Package testfunction
Style AllStatic
JavaClass TestFunction
JavaOutputDir   gensrc/java
NativeOutputDir gensrc/native

# Get returned array's capacity from XGetVisualInfo to be correct
TemporaryCVariableDeclaration XGetVisualInfo int count;
TemporaryCVariableAssignment  XGetVisualInfo count = _ptr3[0];
ReturnValueCapacity XGetVisualInfo               count * sizeof(XVisualInfo)

# Helper routine to make the ReturnedArrayLength expression below work correctly
CustomJavaCode TestFunction private static int getFirstElement(IntBuffer buf)         { return buf.get(buf.position()); }
CustomJavaCode TestFunction private static int getFirstElement(int[] arr, int offset) { return arr[offset]; }
ReturnedArrayLength XGetVisualInfo               getFirstElement({3})

# We don't need the Display and Visual data structures to be
# explicitly exposed
Opaque long Display *
Opaque long Visual *
# Ignore the empty Display and Visual data structures (though made
# opaque, the references from XVisualInfo and elsewhere are still
# traversed)
Ignore Display
Ignore Visual