From a3f2d08801c5a54048faca52f422bcededf81b2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sven Gothel <>
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 05:21:39 +0100
Subject: Bug 1125 - Make ELF Reader 'jogamp.common.os.elf' Stateless

ELF Reader 'jogamp.common.os.elf' currently uses
Platform's pre-determined OS_TYPE and CPUType.

It also uses the host platforms MachineDescription,
hence can not read ELF files from other machines.

This also forbids Platform to determine CPUType etc
w/o having a valid 'os.arch' property.


ElfHeader should be split in
  - ElfHeaderPart1 (CPUType independent)
  - ElfHeaderPart2 (CPUType dependent)

Fix shall make the ELF Reader self containing
by only using ELF CPUType data, etc.

This requires customization of struct parsing,
where MachineDescription.Static index shall be
  - defined in ElfHeaderPart1 using e_Ident's CPUType.
  - used in ElfHeaderPart2 and all its struct types.
 .../common/os/       |  33 +-
 src/java/jogamp/common/os/   | 405 ++++++-------
 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/            | 246 --------
 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/         | 118 ++++
 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/         | 176 ++++++
 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/       | 654 ---------------------
 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/  | 500 ++++++++++++++++
 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/  | 374 ++++++++++++
 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/         |  10 +-
 .../jogamp/common/os/elf/ |  45 +-
 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/   |  40 +-
 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/            | 109 ++--
 12 files changed, 1506 insertions(+), 1204 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
 create mode 100644 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
 create mode 100644 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
 delete mode 100644 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
 create mode 100644 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
 create mode 100644 src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/

(limited to 'src/java/jogamp/common')

diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/
index 8df29f6..9becd21 100644
--- a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/
@@ -43,37 +43,24 @@ public class MachineDescriptionRuntime {
   static volatile boolean smdSoftQueried = false;
   static MachineDescription.StaticConfig smdSoft = null;
-  static volatile boolean smdHardEnabled = false;
-  /* pp */ static void notifyPropsInitialized() { smdHardEnabled = true; }
   public static MachineDescription.StaticConfig getStatic() {
-      if(!smdHardEnabled) {
-          if(!smdSoftQueried) {
-              synchronized(MachineDescription.class) { // volatile dbl-checked-locking OK
-                  if(!smdSoftQueried) {
-                      smdSoft = get(PlatformPropsImpl.OS_TYPE, PlatformPropsImpl.sCpuType, PlatformPropsImpl.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
-                      smdSoftQueried=true;
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-          return smdSoft;
-      } else {
-          if(!smdHardQueried) {
-              synchronized(MachineDescription.class) { // volatile dbl-checked-locking OK
-                  if(!smdHardQueried) {
-                      smdHard = get(PlatformPropsImpl.OS_TYPE, PlatformPropsImpl.CPU_ARCH, PlatformPropsImpl.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
-                      smdHardQueried=true;
+      if(!smdHardQueried) {
+          synchronized(MachineDescription.class) { // volatile dbl-checked-locking OK
+              if(!smdHardQueried) {
+                  smdHard = get(PlatformPropsImpl.OS_TYPE, PlatformPropsImpl.CPU_ARCH, PlatformPropsImpl.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
+                  smdHardQueried=true;
+                  if( PlatformPropsImpl.DEBUG ) {
+                      System.err.println("MachineDescription.StaticConfig.getStatic_Hard(os "+PlatformPropsImpl.OS_TYPE+", CpuType "+PlatformPropsImpl.CPU_ARCH+", little "+PlatformPropsImpl.LITTLE_ENDIAN+"): "+smdHard.toShortString());
-          return smdHard;
+      return smdHard;
-  private static MachineDescription.StaticConfig get(final Platform.OSType osType, final Platform.CPUType cpuType, final boolean littleEndian) {
+  public static MachineDescription.StaticConfig get(final Platform.OSType osType, final Platform.CPUType cpuType, final boolean littleEndian) {
       if( cpuType.is32Bit ) {
-          if( cpuType.getFamily() == Platform.CPUFamily.ARM && littleEndian) {
+          if( == Platform.CPUFamily.ARM && littleEndian) {
               return StaticConfig.ARMle_EABI;
           } else if( osType == Platform.OSType.WINDOWS ) {
               return StaticConfig.X86_32_WINDOWS;
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/
index b12ab6f..b35533f 100644
--- a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ import;
 import java.util.List;
 import jogamp.common.Debug;
-import jogamp.common.os.elf.ElfHeader;
+import jogamp.common.os.elf.ElfHeaderPart1;
+import jogamp.common.os.elf.ElfHeaderPart2;
 import jogamp.common.os.elf.SectionArmAttributes;
-import jogamp.common.os.elf.SectionHeader;
 import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers;
 import com.jogamp.common.os.AndroidVersion;
@@ -48,6 +48,13 @@ public abstract class PlatformPropsImpl {
         public static final VersionNumber Mavericks = new VersionNumber(10,9,0);
+    /**
+     * Returns {@code true} if the given {@link CPUType}s and {@link ABIType}s are compatible.
+     */
+    public static final boolean isCompatible(final CPUType cpu1, final ABIType abi1, final CPUType cpu2, final ABIType abi2) {
+        return cpu1.isCompatible(cpu2) && abi1.isCompatible(abi2);
+    }
     // static initialization order:
@@ -72,14 +79,20 @@ public abstract class PlatformPropsImpl {
     public static final String JAVA_RUNTIME_NAME;
     /** True if having {@link java.nio.LongBuffer} and {@link java.nio.DoubleBuffer} available. */
     public static final boolean JAVA_SE;
-    /** True if being compatible w/ language level 6, e.g. JRE 1.6. Implies {@link #JAVA_SE}. <i>Note</i>: We claim Android is compatible. */
+    /**
+     * True only if being compatible w/ language level 6, e.g. JRE 1.6.
+     * <p>
+     * Implies {@link #isJavaSE()}.
+     * </p>
+     * <p>
+     * <i>Note</i>: We claim Android is compatible.
+     * </p>
+     */
     public static final boolean JAVA_6;
     public static final String NEWLINE;
     public static final boolean LITTLE_ENDIAN;
-    /* pp */ static final CPUType sCpuType;
     public static final CPUType CPU_ARCH;
     public static final ABIType ABI_TYPE;
     public static final OSType OS_TYPE;
@@ -126,111 +139,191 @@ public abstract class PlatformPropsImpl {
         OS_VERSION_NUMBER = new VersionNumber(OS_VERSION);
         OS_TYPE = getOSTypeImpl(OS_lower, isAndroid);
-        LITTLE_ENDIAN = queryIsLittleEndianImpl();
-        // Soft values, i.e. w/o probing binaries
-        final String sARCH = System.getProperty("os.arch");
-        final String sARCH_lower = sARCH.toLowerCase();
-        sCpuType = getCPUTypeImpl(sARCH_lower);
-        if( DEBUG ) {
-            System.err.println("Platform.Soft: sARCH "+sARCH+", sCpuType "+sCpuType);
-            if( isAndroid ) {
-                System.err.println("Android: CPU_ABI1 str "+AndroidVersion.CPU_ABI+", CPU_TYPE "+AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE+", ABI_TYPE "+AndroidVersion.ABI_TYPE);
-                System.err.println("Android: CPU_ABI2 str "+AndroidVersion.CPU_ABI2+", CPU_TYPE2 "+AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE2+", ABI_TYPE2 "+AndroidVersion.ABI_TYPE2);
-            }
-        }
         // Hard values, i.e. w/ probing binaries
         // FIXME / HACK:
-        //   We use sCPUType for MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic()
+        //   We use preCpuType for MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic()
         //   until we have determined the final CPU_TYPE, etc.
         //   MachineDescriptionRuntime gets notified via MachineDescriptionRuntime.notifyPropsInitialized() below.
         //   We could use Elf Ehdr's machine value to determine the bit-size
         //   used for it's offset table!
         //   However, 'os.arch' should be a good guess for this task.
+        final String elfCpuName;
         final CPUType elfCpuType;
-        final ABIType elfAbiType;
+        final ABIType elfABIType;
+        final int elfLittleEndian;
         final boolean elfValid;
-            final CPUType[] _ehCpuType = { null };
-            final ABIType[] _ehAbiType = { null };
-            final ElfHeader eh = queryABITypeImpl(OS_TYPE, _ehCpuType, _ehAbiType);
-            if( null != eh && null != _ehCpuType[0] && null != _ehAbiType[0] ) {
-                elfCpuType = _ehCpuType[0];
-                elfAbiType = _ehAbiType[0];
-                if( isAndroid ) {
-                    final CPUFamily aCpuFamily1 = null != AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE ? : null;
-                    final CPUFamily aCpuFamily2 = null != AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE2 ? : null;
-                    if( != aCpuFamily1 && != aCpuFamily2 ) {
-                        // Ooops !
-                        elfValid = false;
-                    } else {
-                        elfValid = true;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    if( != ) {
-                        // Ooops !
-                        elfValid = false;
-                    } else {
-                        elfValid = true;
+            final String[] _elfCpuName = { null };
+            final CPUType[] _elfCpuType = { null };
+            final ABIType[] _elfAbiType = { null };
+            final int[] _elfLittleEndian = { 0 }; // 1 - little, 2 - big
+            final boolean[] _elfValid = { false };
+            AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
+                @Override
+                public Object run() {
+                    RandomAccessFile in = null;
+                    try {
+                        final File file = queryElfFile(OS_TYPE);
+                        if(DEBUG) {
+                            System.err.println("ELF-1: Using "+file);
+                        }
+                        in = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
+                        final ElfHeaderPart1 eh1 = readElfHeaderPart1(OS_TYPE, in);
+                        if(DEBUG) {
+                            System.err.println("ELF-1: Got "+eh1);
+                        }
+                        if( null != eh1 ) {
+                            final ElfHeaderPart2 eh2 = readElfHeaderPart2(eh1, in);
+                            if(DEBUG) {
+                                System.err.println("ELF-2: Got "+eh2);
+                            }
+                            if( null != eh2 ) {
+                                _elfCpuName[0] = eh2.cpuName;
+                                _elfCpuType[0] = eh2.cpuType;
+                                _elfAbiType[0] = eh2.abiType;
+                                if( eh1.isLittleEndian() ) {
+                                    _elfLittleEndian[0] = 1;
+                                } else if( eh1.isBigEndian() ) {
+                                    _elfLittleEndian[0] = 2;
+                                }
+                                _elfValid[0] = true;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } catch (final Throwable t) {
+                        if(DEBUG) {
+                            t.printStackTrace();
+                        }
+                    } finally {
+                        if(null != in) {
+                            try {
+                                in.close();
+                            } catch (final IOException e) { }
+                        }
-                }
-                if( DEBUG ) {
-                    System.err.println("Platform.Elf: cpuType "+elfCpuType+", abiType "+elfAbiType+", valid "+elfValid);
-                }
-            } else {
-                elfCpuType = null;
-                elfAbiType = null;
-                elfValid = false;
-                if( DEBUG ) {
-                    System.err.println("Platform.Elf: n/a");
-                }
+                    return null;
+                } });
+            elfCpuName = _elfCpuName[0];
+            elfCpuType = _elfCpuType[0];
+            elfABIType = _elfAbiType[0];
+            elfLittleEndian = _elfLittleEndian[0];
+            elfValid = _elfValid[0];
+            if( DEBUG ) {
+                System.err.println("Platform.Elf: valid "+elfValid+", elfCpuName "+elfCpuName+", cpuType "+elfCpuType+", abiType "+elfABIType+", elfLittleEndian "+elfLittleEndian);
+            }
+        }
+        // Determine endianess, favor ELF value
+        final boolean littleEndian = queryIsLittleEndianImpl();
+        if( elfValid ) {
+            switch( elfLittleEndian ) {
+                case 1:
+                    LITTLE_ENDIAN = true;
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    LITTLE_ENDIAN = false;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    LITTLE_ENDIAN = littleEndian;
+                    break;
+        } else {
+            LITTLE_ENDIAN = littleEndian;
+        }
+        if( DEBUG ) {
+            System.err.println("Platform.Endian: test-little "+littleEndian+", elf[valid "+elfValid+", val "+elfLittleEndian+"] -> LITTLE_ENDIAN "+LITTLE_ENDIAN);
+        // Property values for comparison
+        // We might take the property values even if ELF values are available,
+        // since the latter only reflect the CPU/ABI version of the binary files!
+        final String propARCH = System.getProperty("os.arch");
+        final String propARCH_lower = propARCH.toLowerCase();
+        final CPUType propCpuType = CPUType.query(propARCH_lower);
+        final ABIType propABIType = ABIType.query(propCpuType, propARCH_lower);
+        if( DEBUG ) {
+            System.err.println("Platform.Property: ARCH "+propARCH+", CpuType "+propCpuType+", ABIType "+propABIType);
+        }
+        final int strategy;
         if( isAndroid ) {
+            if( DEBUG ) {
+                System.err.println("Android: CPU_ABI1 str "+AndroidVersion.CPU_ABI+", CPU_TYPE "+AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE+", ABI_TYPE "+AndroidVersion.ABI_TYPE);
+                System.err.println("Android: CPU_ABI2 str "+AndroidVersion.CPU_ABI2+", CPU_TYPE2 "+AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE2+", ABI_TYPE2 "+AndroidVersion.ABI_TYPE2);
+            }
             if( elfValid ) {
-                if( == &&
-                    elfAbiType == AndroidVersion.ABI_TYPE )
+                if( null != AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE &&
+                    isCompatible(elfCpuType, elfABIType, AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE, AndroidVersion.ABI_TYPE) )
+                    // ELF matches Android-1
                     ARCH = AndroidVersion.CPU_ABI;
+                    ARCH_lower = ARCH;
                     CPU_ARCH = AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE;
-                } else {
+                    strategy = 110;
+                } else if( null != AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE2 &&
+                           isCompatible(elfCpuType, elfABIType, AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE2, AndroidVersion.ABI_TYPE2) )
+                {
+                    // ELF matches Android-2
                     ARCH = AndroidVersion.CPU_ABI2;
+                    ARCH_lower = ARCH;
                     CPU_ARCH = AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE2;
+                    strategy = 111;
+                } else {
+                    // We assume our ELF data beats AndroidVersion info (correctness)
+                    ARCH = elfCpuType.toString();
+                    ARCH_lower = ARCH.toLowerCase();
+                    CPU_ARCH = elfCpuType;
+                    strategy = 112;
-                ABI_TYPE = elfAbiType;
+                ABI_TYPE = elfABIType;
             } else {
-                // default
-                if( == CPUFamily.ARM || null == AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE2 ) {
+                if( == CPUFamily.ARM ||
+                    null == AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE2 ) {
+                    // Favor Android-1: Either b/c ARM Family, or no Android-2
                     ARCH = AndroidVersion.CPU_ABI;
+                    ARCH_lower = ARCH;
                     CPU_ARCH = AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE;
                     ABI_TYPE = AndroidVersion.ABI_TYPE;
+                    strategy = 120;
                 } else {
+                    // Last resort Android-2
                     ARCH = AndroidVersion.CPU_ABI2;
+                    ARCH_lower = ARCH;
                     CPU_ARCH = AndroidVersion.CPU_TYPE2;
                     ABI_TYPE = AndroidVersion.ABI_TYPE2;
+                    strategy = 121;
-            ARCH_lower  = ARCH;
         } else {
-            ARCH = sARCH;
-            ARCH_lower = sARCH_lower;
-            if( elfValid && CPUFamily.ARM == ) {
-                // Use Elf for ARM
-                CPU_ARCH = elfCpuType;
-                ABI_TYPE = elfAbiType;
+            if( elfValid ) {
+                if( isCompatible(elfCpuType, elfABIType, propCpuType, propABIType) ) {
+                    // Use property ARCH, compatible w/ ELF
+                    ARCH = propARCH;
+                    ARCH_lower = propARCH_lower;
+                    CPU_ARCH = propCpuType;
+                    ABI_TYPE = propABIType;
+                    strategy = 210;
+                } else {
+                    // use ELF ARCH
+                    ARCH = elfCpuName;
+                    ARCH_lower = elfCpuName;
+                    CPU_ARCH = elfCpuType;
+                    ABI_TYPE = elfABIType;
+                    strategy = 211;
+                }
             } else {
-                // Otherwise trust detailed os.arch (?)
