From 6591f1fef419841660311bbb554aeda7b267c9a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sven Gothel <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2023 03:50:12 +0200
Subject: GlueGen JavaCallback: 1st Working Draft: Changed 'JavaCallbackDef'
 config, added code generation incl. native to Java dispatch and resource

Tested via (using test2.[hc]).

Please read the as well as .


Some implementation details:

JavaConfiguration maps JavaCallbackDef to JavaCallback set-function and maintains a list.
JavaCallbackDef itself holds all configured details.

JavaConfiguration also maps JavaCallbackInfo to JavaCallback set-function.
JavaCallbackInfo itself holds all compile time information, as produced by JavaEmitter.beginFunctions(..).
This extends JavaCallbackDef and avoid repetetive computation for the callback-function-type and its MethodBinding,
parameter indices for the callback interface and userParam, etc.

CMethodBindingEmitter: Native callback to Java dispatch
- The JavaCallback setter function creates a native 'UserParam' struct instance,
  which holds the callback-interface-jobject, its callback-jmethodID and
  the userParam-jobject for invocation of the actual JavaCallback interface method.

- To produce the C-Type -> JNI-Type conversion, An internal CMethodBindingEmitter instance
  for the native-callback function binding is created inside the CMethodBindingEmitter of the callback setter method.

  It is being used to map the types to JNI within the generated native callback function,
  passed to the actual JavaCallback method.

JavaMethodBindingEmitter: Native callback to Java dispatch
- The JavaCallbacl setter passes the callback-interface-object, the userParam-object and the
  callback-method-signature (to have the native method retrieve the jmethodID).

- It receives the native pointer of the native `UserParam` struct instance,
  which gets mapped to the userParam-object. (*TODO: Refine ownership + release*).
 src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/ | 139 +++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 84 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

(limited to 'src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/')

diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/
index 3faddcd..17ac547 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/
@@ -149,8 +149,26 @@ public class JavaConfiguration {
      * converted to String args; value is List of Integer argument indices
     private final Map<String, List<Integer>> argumentsAreString = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>();
-    private final Map<String, Integer> javaCallbackUserParams = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
-    private final List<String> javaCallbackList = new ArrayList<String>();
+    /** JavaCallback configuration definition (static) */
+    public static class JavaCallbackDef {
+      final String setFuncName;
+      final String cbFuncTypeName;
+      final int userParamIdx;
+      JavaCallbackDef(final String setFuncName, final String cbFuncTypeName, final int userParamIdx) {
+          this.setFuncName = setFuncName;
+          this.cbFuncTypeName = cbFuncTypeName;
+          this.userParamIdx = userParamIdx;
+      }
+      @Override
+      public String toString() {
+          return String.format("JavaCallbackDef[set %s, cb %s, userParamIdx %d]",
+                  setFuncName, cbFuncTypeName, userParamIdx);
+      }
+    }
+    private final List<JavaCallbackDef> javaCallbackList = new ArrayList<JavaCallbackDef>();
+    private final Map<String, JavaCallbackDef> javaCallbackSetFuncToDef = new HashMap<String, JavaCallbackDef>();
     private final Set<String> extendedIntfSymbolsIgnore = new HashSet<String>();
     private final Set<String> extendedIntfSymbolsOnly = new HashSet<String>();
     private final Set<String> extendedImplSymbolsIgnore = new HashSet<String>();
@@ -539,30 +557,21 @@ public class JavaConfiguration {
     return returnsStringOnly.contains(functionName);
-  public List<String> getJavaCallbackList() {
+  /** Returns the list of all configured JavaCallback definitions. */
+  public List<JavaCallbackDef> getJavaCallbackList() {
     return javaCallbackList;
-  /** Returns an <code>Integer</code> index of the <code>void*</code>
-      user-param argument that should be converted to <code>Object</code>s for the Java Callback. Returns null if there are no
-      such hints for the given function alias symbol. */
-  public boolean isJavaCallback(final AliasedSymbol symbol) {
-      return -2 < javaCallbackUserParamIdx(symbol);
-  }
-  /** Returns an <code>Integer</code> index of the <code>void*</code>
-      user-param argument that should be converted to <code>Object</code>s for the Java Callback. Returns -2 if there are no
-      such hints for the given function alias symbol. */
-  public int javaCallbackUserParamIdx(final AliasedSymbol symbol) {
+  /** Returns the configured JavaCallback definition mapped to the JavaCallback-Set-Function name. */
+  public JavaCallbackDef javaCallbackSetFuncToDef(final AliasedSymbol symbol) {
       final String name = symbol.getName();
       final Set<String> aliases = symbol.getAliasedNames();
-      Integer res = javaCallbackUserParams.get(name);
+      JavaCallbackDef res = javaCallbackSetFuncToDef.get(name);
       if( null == res ) {
-          res = oneInMap(javaCallbackUserParams, aliases);
+          res = oneInMap(javaCallbackSetFuncToDef, aliases);
-      LOG.log(INFO, getASTLocusTag(symbol), "JavaCallbackDef: {0} -> {1}", symbol, res);
-      return null != res ? res.intValue() : -2;
+      return res;
@@ -1615,15 +1624,12 @@ public class JavaConfiguration {
   protected void readJavaCallbackDef(final StringTokenizer tok, final String filename, final int lineNo) {
     try {
-      final String name = tok.nextToken();
-      final Integer idx;
-      if( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) {
-          idx = Integer.valueOf(tok.nextToken());
-      } else {
-          idx = Integer.valueOf(-2);
-      }
-      javaCallbackUserParams.put(name, idx);
-      javaCallbackList.add(name);
+      final String setFuncName = tok.nextToken();
+      final String cbFuncTypeName = tok.nextToken();
+      final Integer userParamIdx = Integer.valueOf(tok.nextToken());
+      final JavaCallbackDef jcd = new JavaCallbackDef(setFuncName, cbFuncTypeName, userParamIdx);
+      javaCallbackList.add(jcd);
+      javaCallbackSetFuncToDef.put(setFuncName, jcd);
     } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) {
       throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing \"JavaCallbackDef\" command at line " + lineNo +
         " in file \"" + filename + "\"", e);
@@ -2233,53 +2239,76 @@ public class JavaConfiguration {
-   * JavaCallback information, produced by {@link JavaEmitter#beginFunctions(TypeDictionary, TypeDictionary, Map)}
+   * JavaCallback compile time information, produced by {@link JavaEmitter#beginFunctions(TypeDictionary, TypeDictionary, Map)}
