path: root/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram
diff options
authorHarvey Harrison <>2014-05-31 13:39:08 -0700
committerHarvey Harrison <>2014-05-31 13:39:08 -0700
commite8bc9edd3c39170af038ab23b8cdca9ffd6f2d56 (patch)
treee2f872ccf2d81b72e7d373226a3994738184479b /src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram
parentb8d85c035bbd2d6fa8a37f957bcf80acab18015e (diff)
gluegen: move all antlr grammars to a top-level directory
/src/main/antlr/.. This gets the .g files unmixed from the non-generated java files for the cgram/jgram packages. Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 5076 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCEmitter.g b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCEmitter.g
deleted file mode 100644
index 38ded36..0000000
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCEmitter.g
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1145 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) Non, Inc. 1998 -- All Rights Reserved
-PROJECT: C Compiler
-MODULE: GnuCEmitter
-FILE: GnuCEmitter.g
-AUTHOR: Monty Zukowski ( April 28, 1998
- This tree grammar is for a Gnu C AST.
- It turns the tree back into source code.
-header {
- package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram;
- import*;
- import java.util.*;
- import antlr.CommonAST;
- import antlr.DumpASTVisitor;
-class GnuCEmitter extends GnuCTreeParser;
- {
- importVocab = GNUC;
- buildAST = false;
- ASTLabelType = "TNode";
- // Copied following options from java grammar.
- codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 2;
- codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 3;
- }
-int tabs = 0;
-PrintStream currentOutput = System.out;
-int lineNum = 1;
-String currentSource = "";
-LineObject trueSourceFile;
-final int lineDirectiveThreshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-PreprocessorInfoChannel preprocessorInfoChannel = null;
-Stack sourceFiles = new Stack();
-public GnuCEmitter( PreprocessorInfoChannel preprocChannel )
- preprocessorInfoChannel = preprocChannel;
-void initializePrinting()
- Vector preprocs = preprocessorInfoChannel.extractLinesPrecedingTokenNumber( new Integer(1) );
- printPreprocs(preprocs);
-/* if ( currentSource.equals("") ) {
- trueSourceFile = new LineObject(currentSource);
- currentOutput.println("# 1 \"" + currentSource + "\"\n");
- sourceFiles.push(trueSourceFile);
- }
-void finalizePrinting() {
- // flush any leftover preprocessing instructions to the stream
- printPreprocs(
- preprocessorInfoChannel.extractLinesPrecedingTokenNumber(
- new Integer( preprocessorInfoChannel.getMaxTokenNumber() + 1 ) ));
- //print a newline so file ends at a new line
- currentOutput.println();
-void printPreprocs( Vector preprocs )
- // if there was a preprocessingDirective previous to this token then
- // print a newline and the directive, line numbers handled later
- if ( preprocs.size() > 0 ) {
- if ( trueSourceFile != null ) {
- currentOutput.println(); //make sure we're starting a new line unless this is the first line directive
- }
- lineNum++;
- Enumeration e = preprocs.elements();
- while (e.hasMoreElements())
- {
- Object o = e.nextElement();
- if ( o.getClass().getName().equals("LineObject") ) {
- LineObject l = (LineObject) o;
- // we always return to the trueSourceFile, we never enter it from another file
- // force it to be returning if in fact we aren't currently in trueSourceFile
- if (( trueSourceFile != null ) //trueSource exists
- && ( !currentSource.equals(trueSourceFile.getSource()) ) //currently not in trueSource
- && ( trueSourceFile.getSource().equals(l.getSource()) ) ) { //returning to trueSource
- l.setEnteringFile( false );
- l.setReturningToFile( true );
- }
- // print the line directive
- currentOutput.println(l);
- lineNum = l.getLine();
- currentSource = l.getSource();
- // the very first line directive always represents the true sourcefile
- if ( trueSourceFile == null ) {
- trueSourceFile = new LineObject(currentSource);
- sourceFiles.push(trueSourceFile);
- }
- // keep our own stack of files entered
- if ( l.getEnteringFile() ) {
- sourceFiles.push(l);
- }
- // if returning to a file, pop the exited files off the stack
- if ( l.getReturningToFile() ) {
- LineObject top = (LineObject) sourceFiles.peek();
- while (( top != trueSourceFile ) && (! l.getSource().equals(top.getSource()) )) {
- sourceFiles.pop();
- top = (LineObject) sourceFiles.peek();
- }
- }
- }
- else { // it was a #pragma or such
- currentOutput.println(o);
- lineNum++;
- }
- }
- }
-void print( TNode t ) {
- int tLineNum = t.getLocalLineNum();
- if ( tLineNum == 0 ) tLineNum = lineNum;
- Vector preprocs = preprocessorInfoChannel.extractLinesPrecedingTokenNumber((Integer)t.getAttribute("tokenNumber"));
- printPreprocs(preprocs);
- if ( (lineNum != tLineNum) ) {
- // we know we'll be newlines or a line directive or it probably
- // is just the case that this token is on the next line
- // either way start a new line and indent it
- currentOutput.println();
- lineNum++;
- printTabs();
- }
- if ( lineNum == tLineNum ){
- // do nothing special, we're at the right place
- }
- else {
- int diff = tLineNum - lineNum;
- if ( lineNum < tLineNum ) {
- // print out the blank lines to bring us up to right line number
- for ( ; lineNum < tLineNum ; lineNum++ ) {
- currentOutput.println();
- }
- printTabs();
- }
- else { // just reset lineNum
- lineNum = tLineNum;
- }
- }
- currentOutput.print( t.getText() + " " );
-/* This was my attempt at being smart about line numbers
- It didn't work quite right but I don't know why, I didn't
- have enough test cases. Worked ok compiling rcs and ghostscript
-void printAddingLineDirectives( TNode t ) {
- int tLineNum = t.getLocalLineNum();
- String tSource = (String) t.getAttribute("source");
- if ( tSource == null ) tSource = currentSource;
- if ( tLineNum == 0 ) tLineNum = lineNum;
- Vector preprocs = preprocessorInfoChannel.extractLinesPrecedingTokenNumber((Integer)t.getAttribute("tokenNumber"));
- printPreprocs(preprocs);
- if ( (lineNum != tLineNum) || !currentSource.equals(tSource) ) {
- // we know we'll be newlines or a line directive or it probably
- // is just the case that this token is on the next line
- // either way start a new line and indent it
- currentOutput.println();
- lineNum++;
- printTabs();
- }
- if ( ( lineNum == tLineNum ) && ( currentSource.equals(tSource) ) ){
- // do nothing special, we're at the right place
- }
- else if ( currentSource.equals(tSource) ) {
- int diff = tLineNum - lineNum;
- if (diff > 0 && diff < lineDirectiveThreshold) {
- // print out the blank lines to bring us up to right line number
- for ( ; lineNum < tLineNum ; lineNum++ ) {
- currentOutput.println();
- }
- }
- else { // print line directive to get us to right line number
- // preserve flags 3 and 4 if present in current file
- if ( ! sourceFiles.empty() ) {
- LineObject l = (LineObject) sourceFiles.peek();
- StringBuilder tFlags = new StringBuilder("");
- if (l.getSystemHeader()) {
- tFlags.append(" 3");
- }
- if (l.getTreatAsC()) {
- tFlags.append(" 4");
- }
- currentOutput.println("# " + tLineNum + " \"" + tSource + "\"" + tFlags.toString());
- lineNum = tLineNum;
- }
- }
- printTabs();
- }
- else { // different source
- Enumeration sources = sourceFiles.elements();
- // see if we're returning to a file we entered earlier
- boolean returningToEarlierFile = false;
- while (sources.hasMoreElements()) {
- LineObject l = (LineObject) sources.nextElement();
- if (l.getSource().equals(tSource)) {
- returningToEarlierFile = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (returningToEarlierFile) {
- // pop off the files we're exiting, but never pop the trueSourceFile
- LineObject l = (LineObject) sourceFiles.peek();
- while ( ( l != trueSourceFile ) &&(! l.getSource().equals(tSource) ) ) {
- sourceFiles.pop();
- l = (LineObject) sourceFiles.peek();
- }
- // put in the return flag, plus others as needed
- StringBuilder tFlags = new StringBuilder(" 2");
- if (l.getSystemHeader()) {
- tFlags.append(" 3");
- }
- if (l.getTreatAsC()) {
- tFlags.append(" 4");
- }
- currentOutput.println("# " + tLineNum + " \"" + tSource + "\"" + tFlags);
- lineNum = tLineNum;
- currentSource = tSource;
- printTabs();
- }
- else { // entering a file that wasn't in the original source
- // pretend we're entering it from top of stack
- currentOutput.println("# " + tLineNum + " \"" + tSource + "\"" + " 1");
- lineNum = tLineNum;
- currentSource = tSource;
- printTabs();
- }
- }
- currentOutput.print( t.getText() + " " );
-/** It is not ok to print newlines from the String passed in as
-it will screw up the line number handling **/
-void print( String s ) {
- currentOutput.print( s + " " );
-void printTabs() {
- for ( int i = 0; i< tabs; i++ ) {
- currentOutput.print( "\t" );
- }
-void commaSep( TNode t ) {
- print( t );
- if ( t.getNextSibling() != null ) {
- print( "," );
- }
- int traceDepth = 0;
- public void reportError(RecognitionException ex) {
- if ( ex != null) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Tree Parsing RecognitionException Error: " + ex.getClass().getName() + " " + ex );
- ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- }
- public void reportError(NoViableAltException ex) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Tree Parsing NoViableAltException Error: " + ex.toString());
- TNode.printTree( ex.node );
- ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- public void reportError(MismatchedTokenException ex) {
- if ( ex != null) {
- TNode.printTree( ex.node );
- System.err.println("ANTLR Tree Parsing MismatchedTokenException Error: " + ex );
- ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- }
- public void reportError(String s) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Error from String: " + s);
- }
- public void reportWarning(String s) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Warning from String: " + s);
- }
- protected void match(AST t, int ttype) throws MismatchedTokenException {
- //System.out.println("match("+ttype+"); cursor is "+t);
- super.match(t, ttype);
- }
- public void match(AST t, BitSet b) throws MismatchedTokenException {
- //System.out.println("match("+b+"); cursor is "+t);
- super.match(t, b);
- }
- protected void matchNot(AST t, int ttype) throws MismatchedTokenException {
- //System.out.println("matchNot("+ttype+"); cursor is "+t);
- super.matchNot(t, ttype);
- }
- public void traceIn(String rname, AST t) {
- traceDepth += 1;
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- super.traceIn(rname, t);
- }
- public void traceOut(String rname, AST t) {
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- super.traceOut(rname, t);
- traceDepth -= 1;
- }
-translationUnit options {
- defaultErrorHandler=false;
- :
- { initializePrinting(); }
- ( externalList )?
- { finalizePrinting(); }
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- : ( externalDef )+
- ;
- : declaration
- | functionDef
- | asm_expr
- | typelessDeclaration
- | s:SEMI { print( s ); }
- ;
- : #(NTypeMissing initDeclList s: SEMI) { print( s ); }
- ;
- : #( a:"asm" { print( a ); }
- ( v:"volatile" { print( v ); }
- )?
- lc:LCURLY { print( lc ); tabs++; }
- expr
- rc:RCURLY { tabs--; print( rc ); }
- s:SEMI { print( s ); }
- )
- ;
- : #( NDeclaration
- declSpecifiers
- (
- initDeclList
- )?
