@code null}. */ public Set getAliasedDocNames(final AliasedSymbol symbol) { return symbol.getAliasedNames(); } /** Returns a replacement name for this type, which should be the name of a Java wrapper class for a C struct, or the name unchanged if no RenameJavaType directive was specified for this type. */ public String renameJavaType(final String javaTypeName) { final String rename = javaTypeRenames.get(javaTypeName); if (rename != null) { return rename; } return javaTypeName; } /** Returns a replacement name for this function or definition which should be used as the Java name for the bound method or constant. If a function, it still calls the originally-named C function under the hood. Returns null if this symbol has not been explicitly renamed. */ public String getJavaSymbolRename(final String origName) { if( LOG.isLoggable(INFO) ) { logRenamesOnce(); } return javaSymbolRenames.get(origName); } /** Returns a set of replaced names to the given aliasedName. */ public Set getRenamedJavaSymbols(final String aliasedName) { return javaRenamedSymbols.get(aliasedName); } /** Programmatically adds a rename directive for the given symbol. */ public void addJavaSymbolRename(final String origName, final String newName) { LOG.log(INFO, "\tRename {0} -> {1}", origName, newName); final String prevValue = javaSymbolRenames.put(origName, newName); if(null != prevValue && !prevValue.equals(newName)) { throw new RuntimeException("Rename-Override Attampt: "+origName+" -> "+newName+ ", but "+origName+" -> "+prevValue+" already exist. Run in 'debug' mode to analyze!"); } Set origNames = javaRenamedSymbols.get(newName); if(null == origNames) { origNames = new HashSet(); javaRenamedSymbols.put(newName, origNames); } origNames.add(origName); } /** Programmatically adds a delegate implementation directive for the given symbol. */ public void addDelegateImplementation(final String origName, final String renamedImpl) { LOG.log(INFO, "\tDelegateImplementation {0} -> {1}", origName, renamedImpl); final String prevValue = delegatedImplementation.put(origName, renamedImpl); if(null != prevValue && !prevValue.equals(renamedImpl)) { throw new RuntimeException("Rename-Override Attampt: "+origName+" -> "+renamedImpl+ ", but "+origName+" -> "+prevValue+" already exist. Run in 'debug' mode to analyze!"); } } /** Returns true if the emission style is AllStatic. */ public boolean allStatic() { return emissionStyle == AllStatic; } /** Returns true if an interface should be emitted during glue code generation. */ public boolean emitInterface() { return emissionStyle() == InterfaceAndImpl || emissionStyle() == InterfaceOnly; } /** Returns true if an implementing class should be emitted during glue code generation. */ public boolean emitImpl() { return emissionStyle() == AllStatic || emissionStyle() == InterfaceAndImpl || emissionStyle() == ImplOnly; } /** Returns a list of Strings which should be emitted as a prologue to the body for the Java-side glue code for the given method. Returns null if no prologue was specified. */ public List javaPrologueForMethod(final MethodBinding binding, final boolean forImplementingMethodCall, final boolean eraseBufferAndArrayTypes) { List res = javaPrologues.get(binding.getName()); if (res == null) { // Try again with method name and descriptor res = javaPrologues.get(binding.getName() + binding.getDescriptor(forImplementingMethodCall, eraseBufferAndArrayTypes)); } return res; } /** Returns a list of Strings which should be emitted as an epilogue to the body for the Java-side glue code for the given method. Returns null if no epilogue was specified. */ public List javaEpilogueForMethod(final MethodBinding binding, final boolean forImplementingMethodCall, final boolean eraseBufferAndArrayTypes) { List res = javaEpilogues.get(binding.getName()); if (res == null) { // Try again with method name and descriptor res = javaEpilogues.get(binding.getName() + binding.getDescriptor(forImplementingMethodCall, eraseBufferAndArrayTypes)); } return res; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internals only below this point // protected void dispatch(final String cmd, final StringTokenizer tok, final File file, final String filename, final int lineNo) throws IOException { //System.err.println("read cmd = [" + cmd + "]"); if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("LibraryOnLoad")) { libraryOnLoadName = readString("LibraryOnLoad", tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Package")) { packageName = readString("Package", tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("GlueGenRuntimePackage")) { gluegenRuntimePackage = readString("GlueGenRuntimePackage", tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ImplPackage")) { implPackageName = readString("ImplPackage", tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("JavaClass")) { className = readString("JavaClass", tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ImplJavaClass")) { implClassName = readString("ImplJavaClass", tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("JavaOutputDir")) { javaOutputDir = readString("JavaOutputDir", tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("NativeOutputDir")) { nativeOutputDir = readString("NativeOutputDir", tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("HierarchicalNativeOutput")) { final String tmp = readString("HierarchicalNativeOutput", tok, filename, lineNo); nativeOutputUsesJavaHierarchy = Boolean.valueOf(tmp).booleanValue(); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("TagNativeBinding")) { tagNativeBinding = readBoolean("TagNativeBinding", tok, filename, lineNo).booleanValue(); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("RelaxedEqualSemanticsTest")) { relaxedEqualSemanticsTest = readBoolean("RelaxedEqualSemanticsTest", tok, filename, lineNo).booleanValue(); TypeConfig.setRelaxedEqualSemanticsTest(relaxedEqualSemanticsTest); // propagate .. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Style")) { try{ emissionStyle = EmissionStyle.valueOf(readString("Style", tok, filename, lineNo)); }catch(final IllegalArgumentException ex) { LOG.log(WARNING, "Error parsing \"style\" command at line {0} in file \"{1}\"", lineNo, filename); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("AccessControl")) { readAccessControl(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Import")) { imports.add(readString("Import", tok, filename, lineNo)); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Opaque")) { readOpaque(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ReturnsString")) { readReturnsString(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ReturnsStringOnly")) { readReturnsStringOnly(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ReturnsOpaque")) { readReturnsOpaque(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ReturnedArrayLength")) { readReturnedArrayLength(tok, filename, lineNo); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because ReturnedArrayLength changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("MaxOneElement")) { readMaxOneElement(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ArgumentIsString")) { readArgumentIsString(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ArgumentIsPascalString")) { readArgumentIsPascalString(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("JavaCallbackDef")) { readJavaCallbackDef(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("JavaCallbackKey")) { readJavaCallbackKey(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ExtendedInterfaceSymbolsIgnore")) { readExtendedIntfImplSymbols(tok, filename, lineNo, true, false, false); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ExtendedInterfaceSymbolsOnly")) { readExtendedIntfImplSymbols(tok, filename, lineNo, true, false, true); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ExtendedImplementationSymbolsIgnore")) { readExtendedIntfImplSymbols(tok, filename, lineNo, false, true, false); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ExtendedImplementationSymbolsOnly")) { readExtendedIntfImplSymbols(tok, filename, lineNo, false, true, true); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ExtendedIntfAndImplSymbolsIgnore")) { readExtendedIntfImplSymbols(tok, filename, lineNo, true, true, false); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ExtendedIntfAndImplSymbolsOnly")) { readExtendedIntfImplSymbols(tok, filename, lineNo, true, true, true); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Ignore")) { readIgnore(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Unignore")) { readUnignore(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("IgnoreNot")) { readIgnoreNot(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Unimplemented")) { readUnimplemented(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("IgnoreField")) { readIgnoreField(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ImmutableAccess")) { readImmutableAccess(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ManuallyImplement")) { readManuallyImplement(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("CustomJavaCode")) { readCustomJavaCode(tok, filename, lineNo); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because readCustomJavaCode changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("CustomCCode")) { readCustomCCode(tok, filename, lineNo); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because readCustomJNICode changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("CustomJNICode")) { readCustomJNICode(tok, filename, lineNo); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because readCustomCCode changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("MethodJavadoc")) { readMethodJavadoc(tok, filename, lineNo); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because readMethodJavadoc changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ClassJavadoc")) { readClassJavadoc(tok, filename, lineNo); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because readClassJavadoc changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("NIOOnly")) { final String funcName = readString("NIOOnly", tok, filename, lineNo); if(funcName.equals("__ALL__")) { forceUseNIOOnly4All=true; } else { addUseNIOOnly( funcName ); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("NIODirectOnly")) { final String funcName = readString("NIODirectOnly", tok, filename, lineNo); if(funcName.equals("__ALL__")) { forceUseNIODirectOnly4All=true; } else { addUseNIODirectOnly( funcName ); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("EmitStruct")) { forcedStructs.add(readString("EmitStruct", tok, filename, lineNo)); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("StructPackage")) { readStructPackage(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("TemporaryCVariableDeclaration")) { readTemporaryCVariableDeclaration(tok, filename, lineNo); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because