    * from {@link Type#isFunctionPointer() function-pointer} {@link Type}s mapped to {@link JavaConfiguration#getJavaCallbackList()} names via {@link TypeDictionary} (typedef).
    * @see JavaConfiguration#funcPtrTypeToJavaCallbackMap
-   * @see JavaConfiguration#bindingToJavaCallbackMap
+   * @see JavaConfiguration#setFuncToJavaCallbackMap
-  public static class JavaCallback {
-      final String funcName;
-      final String simpleClazzName;
-      final String fqClazzName;
-      final String methodSignature;
-      final FunctionType func;
+  public static class JavaCallbackInfo {
+      final String setFuncName;
+      final String cbFuncTypeName;
+      final String simpleCbClazzName;
+      final String fqCbClazzName;
+      final String cbMethodSignature;
+      final FunctionType cbFuncType;
+      final MethodBinding cbFuncBinding;
       final int userParamIdx;
       final Type userParamType;
       final String userParamName;
-      public JavaCallback(final String funcName, final String simpleClazzName, final String fqClazzName, final String methodSignature,
-              final FunctionType func, final int userParamIdx) {
-          this.funcName = funcName;
-          this.simpleClazzName = simpleClazzName;
-          this.fqClazzName = fqClazzName;
-          this.methodSignature = methodSignature;
-          this.func = func;
+      boolean setFuncProcessed;
+      int setFuncCBParamIdx;
+      int setFuncUserParamIdx;
+      public JavaCallbackInfo(final String setFuncName, final String cbFuncTypeName, final String simpleClazzName, final String fqClazzName, final String methodSignature,
+                              final FunctionType cbFuncType, final MethodBinding cbFuncBinding, final int userParamIdx) {
+          this.setFuncName = setFuncName;
+          this.cbFuncTypeName = cbFuncTypeName;
+          this.simpleCbClazzName = simpleClazzName;
+          this.fqCbClazzName = fqClazzName;
+          this.cbMethodSignature = methodSignature;
+          this.cbFuncType = cbFuncType;
+          this.cbFuncBinding = cbFuncBinding;
           int paramIdx = -2;
           Type paramType = null;
           String paramName = null;
-          if( 0 <= userParamIdx && userParamIdx < func.getNumArguments() ) {
-              final Type t = func.getArgumentType(userParamIdx);
-              if( null != t && t.isPointer() && t.getTargetType().isVoid() ) {
-                  // OK 'void*'
+          if( 0 <= userParamIdx && userParamIdx < cbFuncType.getNumArguments() ) {
+              final Type t = cbFuncType.getArgumentType(userParamIdx);
+              if( null != t && t.isPointer() ) {
+                  // OK '<something>*'
                   paramIdx = userParamIdx;
-                  paramName = func.getArgumentName(userParamIdx);
-                  paramType = t;
+                  paramName = cbFuncType.getArgumentName(userParamIdx);
+                  paramType = t.getTargetType();
           this.userParamIdx = paramIdx;
           this.userParamType = paramType;
           this.userParamName = paramName;
+          this.setFuncProcessed = false;
+          this.setFuncCBParamIdx = -1;
+          this.setFuncUserParamIdx = -1;
+      }
+      public void setFuncProcessed(final int cbParamIdx, final int userParamIdx) {
+        if( !setFuncProcessed ) {
+            if( 0 <= cbParamIdx && 0 <= userParamIdx ) {
+                setFuncProcessed = true;
+                setFuncCBParamIdx = cbParamIdx;
+                setFuncUserParamIdx = userParamIdx;
+            } else {
+                setFuncCBParamIdx = -1;
+                setFuncUserParamIdx = -1;
+            }
+        }
       public String toString() {
-          return String.format("JavaCallback[%s, %s%s, userParam[idx %d, '%s', %s], %s]", funcName, fqClazzName, methodSignature,
-                  userParamIdx, userParamName, userParamType.getSignature(null).toString(), func.toString(funcName, false, true));
+          return String.format("JavaCallbackInfo[set %s(ok %b, cbIdx %d, upIdx %d), cb %s%s, userParam[idx %d, '%s', %s], %s]",
+                  setFuncName, setFuncProcessed, setFuncCBParamIdx, setFuncUserParamIdx,
+                  cbFuncTypeName, cbMethodSignature,
+                  userParamIdx, userParamName, userParamType.getSignature(null).toString(), cbFuncType.toString(cbFuncTypeName, false, true));
-  /** Mapped function-pointer type name to {@link JavaCallback} */
-  /* pp */ final Map<String, JavaCallback> funcPtrTypeToJavaCallbackMap = new HashMap<String, JavaCallback>();
-  /** Mapped binding name to {@link JavaCallback} */
-  /* pp */ final Map<String, JavaCallback> bindingToJavaCallbackMap = new HashMap<String, JavaCallback>();
+  /** Mapped binding name to {@link JavaCallbackInfo} */
+  /* pp */ final Map<String, JavaCallbackInfo> setFuncToJavaCallbackMap = new HashMap<String, JavaCallbackInfo>();
cgit v1.2.3