- ( s:SEMI { print( s ); } )+
- )
- ;
- : ( storageClassSpecifier
- | typeQualifier
- | typeSpecifier
- )+
- ;
- : a:"auto" { print( a ); }
- | b:"register" { print( b ); }
- | c:"typedef" { print( c ); }
- | functionStorageClassSpecifier
- ;
- : a:"extern" { print( a ); }
- | b:"static" { print( b ); }
- | c:"inline" { print( c ); }
- ;
- : a:"const" { print( a ); }
- | b:"volatile" { print( b ); }
- ;
- : a:"void" { print( a ); }
- | b:"char" { print( b ); }
- | c:"short" { print( c ); }
- | d:"int" { print( d ); }
- | e:"long" { print( e ); }
- | f:"float" { print( f ); }
- | g:"double" { print( g ); }
- | h:"signed" { print( h ); }
- | i:"unsigned" { print( i ); }
- | structSpecifier ( attributeDecl )*
- | unionSpecifier ( attributeDecl )*
- | enumSpecifier
- | typedefName
- | #(n:"typeof" lp:LPAREN { print( n ); print( lp ); }
- ( (typeName )=> typeName
- | expr
- )
- rp:RPAREN { print( rp ); }
- )
- | p:"__complex" { print( p ); }
- ;
- : #(NTypedefName i:ID { print( i ); } )
- ;
- : #( a:"struct" { print( a ); }
- structOrUnionBody
- )
- ;
- : #( a:"union" { print( a ); }
- structOrUnionBody
- )
- ;
- : ( (ID LCURLY) => i1:ID lc1:LCURLY { print( i1 ); print ( "{" ); tabs++; }
- ( structDeclarationList )?
- rc1:RCURLY { tabs--; print( rc1 ); }
- | lc2:LCURLY { print( lc2 ); tabs++; }
- ( structDeclarationList )?
- rc2:RCURLY { tabs--; print( rc2 ); }
- | i2:ID { print( i2 ); }
- )
- ;
- : ( structDeclaration { print( ";" ); }
- )+
- ;
- : specifierQualifierList structDeclaratorList
- ;
- : (
- typeSpecifier
- | typeQualifier
- )+
- ;
- : structDeclarator
- ( { print(","); } structDeclarator )*
- ;
- :
- #( NStructDeclarator
- ( declarator )?
- ( c:COLON { print( c ); } expr )?
- ( attributeDecl )*
- )
- ;
- : #( a:"enum" { print( a ); }
- ( i:ID { print( i ); } )?
- ( lc:LCURLY { print( lc ); tabs++; }
- enumList
- rc:RCURLY { tabs--; print( rc ); }
- )?
- )
- ;
- :
- enumerator ( {print(",");} enumerator)*
- ;
- : i:ID { print( i ); }
- ( b:ASSIGN { print( b ); }
- expr
- )?
- ;
- #( a:"__attribute" { print( a ); }
- (b:. { print( b ); } )*
- )
- | #( n:NAsmAttribute { print( n ); }
- lp:LPAREN { print( lp ); }
- expr { print( ")" ); }
- rp:RPAREN { print( rp ); }
- )
- ;
- : initDecl
- ( { print( "," ); } initDecl )*
- ;
- { String declName = ""; }
- : #(NInitDecl
- declarator
- ( attributeDecl )*
- ( a:ASSIGN { print( a ); }
- initializer
- | b:COLON { print( b ); }
- expr
- )?
- )
- ;
- : #( NPointerGroup
- ( a:STAR { print( a ); }
- ( typeQualifier )*
- )+
- )
- ;
- : i:ID { print( i ); }
- ( c:COMMA { print( c ); }
- id:ID { print( id ); }
- )*
- ;
- : #( NInitializer (initializerElementLabel)? expr )
- | lcurlyInitializer
- ;
- : #( NInitializerElementLabel
- (
- ( l:LBRACKET { print( l ); }
- expr
- r:RBRACKET { print( r ); }
- (a1:ASSIGN { print( a1 ); } )?
- )
- | i1:ID c:COLON { print( i1 ); print( c ); }
- | d:DOT i2:ID a2:ASSIGN { print( d ); print( i2 ); print( a2 ); }
- )
- )
- ;
- : #(n:NLcurlyInitializer { print( n ); tabs++; }
- initializerList
- rc:RCURLY { tabs--; print( rc ); }
- )
- ;
- : ( i:initializer { commaSep( i ); }
- )*
- ;
- : #( NDeclarator
- ( pointerGroup )?
- ( id:ID { print( id ); }
- | lp:LPAREN { print( lp ); } declarator rp:RPAREN { print( rp ); }
- )
- ( #( n:NParameterTypeList { print( n ); }
- (
- parameterTypeList
- | (idList)?
- )
- r:RPAREN { print( r ); }
- )
- | lb:LBRACKET { print( lb );} ( expr )? rb:RBRACKET { print( rb ); }
- )*
- )
- ;
- : ( parameterDeclaration
- ( c:COMMA { print( c ); }
- | s:SEMI { print( s ); }
- )?
- )+
- ( v:VARARGS { print( v ); } )?
- ;
- : #( NParameterDeclaration
- declSpecifiers
- (declarator | nonemptyAbstractDeclarator)?
- )
- ;
- : #( NFunctionDef
- ( functionDeclSpecifiers)?
- declarator
- (declaration
- | v:VARARGS { print( v ); }
- )*
- compoundStatement
- )
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- :
- ( functionStorageClassSpecifier
- | typeQualifier
- | typeSpecifier
- )+
- ;
- :
- ( //ANTLR doesn't know that declarationList properly eats all the declarations
- //so it warns about the ambiguity
- options {
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- localLabelDecl
- | declaration
- )+
- ;
- : #(a:"__label__" { print( a ); }
- ( i:ID { commaSep( i ); }
- )+
- { print( ";" ); }
- )
- ;
- : #( cs:NCompoundStatement { print( cs ); tabs++; }
- ( declarationList
- | functionDef
- )*
- ( statementList )?
- rc:RCURLY { tabs--; print( rc ); }
- )
- ;
- : ( statement )+
- ;
- : statementBody
- ;
- : s:SEMI { print( s ); }
- | compoundStatement // Group of statements
- | #(NStatementExpr
- expr { print( ";" ); }
- ) // Expressions
-// Iteration statements:
- | #( w:"while" { print( w ); print( "(" ); }
- expr { print( ")" ); }
- statement )
- | #( d:"do" { print( d ); }
- statement
- { print( " while ( " ); }
- expr
- { print( " );" ); }
- )
- | #( f:"for" { print( f ); print( "(" ); }
- expr { print( ";" ); }
- expr { print( ";" ); }
- expr { print( ")" ); }
- statement
- )
-// Jump statements:
- | #( g:"goto" { print( g );}
- expr { print( ";" ); }
- )
- | c:"continue" { print( c ); print( ";" );}
- | b:"break" { print( b ); print( ";" );}
- | #( r:"return" { print( r ); }
- ( expr )?
- { print( ";" ); }
- )
-// Labeled statements:
- | #( NLabel
- ni:ID { print( ni ); print( ":" ); }
- ( statement )?
- )
- | #(
- ca:"case" { print( ca ); }
- expr { print( ":" ); }
- (statement)?
- )
- | #(
- de:"default" { print( de ); print( ":" ); }
- (statement)?
- )
-// Selection statements:
- | #( i:"if" { print( i ); print( "(" ); }
- expr { print( ")" ); }
- statement
- ( e:"else" { print( e ); }
- statement
- )?
- )
- | #( sw:"switch" { print( sw ); print( "(" ); }
- expr { print( ")" ); }
- statement
- )
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- :
- binaryExpr
- | conditionalExpr
- | castExpr
- | unaryExpr
- | postfixExpr
- | primaryExpr
- | emptyExpr
- | compoundStatementExpr
- | initializer
- | rangeExpr
- | gnuAsmExpr
- ;
- : NEmptyExpression
- ;
- : #(l:LPAREN { print( l ); }
- compoundStatement
- r:RPAREN { print( r ); }
- )
- ;
- : #(NRangeExpr expr v:VARARGS{ print( v ); } expr)
- ;
- : #(n:NGnuAsmExpr { print( n ); }
- (v:"volatile" { print( v ); } )?
- lp:LPAREN { print( lp ); }
- stringConst
- ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; }:
- c1:COLON { print( c1 );}
- (strOptExprPair
- ( c2:COMMA { print( c2 ); } strOptExprPair)*
- )?
- ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; }:
- c3:COLON { print( c3 ); }
- (strOptExprPair
- ( c4:COMMA { print( c4 ); } strOptExprPair)*
- )?
- )?
- )?
- ( c5:COLON { print( c5 ); }
- stringConst
- ( c6:COMMA { print( c6 ); }
- stringConst
- )*
- )?
- rp:RPAREN { print( rp ); }
- )
- ;
- : stringConst
- (
- l:LPAREN { print( l ); }
- expr
- r:RPAREN { print( r ); }
- )?
- ;
- | LOR
- | LAND
- | BOR
- | BXOR
- | BAND
- | LT
- | LTE
- | GT
- | GTE
- | PLUS
- | STAR
- | DIV
- | MOD
- | NCommaExpr
- ;
- : b:binaryOperator
- // no rules allowed as roots, so here I manually get
- // the first and second children of the binary operator
- // and then print them out in the right order
- { TNode e1, e2;
- e1 = (TNode) b.getFirstChild();
- e2 = (TNode) e1.getNextSibling();
- expr( e1 );
- print( b );
- expr( e2 );
- }
- ;
- : #( q:QUESTION
- expr { print( q ); }
- ( expr )?
- c:COLON { print( c ); }
- expr
- )
- ;
- : #(
- c:NCast { print( c ); }
- typeName
- rp:RPAREN { print( rp ); }
- expr
- )
- ;
- : specifierQualifierList (nonemptyAbstractDeclarator)?
- ;
- : #( NNonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- ( pointerGroup
- ( (lp1:LPAREN { print( lp1 ); }
- ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- | parameterTypeList
- )?
- rp1:RPAREN { print( rp1 ); }
- )
- | (
- lb1:LBRACKET { print( lb1 ); }
- (expr)?
- rb1:RBRACKET { print( rb1 ); }
- )
- )*
- | ( (lp2:LPAREN { print( lp2 ); }
- ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- | parameterTypeList
- )?
- rp2:RPAREN { print( rp2 ); }
- )
- | (
- lb2:LBRACKET { print( lb2 ); }
- (expr)?
- rb2:RBRACKET { print( rb2 ); }
- )
- )+
- )
- )
- ;
- : #( i:INC { print( i ); } expr )
- | #( d:DEC { print( d ); } expr )
- | #( NUnaryExpr u:unaryOperator { print( u ); } expr)
- | #( s:"sizeof" { print( s ); }
- ( ( LPAREN typeName )=>
- lps:LPAREN { print( lps ); }
- typeName
- rps:RPAREN { print( rps ); }
- | expr
- )
- )
- | #( a:"__alignof" { print( a ); }
- ( ( LPAREN typeName )=>
- lpa:LPAREN { print( lpa ); }
- typeName
- rpa:RPAREN { print( rpa ); }
- | expr
- )
- )
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- unaryOperator
- : BAND
- | STAR
- | PLUS
- | BNOT
- | LNOT
- | LAND
- | "__real"
- | "__imag"
- ;
- : #( NPostfixExpr
- primaryExpr
- ( a:PTR b:ID { print( a ); print( b ); }
- | c:DOT d:ID { print( c ); print( d ); }
- | #( n:NFunctionCallArgs { print( n ); }
- (argExprList)?