TemporaryCVariableDeclaration changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("TemporaryCVariableAssignment")) { readTemporaryCVariableAssignment(tok, filename, lineNo); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because TemporaryCVariableAssignment changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("StructMachineDataInfoIndex")) { readStructMachineDataInfoIndex(tok, filename, lineNo); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because StructMachineDescriptorIndex changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ReturnValueCapacity")) { readReturnValueCapacity(tok, filename, lineNo); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because ReturnValueCapacity changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ReturnValueLength")) { readReturnValueLength(tok, filename, lineNo); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because ReturnValueLength changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Include")) { doInclude(tok, file, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("IncludeAs")) { doIncludeAs(tok, file, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Extends")) { readExtend(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Implements")) { readImplements(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("ParentClass")) { readParentClass(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("RenameJavaType")) { readRenameJavaType(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("RenameJavaSymbol")) { readRenameJavaSymbol(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("DelegateImplementation")) { readDelegateImplementation(tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("RuntimeExceptionType")) { runtimeExceptionType = readString("RuntimeExceptionType", tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("UnsupportedExceptionType")) { unsupportedExceptionType = readString("UnsupportedExceptionType", tok, filename, lineNo); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("JavaPrologue")) { readJavaPrologueOrEpilogue(tok, filename, lineNo, true); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because readJavaPrologueOrEpilogue changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("JavaEpilogue")) { readJavaPrologueOrEpilogue(tok, filename, lineNo, false); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because readJavaPrologueOrEpilogue changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("RangeCheck")) { readRangeCheck(tok, filename, lineNo, false); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because RangeCheck changes them. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("RangeCheckBytes")) { readRangeCheck(tok, filename, lineNo, true); // Warning: make sure delimiters are reset at the top of this loop // because RangeCheckBytes changes them. } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown command \"" + cmd + "\" in command file " + filename + " at line number " + lineNo); } } protected String readString(final String cmd, final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { return tok.nextToken(); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"" + cmd + "\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e); } } protected Boolean readBoolean(final String cmd, final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { return Boolean.valueOf(tok.nextToken()); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"" + cmd + "\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected boolean value", e); } } protected Class stringToPrimitiveType(final String type) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (type.equals("boolean")) return Boolean.TYPE; if (type.equals("byte")) return Byte.TYPE; if (type.equals("char")) return Character.TYPE; if (type.equals("short")) return Short.TYPE; if (type.equals("int")) return Integer.TYPE; if (type.equals("long")) return Long.TYPE; if (type.equals("float")) return Float.TYPE; if (type.equals("double")) return Double.TYPE; throw new RuntimeException("Only primitive types are supported here"); } protected void readAccessControl(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String methodName = tok.nextToken(); final String style = tok.nextToken(); final MethodAccess access = MethodAccess.valueOf(style.toUpperCase()); accessControl.put(methodName, access); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"AccessControl\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readOpaque(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final JavaType javaType = JavaType.createForOpaqueClass(stringToPrimitiveType(tok.nextToken())); String cType = null; while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { if (cType == null) { cType = tok.nextToken(); } else { cType = cType + " " + tok.nextToken(); } } if (cType == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No C type for \"Opaque\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\""); } final TypeInfo info = parseTypeInfo(cType, javaType); addTypeInfo(info); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Opaque\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readReturnsOpaque(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final JavaType javaType = JavaType.createForOpaqueClass(stringToPrimitiveType(tok.nextToken())); final