path: root/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/
index 23a8005..c651114 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/
@@ -450,55 +450,63 @@ public class JavaMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
protected void emitArrayLengthAndNIOBufferChecks(MethodBinding binding, PrintWriter writer) {
- // Check lengths of any incoming arrays if necessary
- for (int i = 0; i < binding.getNumArguments(); i++) {
- Type type = binding.getCArgumentType(i);
- if (type.isArray()) { // FIXME: Compound and Compound-Arrays
- ArrayType arrayType = type.asArray();
- writer.println(" if (" + getArgumentName(i) + ".length < " +
- arrayType.getLength() + ")");
- writer.println(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() +
- "(\"Length of array \\\"" + getArgumentName(i) +
- "\\\" was less than the required " + arrayType.getLength() + "\");");
- } else {
- JavaType javaType = binding.getJavaArgumentType(i);
- if (javaType.isNIOBuffer()) {
- if (useNIODirectOnly) {
- writer.println(" if (!Buffers.isDirect(" + getArgumentName(i) + "))");
- writer.println(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() + "(\"Argument \\\"" +
- getArgumentName(i) + "\\\" is not a direct buffer\");");
- } else {
- writer.println(" final boolean " + isNIOArgName(i) + " = Buffers.isDirect(" + getArgumentName(i) + ");");
+ // Check lengths of any incoming arrays if necessary
+ for (int i = 0; i < binding.getNumArguments(); i++) {
+ final Type type = binding.getCArgumentType(i);
+ final JavaType javaType = binding.getJavaArgumentType(i);
+ if ( type.isArray() ) { // FIXME: Compound and Compound-Arrays
+ // Simply add a range check upfront
+ ArrayType arrayType = type.asArray();
+ if (javaType.isNIOBuffer()) {
+ writer.println(" if ( Buffers.remainingElem("+getArgumentName(i)+") < " + arrayType.getLength() + ")");
+ } else {
+ writer.println(" if ( "+getArgumentName(i)+".length < " + arrayType.getLength() + ")");
+ }
+ writer.print(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() +
+ "(\"Array \\\"" + getArgumentName(i) +
+ "\\\" length (\" + ");
+ if (javaType.isNIOBuffer()) {
+ writer.print("Buffers.remainingElem("+getArgumentName(i)+")");
+ } else {
+ writer.print(getArgumentName(i)+".length");
+ }
+ writer.println("+ \") was less than the required (" + arrayType.getLength() + ")\");");
+ }
+ if (javaType.isNIOBuffer()) {
+ if (useNIODirectOnly) {
+ writer.println(" if (!Buffers.isDirect(" + getArgumentName(i) + "))");
+ writer.println(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() + "(\"Argument \\\"" +
+ getArgumentName(i) + "\\\" is not a direct buffer\");");
+ } else {
+ writer.println(" final boolean " + isNIOArgName(i) + " = Buffers.isDirect(" + getArgumentName(i) + ");");
+ }
+ } else if (javaType.isNIOBufferArray()) {
+ // All buffers passed down in an array of NIO buffers must be direct
+ String argName = getArgumentName(i);
+ String arrayName = byteOffsetArrayArgName(i);
+ writer.println(" final int[] " + arrayName + " = new int[" + argName + ".length];");
+ // Check direct buffer properties of all buffers within
+ writer.println(" if (" + argName + " != null) {");
+ writer.println(" for (int _ctr = 0; _ctr < " + argName + ".length; _ctr++) {");
+ writer.println(" if (!Buffers.isDirect(" + argName + "[_ctr])) {");
+ writer.println(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() +
+ "(\"Element \" + _ctr + \" of argument \\\"" +
+ getArgumentName(i) + "\\\" was not a direct buffer\");");
+ writer.println(" }");
+ // get the Buffer Array offset values and save them into another array to send down to JNI
+ writer.print (" " + arrayName + "[_ctr] = Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(");
+ writer.println(argName + "[_ctr]);");
+ writer.println(" }");
+ writer.println(" }");
+ } else if (javaType.isPrimitiveArray()) {
+ String argName = getArgumentName(i);
+ String offsetArg = offsetArgName(i);
+ writer.println(" if(" + argName + " != null && " + argName + ".length <= " + offsetArg + ")");
+ writer.print (" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType());
+ writer.println("(\"array offset argument \\\"" + offsetArg + "\\\" (\" + " + offsetArg +
+ " + \") equals or exceeds array length (\" + " + argName + ".length + \")\");");
- } else if (javaType.isNIOBufferArray()) {
- // All buffers passed down in an array of NIO buffers must be direct
- String argName = getArgumentName(i);
- String arrayName = byteOffsetArrayArgName(i);
- writer.println(" final int[] " + arrayName + " = new int[" + argName + ".length];");
- // Check direct buffer properties of all buffers within
- writer.println(" if (" + argName + " != null) {");
- writer.println(" for (int _ctr = 0; _ctr < " + argName + ".length; _ctr++) {");
- writer.println(" if (!Buffers.isDirect(" + argName + "[_ctr])) {");
- writer.println(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() +
- "(\"Element \" + _ctr + \" of argument \\\"" +
- getArgumentName(i) + "\\\" was not a direct buffer\");");
- writer.println(" }");
- // get the Buffer Array offset values and save them into another array to send down to JNI
- writer.print (" " + arrayName + "[_ctr] = Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(");
- writer.println(argName + "[_ctr]);");
- writer.println(" }");
- writer.println(" }");
- } else if (javaType.isPrimitiveArray()) {
- String argName = getArgumentName(i);
- String offsetArg = offsetArgName(i);
- writer.println(" if(" + argName + " != null && " + argName + ".length <= " + offsetArg + ")");
- writer.print (" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType());
- writer.println("(\"array offset argument \\\"" + offsetArg + "\\\" (\" + " + offsetArg +
- " + \") equals or exceeds array length (\" + " + argName + ".length + \")\");");
- }
- }
protected void emitCompoundArrayCopies(MethodBinding binding, PrintWriter writer) {