- rp:RPAREN { print( rp ); }
- )
- | lb:LBRACKET { print( lb ); }
- expr
- rb:RBRACKET { print( rb ); }
- | f:INC { print( f ); }
- | g:DEC { print( g ); }
- )+
- )
- ;
- : i:ID { print( i ); }
- | n:Number { print( n ); }
- | charConst
- | stringConst
-// JTC:
-// ID should catch the enumerator
-// leaving it in gives ambiguous err
-// | enumerator
- | #( eg:NExpressionGroup { print( eg ); }
- expr { print( ")" ); }
- )
- ;
- : expr ( {print( "," );} expr )*
- ;
- : c:CharLiteral { print( c ); }
- ;
- : #( NStringSeq
- (
- s:StringLiteral { print( s ); }
- )+
- )
- ;
- : IntOctalConst
- | LongOctalConst
- | UnsignedOctalConst
- | IntIntConst
- | LongIntConst
- | UnsignedIntConst
- | IntHexConst
- | LongHexConst
- | UnsignedHexConst
- ;
- : FloatDoubleConst
- | DoubleDoubleConst
- | LongDoubleConst
- ;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCParser.g b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCParser.g
deleted file mode 100644
index e8ca8c5..0000000
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCParser.g
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,878 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) Non, Inc. 1998 -- All Rights Reserved
-PROJECT: C Compiler
-MODULE: GnuCParser
-FILE: GnuCParser.g
-AUTHOR: Monty Zukowski ( April 28, 1998
- This is a grammar for the GNU C compiler. It is a
- grammar subclass of StdCParser, overriding only those
- rules which are different from Standard C.
-header {
- package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram;
- import*;
- import antlr.CommonAST;
- import antlr.DumpASTVisitor;
-class GnuCParser extends StdCParser;
- {
- k = 2;
- exportVocab = GNUC;
- buildAST = true;
- ASTLabelType = "TNode";
- // Copied following options from java grammar.
- codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 2;
- codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 3;
- }
- // Suppport C++-style single-line comments?
- public static boolean CPPComments = true;
- // access to symbol table
- public CSymbolTable symbolTable = new CSymbolTable();
- // source for names to unnamed scopes
- protected int unnamedScopeCounter = 0;
- public boolean isTypedefName(String name) {
- boolean returnValue = false;
- TNode node = symbolTable.lookupNameInCurrentScope(name);
- for (; node != null; node = (TNode) node.getNextSibling() ) {
- if(node.getType() == LITERAL_typedef) {
- returnValue = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- return returnValue;
- }
- public String getAScopeName() {
- return "" + (unnamedScopeCounter++);
- }
- public void pushScope(String scopeName) {
- symbolTable.pushScope(scopeName);
- }
- public void popScope() {
- symbolTable.popScope();
- }
- int traceDepth = 0;
- public void reportError(RecognitionException ex) {
- try {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Error: "+ex + " token name:" + tokenNames[LA(1)]);
- ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- catch (TokenStreamException e) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Error: "+ex);
- ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- }
- public void reportError(String s) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Error from String: " + s);
- }
- public void reportWarning(String s) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Warning from String: " + s);
- }
- public void match(int t) throws MismatchedTokenException {
- boolean debugging = false;
- if ( debugging ) {
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- try {
- System.out.println("Match("+tokenNames[t]+") with LA(1)="+
- tokenNames[LA(1)] + ((inputState.guessing>0)?" [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]":""));
- }
- catch (TokenStreamException e) {
- System.out.println("Match("+tokenNames[t]+") " + ((inputState.guessing>0)?" [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]":""));
- }
- }
- try {
- if ( LA(1)!=t ) {
- if ( debugging ){
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- System.out.println("token mismatch: "+tokenNames[LA(1)]
- + "!="+tokenNames[t]);
- }
- throw new MismatchedTokenException(tokenNames, LT(1), t, false, getFilename());
- } else {
- // mark token as consumed -- fetch next token deferred until LA/LT
- consume();
- }
- }
- catch (TokenStreamException e) {
- }
- }
- public void traceIn(String rname) {
- traceDepth += 1;
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- try {
- System.out.println("> "+rname+"; LA(1)==("+ tokenNames[LT(1).getType()]
- + ") " + LT(1).getText() + " [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]");
- }
- catch (TokenStreamException e) {
- }
- }
- public void traceOut(String rname) {
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- try {
- System.out.println("< "+rname+"; LA(1)==("+ tokenNames[LT(1).getType()]
- + ") "+LT(1).getText() + " [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]");
- }
- catch (TokenStreamException e) {
- }
- traceDepth -= 1;
- }
- : ( externalList )? /* Empty source files are allowed. */
- ;
- : "asm"^
- ("volatile")? LCURLY expr RCURLY ( SEMI )+
- ;
- : ID ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA ID )*
- ;
- : ( "typedef" | declaration )=> declaration
- | ( functionPrefix )=> functionDef
- | typelessDeclaration
- | asm_expr
- | SEMI
- ;
-/* these two are here because GCC allows "cat = 13;" as a valid program! */
- { String declName; }
- : ( (functionDeclSpecifiers)=> ds:functionDeclSpecifiers
- | //epsilon
- )
- declName = d:declarator[true]
- ( declaration )* (VARARGS)? ( SEMI )*
- ;
- { AST typeMissing = #[NTypeMissing]; }
- : initDeclList[typeMissing] SEMI { ## = #( #[NTypeMissing], ##); }
- ;
- : ( ( ( (initializerElementLabel)=> initializerElementLabel )?
- ( assignExpr | lcurlyInitializer ) { ## = #( #[NInitializer], ## ); }
- )
- | lcurlyInitializer
- )
- ;
-// GCC allows more specific initializers
- : ( ( LBRACKET ((constExpr VARARGS)=> rangeExpr | constExpr) RBRACKET (ASSIGN)? )
- )
- { ## = #( #[NInitializerElementLabel], ##) ; }
- ;
-// GCC allows empty initializer lists
- :
- LCURLY^ (initializerList ( COMMA! )? )? RCURLY
- { ##.setType( NLcurlyInitializer ); }
- ;
- : initializer ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}:COMMA! initializer )*
- ;
-declarator[boolean isFunctionDefinition] returns [String declName]
- { declName = ""; }
- :
- ( pointerGroup )?
- ( id:ID { declName = id.getText(); }
- | LPAREN declName = declarator[false] RPAREN
- )
- ( declaratorParamaterList[isFunctionDefinition, declName]
- )*
- { ## = #( #[NDeclarator], ## ); }
- ;
-declaratorParamaterList[boolean isFunctionDefinition, String declName]
- :
- {
- if (isFunctionDefinition) {
- pushScope(declName);
- }
- else {
- pushScope("!"+declName);
- }
- }
- (
- (declSpecifiers)=> parameterTypeList
- | (idList)?
- )
- {
- popScope();
- }
- ( COMMA! )?
- { ##.setType(NParameterTypeList); }
- ;
- : parameterDeclaration
- ( options {
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- ( COMMA | SEMI )
- parameterDeclaration
- )*
- ( ( COMMA | SEMI )
- )?
- ;
- : ( options { // this loop properly aborts when
- // it finds a non-typedefName ID MBZ
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- localLabelDeclaration
- | ( declarationPredictor )=> declaration
- )+
- ;
- : ( //GNU note: any __label__ declarations must come before regular declarations.
- "__label__"^ ID (options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA! ID)* ( COMMA! )? ( SEMI! )+
- )
- ;
- { AST ds1 = null; }
- : ds:declSpecifiers { ds1 = astFactory.dupList(#ds); }
- (
- initDeclList[ds1]
- )?
- ( SEMI )+
- { ## = #( #[NDeclaration], ##); }
- ;
- : "extern"
- | "static"
- | "inline"
- ;
-typeSpecifier [int specCount] returns [int retSpecCount]
- { retSpecCount = specCount + 1; }
- :
- ( "void"
- | "char"
- | "short"
- | "int"
- | "long"
- | "float"
- | "double"
- | "signed"
- | "unsigned"
- | "int8_t"
- | "uint8_t"
- | "int16_t"
- | "uint16_t"
- | "__int32"
- | "int32_t"
- | "wchar_t"
- | "uint32_t"
- | "__int64"
- | "int64_t"
- | "uint64_t"
- | "ptrdiff_t"
- | "intptr_t"
- | "size_t"
- | "uintptr_t"
- | structOrUnionSpecifier ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: attributeDecl )*
- | enumSpecifier
- | { specCount==0 }? typedefName
- | "typeof"^ LPAREN
- ( ( typeName )=> typeName
- | expr
- )
- | "__complex"
- )
- ;
- { String scopeName; }
- : sou:structOrUnion!
- ( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID l:LCURLY
- {
- scopeName = #sou.getText() + " " + #i.getText();
- #l.setText(scopeName);
- pushScope(scopeName);
- }
- ( structDeclarationList )?
- { popScope();}
- | l1:LCURLY
- {
- scopeName = getAScopeName();
- #l1.setText(scopeName);
- pushScope(scopeName);
- }
- ( structDeclarationList )?
- { popScope(); }
- | ID
- )
- {
- ## = #( #sou, ## );
- }
- ;
- : specifierQualifierList structDeclaratorList ( COMMA! )? ( SEMI! )+
- ;
- : structDeclarator ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA! structDeclarator )*
- ;
- : ( declarator[false] )?
- ( COLON constExpr )?
- ( attributeDecl )*
- { ## = #( #[NStructDeclarator], ##); }
- ;
- : "enum"^
- ( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID LCURLY enumList[i.getText()] RCURLY
- | LCURLY enumList["anonymous"] RCURLY
- | ID
- )
- ;
-enumList[String enumName]
- : enumerator[enumName] ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA! enumerator[enumName] )* ( COMMA! )?
- ;
-initDeclList[AST declarationSpecifiers]
- : initDecl[declarationSpecifiers]
- ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA! initDecl[declarationSpecifiers] )*
- ( COMMA! )?
- ;
-initDecl[AST declarationSpecifiers]
- { String declName = ""; }
- : declName = d:declarator[false]
- { AST ds1, d1;
- ds1 = astFactory.dupList(declarationSpecifiers);
- d1 = astFactory.dupList(#d);
- symbolTable.add(declName, #(null, ds1, d1) );
- }
- ( attributeDecl )*
- ( ASSIGN initializer
- | COLON expr
- )?
- { ## = #( #[NInitDecl], ## ); }
- ;
- : "__attribute"^ LPAREN LPAREN attributeList RPAREN RPAREN
- | "asm"^ LPAREN stringConst RPAREN { ##.setType( NAsmAttribute ); }
- ;
- : attribute ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: COMMA attribute)* ( COMMA )?
- ;
- | LPAREN attributeList RPAREN
- )*
- ;
-compoundStatement[String scopeName]
- {
- pushScope(scopeName);
- }
- ( //this ambiguity is ok, declarationList and nestedFunctionDef end properly
- options {
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- ( "typedef" | "__label__" | declaration )=> declarationList
- | (nestedFunctionDef)=> nestedFunctionDef
- )*
- ( statementList )?
- { popScope(); }
- { ##.setType( NCompoundStatement ); ##.setAttribute( "scopeName", scopeName ); }
- ;
- { String declName; }
- : ( "auto" )? //only for nested functions
- ( (functionDeclSpecifiers)=> ds:functionDeclSpecifiers
- )?
- declName = d:declarator[false]
- {
- AST d2, ds2;
- d2 = astFactory.dupList(#d);
- ds2 = astFactory.dupList(#ds);
- symbolTable.add(declName, #(null, ds2, d2));
- pushScope(declName);
- }
- ( declaration )*
- { popScope(); }
- compoundStatement[declName]
- { ## = #( #[NFunctionDef], ## );}
- ;
- : SEMI // Empty statements
- | compoundStatement[getAScopeName()] // Group of statements
- | expr SEMI! { ## = #( #[NStatementExpr], ## );} // Expressions
-// Iteration statements:
- | "while"^ LPAREN! expr RPAREN! statement
- | "do"^ statement "while"! LPAREN! expr RPAREN! SEMI!