-                CPU_ARCH = sCpuType;
-                ABI_TYPE = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
+                // Last resort: properties
+                ARCH = propARCH;
+                ARCH_lower = propARCH_lower;
+                CPU_ARCH = propCpuType;
+                ABI_TYPE = propABIType;
+                strategy = 220;
         if( DEBUG ) {
-            System.err.println("Platform.Hard: ARCH "+ARCH+", CPU_ARCH "+CPU_ARCH+", ABI_TYPE "+ABI_TYPE+" - isAndroid "+isAndroid+", elfValid "+elfValid);
+            System.err.println("Platform.Hard: ARCH "+ARCH+", CPU_ARCH "+CPU_ARCH+", ABI_TYPE "+ABI_TYPE+" - strategy "+strategy+"(isAndroid "+isAndroid+", elfValid "+elfValid+")");
-        MachineDescriptionRuntime.notifyPropsInitialized();
         os_and_arch = getOSAndArch(OS_TYPE, CPU_ARCH, ABI_TYPE);
@@ -271,49 +364,6 @@ public abstract class PlatformPropsImpl {
         return 0x0C0D == tst_s.get(0);
-    private static final CPUType getCPUTypeImpl(final String archLower) {
-        if(        archLower.equals("x86")  ||         // jvm + android
-                   archLower.equals("i386") ||
-                   archLower.equals("i486") ||
-                   archLower.equals("i586") ||
-                   archLower.equals("i686") ) {
-            return CPUType.X86_32;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("x86_64") ||
-                   archLower.equals("amd64")  ) {
-            return CPUType.X86_64;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("ia64") ) {
-            return CPUType.IA64;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("arm") ) {
-            return CPUType.ARM;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("armv5l") ) {
-            return CPUType.ARMv5;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("armv6l") ) {
-            return CPUType.ARMv6;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("armv7l") ||
-                   archLower.equals("armeabi") ||      // android
-                   archLower.equals("armeabi-v7a") ) { // android
-            return CPUType.ARMv7;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("aarch64") ||
-                   archLower.equals("arm64") ) {
-            return CPUType.ARM64;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("armv8-a") ||
-                   archLower.equals("arm64-v8a") ) {
-            return CPUType.ARMv8_A;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("sparc") ) {
-            return CPUType.SPARC_32;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("sparcv9") ) {
-            return CPUType.SPARCV9_64;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("pa_risc2.0") ) {
-            return CPUType.PA_RISC2_0;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("ppc") ) {
-            return CPUType.PPC;
-        } else if( archLower.equals("mips") ) {        // android
-            return CPUType.MIPS_32;
-        } else {
-            throw new RuntimeException("Please port CPU detection to your platform (" + OS_lower + "/" + archLower + ")");
-        }
-    }
     private static final boolean contains(final String data, final String[] search) {
         if(null != data && null != search) {
@@ -341,101 +391,53 @@ public abstract class PlatformPropsImpl {
      * Elf ARM Tags are read using {@link ElfHeader}, .. and {@link SectionArmAttributes#abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant(byte)}.
      * </p>
-    private static final ElfHeader queryABITypeImpl(final OSType osType, final CPUType[] cpuType, final ABIType[] abiType) {
-        return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ElfHeader>() {
-            @Override
-            public ElfHeader run() {
-                ElfHeader res = null;
-                try {
-                    File file = null;
-                    if( OSType.ANDROID == osType ) {
-                        file = new File(NativeLibrary.findLibrary("gluegen-rt", PlatformPropsImpl.class.getClassLoader()));
-                    } else {
-                        if( OSType.LINUX == osType ) {
-                            file = new File("/proc/self/exe");
-                            if( !checkFileReadAccess(file) ) {
-                                file = null;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if( null == file ) {
-                            file = findSysLib("java");
-                        }
-                        if( null == file ) {
-                            file = findSysLib("jvm");
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if( null != file ) {
-                        res = queryABITypeImpl(file, cpuType, abiType);
-                    }
-                } catch(final Throwable t) {
-                    if(DEBUG) {
-                        t.printStackTrace();
-                    }
-                }
-                return res;
-            } } );
-    }
-    private static final ElfHeader queryABITypeImpl(final File file, final CPUType[] cpuType, final ABIType[] abiType) {
-        ElfHeader res = null;
-        RandomAccessFile in = null;
+    private static final File queryElfFile(final OSType osType) {
+        File file = null;
         try {
-            in = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
-            final ElfHeader eh =;
-            if(DEBUG) {
-                System.err.println("ELF: Got HDR "+file+": "+eh);
-            }
-            if( eh.isArm() ) {
-                boolean abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant = false;
-                final SectionHeader sh = eh.getSectionHeader(SectionHeader.SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES);
-                if( null != sh ) {
-                    if(DEBUG) {
-                        System.err.println("ELF: Got ARM Attribs Section Header: "+sh);
-                    }
-                    final SectionArmAttributes sArmAttrs = (SectionArmAttributes) sh.readSection(in);
-                    if(DEBUG) {
-                        System.err.println("ELF: Got ARM Attribs Section Block : "+sArmAttrs);
-                    }
-                    final SectionArmAttributes.Attribute abiVFPArgsAttr = sArmAttrs.get(SectionArmAttributes.Tag.ABI_VFP_args);
-                    if( null != abiVFPArgsAttr ) {
-                        abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant = SectionArmAttributes.abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant(abiVFPArgsAttr.getULEB128());
+            if( OSType.ANDROID == osType ) {
+                file = new File(NativeLibrary.findLibrary("gluegen-rt", PlatformPropsImpl.class.getClassLoader()));
+            } else {
+                if( OSType.LINUX == osType ) {
+                    file = new File("/proc/self/exe");
+                    if( !checkFileReadAccess(file) ) {
+                        file = null;
-                cpuType[0] = CPUType.ARM; // lowest 32bit denominator, ok for us
-                abiType[0] = abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant ? ABIType.EABI_GNU_ARMHF : ABIType.EABI_GNU_ARMEL;
-                if(DEBUG) {
-                    System.err.println("ELF: abiARM, abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant "+abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant);
+                if( null == file ) {
+                    file = findSysLib("java");
+                }
+                if( null == file ) {
+                    file = findSysLib("jvm");
-            } else if ( eh.isAARCH64() ) {
-                cpuType[0] = CPUType.ARM64;
-                abiType[0] = ABIType.EABI_AARCH64;
-            } else if ( eh.isX86_64() ) {
-                cpuType[0] = CPUType.X86_64;
-                abiType[0] = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
-            } else if ( eh.isX86_32() ) {
-                cpuType[0] = CPUType.X86_32;
-                abiType[0] = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
-            } else if ( eh.isIA64() ) {
-                cpuType[0] = CPUType.IA64;
-                abiType[0] = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
-            } else if ( eh.isMips() ) {
-                cpuType[0] = CPUType.MIPS_32; // FIXME
-                abiType[0] = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
-            res = eh;
         } catch(final Throwable t) {
             if(DEBUG) {
-                System.err.println("Caught: "+t.getMessage());
-        } finally {
-            if(null != in) {
-                try {
-                    in.close();
-                } catch (final IOException e) { }
+        }
+        return file;
+    }
+    private static final ElfHeaderPart1 readElfHeaderPart1(final OSType osType, final RandomAccessFile in) {
+        ElfHeaderPart1 res = null;
+        try {
+            res =, in);
+        } catch(final Throwable t) {
+            if(DEBUG) {
+                System.err.println("Caught: "+t.getMessage());
+                t.printStackTrace();
-        if(DEBUG) {
-            System.err.println("ELF: res "+res+", cpuType "+cpuType[0]+", abiType "+abiType[0]);
+        return res;
+    }
+    private static final ElfHeaderPart2 readElfHeaderPart2(final ElfHeaderPart1 eh1, final RandomAccessFile in) {
+        ElfHeaderPart2 res = null;
+        try {
+            res =, in);
+        } catch(final Throwable t) {
+            if(DEBUG) {
+                System.err.println("Caught: "+t.getMessage());
+                t.printStackTrace();
+            }
         return res;
@@ -551,6 +553,9 @@ public abstract class PlatformPropsImpl {
             case SPARC_32:
                 _and_arch_tmp = "sparc";
+            case PPC64:
+                _and_arch_tmp = "ppc64";        // TODO: sync with gluegen-cpptasks-base.xml
+                break;
             case PPC:
                 _and_arch_tmp = "ppc";          // TODO: sync with gluegen-cpptasks-base.xml
@@ -567,7 +572,7 @@ public abstract class PlatformPropsImpl {
                 _and_arch_tmp = "risc2.0";      // TODO: sync with gluegen-cpptasks-base.xml
-                throw new InternalError("Complete case block");
+                throw new InternalError("Unhandled CPUType: "+cpuType);
         switch( osType ) {
@@ -604,7 +609,7 @@ public abstract class PlatformPropsImpl {
               _and_arch_final = "hppa";     // TODO: really only hppa ?
