/** * Copyright 2014 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.common.nio; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import jogamp.common.Debug; import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform; /** * An {@link InputStream} implementation based on an underlying {@link FileChannel}'s memory mapped {@link ByteBuffer}, * {@link #markSupported() supporting} {@link #mark(int) mark} and {@link #reset()}. *

* Implementation allows full memory mapped {@link ByteBuffer} coverage via {@link FileChannel#map(MapMode, long, long) FileChannel} * beyond its size limitation of {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} utilizing an array of {@link ByteBuffer} slices.


* Implementation further allows full random access via {@link #position()} and {@link #position(long)} * and accessing the memory mapped {@link ByteBuffer} slices directly via {@link #currentSlice()} and {@link #nextSlice()}. *

* @since 2.3.0 */ public class MappedByteBufferInputStream extends InputStream { public static enum CacheMode { /** * Keep all previous lazily cached buffer slices alive, useful for hopping readers, * i.e. random access via {@link MappedByteBufferInputStream#position(long) position(p)} * or {@link MappedByteBufferInputStream#reset() reset()}. *

* Note that without flushing, the platform may fail memory mapping * due to virtual address space exhaustion.
* In such case an {@link OutOfMemoryError} may be thrown directly, * or encapsulated as the {@link IOException#getCause() the cause} * of a thrown {@link IOException}. *

*/ FLUSH_NONE, /** * Soft flush the previous lazily cached buffer slice when caching the next buffer slice, * useful for sequential forward readers, as well as for hopping readers like {@link #FLUSH_NONE} * in case of relatively short periods between hopping across slices. *

* Implementation clears the buffer slice reference * while preserving a {@link WeakReference} to allow its resurrection if not yet * {@link System#gc() garbage collected}. *


* This is the default. *

*/ FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, /** * Hard flush the previous lazily cached buffer slice when caching the next buffer slice, * useful for sequential forward readers. *

* Besides clearing the buffer slice reference, * implementation attempts to hard flush the mapped buffer * using a {@code sun.misc.Cleaner} by reflection. * In case such method does not exist nor works, implementation falls back to {@link #FLUSH_PRE_SOFT}. *

*/ FLUSH_PRE_HARD }; /** * File resize interface allowing a file to change its size, * e.g. via {@link RandomAccessFile#setLength(long)}. */ public static interface FileResizeOp { /** * @param newSize the new file size * @throws IOException if file size change is not supported or any other I/O error occurs */ void setLength(final long newSize) throws IOException; } private static final FileResizeOp NoFileResize = new FileResizeOp() { @Override public void setLength(final long newSize) throws IOException { throw new IOException("file size change not supported"); } }; /** * Default slice shift, i.e. 1L << shift, denoting slice size in MiB: * *

* In case the default is too much of-used up address-space, one may choose other values: *


*/ public static final int DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT; static final boolean DEBUG; static { Platform.initSingleton(); if( Platform.is32Bit() ) { DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT = 29; } else { DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT = 30; } DEBUG = Debug.debug("ByteBufferInputStream"); } private final int sliceShift; private final FileChannel fc; private final FileChannel.MapMode mmode; private FileResizeOp fileResizeOp = NoFileResize; private int sliceCount; private ByteBuffer[] slices; private WeakReference[] slices2GC; private long totalSize; private int refCount; private Method mbbCleaner; private Method cClean; private boolean cleanerInit; private boolean hasCleaner; private CacheMode cmode; private int sliceIdx; private long mark; final void dbgDump(final String prefix, final PrintStream out) { long fcSz = 0, pos = 0, rem = 0; try { fcSz = fc.size(); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if( 0 < refCount ) { try { pos = position(); rem = totalSize - pos; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } final int sliceCount2 = null != slices ? slices.length : 0; out.println(prefix+" refCount "+refCount+", fcSize "+fcSz+", totalSize "+totalSize); out.println(prefix+" position "+pos+", remaining "+rem); out.println(prefix+" mmode "+mmode+", cmode "+cmode+", fileResizeOp "+fileResizeOp); out.println(prefix+" slice "+sliceIdx+" / "+sliceCount+" ("+sliceCount2+")"); out.println(prefix+" sliceShift "+sliceShift+" -> "+(1L << sliceShift)); } MappedByteBufferInputStream(final FileChannel fc, final FileChannel.MapMode mmode, final CacheMode cmode, final int sliceShift, final long totalSize, final int currSliceIdx) throws IOException { this.sliceShift = sliceShift; this.fc = fc; this.mmode = mmode; if( 0 > totalSize ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative size "+totalSize); } // trigger notifyLengthChange this.totalSize = -1; this.sliceCount = 0; notifyLengthChange(totalSize); this.refCount = 1; this.cleanerInit = false; this.hasCleaner = false; this.cmode = cmode; this.sliceIdx = currSliceIdx; this.mark = -1; currentSlice().position(0); } /** * Creates a new instance using the given {@link FileChannel}. *