- |! "for"
- LPAREN ( e1:expr )? SEMI ( e2:expr )? SEMI ( e3:expr )? RPAREN
- s:statement
- {
- if ( #e1 == null) { #e1 = (TNode) #[ NEmptyExpression ]; }
- if ( #e2 == null) { #e2 = (TNode) #[ NEmptyExpression ]; }
- if ( #e3 == null) { #e3 = (TNode) #[ NEmptyExpression ]; }
- ## = #( #[LITERAL_for, "for"], #e1, #e2, #e3, #s );
- }
-// Jump statements:
- | "goto"^ expr SEMI!
- | "continue" SEMI!
- | "break" SEMI!
- | "return"^ ( expr )? SEMI!
- | ID COLON! (options {warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: statement)? { ## = #( #[NLabel], ## ); }
-// GNU allows range expressions in case statements
- | "case"^ ((constExpr VARARGS)=> rangeExpr | constExpr) COLON! ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}:statement )?
- | "default"^ COLON! ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: statement )?
-// Selection statements:
- | "if"^
- LPAREN! expr RPAREN! statement
- ( //standard if-else ambiguity
- options {
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- "else" statement )?
- | "switch"^ LPAREN! expr RPAREN! statement
- ;
- : logicalOrExpr
- ( QUESTION^ (expr)? COLON conditionalExpr )?
- ;
-rangeExpr //used in initializers only
- : constExpr VARARGS constExpr
- { ## = #(#[NRangeExpr], ##); }
- ;
- : ( LPAREN typeName RPAREN )=>
- LPAREN^ typeName RPAREN ( castExpr | lcurlyInitializer )
- { ##.setType(NCast); }
- | unaryExpr
- ;
- : (
- pointerGroup
- ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- | parameterTypeList
- )?
- ( COMMA! )?
- )*
- | ( (LPAREN
- ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- | parameterTypeList
- )?
- ( COMMA! )?
- )+
- )
- { ## = #( #[NNonemptyAbstractDeclarator], ## ); }
- ;
- : postfixExpr
- | INC^ castExpr
- | DEC^ castExpr
- | u:unaryOperator castExpr { ## = #( #[NUnaryExpr], ## ); }
- | "sizeof"^
- ( ( LPAREN typeName )=> LPAREN typeName RPAREN
- | unaryExpr
- )
- | "__alignof"^
- ( ( LPAREN typeName )=> LPAREN typeName RPAREN
- | unaryExpr
- )
- | gnuAsmExpr
- ;
- : BAND
- | STAR
- | PLUS
- | BNOT //also stands for complex conjugation
- | LNOT
- | LAND //for label dereference (&&label)
- | "__real"
- | "__imag"
- ;
- : "asm"^ ("volatile")?
- LPAREN stringConst
- ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; }:
- COLON (strOptExprPair ( COMMA strOptExprPair)* )?
- ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; }:
- COLON (strOptExprPair ( COMMA strOptExprPair)* )?
- )?
- )?
- ( COLON stringConst ( COMMA stringConst)* )?
- { ##.setType(NGnuAsmExpr); }
- ;
-//GCC requires the PARENs
- : stringConst ( LPAREN expr RPAREN )?
- ;
- : ID
- | Number
- | charConst
- | stringConst
-// JTC:
-// ID should catch the enumerator
-// leaving it in gives ambiguous err
-// | enumerator
- | (LPAREN LCURLY) => LPAREN^ compoundStatement[getAScopeName()] RPAREN
- | LPAREN^ expr RPAREN { ##.setType(NExpressionGroup); }
- ;
- import*;
- import java.util.*;
- import antlr.*;
-class GnuCLexer extends StdCLexer;
- {
- k = 3;
- importVocab = GNUC;
- testLiterals = false;
- }
-tokens {
- LITERAL___extension__ = "__extension__";
- public void initialize(String src)
- {
- setOriginalSource(src);
- initialize();
- }
- public void initialize()
- {
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__alignof__", this), new Integer(LITERAL___alignof));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__asm", this), new Integer(LITERAL_asm));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__asm__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_asm));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__attribute__", this), new Integer(LITERAL___attribute));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__complex__", this), new Integer(LITERAL___complex));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__const", this), new Integer(LITERAL_const));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__const__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_const));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__imag__", this), new Integer(LITERAL___imag));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__inline", this), new Integer(LITERAL_inline));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__inline__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_inline));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__real__", this), new Integer(LITERAL___real));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__signed", this), new Integer(LITERAL_signed));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__signed__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_signed));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__typeof", this), new Integer(LITERAL_typeof));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__typeof__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_typeof));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__volatile", this), new Integer(LITERAL_volatile));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("__volatile__", this), new Integer(LITERAL_volatile));
- }
- LineObject lineObject = new LineObject();
- String originalSource = "";
- PreprocessorInfoChannel preprocessorInfoChannel = new PreprocessorInfoChannel();
- int tokenNumber = 0;
- boolean countingTokens = true;
- int deferredLineCount = 0;
- List defines = new ArrayList();
- public void setCountingTokens(boolean ct)
- {
- countingTokens = ct;
- if ( countingTokens ) {
- tokenNumber = 0;
- }
- else {
- tokenNumber = 1;
- }
- }
- public void setOriginalSource(String src)
- {
- originalSource = src;
- lineObject.setSource(src);
- }
- public void setSource(String src)
- {
- lineObject.setSource(src);
- }
- public PreprocessorInfoChannel getPreprocessorInfoChannel()
- {
- return preprocessorInfoChannel;
- }
- public void setPreprocessingDirective(String pre)
- {
- preprocessorInfoChannel.addLineForTokenNumber( pre, new Integer(tokenNumber) );
- }
- public void addDefine(String name, String value)
- {
- defines.add(new Define(name, value));
- }
- /** Returns a list of Define objects corresponding to the
- preprocessor definitions seen during parsing. */
- public List getDefines() {
- return defines;
- }
- protected Token makeToken(int t)
- {
- if ( t != Token.SKIP && countingTokens) {
- tokenNumber++;
- }
- CToken tok = (CToken) super.makeToken(t);
- tok.setLine(lineObject.line);
- tok.setSource(lineObject.source);
- tok.setTokenNumber(tokenNumber);
- lineObject.line += deferredLineCount;
- deferredLineCount = 0;
- return tok;
- }
- public void deferredNewline() {
- deferredLineCount++;
- }
- public void newline() {
- lineObject.newline();
- }
- : ( ( ' ' | '\t' | '\014')
- | "\r\n" { newline(); }
- | ( '\n' | '\r' ) { newline(); }
- ) { _ttype = Token.SKIP; }
- ;
- : '\\'
- ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}:
- ~('0'..'7' | 'x')
- | ('0'..'3') ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: Digit )*
- | ('4'..'7') ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: Digit )*
- | 'x' ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: Digit | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' )+
- )
- ;
-protected IntSuffix
- : 'L'
- | 'l'
- | 'U'
- | 'u'
- | 'I'
- | 'i'
- | 'J'
- | 'j'
- ;
-protected NumberSuffix
- :
- IntSuffix
- | 'F'
- | 'f'
- ;
- : ( ('-')? ( Digit )+ ( '.' | 'e' | 'E' ) )=> ('-')? ( Digit )+
- ( '.' ( Digit )* ( Exponent )?
- | Exponent
- )
- ( NumberSuffix
- )*
- | ( "..." )=> "..." { _ttype = VARARGS; }
- | '.' { _ttype = DOT; }
- ( ( Digit )+ ( Exponent )?
- { _ttype = Number; }
- ( NumberSuffix
- )*
- )?
- | '0' ( '0'..'7' )*
- ( NumberSuffix
- )*
- | ('-')? '1'..'9' ( Digit )*
- ( NumberSuffix
- )*
- | '0' ( 'x' | 'X' ) ( 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' | Digit )+
- ( IntSuffix
- )*
- ;
- :
- i:ID {
- if ( i.getType() == LITERAL___extension__ ) {
- $setType(Token.SKIP);
- }
- else {
- $setType(i.getType());
- }
- }
- ;
-protected ID
- options
- {
- testLiterals = true;
- }
- : ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '$')
- ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '$' | '0'..'9' )*
- ;
- :
- 'L' CharLiteral
- { $setType(CharLiteral); }
- ;
- :
- 'L' StringLiteral
- { $setType(StringLiteral); }
- ;
- :
- '"'
- ( ('\\' ~('\n'))=> Escape
- | ( '\r' { newline(); }
- | '\n' {
- newline();
- }
- | '\\' '\n' {
- newline();
- }
- )
- | ~( '"' | '\r' | '\n' | '\\' )
- )*
- '"'
- ;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCTreeParser.g b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCTreeParser.g
deleted file mode 100644
index dbe2f98..0000000
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/GnuCTreeParser.g
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,867 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) Non, Inc. 1998 -- All Rights Reserved
-PROJECT: C Compiler
-MODULE: GnuCTreeParser
-FILE: GnuCTreeParser.g
-AUTHOR: Monty Zukowski ( April 28, 1998
- This tree grammar is for a Gnu C AST. No actions in it,
- subclass to do something useful.
-header {
- package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram;
- import*;
- import antlr.CommonAST;
- import antlr.DumpASTVisitor;
-class GnuCTreeParser extends TreeParser;
- {
- importVocab = GNUC;
- buildAST = false;
- ASTLabelType = "TNode";
- // Copied following options from java grammar.
- codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 2;
- codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 3;
- }
- int traceDepth = 0;
- public void reportError(RecognitionException ex) {
- if ( ex != null) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Tree Parsing RecognitionException Error: " + ex.getClass().getName() + " " + ex );
- ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- }
- public void reportError(NoViableAltException ex) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Tree Parsing NoViableAltException Error: " + ex.toString());
- TNode.printTree( ex.node );
- ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- public void reportError(MismatchedTokenException ex) {
- if ( ex != null) {
- TNode.printTree( ex.node );
- System.err.println("ANTLR Tree Parsing MismatchedTokenException Error: " + ex );
- ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- }
- public void reportError(String s) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Error from String: " + s);
- }
- public void reportWarning(String s) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Warning from String: " + s);
- }
- protected void match(AST t, int ttype) throws MismatchedTokenException {
- //System.out.println("match("+ttype+"); cursor is "+t);
- super.match(t, ttype);
- }
- public void match(AST t, BitSet b) throws MismatchedTokenException {
- //System.out.println("match("+b+"); cursor is "+t);
- super.match(t, b);
- }
- protected void matchNot(AST t, int ttype) throws MismatchedTokenException {
- //System.out.println("matchNot("+ttype+"); cursor is "+t);
- super.matchNot(t, ttype);
- }
- public void traceIn(String rname, AST t) {
- traceDepth += 1;
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- super.traceIn(rname, t);
- }
- public void traceOut(String rname, AST t) {
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- super.traceOut(rname, t);
- traceDepth -= 1;
- }
-translationUnit options {
- defaultErrorHandler=false;
- : ( externalList )?
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- : ( externalDef )+
- ;
- : declaration
- | functionDef
- | asm_expr
- | SEMI
- | typelessDeclaration
- ;
- : #(NTypeMissing initDeclList SEMI)
- ;
- : #( "asm" ( "volatile" )? LCURLY expr RCURLY ( SEMI )+ )
- ;
- : #( NDeclaration
- declSpecifiers
- (
- initDeclList
- )?
