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4 files changed, 176 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/JavaMethodBindingEmitter.java b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/JavaMethodBindingEmitter.java
index 23a8005..c651114 100644
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/JavaMethodBindingEmitter.java
+++ b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/JavaMethodBindingEmitter.java
@@ -450,55 +450,63 @@ public class JavaMethodBindingEmitter extends FunctionEmitter {
protected void emitArrayLengthAndNIOBufferChecks(MethodBinding binding, PrintWriter writer) {
- // Check lengths of any incoming arrays if necessary
- for (int i = 0; i < binding.getNumArguments(); i++) {
- Type type = binding.getCArgumentType(i);
- if (type.isArray()) { // FIXME: Compound and Compound-Arrays
- ArrayType arrayType = type.asArray();
- writer.println(" if (" + getArgumentName(i) + ".length < " +
- arrayType.getLength() + ")");
- writer.println(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() +
- "(\"Length of array \\\"" + getArgumentName(i) +
- "\\\" was less than the required " + arrayType.getLength() + "\");");
- } else {
- JavaType javaType = binding.getJavaArgumentType(i);
- if (javaType.isNIOBuffer()) {
- if (useNIODirectOnly) {
- writer.println(" if (!Buffers.isDirect(" + getArgumentName(i) + "))");
- writer.println(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() + "(\"Argument \\\"" +
- getArgumentName(i) + "\\\" is not a direct buffer\");");
- } else {
- writer.println(" final boolean " + isNIOArgName(i) + " = Buffers.isDirect(" + getArgumentName(i) + ");");
+ // Check lengths of any incoming arrays if necessary
+ for (int i = 0; i < binding.getNumArguments(); i++) {
+ final Type type = binding.getCArgumentType(i);
+ final JavaType javaType = binding.getJavaArgumentType(i);
+ if ( type.isArray() ) { // FIXME: Compound and Compound-Arrays
+ // Simply add a range check upfront
+ ArrayType arrayType = type.asArray();
+ if (javaType.isNIOBuffer()) {
+ writer.println(" if ( Buffers.remainingElem("+getArgumentName(i)+") < " + arrayType.getLength() + ")");
+ } else {
+ writer.println(" if ( "+getArgumentName(i)+".length < " + arrayType.getLength() + ")");
+ }
+ writer.print(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() +
+ "(\"Array \\\"" + getArgumentName(i) +
+ "\\\" length (\" + ");
+ if (javaType.isNIOBuffer()) {
+ writer.print("Buffers.remainingElem("+getArgumentName(i)+")");
+ } else {
+ writer.print(getArgumentName(i)+".length");
+ }
+ writer.println("+ \") was less than the required (" + arrayType.getLength() + ")\");");
+ }
+ if (javaType.isNIOBuffer()) {
+ if (useNIODirectOnly) {
+ writer.println(" if (!Buffers.isDirect(" + getArgumentName(i) + "))");
+ writer.println(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() + "(\"Argument \\\"" +
+ getArgumentName(i) + "\\\" is not a direct buffer\");");
+ } else {
+ writer.println(" final boolean " + isNIOArgName(i) + " = Buffers.isDirect(" + getArgumentName(i) + ");");
+ }
+ } else if (javaType.isNIOBufferArray()) {
+ // All buffers passed down in an array of NIO buffers must be direct
+ String argName = getArgumentName(i);
+ String arrayName = byteOffsetArrayArgName(i);
+ writer.println(" final int[] " + arrayName + " = new int[" + argName + ".length];");
+ // Check direct buffer properties of all buffers within
+ writer.println(" if (" + argName + " != null) {");
+ writer.println(" for (int _ctr = 0; _ctr < " + argName + ".length; _ctr++) {");
+ writer.println(" if (!Buffers.isDirect(" + argName + "[_ctr])) {");
+ writer.println(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() +
+ "(\"Element \" + _ctr + \" of argument \\\"" +
+ getArgumentName(i) + "\\\" was not a direct buffer\");");
+ writer.println(" }");
+ // get the Buffer Array offset values and save them into another array to send down to JNI
+ writer.print (" " + arrayName + "[_ctr] = Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(");
+ writer.println(argName + "[_ctr]);");
+ writer.println(" }");
+ writer.println(" }");
+ } else if (javaType.isPrimitiveArray()) {