String funcName = tok.nextToken(); returnsOpaqueJType.put(funcName, javaType); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ReturnsOpaque\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readReturnsString(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String name = tok.nextToken(); returnsString.add(name); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ReturnsString\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readReturnsStringOnly(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String name = tok.nextToken(); returnsStringOnly.add(name); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ReturnsStringOnly\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readReturnedArrayLength(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String functionName = tok.nextToken(); String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); restOfLine = restOfLine.trim(); returnedArrayLengths.put(functionName, restOfLine); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ReturnedArrayLength\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readMaxOneElement(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String name = tok.nextToken(); maxOneElement.add(name); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"MaxOneElement\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readJavaCallbackDef(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String setFuncName = tok.nextToken(); final int setFuncUserParamIdx = Integer.parseInt(tok.nextToken()); final String cbFuncTypeName = tok.nextToken(); final int cbFuncUserParamIdx = Integer.parseInt(tok.nextToken()); final String userParamClassName; final String customKeyClassName; if( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) { final String s = tok.nextToken(); if( s.length() == 0 || s.equals("null") ) { userParamClassName = null; } else { userParamClassName = s; } if( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) { customKeyClassName = tok.nextToken(); } else { customKeyClassName = null; } } else { userParamClassName = null; customKeyClassName = null; } final JavaCallbackDef jcd = new JavaCallbackDef(cbFuncTypeName, cbFuncUserParamIdx, setFuncName, setFuncUserParamIdx, userParamClassName, customKeyClassName); javaCallbackList.add(jcd); javaCallbackSetFuncToDef.put(setFuncName, jcd); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"JavaCallbackDef\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readJavaCallbackKey(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String setFuncName = tok.nextToken(); final JavaCallbackDef jcd = javaCallbackSetFuncToDef.get(setFuncName); if( null == jcd ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JavaCallbackDef '"+setFuncName+"\' not (yet) defined."); } // Collect setFuncKeyIndices String stok = null; while( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) { stok = tok.nextToken(); if( !isInteger(stok) ) { break; } final int idx = Integer.parseInt(stok); if( 0 > idx ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JavaCallbackKey '"+setFuncName+"\' SetCallback-ParamIndex "+idx+" not in range [0..n]."); } jcd.setFuncKeyIndices.add( idx ); } // Validate proper CallbackFuncType if( null == stok ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JavaCallbackKey '"+setFuncName+"\': CallbackFuncType missing."); } if( !stok.equals(jcd.cbFuncTypeName) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JavaCallbackKey '"+setFuncName+"\': CallbackFuncType '"+stok+"' not matching JavaCallbackDef: "+jcd); } // Collect cbFuncKeyIndices while( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) { final int idx = Integer.parseInt(tok.nextToken()); if( 0 > idx ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JavaCallbackKey '"+setFuncName+"\' CallbackFunc-ParamIndex "+idx+" not in range [0..n]."); } jcd.cbFuncKeyIndices.add( idx ); } if( jcd.setFuncKeyIndices.size() != jcd.cbFuncKeyIndices.size() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JavaCallbackKey '"+setFuncName+"\' SetCallback-ParamIndex list count "+jcd.setFuncKeyIndices.toString()+ " != CallbackFunc-ParamIndex count "+jcd.cbFuncKeyIndices.toString()); } } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"JavaCallbackKey\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } private static boolean isInteger(final String s) { try { Integer.parseInt(s); return true; } catch(final Exception e) { return false; } } protected void readExtendedIntfImplSymbols(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo, final boolean forInterface, final boolean forImplementation, final boolean onlyList) { File javaFile; BufferedReader javaReader; try { javaFile = new File(tok.nextToken()); javaReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(javaFile)); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } final JavaLexer lexer = new JavaLexer(javaReader); lexer.setFilename(javaFile.getName()); final JavaParser parser = new JavaParser(lexer); parser.setFilename(javaFile.getName()); try { parser.compilationUnit(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } final Set parsedEnumNames = parser.getParsedEnumNames(); final Set parsedFuncNames = parser.getParsedFunctionNames(); if(forInterface) { if(onlyList) { extendedIntfSymbolsOnly.addAll(parsedEnumNames); extendedIntfSymbolsOnly.addAll(parsedFuncNames); } else { extendedIntfSymbolsIgnore.addAll(parsedEnumNames); extendedIntfSymbolsIgnore.addAll(parsedFuncNames); } } if(forImplementation) { if(onlyList) { extendedImplSymbolsOnly.addAll(parsedEnumNames); extendedImplSymbolsOnly.addAll(parsedFuncNames); } else { extendedImplSymbolsIgnore.addAll(parsedEnumNames); extendedImplSymbolsIgnore.addAll(parsedFuncNames); } } } protected void readIgnore(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String regex = tok.nextToken(); final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); ignores.add(pattern); ignoreMap.put(regex, pattern); //System.err.println("IGNORING " + regex + " / " + ignores.get(regex)); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Ignore\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readUnignore(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String regex = tok.nextToken(); Pattern pattern = ignoreMap.get(regex); ignoreMap.remove(regex); ignores.remove(pattern); // If the pattern wasn't registered before, then make sure we have a // valid pattern instance to put into the unignores set. if(pattern == null) pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); unignores.add(pattern); //System.err.println("UN-IGNORING " + regex + " / " + ignores.get(regex)); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Unignore\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readIgnoreNot(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String regex = tok.nextToken(); ignoreNots.add(Pattern.compile(regex)); //System.err.println("IGNORING NEGATION OF " + regex + " / " + ignores.get(regex)); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"IgnoreNot\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readUnimplemented(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String regex = tok.nextToken(); unimplemented.add(Pattern.compile(regex)); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Unimplemented\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readIgnoreField(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String containingStruct = tok.nextToken(); final String name = tok.nextToken(); ignores.add(Pattern.compile(containingStruct + "\\." + name)); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"IgnoreField\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readImmutableAccess(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String name = tok.nextToken(); immutableAccessSymbols.add(name); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ImmutableAccess\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readManuallyImplement(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String name = tok.nextToken(); manuallyImplement.add(name); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ManuallyImplement\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readCustomJavaCode(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String tokenClassName = tok.nextToken(); try { final String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); addCustomJavaCode(tokenClassName, restOfLine); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { addCustomJavaCode(tokenClassName, ""); } } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"CustomJavaCode\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void addCustomJavaCode(final String className, final String code) { final List codeList = customJavaCodeForClass(className); codeList.add(code); } protected void readCustomCCode(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); customCCode.add(restOfLine); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { customCCode.add(""); } } protected void readCustomJNICode(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String tokenClassName = tok.nextToken(); try { final String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); addCustomJNICode(tokenClassName, restOfLine); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { addCustomJNICode(tokenClassName, ""); } } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"CustomJNICode\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void addCustomJNICode(final String className, final String code) { final List codeList = customJNICodeForClass(className); codeList.add(code); } protected void readMethodJavadoc(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String tokenClassName = tok.nextToken(); final String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); addMethodJavadoc(tokenClassName, restOfLine); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"MethodJavadoc\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void addMethodJavadoc(final String methodName, final String code) { final List codeList = javadocForMethod(methodName); codeList.add(code); } protected void readClassJavadoc(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String tokenClassName = tok.nextToken(); final String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); addClassJavadoc(tokenClassName, restOfLine); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ClassJavadoc\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void addClassJavadoc(final String className, final String code) { final List codeList = javadocForClass(className); codeList.add(code); } /** * When const char* arguments in the C function prototypes are encountered, * the emitter will normally convert them to byte[] * arguments. This directive lets you specify which of those arguments * should be converted to String arguments instead of * byte[] .

