path: root/doc/GlueGen_Mapping.html
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1 files changed, 63 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/doc/GlueGen_Mapping.html b/doc/GlueGen_Mapping.html
index 50bae2f..43f9219 100644
--- a/doc/GlueGen_Mapping.html
+++ b/doc/GlueGen_Mapping.html
@@ -476,6 +476,8 @@
Example 11b (<em>Heterogeneous Pointer/Struct Type</em>)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#javacallback-example-12-without-userparam">JavaCallback
+ Example 12 (Without UserParam)</a></li>
<li><a href="#misc-configurations">Misc Configurations</a>
@@ -2048,7 +2050,8 @@ use the same <code>CallbackFunctionType</code>.</p>
<li><code>SetCallbackFunction</code>: <code>SetCallbackFunction</code>
name of the native toolkit API responsible to set the callback</li>
<li><code>SetCallback-UserParamIndex</code>: <code>UserParam</code>
-parameter-index of the <code>SetCallbackFunction</code></li>
+parameter-index of the <code>SetCallbackFunction</code> or
+<code>&lt;0</code> to disable <code>UserParam</code></li>
<li><code>CallbackFunctionType</code>: The native toolkit API
typedef-name of the function-pointer-type, aka the callback type
@@ -2056,7 +2059,8 @@ name</li>
<code>userParam</code> parameter-index of the
<code>CallbackFunctionType</code>, which allows to <a
href="#struct-type-user-param-heterogeneous">indicate a heterogeneous
+<code>UserParam</code></a> or <code>&lt;0</code> to disable
<li><code>Callback-UserParamClass</code>: Optional <a
<em>UserParamClass</em></a> overriding the default <code>Object</code>
@@ -2618,6 +2622,63 @@ users' <code>void*</code> pointer with the
/** Entry point (through function pointer) to C language function: &lt;br&gt; &lt;code&gt;void MessageCallback11bInject(size_t id, long val)&lt;/code&gt;&lt;br&gt; */
public void MessageCallback11bInject(long id, long val);</code></pre>
+<h3 id="javacallback-example-12-without-userparam">JavaCallback Example
+12 (Without UserParam)</h3>
+<p>This example demonstrates a JavaCallBack without user param and only
+a global key.</p>
+<p>The callback <code>T2_CallbackFunc12</code> is managed by the toolkit
+and passed to the callback function, while user passes JavaCallback to
+the registration method <code>SetLogCallBack(..)</code>.</p>
+<p>C-API Header snipped</p>
+<pre><code> typedef enum {
+ LOG_Off = 0,
+ LOG_Fatal = 100,
+ LOG_Error = 200,
+ LOG_Warning = 300,
+ LOG_Info = 400,
+ LOG_Verbose = 500,
+ LOG_VeryVerbose = 600
+ } LogLevel;
+ typedef struct {
+ const char* Category;
+ const char* Message;
+ LogLevel Level;
+ } LogMessage;
+ typedef void ( * T2_CallbackFunc12)(const LogMessage* usrParam);
+ void SetLogCallBack(T2_CallbackFunc12 cbFunc);
+ void LogCallBackInject(const LogMessage* message);</code></pre>
+<p>and the following GlueGen configuration</p>
+<pre><code> ReturnsStringOnly LogMessage.Category
+ ReturnsStringOnly LogMessage.Message
+ JavaCallbackDef SetLogCallBack -1 T2_CallbackFunc12 -1</code></pre>
+<p>leading to the following interface</p>
+ /** JavaCallback interface: T2_CallbackFunc12 -&gt; void (*T2_CallbackFunc12)(const LogMessage * usrParam) */
+ public static interface T2_CallbackFunc12 {
+ /** Interface to C language function: &lt;br&gt; &lt;code&gt;void callback(const LogMessage * usrParam)&lt;/code&gt;&lt;br&gt;Alias for: &lt;code&gt;T2_CallbackFunc12&lt;/code&gt; */
+ public void callback(LogMessage usrParam);
+ }
+ ...
+ /** Returns if callback is mapped for &lt;br&gt; &lt;code&gt; void SetLogCallBack(T2_CallbackFunc12 cbFunc)&lt;/code&gt; */
+ public boolean isSetLogCallBackMapped();
+ /** Returns T2_CallbackFunc12 callback for &lt;br&gt; &lt;code&gt; void SetLogCallBack(T2_CallbackFunc12 cbFunc)&lt;/code&gt; */
+ public T2_CallbackFunc12 getSetLogCallBack();
+ /** Releases callback data skipping toolkit API. Favor passing `null` callback ref to &lt;br&gt; &lt;code&gt; void SetLogCallBack(T2_CallbackFunc12 cbFunc)&lt;/code&gt; */
+ public void releaseSetLogCallBack();
+ /** Entry point (through function pointer) to C language function: &lt;br&gt; &lt;code&gt;void SetLogCallBack(T2_CallbackFunc12 cbFunc)&lt;/code&gt;&lt;br&gt; */
+ public void SetLogCallBack(T2_CallbackFunc12 cbFunc);
+ /** Entry point (through function pointer) to C language function: &lt;br&gt; &lt;code&gt;void LogCallBackInject(const LogMessage * message)&lt;/code&gt;&lt;br&gt; */
+ public void LogCallBackInject(LogMessage message);</code></pre>
<p><em>TODO: Enhance documentation</em></p>
<h2 id="misc-configurations">Misc Configurations</h2>