public class FunctionTaskfunc
on a new thread belonging to the given {@link ThreadGroup}.
* * The result can be retrieved via {@link FunctionTask#getResult()}, * using the returned instance. *
* @param tg the {@link ThreadGroup} for the new thread, maybenull
* @param threadName the name for the new thread
* @param waitUntilDone if true
, waits until func
execution is completed, otherwise returns immediately.
* @param func the {@link Function} to execute.
* @param args the {@link Function} arguments
* @return the newly created and invoked {@link FunctionTask}
public static FunctionTask invokeOnNewThread(final ThreadGroup tg, final String threadName,
final boolean waitUntilDone, final Function func, final V... args) {
final FunctionTask rt;
if( !waitUntilDone ) {
rt = new FunctionTask( func, null, true, System.err );
final InterruptSource.Thread t = new InterruptSource.Thread(tg, rt, threadName);
rt.args = args;
} else {
final Object sync = new Object();
rt = new FunctionTask( func, sync, true, null );
final InterruptSource.Thread t = new InterruptSource.Thread(tg, rt, threadName);
synchronized(sync) {
rt.args = args;
while( rt.isInQueue() ) {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
throw new InterruptedRuntimeException(ie);
final Throwable throwable = rt.getThrowable();
if(null!=throwable) {
throw new JogampRuntimeException(throwable);
return rt;
* Create a RunnableTask object w/ synchronization,
* ie. suitable for invokeAndWait()
* @param runnable the user action
* @param syncObject the synchronization object the caller shall wait until runnable
execution is completed,
* or null
if waiting is not desired.
* @param catchExceptions Influence an occurring exception during runnable
* If true
, the exception is silenced and can be retrieved via {@link #getThrowable()},
* otherwise the exception is thrown.
* @param exceptionOut If not null
, exceptions are written to this {@link PrintStream}.
public FunctionTask(final Function* Calls {@link #eval(Object...)}. *
** You may set the {@link #eval(Object...)} arguments via {@link #setArgs(Object...)} * and retrieve the result via {@link #getResult()}. *
*/ @Override public final void run() { execThread = Thread.currentThread(); final A[] args = this.args; this.args = null; this.result = null; runnableException = null; tStarted = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(null == syncObject) { try { this.result = runnable.eval(args); } catch (final Throwable t) { runnableException = t; if(null != exceptionOut) { exceptionOut.println(" "+getExceptionOutIntro()+" exception occured on thread "+Thread.currentThread().getName()+": "+toString()); printSourceTrace(); t.printStackTrace(exceptionOut); } if(!catchExceptions) { throw new RuntimeException(runnableException); } } finally { tExecuted = System.currentTimeMillis(); isExecuted = true; } } else { synchronized (syncObject) { try { this.result = runnable.eval(args); } catch (final Throwable t) { runnableException = t; if(null != exceptionOut) { exceptionOut.println(" "+getExceptionOutIntro()+" exception occured on thread "+Thread.currentThread().getName()+": "+toString()); printSourceTrace(); t.printStackTrace(exceptionOut); } if(!catchExceptions) { throw new RuntimeException(runnableException); } } finally { tExecuted = System.currentTimeMillis(); isExecuted = true; syncObject.notifyAll(); } } } } @Override public final R eval(final A... args) { this.args = args; run(); final R res = result; result = null; return res; } }