-              throw new InternalError("Complete case block");
+              throw new InternalError("Unhandled OSType: "+osType);
         return os_ + "-" + _and_arch_final;
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aac1c1..0000000
--- a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-/* !---- DO NOT EDIT: This file autogenerated by com/jogamp/gluegen/ on Fri Jan 30 06:44:16 CET 2015 ----! */
-package jogamp.common.os.elf;
-import java.nio.*;
-import com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.*;
-import com.jogamp.common.os.*;
-import com.jogamp.common.nio.*;
-import jogamp.common.os.MachineDescriptionRuntime;
-public class Ehdr {
-  StructAccessor accessor;
-  private static final int mdIdx = MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().ordinal();
-  private static final int[] Ehdr_size = new int[] { 52 /* ARMle_EABI */, 52 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 64 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 52 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 52 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 64 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 52 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_ident_offset = new int[] { 0 /* ARMle_EABI */, 0 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 0 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 0 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 0 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 0 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 0 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-  private static final int[] e_ident_size = new int[] { 16 /* ARMle_EABI */, 16 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 16 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 16 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 16 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 16 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 16 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_type_offset = new int[] { 16 /* ARMle_EABI */, 16 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 16 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 16 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 16 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 16 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 16 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_type_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_machine_offset = new int[] { 18 /* ARMle_EABI */, 18 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 18 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 18 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 18 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 18 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 18 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_machine_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_version_offset = new int[] { 20 /* ARMle_EABI */, 20 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 20 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 20 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 20 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 20 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 20 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_version_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_entry_offset = new int[] { 24 /* ARMle_EABI */, 24 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 24 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 24 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 24 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 24 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 24 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_entry_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_phoff_offset = new int[] { 28 /* ARMle_EABI */, 28 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 32 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 28 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 28 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 32 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 28 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_phoff_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_shoff_offset = new int[] { 32 /* ARMle_EABI */, 32 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 40 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 32 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 32 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 40 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 32 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_shoff_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_flags_offset = new int[] { 36 /* ARMle_EABI */, 36 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 48 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 36 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 36 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 48 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 36 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_flags_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_ehsize_offset = new int[] { 40 /* ARMle_EABI */, 40 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 52 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 40 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 40 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 52 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 40 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_ehsize_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_phentsize_offset = new int[] { 42 /* ARMle_EABI */, 42 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 54 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 42 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 42 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 54 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 42 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_phentsize_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_phnum_offset = new int[] { 44 /* ARMle_EABI */, 44 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 56 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 44 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 44 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 56 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 44 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_phnum_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_shentsize_offset = new int[] { 46 /* ARMle_EABI */, 46 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 58 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 46 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 46 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 58 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 46 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_shentsize_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_shnum_offset = new int[] { 48 /* ARMle_EABI */, 48 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 60 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 48 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 48 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 60 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 48 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_shnum_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] e_shstrndx_offset = new int[] { 50 /* ARMle_EABI */, 50 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 62 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 50 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 50 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 62 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 50 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] e_shstrndx_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  public static int size() {
-    return Ehdr_size[mdIdx];
-  }
-  public static Ehdr create() {
-    return create(Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(size()));
-  }
-  public static Ehdr create(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {
-      return new Ehdr(buf);
-  }
-  Ehdr(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {
-    accessor = new StructAccessor(buf);
-  }
-  public java.nio.ByteBuffer getBuffer() {
-    return accessor.getBuffer();
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['char *', size [fixed false, lnx64 16], [array*1]], with array length of <code>16</code> */
-  public static final int getE_identArrayLength() {
-    return 16;
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['char *', size [fixed false, lnx64 16], [array*1]], with array length of <code>16</code> */
-  public Ehdr setE_ident(final int offset, byte[] val) {
-    final int arrayLength = 16;
-    if( offset + val.length > arrayLength ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offset "+offset+" + val.length "+val.length+" > array-length "+arrayLength); };
-    final int elemSize = Buffers.SIZEOF_BYTE;
-    final ByteBuffer destB = getBuffer();
-    final int bTotal = arrayLength * elemSize;
-    if( bTotal > e_ident_size[mdIdx] ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bTotal "+bTotal+" > size "+e_ident_size[mdIdx]+", elemSize "+elemSize+" * "+arrayLength); };
-    int bOffset = e_ident_offset[mdIdx];
-    final int bLimes = bOffset + bTotal;
-    if( bLimes > destB.limit() ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bLimes "+bLimes+" > buffer.limit "+destB.limit()+", elemOff "+bOffset+", elemSize "+elemSize+" * "+arrayLength); };
-    bOffset += elemSize * offset;
-    accessor.setBytesAt(bOffset, val);
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['char *', size [fixed false, lnx64 16], [array*1]], with array length of <code>16</code> */
-  public ByteBuffer getE_ident() {
-    return accessor.slice(e_ident_offset[mdIdx],  Buffers.SIZEOF_BYTE * 16);
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['char *', size [fixed false, lnx64 16], [array*1]], with array length of <code>16</code> */
-  public byte[] getE_ident(final int offset, byte result[]) {
-    final int arrayLength = 16;
-    if( offset + result.length > arrayLength ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offset "+offset+" + result.length "+result.length+" > array-length "+arrayLength); };
-    return accessor.getBytesAt(e_ident_offset[mdIdx] + (Buffers.SIZEOF_BYTE * offset), result);
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_type(short val) {
-    accessor.setShortAt(e_type_offset[mdIdx], val);
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public short getE_type() {
-    return accessor.getShortAt(e_type_offset[mdIdx]);
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_machine(short val) {
-    accessor.setShortAt(e_machine_offset[mdIdx], val);
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public short getE_machine() {
-    return accessor.getShortAt(e_machine_offset[mdIdx]);
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint32_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_version(int val) {
-    accessor.setIntAt(e_version_offset[mdIdx], val);
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint32_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [int]] */
-  public int getE_version() {
-    return accessor.getIntAt(e_version_offset[mdIdx]);
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_Addr' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_entry(long val) {
-    accessor.setLongAt(e_entry_offset[mdIdx], val, MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_Addr' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
-  public long getE_entry() {
-    return accessor.getLongAt(e_entry_offset[mdIdx], MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_Off' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_phoff(long val) {
-    accessor.setLongAt(e_phoff_offset[mdIdx], val, MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_Off' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
-  public long getE_phoff() {
-    return accessor.getLongAt(e_phoff_offset[mdIdx], MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_Off' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_shoff(long val) {
-    accessor.setLongAt(e_shoff_offset[mdIdx], val, MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_Off' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
-  public long getE_shoff() {
-    return accessor.getLongAt(e_shoff_offset[mdIdx], MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint32_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_flags(int val) {
-    accessor.setIntAt(e_flags_offset[mdIdx], val);
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint32_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [int]] */
-  public int getE_flags() {
-    return accessor.getIntAt(e_flags_offset[mdIdx]);
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_ehsize(short val) {
-    accessor.setShortAt(e_ehsize_offset[mdIdx], val);
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public short getE_ehsize() {
-    return accessor.getShortAt(e_ehsize_offset[mdIdx]);
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_phentsize(short val) {
-    accessor.setShortAt(e_phentsize_offset[mdIdx], val);
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public short getE_phentsize() {
-    return accessor.getShortAt(e_phentsize_offset[mdIdx]);
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_phnum(short val) {
-    accessor.setShortAt(e_phnum_offset[mdIdx], val);
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public short getE_phnum() {
-    return accessor.getShortAt(e_phnum_offset[mdIdx]);
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_shentsize(short val) {
-    accessor.setShortAt(e_shentsize_offset[mdIdx], val);
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public short getE_shentsize() {
-    return accessor.getShortAt(e_shentsize_offset[mdIdx]);
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_shnum(short val) {
-    accessor.setShortAt(e_shnum_offset[mdIdx], val);
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public short getE_shnum() {
-    return accessor.getShortAt(e_shnum_offset[mdIdx]);
-  }
-  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public Ehdr setE_shstrndx(short val) {
-    accessor.setShortAt(e_shstrndx_offset[mdIdx], val);
-    return this;
-  }
-  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
-  public short getE_shstrndx() {
-    return accessor.getShortAt(e_shstrndx_offset[mdIdx]);
-  }
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d23a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* !---- DO NOT EDIT: This file autogenerated by com/jogamp/gluegen/ on Sun Feb 01 03:27:25 CET 2015 ----! */
+package jogamp.common.os.elf;
+import java.nio.*;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.*;
+import com.jogamp.common.os.*;
+import com.jogamp.common.nio.*;
+import jogamp.common.os.MachineDescriptionRuntime;
+public class Ehdr_p1 {
+  StructAccessor accessor;
+  private static final int mdIdx = 0;
+  private final MachineDescription md;
+  private static final int[] Ehdr_p1_size = new int[] { 24 /* ARMle_EABI */, 24 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 24 /* LP64_UNIX */, 24 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 24 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 24 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 24 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_ident_offset = new int[] { 0 /* ARMle_EABI */, 0 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 0 /* LP64_UNIX */, 0 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 0 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 0 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 0 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+  private static final int[] e_ident_size = new int[] { 16 /* ARMle_EABI */, 16 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 16 /* LP64_UNIX */, 16 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 16 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 16 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 16 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_type_offset = new int[] { 16 /* ARMle_EABI */, 16 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 16 /* LP64_UNIX */, 16 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 16 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 16 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 16 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_type_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* LP64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_machine_offset = new int[] { 18 /* ARMle_EABI */, 18 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 18 /* LP64_UNIX */, 18 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 18 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 18 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 18 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_machine_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* LP64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_version_offset = new int[] { 20 /* ARMle_EABI */, 20 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 20 /* LP64_UNIX */, 20 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 20 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 20 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 20 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_version_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  public static int size() {
+    return Ehdr_p1_size[mdIdx];
+  }
+  public static Ehdr_p1 create() {
+    return create(Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(size()));
+  }
+  public static Ehdr_p1 create(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {
+      return new Ehdr_p1(buf);
+  }
+  Ehdr_p1(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {
+    md = MachineDescription.StaticConfig.values()[mdIdx].md;
+    accessor = new StructAccessor(buf);
+  }
+  public java.nio.ByteBuffer getBuffer() {
+    return accessor.getBuffer();
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['char *', size [fixed false, lnx64 16], [array*1]], with array length of <code>16</code> */
+  public static final int getE_identArrayLength() {
+    return 16;
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['char *', size [fixed false, lnx64 16], [array*1]], with array length of <code>16</code> */
+  public Ehdr_p1 setE_ident(final int offset, byte[] val) {
+    final int arrayLength = 16;
+    if( offset + val.length > arrayLength ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offset "+offset+" + val.length "+val.length+" > array-length "+arrayLength); };
+    final int elemSize = Buffers.SIZEOF_BYTE;
+    final ByteBuffer destB = getBuffer();
+    final int bTotal = arrayLength * elemSize;
+    if( bTotal > e_ident_size[mdIdx] ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bTotal "+bTotal+" > size "+e_ident_size[mdIdx]+", elemSize "+elemSize+" * "+arrayLength); };
+    int bOffset = e_ident_offset[mdIdx];
+    final int bLimes = bOffset + bTotal;
+    if( bLimes > destB.limit() ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bLimes "+bLimes+" > buffer.limit "+destB.limit()+", elemOff "+bOffset+", elemSize "+elemSize+" * "+arrayLength); };
+    bOffset += elemSize * offset;
+    accessor.setBytesAt(bOffset, val);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['char *', size [fixed false, lnx64 16], [array*1]], with array length of <code>16</code> */
+  public ByteBuffer getE_ident() {
+    return accessor.slice(e_ident_offset[mdIdx],  Buffers.SIZEOF_BYTE * 16);
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['char *', size [fixed false, lnx64 16], [array*1]], with array length of <code>16</code> */
+  public byte[] getE_ident(final int offset, byte result[]) {
+    final int arrayLength = 16;
+    if( offset + result.length > arrayLength ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offset "+offset+" + result.length "+result.length+" > array-length "+arrayLength); };
+    return accessor.getBytesAt(e_ident_offset[mdIdx] + (Buffers.SIZEOF_BYTE * offset), result);
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p1 setE_type(short val) {
+    accessor.setShortAt(e_type_offset[mdIdx], val);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public short getE_type() {
+    return accessor.getShortAt(e_type_offset[mdIdx]);
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p1 setE_machine(short val) {
+    accessor.setShortAt(e_machine_offset[mdIdx], val);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public short getE_machine() {
+    return accessor.getShortAt(e_machine_offset[mdIdx]);
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint32_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p1 setE_version(int val) {
+    accessor.setIntAt(e_version_offset[mdIdx], val);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint32_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [int]] */
+  public int getE_version() {
+    return accessor.getIntAt(e_version_offset[mdIdx]);
+  }
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dc561a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+/* !---- DO NOT EDIT: This file autogenerated by com/jogamp/gluegen/ on Sun Feb 01 03:27:25 CET 2015 ----! */
+package jogamp.common.os.elf;
+import java.nio.*;
+import com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.*;
+import com.jogamp.common.os.*;
+import com.jogamp.common.nio.*;
+import jogamp.common.os.MachineDescriptionRuntime;
+public class Ehdr_p2 {
+  StructAccessor accessor;
+  private final int mdIdx;
+  private final MachineDescription md;
+  private static final int[] Ehdr_p2_size = new int[] { 28 /* ARMle_EABI */, 28 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 40 /* LP64_UNIX */, 28 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 28 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 40 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 28 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_entry_offset = new int[] { 0 /* ARMle_EABI */, 0 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 0 /* LP64_UNIX */, 0 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 0 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 0 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 0 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_entry_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_phoff_offset = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_phoff_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_shoff_offset = new int[] { 8 /* ARMle_EABI */, 8 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 16 /* LP64_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 8 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 16 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 8 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_shoff_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_flags_offset = new int[] { 12 /* ARMle_EABI */, 12 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 24 /* LP64_UNIX */, 12 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 12 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 24 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 12 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_flags_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_ehsize_offset = new int[] { 16 /* ARMle_EABI */, 16 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 28 /* LP64_UNIX */, 16 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 16 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 28 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 16 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_ehsize_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* LP64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_phentsize_offset = new int[] { 18 /* ARMle_EABI */, 18 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 30 /* LP64_UNIX */, 18 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 18 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 30 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 18 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_phentsize_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* LP64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_phnum_offset = new int[] { 20 /* ARMle_EABI */, 20 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 32 /* LP64_UNIX */, 20 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 20 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 32 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 20 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_phnum_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* LP64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_shentsize_offset = new int[] { 22 /* ARMle_EABI */, 22 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 34 /* LP64_UNIX */, 22 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 22 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 34 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 22 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_shentsize_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* LP64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_shnum_offset = new int[] { 24 /* ARMle_EABI */, 24 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 36 /* LP64_UNIX */, 24 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 24 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 36 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 24 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_shnum_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* LP64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] e_shstrndx_offset = new int[] { 26 /* ARMle_EABI */, 26 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 38 /* LP64_UNIX */, 26 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 26 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 38 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 26 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] e_shstrndx_size = new int[] { 2 /* ARMle_EABI */, 2 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 2 /* LP64_UNIX */, 2 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 2 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 2 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 2 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  public java.nio.ByteBuffer getBuffer() {
+    return accessor.getBuffer();
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_Addr' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p2 setE_entry(long val) {
+    accessor.setLongAt(e_entry_offset[mdIdx], val, md.longSizeInBytes());
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_Addr' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
+  public long getE_entry() {
+    return accessor.getLongAt(e_entry_offset[mdIdx], md.longSizeInBytes());
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_Off' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p2 setE_phoff(long val) {
+    accessor.setLongAt(e_phoff_offset[mdIdx], val, md.longSizeInBytes());
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_Off' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
+  public long getE_phoff() {
+    return accessor.getLongAt(e_phoff_offset[mdIdx], md.longSizeInBytes());
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_Off' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p2 setE_shoff(long val) {
+    accessor.setLongAt(e_shoff_offset[mdIdx], val, md.longSizeInBytes());
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_Off' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
+  public long getE_shoff() {
+    return accessor.getLongAt(e_shoff_offset[mdIdx], md.longSizeInBytes());
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint32_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p2 setE_flags(int val) {
+    accessor.setIntAt(e_flags_offset[mdIdx], val);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint32_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [int]] */
+  public int getE_flags() {
+    return accessor.getIntAt(e_flags_offset[mdIdx]);
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p2 setE_ehsize(short val) {
+    accessor.setShortAt(e_ehsize_offset[mdIdx], val);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public short getE_ehsize() {
+    return accessor.getShortAt(e_ehsize_offset[mdIdx]);
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p2 setE_phentsize(short val) {
+    accessor.setShortAt(e_phentsize_offset[mdIdx], val);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public short getE_phentsize() {
+    return accessor.getShortAt(e_phentsize_offset[mdIdx]);
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p2 setE_phnum(short val) {
+    accessor.setShortAt(e_phnum_offset[mdIdx], val);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public short getE_phnum() {
+    return accessor.getShortAt(e_phnum_offset[mdIdx]);
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p2 setE_shentsize(short val) {
+    accessor.setShortAt(e_shentsize_offset[mdIdx], val);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public short getE_shentsize() {
+    return accessor.getShortAt(e_shentsize_offset[mdIdx]);
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p2 setE_shnum(short val) {
+    accessor.setShortAt(e_shnum_offset[mdIdx], val);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public short getE_shnum() {
+    return accessor.getShortAt(e_shnum_offset[mdIdx]);
+  }
+  /** Setter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public Ehdr_p2 setE_shstrndx(short val) {
+    accessor.setShortAt(e_shstrndx_offset[mdIdx], val);
+    return this;
+  }
+  /** Getter for native field: CType['uint16_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 2], [int]] */
+  public short getE_shstrndx() {
+    return accessor.getShortAt(e_shstrndx_offset[mdIdx]);
+  }
+  // --- Begin CustomJavaCode .cfg declarations
+  public static int size(final int mdIdx) {
+      return Ehdr_p2_size[mdIdx];
+  }
+  public static Ehdr_p2 create(final int mdIdx) {
+      return create(mdIdx, Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(size(mdIdx)));
+  }
+  public static Ehdr_p2 create(final int mdIdx, final java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {
+      return new Ehdr_p2(mdIdx, buf);
+  }
+  Ehdr_p2(final int mdIdx, final java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {
+      this.mdIdx = mdIdx;
+ = MachineDescription.StaticConfig.values()[mdIdx].md;
+      this.accessor = new StructAccessor(buf);
+  }
+  // ---- End CustomJavaCode .cfg declarations
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 60b6d50..0000000
--- a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,654 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2013 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
- * permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
- *       conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
- *       of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
- *       provided with the distribution.
