path: root/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/
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authorSven Gothel <>2014-12-03 20:30:46 +0100
committerSven Gothel <>2014-12-03 20:30:46 +0100
commit9e13e8c78ed69bb7afcd49abe8bf69340dc06223 (patch)
tree956c8bb0ab085e7325aa18400681be7612224dae /src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/
parentca4f075aeed16331f0b806ea564ca3d492039336 (diff)
Bug 1106 - Bitstream: Simplify 'msbFirst' case for bulk operations / Add setting of stream position (optional)
- Add setting position entry, optionally supported, e.g. ByteBufferStream and ByteArrayStream - Remove 'msbFirst' parameter on all 'bulk' read/write operations. These methods use LSB-first always, allowing proper stream access of data w/ different bit-sizes. Data is now read/write as little-endian and swapped accordingly. Optimizations are adopted for LSB-first operations. This change removes API confusion/bugs: - removes one decision (parameter) - removes the data reversion case - removes bugs w/ different bit-sizes
Diffstat (limited to 'src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/ b/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/
index fa9c75d..920363b 100644
--- a/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/
+++ b/src/junit/com/jogamp/common/util/
@@ -129,6 +129,138 @@ public class TestBitstream00 extends SingletonJunitCase {
+ @Test
+ public void test10ReadWrite_13() throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalStateException, IOException {
+ // H->L : 00000011 00000010 00000001 000000110000001000000001
+ // H->L rev: 10000000 01000000 11000000 100000000100000011000000
+ //
+ // L->H : 00000001 00000010 00000011 000000010000001000000011
+ // L->H rev: 11000000 01000000 10000000 110000000100000010000000
+ test10ReadWrite1_31Impl(8, 8, 8, 0x030201, "000000110000001000000001");
+ // H->L: 00011 000010 00001 0001100001000001
+ // L->H: 10000 010000 11000 1000001000011000
+ test10ReadWrite1_31Impl(5, 6, 5, 0x1841, "0001100001000001");
+ }
+ void test10ReadWrite1_31Impl(final int c1, final int c2, final int c3, final int v, final String vStrHigh2LowExp)
+ throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalStateException, IOException
+ {
+ // final Bitstream<ByteBuffer> source = new Bitstream<ByteBuffer>();
+ final int bitCount = c1+c2+c3;
+ final int byteCount = ( bitCount + 7 ) / 8;
+ final String vStrHigh2Low0 = Bitstream.toBinString(true, v, bitCount);
+ System.err.printf("test10ReadWrite31 bits %d:%d:%d = %d = %d bytes%n",
+ c1, c2, c3, bitCount, byteCount);
+ System.err.printf("test10ReadWrite31 %s%n", Bitstream.toHexBinString(true, v, bitCount));
+ System.err.printf("test10ReadWrite31 %s%n", Bitstream.toHexBinString(false, v, bitCount));
+ Assert.assertEquals(vStrHigh2LowExp, vStrHigh2Low0);
+ final ByteBuffer bbRead = ByteBuffer.allocate(byteCount);
+ for(int i=0; i<byteCount; i++) {
+ final int b = ( v >>> 8*i ) & 0xff;
+ bbRead.put(i, (byte) b);
+ System.err.printf("testBytes[%d]: %s%n", i, Bitstream.toHexBinString(true, b, 8));
+ }
+ final Bitstream.ByteBufferStream bbsRead = new Bitstream.ByteBufferStream(bbRead);
+ final Bitstream<ByteBuffer> bsRead = new Bitstream<ByteBuffer>(bbsRead, false /* outputMode */);
+ String vStrHigh2Low1C1 = "";
+ String vStrHigh2Low1C2 = "";
+ String vStrHigh2Low1C3 = "";
+ String vStrHigh2Low1 = "";
+ {
+ bsRead.mark(byteCount);
+ System.err.println("readBit (msbFirst false): ");
+ int b;
+ int i=0;
+ String vStrHigh2Low1T = ""; // OK for LSB, MSB segmented
+ while( Bitstream.EOS != ( b = bsRead.readBit(false /* msbFirst */) ) ) {
