path: root/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/com/sun/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g b/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
index 7c13968..9040c29 100644
--- a/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
+++ b/src/java/com/sun/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -56,6 +57,16 @@ options {
/** Name assigned to a anonymous EnumType (e.g., "enum { ... }"). */
public static final String ANONYMOUS_ENUM_NAME = "<anonymous>";
+ boolean debug = false;
+ public boolean getDebug() {
+ return debug;
+ }
+ public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
+ this.debug = debug;
+ }
/** Set the dictionary mapping typedef names to types for this
HeaderParser. Must be done before parsing. */
public void setTypedefDictionary(TypeDictionary dict) {
@@ -88,13 +99,13 @@ options {
/** Pre-define the list of EnumTypes for this HeaderParser. Must be
- done before parsing. */
+ done before parsing. */
public void setEnums(List/*<EnumType>*/ enumTypes) {
// FIXME: Need to take the input set of EnumTypes, extract all
// the enumerates from each EnumType, and fill in the enumHash
// so that each enumerate maps to the enumType to which it
// belongs.
- throw new RuntimeException("setEnums is Unimplemented!");
+ throw new RuntimeException("setEnums is Unimplemented!");
/** Returns the EnumTypes this HeaderParser processed. */
@@ -176,24 +187,53 @@ options {
boolean isTypedef() { return isTypedef; }
- // for easier debugging
- public String toString() {
- String tStr = "Type=NULL_REF";
- if (type == origType) {
- tStr = "Type=ORIG_TYPE";
- } else if (type != null) {
- tStr = "Type: name=\"" + type.getCVAttributesString() + " " +
+ // for easier debugging
+ public String toString() {
+ String tStr = "Type=NULL_REF";
+ if (type == origType) {
+ tStr = "Type=ORIG_TYPE";
+ } else if (type != null) {
+ tStr = "Type: name=\"" + type.getCVAttributesString() + " " +
type.getName() + "\"; signature=\"" + type + "\"; class " +
- type.getClass().getName();
- }
- String oStr = "OrigType=NULL_REF";
- if (origType != null) {
- oStr = "OrigType: name=\"" + origType.getCVAttributesString() + " " +
+ type.getClass().getName();
+ }
+ String oStr = "OrigType=NULL_REF";
+ if (origType != null) {
+ oStr = "OrigType: name=\"" + origType.getCVAttributesString() + " " +
origType.getName() + "\"; signature=\"" + origType + "\"; class " +
- origType.getClass().getName();
- }
- return "<["+tStr + "] [" + oStr + "] " + " isTypedef=" + isTypedef+">";
- }
+ origType.getClass().getName();
+ }
+ return "<["+tStr + "] [" + oStr + "] " + " isTypedef=" + isTypedef+">";
+ }
+ }
+ private String getTypeString(Type t) {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+ sb.append("[");
+ sb.append(t);
+ sb.append(", size: ");
+ if(null!=t) {
+ SizeThunk st = t.getSize();
+ if(null!=st) {
+ sb.append(st.getClass().getName());
+ } else {
+ sb.append("undef");
+ }
+ }
+ sb.append("]");
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ private void debugPrintln(String msg) {
+ if(debug) {
+ System.err.println(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ private void debugPrint(String msg) {
+ if(debug) {
+ System.err.print(msg);
+ }
private boolean doDeclaration; // Used to only process function typedefs
@@ -231,12 +271,12 @@ options {
private void processDeclaration(Type returnType) {
if (doDeclaration) {
FunctionSymbol sym = new FunctionSymbol(declId, new FunctionType(null, null, returnType, 0));
- if (parameters != null) { // handle funcs w/ empty parameter lists (e.g., "foo()")
+ if (parameters != null) { // handle funcs w/ empty parameter lists (e.g., "foo()")
for (Iterator iter = parameters.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
ParameterDeclaration pd = (ParameterDeclaration);
- }
+ }
@@ -276,29 +316,29 @@ options {
/** Utility function: creates a new EnumType with the given name, or
- returns an existing one if it has already been created. */
+ returns an existing one if it has already been created. */
private EnumType getEnumType(String enumTypeName) {
- EnumType enumType = null;
- Iterator it = enumHash.values().iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- EnumType potentialMatch = (EnumType);
- if (potentialMatch.getName().equals(enumTypeName)) {
- enumType = potentialMatch;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (enumType == null) {
+ EnumType enumType = null;
+ Iterator it = enumHash.values().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ EnumType potentialMatch = (EnumType);
+ if (potentialMatch.getName().equals(enumTypeName)) {
+ enumType = potentialMatch;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (enumType == null) {
// This isn't quite correct. In theory the enum should expand to
// the size of the largest element, so if there were a long long
// entry the enum should expand to e.g. int64. However, using
// "long" here (which is what used to be the case) was
// definitely incorrect and caused problems.