- *
- *
- * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the
- * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
- * or implied, of JogAmp Community.
- */
-package jogamp.common.os.elf;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import static jogamp.common.os.elf.IOUtils.readBytes;
-import static;
-import static jogamp.common.os.elf.IOUtils.shortToInt;
-import static jogamp.common.os.elf.IOUtils.toHexString;
- * ELF ABI Header
- * <p>
- * References:
- * <ul>
- *   <li></li>
- *   <li></li>
- *   <li>
- *   <ul>
- *      <li>ARM IHI 0044E, current through ABI release 2.09</li>
- *   </ul></li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- */
-public class ElfHeader {
-    /** Size of e_ident array - {@value} */
-    public static int EI_NIDENT = 16;
-    /** ident byte #0 - {@value} */
-    public static final byte ELFMAG0 = 0x7f;
-    /** ident byte #1 - {@value} */
-    public static final byte ELFMAG1 = 'E';
-    /** ident byte #2 - {@value} */
-    public static final byte ELFMAG2 = 'L';
-    /** ident byte #3 - {@value} */
-    public static final byte ELFMAG3 = 'F';
-    /** ident byte #4 */
-    public static final int EI_CLASS = 4;
-    public static final byte ELFCLASSNONE = 0;
-    public static final byte ELFCLASS32 = 1;
-    public static final byte ELFCLASS64 = 2;
-    /** ident byte #5 */
-    public static final int EI_DATA = 5;
-    public static final byte ELFDATANONE = 0;
-    public static final byte ELFDATA2LSB = 1;
-    public static final byte ELFDATA2MSB = 2;
-    /** ident byte #6 */
-    public static final int EI_VERSION = 6;
-    public static final byte EV_NONE = 0;
-    public static final byte EV_CURRENT = 1;
-    /** ident byte #7 */
-    public static final int EI_OSABI = 7;
-    /** Unix System V ABI - {@value} */
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_SYSV = 0;
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_NONE = ELFOSABI_SYSV;
-    /** HP-UX ABI - {@value} */
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_HPUX = 1;
-    /** NetBSD ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_NETBSD = 2;
-    /** Linux ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_LINUX = 3;
-    /** Solaris ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_SOLARIS = 6;
-    /** IRIX ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_IRIX = 7;
-    /** FreeBSD ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_FREEBSD = 8;
-    /** ARM architecture ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_ARM = 8; // FIXME
-    /** Stand-alone (embedded) ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_STANDALONE = 9; // FIXME
-    /** TRU64 UNIX ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_TRU64 = 10;
-    /** Novell Modesto ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_MODESTO = 11;
-    /** Open BSD ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_OPENBSD = 12;
-    /** Open VMS ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_OPENVMS = 13;
-    /** Hewlett-Packard Non-Stop Kernel ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_NSK     = 14;
-    /** Amiga Research OS ABI - {@value} **/
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_AROS    = 15;
-    /** The FenixOS highly scalable multi-core OS 64-255 Architecture-specific value range - {@value} */
-    public static final byte ELFOSABI_FENIXOS = 16;
-    /** ident byte #8
-     * <p>
-     * This byte identifies the version of the ABI to which the object is targeted.
-     * This field is used to distinguish among incompatible versions of an ABI.
-     * The interpretation of this version number is dependent on the ABI identified by the EI_OSABI field.
-     * Applications conforming to this specification use the value 0.
-     * </p>
-     */
-    public static final int EI_ABIVERSION = 8;
-    /**
-     * ident byte #9 .. ?
-     * <p>
-     * Start of padding.
-     * These bytes are reserved and set to zero.
-     * Programs which read them should ignore them.
-     * The value for EI_PAD will change in the future if currently unused bytes are given meanings.
-     * </p>
-     */
-    public static final int EI_PAD = 9;
-    /**
-     * This masks an 8-bit version number, the version of the ABI to which this
-     * ELF file conforms. This ABI is version 5. A value of 0 denotes unknown conformance.
-     * {@value}
-     */
-    public static final int EF_ARM_ABIMASK  = 0xFF000000;
-    public static final int EF_ARM_ABISHIFT  = 24;
-    /**
-     * ARM ABI version 5.
-     * {@value}
-     */
-    public static final int EF_ARM_ABI5  = 0x05000000;
-    /**
-     * The ELF file contains BE-8 code, suitable for execution on an ARM
-     * Architecture v6 processor. This flag must only be set on an executable file.
-     * {@value}
-     */
-    public static final int EF_ARM_BE8      = 0x00800000;
-    /**
-     * Legacy code (ABI version 4 and earlier) generated by gcc-arm-xxx might
-     * use these bits.
-     * {@value}
-     */
-    public static final int EF_ARM_GCCMASK  = 0x00400FFF;
-    /**
-     * Set in executable file headers (e_type = ET_EXEC or ET_DYN) to note that
-     * the executable file was built to conform to the hardware floating-point
-     * procedure-call standard.
-     * <p>
-     * Compatible with legacy (pre version 5) gcc use as EF_ARM_VFP_FLOAT.
-     * </p>
-     * <p>
-     * Note: This is not used (anymore)
-     * </p>
-     * {@value}
-     */
-    public static final int EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD  = 0x00000400;
-    /**
-     * Set in executable file headers (e_type = ET_EXEC or ET_DYN) to note
-     * explicitly that the executable file was built to conform to the software
-     * floating-point procedure-call standard (the base standard). If both
-     * {@link #EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD} and {@link #EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_SOFT} are clear,
-     * conformance to the base procedure-call standard is implied.
-     * <p>
-     * Compatible with legacy (pre version 5) gcc use as EF_ARM_SOFT_FLOAT.
-     * </p>
-     * <p>
-     * Note: This is not used (anymore)
-     * </p>
-     * {@value}
-     */
-    public static final int EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_SOFT  = 0x00000200;
-    /** An unknown type - {@value} */
-    public static final short ET_NONE   = 0;
-    /** A relocatable file - {@value} */
-    public static final short ET_REL    = 1;
-    /** An executable file - {@value} */
-    public static final short ET_EXEC   = 2;
-    /** A shared object - {@value} */
-    public static final short ET_DYN    = 3;
-    /** A core file - {@value} */
-    public static final short ET_CORE   = 4;
-    public static final short EM_NONE = 0;
-    public static final short EM_M32 = 1;
-    public static final short EM_SPARC = 2;
-    public static final short EM_386 = 3;
-    public static final short EM_68K = 4;
-    public static final short EM_88K = 5;
-    public static final short EM_486 = 6;
-    public static final short EM_860 = 7;
-    public static final short EM_MIPS = 8;
-    public static final short EM_S370 = 9;
-    public static final short EM_MIPS_RS3_LE = 10;
-    public static final short EM_PARISC = 15;
-    public static final short EM_res016 = 16;
-    public static final short EM_VPP550 = 17;
-    public static final short EM_SPARC32PLUS = 18;
-    public static final short EM_960 = 19;
-    public static final short EM_PPC = 20;
-    public static final short EM_PPC64 = 21;
-    public static final short EM_S390 = 22;
-    public static final short EM_SPU = 23;
-    public static final short EM_V800 = 36;
-    public static final short EM_FR20 = 37;
-    public static final short EM_RH32 = 38;
-    public static final short EM_MCORE = 39;
-    public static final short EM_RCE = 39;
-    public static final short EM_ARM = 40;
-    public static final short EM_OLD_ALPHA = 41;
-    public static final short EM_SH = 42;
-    public static final short EM_SPARCV9 = 43;
-    public static final short EM_TRICORE = 44;
-    public static final short EM_ARC = 45;
-    public static final short EM_H8_300 = 46;
-    public static final short EM_H8_300H = 47;
-    public static final short EM_H8S = 48;
-    public static final short EM_H8_500 = 49;
-    public static final short EM_IA_64 = 50;
-    public static final short EM_MIPS_X = 51;
-    public static final short EM_COLDFIRE = 52;
-    public static final short EM_68HC12 = 53;
-    public static final short EM_MMA = 54;
-    public static final short EM_PCP = 55;
-    public static final short EM_NCPU = 56;
-    public static final short EM_NDR1 = 57;
-    public static final short EM_STARCORE = 58;
-    public static final short EM_ME16 = 59;
-    public static final short EM_ST100 = 60;
-    public static final short EM_TINYJ = 61;
-    public static final short EM_X86_64 = 62;
-    public static final short EM_PDSP = 63;
-    public static final short EM_PDP10 = 64;
-    public static final short EM_PDP11 = 65;
-    public static final short EM_FX66 = 66;
-    public static final short EM_ST9PLUS = 67;
-    public static final short EM_ST7 = 68;
-    public static final short EM_68HC16 = 69;
-    public static final short EM_68HC11 = 70;
-    public static final short EM_68HC08 = 71;
-    public static final short EM_68HC05 = 72;
-    public static final short EM_SVX = 73;
-    public static final short EM_ST19 = 74;
-    public static final short EM_VAX = 75;
-    public static final short EM_CRIS = 76;
-    public static final short EM_JAVELIN = 77;
-    public static final short EM_FIREPATH = 78;
-    public static final short EM_ZSP = 79;
-    public static final short EM_MMIX = 80;
-    public static final short EM_HUANY = 81;
-    public static final short EM_PRISM = 82;
-    public static final short EM_AVR = 83;
-    public static final short EM_FR30 = 84;
-    public static final short EM_D10V = 85;
-    public static final short EM_D30V = 86;
-    public static final short EM_V850 = 87;
-    public static final short EM_M32R = 88;
-    public static final short EM_MN10300 = 89;
-    public static final short EM_MN10200 = 90;
-    public static final short EM_PJ = 91;
-    public static final short EM_OPENRISC = 92;
-    public static final short EM_ARC_A5 = 93;
-    public static final short EM_XTENSA = 94;
-    public static final short EM_VIDEOCORE = 95;
-    public static final short EM_TMM_GPP = 96;
-    public static final short EM_NS32K = 97;
-    public static final short EM_TPC = 98;
-    public static final short EM_SNP1K = 99;
-    public static final short EM_ST200 = 100;
-    public static final short EM_IP2K = 101;
-    public static final short EM_MAX = 102;
-    public static final short EM_CR = 103;
-    public static final short EM_F2MC16 = 104;
-    public static final short EM_MSP430 = 105;
-    public static final short EM_BLACKFIN = 106;
-    public static final short EM_SE_C33 = 107;
-    public static final short EM_SEP = 108;
-    public static final short EM_ARCA = 109;
-    public static final short EM_UNICORE = 110;
-    public static final short EM_EXCESS = 111;
-    public static final short EM_DXP = 112;
-    public static final short EM_ALTERA_NIOS2 = 113;
-    public static final short EM_CRX = 114;
-    public static final short EM_XGATE = 115;
-    public static final short EM_C166 = 116;
-    public static final short EM_M16C = 117;
-    public static final short EM_DSPIC30F = 118;
-    public static final short EM_CE = 119;
-    public static final short EM_M32C = 120;
-    public static final short EM_TSK3000 = 131;
-    public static final short EM_RS08 = 132;
-    public static final short EM_res133 = 133;
-    public static final short EM_ECOG2 = 134;
-    public static final short EM_SCORE = 135;
-    public static final short EM_SCORE7 = 135;
-    public static final short EM_DSP24 = 136;
-    public static final short EM_VIDEOCORE3 = 137;
-    public static final short EM_LATTICEMICO32 = 138;
-    public static final short EM_SE_C17 = 139;
-    public static final short EM_TI_C6000 = 140;
-    public static final short EM_TI_C2000 = 141;
-    public static final short EM_TI_C5500 = 142;
-    public static final short EM_MMDSP_PLUS = 160;
-    public static final short EM_CYPRESS_M8C = 161;
-    public static final short EM_R32C = 162;
-    public static final short EM_TRIMEDIA = 163;
-    public static final short EM_QDSP6 = 164;
-    public static final short EM_8051 = 165;
-    public static final short EM_STXP7X = 166;
-    public static final short EM_NDS32 = 167;
-    public static final short EM_ECOG1 = 168;
-    public static final short EM_ECOG1X = 168;
-    public static final short EM_MAXQ30 = 169;
-    public static final short EM_XIMO16 = 170;
-    public static final short EM_MANIK = 171;
-    public static final short EM_CRAYNV2 = 172;
-    public static final short EM_RX = 173;
-    public static final short EM_METAG = 174;
-    public static final short EM_MCST_ELBRUS = 175;
-    public static final short EM_ECOG16 = 176;
-    public static final short EM_CR16 = 177;
-    public static final short EM_ETPU = 178;
-    public static final short EM_SLE9X = 179;
-    public static final short EM_L1OM = 180;
-    public static final short EM_INTEL181 = 181;
-    public static final short EM_INTEL182 = 182;
-    public static final short EM_AARCH64 = 183;
-    public static final short EM_ARM184 = 184;
-    public static final short EM_AVR32 = 185;
-    public static final short EM_STM8 = 186;
-    public static final short EM_TILE64 = 187;
-    public static final short EM_TILEPRO = 188;
-    public static final short EM_MICROBLAZE = 189;
-    public static final short EM_CUDA = 190;
-    public static final boolean isIdentityValid(final byte[] ident) {
-        return ELFMAG0 == ident[0] &&
-               ELFMAG1 == ident[1] &&
-               ELFMAG2 == ident[2] &&
-               ELFMAG3 == ident[3] ;
-    }
-    /** Public access to the raw elf header */
-    public final Ehdr d;
-    /** Public access to the {@link SectionHeader} */
-    public final SectionHeader[] sht;
-    private final String string;
-    private final byte[] E_ident;
-    /**
-     * Note: The input stream shall stay untouch to be able to read sections!