- ( SEMI )+
- )
- ;
- : ( storageClassSpecifier
- | typeQualifier
- | typeSpecifier
- )+
- ;
- : "auto"
- | "register"
- | "typedef"
- | functionStorageClassSpecifier
- ;
- : "extern"
- | "static"
- | "inline"
- ;
- : "const"
- | "volatile"
- ;
- : "void"
- | "char"
- | "short"
- | "int"
- | "long"
- | "float"
- | "double"
- | "signed"
- | "unsigned"
- | "int8_t"
- | "uint8_t"
- | "int16_t"
- | "uint16_t"
- | "__int32"
- | "int32_t"
- | "wchar_t"
- | "uint32_t"
- | "__int64"
- | "int64_t"
- | "uint64_t"
- | "ptrdiff_t"
- | "intptr_t"
- | "size_t"
- | "uintptr_t"
- | structSpecifier ( attributeDecl )*
- | unionSpecifier ( attributeDecl )*
- | enumSpecifier
- | typedefName
- | #("typeof" LPAREN
- ( (typeName )=> typeName
- | expr
- )
- )
- | "__complex"
- ;
- : #(NTypedefName ID)
- ;
- : #( "struct" structOrUnionBody )
- ;
- : #( "union" structOrUnionBody )
- ;
- ( structDeclarationList )?
- ( structDeclarationList )?
- | ID
- )
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- : ( structDeclaration )+
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- : specifierQualifierList structDeclaratorList
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- : (
- typeSpecifier
- | typeQualifier
- )+
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- : ( structDeclarator )+
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- :
- #( NStructDeclarator
- ( declarator )?
- ( COLON expr )?
- ( attributeDecl )*
- )
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- : #( "enum"
- ( ID )?
- ( LCURLY enumList RCURLY )?
- )
- ;
- : ( enumerator )+
- ;
- : ID ( ASSIGN expr )?
- ;
- #( "__attribute" (.)* )
- | #( NAsmAttribute LPAREN expr RPAREN )
- ;
- : ( initDecl )+
- ;
- { String declName = ""; }
- : #( NInitDecl
- declarator
- ( attributeDecl )*
- ( ASSIGN initializer
- | COLON expr
- )?
- )
- ;
- : #( NPointerGroup ( STAR ( typeQualifier )* )+ )
- ;
- : ID ( COMMA ID )*
- ;
- : #( NInitializer (initializerElementLabel)? expr )
- | lcurlyInitializer
- ;
- : #( NInitializerElementLabel
- (
- )
- )
- ;
- : #( NLcurlyInitializer
- initializerList
- )
- ;
- : ( initializer )*
- ;
- : #( NDeclarator
- ( pointerGroup )?
- ( id:ID
- | LPAREN declarator RPAREN
- )
- ( #( NParameterTypeList
- (
- parameterTypeList
- | (idList)?
- )
- )
- )*
- )
- ;
- : ( parameterDeclaration ( COMMA | SEMI )? )+ ( VARARGS )?
- ;
- : #( NParameterDeclaration
- declSpecifiers
- (declarator | nonemptyAbstractDeclarator)?
- )
- ;
- : #( NFunctionDef
- ( functionDeclSpecifiers)?
- declarator
- (declaration | VARARGS)*
- compoundStatement
- )
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- :
- ( functionStorageClassSpecifier
- | typeQualifier
- | typeSpecifier
- )+
- ;
- :
- ( //ANTLR doesn't know that declarationList properly eats all the declarations
- //so it warns about the ambiguity
- options {
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- localLabelDecl
- | declaration
- )+
- ;
- : #("__label__" (ID)+ )
- ;
- : #( NCompoundStatement
- ( declarationList
- | functionDef
- )*
- ( statementList )?
- )
- ;
- : ( statement )+
- ;
- : statementBody
- ;
- : SEMI // Empty statements
- | compoundStatement // Group of statements
- | #(NStatementExpr expr) // Expressions
-// Iteration statements:
- | #( "while" expr statement )
- | #( "do" statement expr )
- | #( "for"
- expr expr expr
- statement
- )
-// Jump statements:
- | #( "goto" expr )
- | "continue"
- | "break"
- | #( "return" ( expr )? )
-// Labeled statements:
- | #( NLabel ID (statement)? )
- | #( "case" expr (statement)? )
- | #( "default" (statement)? )
-// Selection statements:
- | #( "if"
- expr statement
- ( "else" statement )?
- )
- | #( "switch" expr statement )
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- : assignExpr
- | conditionalExpr
- | logicalOrExpr
- | logicalAndExpr
- | inclusiveOrExpr
- | exclusiveOrExpr
- | bitAndExpr
- | equalityExpr
- | relationalExpr
- | shiftExpr
- | additiveExpr
- | multExpr
- | castExpr
- | unaryExpr
- | postfixExpr
- | primaryExpr
- | commaExpr
- | emptyExpr
- | compoundStatementExpr
- | initializer
- | rangeExpr
- | gnuAsmExpr
- ;
- : #(NCommaExpr expr expr)
- ;
- : NEmptyExpression
- ;
- : #(LPAREN compoundStatement RPAREN)
- ;
- : #(NRangeExpr expr VARARGS expr)
- ;
- : #(NGnuAsmExpr
- ("volatile")?
- LPAREN stringConst
- ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; }:
- COLON (strOptExprPair ( COMMA strOptExprPair)* )?
- ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; }:
- COLON (strOptExprPair ( COMMA strOptExprPair)* )?
- )?
- )?
- ( COLON stringConst ( COMMA stringConst)* )?
- )
- ;
- : stringConst ( LPAREN expr RPAREN )?
- ;
- : #( ASSIGN expr expr)
- | #( DIV_ASSIGN expr expr)
- | #( PLUS_ASSIGN expr expr)
- | #( MINUS_ASSIGN expr expr)
- | #( STAR_ASSIGN expr expr)
- | #( MOD_ASSIGN expr expr)
- | #( RSHIFT_ASSIGN expr expr)
- | #( LSHIFT_ASSIGN expr expr)
- | #( BAND_ASSIGN expr expr)
- | #( BOR_ASSIGN expr expr)
- | #( BXOR_ASSIGN expr expr)
- ;
- : #( QUESTION expr (expr)? COLON expr )
- ;
- : #( LOR expr expr)
- ;
- : #( LAND expr expr )
- ;
- : #( BOR expr expr )
- ;
- : #( BXOR expr expr )
- ;
- : #( BAND expr expr )
- ;
- : #( EQUAL expr expr)
- | #( NOT_EQUAL expr expr)
- ;
- : #( LT expr expr)
- | #( LTE expr expr)
- | #( GT expr expr)
- | #( GTE expr expr)
- ;
- : #( LSHIFT expr expr)
- | #( RSHIFT expr expr)
- ;
- : #( PLUS expr expr)
- | #( MINUS expr expr)
- ;
- : #( STAR expr expr)
- | #( DIV expr expr)
- | #( MOD expr expr)
- ;
- : #( NCast typeName RPAREN expr)
- ;
- : specifierQualifierList (nonemptyAbstractDeclarator)?
- ;
- : #( NNonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- ( pointerGroup
- ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- | parameterTypeList
- )?
- )*
- | ( (LPAREN
- ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- | parameterTypeList
- )?
- )+
- )
- )
- ;
- : #( INC expr )
- | #( DEC expr )
- | #( NUnaryExpr unaryOperator expr)
- | #( "sizeof"
- ( ( LPAREN typeName )=> LPAREN typeName RPAREN
- | expr
- )
- )
- | #( "__alignof"
- ( ( LPAREN typeName )=> LPAREN typeName RPAREN
- | expr
- )
- )
- ;
-catch [RecognitionException ex]
- {
- reportError(ex);
- System.out.println("PROBLEM TREE:\n"
- + _t.toStringList());
- if (_t!=null) {_t = _t.getNextSibling();}
- }
- unaryOperator
- : BAND
- | STAR
- | PLUS
- | BNOT
- | LNOT
- | LAND
- | "__real"
- | "__imag"
- ;
- : #( NPostfixExpr
- primaryExpr
- ( PTR ID
- | DOT ID
- | #( NFunctionCallArgs (argExprList)? RPAREN )
- | INC
- | DEC
- )+
- )
- ;
- : ID
- | Number
- | charConst
- | stringConst
-// JTC:
-// ID should catch the enumerator
-// leaving it in gives ambiguous err
-// | enumerator
- | #( NExpressionGroup expr )
- ;
- : ( expr )+
- ;
- : CharLiteral
- ;
- : #(NStringSeq (StringLiteral)+)
- ;
- : IntOctalConst
- | LongOctalConst
- | UnsignedOctalConst
- | IntIntConst
- | LongIntConst
- | UnsignedIntConst
- | IntHexConst
- | LongHexConst
- | UnsignedHexConst
- ;
- : FloatDoubleConst
- | DoubleDoubleConst
- | LongDoubleConst
- ;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b4d5ec..0000000
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/HeaderParser.g
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,785 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * Copyright (c) 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL
- *
- * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use
- * in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear
- * facility.
- *
- * Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored
- * and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline.
- */
-header {
- package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram;
- import*;
- import java.util.*;
- import antlr.CommonAST;
- import com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram.types.*;
-class HeaderParser extends GnuCTreeParser;
-options {
- k = 1;
- /** Name assigned to a anonymous EnumType (e.g., "enum { ... }"). */
- public static final String ANONYMOUS_ENUM_NAME = "<anonymous>";
- boolean debug = false;
- public boolean getDebug() {
- return debug;
- }
- public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
- this.debug = debug;
- }
- /** Set the dictionary mapping typedef names to types for this
- HeaderParser. Must be done before parsing. */
- public void setTypedefDictionary(TypeDictionary dict) {
- this.typedefDictionary = dict;
- }
- /** Returns the typedef dictionary this HeaderParser uses. */
- public TypeDictionary getTypedefDictionary() {
- return typedefDictionary;
- }
- /** Set the dictionary mapping struct names (i.e., the "foo" in
- "struct foo { ... };") to types for this HeaderParser. Must be done
- before parsing. */
- public void setStructDictionary(TypeDictionary dict) {
- this.structDictionary = dict;
- }
- /** Returns the struct name dictionary this HeaderParser uses. */
- public TypeDictionary getStructDictionary() {
- return structDictionary;
- }
- /** Get the canonicalization map, which is a regular HashMap
- mapping Type to Type and which is used for looking up the unique
- instances of e.g. pointer-to-structure types that have been typedefed
- and therefore have names. */
- public Map getCanonMap() {
- return canonMap;
- }
- /** Pre-define the list of EnumTypes for this HeaderParser. Must be
- done before parsing. */
- public void setEnums(List/*<EnumType>*/ enumTypes) {
- // FIXME: Need to take the input set of EnumTypes, extract all
- // the enumerates from each EnumType, and fill in the enumHash
- // so that each enumerate maps to the enumType to which it
- // belongs.
- throw new RuntimeException("setEnums is Unimplemented!");
- }
- /** Returns the EnumTypes this HeaderParser processed. */
- public List/*<EnumType>*/ getEnums() {
- return new ArrayList(enumHash.values());
- }
- /** Clears the list of functions this HeaderParser has parsed.
- Useful when reusing the same HeaderParser for more than one
- header file. */
- public void clearParsedFunctions() {
- functions.clear();
- }
- /** Returns the list of FunctionSymbols this HeaderParser has parsed. */
- public List getParsedFunctions() {
- return functions;
- }
- private CompoundType lookupInStructDictionary(String typeName,
- CompoundTypeKind kind,
- int cvAttrs) {
- CompoundType t = (CompoundType) structDictionary.get(typeName);
- if (t == null) {
- t = CompoundType.create(null, null, kind, cvAttrs);
- t.setStructName(typeName);
- structDictionary.put(typeName, t);
- }
- return t;
- }
- private Type lookupInTypedefDictionary(String typeName) {
- Type t = typedefDictionary.get(typeName);
- if (t == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Undefined reference to typedef name " + typeName);
- }
- return t;
- }
- static class ParameterDeclaration {
- private String id;
- private Type type;
- ParameterDeclaration(String id, Type type) {
- = id;
- this.type = type;
- }
- String id() { return id; }
- Type type() { return type; }
- }
- // A box for a Type. Allows type to be passed down to be modified by recursive rules.
