path: root/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g b/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
index 4bcb052..59eaca3 100644
--- a/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
+++ b/src/antlr/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
@@ -46,9 +46,13 @@ header {
import antlr.CommonAST;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.ASTLocusTag;
+ import com.jogamp.gluegen.ConstantDefinition;
+ import com.jogamp.gluegen.ConstantDefinition.CNumber;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.GlueGenException;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.JavaConfiguration;
import com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.*;
+ import com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.EnumType;
+ import com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.EnumType.Enumerator;
class HeaderParser extends GnuCTreeParser;
@@ -738,7 +742,7 @@ structDeclarator[CompoundType containingType, Type t] returns [boolean addedAny]
-// FIXME: this will not correctly set the name of the enumeration when
+// This will not correctly set the name of the enumeration when
// encountering a declaration like this:
// typedef enum { } enumName;
@@ -747,8 +751,8 @@ structDeclarator[CompoundType containingType, Type t] returns [boolean addedAny]
// incorrectly return HeaderParser.ANONYMOUS_ENUM_NAME instead of
// "enumName"
-// I haven't implemented it yet because I'm not sure how to get the
-// "enumName" *before* executing the enumList rule.
+// The followup typedef, see 'initDecl', will alias this name,
+// hence correct the issue!
enumSpecifier [int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] {
t = null;
EnumType e = null;
@@ -778,50 +782,55 @@ enumSpecifier [int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] {
enumList[EnumType enumeration] {
- long defaultEnumerantValue = 0;
+ ConstantDefinition defEnumerant = new ConstantDefinition("def", "0", new CNumber(true, false, 0), findASTLocusTag(enumList_AST_in));
- : ( defaultEnumerantValue = enumerator[enumeration, defaultEnumerantValue] )+
+ : ( defEnumerant = enumerator[enumeration, defEnumerant] )+
-enumerator[EnumType enumeration, long defaultValue] returns [long newDefaultValue] {
+enumerator[EnumType enumeration, ConstantDefinition defaultValue] returns [ConstantDefinition newDefaultValue] {
newDefaultValue = defaultValue;
: eName:ID ( ASSIGN eVal:expr )? {
- final long newValue;
+ final String eTxt = eName.getText();
+ final Enumerator newEnum;
if (eVal != null) {
- String vTxt = eVal.getAllChildrenText();
+ String vTxt = eVal.getAllChildrenText(eTxt);
if (enumHash.containsKey(vTxt)) {
EnumType oldEnumType = enumHash.get(vTxt);
- newValue = oldEnumType.getEnumValue(vTxt);
+ Enumerator oldEnum = oldEnumType.getEnum(vTxt);
+ newEnum = oldEnum;
} else {
- try {
- newValue = Long.decode(vTxt).longValue();
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- System.err.println("NumberFormatException: ID[" + eName.getText() + "], VALUE=[" + vTxt + "]");
- throw e;
- }
+ newEnum = new Enumerator(eTxt, vTxt);
+ } else if( defaultValue.hasNumber() ) {
+ newEnum = new Enumerator(eTxt, defaultValue.getNumber());
} else {
- newValue = defaultValue;
+ newEnum = new Enumerator(eTxt, defaultValue.getNativeExpr());
+ }
+ final ASTLocusTag locus = findASTLocusTag(enumerator_AST_in);
+ final CNumber newEnumNum = newEnum.getNumber();
+ if( null != newEnumNum && newEnumNum.isInteger ) {
+ final long n = newEnumNum.i+1;
+ newDefaultValue = new ConstantDefinition("def", String.valueOf(n), new CNumber(newEnumNum.isLong, newEnumNum.isUnsigned, n), locus);
+ } else {
+ newDefaultValue = new ConstantDefinition("def", "("+newEnum.getExpr()+")+1", null, locus);
- newDefaultValue = newValue+1;
- String eTxt = eName.getText();
if (enumHash.containsKey(eTxt)) {
EnumType oldEnumType = enumHash.get(eTxt);
- final long oldValue = oldEnumType.getEnumValue(eTxt);
- if( oldValue != newValue ) {
+ final Enumerator oldEnum = oldEnumType.getEnum(eTxt);
+ final String oldExpr = oldEnum.getExpr();
+ if( !oldExpr.equals(newEnum.getExpr()) ) {
- String.format("Duplicate enum value '%s.%s' w/ diff value:%n this %d,%n have %d",
- oldEnumType.getName(), eTxt, newValue, oldValue));
+ String.format("Duplicate enum value '%s.%s' w/ diff value:%n this %s,%n have %s",
+ oldEnumType.getName(), eTxt, newEnum, oldEnum));
// remove old definition
// insert new definition
- enumeration.addEnum(eTxt, newValue);
+ enumeration.addEnum(eTxt, newEnum);
enumHash.put(eTxt, enumeration);
- debugPrintln("ENUM [" + enumeration.getName() + "]: " + eTxt + " = " + enumeration.getEnumValue(eTxt) +
+ debugPrintln("ENUM [" + enumeration.getName() + "]: " + eTxt + " = " + newEnum +
" (new default = " + newDefaultValue + ")");
@@ -857,8 +866,9 @@ initDecl[TypeBox tb] {
// NOTE: Struct Name Resolution (JavaEmitter, HeaderParser)
// Also see NOTE below.
if (!t.isTypedef()) {
- if( t.isCompound() ) {
+ if( t.isCompound() || t.isEnum() ) {
// This aliases '_a' -> 'A' for 'typedef struct _a { } A;' in-place
+ // This aliases '_a' -> 'A' for 'typedef enum _a { } A;' in-place
debugPrintln(" - alias.11 -> "+getDebugTypeString(t));
} else {
@@ -1008,12 +1018,14 @@ intConstExpr returns [int i] { i = -1; }
"Error: intConstExpr ID "+enumName+" recognized, but no containing enum-type found");
- final long enumValue = enumType.getEnumValue(enumName);
- System.err.println("INFO: intConstExpr: enum[Type "+enumType.getName()+", name "+enumName+", value "+enumValue+"]");
- if( (long)Integer.MIN_VALUE > enumValue || (long)Integer.MAX_VALUE < enumValue ) {
- throwGlueGenException(intConstExpr_AST_in,
- "Error: intConstExpr ID "+enumName+" enum-value "+enumValue+" out of int range");
+ final Enumerator enumerator = enumType.getEnum(enumName);
+ final CNumber number = enumerator.getNumber();
+ if( null != number && number.isInteger && !number.isLong ) {
+ debugPrintln("INFO: intConstExpr: enum[Type "+enumType.getName()+", "+enumerator+"]");
+ } else {
+ throwGlueGenException(intConstExpr_AST_in,
+ "Error: intConstExpr ID "+enumName+" enum "+enumerator+" not an int32_t");
- return (int)enumValue;
+ return (int)number.i;