-     *
-     * @param in input stream of a binary file at position zero
-     * @return
-     * @throws IOException if reading from the given input stream fails or less then ELF Header size bytes
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given input stream does not represent an ELF Header
-     */
-    public static ElfHeader read(final RandomAccessFile in) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
-        final int eh_sz = Ehdr.size();
-        final byte[] buf = new byte[eh_sz];
-        readBytes (in, buf, 0, eh_sz);
-        final ElfHeader eh = new ElfHeader(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, 0, buf.length), in);
-        return eh;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param buf ELF Header bytes
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given buffer does not represent an ELF Header
-     * @throws IOException
-     */
-    ElfHeader(final java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, final RandomAccessFile in) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
-        d = Ehdr.create(buf);
-        E_ident = d.getE_ident(0, new byte[Ehdr.getE_identArrayLength()]);
-        if( !isIdentityValid(E_ident) ) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer is not an ELF Header");
-        }
-        sht = readSectionHeaderTable(in);
-        string = toStringImpl();
-    }
-    public final short getSize() { return d.getE_ehsize(); }
-    /**
-     * Returns the architecture class in bits,
-     * 32 for {@link #ELFCLASS32}, 64 for {@link #ELFCLASS64}
-     * and 0 for {@link #ELFCLASSNONE}.
-     */
-    public final int getArchClassBits() {
-        switch( E_ident[EI_CLASS] ) {
-            case ELFCLASS32: return 32;
-            case ELFCLASS64: return 64;
-            default: return 0;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the processor's data encoding, i.e.
-     * {@link #ELFDATA2LSB}, {@link #ELFDATA2MSB} or {@link #ELFDATANONE};
-     */
-    public final byte getDataEncodingMode() {
-        return E_ident[EI_DATA];
-    }
-    /** Returns the ELF file version, should be {@link #EV_CURRENT}. */
-    public final byte getVersion() {
-        return E_ident[EI_VERSION];
-    }
-    /** Returns the operating system and ABI for this file, 3 == Linux. Note: Often not used. */
-    public final byte getOSABI() {
-        return E_ident[EI_OSABI];
-    }
-    /** Returns the version of the {@link #getOSABI() OSABI} for this file. */
-    public final byte getOSABIVersion() {
-        return E_ident[EI_ABIVERSION];
-    }
-    /** Returns the object file type, e.g. {@link #ET_EXEC}, .. */
-    public final short getType() {
-        return d.getE_type();
-    }
-    /** Returns the required architecture for the file, e.g. {@link #EM_386}, .. */
-    public final short getMachine() {
-        return d.getE_machine();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getMachine() machine} is a 32 bit ARM CPU
-     * of type {@link #EM_ARM}. */
-    public final boolean isArm() {
-        return getMachine() == EM_ARM;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getMachine() machine} is a 64 bit AARCH64 ARM CPU
-     * of type {@link #EM_AARCH64}. */
-    public final boolean isAARCH64() {
-        return getMachine() == EM_AARCH64;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getMachine() machine} is a 32 or 64 bit Intel CPU
-     * of type {@link #EM_386}, {@link #EM_486} or {@link #EM_X86_64}. */
-    public final boolean isX86_32() {
-        final short m = getMachine();
-        return EM_386 == m ||
-               EM_486 == m ||
-               EM_X86_64 == m;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getMachine() machine} is a 64 bit AMD/Intel x86_64 CPU
-     * of type {@link #EM_X86_64}. */
-    public final boolean isX86_64() {
-        return getMachine() == EM_X86_64;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getMachine() machine} is a 64 bit Intel Itanium CPU
-     * of type {@link #EM_IA_64}. */
-    public final boolean isIA64() {
-        return getMachine() == EM_IA_64;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getMachine() machine} is a 32 or 64 bit MIPS CPU
-     * of type {@link #EM_MIPS}, {@link #EM_MIPS_X} or {@link #EM_MIPS_RS3_LE}. */
-    public final boolean isMips() {
-        final short m = getMachine();
-        return EM_MIPS == m ||
-               EM_MIPS_X == m ||
-               EM_MIPS_RS3_LE == m;
-    }
-    /** Returns the processor-specific flags associated with the file. */
-    public final int getFlags() {
-        return d.getE_flags();
-    }
-    /** Returns the ARM EABI version from {@link #getFlags() flags}, maybe 0 if not an ARM EABI. */
-    public byte getArmABI() {
-        return (byte) ( ( ( EF_ARM_ABIMASK & d.getE_flags() ) >> EF_ARM_ABISHIFT ) & 0xff );
-    }
-    /** Returns the ARM EABI legacy GCC {@link #getFlags() flags}, maybe 0 if not an ARM EABI or not having legacy GCC flags. */
-    public int getArmLegacyGCCFlags() {
-        final int f = d.getE_flags();
-        return 0 != ( EF_ARM_ABIMASK & f ) ? ( EF_ARM_GCCMASK & f ) : 0;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the ARM EABI float mode from {@link #getFlags() flags},
-     * i.e. 1 for {@link #EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_SOFT}, 2 for {@link #EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD}
-     * or 0 for none.
-     * <p>
-     * Note: This is not used (anymore)
-     * </p>
-     */
-    public byte getArmFloatMode() {
-        final int f = d.getE_flags();
-        if( 0 != ( EF_ARM_ABIMASK & f ) ) {
-            if( ( EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD & f ) != 0 ) {
-                return 2;
-            }
-            if( ( EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_SOFT & f ) != 0 ) {
-                return 1;
-            }
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /** Returns the 1st occurence of matching SectionHeader {@link SectionHeader#getType() type}, or null if not exists. */
-    public final SectionHeader getSectionHeader(final int type) {
-        for(int i=0; i<sht.length; i++) {
-            final SectionHeader sh = sht[i];
-            if( sh.getType() == type ) {
-                return sh;
-            }
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    /** Returns the 1st occurence of matching SectionHeader {@link SectionHeader#getName() name}, or null if not exists. */
-    public final SectionHeader getSectionHeader(final String name) {
-        for(int i=0; i<sht.length; i++) {
-            final SectionHeader sh = sht[i];
-            if( sh.getName().equals(name) ) {
-                return sh;
-            }
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public final String toString() {
-        return string;
-    }
-    private final String toStringImpl() {
-        final String machineS;
-        if( isArm() ) {
-            machineS=", arm";
-        } else if( isX86_64() ) {
-            machineS=", x86_64";
-        } else if( isX86_32() ) {
-            machineS=", x86_32";
-        } else if( isIA64() ) {
-            machineS=", itanium";
-        } else if( isMips() ) {
-            machineS=", mips";
-        } else {
-            machineS="";
-        }
-        final int enc = getDataEncodingMode();
-        final String encS;
-        switch(enc) {
-            case 1:  encS = "LSB"; break;
-            case 2:  encS = "MSB"; break;
-            default: encS = "NON"; break;
-        }
-        final int armABI = getArmABI();
-        final String armFlagsS;
-        if( 0 != armABI ) {
-            armFlagsS=", arm[abi "+armABI+", lGCC "+getArmLegacyGCCFlags()+", float "+getArmFloatMode()+"]";
-        } else {
-            armFlagsS="";
-        }
-        return "ElfHeader[vers "+getVersion()+", machine["+getMachine()+machineS+"], bits "+getArchClassBits()+", enc "+encS+
-               ", abi[os "+getOSABI()+", vers "+getOSABIVersion()+"], flags["+toHexString(getFlags())+armFlagsS+"], type "+getType()+", sh-num "+sht.length+"]";
-    }
-    final SectionHeader[] readSectionHeaderTable(final RandomAccessFile in) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
-        // positioning
-        {
-            final long off = d.getE_shoff(); // absolute offset
-            if( 0 == off ) {
-                return new SectionHeader[0];
-            }
-            seek(in, off);
-        }
-        final SectionHeader[] sht;
-        final int strndx = d.getE_shstrndx();
-        final int size = d.getE_shentsize();
-        final int num;
-        int i;
-        if( 0 == d.getE_shnum() ) {
-            // Read 1st table 1st and use it's sh_size
-            final byte[] buf0 = new byte[size];
-            readBytes(in, buf0, 0, size);
-            final SectionHeader sh0 = new SectionHeader(buf0, 0, size, 0);
-            num = (int) sh0.d.getSh_size();
-            if( 0 >= num ) {
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("EHdr sh_num == 0 and 1st SHdr size == 0");
-            }
-            sht = new SectionHeader[num];
-            sht[0] = sh0;
-            i=1;
-        } else {
-            num = d.getE_shnum();
-            sht = new SectionHeader[num];
-            i=0;
-        }
-        for(; i<num; i++) {
-            final byte[] buf = new byte[size];
-            readBytes(in, buf, 0, size);
-            sht[i] = new SectionHeader(buf, 0, size, i);
-        }
-        if( SectionHeader.SHN_UNDEF != strndx ) {
-            // has section name string table
-            if( shortToInt(SectionHeader.SHN_LORESERVE) <= strndx ) {
-                throw new InternalError("TODO strndx: "+SectionHeader.SHN_LORESERVE+" < "+strndx);
-            }
-            final SectionHeader strShdr = sht[strndx];
-            if( SectionHeader.SHT_STRTAB != strShdr.getType() ) {
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ref. string Shdr["+strndx+"] is of type "+strShdr.d.getSh_type());
-            }
-            final Section strS = strShdr.readSection(in);
-            for(i=0; i<num; i++) {
-                sht[i].initName(strS, sht[i].d.getSh_name());
-            }
-        }
-        return sht;
-    }
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec926e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+ * Copyright 2013 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
+ * permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ *    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
+ *       conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ *    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
+ *       of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ *       provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ *
+ * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the
+ * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
+ * or implied, of JogAmp Community.
+ */
+package jogamp.common.os.elf;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import jogamp.common.Debug;
+import jogamp.common.os.MachineDescriptionRuntime;
+import com.jogamp.common.os.MachineDescription;
+import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform.ABIType;
+import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform.CPUType;
+import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform.OSType;
+import static jogamp.common.os.elf.IOUtils.readBytes;
+ * ELF ABI Header Part-1
+ * <p>
+ * Part-1 can be read w/o knowledge of CPUType!
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * References:
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li></li>
+ *   <li></li>
+ *   <li>
+ *   <ul>
+ *      <li>ARM IHI 0044E, current through ABI release 2.09</li>
+ *      <li>ARM IHI 0056B: Elf for ARM 64-bit Architecture</li>
+ *   </ul></li>
+ * </ul>
+ * </p>
+ */
+public class ElfHeaderPart1 {
+    static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.debug("Platform");
+    /** Size of e_ident array - {@value} */
+    public static int EI_NIDENT = 16;
+    /** ident byte #0 - {@value} */
+    public static final byte ELFMAG0 = 0x7f;
+    /** ident byte #1 - {@value} */
+    public static final byte ELFMAG1 = 'E';
+    /** ident byte #2 - {@value} */
+    public static final byte ELFMAG2 = 'L';
+    /** ident byte #3 - {@value} */
+    public static final byte ELFMAG3 = 'F';
+    /** ident byte #4 */
+    public static final int EI_CLASS = 4;
+    public static final byte ELFCLASSNONE = 0;
+    public static final byte ELFCLASS32 = 1;
+    public static final byte ELFCLASS64 = 2;
+    /** ident byte #5 */
+    public static final int EI_DATA = 5;
+    public static final byte ELFDATANONE = 0;
+    public static final byte ELFDATA2LSB = 1;
+    public static final byte ELFDATA2MSB = 2;
+    /** ident byte #6 */
+    public static final int EI_VERSION = 6;
+    public static final byte EV_NONE = 0;
+    public static final byte EV_CURRENT = 1;
+    /** ident byte #7 */
+    public static final int EI_OSABI = 7;
+    /** Unix System V ABI - {@value} */
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_SYSV = 0;
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_NONE = ELFOSABI_SYSV;
+    /** HP-UX ABI - {@value} */
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_HPUX = 1;
+    /** NetBSD ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_NETBSD = 2;
+    /** Linux ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_LINUX = 3;
+    /** Solaris ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_SOLARIS = 6;
+    /** IRIX ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_IRIX = 7;
+    /** FreeBSD ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_FREEBSD = 8;
+    /** ARM architecture ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_ARM = 8; // FIXME
+    /** Stand-alone (embedded) ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_STANDALONE = 9; // FIXME
+    /** TRU64 UNIX ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_TRU64 = 10;
+    /** Novell Modesto ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_MODESTO = 11;
+    /** Open BSD ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_OPENBSD = 12;
+    /** Open VMS ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_OPENVMS = 13;
+    /** Hewlett-Packard Non-Stop Kernel ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_NSK     = 14;
+    /** Amiga Research OS ABI - {@value} **/
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_AROS    = 15;
+    /** The FenixOS highly scalable multi-core OS 64-255 Architecture-specific value range - {@value} */
+    public static final byte ELFOSABI_FENIXOS = 16;
+    /** ident byte #8
+     * <p>
+     * This byte identifies the version of the ABI to which the object is targeted.
+     * This field is used to distinguish among incompatible versions of an ABI.
+     * The interpretation of this version number is dependent on the ABI identified by the EI_OSABI field.
+     * Applications conforming to this specification use the value 0.
+     * </p>
+     */
+    public static final int EI_ABIVERSION = 8;
+    /**
+     * ident byte #9 .. ?
+     * <p>
+     * Start of padding.
+     * These bytes are reserved and set to zero.
+     * Programs which read them should ignore them.
+     * The value for EI_PAD will change in the future if currently unused bytes are given meanings.