+ String argName = getArgumentName(i);
+ String offsetArg = offsetArgName(i);
+ writer.println(" if(" + argName + " != null && " + argName + ".length <= " + offsetArg + ")");
+ writer.print (" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType());
+ writer.println("(\"array offset argument \\\"" + offsetArg + "\\\" (\" + " + offsetArg +
+ " + \") equals or exceeds array length (\" + " + argName + ".length + \")\");");
- } else if (javaType.isNIOBufferArray()) {
- // All buffers passed down in an array of NIO buffers must be direct
- String argName = getArgumentName(i);
- String arrayName = byteOffsetArrayArgName(i);
- writer.println(" final int[] " + arrayName + " = new int[" + argName + ".length];");
- // Check direct buffer properties of all buffers within
- writer.println(" if (" + argName + " != null) {");
- writer.println(" for (int _ctr = 0; _ctr < " + argName + ".length; _ctr++) {");
- writer.println(" if (!Buffers.isDirect(" + argName + "[_ctr])) {");
- writer.println(" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType() +
- "(\"Element \" + _ctr + \" of argument \\\"" +
- getArgumentName(i) + "\\\" was not a direct buffer\");");
- writer.println(" }");
- // get the Buffer Array offset values and save them into another array to send down to JNI
- writer.print (" " + arrayName + "[_ctr] = Buffers.getDirectBufferByteOffset(");
- writer.println(argName + "[_ctr]);");
- writer.println(" }");
- writer.println(" }");
- } else if (javaType.isPrimitiveArray()) {
- String argName = getArgumentName(i);
- String offsetArg = offsetArgName(i);
- writer.println(" if(" + argName + " != null && " + argName + ".length <= " + offsetArg + ")");
- writer.print (" throw new " + getRuntimeExceptionType());
- writer.println("(\"array offset argument \\\"" + offsetArg + "\\\" (\" + " + offsetArg +
- " + \") equals or exceeds array length (\" + " + argName + ".length + \")\");");
- }
- }
protected void emitCompoundArrayCopies(MethodBinding binding, PrintWriter writer) {
diff --git a/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/BaseClass.java b/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/BaseClass.java
index 900d959..cc00373 100644
--- a/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/BaseClass.java
+++ b/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/BaseClass.java
@@ -909,9 +909,30 @@ public class BaseClass extends JunitTracer {
- private void dumpDim(final String pre, final TK_Dimension dim) {
+ private static void dumpDim(final String pre, final TK_Dimension dim) {
System.err.println(pre+dim.getX()+"/"+dim.getY()+" "+dim.getWidth()+"x"+dim.getHeight());
+ private static void assertDim(final String pre,
+ final int expX, final int expY, final int expWidth, final int expHeight,
+ final TK_Dimension hasDim) {
+ dumpDim(pre, hasDim);
+ Assert.assertEquals(expX, hasDim.getX());
+ Assert.assertEquals(expY, hasDim.getY());
+ Assert.assertEquals(expWidth, hasDim.getWidth());
+ Assert.assertEquals(expHeight, hasDim.getHeight());
+ }
+ private static void dumpDim(final String pre, final int[] pos, final int size[]) {
+ System.err.println(pre+pos[0]+"/"+pos[1]+" "+size[0]+"x"+size[1]);
+ }
+ private static void assertDim(final String pre,
+ final int expX, final int expY, final int expWidth, final int expHeight,
+ final int[] pos, final int size[]) {
+ dumpDim(pre, pos, size);
+ Assert.assertEquals(expX, pos[0]);
+ Assert.assertEquals(expY, pos[1]);
+ Assert.assertEquals(expWidth, size[0]);
+ Assert.assertEquals(expHeight, size[1]);
+ }
/** Test compound access call-by-reference */
public void chapter10TestCompoundCallByReference(Bindingtest1 binding) throws Exception {
@@ -973,67 +994,78 @@ public class BaseClass extends JunitTracer {
final TK_Surface surface = binding.createSurface();
final TK_Dimension dim0 = surface.getBounds();
- dumpDim("ch11.0: ref-dim ", dim0);
- Assert.assertEquals(0x11111111, dim0.getX());
- Assert.assertEquals(0x22222222, dim0.getY());
- Assert.assertEquals(0x33333333, dim0.getWidth());
- Assert.assertEquals(0x44444444, dim0.getHeight());