- static class TypeBox {
- private Type origType;
- private Type type;
- private boolean isTypedef;
- TypeBox(Type type) {
- this(type, false);
- }
- TypeBox(Type type, boolean isTypedef) {
- this.origType = type;
- this.isTypedef = isTypedef;
- }
- Type type() {
- if (type == null) {
- return origType;
- }
- return type;
- }
- void setType(Type type) {
- this.type = type;
- }
- void reset() {
- type = null;
- }
- boolean isTypedef() { return isTypedef; }
- // for easier debugging
- public String toString() {
- String tStr = "Type=NULL_REF";
- if (type == origType) {
- tStr = "Type=ORIG_TYPE";
- } else if (type != null) {
- tStr = "Type: name=\"" + type.getCVAttributesString() + " " +
- type.getName() + "\"; signature=\"" + type + "\"; class " +
- type.getClass().getName();
- }
- String oStr = "OrigType=NULL_REF";
- if (origType != null) {
- oStr = "OrigType: name=\"" + origType.getCVAttributesString() + " " +
- origType.getName() + "\"; signature=\"" + origType + "\"; class " +
- origType.getClass().getName();
- }
- return "<["+tStr + "] [" + oStr + "] " + " isTypedef=" + isTypedef+">";
- }
- }
- private String getTypeString(Type t) {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.append("[");
- sb.append(t);
- sb.append(", size: ");
- if(null!=t) {
- SizeThunk st = t.getSize();
- if(null!=st) {
- sb.append(st.getClass().getName());
- } else {
- sb.append("undef");
- }
- }
- sb.append("]");
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private void debugPrintln(String msg) {
- if(debug) {
- System.err.println(msg);
- }
- }
- private void debugPrint(String msg) {
- if(debug) {
- System.err.print(msg);
- }
- }
- private boolean doDeclaration; // Used to only process function typedefs
- private String declId;
- private List parameters;
- private TypeDictionary typedefDictionary;
- private TypeDictionary structDictionary;
- private List/*<FunctionSymbol>*/ functions = new ArrayList();
- // hash from name of an enumerated value to the EnumType to which it belongs
- private HashMap/*<String,EnumType>*/ enumHash = new HashMap();
- // Storage class specifiers
- private static final int AUTO = 1 << 0;
- private static final int REGISTER = 1 << 1;
- private static final int TYPEDEF = 1 << 2;
- // Function storage class specifiers
- private static final int EXTERN = 1 << 3;
- private static final int STATIC = 1 << 4;
- private static final int INLINE = 1 << 5;
- // Type qualifiers
- private static final int CONST = 1 << 6;
- private static final int VOLATILE = 1 << 7;
- private static final int SIGNED = 1 << 8;
- private static final int UNSIGNED = 1 << 9;
- private void initDeclaration() {
- doDeclaration = false;
- declId = null;
- }
- private void doDeclaration() {
- doDeclaration = true;
- }
- private void processDeclaration(Type returnType) {
- if (doDeclaration) {
- FunctionSymbol sym = new FunctionSymbol(declId, new FunctionType(null, null, returnType, 0));
- if (parameters != null) { // handle funcs w/ empty parameter lists (e.g., "foo()")
- for (Iterator iter = parameters.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- ParameterDeclaration pd = (ParameterDeclaration);
- sym.addArgument(pd.type(),;
- }
- }
- functions.add(sym);
- }
- }
- private int attrs2CVAttrs(int attrs) {
- int cvAttrs = 0;
- if ((attrs & CONST) != 0) {
- cvAttrs |= CVAttributes.CONST;
- }
- if ((attrs & VOLATILE) != 0) {
- cvAttrs |= CVAttributes.VOLATILE;
- }
- return cvAttrs;
- }
- /** Helper routine which handles creating a pointer or array type
- for [] expressions */
- private void handleArrayExpr(TypeBox tb, AST t) {
- if (t != null) {
- try {
- int len = parseIntConstExpr(t);
- tb.setType(canonicalize(new ArrayType(tb.type(), SizeThunk.mul(SizeThunk.constant(len), tb.type().getSize()), len, 0)));
- return;
- } catch (RecognitionException e) {
- // Fall through
- }
- }
- tb.setType(canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER,
- tb.type(),
- 0)));
- }
- private int parseIntConstExpr(AST t) throws RecognitionException {
- return intConstExpr(t);
- }
- /** Utility function: creates a new EnumType with the given name, or
- returns an existing one if it has already been created. */
- private EnumType getEnumType(String enumTypeName) {
- EnumType enumType = null;
- Iterator it = enumHash.values().iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- EnumType potentialMatch = (EnumType);
- if (potentialMatch.getName().equals(enumTypeName)) {
- enumType = potentialMatch;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (enumType == null) {
- // This isn't quite correct. In theory the enum should expand to
- // the size of the largest element, so if there were a long long
- // entry the enum should expand to e.g. int64. However, using
- // "long" here (which is what used to be the case) was
- // definitely incorrect and caused problems.
- enumType = new EnumType(enumTypeName, SizeThunk.INT32);
- }
- return enumType;
- }
- // Map used to canonicalize types. For example, we may typedef
- // struct foo { ... } *pfoo; subsequent references to struct foo* should
- // point to the same PointerType object that had its name set to "pfoo".
- private Map canonMap = new HashMap();
- private Type canonicalize(Type t) {
- Type res = (Type) canonMap.get(t);
- if (res != null) {
- return res;
- }
- canonMap.put(t, t);
- return t;
- }
-declarator[TypeBox tb] returns [String s] {
- initDeclaration();
- s = null;
- List params = null;
- String funcPointerName = null;
- TypeBox dummyTypeBox = null;
- : #( NDeclarator
- ( pointerGroup[tb] )?
- ( id:ID { s = id.getText(); }
- | LPAREN funcPointerName = declarator[dummyTypeBox] RPAREN
- )
- ( #( NParameterTypeList
- (
- params = parameterTypeList
- | (idList)?
- )
- ) {
- if (id != null) {
- declId = id.getText();
- parameters = params; // FIXME: Ken, why are we setting this class member here?
- doDeclaration();
- } else if ( funcPointerName != null ) {
- /* TypeBox becomes function pointer in this case */
- FunctionType ft = new FunctionType(null, null, tb.type(), 0);
- if (params == null) {
- // If the function pointer has no declared parameters, it's a
- // void function. I'm not sure if the parameter name is
- // ever referenced anywhere when the type is VoidType, so
- // just in case I'll set it to a comment string so it will
- // still compile if written out to code anywhere.
- ft.addArgument(new VoidType(0), "/*unnamed-void*/");
- } else {
- for (Iterator iter = params.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
- ParameterDeclaration pd = (ParameterDeclaration);
- ft.addArgument(pd.type(),;
- }
- }
- tb.setType(canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER,
- ft,
- 0)));
- s = funcPointerName;
- }
- }
- | LBRACKET ( e:expr )? RBRACKET { handleArrayExpr(tb, e); }
- )*
- )
- ;
-typelessDeclaration {
- TypeBox tb = null;
- : #(NTypeMissing initDeclList[tb] SEMI)
- ;
-declaration {
- TypeBox tb = null;
- : #( NDeclaration
- tb = declSpecifiers
- (
- initDeclList[tb]
- )?
- ( SEMI )+
- ) { processDeclaration(tb.type()); }
- ;
-parameterTypeList returns [List l] { l = new ArrayList(); ParameterDeclaration decl = null; }
- : ( decl = parameterDeclaration { if (decl != null) l.add(decl); } ( COMMA | SEMI )? )+ ( VARARGS )?
- ;
-parameterDeclaration returns [ParameterDeclaration pd] {
- Type t = null;
- String decl = null;
- pd = null;
- TypeBox tb = null;
- : #( NParameterDeclaration
- tb = declSpecifiers
- (decl = declarator[tb] | nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[tb])?
- ) { pd = new ParameterDeclaration(decl, tb.type()); }
- ;
-functionDef {
- TypeBox tb = null;
- : #( NFunctionDef
- ( functionDeclSpecifiers)?
- declarator[tb]
- (declaration | VARARGS)*
- compoundStatement
- )
- ;
-declSpecifiers returns [TypeBox tb] {
- tb = null;
- Type t = null;
- int x = 0;
- int y = 0;
- : ( y = storageClassSpecifier { x |= y; }
- | y = typeQualifier { x |= y; }
- | t = typeSpecifier[x]
- )+
- if (t == null &&
- (x & (SIGNED | UNSIGNED)) != 0) {
- t = new IntType("int", SizeThunk.INTxx, ((x & UNSIGNED) != 0), attrs2CVAttrs(x));
- }
- tb = new TypeBox(t, ((x & TYPEDEF) != 0));
- ;
-storageClassSpecifier returns [int x] { x = 0; }
- : "auto" { x |= AUTO; }
- | "register" { x |= REGISTER; }
- | "typedef" { x |= TYPEDEF; }
- | x = functionStorageClassSpecifier
- ;
-functionStorageClassSpecifier returns [int x] { x = 0; }
- : "extern" { x |= EXTERN; }
- | "static" { x |= STATIC; }
- | "inline" { x |= INLINE; }
- ;
-typeQualifier returns [int x] { x = 0; }
- : "const" { x |= CONST; }
- | "volatile" { x |= VOLATILE; }
- | "signed" { x |= SIGNED; }
- | "unsigned" { x |= UNSIGNED; }
- ;
-typeSpecifier[int attributes] returns [Type t] {
- t = null;
- int cvAttrs = attrs2CVAttrs(attributes);
- boolean unsigned = ((attributes & UNSIGNED) != 0);
- : "void" { t = new VoidType(cvAttrs); }
- | "char" { t = new IntType("char" , SizeThunk.INT8, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "short" { t = new IntType("short", SizeThunk.INT16, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "int" { t = new IntType("int" , SizeThunk.INTxx, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "long" { t = new IntType("long" , SizeThunk.LONG, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "float" { t = new FloatType("float", SizeThunk.FLOAT, cvAttrs); }
- | "double" { t = new DoubleType("double", SizeThunk.DOUBLE, cvAttrs); }
- | "__int32" { t = new IntType("__int32", SizeThunk.INT32, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "__int64" { t = new IntType("__int64", SizeThunk.INT64, unsigned, cvAttrs); }
- | "int8_t" { t = new IntType("int8_t", SizeThunk.INT8, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint8_t" { t = new IntType("uint8_t", SizeThunk.INT8, true, cvAttrs); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "int16_t" { t = new IntType("int16_t", SizeThunk.INT16, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint16_t" { t = new IntType("uint16_t", SizeThunk.INT16, true, cvAttrs); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "int32_t" { t = new IntType("int32_t", SizeThunk.INT32, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "wchar_t" { t = new IntType("wchar_t", SizeThunk.INT32, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint32_t" { t = new IntType("uint32_t", SizeThunk.INT32, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "int64_t" { t = new IntType("int64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "uint64_t" { t = new IntType("uint64_t", SizeThunk.INT64, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "ptrdiff_t" { t = new IntType("ptrdiff_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "intptr_t" { t = new IntType("intptr_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, false, cvAttrs); /* TS: always signed */ }
- | "size_t" { t = new IntType("size_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | "uintptr_t" { t = new IntType("uintptr_t", SizeThunk.POINTER, true, cvAttrs, true); /* TS: always unsigned */ }
- | t = structSpecifier[cvAttrs] ( attributeDecl )*
- | t = unionSpecifier [cvAttrs] ( attributeDecl )*
- | t = enumSpecifier [cvAttrs]
- | t = typedefName [cvAttrs]
- | #("typeof" LPAREN
- ( (typeName )=> typeName
- | expr
- )
- )
- | "__complex"
- ;
-typedefName[int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] { t = null; }
- : #(NTypedefName id : ID)
- {
- Type tdict = lookupInTypedefDictionary(id.getText());
- t = canonicalize(tdict.getCVVariant(cvAttrs));
- debugPrintln("Adding typedef canon : [" + id.getText() + "] -> [" + tdict + "] -> "+getTypeString(t));
- }
- ;
-structSpecifier[int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] { t = null; }
- : #( "struct" t = structOrUnionBody[CompoundTypeKind.STRUCT, cvAttrs] )
- ;
-unionSpecifier[int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] { t = null; }
- : #( "union" t = structOrUnionBody[CompoundTypeKind.UNION, cvAttrs] )
- ;
-structOrUnionBody[CompoundTypeKind kind, int cvAttrs] returns [CompoundType t] {
- t = null;
- : ( (ID LCURLY) => id:ID LCURLY {
- t = (CompoundType) canonicalize(lookupInStructDictionary(id.getText(), kind, cvAttrs));
- } ( structDeclarationList[t] )?