- enumType = new EnumType(enumTypeName, SizeThunk.INT);
- }
- return enumType;
- }
+ enumType = new EnumType(enumTypeName, SizeThunk.INT);
+ }
+ return enumType;
+ }
// Map used to canonicalize types. For example, we may typedef
// struct foo { ... } *pfoo; subsequent references to struct foo* should
@@ -343,17 +383,17 @@ declarator[TypeBox tb] returns [String s] {
/* TypeBox becomes function pointer in this case */
FunctionType ft = new FunctionType(null, null, tb.type(), 0);
if (params == null) {
- // If the function pointer has no declared parameters, it's a
- // void function. I'm not sure if the parameter name is
- // ever referenced anywhere when the type is VoidType, so
+ // If the function pointer has no declared parameters, it's a
+ // void function. I'm not sure if the parameter name is
+ // ever referenced anywhere when the type is VoidType, so
// just in case I'll set it to a comment string so it will
- // still compile if written out to code anywhere.
- ft.addArgument(new VoidType(0), "/*unnamed-void*/");
- } else {
- for (Iterator iter = params.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
+ // still compile if written out to code anywhere.
+ ft.addArgument(new VoidType(0), "/*unnamed-void*/");
+ } else {
+ for (Iterator iter = params.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
ParameterDeclaration pd = (ParameterDeclaration);
- }
+ }
tb.setType(canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER,
@@ -457,15 +497,21 @@ typeSpecifier[int attributes] returns [Type t] {
int cvAttrs = attrs2CVAttrs(attributes);
boolean unsigned = ((attributes & UNSIGNED) != 0);
- : "void" { t = new VoidType(cvAttrs); }
- | "char" { t = new IntType("char" , SizeThunk.CHAR, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "short" { t = new IntType("short", SizeThunk.SHORT, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "int" { t = new IntType("int" , SizeThunk.INT, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "long" { t = new IntType("long" , SizeThunk.LONG, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "__int32" { t = new IntType("__int32", SizeThunk.INT, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "__int64" { t = new IntType("__int64", SizeThunk.INT64, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "float" { t = new FloatType("float", SizeThunk.FLOAT, cvAttrs); }
- | "double" { t = new DoubleType("double", SizeThunk.DOUBLE, cvAttrs); }
+ : "void" { t = new VoidType(cvAttrs); }
+ | "char" { t = new IntType("char" , SizeThunk.CHAR, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
+ | "short" { t = new IntType("short", SizeThunk.SHORT, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
+ | "int" { t = new IntType("int" , SizeThunk.INT, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
+ | "long" { t = new IntType("long" , SizeThunk.LONG, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
+ | "float" { t = new FloatType("float", SizeThunk.FLOAT, cvAttrs); }
+ | "double" { t = new DoubleType("double", SizeThunk.DOUBLE, cvAttrs); }
+ | "__int32" { t = new IntType("__int32", SizeThunk.INT, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
+ | "int32_t" { t = new IntType("int32_t", SizeThunk.INT, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
+ | "uint32_t" { t = new IntType("uint32_t", SizeThunk.INT, true, cvAttrs); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
+ | "__int64" { t = new IntType("__int64", SizeThunk.INT64, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
+ | "int64_t" { t = new IntType("int64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
+ | "uint64_t" { t = new IntType("uint64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, true, cvAttrs); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
+ | "ptrdiff_t" { t = new IntType("ptrdiff_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
+ | "size_t" { t = new IntType("size_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, true, cvAttrs); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
| t = structSpecifier[cvAttrs] ( attributeDecl )*
| t = unionSpecifier [cvAttrs] ( attributeDecl )*
| t = enumSpecifier [cvAttrs]
@@ -481,8 +527,10 @@ typeSpecifier[int attributes] returns [Type t] {
typedefName[int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] { t = null; }
: #(NTypedefName id : ID)
- {
- t = canonicalize(lookupInTypedefDictionary(id.getText()).getCVVariant(cvAttrs));
+ {
+ Type tdict = lookupInTypedefDictionary(id.getText());
+ t = canonicalize(tdict.getCVVariant(cvAttrs));
+ debugPrintln("Adding typedef canon : [" + id.getText() + "] -> [" + tdict + "] -> "+getTypeString(t));
@@ -575,7 +623,7 @@ structDeclarator[CompoundType containingType, Type t] returns [boolean addedAny]
// I haven't implemented it yet because I'm not sure how to get the
// "enumName" *before* executing the enumList rule.