+     * </p>
+     */
+    public static final int EI_PAD = 9;
+    /** An unknown type - {@value} */
+    public static final short ET_NONE   = 0;
+    /** A relocatable file - {@value} */
+    public static final short ET_REL    = 1;
+    /** An executable file - {@value} */
+    public static final short ET_EXEC   = 2;
+    /** A shared object - {@value} */
+    public static final short ET_DYN    = 3;
+    /** A core file - {@value} */
+    public static final short ET_CORE   = 4;
+    public static final short EM_NONE = 0;
+    public static final short EM_M32 = 1;
+    public static final short EM_SPARC = 2;
+    public static final short EM_386 = 3;
+    public static final short EM_68K = 4;
+    public static final short EM_88K = 5;
+    public static final short EM_486 = 6;
+    public static final short EM_860 = 7;
+    public static final short EM_MIPS = 8;
+    public static final short EM_S370 = 9;
+    public static final short EM_MIPS_RS3_LE = 10;
+    public static final short EM_PARISC = 15;
+    public static final short EM_res016 = 16;
+    public static final short EM_VPP550 = 17;
+    public static final short EM_SPARC32PLUS = 18;
+    public static final short EM_960 = 19;
+    public static final short EM_PPC = 20;
+    public static final short EM_PPC64 = 21;
+    public static final short EM_S390 = 22;
+    public static final short EM_SPU = 23;
+    public static final short EM_V800 = 36;
+    public static final short EM_FR20 = 37;
+    public static final short EM_RH32 = 38;
+    public static final short EM_MCORE = 39;
+    public static final short EM_RCE = 39;
+    public static final short EM_ARM = 40;
+    public static final short EM_OLD_ALPHA = 41;
+    public static final short EM_SH = 42;
+    public static final short EM_SPARCV9 = 43;
+    public static final short EM_TRICORE = 44;
+    public static final short EM_ARC = 45;
+    public static final short EM_H8_300 = 46;
+    public static final short EM_H8_300H = 47;
+    public static final short EM_H8S = 48;
+    public static final short EM_H8_500 = 49;
+    public static final short EM_IA_64 = 50;
+    public static final short EM_MIPS_X = 51;
+    public static final short EM_COLDFIRE = 52;
+    public static final short EM_68HC12 = 53;
+    public static final short EM_MMA = 54;
+    public static final short EM_PCP = 55;
+    public static final short EM_NCPU = 56;
+    public static final short EM_NDR1 = 57;
+    public static final short EM_STARCORE = 58;
+    public static final short EM_ME16 = 59;
+    public static final short EM_ST100 = 60;
+    public static final short EM_TINYJ = 61;
+    public static final short EM_X86_64 = 62;
+    public static final short EM_PDSP = 63;
+    public static final short EM_PDP10 = 64;
+    public static final short EM_PDP11 = 65;
+    public static final short EM_FX66 = 66;
+    public static final short EM_ST9PLUS = 67;
+    public static final short EM_ST7 = 68;
+    public static final short EM_68HC16 = 69;
+    public static final short EM_68HC11 = 70;
+    public static final short EM_68HC08 = 71;
+    public static final short EM_68HC05 = 72;
+    public static final short EM_SVX = 73;
+    public static final short EM_ST19 = 74;
+    public static final short EM_VAX = 75;
+    public static final short EM_CRIS = 76;
+    public static final short EM_JAVELIN = 77;
+    public static final short EM_FIREPATH = 78;
+    public static final short EM_ZSP = 79;
+    public static final short EM_MMIX = 80;
+    public static final short EM_HUANY = 81;
+    public static final short EM_PRISM = 82;
+    public static final short EM_AVR = 83;
+    public static final short EM_FR30 = 84;
+    public static final short EM_D10V = 85;
+    public static final short EM_D30V = 86;
+    public static final short EM_V850 = 87;
+    public static final short EM_M32R = 88;
+    public static final short EM_MN10300 = 89;
+    public static final short EM_MN10200 = 90;
+    public static final short EM_PJ = 91;
+    public static final short EM_OPENRISC = 92;
+    public static final short EM_ARC_A5 = 93;
+    public static final short EM_XTENSA = 94;
+    public static final short EM_VIDEOCORE = 95;
+    public static final short EM_TMM_GPP = 96;
+    public static final short EM_NS32K = 97;
+    public static final short EM_TPC = 98;
+    public static final short EM_SNP1K = 99;
+    public static final short EM_ST200 = 100;
+    public static final short EM_IP2K = 101;
+    public static final short EM_MAX = 102;
+    public static final short EM_CR = 103;
+    public static final short EM_F2MC16 = 104;
+    public static final short EM_MSP430 = 105;
+    public static final short EM_BLACKFIN = 106;
+    public static final short EM_SE_C33 = 107;
+    public static final short EM_SEP = 108;
+    public static final short EM_ARCA = 109;
+    public static final short EM_UNICORE = 110;
+    public static final short EM_EXCESS = 111;
+    public static final short EM_DXP = 112;
+    public static final short EM_ALTERA_NIOS2 = 113;
+    public static final short EM_CRX = 114;
+    public static final short EM_XGATE = 115;
+    public static final short EM_C166 = 116;
+    public static final short EM_M16C = 117;
+    public static final short EM_DSPIC30F = 118;
+    public static final short EM_CE = 119;
+    public static final short EM_M32C = 120;
+    public static final short EM_TSK3000 = 131;
+    public static final short EM_RS08 = 132;
+    public static final short EM_res133 = 133;
+    public static final short EM_ECOG2 = 134;
+    public static final short EM_SCORE = 135;
+    public static final short EM_SCORE7 = 135;
+    public static final short EM_DSP24 = 136;
+    public static final short EM_VIDEOCORE3 = 137;
+    public static final short EM_LATTICEMICO32 = 138;
+    public static final short EM_SE_C17 = 139;
+    public static final short EM_TI_C6000 = 140;
+    public static final short EM_TI_C2000 = 141;
+    public static final short EM_TI_C5500 = 142;
+    public static final short EM_MMDSP_PLUS = 160;
+    public static final short EM_CYPRESS_M8C = 161;
+    public static final short EM_R32C = 162;
+    public static final short EM_TRIMEDIA = 163;
+    public static final short EM_QDSP6 = 164;
+    public static final short EM_8051 = 165;
+    public static final short EM_STXP7X = 166;
+    public static final short EM_NDS32 = 167;
+    public static final short EM_ECOG1 = 168;
+    public static final short EM_ECOG1X = 168;
+    public static final short EM_MAXQ30 = 169;
+    public static final short EM_XIMO16 = 170;
+    public static final short EM_MANIK = 171;
+    public static final short EM_CRAYNV2 = 172;
+    public static final short EM_RX = 173;
+    public static final short EM_METAG = 174;
+    public static final short EM_MCST_ELBRUS = 175;
+    public static final short EM_ECOG16 = 176;
+    public static final short EM_CR16 = 177;
+    public static final short EM_ETPU = 178;
+    public static final short EM_SLE9X = 179;
+    public static final short EM_L1OM = 180;
+    public static final short EM_INTEL181 = 181;
+    public static final short EM_INTEL182 = 182;
+    public static final short EM_AARCH64 = 183;
+    public static final short EM_ARM184 = 184;
+    public static final short EM_AVR32 = 185;
+    public static final short EM_STM8 = 186;
+    public static final short EM_TILE64 = 187;
+    public static final short EM_TILEPRO = 188;
+    public static final short EM_MICROBLAZE = 189;
+    public static final short EM_CUDA = 190;
+    public static final boolean isIdentityValid(final byte[] ident) {
+        return ELFMAG0 == ident[0] &&
+               ELFMAG1 == ident[1] &&
+               ELFMAG2 == ident[2] &&
+               ELFMAG3 == ident[3] ;
+    }
+    /** Public access to the raw elf header part-1 (CPU/ABI independent read) */
+    public final Ehdr_p1 raw;
+    private final byte[] E_ident;
+    /** Lower case CPUType name */
+    public final String cpuName;
+    public final CPUType cpuType;
+    public final ABIType abiType;
+    public final MachineDescription.StaticConfig machDesc;
+    /**
+     * Note: The input stream shall stay untouch to be able to read sections!
+     * @param osType TODO
+     * @param in input stream of a binary file at position zero
+     *
+     * @return
+     * @throws IOException if reading from the given input stream fails or less then ELF Header size bytes
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given input stream does not represent an ELF Header
+     */
+    public static ElfHeaderPart1 read(final OSType osType, final RandomAccessFile in) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
+        return new ElfHeaderPart1(osType, in);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param osType TODO
+     * @param buf ELF Header bytes
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given buffer does not represent an ELF Header
+     * @throws IOException
+     */
+    ElfHeaderPart1(final OSType osType, final RandomAccessFile in) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
+        {
+            final byte[] buf = new byte[Ehdr_p1.size()];
+            readBytes (in, buf, 0, buf.length);
+            final ByteBuffer eh1Bytes = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, 0, buf.length);
+            raw = Ehdr_p1.create(eh1Bytes);
+        }
+        E_ident = raw.getE_ident(0, new byte[Ehdr_p1.getE_identArrayLength()]);
+        if( !isIdentityValid(E_ident) ) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer is not an ELF Header");
+        }
+        final short machine = getMachine();
+        switch ( machine ) {
+            case EM_ARM:
+                cpuName = "arm"; // lowest 32bit denominator, ok for now
+                abiType = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
+                break;
+            case EM_AARCH64:
+                cpuName = "aarch64";
+                abiType = ABIType.EABI_AARCH64;
+                break;
+            case EM_X86_64:
+                cpuName = "x86_64";
+                abiType = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
+                break;
+            case EM_386:
+                cpuName = "i386";
+                abiType = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
+                break;
+            case EM_486:
+                cpuName = "i486";
+                abiType = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
+                break;
+            case EM_IA_64:
+                cpuName = "ia64";
+                abiType = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
+                break;
+            case EM_MIPS:
+                cpuName = "mips";
+                abiType = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
+                break;
+            case EM_MIPS_X:
+                cpuName = "mips-x";
+                abiType = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
+                break;
+            case EM_MIPS_RS3_LE:
+                cpuName = "mips-rs3-le";
+                abiType = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
+                break;
+            case EM_PPC:
+                cpuName = "ppc";
+                abiType = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
+                break;
+            case EM_PPC64:
+                cpuName = "ppc64";
+                abiType = ABIType.GENERIC_ABI;
+                break;
+            case EM_SH:  // Hitachi SuperH ?
+            default:
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("CPUType and ABIType could not be determined");
+        }
+        cpuType = CPUType.query(cpuName.toLowerCase());
+        machDesc = MachineDescriptionRuntime.get(osType, cpuType, isLittleEndian());
+        if(DEBUG) {
+            System.err.println("ELF-1: cpuName "+cpuName+" -> "+cpuType+", "+abiType+", machDesc "+machDesc.toShortString());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the architecture class in bits,
+     * 32 for {@link #ELFCLASS32}, 64 for {@link #ELFCLASS64}
+     * and 0 for {@link #ELFCLASSNONE}.
+     */
+    public final int getArchClassBits() {
+        switch( E_ident[EI_CLASS] ) {
+            case ELFCLASS32: return 32;
+            case ELFCLASS64: return 64;
+            default: return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the processor's data encoding, i.e.
+     * {@link #ELFDATA2LSB}, {@link #ELFDATA2MSB} or {@link #ELFDATANONE};
+     */
+    public final byte getDataEncodingMode() {
+        return E_ident[EI_DATA];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns whether the processor's {@link #getDataEncodingMode() data encoding} is {@link #ELFDATA2LSB}.
+     */
+    public final boolean isLittleEndian() { return ELFDATA2LSB == E_ident[EI_DATA]; }
+    /**
+     * Returns whether the processor's {@link #getDataEncodingMode() data encoding} is {@link #ELFDATA2MSB}.
+     */
+    public final boolean isBigEndian() { return ELFDATA2MSB == E_ident[EI_DATA]; }
+    /**
+     * Returns whether the processor's {@link #getDataEncodingMode() data encoding} is {@link #ELFDATANONE}.
+     */
+    public final boolean isNoneEndian() { return ELFDATANONE == E_ident[EI_DATA]; }
+    /** Returns the ELF file version, should be {@link #EV_CURRENT}. */
+    public final byte getVersion() {
+        return E_ident[EI_VERSION];
+    }
+    /** Returns the operating system and ABI for this file, 3 == Linux. Note: Often not used. */
+    public final byte getOSABI() {
+        return E_ident[EI_OSABI];
+    }
+    /** Returns the version of the {@link #getOSABI() OSABI} for this file. */
+    public final byte getOSABIVersion() {
+        return E_ident[EI_ABIVERSION];
+    }
+    /** Returns the object file type, e.g. {@link #ET_EXEC}, .. */
+    public final short getType() {
+        return raw.getE_type();
+    }
+    /** Returns the required architecture for the file, e.g. {@link #EM_386}, .. */
+    public final short getMachine() {
+        return raw.getE_machine();
+    }
+    @Override
+    public final String toString() {
+        final int enc = getDataEncodingMode();
+        final String encS;
+        switch(enc) {
+            case ELFDATA2LSB: encS = "LSB"; break;
+            case ELFDATA2MSB: encS = "MSB"; break;
+            default:          encS = "NON"; break; /* ELFDATANONE */
+        }
+        final int type = getType();
+        final String typeS;
+        switch(type) {
+            case ET_REL:  typeS = "reloc"; break;
+            case ET_EXEC: typeS = "exec"; break;
+            case ET_DYN:  typeS = "shared"; break;
+            case ET_CORE: typeS = "core"; break;
+            default:      typeS = "none"; break; /* ET_NONE */
+        }
+        return "ELF-1[vers "+getVersion()+", machine["+getMachine()+", "+cpuType+", "+abiType+", machDesc "+machDesc.toShortString()+"], bits "+getArchClassBits()+", enc "+encS+
+               ", abi[os "+getOSABI()+", vers "+getOSABIVersion()+"], type "+typeS+"]";
+    }
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..320b8b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+ * Copyright 2013 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
+ * permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ *    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
+ *       conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ *    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
+ *       of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ *       provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ *
+ * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the
+ * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
+ * or implied, of JogAmp Community.
+ */
+package jogamp.common.os.elf;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform.ABIType;
+import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform.CPUFamily;
+import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform.CPUType;
+import static jogamp.common.os.elf.IOUtils.readBytes;
+import static;
+import static jogamp.common.os.elf.IOUtils.shortToInt;
+import static jogamp.common.os.elf.IOUtils.toHexString;
+ * ELF ABI Header Part-2
+ * <p>
+ * Part-2 can only be read w/ knowledge of CPUType!
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * References:
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li></li>
+ *   <li></li>
+ *   <li>
+ *   <ul>
+ *      <li>ARM IHI 0044E, current through ABI release 2.09</li>
+ *      <li>ARM IHI 0056B: Elf for ARM 64-bit Architecture</li>
+ *   </ul></li>
+ * </ul>
+ * </p>
+ */
+public class ElfHeaderPart2 {
+    /**
+     * This masks an 8-bit version number, the version of the ABI to which this
+     * ELF file conforms. This ABI is version 5. A value of 0 denotes unknown conformance.
+     * {@value}
+     */
+    public static final int EF_ARM_ABIMASK  = 0xFF000000;
+    public static final int EF_ARM_ABISHIFT  = 24;
+    /**
+     * ARM ABI version 5.
+     * {@value}
+     */
+    public static final int EF_ARM_ABI5  = 0x05000000;
+    /**
+     * The ELF file contains BE-8 code, suitable for execution on an ARM
+     * Architecture v6 processor. This flag must only be set on an executable file.