* The {@link ByteBuffer} slices will be mapped lazily at first usage. *

* @param fileChannel the file channel to be mapped lazily. * @param mmode the map mode, default is {@link FileChannel.MapMode#READ_ONLY}. * @param cmode the caching mode, default is {@link CacheMode#FLUSH_PRE_SOFT}. * @param sliceShift the pow2 slice size, default is {@link #DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT}. * @throws IOException */ public MappedByteBufferInputStream(final FileChannel fileChannel, final FileChannel.MapMode mmode, final CacheMode cmode, final int sliceShift) throws IOException { this(fileChannel, mmode, cmode, sliceShift, fileChannel.size(), 0); } /** * Creates a new instance using the given {@link FileChannel}, * given mapping-mode, given cache-mode and the {@link #DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT}. *

* The {@link ByteBuffer} slices will be mapped lazily at first usage. *

* @param fileChannel the file channel to be used. * @param mmode the map mode, default is {@link FileChannel.MapMode#READ_ONLY}. * @param cmode the caching mode, default is {@link CacheMode#FLUSH_PRE_SOFT}. * @throws IOException */ public MappedByteBufferInputStream(final FileChannel fileChannel, final FileChannel.MapMode mmode, final CacheMode cmode) throws IOException { this(fileChannel, mmode, cmode, DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT); } /** * Creates a new instance using the given {@link FileChannel}, * {@link FileChannel.MapMode#READ_ONLY read-only} mapping mode, {@link CacheMode#FLUSH_PRE_SOFT} * and the {@link #DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT}. *

* The {@link ByteBuffer} slices will be mapped {@link FileChannel.MapMode#READ_ONLY} lazily at first usage. *

* @param fileChannel the file channel to be used. * @throws IOException */ public MappedByteBufferInputStream(final FileChannel fileChannel) throws IOException { this(fileChannel, FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT, DEFAULT_SLICE_SHIFT); } final synchronized void checkOpen() throws IOException { if( 0 == refCount ) { throw new IOException("stream closed"); } } @Override public final synchronized void close() throws IOException { if( 0 < refCount ) { refCount--; if( 0 == refCount ) { for(int i=0; i * User must have a {@link FileResizeOp} {@link #setFileResizeOp(FileResizeOp) registered} before. *

* @param newTotalSize the new total size * @throws IOException if no {@link FileResizeOp} has been {@link #setFileResizeOp(FileResizeOp) registered} * or if a buffer slice operation failed */ public final synchronized void setLength(final long newTotalSize) throws IOException { if( fc.size() != newTotalSize ) { fileResizeOp.setLength(newTotalSize); } notifyLengthChange(newTotalSize); } /** * Notify this instance that the underlying {@link FileChannel}'s size has been changed * and adjusting this instances buffer slices and states accordingly. *

* Should be called by user API when aware of such event. *

* @param newTotalSize the new total size * @throws IOException if a buffer slice operation failed */ public final synchronized void notifyLengthChange(final long newTotalSize) throws IOException { /* if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("notifyLengthChange.0: "+totalSize+" -> "+newTotalSize); dbgDump("notifyLengthChange.0:", System.err); } */ if( totalSize == newTotalSize ) { // NOP return; } else if( 0 == newTotalSize ) { // ZERO - ensure one entry avoiding NULL checks if( null != slices ) { for(int i=0; i[] newSlices2GC = new WeakReference[ 1 ]; slices2GC = newSlices2GC; slices = new ByteBuffer[1]; slices[0] = ByteBuffer.allocate(0); sliceCount = 0; totalSize = 0; mark = -1; sliceIdx = 0; } else { final long prePosition = position(); final long sliceSize = 1L << sliceShift; final int newSliceCount = (int)( ( newTotalSize + ( sliceSize - 1 ) ) / sliceSize ); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final WeakReference[] newSlices2GC = new WeakReference[ newSliceCount ]; final ByteBuffer[] newSlices = new ByteBuffer[ newSliceCount ]; final int copySliceCount = Math.min(newSliceCount, sliceCount-1); // drop last (resize) if( 0 < copySliceCount ) { System.arraycopy(slices2GC, 0, newSlices2GC, 0, copySliceCount); System.arraycopy(slices, 0, newSlices, 0, copySliceCount); for(int i=copySliceCount; i clipped position (set currSlice and re-map/-pos buffer) } /* if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("notifyLengthChange.X: "+slices[currSlice]); dbgDump("notifyLengthChange.X:", System.err); } */ } /** * * @throws IOException if this stream has been {@link #close() closed}. */ public final synchronized void flush() throws IOException { checkOpen(); if( mmode != FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY ) { fc.force(true); } } /** * Returns a new MappedByteBufferOutputStream instance sharing * all resources of this input stream, including all buffer slices. * * @throws IllegalStateException if attempting to set the {@link FileResizeOp} to a different value than before * @throws IOException if this instance was opened w/ {@link FileChannel.MapMode#READ_ONLY} * or if this stream has been {@link #close() closed}. */ public final synchronized MappedByteBufferOutputStream getOutputStream(final FileResizeOp fileResizeOp) throws IllegalStateException, IOException { checkOpen(); final MappedByteBufferOutputStream res = new MappedByteBufferOutputStream(this, fileResizeOp); refCount++; return res; } /** * Return the mapped {@link ByteBuffer} slice at the current {@link #position()}. *

* Due to the nature of using sliced buffers mapping the whole region, * user has to determine whether the returned buffer covers the desired region * and may fetch the {@link #nextSlice()} until satisfied.
* It is also possible to repeat this operation after reposition the stream via {@link #position(long)} * or {@link #skip(long)} to a position within the next block, similar to {@link #nextSlice()}. *

* @throws IOException if a buffer slice operation failed. */ public final synchronized ByteBuffer currentSlice() throws IOException { if ( null != slices[sliceIdx] ) { return slices[sliceIdx]; } else { if( CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT == cmode ) { final WeakReference ref = slices2GC[sliceIdx]; if( null != ref ) { final ByteBuffer mbb = ref.get(); slices2GC[sliceIdx] = null; if( null != mbb ) { slices[sliceIdx] = mbb; return mbb; } } } final long pos = (long)sliceIdx << sliceShift; slices[sliceIdx] = fc.map(mmode, pos, Math.min(1L << sliceShift, totalSize - pos)); return slices[sliceIdx]; } } /** * Return the next mapped {@link ByteBuffer} slice from the current {@link #position()}, * implicitly setting {@link #position(long)} to the start of the returned next slice, * see {@link #currentSlice()}. *

* If no subsequent slice is available, {@code null} is being returned. *

* @throws IOException if a buffer slice operation failed. */ public final synchronized ByteBuffer nextSlice() throws IOException { if ( sliceIdx < sliceCount - 1 ) { if( CacheMode.FLUSH_NONE != cmode ) { flushSlice(sliceIdx); } sliceIdx++; final ByteBuffer slice = currentSlice(); slice.position( 0 ); return slice; } else { return null; } } private synchronized void flushSlice(final int i) throws IOException { final ByteBuffer s = slices[i]; if ( null != s ) { slices[i] = null; // GC a slice is enough if( CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_HARD == cmode ) { if( !cleanBuffer(s) ) { cmode = CacheMode.FLUSH_PRE_SOFT; slices2GC[i] = new WeakReference(s); } } else { slices2GC[i] = new WeakReference(s); } } } private synchronized void cleanSlice(final int i) { final ByteBuffer s = slices[i]; if( null != s ) { slices[i] = null; cleanBuffer(s); } slices2GC[i] = null; } private synchronized boolean cleanBuffer(final ByteBuffer mbb) { if( !cleanerInit ) { initCleaner(mbb); } if ( !hasCleaner || !mbb.isDirect() ) { return false; } try { cClean.invoke(mbbCleaner.invoke(mbb)); return true; } catch(final Throwable t) { hasCleaner = false; if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("Caught "+t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } return false; } } private synchronized void initCleaner(final ByteBuffer bb) { final Method[] _mbbCleaner = { null }; final Method[] _cClean = { null }; AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { @Override public Object run() { try { _mbbCleaner[0] = bb.getClass().getMethod("cleaner"); _mbbCleaner[0].setAccessible(true); _cClean[0] = Class.forName("sun.misc.Cleaner").getMethod("clean"); _cClean[0].setAccessible(true); } catch(final Throwable t) { if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("Caught "+t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } } ); mbbCleaner = _mbbCleaner[0]; cClean = _cClean[0]; final boolean res = null != mbbCleaner && null != cClean; if( DEBUG ) { System.err.println("initCleaner: Has cleaner: "+res+", mbbCleaner "+mbbCleaner+", cClean "+cClean); } hasCleaner = res; cleanerInit = true; } /** * Return the used {@link CacheMode}. *

* If a desired {@link CacheMode} is not available, it may fall back to an available one at runtime, * see {@link CacheMode#FLUSH_PRE_HARD}.
* This evaluation only happens if the {@link CacheMode} != {@link CacheMode#FLUSH_NONE} * and while attempting to flush an unused buffer slice. *

*/ public final synchronized CacheMode getCacheMode() { return cmode; } /** * Returns the total size in bytes of the {@link InputStream} *
     *   0 <= {@link #position()} <= {@link #length()}
*/ // @Override public final synchronized long length() { return totalSize; } /** * Returns the number of remaining available bytes of the {@link InputStream}, * i.e. {@link #length()} - {@link #position()}. *
     *   0 <= {@link #position()} <= {@link #length()}

* In contrast to {@link InputStream}'s {@link #available()} method, * this method returns the proper return type {@code long}. *

* @throws IOException if a buffer slice operation failed. */ public final synchronized long remaining() throws IOException { return 0 < refCount ? totalSize - position() : 0; } /** * See {@link #remaining()} for an accurate variant. *

* {@inheritDoc} *

* @throws IOException if a buffer slice operation failed. */ @Override public final synchronized int available() throws IOException { final long available = remaining(); return available <= Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)available : Integer.MAX_VALUE; } /** * Returns the absolute position of the {@link InputStream}. *
     *   0 <= {@link #position()} <= {@link #length()}
* @throws IOException if a buffer slice operation failed. */ // @Override public final synchronized long position() throws IOException { if( 0 < refCount ) { return ( (long)sliceIdx << sliceShift ) + currentSlice().position(); } else { return 0; } } /** * Sets the absolute position of the {@link InputStream} to {@code newPosition}. *
     *   0 <= {@link #position()} <= {@link #length()}
* @param newPosition The new position, which must be non-negative and ≤ {@link #length()}. * @return this instance * @throws IOException if a buffer slice operation failed or stream is {@link #close() closed}. */ // @Override public final synchronized MappedByteBufferInputStream position( final long newPosition ) throws IOException { checkOpen(); if ( totalSize < newPosition || 0 > newPosition ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("new position "+newPosition+" not within [0.."+totalSize+"]"); } final int preSlice = sliceIdx; positionImpl( newPosition ); if( CacheMode.FLUSH_NONE != cmode && preSlice != sliceIdx) { flushSlice(preSlice); } return this; } private final synchronized void positionImpl( final long newPosition ) throws IOException { if ( totalSize == newPosition ) { // EOF, pos == maxPos + 1 sliceIdx = Math.max(0, sliceCount - 1); // handle zero size final ByteBuffer s = currentSlice(); s.position( s.capacity() ); } else { sliceIdx = (int)( newPosition >>> sliceShift ); currentSlice().position( (int)( newPosition - ( (long)sliceIdx << sliceShift ) ) ); } } @Override public final boolean markSupported() { return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} *