- RCURLY { t.setBodyParsed(); }
- | LCURLY { t = CompoundType.create(null, null, kind, cvAttrs); }
- ( structDeclarationList[t] )?
- RCURLY { t.setBodyParsed(); }
- | id2:ID { t = (CompoundType) canonicalize(lookupInStructDictionary(id2.getText(), kind, cvAttrs)); }
- )
- ;
-structDeclarationList[CompoundType t]
- : ( structDeclaration[t] )+
- ;
-structDeclaration[CompoundType containingType] {
- Type t = null;
- boolean addedAny = false;
- : t = specifierQualifierList addedAny = structDeclaratorList[containingType, t] {
- if (!addedAny) {
- if (t != null) {
- CompoundType ct = t.asCompound();
- if (ct.isUnion()) {
- // Anonymous union
- containingType.addField(new Field(null, t, null));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ;
-specifierQualifierList returns [Type t] {
- t = null; int x = 0; int y = 0;
- : (
- t = typeSpecifier[x]
- | y = typeQualifier { x |= y; }
- )+ {
- if (t == null &&
- (x & (SIGNED | UNSIGNED)) != 0) {
- t = new IntType("int", SizeThunk.INTxx, ((x & UNSIGNED) != 0), attrs2CVAttrs(x));
- }
- ;
-structDeclaratorList[CompoundType containingType, Type t] returns [boolean addedAny] {
- addedAny = false;
- boolean y = false;
- : ( y = structDeclarator[containingType, t] { addedAny = y; })+
- ;
-structDeclarator[CompoundType containingType, Type t] returns [boolean addedAny] {
- addedAny = false;
- String s = null;
- TypeBox tb = new TypeBox(t);
- :
- #( NStructDeclarator
- ( s = declarator[tb] { containingType.addField(new Field(s, tb.type(), null)); addedAny = true; } )?
- ( COLON expr { /* FIXME: bit types not handled yet */ } ) ?
- ( attributeDecl )*
- )
- ;
-// FIXME: this will not correctly set the name of the enumeration when
-// encountering a declaration like this:
-// typedef enum { } enumName;
-// In this case calling getName() on the EnumType return value will
-// incorrectly return HeaderParser.ANONYMOUS_ENUM_NAME instead of
-// "enumName"
-// I haven't implemented it yet because I'm not sure how to get the
-// "enumName" *before* executing the enumList rule.
-enumSpecifier [int cvAttrs] returns [Type t] {
- t = null;
- : #( "enum"
- ( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID LCURLY enumList[(EnumType)(t = getEnumType(i.getText()))] RCURLY
- | LCURLY enumList[(EnumType)(t = getEnumType(ANONYMOUS_ENUM_NAME))] RCURLY
- | ID { t = getEnumType(i.getText()); }
- )
- )
- ;
-enumList[EnumType enumeration] {
- long defaultEnumerantValue = 0;
- : ( defaultEnumerantValue = enumerator[enumeration, defaultEnumerantValue] )+
- ;
-enumerator[EnumType enumeration, long defaultValue] returns [long newDefaultValue] {
- newDefaultValue = defaultValue;
- : eName:ID ( ASSIGN eVal:expr )? {
- long value = 0;
- if (eVal != null) {
- String vTxt = eVal.getAllChildrenText();
- if (enumHash.containsKey(vTxt)) {
- EnumType oldEnumType = (EnumType) enumHash.get(vTxt);
- value = oldEnumType.getEnumValue(vTxt);
- } else {
- try {
- value = Long.decode(vTxt).longValue();
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- System.err.println("NumberFormatException: ID[" + eName.getText() + "], VALUE=[" + vTxt + "]");
- throw e;
- }
- }
- } else {
- value = defaultValue;
- }
- newDefaultValue = value+1;
- String eTxt = eName.getText();
- if (enumHash.containsKey(eTxt)) {
- EnumType oldEnumType = (EnumType) enumHash.get(eTxt);
- long oldValue = oldEnumType.getEnumValue(eTxt);
- System.err.println("WARNING: redefinition of enumerated value '" + eTxt + "';" +
- " existing definition is in enumeration '" + oldEnumType.getName() +
- "' with value " + oldValue + " and new definition is in enumeration '" +
- enumeration.getName() + "' with value " + value);
- // remove old definition
- oldEnumType.removeEnumerate(eTxt);
- }
- // insert new definition
- enumeration.addEnum(eTxt, value);
- enumHash.put(eTxt, enumeration);
- debugPrintln("ENUM [" + enumeration.getName() + "]: " + eTxt + " = " + enumeration.getEnumValue(eTxt) +
- " (new default = " + newDefaultValue + ")");
- }
- ;
-initDeclList[TypeBox tb]
- : ( initDecl[tb] )+
- ;
-initDecl[TypeBox tb] {
- String declName = null;
- : #( NInitDecl
- declName = declarator[tb] {
- debugPrintln("GOT declName: " + declName + " TB=" + tb);
- }
- ( attributeDecl )*
- ( ASSIGN initializer
- | COLON expr
- )?
- )
- if ((declName != null) && (tb != null) && tb.isTypedef()) {
- Type t = tb.type();
- debugPrint("Adding typedef mapping: [" + declName + "] -> "+getTypeString(t));
- if (!t.hasTypedefName()) {
- t.setName(declName);
- debugPrint(" - declName -> "+getTypeString(t));
- } else {
- // copy type to preserve declName !
- t = (Type) t.clone();
- t.setName(declName);
- debugPrint(" - copy -> "+getTypeString(t));
- }
- t = canonicalize(t);
- debugPrintln(" - canon -> "+getTypeString(t));
- typedefDictionary.put(declName, t);
- // Clear out PointerGroup effects in case another typedef variant follows
- tb.reset();
- }
- ;
-pointerGroup[TypeBox tb] { int x = 0; int y = 0; }
- : #( NPointerGroup ( STAR { x = 0; y = 0; } ( y = typeQualifier { x |= y; } )*
- {
- debugPrintln("IN PTR GROUP: TB=" + tb);
- if (tb != null) {
- tb.setType(canonicalize(new PointerType(SizeThunk.POINTER,
- tb.type(),
- attrs2CVAttrs(x))));
- }
- }
- )+ )
- ;
- :
- ( functionStorageClassSpecifier
- | typeQualifier
- | typeSpecifier[0]
- )+
- ;
-typeName {
- TypeBox tb = null;
- : specifierQualifierList (nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[tb])?
- ;
-/* FIXME: the handling of types in this rule has not been well thought
- out and is known to be incomplete. Currently it is only used to handle
- pointerGroups for unnamed parameters. */
-nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[TypeBox tb]
- : #( NNonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- ( pointerGroup[tb]
- ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[tb]
- | parameterTypeList
- )?
- | (LBRACKET (e1:expr)? RBRACKET) { handleArrayExpr(tb, e1); }
- )*
- | ( (LPAREN
- ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator[tb]
- | parameterTypeList
- )?
- | (LBRACKET (e2:expr)? RBRACKET) { handleArrayExpr(tb, e2); }
- )+
- )
- )
- ;
-/* Helper routine for parsing expressions which evaluate to integer
- constants. Can be made more complicated as necessary. */
-intConstExpr returns [int i] { i = -1; }
- : n:Number { return Integer.parseInt(n.getText()); }
- ;
diff --git a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/StdCParser.g b/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/StdCParser.g
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b34656..0000000
--- a/src/java/com/jogamp/gluegen/cgram/StdCParser.g
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1401 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) Non, Inc. 1997 -- All Rights Reserved
-PROJECT: C Compiler
-MODULE: Parser
-FILE: stdc.g
-AUTHOR: John D. Mitchell (, Jul 12, 1997
- Name Date Description
- ---- ---- -----------
- JDM 97.07.12 Initial version.
- JTC 97.11.18 Declaration vs declarator & misc. hacking.
- JDM 97.11.20 Fixed: declaration vs funcDef,
- parenthesized expressions,
- declarator iteration,
- varargs recognition,
- empty source file recognition,
- and some typos.
- This grammar supports the Standard C language.
- Note clearly that this grammar does *NOT* deal with
- preprocessor functionality (including things like trigraphs)
- Nor does this grammar deal with multi-byte characters nor strings
- containing multi-byte characters [these constructs are "exercises
- for the reader" as it were :-)].
- Please refer to the ISO/ANSI C Language Standard if you believe
- this grammar to be in error. Please cite chapter and verse in any
- correspondence to the author to back up your claim.
- - typedefName is commented out, needs a symbol table to resolve
- ambiguity.
- - trees
-header {
- package com.jogamp.gluegen.cgram;
- import*;
- import antlr.CommonAST;
- import antlr.DumpASTVisitor;
-class StdCParser extends Parser;
- {
- k = 2;
- exportVocab = STDC;
- buildAST = true;
- ASTLabelType = "TNode";
- // Copied following options from java grammar.
- codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 2;
- codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 3;
- }
- // Suppport C++-style single-line comments?