* * For example, given the C prototype: *

   * void FuncName(const char* ugh, int bar, const char *foo, const char* goop);
* * The emitter will normally emit: *
   * public abstract void FuncName(byte[] ugh, int bar, byte[] foo, byte[] goop);
* * However, if you supplied the following directive: * *
   * ArgumentIsString FuncName 0 2
* * The emitter will instead emit: *
   * public abstract void FuncName(String ugh, int bar, String foo, byte[] goop);
* */ protected void readArgumentIsString(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String methodName = tok.nextToken(); final ArrayList argIndices = new ArrayList(2); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { final Integer idx = Integer.valueOf(tok.nextToken()); argIndices.add(idx); } if (argIndices.size() > 0) { argumentsAreString.put(methodName, argIndices); } else { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Error parsing \"ArgumentIsString\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\": directive requires specification of at least 1 index"); } } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Error parsing \"ArgumentIsString\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readArgumentIsPascalString(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String methodName = tok.nextToken(); final List pascalTuples = new ArrayList(2); while (tok.countTokens() >= 2) { final int lenIdx = Integer.valueOf(tok.nextToken()).intValue(); final int valIdx = Integer.valueOf(tok.nextToken()).intValue(); pascalTuples.add(new PascalStringIdx(lenIdx, valIdx)); } if( pascalTuples.size() > 0 ) { argumentsArePascalString.put(methodName, pascalTuples); } } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Error parsing \"ArgumentIsPascalString\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readStructPackage(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String struct = tok.nextToken(); final String pkg = tok.nextToken(); structPackages.put(struct, pkg); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"StructPackage\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readStructMachineDataInfoIndex(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String structName = tok.nextToken(); String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); restOfLine = restOfLine.trim(); structMachineDataInfoIndex.put(structName, restOfLine); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"StructMachineDataInfoIndex\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readReturnValueCapacity(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String functionName = tok.nextToken(); String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); restOfLine = restOfLine.trim(); returnValueCapacities.put(functionName, restOfLine); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ReturnValueCapacity\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readReturnValueLength(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String functionName = tok.nextToken(); String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); restOfLine = restOfLine.trim(); returnValueLengths.put(functionName, restOfLine); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ReturnValueLength\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readTemporaryCVariableDeclaration(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String functionName = tok.nextToken(); String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); restOfLine = restOfLine.trim(); List list = temporaryCVariableDeclarations.get(functionName); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList(); temporaryCVariableDeclarations.put(functionName, list); } list.add(restOfLine); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"TemporaryCVariableDeclaration\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readTemporaryCVariableAssignment(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String functionName = tok.nextToken(); String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); restOfLine = restOfLine.trim(); List list = temporaryCVariableAssignments.get(functionName); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList(); temporaryCVariableAssignments.put(functionName, list); } list.add(restOfLine); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"TemporaryCVariableAssignment\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void doInclude(final StringTokenizer tok, final File file, final String filename, final int lineNo) throws IOException { try { final String includedFilename = tok.nextToken(); File includedFile = new File(includedFilename); if (!includedFile.isAbsolute()) { includedFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), includedFilename); } read(includedFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Include\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void doIncludeAs(final StringTokenizer tok, final File file, final String filename, final int lineNo) throws IOException { try { final StringBuilder linePrefix = new StringBuilder(128); while (tok.countTokens() > 1) { linePrefix.append(tok.nextToken()); linePrefix.append(" "); } // last token is filename final String includedFilename = tok.nextToken(); File includedFile = new File(includedFilename); if (!includedFile.isAbsolute()) { includedFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), includedFilename); } read(includedFile.getAbsolutePath(), linePrefix.toString()); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"IncludeAs\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void readExtend(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String interfaceName = tok.nextToken(); final List intfs = extendedInterfaces(interfaceName); intfs.add(tok.nextToken()); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Extends\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e); } } protected void readImplements(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String tokenClassName = tok.nextToken(); final List intfs = implementedInterfaces(tokenClassName); intfs.add(tok.nextToken()); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"Implements\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e); } } protected void readParentClass(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String tokenClassName = tok.nextToken(); parentClass.put(tokenClassName, tok.nextToken()); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"ParentClass\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e); } } protected void readRenameJavaType(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String fromName = tok.nextToken(); final String toName = tok.nextToken(); javaTypeRenames.put(fromName, toName); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"RenameJavaType\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e); } } protected void readRenameJavaSymbol(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String fromName = tok.nextToken(); final String toName = tok.nextToken(); addJavaSymbolRename(fromName, toName); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"RenameJavaSymbol\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e); } } public void readDelegateImplementation(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) { try { final String fromName = tok.nextToken(); final String toName = tok.nextToken(); addDelegateImplementation(fromName, toName); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"DelegateImplementation\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\": missing expected parameter", e); } } protected void readJavaPrologueOrEpilogue(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo, final boolean prologue) { try { String methodName = tok.nextToken(); String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); restOfLine = restOfLine.trim(); if (startsWithDescriptor(restOfLine)) { // Assume it starts with signature for disambiguation final int spaceIdx = restOfLine.indexOf(' '); if (spaceIdx > 0) { final String descriptor = restOfLine.substring(0, spaceIdx); restOfLine = restOfLine.substring(spaceIdx + 1, restOfLine.length()); methodName = methodName + descriptor; } } addJavaPrologueOrEpilogue(methodName, restOfLine, prologue); } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"" + (prologue ? "JavaPrologue" : "JavaEpilogue") + "\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected void addJavaPrologueOrEpilogue(final String methodName, final String code, final boolean prologue) { final Map> codes = (prologue ? javaPrologues : javaEpilogues); List data = codes.get(methodName); if (data == null) { data = new ArrayList(); codes.put(methodName, data); } data.add(code); } protected void readRangeCheck(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo, final boolean inBytes) { try { final String functionName = tok.nextToken(); final int argNum = Integer.parseInt(tok.nextToken()); String restOfLine = tok.nextToken("\n\r\f"); restOfLine = restOfLine.trim(); // Construct a JavaPrologue for this addJavaPrologueOrEpilogue(functionName, "Buffers.rangeCheck" + (inBytes ? "Bytes" : "") + "({" + argNum + "}, " + restOfLine + ");", true); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"RangeCheck" + (inBytes ? "Bytes" : "") + "\" command at line " + lineNo + " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e); } } protected static TypeInfo parseTypeInfo(final String cType, final JavaType javaType) { String typeName = null; int pointerDepth = 0; int idx = 0; while (idx < cType.length() && (cType.charAt(idx) != ' ') && (cType.charAt(idx) != '*')) { ++idx; } typeName = cType.substring(0, idx); // Count pointer depth while (idx < cType.length()) { if (cType.charAt(idx) == '*') { ++pointerDepth; } ++idx; } return new TypeInfo(typeName, pointerDepth, javaType); } public TypeInfo addTypeInfo(final String alias, final Type superType) { final TypeInfo superInfo = typeInfo(superType); if( null != superInfo ) { final TypeInfo res = new TypeInfo(alias, superInfo.pointerDepth(), superInfo.javaType()); addTypeInfo(res); return res; } else { return null; } } protected void addTypeInfo(final TypeInfo info) { TypeInfo tmp = typeInfoMap.get(info.name()); if (tmp == null) { typeInfoMap.put(info.name(), info); return; } while (tmp.next() != null) { tmp = tmp.next(); } tmp.setNext(info); } private static int nextIndexAfterType(final String s, int idx) { final int len = s.length(); while (idx < len) { final char c = s.charAt(idx); if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c) || Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) || (c == '/')) { idx++; } else if (c == ';') { return (idx + 1); } else { return -1; } } return -1; } private static int nextIndexAfterDescriptor(final String s, final int idx) { final char c = s.charAt(idx); switch (c) { case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'F': case 