enumSpecifier [int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] {
- t = null;
+ t = null;
: #( "enum"
( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID LCURLY enumList[(EnumType)(t = getEnumType(i.getText()))] RCURLY
@@ -586,18 +634,18 @@ enumSpecifier [int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] {
enumList[EnumType enumeration] {
- long defaultEnumerantValue = 0;
+ long defaultEnumerantValue = 0;
: ( defaultEnumerantValue = enumerator[enumeration, defaultEnumerantValue] )+
enumerator[EnumType enumeration, long defaultValue] returns [long newDefaultValue] {
- newDefaultValue = defaultValue;
+ newDefaultValue = defaultValue;
: eName:ID ( ASSIGN eVal:expr )? {
long value = 0;
if (eVal != null) {
- String vTxt = eVal.getAllChildrenText();
+ String vTxt = eVal.getAllChildrenText();
if (enumHash.containsKey(vTxt)) {
EnumType oldEnumType = (EnumType) enumHash.get(vTxt);
value = oldEnumType.getEnumValue(vTxt);
@@ -605,7 +653,7 @@ enumerator[EnumType enumeration, long defaultValue] returns [long newDefaultValu
try {
value = Long.decode(vTxt).longValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- System.err.println("NumberFormatException: ID[" + eName.getText() + "], VALUE=[" + vTxt + "]");
+ System.err.println("NumberFormatException: ID[" + eName.getText() + "], VALUE=[" + vTxt + "]");
throw e;
@@ -613,25 +661,25 @@ enumerator[EnumType enumeration, long defaultValue] returns [long newDefaultValu
value = defaultValue;
- newDefaultValue = value+1;
- String eTxt = eName.getText();
- if (enumHash.containsKey(eTxt)) {
- EnumType oldEnumType = (EnumType) enumHash.get(eTxt);
- long oldValue = oldEnumType.getEnumValue(eTxt);
- System.err.println("WARNING: redefinition of enumerated value '" + eTxt + "';" +
- " existing definition is in enumeration '" + oldEnumType.getName() +
- "' with value " + oldValue + " and new definition is in enumeration '" +
- enumeration.getName() + "' with value " + value);
- // remove old definition
- oldEnumType.removeEnumerate(eTxt);
- }
- // insert new definition
- enumeration.addEnum(eTxt, value);
- enumHash.put(eTxt, enumeration);
- //System.err.println("ENUM [" + enumeration.getName() + "]: " + eTxt + " = " + enumeration.getEnumValue(eTxt) +
- // " (new default = " + newDefaultValue + ")");
- }
- ;
+ newDefaultValue = value+1;
+ String eTxt = eName.getText();
+ if (enumHash.containsKey(eTxt)) {
+ EnumType oldEnumType = (EnumType) enumHash.get(eTxt);
+ long oldValue = oldEnumType.getEnumValue(eTxt);
+ System.err.println("WARNING: redefinition of enumerated value '" + eTxt + "';" +
+ " existing definition is in enumeration '" + oldEnumType.getName() +
+ "' with value " + oldValue + " and new definition is in enumeration '" +
+ enumeration.getName() + "' with value " + value);
+ // remove old definition
+ oldEnumType.removeEnumerate(eTxt);
+ }
+ // insert new definition
+ enumeration.addEnum(eTxt, value);
+ enumHash.put(eTxt, enumeration);
+ debugPrintln("ENUM [" + enumeration.getName() + "]: " + eTxt + " = " + enumeration.getEnumValue(eTxt) +
+ " (new default = " + newDefaultValue + ")");
+ }
+ ;
initDeclList[TypeBox tb]
: ( initDecl[tb] )+
@@ -642,8 +690,8 @@ initDecl[TypeBox tb] {
: #( NInitDecl
declName = declarator[tb] {
- //System.err.println("GOT declName: " + declName + " TB=" + tb);
- }
+ debugPrintln("GOT declName: " + declName + " TB=" + tb);
+ }
( attributeDecl )*
( ASSIGN initializer
| COLON expr
@@ -652,11 +700,18 @@ initDecl[TypeBox tb] {
if ((declName != null) && (tb != null) && tb.isTypedef()) {
Type t = tb.type();
- //System.err.println("Adding typedef mapping: [" + declName + "] -> [" + t + "]");
+ debugPrint("Adding typedef mapping: [" + declName + "] -> "+getTypeString(t));
if (!t.hasTypedefName()) {
+ debugPrint(" - declName -> "+getTypeString(t));
+ } else {
+ // copy type to preserve declName !
+ t = (Type) t.clone();
+ t.setName(declName);
+ debugPrint(" - copy -> "+getTypeString(t));
t = canonicalize(t);
+ debugPrintln(" - canon -> "+getTypeString(t));
typedefDictionary.put(declName, t);
// Clear out PointerGroup effects in case another typedef variant follows
@@ -667,7 +722,7 @@ initDecl[TypeBox tb] {
pointerGroup[TypeBox tb] { int x = 0; int y = 0; }
: #( NPointerGroup ( STAR { x = 0; y = 0; } ( y = typeQualifier { x |= y; } )*
- //System.err.println("IN PTR GROUP: TB=" + tb);
+ debugPrintln("IN PTR GROUP: TB=" + tb);
if (tb != null) {
tb.setType(canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER,