diff options
6 files changed, 345 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/make/scripts/runtest.sh b/make/scripts/runtest.sh
index 5870692..cf08bf1 100755
--- a/make/scripts/runtest.sh
+++ b/make/scripts/runtest.sh
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ rm -f $LOG
-#D_ARGS="-Djogamp.debug.JNILibLoader -Djogamp.debug.TempFileCache -Djogamp.debug.JarUtil"
+#D_ARGS="-Djogamp.debug.IOUtil -Djogamp.debug.JNILibLoader -Djogamp.debug.TempFileCache -Djogamp.debug.JarUtil -Djava.io.tmpdir=/run/tmp"
+D_ARGS="-Djogamp.debug.IOUtil -Djogamp.debug.JNILibLoader -Djogamp.debug.TempFileCache -Djogamp.debug.JarUtil"
#D_ARGS="-Djogamp.debug.JNILibLoader -Djogamp.gluegen.UseTempJarCache=false"
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ function onetest() {
#onetest com.jogamp.common.GlueGenVersion 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
#onetest com.jogamp.common.util.TestSystemPropsAndEnvs 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
-#onetest com.jogamp.common.util.TestVersionInfo 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
+onetest com.jogamp.common.util.TestVersionInfo 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
#onetest com.jogamp.common.util.TestIteratorIndexCORE 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
#onetest com.jogamp.common.util.locks.TestRecursiveLock01 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
#onetest com.jogamp.common.util.locks.TestRecursiveThreadGroupLock01 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
@@ -90,5 +91,5 @@ function onetest() {
#onetest com.jogamp.common.util.TestTempJarCache 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
#onetest com.jogamp.common.util.TestJarUtil 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
#onetest com.jogamp.common.net.AssetURLConnectionUnregisteredTest 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
-onetest com.jogamp.common.net.AssetURLConnectionRegisteredTest 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
+#onetest com.jogamp.common.net.AssetURLConnectionRegisteredTest 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
#onetest com.jogamp.common.net.URLCompositionTest 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/IOUtil.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/IOUtil.java
index ed74fa2..535c346 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/IOUtil.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/IOUtil.java
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.security.AccessControlContext;
+import java.security.AccessController;
+import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
@@ -56,7 +58,12 @@ public class IOUtil {
/** Std. temporary directory property key <code>java.io.tmpdir</code> */
public static final String java_io_tmpdir_propkey = "java.io.tmpdir";
+ public static final String user_home_propkey = "user.home";
+ private static final String XDG_CACHE_HOME_envkey = "XDG_CACHE_HOME";
+ /** Subdirectory within platform's temporary root directory where all JogAmp related temp files are being stored: {@code jogamp} */
+ public static final String tmpSubDir = "jogamp";
private static final Constructor<?> fosCtor;
static {
@@ -312,7 +319,7 @@ public class IOUtil {
public static String getClassFileName(String clazzBinName) throws IOException {
- // or return clazzBinName.replace('.', File.pathSeparatorChar) + ".class"; ?
+ // or return clazzBinName.replace('.', File.separatorChar) + ".class"; ?
return clazzBinName.replace('.', '/') + ".class";
@@ -597,126 +604,358 @@ public class IOUtil {
return null;
+ private static String getShellSuffix() {
+ switch(Platform.OS_TYPE) {
+ case WINDOWS:
+ return ".bat";
+ default:
+ return ".sh";
+ }
+ }
+ private static boolean getOSHasNoexecFS() {
+ switch(Platform.OS_TYPE) {
+ case WINDOWS:
+ case OPENKODE:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
- * Utilizing {@link File#createTempFile(String, String, File)} using
- * {@link #getTempRoot(AccessControlContext)} as the directory parameter, ie. location
- * of the root temp folder.
- *
- * @see File#createTempFile(String, String)
- * @see File#createTempFile(String, String, File)
- * @see #getTempRoot(AccessControlContext)
- *
- * @param prefix
- * @param suffix
- * @return
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException
- * @throws IOException
- * @throws SecurityException
+ * @see <a href="http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html">Free-Desktop - XDG Base Directory Specification</a>
- public static File createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, AccessControlContext acc)
- throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, SecurityException
- {
- return File.createTempFile( prefix, suffix, getTempRoot(acc) );
+ private static boolean getOSHasFreeDesktopXDG() {
+ switch(Platform.OS_TYPE) {
+ case ANDROID:
+ case MACOS:
+ case WINDOWS:
+ case OPENKODE:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
- * Returns a platform independent writable directory for temporary files.
- * <p>
- * On standard Java, the folder specified by <code>java.io.tempdir</code>
- * is returned.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * On Android a <code>temp</code> folder relative to the applications local folder
- * (see {@link Context#getDir(String, int)}) is returned, if
- * the Android application/activity has registered it's Application Context
- * via {@link jogamp.common.os.android.StaticContext.StaticContext#init(Context, ClassLoader) StaticContext.init(..)}.
- * This allows using the temp folder w/o the need for <code>sdcard</code>
- * access, which would be the <code>java.io.tempdir</code> location on Android!
- * </p>
- * @param acc The security {@link AccessControlContext} to access <code>java.io.tmpdir</code>
+ * Test whether {@code file} exists and matches the given requirements
- * @throws SecurityException if access to <code>java.io.tmpdir</code> is not allowed within the current security context
- * @throws RuntimeException is the property <code>java.io.tmpdir</code> or the resulting temp directory is invalid
+ * @param file
+ * @param shallBeDir
+ * @param shallBeWritable
+ * @return
+ */
+ public static boolean testFile(File file, boolean shallBeDir, boolean shallBeWritable) {
+ if (!file.exists()) {
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("IOUtil.testFile: <"+file.getAbsolutePath()+">: does not exist");
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (shallBeDir && !file.isDirectory()) {
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("IOUtil.testFile: <"+file.getAbsolutePath()+">: is not a directory");
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (shallBeWritable && !file.canWrite()) {
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("IOUtil.testFile: <"+file.getAbsolutePath()+">: is not writable");
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the given {@code dir}
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>exists, and</li>
+ * <li>is a directory, and</li>
+ * <li>is writeable, and</li>
+ * <li>files can be executed from the directory</li>
+ * </ol>
- * @see PropertyAccess#getProperty(String, boolean, java.security.AccessControlContext)
- * @see Context#getDir(String, int)
+ * @throws SecurityException if file creation and process execution is not allowed within the current security context
+ * @param dir
- public static File getTempRoot(AccessControlContext acc)
- throws SecurityException, RuntimeException
+ public static boolean testDirExec(File dir)
+ throws SecurityException
- {
- final File tmpRoot = AndroidUtils.getTempRoot(acc); // null if ( !Android || no android-ctx )
- if(null != tmpRoot) {
- return tmpRoot;
+ if (!testFile(dir, true, true)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!getOSHasNoexecFS()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ File exetst;
+ try {
+ exetst = File.createTempFile("jogamp_exe_tst", getShellSuffix(), dir);
+ } catch (SecurityException se) {
+ throw se; // fwd Security exception
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ return false;
- final String tmpRootName = PropertyAccess.getProperty(java_io_tmpdir_propkey, false, acc);
- if(null == tmpRootName || 0 == tmpRootName.length()) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Property '"+java_io_tmpdir_propkey+"' value is empty: <"+tmpRootName+">");
+ int ok = -1;
+ if(exetst.setExecutable(true)) {
+ try {
+ Process pr = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(exetst.getCanonicalPath());
+ pr.waitFor() ;
+ ok = pr.exitValue();
+ } catch (SecurityException se) {
+ throw se; // fwd Security exception
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ ok = -2;
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("IOUtil.testDirExec: <"+exetst.getAbsolutePath()+">: "+t.getMessage());
+ // t.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
- final File tmpRoot = new File(tmpRootName);
- if(null==tmpRoot || !tmpRoot.isDirectory() || !tmpRoot.canWrite()) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Not a writable directory: '"+tmpRoot+"', retrieved by propery '"+java_io_tmpdir_propkey+"'");
+ exetst.delete();
+ return 0 == ok;
+ }
+ private static File testDirImpl(File dir, boolean create, boolean executable)
+ throws SecurityException
+ {
+ if (create && !dir.exists()) {
+ dir.mkdirs();
- if(DEBUG) {
- System.err.println("IOUtil.getTempRoot(): temp dir: "+tmpRoot.getAbsolutePath());
+ if( executable ) {
+ if(testDirExec(dir)) {
+ return dir;
+ }
+ } else if(testFile(dir, true, true)) {
+ return dir;
- return tmpRoot;
+ return null;
- * This methods finds [and creates] a temporary directory:
+ * Returns the directory {@code dir}, which is processed and tested as described below.
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>If {@code create} is {@code true} and the directory does not exist yet, it is created incl. all sub-directories.</li>
+ * <li>If {@code dirName} exists, but is not a directory, {@code null} is being returned.</li>
+ * <li>If the directory does not exist or is not writeable, {@code null} is being returned.</li>
+ * <li>If {@code executable} is {@code true} and files cannot be executed from the directory, {@code null} is being returned.</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * @param dir the directory to process
+ * @param create true if the directory shall be created if not existing
+ * @param executable true if the user intents to launch executables from the temporary directory, otherwise false.
+ * @param acc The security {@link AccessControlContext} to create directories and test <i>executability</i>
+ * @throws SecurityException if file creation and process execution is not allowed within the current security context
+ */
+ public static File testDir(final File dir, final boolean create, final boolean executable, AccessControlContext acc)
+ throws SecurityException
+ {
+ if( null != acc ) {
+ return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<File>() {
+ public File run() {
+ return testDirImpl(dir, create, executable);
+ } }, acc);
+ } else {
+ return testDirImpl(dir, create, executable);
+ }
+ }
+ private static boolean isStringSet(String s) { return null != s && 0 < s.length(); }
+ /**
+ * This methods finds [and creates] an available temporary sub-directory:
* <pre>
- * for(tempBaseDir = tempRootDir + tmpDirPrefix + _ + [000000-999999]) {
- * if(tempBaseDir.isDirectory()) {
- * if(tempBaseDir.canWrite()) {
- * return tempBaseDir;
- * }
- * } else {
- * tempBaseDir.mkdir();
- * return tempBaseDir;
- * }
- * }
+ File tmpBaseDir;
+ if(null != testDir(tmpRoot, true, executable)) { // check tmpRoot first
+ tmpBaseDir = testDir(new File(tmpRoot, tmpSubDirPrefix), true, executable);
+ for(int i = 0; null == tmpBaseDir && i<=9999; i++) {
+ final String tmpDirSuffix = String.format("_%04d", i); // 4 digits for iteration
+ tmpBaseDir = testDir(new File(tmpRoot, tmpSubDirPrefix+tmpDirSuffix), true, executable);
+ }
+ } else {
+ tmpBaseDir = null;
+ }
+ return tmpBaseDir;
* </pre>
- * The <code>tempRootDir</code> is retrieved by {@link #getTempRoot(AccessControlContext)}.
* <p>
- * The iteration through [000000-999999] ensures that the code is multi-user save.
+ * The iteration through [0000-9999] ensures that the code is multi-user save.
* </p>
+ * @param tmpRoot
+ * @param executable
* @param tmpDirPrefix
* @return a temporary directory, writable by this user
- * @throws IOException
* @throws SecurityException
- public static File getTempDir(String tmpDirPrefix, AccessControlContext acc)
- throws IOException, SecurityException
+ private static File getSubTempDir(File tmpRoot, String tmpSubDirPrefix, boolean executable)
+ throws SecurityException
- final File tempRoot = IOUtil.getTempRoot(acc);
- for(int i = 0; i<=999999; i++) {
- final String tmpDirSuffix = String.format("_%06d", i); // 6 digits for iteration
- final File tmpBaseDir = new File(tempRoot, tmpDirPrefix+tmpDirSuffix);
- if (tmpBaseDir.isDirectory()) {
- // existing directory
- if(tmpBaseDir.canWrite()) {
- // can write - OK
- return tmpBaseDir;
- }
- // not writable, hence used by another user - continue
- } else {
- // non existing directory, create and validate it
- tmpBaseDir.mkdir();
- if (!tmpBaseDir.isDirectory()) {
- throw new IOException("Cannot create temp base directory " + tmpBaseDir);
- }
- if(!tmpBaseDir.canWrite()) {
- throw new IOException("Cannot write to created temp base directory " + tmpBaseDir);
- }
- return tmpBaseDir; // created and writable - OK
+ File tmpBaseDir;
+ if(null != testDirImpl(tmpRoot, true /* create */, executable)) { // check tmpRoot first
+ tmpBaseDir = testDirImpl(new File(tmpRoot, tmpSubDirPrefix), true /* create */, executable);
+ for(int i = 0; null == tmpBaseDir && i<=9999; i++) {
+ final String tmpDirSuffix = String.format("_%04d", i); // 4 digits for iteration
+ tmpBaseDir = testDirImpl(new File(tmpRoot, tmpSubDirPrefix+tmpDirSuffix), true /* create */, executable);
+ } else {
+ tmpBaseDir = null;
- throw new IOException("Could not create temp directory @ "+tempRoot.getAbsolutePath()+tmpDirPrefix+"_*");
+ return tmpBaseDir;
+ }
+ private static File getTempDirImpl(boolean executable)
+ throws SecurityException, RuntimeException
+ {
+ if(!tempRootSet) { // volatile: ok
+ synchronized(IOUtil.class) {
+ if(!tempRootSet) {
+ tempRootSet = true;
+ {
+ final File ctxTempDir = AndroidUtils.getTempRoot(); // null if ( !Android || no android-ctx )
+ if(null != ctxTempDir) {
+ tempRootNoexec = getSubTempDir(ctxTempDir, tmpSubDir, false /* executable, see below */);
+ tempRootExec = tempRootNoexec; // FIXME: Android temp root is always executable (?)
+ return tempRootExec;
+ }
+ }
+ final String java_io_tmpdir = PropertyAccess.getProperty(java_io_tmpdir_propkey, false, null);
+ final String user_home = PropertyAccess.getProperty(user_home_propkey, false, null);
+ final String xdg_cache_home;
+ {
+ String _xdg_cache_home;
+ if( getOSHasFreeDesktopXDG() ) {
+ _xdg_cache_home = System.getenv(XDG_CACHE_HOME_envkey);
+ if( !isStringSet(_xdg_cache_home) && isStringSet(user_home) ) {
+ _xdg_cache_home = user_home + File.separator + ".cache" ; // default
+ }
+ } else {
+ _xdg_cache_home = null;
+ }
+ xdg_cache_home = _xdg_cache_home;
+ }
+ // 1) java.io.tmpdir/jogamp
+ if( null == tempRootExec && isStringSet(java_io_tmpdir) ) {
+ tempRootExec = getSubTempDir(new File(java_io_tmpdir), tmpSubDir, true /* executable */);
+ }
+ // 2) $XDG_CACHE_HOME/jogamp
+ if(null == tempRootExec && isStringSet(xdg_cache_home)) {
+ tempRootExec = getSubTempDir(new File(xdg_cache_home), tmpSubDir, true /* executable */);
+ }
+ // 3) $HOME/.jogamp
+ if(null == tempRootExec && isStringSet(user_home)) {
+ tempRootExec = getSubTempDir(new File(user_home), "." + tmpSubDir, true /* executable */);
+ }
+ if(null != tempRootExec) {
+ tempRootNoexec = tempRootExec;
+ } else {
+ // 1) java.io.tmpdir/jogamp
+ if( null == tempRootNoexec && isStringSet(java_io_tmpdir) ) {
+ tempRootNoexec = getSubTempDir(new File(java_io_tmpdir), tmpSubDir, false /* executable */);
+ }
+ // 2) $XDG_CACHE_HOME/jogamp
+ if(null == tempRootNoexec && isStringSet(xdg_cache_home)) {
+ tempRootNoexec = getSubTempDir(new File(xdg_cache_home), tmpSubDir, false /* executable */);
+ }
+ // 3) $HOME/.jogamp
+ if(null == tempRootNoexec && isStringSet(user_home)) {
+ tempRootNoexec = getSubTempDir(new File(user_home), "." + tmpSubDir, false /* executable */);
+ }
+ }
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ System.err.println("IOUtil.getTempRoot(): temp dirs: exec: "+tempRootExec.getAbsolutePath()+", noexec: "+tempRootNoexec.getAbsolutePath());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ final File r = executable ? tempRootExec : tempRootNoexec ;
+ if(null == r) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Could not determine a temporary directory");
+ }
+ return r;
+ private static File tempRootExec = null; // writeable and executable
+ private static File tempRootNoexec = null; // writeable, maybe executable
+ private static volatile boolean tempRootSet = false;
+ /**
+ * Returns a platform independent writable directory for temporary files
+ * consisting of the platform's {@code temp-root} + {@link #tmpSubDir},
+ * e.g. {@code /tmp/jogamp/}.
+ * <p>
+ * On standard Java the {@code temp-root} folder is specified by <code>java.io.tempdir</code>.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * On Android the {@code temp-root} folder is relative to the applications local folder
+ * (see {@link Context#getDir(String, int)}) is returned, if
+ * the Android application/activity has registered it's Application Context
+ * via {@link jogamp.common.os.android.StaticContext.StaticContext#init(Context, ClassLoader) StaticContext.init(..)}.
+ * This allows using the temp folder w/o the need for <code>sdcard</code>
+ * access, which would be the <code>java.io.tempdir</code> location on Android!
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * In case {@code temp-root} is the users home folder,
+ * a dot is being prepended to {@link #tmpSubDir}, i.e.: {@code /home/user/.jogamp/}.
+ * </p>
+ * @param executable true if the user intents to launch executables from the temporary directory, otherwise false.
+ * @param acc The security {@link AccessControlContext} to access properties, environment vars, create directories and test <i>executability</i>
+ * @throws SecurityException if access to <code>java.io.tmpdir</code> is not allowed within the current security context
+ * @throws RuntimeException if no temporary directory could be determined
+ *
+ * @see PropertyAccess#getProperty(String, boolean, java.security.AccessControlContext)
+ * @see Context#getDir(String, int)
+ */
+ public static File getTempDir(final boolean executable, AccessControlContext acc)
+ throws SecurityException, RuntimeException
+ {
+ if( null != acc ) {
+ return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<File>() {
+ public File run() {
+ return getTempDirImpl(executable);
+ } }, acc);
+ } else {
+ return getTempDirImpl(executable);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utilizing {@link File#createTempFile(String, String, File)} using
+ * {@link #getTempRoot(AccessControlContext, boolean)} as the directory parameter, ie. location
+ * of the root temp folder.
+ *
+ * @see File#createTempFile(String, String)
+ * @see File#createTempFile(String, String, File)
+ * @see #getTempRoot(AccessControlContext, boolean)
+ *
+ * @param prefix
+ * @param suffix
+ * @param executable true if the temporary root folder needs to hold executable files, otherwise false.
+ * @return
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException
+ * @throws IOException
+ * @throws SecurityException
+ */
+ public static File createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, boolean executable, AccessControlContext acc)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, SecurityException
+ {
+ return File.createTempFile( prefix, suffix, getTempDir(executable, acc) );
+ }
public static void close(Closeable stream, boolean throwRuntimeException) throws RuntimeException {
if(null != stream) {
try {
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/cache/TempFileCache.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/cache/TempFileCache.java
index 51c698e..cbc8ca5 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/cache/TempFileCache.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/cache/TempFileCache.java
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public class TempFileCache {
// Flag indicating that we got a fatal error in the static initializer.
private static boolean staticInitError = false;
- private static final String tmpDirPrefix = "jogamp.tmp.cache";
+ private static final String tmpDirPrefix = "file_cache";
// Lifecycle: For one user's JVMs, ClassLoader and time.
private static final File tmpBaseDir;
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ public class TempFileCache {
// exception, set an error code.
File _tmpBaseDir = null;
try {
- _tmpBaseDir = IOUtil.getTempDir(tmpDirPrefix, acc); // Retrieve the tmpbase directory.