+ assertDim("ch11.0: ref-dim ", 0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444, dim0);
final TK_Dimension dim1 = binding.getSurfaceBoundsValue(surface);
- dumpDim("ch11.0: val-dim ", dim1);
- Assert.assertEquals(0x11111111, dim1.getX());
- Assert.assertEquals(0x22222222, dim1.getY());
- Assert.assertEquals(0x33333333, dim1.getWidth());
- Assert.assertEquals(0x44444444, dim1.getHeight());
+ assertDim("ch11.0: val-dim ", 0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444, dim1);
- final TK_Dimension dim0 = binding.getBoundsValue(11, 22, 33, 44);
- dumpDim("ch11.1: val-dim ", dim0);
- Assert.assertEquals(11, dim0.getX());
- Assert.assertEquals(22, dim0.getY());
- Assert.assertEquals(33, dim0.getWidth());
- Assert.assertEquals(44, dim0.getHeight());
+ final TK_Dimension dim0 = binding.getBoundsValue(11, 22, 33, 44);
+ assertDim("ch11.1: val-dim ", 11, 22, 33, 44, dim0);
+ final TK_Surface surface = binding.getSurfaceValue(dim0);
+ final TK_Dimension dim1 = binding.getSurfaceBoundsValue(surface);
+ assertDim("ch11.2: val-dim ", 11, 22, 33, 44, dim1);
+ final boolean sameInstanceByVal = binding.isSameInstanceByVal(dim0, dim1);
+ final boolean sameInstanceByRef = binding.isSameInstanceByRef(dim0, dim1);
+ System.err.println("ch11.3: sameInstanceByVal "+sameInstanceByVal);
+ System.err.println("ch11.3: sameInstanceByRef "+sameInstanceByRef);
+ Assert.assertFalse(sameInstanceByVal);
+ Assert.assertFalse(sameInstanceByRef);
+ }
+ {
+ final TK_Dimension dim1 = binding.getBoundsValue(11, 22, 33, 44);
+ final TK_Dimension dim2 = binding.getBoundsValue(1, 2, 3, 4);
+ final TK_Dimension[] sumands = { dim1, dim2 };
+ final TK_Dimension dimSum = binding.addDimensions(sumands);
+ assertDim("ch11.4: sum-dim ", 11+1, 22+2, 33+3, 44+4, dimSum);
+ binding.zeroDimensions(sumands);
+ assertDim("ch11.5: zero-dim[0] ", 0, 0, 0, 0, sumands[0]);
+ assertDim("ch11.5: zero-dim[1] ", 0, 0, 0, 0, sumands[1]);
+ }
+ {
+ final TK_Dimension dim0 = binding.getBoundsValue(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ final TK_Dimension[] dim0A = { dim0 };
+ binding.copyPrimToDimensions(new int[] { 11, 22}, 0, new int[] { 100, 200}, 0, dim0A);
+ assertDim("ch11.6: copyPrim2Dim ", 11, 22, 100, 200, dim0);
+ final int[] pos = { 0, 0 };
+ final int[] size = { 0, 0 };
+ binding.copyDimensionsToPrim(dim0, pos, 0, size, 0);
+ assertDim("ch11.7: copyDim2Prim ", 11, 22, 100, 200, pos, size);
- final TK_Surface surface = binding.getSurfaceValue(dim0);
- final TK_Dimension dim1 = binding.getSurfaceBoundsValue(surface);
- dumpDim("ch11.2: val-dim ", dim0);
- Assert.assertEquals(11, dim1.getX());
- Assert.assertEquals(22, dim1.getY());
- Assert.assertEquals(33, dim1.getWidth());
- Assert.assertEquals(44, dim1.getHeight());
+ final int expRGBAi = 0x112233aa;
+ final byte[] expRGBAb = { (byte)0xaa, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11 };
+ final int hasRGBAi = binding.rgbaToInt(expRGBAb, 0);
+ System.err.println("ch11.8: expRGBAb 0x"+
+ Integer.toHexString(expRGBAb[3])+", 0x"+
+ Integer.toHexString(expRGBAb[2])+", 0x"+
+ Integer.toHexString(expRGBAb[1])+", 0x"+
+ Integer.toHexString(expRGBAb[0]) );
+ System.err.println("ch11.8: hasRGBAi 0x"+Integer.toHexString(hasRGBAi));
+ Assert.assertEquals(expRGBAi, hasRGBAi);
+ final byte[] hasRGBAb = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ binding.intToRgba(hasRGBAi, hasRGBAb, 0);
+ System.err.println("ch11.9: hasRGBAb 0x"+
+ Integer.toHexString(hasRGBAb[3])+", 0x"+
+ Integer.toHexString(hasRGBAb[2])+", 0x"+
+ Integer.toHexString(hasRGBAb[1])+", 0x"+
+ Integer.toHexString(hasRGBAb[0]) );
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals(expRGBAb, hasRGBAb);
- final boolean sameInstanceByVal = binding.isSameInstanceByVal(dim0, dim1);
- final boolean sameInstanceByRef = binding.isSameInstanceByRef(dim0, dim1);
- System.err.println("ch11.3: sameInstanceByVal "+sameInstanceByVal);
- System.err.println("ch11.3: sameInstanceByRef "+sameInstanceByRef);
- Assert.assertFalse(sameInstanceByVal);
- Assert.assertFalse(sameInstanceByRef);
- final TK_Dimension dim2 = binding.getBoundsValue(1, 2, 3, 4);
- final TK_Dimension[] sumands = { dim1, dim2 };
- final TK_Dimension dimSum = binding.addDimensions(sumands);
- dumpDim("ch11.4: sum-dim ", dimSum);
- Assert.assertEquals(11+1, dimSum.getX());
- Assert.assertEquals(22+2, dimSum.getY());
- Assert.assertEquals(33+3, dimSum.getWidth());
- Assert.assertEquals(44+4, dimSum.getHeight());
+ final int[] result = { 0 };
+ binding.addInt(new int[] { 1, 2}, 0, result, 0);
+ System.err.println("ch11.10: addInt "+result[0]);
+ Assert.assertEquals(3, result[0]);
- binding.zeroDimensions(sumands);
- dumpDim("ch11.5: zero-dim[0] ", sumands[0]);
- dumpDim("ch11.5: zero-dim[1] ", sumands[1]);
- Assert.assertEquals(0, sumands[0].getX());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, sumands[0].getY());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, sumands[0].getWidth());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, sumands[0].getHeight());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, sumands[1].getX());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, sumands[1].getY());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, sumands[1].getWidth());
- Assert.assertEquals(0, sumands[1].getHeight());
+ final byte[] result = { 0 };
+ binding.addByte(new byte[] { 1, 2}, 0, result, 0);
+ System.err.println("ch11.11: addByte "+result[0]);
+ Assert.assertEquals(3, result[0]);
diff --git a/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.c b/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.c
index ca24444..7581d20 100644
--- a/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.c
+++ b/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.c
@@ -543,3 +543,35 @@ MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY zeroDimensions(TK_Dimension s[2]) {
s[1].width = 0;
s[1].height = 0;
+MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY copyPrimToDimensions(const int pos[2], const int size[2], TK_Dimension dest[1]) {
+ dest[0].x = pos[0];
+ dest[0].y = pos[1];
+ dest[0].width = size[0];
+ dest[0].height = size[1];
+MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY copyDimensionsToPrim(TK_Dimension dim, int dpos[2], int dsize[2]) {
+ dpos[0] = dim.x;
+ dpos[1] = dim.y;
+ dsize[0] = dim.width;
+ dsize[1] = dim.height;
+MYAPI int MYAPIENTRY rgbaToInt(const char rgba[4]) {
+ return ((unsigned int)rgba[3] & 0xffU) << 24 |
+ ((unsigned int)rgba[2] & 0xffU) << 16 |
+ ((unsigned int)rgba[1] & 0xffU) << 8 |
+ ((unsigned int)rgba[0] & 0xffU);
+MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY intToRgba(int irgba, char rgbaSink[4]) {
+ rgbaSink[0] = (char) ( (irgba ) & 0xff );
+ rgbaSink[1] = (char) ( (irgba >> 8 ) & 0xff );
+ rgbaSink[2] = (char) ( (irgba >> 16 ) & 0xff );
+ rgbaSink[3] = (char) ( (irgba >> 24 ) & 0xff );
+MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY addInt(const int summands[2], int result[1]) {
+ result[0] = summands[0] + summands[1];
+MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY addByte(const char summands[2], char result[1]) {
+ result[0] = summands[0] + summands[1];
diff --git a/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.h b/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.h
index a487f7a..dcf5cfc 100644
--- a/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.h
+++ b/src/junit/com/jogamp/gluegen/test/junit/generation/test1.h
@@ -253,3 +253,10 @@ MYAPI Bool MYAPIENTRY isSameInstanceByRef(const TK_Dimension *s1, const TK_Dimen
MYAPI TK_Dimension MYAPIENTRY addDimensions(const TK_Dimension s[2]);
MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY zeroDimensions(TK_Dimension s[2]);
+MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY copyPrimToDimensions(const int pos[2], const int size[2], TK_Dimension dest[1]);
+MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY copyDimensionsToPrim(TK_Dimension dim, int dpos[2], int dsize[2]);
+MYAPI int MYAPIENTRY rgbaToInt(const char rgba[4]);
+MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY intToRgba(int irgba, char rgbaSink[4]);
+MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY addInt(const int summands[2], int result[1]);
+MYAPI void MYAPIENTRY addByte(const char summands[2], char result[1]);