+     * {@value}
+     */
+    public static final int EF_ARM_BE8      = 0x00800000;
+    /**
+     * Legacy code (ABI version 4 and earlier) generated by gcc-arm-xxx might
+     * use these bits.
+     * {@value}
+     */
+    public static final int EF_ARM_GCCMASK  = 0x00400FFF;
+    /**
+     * Set in executable file headers (e_type = ET_EXEC or ET_DYN) to note that
+     * the executable file was built to conform to the hardware floating-point
+     * procedure-call standard.
+     * <p>
+     * Compatible with legacy (pre version 5) gcc use as EF_ARM_VFP_FLOAT.
+     * </p>
+     * <p>
+     * Note: This is not used (anymore)
+     * </p>
+     * {@value}
+     */
+    public static final int EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD  = 0x00000400;
+    /**
+     * Set in executable file headers (e_type = ET_EXEC or ET_DYN) to note
+     * explicitly that the executable file was built to conform to the software
+     * floating-point procedure-call standard (the base standard). If both
+     * {@link #EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD} and {@link #EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_SOFT} are clear,
+     * conformance to the base procedure-call standard is implied.
+     * <p>
+     * Compatible with legacy (pre version 5) gcc use as EF_ARM_SOFT_FLOAT.
+     * </p>
+     * <p>
+     * Note: This is not used (anymore)
+     * </p>
+     * {@value}
+     */
+    public static final int EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_SOFT  = 0x00000200;
+    /** Public access to the elf header part-1 (CPU/ABI independent read) */
+    public final ElfHeaderPart1 eh1;
+    /** Public access to the raw elf header part-2 (CPU/ABI dependent read) */
+    public final Ehdr_p2 raw;
+    /** Lower case CPUType name */
+    public final String cpuName;
+    public final CPUType cpuType;
+    public final ABIType abiType;
+    /** Public access to the {@link SectionHeader} */
+    public final SectionHeader[] sht;
+    /**
+     * Note: The input stream shall stay untouch to be able to read sections!
+     *
+     * @param in input stream of a binary file at position zero
+     * @return
+     * @throws IOException if reading from the given input stream fails or less then ELF Header size bytes
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given input stream does not represent an ELF Header
+     */
+    public static ElfHeaderPart2 read(final ElfHeaderPart1 eh1, final RandomAccessFile in) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
+        return new ElfHeaderPart2(eh1, in);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param buf ELF Header bytes
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given buffer does not represent an ELF Header
+     * @throws IOException
+     */
+    ElfHeaderPart2(final ElfHeaderPart1 eh1, final RandomAccessFile in) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
+        this.eh1 = eh1;
+        //
+        // Part-2
+        //
+        {
+            final byte[] buf = new byte[Ehdr_p2.size(eh1.machDesc.ordinal())];
+            readBytes (in, buf, 0, buf.length);
+            final ByteBuffer eh2Bytes = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, 0, buf.length);
+            raw = Ehdr_p2.create(eh1.machDesc.ordinal(), eh2Bytes);
+        }
+        sht = readSectionHeaderTable(in);
+        if( CPUFamily.ARM == && eh1.cpuType.is32Bit ) {
+            // AArch64, has no SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES or SHT_AARCH64_ATTRIBUTES SectionHeader defined in our builds!
+            String armCpuName = null;
+            String armCpuRawName = null;
+            boolean abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant = false;
+            final SectionHeader sh = getSectionHeader(SectionHeader.SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES);
+            if(ElfHeaderPart1.DEBUG) {
+                System.err.println("ELF-2: Got ARM Attribs Section Header: "+sh);
+            }
+            if( null != sh ) {
+                final SectionArmAttributes sArmAttrs = (SectionArmAttributes) sh.readSection(in);
+                if(ElfHeaderPart1.DEBUG) {
+                    System.err.println("ELF-2: Got ARM Attribs Section Block : "+sArmAttrs);
+                }
+                final SectionArmAttributes.Attribute cpuNameArgsAttr = sArmAttrs.get(SectionArmAttributes.Tag.CPU_name);
+                if( null != cpuNameArgsAttr && cpuNameArgsAttr.isNTBS() ) {
+                    armCpuName = cpuNameArgsAttr.getNTBS();
+                }
+                final SectionArmAttributes.Attribute cpuRawNameArgsAttr = sArmAttrs.get(SectionArmAttributes.Tag.CPU_raw_name);
+                if( null != cpuRawNameArgsAttr && cpuRawNameArgsAttr.isNTBS() ) {
+                    armCpuRawName = cpuRawNameArgsAttr.getNTBS();
+                }
+                final SectionArmAttributes.Attribute abiVFPArgsAttr = sArmAttrs.get(SectionArmAttributes.Tag.ABI_VFP_args);
+                if( null != abiVFPArgsAttr ) {
+                    abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant = SectionArmAttributes.abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant(abiVFPArgsAttr.getULEB128());
+                }
+            }
+            {
+                String _cpuName;
+                if( null != armCpuName && armCpuName.length() > 0 ) {
+                    _cpuName = armCpuName.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-');
+                } else if( null != armCpuRawName && armCpuRawName.length() > 0 ) {
+                    _cpuName = armCpuRawName.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-');
+                } else {
+                    _cpuName = eh1.cpuName;
+                }
+                // 1st-try: native name
+                CPUType _cpuType = queryCPUTypeSafe(_cpuName);
+                if( null == _cpuType ) {
+                    // 2nd-try: "arm-" + native name
+                    _cpuName = "arm-"+_cpuName;
+                    _cpuType = queryCPUTypeSafe(_cpuName);
+                    if( null == _cpuType ) {
+                        // finally: Use ELF-1
+                        _cpuName = eh1.cpuName;
+                        _cpuType = queryCPUTypeSafe(_cpuName);
+                        if( null == _cpuType ) {
+                            throw new InternalError("XXX: "+_cpuName+", "+eh1); // shall not happen
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                cpuName = _cpuName;
+                cpuType = _cpuType;
+                if(ElfHeaderPart1.DEBUG) {
+                    System.err.println("ELF-2: abiARM cpuName "+_cpuName+"[armCpuName "+armCpuName+", armCpuRawName "+armCpuRawName+"] -> "+cpuName+" -> "+cpuType+", abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant "+abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant);
+                }
+            }
+            if( cpuType.is32Bit ) { // always true, see above!
+                abiType = abiVFPArgsAcceptsVFPVariant ? ABIType.EABI_GNU_ARMHF : ABIType.EABI_GNU_ARMEL;
+            } else {
+                abiType = eh1.abiType;
+            }
+        } else {
+            cpuName = eh1.cpuName;
+            cpuType = eh1.cpuType;
+            abiType = eh1.abiType;
+        }
+        if(ElfHeaderPart1.DEBUG) {
+            System.err.println("ELF-2: cpuName "+cpuName+" -> "+cpuType+", "+abiType);
+        }
+    }
+    private static CPUType queryCPUTypeSafe(final String cpuName) {
+        CPUType res = null;
+        try {
+            res = CPUType.query(cpuName);
+        } catch (final Throwable t) {
+            if(ElfHeaderPart1.DEBUG) {
+                System.err.println("ELF-2: queryCPUTypeSafe("+cpuName+"): "+t.getMessage());
+            }
+        }
+        return res;
+    }
+    public final short getSize() { return raw.getE_ehsize(); }
+    /** Returns the processor-specific flags associated with the file. */
+    public final int getFlags() {
+        return raw.getE_flags();
+    }
+    /** Returns the ARM EABI version from {@link #getFlags() flags}, maybe 0 if not an ARM EABI. */
+    public byte getArmABI() {
+        return (byte) ( ( ( EF_ARM_ABIMASK & raw.getE_flags() ) >> EF_ARM_ABISHIFT ) & 0xff );
+    }
+    /** Returns the ARM EABI legacy GCC {@link #getFlags() flags}, maybe 0 if not an ARM EABI or not having legacy GCC flags. */
+    public int getArmLegacyGCCFlags() {
+        final int f = raw.getE_flags();
+        return 0 != ( EF_ARM_ABIMASK & f ) ? ( EF_ARM_GCCMASK & f ) : 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the ARM EABI float mode from {@link #getFlags() flags},
+     * i.e. 1 for {@link #EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_SOFT}, 2 for {@link #EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD}
+     * or 0 for none.
+     * <p>
+     * Note: This is not used (anymore)
+     * </p>
+     */
+    public byte getArmFloatMode() {
+        final int f = raw.getE_flags();
+        if( 0 != ( EF_ARM_ABIMASK & f ) ) {
+            if( ( EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD & f ) != 0 ) {
+                return 2;
+            }
+            if( ( EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_SOFT & f ) != 0 ) {
+                return 1;
+            }
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /** Returns the 1st occurence of matching SectionHeader {@link SectionHeader#getType() type}, or null if not exists. */
+    public final SectionHeader getSectionHeader(final int type) {
+        for(int i=0; i<sht.length; i++) {
+            final SectionHeader sh = sht[i];
+            if( sh.getType() == type ) {
+                return sh;
+            }
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    /** Returns the 1st occurence of matching SectionHeader {@link SectionHeader#getName() name}, or null if not exists. */
+    public final SectionHeader getSectionHeader(final String name) {
+        for(int i=0; i<sht.length; i++) {
+            final SectionHeader sh = sht[i];
+            if( sh.getName().equals(name) ) {
+                return sh;
+            }
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public final String toString() {
+        final int armABI = getArmABI();
+        final String armFlagsS;
+        if( 0 != armABI ) {
+            armFlagsS=", arm[abi "+armABI+", lGCC "+getArmLegacyGCCFlags()+", float "+getArmFloatMode()+"]";
+        } else {
+            armFlagsS="";
+        }
+        return "ELF-2["+cpuType+", "+abiType+", flags["+toHexString(getFlags())+armFlagsS+"], sh-num "+sht.length+"]";
+    }
+    final SectionHeader[] readSectionHeaderTable(final RandomAccessFile in) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
+        // positioning
+        {
+            final long off = raw.getE_shoff(); // absolute offset
+            if( 0 == off ) {
+                return new SectionHeader[0];
+            }
+            seek(in, off);
+        }
+        final SectionHeader[] sht;
+        final int strndx = raw.getE_shstrndx();
+        final int size = raw.getE_shentsize();
+        final int num;
+        int i;
+        if( 0 == raw.getE_shnum() ) {
+            // Read 1st table 1st and use it's sh_size
+            final byte[] buf0 = new byte[size];
+            readBytes(in, buf0, 0, size);
+            final SectionHeader sh0 = new SectionHeader(this, buf0, 0, size, 0);
+            num = (int) sh0.raw.getSh_size();
+            if( 0 >= num ) {
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("EHdr sh_num == 0 and 1st SHdr size == 0");
+            }
+            sht = new SectionHeader[num];
+            sht[0] = sh0;
+            i=1;
+        } else {
+            num = raw.getE_shnum();
+            sht = new SectionHeader[num];
+            i=0;
+        }
+        for(; i<num; i++) {
+            final byte[] buf = new byte[size];
+            readBytes(in, buf, 0, size);
+            sht[i] = new SectionHeader(this, buf, 0, size, i);
+        }
+        if( SectionHeader.SHN_UNDEF != strndx ) {
+            // has section name string table
+            if( shortToInt(SectionHeader.SHN_LORESERVE) <= strndx ) {
+                throw new InternalError("TODO strndx: "+SectionHeader.SHN_LORESERVE+" < "+strndx);
+            }
+            final SectionHeader strShdr = sht[strndx];
+            if( SectionHeader.SHT_STRTAB != strShdr.getType() ) {
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ref. string Shdr["+strndx+"] is of type "+strShdr.raw.getSh_type());
+            }
+            final Section strS = strShdr.readSection(in);
+            for(i=0; i<num; i++) {
+                sht[i].initName(strS, sht[i].raw.getSh_name());
+            }
+        }
+        return sht;
+    }
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
index 62b47db..454a325 100644
--- a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ package jogamp.common.os.elf;
-import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform;
 import com.jogamp.common.util.Bitstream;
 class IOUtils {
@@ -61,17 +60,12 @@ class IOUtils {;
-    static int readUInt32(final byte[] in, final int offset) {
-        final int v = Bitstream.uint32LongToInt(Bitstream.readUInt32(!Platform.isLittleEndian(), in, offset));
+    static int readUInt32(final boolean isBigEndian, final byte[] in, final int offset) {
+        final int v = Bitstream.uint32LongToInt(Bitstream.readUInt32(isBigEndian, in, offset));
         if( 0 > v ) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Read uint32 value "+toHexString(v)+" > int32-max "+toHexString(MAX_INT_VALUE));
         return v;
-        /** Need to fix endian for below path ..
-        checkBounds(in, offset, 4);
-        final byte[] uint = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, in[offset+0],  in[offset+1],  in[offset+2],  in[offset+3] };
-        final ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.wrap(uint, 0, 8).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
-        return b.asLongBuffer().get(0); */
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
index 91e8c31..e6d9257 100644
--- a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
@@ -1,3 +1,30 @@
+ * Copyright 2013 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
+ * permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ *    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
+ *       conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ *    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
+ *       of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ *       provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ *
+ * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the
+ * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
+ * or implied, of JogAmp Community.
+ */
 package jogamp.common.os.elf;
 import static jogamp.common.os.elf.IOUtils.toHexString;
@@ -172,7 +199,7 @@ public class SectionArmAttributes extends Section {
     SectionArmAttributes(final SectionHeader sh, final byte[] data, final int offset, final int length) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException {
         super(sh, data, offset, length);
-        this.vendorAttributesList = parse(data, offset, length);
+        this.vendorAttributesList = parse(sh, data, offset, length);
@@ -208,6 +235,7 @@ public class SectionArmAttributes extends Section {
+     * @param sh TODO
      * @param in byte source buffer to parse
      * @param offset offset within byte source buffer to start parsing
      * @param remaining remaining numbers of bytes to parse beginning w/ <code>sb_off</code>,
@@ -215,7 +243,7 @@ public class SectionArmAttributes extends Section {
      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>offset + remaining > sb.length</code>.
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if section parsing failed, i.e. incompatible version or data.