+ vStrHigh2Low1T = b + vStrHigh2Low1T;
+ if(i < c1) {
+ vStrHigh2Low1C1 = b + vStrHigh2Low1C1;
+ } else if(i < c1+c2) {
+ vStrHigh2Low1C2 = b + vStrHigh2Low1C2;
+ } else {
+ vStrHigh2Low1C3 = b + vStrHigh2Low1C3;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ vStrHigh2Low1 = vStrHigh2Low1C3 + vStrHigh2Low1C2 + vStrHigh2Low1C1;
+ System.err.printf("readBit.1 %s, 0x%s%n", vStrHigh2Low1C1, Integer.toHexString(Integer.valueOf(vStrHigh2Low1C1, 2)));
+ System.err.printf("readBit.2 %s, 0x%s%n", vStrHigh2Low1C2, Integer.toHexString(Integer.valueOf(vStrHigh2Low1C2, 2)));
+ System.err.printf("readBit.3 %s, 0x%s%n", vStrHigh2Low1C3, Integer.toHexString(Integer.valueOf(vStrHigh2Low1C3, 2)));
+ System.err.printf("readBit.T %s, ok %b%n%n", vStrHigh2Low1T, vStrHigh2LowExp.equals(vStrHigh2Low1T));
+ System.err.printf("readBit.X %s, ok %b%n%n", vStrHigh2Low1, vStrHigh2LowExp.equals(vStrHigh2Low1));
+ bsRead.reset();
+ }
+ {
+ String vStrHigh2Low3T = ""; // OK for LSB, MSB segmented
+ System.err.println("readBits32: ");
+ final int b = bsRead.readBits31(bitCount);
+ vStrHigh2Low3T = Bitstream.toBinString(true, b, bitCount);
+ System.err.printf("readBits31.T %s, ok %b, %s%n%n", vStrHigh2Low3T, vStrHigh2LowExp.equals(vStrHigh2Low3T), Bitstream.toHexBinString(true, b, bitCount));
+ bsRead.reset();
+ }
+ String vStrHigh2Low2 = "";
+ {
+ System.err.println("readBits32: ");
+ final int bC1 = bsRead.readBits31(c1);
+ System.err.printf("readBits31.1 %s%n", Bitstream.toHexBinString(true, bC1, c1));
+ final int bC2 = bsRead.readBits31(c2);
+ System.err.printf("readBits31.2 %s%n", Bitstream.toHexBinString(true, bC2, c2));
+ final int bC3 = bsRead.readBits31(c3);
+ System.err.printf("readBits31.3 %s%n", Bitstream.toHexBinString(true, bC3, c3));
+ final int b = bC3 << (c1+c2) | bC2 << c1 | bC1;
+ vStrHigh2Low2 = Bitstream.toBinString(true, b, bitCount);
+ System.err.printf("readBits31.X %s, ok %b, %s%n%n", vStrHigh2Low2, vStrHigh2LowExp.equals(vStrHigh2Low2), Bitstream.toHexBinString(true, b, bitCount));
+ bsRead.reset();
+ }
+ Assert.assertEquals(vStrHigh2LowExp, vStrHigh2Low1);
+ Assert.assertEquals(vStrHigh2LowExp, vStrHigh2Low2);
+ boolean ok = true;
+ {
+ final ByteBuffer bbWrite = ByteBuffer.allocate(byteCount);
+ final Bitstream.ByteBufferStream bbsWrite = new Bitstream.ByteBufferStream(bbWrite);
+ final Bitstream<ByteBuffer> bsWrite = new Bitstream<ByteBuffer>(bbsWrite, true /* outputMode */);
+ {
+ int b;
+ while( Bitstream.EOS != ( b = bsRead.readBit(false)) ) {
+ bsWrite.writeBit(false, b);
+ }
+ }
+ bsRead.reset();
+ for(int i=0; i<byteCount; i++) {
+ final int bR = bbWrite.get(i);
+ final int bW = bbWrite.get(i);
+ System.err.printf("readWriteBit [%d]: read %s, write %s, ok %b%n",
+ i, Bitstream.toHexBinString(true, bR, 8), Bitstream.toHexBinString(true, bW, 8), bR==bW);
+ ok = ok && bR==bW;
+ }
+ Assert.assertTrue(ok);
+ }
+ {
+ final ByteBuffer bbWrite = ByteBuffer.allocate(byteCount);
+ final Bitstream.ByteBufferStream bbsWrite = new Bitstream.ByteBufferStream(bbWrite);
+ final Bitstream<ByteBuffer> bsWrite = new Bitstream<ByteBuffer>(bbsWrite, true /* outputMode */);
+ {
+ bsWrite.writeBits31(bitCount, bsRead.readBits31(bitCount));
+ }
+ bsRead.reset();
+ for(int i=0; i<byteCount; i++) {
+ final int bR = bbWrite.get(i);
+ final int bW = bbWrite.get(i);
+ System.err.printf("readWriteBits31[%d]: read %s, write %s, ok %b%n",
+ i, Bitstream.toHexBinString(true, bR, 8), Bitstream.toHexBinString(true, bW, 8), bR==bW);
+ ok = ok && bR==bW;
+ }
+ Assert.assertTrue(ok);
+ }
+ }
public static void main(final String args[]) throws IOException {
final String tstname = TestBitstream00.class.getName();