* Parameter {@code readLimit} is not used in this implementation, * since the whole file is memory mapped and no read limitation occurs. *

*/ @Override public final synchronized void mark( final int readlimit ) { if( 0 < refCount ) { try { mark = position(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // FIXME: oops } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws IOException if this stream has not been marked, * a buffer slice operation failed or stream has been {@link #close() closed}. */ @Override public final synchronized void reset() throws IOException { checkOpen(); if ( mark == -1 ) { throw new IOException("mark not set"); } position( mark ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws IOException if a buffer slice operation failed or stream is {@link #close() closed}. */ @Override public final synchronized long skip( final long n ) throws IOException { checkOpen(); if( 0 > n ) { return 0; } final long pos = position(); final long rem = totalSize - pos; // remaining final long s = Math.min( rem, n ); position( pos + s ); return s; } @Override public final synchronized int read() throws IOException { checkOpen(); ByteBuffer slice = currentSlice(); if ( !slice.hasRemaining() ) { if ( null == ( slice = nextSlice() ) ) { return -1; } } return slice.get() & 0xFF; } @Override public final synchronized int read( final byte[] b, final int off, final int len ) throws IOException { checkOpen(); if (b == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else if( off < 0 || len < 0 || off > b.length || off + len > b.length || off + len < 0 ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offset "+off+", length "+len+", b.length "+b.length); } else if ( 0 == len ) { return 0; } final long totalRem = remaining(); if ( 0 == totalRem ) { return -1; } final int maxLen = (int)Math.min( totalRem, len ); int read = 0; while( read < maxLen ) { ByteBuffer slice = currentSlice(); int currRem = slice.remaining(); if ( 0 == currRem ) { if ( null == ( slice = nextSlice() ) ) { throw new InternalError("Unexpected EOT"); } currRem = slice.remaining(); } final int currLen = Math.min( maxLen - read, currRem ); slice.get( b, off + read, currLen ); read += currLen; } return maxLen; } /** * Perform similar to {@link #read(byte[], int, int)} * with {@link ByteBuffer} instead of byte array. * @param b the {@link ByteBuffer} sink, data is written at current {@link ByteBuffer#position()} * @param len the number of bytes to read * @return the number of bytes read, -1 for EOS * @throws IOException if a buffer slice operation failed or stream has been {@link #close() closed}. */ // @Override public final synchronized int read(final ByteBuffer b, final int len) throws IOException { checkOpen(); if (b == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else if (len < 0 || len > b.remaining()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("length "+len+", b "+b); } else if ( 0 == len ) { return 0; } final long totalRem = remaining(); if ( 0 == totalRem ) { return -1; } final int maxLen = (int)Math.min( totalRem, len ); int read = 0; while( read < maxLen ) { ByteBuffer slice = currentSlice(); int currRem = slice.remaining(); if ( 0 == currRem ) { if ( null == ( slice = nextSlice() ) ) { throw new InternalError("Unexpected EOT"); } currRem = slice.remaining(); } final int currLen = Math.min( maxLen - read, currRem ); if( slice.hasArray() && b.hasArray() ) { System.arraycopy(slice.array(), slice.arrayOffset() + slice.position(), b.array(), b.arrayOffset() + b.position(), currLen); slice.position( slice.position() + currLen ); b.position( b.position() + currLen ); } else if( currLen == currRem ) { b.put(slice); } else { final int _limit = slice.limit(); slice.limit(currLen); try { b.put(slice); } finally { slice.limit(_limit); } } read += currLen; } return maxLen; } }