'I': case 'J': case 'S': case 'Z': case 'V': return (1 + idx); case 'L': return nextIndexAfterType(s, idx + 1); case ')': return idx; default: break; } return -1; } protected static boolean startsWithDescriptor(final String s) { // Try to see whether the String s starts with a valid Java // descriptor. int idx = 0; final int len = s.length(); while ((idx < len) && s.charAt(idx) == ' ') { ++idx; } if (idx >= len) return false; if (s.charAt(idx++) != '(') return false; while (idx < len) { final int nextIdx = nextIndexAfterDescriptor(s, idx); if (nextIdx < 0) { return false; } if (nextIdx == idx) { // ')' break; } idx = nextIdx; } final int nextIdx = nextIndexAfterDescriptor(s, idx + 1); if (nextIdx < 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * JavaCallback compile time information, produced by {@link JavaEmitter#beginFunctions(TypeDictionary, TypeDictionary, Map)} * from {@link Type#isFunctionPointer() function-pointer} {@link Type}s mapped to {@link JavaConfiguration#getJavaCallbackList()} names via {@link TypeDictionary} (typedef). * @see JavaConfiguration#funcPtrTypeToJavaCallbackMap * @see JavaConfiguration#setFuncToJavaCallbackMap */ public static class JavaCallbackInfo { final String cbFuncTypeName; final String cbSimpleClazzName; final String cbFQClazzName; final String staticCBMethodSignature; final FunctionType cbFuncType; final MethodBinding cbFuncBinding; final List cbFuncKeyIndices; final int cbFuncUserParamIdx; final String cbFuncUserParamName; final Type cbFuncUserParamType; final boolean cbUserParamIsDefined; final String setFuncName; final List setFuncKeyIndices; final int setFuncUserParamIdx; final String userParamClassName; // optional final String customKeyClassName; // optional boolean setFuncProcessed; int setFuncCBParamIdx; boolean keyClassEmitted; public JavaCallbackInfo(final String cbFuncTypeName, final String cbSimpleClazzName, final String cbFQClazzName, final String staticCBMethodSignature, final FunctionType cbFuncType, final MethodBinding cbFuncBinding, final int cbFuncUserParamIdx, final List cbFuncKeyIndices, final String setFuncName, final int setFuncUserParamIdx, final List setFuncKeyIndices, final String userParamClassName, final String customKeyClassName) { this.cbFuncTypeName = cbFuncTypeName; this.cbSimpleClazzName = cbSimpleClazzName; this.cbFQClazzName = cbFQClazzName; this.staticCBMethodSignature = staticCBMethodSignature; this.cbFuncType = cbFuncType; this.cbFuncBinding = cbFuncBinding; this.cbUserParamIsDefined = setFuncUserParamIdx >= 0; if( cbUserParamIsDefined ) { int paramIdx = -2; Type paramType = null; String paramName = null; if( 0 <= cbFuncUserParamIdx && cbFuncUserParamIdx < cbFuncType.getNumArguments() ) { final Type t = cbFuncType.getArgumentType(cbFuncUserParamIdx); if( null != t && t.isPointer() ) { // OK '*' paramIdx = cbFuncUserParamIdx; paramName = cbFuncType.getArgumentName(cbFuncUserParamIdx); paramType = t.getTargetType(); } } this.cbFuncUserParamIdx = paramIdx; this.cbFuncUserParamName = paramName; this.cbFuncUserParamType = paramType; } else { this.cbFuncUserParamIdx = -1; this.cbFuncUserParamName = null; this.cbFuncUserParamType = null; } this.cbFuncKeyIndices = cbFuncKeyIndices; this.setFuncName = setFuncName; this.setFuncKeyIndices = setFuncKeyIndices; this.setFuncUserParamIdx = setFuncUserParamIdx; this.userParamClassName = userParamClassName; this.customKeyClassName = customKeyClassName; this.setFuncProcessed = false; this.setFuncCBParamIdx = -1; this.keyClassEmitted = false; } private void validateKeyIndices(final FunctionType setFuncType) { if( this.cbFuncKeyIndices.size() != this.setFuncKeyIndices.size() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JavaCallback "+setFuncName+": Key count mismatch: setFunc "+setFuncKeyIndices.toString()+ " != cbFunc "+cbFuncKeyIndices.toString()); } for(int i=0; i< this.cbFuncKeyIndices.size(); ++i) { final int cbFuncIdx = this.cbFuncKeyIndices.get(i); final Type t1 = this.cbFuncType.getArgumentType(cbFuncIdx); final int setFuncIdx = this.setFuncKeyIndices.get(i); final Type t2 = setFuncType.getArgumentType(setFuncIdx); if( !t1.equals(t2) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JavaCallback "+setFuncName+": Key Type mismatch: setFunc#"+setFuncIdx+" with "+t2.toString()+", cbFunc#"+cbFuncIdx+" with "+t1.toString()); } } } public void setFuncProcessed(final FunctionType setFuncType, final int cbParamIdx) { if( !setFuncProcessed ) { if( 0 <= cbParamIdx ) { setFuncProcessed = true; setFuncCBParamIdx = cbParamIdx; validateKeyIndices(setFuncType); } else { setFuncCBParamIdx = -1; } } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("JavaCallbackInfo[cbFunc[%s%s, userParam[defined %b, idx %d, '%s', %s, keys %s], set[%s(ok %b, cbIdx %d, upIdx %d, keys %s], Class[UserParam '%s', Key '%s'], %s]", cbFuncTypeName, staticCBMethodSignature, cbUserParamIsDefined, cbFuncUserParamIdx, cbFuncUserParamName, cbUserParamIsDefined ? cbFuncUserParamType.getSignature(null).toString() : null, cbFuncKeyIndices.toString(), setFuncName, setFuncProcessed, setFuncCBParamIdx, setFuncUserParamIdx, setFuncKeyIndices.toString(), userParamClassName, customKeyClassName, cbFuncType.toString(cbFuncTypeName, false, true)); } } /** Mapped binding name to {@link JavaCallbackInfo} */ /* pp */ final Map setFuncToJavaCallbackMap = new HashMap(); final Set emittedJavaCallbackUserParamClasses = new HashSet(); }