-    static List<VendorAttributes> parse(final byte[] in, final int offset, final int remaining) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException {
+    static List<VendorAttributes> parse(final SectionHeader sh, final byte[] in, final int offset, final int remaining) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException {
         Bitstream.checkBounds(in, offset, remaining);
         int i = offset;
         if( FORMAT_VERSION_A != in[ i ] ) {
@@ -224,10 +252,11 @@ public class SectionArmAttributes extends Section {
         final List<VendorAttributes> vendorAttributesList = new ArrayList<VendorAttributes>();
+        final boolean isBigEndian = sh.eh2.eh1.isBigEndian();
         while(i < remaining) {
             final int i_pre = i;
-            final int secLen = readUInt32(in, i); /* total section size: 4 + string + content, i.e. offset to next section */
+            final int secLen = readUInt32(isBigEndian, in, i); /* total section size: 4 + string + content, i.e. offset to next section */
             final String vendor;
@@ -241,7 +270,7 @@ public class SectionArmAttributes extends Section {
             while(i < secLen) {
                 final int[] i_post = new int[] { 0 };
-                parseSub(in, i, secLen - i, i_post, attributes);
+                parseSub(isBigEndian, in, i, secLen - i, i_post, attributes);
                 i = i_post[0];
@@ -261,6 +290,7 @@ public class SectionArmAttributes extends Section {
+     * @param isBigEndian TODO
      * @param in byte source buffer to parse
      * @param offset offset within byte source buffer to start parsing
      * @param remaining remaining numbers of bytes to parse beginning w/ <code>sb_off</code>,
@@ -268,7 +298,10 @@ public class SectionArmAttributes extends Section {
      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>offset + remaining > sb.length</code>.
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if section parsing failed, i.e. incompatible version or data.
-    static void parseSub(final byte[] in, final int offset, final int remaining, final int[] offset_post, final List<Attribute> attributes) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException {
+    private static void parseSub(final boolean isBigEndian, final byte[] in, final int offset, final int remaining,
+                                 final int[] offset_post, final List<Attribute> attributes)
+            throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException
+    {
         Bitstream.checkBounds(in, offset, remaining);
         // Starts w/ sub-section Tag
@@ -283,7 +316,7 @@ public class SectionArmAttributes extends Section {
             case File:
             case Section:
             case Symbol:
-                subSecLen = readUInt32(in, i);
+                subSecLen = readUInt32(isBigEndian, in, i);
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
index 20a40a5..533c04b 100644
--- a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
@@ -133,6 +133,12 @@ public class SectionHeader {
      * {@value}
     public static final int SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES     = 0x70000003;
+    /**
+     * {@value}. FIXME: Same as {@link #SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES}, ok?
+     */
+    public static final int SHT_AARCH64_ATTRIBUTES = 0x70000003;
      * {@value}
@@ -171,24 +177,28 @@ public class SectionHeader {
     public static final short SHN_HIRESERVE = (short)0xffff;
+    /** Public access to the elf header */
+    public final ElfHeaderPart2 eh2;
     /** Public access to the raw elf section header */
-    public final Shdr d;
+    public final Shdr raw;
     private final int idx;
     private String name;
-    SectionHeader(final byte[] buf, final int offset, final int length, final int sectionIdx) {
-        this( ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, 0, buf.length), sectionIdx );
+    SectionHeader(final ElfHeaderPart2 eh, final byte[] buf, final int offset, final int length, final int sectionIdx) {
+        this( eh, ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, 0, buf.length), sectionIdx );
-    SectionHeader(final java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, final int idx) {
-        d = Shdr.create(buf);
+    SectionHeader(final ElfHeaderPart2 eh, final java.nio.ByteBuffer buf, final int idx) {
+        this.eh2 = eh;
+        this.raw = Shdr.create(eh.eh1.machDesc.ordinal(), buf);
         this.idx = idx;
-        name = null;
+ = null;
     public String toString() {
-        return "SectionHeader[idx "+idx+", name "+name+", type "+toHexString(getType())+", link "+d.getSh_link()+", info "+toHexString(d.getSh_info())+", flags "+toHexString(getFlags())+"]";
+        return "SectionHeader[idx "+idx+", name "+name+", type "+toHexString(getType())+", link "+raw.getSh_link()+", info "+toHexString(raw.getSh_info())+", flags "+toHexString(getFlags())+"]";
@@ -206,17 +216,17 @@ public class SectionHeader {
     /** Returns the type of this section. */
     public int getType() {
-        return d.getSh_type();
+        return raw.getSh_type();
     /** Returns the flags of this section. */
     public long getFlags() {
-        return d.getSh_flags();
+        return raw.getSh_flags();
     /** Returns the size of this section. */
     public long getSize() {
-        return d.getSh_size();
+        return raw.getSh_size();
     /** Returns this section name, maybe <code>null</code> if not read. */
@@ -232,9 +242,9 @@ public class SectionHeader {
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if section offset or size mismatch including size &gt; {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}
     public Section readSection(final RandomAccessFile in) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
-        final int s_size = long2Int(d.getSh_size());
+        final int s_size = long2Int(raw.getSh_size());
         if( 0 == s_size || 0 > s_size ) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shdr["+idx+"] has invalid int size: "+d.getSh_size()+" -> "+s_size);
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shdr["+idx+"] has invalid int size: "+raw.getSh_size()+" -> "+s_size);
         final byte[] s_buf = new byte[s_size];
         return readSectionImpl(in, s_buf, 0, s_size);
@@ -252,9 +262,9 @@ public class SectionHeader {
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if requested read length is &gt; section size
     public Section readSection(final RandomAccessFile in, final byte[] b, final int b_off, final int r_len) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
-        final int s_size = long2Int(d.getSh_size());
+        final int s_size = long2Int(raw.getSh_size());
         if( 0 == s_size || 0 > s_size ) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shdr["+idx+"] has invalid int size: "+d.getSh_size()+" -> "+s_size);
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shdr["+idx+"] has invalid int size: "+raw.getSh_size()+" -> "+s_size);
         if( r_len > s_size ) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shdr["+idx+"] has only "+s_size+" bytes, while read request is of "+r_len+" bytes");
@@ -263,7 +273,7 @@ public class SectionHeader {
     Section readSectionImpl(final RandomAccessFile in, final byte[] b, final int b_off, final int r_len) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
-        final long s_off = d.getSh_offset();
+        final long s_off = raw.getSh_offset();
         seek(in, s_off);
         readBytes(in, b, b_off, r_len);
         if( SectionHeader.SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES == getType() ) {
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
index e5fe147..0b75fd6 100644
--- a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/elf/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* !---- DO NOT EDIT: This file autogenerated by com/jogamp/gluegen/ on Fri Jan 30 06:44:16 CET 2015 ----! */
+/* !---- DO NOT EDIT: This file autogenerated by com/jogamp/gluegen/ on Sun Feb 01 03:27:25 CET 2015 ----! */
 package jogamp.common.os.elf;
@@ -15,45 +15,30 @@ public class Shdr {
   StructAccessor accessor;
-  private static final int mdIdx = MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().ordinal();
-  private static final int[] Shdr_size = new int[] { 40 /* ARMle_EABI */, 40 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 64 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 40 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 40 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 64 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 40 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] sh_name_offset = new int[] { 0 /* ARMle_EABI */, 0 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 0 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 0 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 0 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 0 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 0 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] sh_name_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] sh_type_offset = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] sh_type_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] sh_flags_offset = new int[] { 8 /* ARMle_EABI */, 8 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 8 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 8 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] sh_flags_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] sh_addr_offset = new int[] { 12 /* ARMle_EABI */, 12 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 16 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 12 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 12 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 16 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 12 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] sh_addr_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] sh_offset_offset = new int[] { 16 /* ARMle_EABI */, 16 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 24 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 16 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 16 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 24 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 16 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] sh_offset_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] sh_size_offset = new int[] { 20 /* ARMle_EABI */, 20 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 32 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 20 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 20 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 32 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 20 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] sh_size_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] sh_link_offset = new int[] { 24 /* ARMle_EABI */, 24 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 40 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 24 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 24 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 40 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 24 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] sh_link_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] sh_info_offset = new int[] { 28 /* ARMle_EABI */, 28 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 44 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 28 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 28 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 44 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 28 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] sh_info_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] sh_addralign_offset = new int[] { 32 /* ARMle_EABI */, 32 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 48 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 32 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 32 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 48 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 32 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] sh_addralign_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  private static final int[] sh_entsize_offset = new int[] { 36 /* ARMle_EABI */, 36 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 56 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 36 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 36 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 56 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 36 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
-//private static final int[] sh_entsize_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
-  public static int size() {
-    return Shdr_size[mdIdx];
-  }
-  public static Shdr create() {
-    return create(Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(size()));
-  }
-  public static Shdr create(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {
-      return new Shdr(buf);
-  }
-  Shdr(java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {
-    accessor = new StructAccessor(buf);
-  }
+  private final int mdIdx;
+  private final MachineDescription md;
+  private static final int[] Shdr_size = new int[] { 40 /* ARMle_EABI */, 40 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 64 /* LP64_UNIX */, 40 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 40 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 64 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 40 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] sh_name_offset = new int[] { 0 /* ARMle_EABI */, 0 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 0 /* LP64_UNIX */, 0 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 0 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 0 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 0 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] sh_name_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] sh_type_offset = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] sh_type_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] sh_flags_offset = new int[] { 8 /* ARMle_EABI */, 8 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* LP64_UNIX */, 8 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 8 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 8 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] sh_flags_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] sh_addr_offset = new int[] { 12 /* ARMle_EABI */, 12 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 16 /* LP64_UNIX */, 12 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 12 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 16 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 12 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] sh_addr_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] sh_offset_offset = new int[] { 16 /* ARMle_EABI */, 16 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 24 /* LP64_UNIX */, 16 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 16 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 24 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 16 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] sh_offset_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] sh_size_offset = new int[] { 20 /* ARMle_EABI */, 20 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 32 /* LP64_UNIX */, 20 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 20 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 32 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 20 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] sh_size_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] sh_link_offset = new int[] { 24 /* ARMle_EABI */, 24 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 40 /* LP64_UNIX */, 24 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 24 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 40 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 24 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] sh_link_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] sh_info_offset = new int[] { 28 /* ARMle_EABI */, 28 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 44 /* LP64_UNIX */, 28 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 28 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 44 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 28 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] sh_info_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 4 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 4 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] sh_addralign_offset = new int[] { 32 /* ARMle_EABI */, 32 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 48 /* LP64_UNIX */, 32 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 32 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 48 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 32 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] sh_addralign_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
+  private static final int[] sh_entsize_offset = new int[] { 36 /* ARMle_EABI */, 36 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 56 /* LP64_UNIX */, 36 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 36 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 56 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 36 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */ };
+//private static final int[] sh_entsize_size = new int[] { 4 /* ARMle_EABI */, 4 /* X86_32_UNIX */, 8 /* LP64_UNIX */, 4 /* X86_32_MACOS */, 4 /* X86_32_WINDOWS */, 8 /* X86_64_WINDOWS */, 4 /* SPARC_32_SUNOS */  };
   public java.nio.ByteBuffer getBuffer() {
     return accessor.getBuffer();
@@ -83,46 +68,46 @@ public class Shdr {
   /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_size' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public Shdr setSh_flags(long val) {
-    accessor.setLongAt(sh_flags_offset[mdIdx], val, MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    accessor.setLongAt(sh_flags_offset[mdIdx], val, md.longSizeInBytes());
     return this;
   /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_size' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public long getSh_flags() {
-    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_flags_offset[mdIdx], MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_flags_offset[mdIdx], md.longSizeInBytes());
   /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_Addr' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public Shdr setSh_addr(long val) {
-    accessor.setLongAt(sh_addr_offset[mdIdx], val, MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    accessor.setLongAt(sh_addr_offset[mdIdx], val, md.longSizeInBytes());
     return this;
   /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_Addr' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public long getSh_addr() {
-    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_addr_offset[mdIdx], MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_addr_offset[mdIdx], md.longSizeInBytes());
   /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_Off' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public Shdr setSh_offset(long val) {
-    accessor.setLongAt(sh_offset_offset[mdIdx], val, MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    accessor.setLongAt(sh_offset_offset[mdIdx], val, md.longSizeInBytes());
     return this;
   /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_Off' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public long getSh_offset() {
-    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_offset_offset[mdIdx], MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_offset_offset[mdIdx], md.longSizeInBytes());
   /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_size' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public Shdr setSh_size(long val) {
-    accessor.setLongAt(sh_size_offset[mdIdx], val, MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    accessor.setLongAt(sh_size_offset[mdIdx], val, md.longSizeInBytes());
     return this;
   /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_size' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public long getSh_size() {
-    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_size_offset[mdIdx], MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_size_offset[mdIdx], md.longSizeInBytes());
   /** Setter for native field: CType['uint32_t', size [fixed true, lnx64 4], [int]] */
@@ -149,23 +134,43 @@ public class Shdr {
   /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_size' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public Shdr setSh_addralign(long val) {
-    accessor.setLongAt(sh_addralign_offset[mdIdx], val, MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    accessor.setLongAt(sh_addralign_offset[mdIdx], val, md.longSizeInBytes());
     return this;
   /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_size' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public long getSh_addralign() {
-    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_addralign_offset[mdIdx], MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_addralign_offset[mdIdx], md.longSizeInBytes());
   /** Setter for native field: CType['ElfN_size' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public Shdr setSh_entsize(long val) {
-    accessor.setLongAt(sh_entsize_offset[mdIdx], val, MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    accessor.setLongAt(sh_entsize_offset[mdIdx], val, md.longSizeInBytes());
     return this;
   /** Getter for native field: CType['ElfN_size' (typedef), size [fixed false, lnx64 8], [int]] */
   public long getSh_entsize() {
-    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_entsize_offset[mdIdx], MachineDescriptionRuntime.getStatic().md.longSizeInBytes());
+    return accessor.getLongAt(sh_entsize_offset[mdIdx], md.longSizeInBytes());
+  }
+  // --- Begin CustomJavaCode .cfg declarations
+  public static int size(final int mdIdx) {
+      return Shdr_size[mdIdx];
+  }
+  public static Shdr create(final int mdIdx) {
+      return create(mdIdx, Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(size(mdIdx)));
+  }
+  public static Shdr create(final int mdIdx, final java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {
+      return new Shdr(mdIdx, buf);
+  }
+  Shdr(final int mdIdx, final java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) {
+      this.mdIdx = mdIdx;
+ = MachineDescription.StaticConfig.values()[mdIdx].md;
+      this.accessor = new StructAccessor(buf);
+  // ---- End CustomJavaCode .cfg declarations
cgit v1.2.3