+ _tmpBaseDir = new File(IOUtil.getTempDir(true /* executable */, acc), tmpDirPrefix);
+ _tmpBaseDir = IOUtil.testDir(_tmpBaseDir, true /* create */, false /* executable */, acc); // executable already checked
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println("Warning: Catched Exception while retrieving temp base directory:");
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/android/launcher/LauncherTempFileCache.java b/src/java/jogamp/android/launcher/LauncherTempFileCache.java
index 06b8516..7e566c9 100644
--- a/src/java/jogamp/android/launcher/LauncherTempFileCache.java
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/android/launcher/LauncherTempFileCache.java
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ public class LauncherTempFileCache {
private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
// Lifecycle: For all JVMs, ClassLoader and times.
- private static final String tmpDirPrefix = "jogamp.tmp.cache";
+ private static final String tmpSubDir = "jogamp";
+ private static final String tmpDirPrefix = "file_cache";
// Get the value of the tmproot system property
// Lifecycle: For all JVMs and ClassLoader
@@ -143,13 +144,13 @@ public class LauncherTempFileCache {
// Get the name of the tmpbase directory.
final File tmpRoot = ctx.getDir("temp", Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
- tmpBaseDir = new File(tmpRoot, tmpDirPrefix);
+ tmpBaseDir = new File(new File(tmpRoot, tmpSubDir), tmpDirPrefix);
tmpRootPropValue = System.getProperty(tmpRootPropName);
if (tmpRootPropValue == null) {
// Create the tmpbase directory if it doesn't already exist
- tmpBaseDir.mkdir();
+ tmpBaseDir.mkdirs();
if (!tmpBaseDir.isDirectory()) {
throw new IOException("Cannot create directory " + tmpBaseDir);
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/AndroidUtils.java b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/AndroidUtils.java
index 743a736..c6d5819 100644
--- a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/AndroidUtils.java
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/AndroidUtils.java
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ package jogamp.common.os;
import java.io.File;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import com.jogamp.common.os.AndroidVersion;
import com.jogamp.common.util.ReflectionUtil;
@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ public class AndroidUtils {
final Class<?> androidAndroidUtilsImplClz = ReflectionUtil.getClass("jogamp.common.os.android.AndroidUtilsImpl", true, cl);
androidGetPackageInfoVersionCodeMethod = ReflectionUtil.getMethod(androidAndroidUtilsImplClz, "getPackageInfoVersionCode", String.class);
androidGetPackageInfoVersionNameMethod = ReflectionUtil.getMethod(androidAndroidUtilsImplClz, "getPackageInfoVersionName", String.class);
- androidGetTempRootMethod = ReflectionUtil.getMethod(androidAndroidUtilsImplClz, "getTempRoot", AccessControlContext.class);
+ androidGetTempRootMethod = ReflectionUtil.getMethod(androidAndroidUtilsImplClz, "getTempRoot");
} else {
androidGetPackageInfoVersionCodeMethod = null;
androidGetPackageInfoVersionNameMethod = null;
@@ -83,10 +82,10 @@ public class AndroidUtils {
* via {@link jogamp.common.os.android.StaticContext#init(android.content.Context) StaticContext.init(..)},
* otherwise the context relative world readable <code>temp</code> directory returned.
- public static File getTempRoot(AccessControlContext acc)
+ public static File getTempRoot()
throws RuntimeException {
if(null != androidGetTempRootMethod) {
- return (File) ReflectionUtil.callMethod(null, androidGetTempRootMethod, acc);
+ return (File) ReflectionUtil.callMethod(null, androidGetTempRootMethod);
return null;
diff --git a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/android/AndroidUtilsImpl.java b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/android/AndroidUtilsImpl.java
index f6a1444..fc8d606 100644
--- a/src/java/jogamp/common/os/android/AndroidUtilsImpl.java
+++ b/src/java/jogamp/common/os/android/AndroidUtilsImpl.java
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
package jogamp.common.os.android;
import java.io.File;
-import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ public class AndroidUtilsImpl {
* via {@link jogamp.common.os.android.StaticContext#init(android.content.Context) StaticContext.init(..)},
* otherwise the context relative world readable <code>temp</code> directory returned.
- public static File getTempRoot(AccessControlContext acc)
+ public static File getTempRoot()
throws SecurityException, RuntimeException
final Context ctx = StaticContext.getContext();