- public static boolean CPPComments = true;
- // access to symbol table
- public CSymbolTable symbolTable = new CSymbolTable();
- // source for names to unnamed scopes
- protected int unnamedScopeCounter = 0;
- public boolean isTypedefName(String name) {
- boolean returnValue = false;
- TNode node = symbolTable.lookupNameInCurrentScope(name);
- for (; node != null; node = (TNode) node.getNextSibling() ) {
- if(node.getType() == LITERAL_typedef) {
- returnValue = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- return returnValue;
- }
- public String getAScopeName() {
- return "" + (unnamedScopeCounter++);
- }
- public void pushScope(String scopeName) {
- symbolTable.pushScope(scopeName);
- }
- public void popScope() {
- symbolTable.popScope();
- }
- int traceDepth = 0;
- public void reportError(RecognitionException ex) {
- try {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Error: "+ex + " token name:" + tokenNames[LA(1)]);
- ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- catch (TokenStreamException e) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Error: "+ex);
- ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
- }
- }
- public void reportError(String s) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Error from String: " + s);
- }
- public void reportWarning(String s) {
- System.err.println("ANTLR Parsing Warning from String: " + s);
- }
- public void match(int t) throws MismatchedTokenException {
- boolean debugging = false;
- if ( debugging ) {
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- try {
- System.out.println("Match("+tokenNames[t]+") with LA(1)="+
- tokenNames[LA(1)] + ((inputState.guessing>0)?" [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]":""));
- }
- catch (TokenStreamException e) {
- System.out.println("Match("+tokenNames[t]+") " + ((inputState.guessing>0)?" [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]":""));
- }
- }
- try {
- if ( LA(1)!=t ) {
- if ( debugging ){
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- System.out.println("token mismatch: "+tokenNames[LA(1)]
- + "!="+tokenNames[t]);
- }
- throw new MismatchedTokenException(tokenNames, LT(1), t, false, getFilename());
- } else {
- // mark token as consumed -- fetch next token deferred until LA/LT
- consume();
- }
- }
- catch (TokenStreamException e) {
- }
- }
- public void traceIn(String rname) {
- traceDepth += 1;
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- try {
- System.out.println("> "+rname+"; LA(1)==("+ tokenNames[LT(1).getType()]
- + ") " + LT(1).getText() + " [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]");
- }
- catch (TokenStreamException e) {
- }
- }
- public void traceOut(String rname) {
- for (int x=0; x<traceDepth; x++) System.out.print(" ");
- try {
- System.out.println("< "+rname+"; LA(1)==("+ tokenNames[LT(1).getType()]
- + ") "+LT(1).getText() + " [inputState.guessing "+ inputState.guessing + "]");
- }
- catch (TokenStreamException e) {
- }
- traceDepth -= 1;
- }
- : externalList
- | /* Empty source files are *not* allowed. */
- {
- System.err.println ( "Empty source file!" );
- }
- ;
- : ( externalDef )+
- ;
- : ( "typedef" | declaration )=> declaration
- | functionDef
- | asm_expr
- ;
- : "asm"^
- ("volatile")? LCURLY! expr RCURLY! SEMI!
- ;
- { AST ds1 = null; }
- : ds:declSpecifiers { ds1 = astFactory.dupList(#ds); }
- (
- initDeclList[ds1]
- )?
- { ## = #( #[NDeclaration], ##); }
- ;
- { int specCount=0; }
- : ( options { // this loop properly aborts when
- // it finds a non-typedefName ID MBZ
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- s:storageClassSpecifier
- | typeQualifier
- | ( "struct" | "union" | "enum" | typeSpecifier[specCount] )=>
- specCount = typeSpecifier[specCount]
- )+
- ;
- : "auto"
- | "register"
- | "typedef"
- | functionStorageClassSpecifier
- ;
- : "extern"
- | "static"
- ;
- : "const"
- | "volatile"
- ;
-typeSpecifier [int specCount] returns [int retSpecCount]
- { retSpecCount = specCount + 1; }
- :
- ( "void"
- | "char"
- | "short"
- | "int"
- | "long"
- | "float"
- | "double"
- | "signed"
- | "unsigned"
- | "int8_t"
- | "uint8_t"
- | "int16_t"
- | "uint16_t"
- | "__int32"
- | "int32_t"
- | "wchar_t"
- | "uint32_t"
- | "__int64"
- | "int64_t"
- | "uint64_t"
- | "ptrdiff_t"
- | "intptr_t"
- | "size_t"
- | "uintptr_t"
- | structOrUnionSpecifier
- | enumSpecifier
- | { specCount == 0 }? typedefName
- )
- ;
- : { isTypedefName ( LT(1).getText() ) }?
- i:ID { ## = #(#[NTypedefName], #i); }
- ;
- { String scopeName; }
- : sou:structOrUnion!
- ( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID l:LCURLY
- {
- scopeName = #sou.getText() + " " + #i.getText();
- #l.setText(scopeName);
- pushScope(scopeName);
- }
- structDeclarationList
- { popScope();}
- | l1:LCURLY
- {
- scopeName = getAScopeName();
- #l1.setText(scopeName);
- pushScope(scopeName);
- }
- structDeclarationList
- { popScope(); }
- | ID
- )
- {
- ## = #( #sou, ## );
- }
- ;
- : "struct"
- | "union"
- ;
- : ( structDeclaration )+
- ;
- : specifierQualifierList structDeclaratorList ( SEMI! )+
- ;
- { int specCount = 0; }
- : ( options { // this loop properly aborts when
- // it finds a non-typedefName ID MBZ
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- ( "struct" | "union" | "enum" | typeSpecifier[specCount] )=>
- specCount = typeSpecifier[specCount]
- | typeQualifier
- )+
- ;
- : structDeclarator ( COMMA! structDeclarator )*
- ;
- :
- ( COLON constExpr
- | declarator[false] ( COLON constExpr )?
- )
- { ## = #( #[NStructDeclarator], ##); }
- ;
- : "enum"^
- ( ( ID LCURLY )=> i:ID LCURLY enumList[i.getText()] RCURLY!
- | LCURLY enumList["anonymous"] RCURLY!
- | ID
- )
- ;
-enumList[String enumName]
- : enumerator[enumName] ( COMMA! enumerator[enumName] )*
- ;
-enumerator[String enumName]
- : i:ID { symbolTable.add( i.getText(),
- #( null,
- #[LITERAL_enum, "enum"],
- #[ ID, enumName]
- )
- );
- }
- (ASSIGN constExpr)?
- ;
-initDeclList[AST declarationSpecifiers]
- : initDecl[declarationSpecifiers]
- ( COMMA! initDecl[declarationSpecifiers] )*
- ;
-initDecl[AST declarationSpecifiers]
- { String declName = ""; }
- : declName = d:declarator[false]
- { AST ds1, d1;
- ds1 = astFactory.dupList(declarationSpecifiers);
- d1 = astFactory.dupList(#d);
- symbolTable.add(declName, #(null, ds1, d1) );
- }
- ( ASSIGN initializer
- | COLON expr
- )?
- { ## = #( #[NInitDecl], ## ); }
- ;
- : ( STAR ( typeQualifier )* )+ { ## = #( #[NPointerGroup], ##); }
- ;
- : ID ( COMMA! ID )*
- ;
- : ( assignExpr
- | LCURLY initializerList ( COMMA! )? RCURLY!
- )
- { ## = #( #[NInitializer], ## ); }
- ;
- : initializer ( COMMA! initializer )*
- ;
-declarator[boolean isFunctionDefinition] returns [String declName]
- { declName = ""; }
- :
- ( pointerGroup )?
- ( id:ID { declName = id.getText(); }
- | LPAREN declName = declarator[false] RPAREN
- )
- ( ! LPAREN
- {
- if (isFunctionDefinition) {
- pushScope(declName);
- }
- else {
- pushScope("!"+declName);
- }
- }
- (
- (declSpecifiers)=> p:parameterTypeList
- {
- ## = #( null, ##, #( #[NParameterTypeList], #p ) );
- }
- | (i:idList)?
- {
- ## = #( null, ##, #( #[NParameterTypeList], #i ) );
- }
- )
- {
- popScope();
- }
- | LBRACKET ( constExpr )? RBRACKET
- )*
- { ## = #( #[NDeclarator], ## ); }
- ;
- : parameterDeclaration
- ( options {
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- parameterDeclaration
- )*
- ( COMMA!
- )?
- ;
- { String declName; }
- : ds:declSpecifiers
- ( ( declarator[false] )=> declName = d:declarator[false]
- {
- AST d2, ds2;
- d2 = astFactory.dupList(#d);
- ds2 = astFactory.dupList(#ds);
- symbolTable.add(declName, #(null, ds2, d2));
- }
- | nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- )?
- {
- ## = #( #[NParameterDeclaration], ## );
- }
- ;
-/* JTC:
- * This handles both new and old style functions.
- * see declarator rule to see differences in parameters
- * and here (declaration SEMI)* is the param type decls for the
- * old style. may want to do some checking to check for illegal
- * combinations (but I assume all parsed code will be legal?)
- */
- { String declName; }
- : ( (functionDeclSpecifiers)=> ds:functionDeclSpecifiers
- | //epsilon
- )
- declName = d:declarator[true]
- {
- AST d2, ds2;
- d2 = astFactory.dupList(#d);
- ds2 = astFactory.dupList(#ds);
- symbolTable.add(declName, #(null, ds2, d2));
- pushScope(declName);
- }
- ( declaration )* (VARARGS)? ( SEMI! )*
- { popScope(); }
- compoundStatement[declName]
- { ## = #( #[NFunctionDef], ## );}
- ;
- { int specCount = 0; }
- : ( options { // this loop properly aborts when
- // it finds a non-typedefName ID MBZ
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- functionStorageClassSpecifier
- | typeQualifier
- | ( "struct" | "union" | "enum" | typeSpecifier[specCount] )=>
- specCount = typeSpecifier[specCount]
- )+
- ;
- : ( options { // this loop properly aborts when
- // it finds a non-typedefName ID MBZ
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- ( declarationPredictor )=> declaration
- )+
- ;
- : (options { //only want to look at declaration if I don't see typedef
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- }:
- "typedef"
- | declaration
- )
- ;
-compoundStatement[String scopeName]
- {
- pushScope(scopeName);
- }
- ( ( declarationPredictor)=> declarationList )?
- ( statementList )?
- { popScope(); }
- { ## = #( #[NCompoundStatement, scopeName], ##); }
- ;
- : ( statement )+
- ;
- : SEMI // Empty statements
- | compoundStatement[getAScopeName()] // Group of statements
- | expr SEMI! { ## = #( #[NStatementExpr], ## ); } // Expressions
-// Iteration statements:
- | "while"^ LPAREN! expr RPAREN! statement
- | "do"^ statement "while"! LPAREN! expr RPAREN! SEMI!
- |! "for"
- LPAREN ( e1:expr )? SEMI ( e2:expr )? SEMI ( e3:expr )? RPAREN
- s:statement
- {
- if ( #e1 == null) { #e1 = (TNode) #[ NEmptyExpression ]; }
- if ( #e2 == null) { #e2 = (TNode) #[ NEmptyExpression ]; }
- if ( #e3 == null) { #e3 = (TNode) #[ NEmptyExpression ]; }
- ## = #( #[LITERAL_for, "for"], #e1, #e2, #e3, #s );
- }
-// Jump statements:
- | "goto"^ ID SEMI!
- | "continue" SEMI!
- | "break" SEMI!
- | "return"^ ( expr )? SEMI!
-// Labeled statements:
- | ID COLON! (options {warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}:statement)? { ## = #( #[NLabel], ## ); }
- | "case"^ constExpr COLON! statement
- | "default"^ COLON! statement
-// Selection statements:
- | "if"^
- LPAREN! expr RPAREN! statement
- ( //standard if-else ambiguity
- options {
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- "else" statement )?
- | "switch"^ LPAREN! expr RPAREN! statement
- ;
- : assignExpr (options {
- /* MBZ:
- COMMA is ambiguous between comma expressions and
- argument lists. argExprList should get priority,
- and it does by being deeper in the expr rule tree
- and using (COMMA assignExpr)*
- */
- warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
- } :
- c:COMMA^ { #c.setType(NCommaExpr); } assignExpr
- )*
- ;
- : conditionalExpr ( a:assignOperator! assignExpr { ## = #( #a, ## );} )?
- ;
- ;
- : logicalOrExpr
- ( QUESTION^ expr COLON! conditionalExpr )?
- ;
- : conditionalExpr
- ;
- : logicalAndExpr ( LOR^ logicalAndExpr )*
- ;
- : inclusiveOrExpr ( LAND^ inclusiveOrExpr )*
- ;
- : exclusiveOrExpr ( BOR^ exclusiveOrExpr )*
- ;
- : bitAndExpr ( BXOR^ bitAndExpr )*
- ;
- : equalityExpr ( BAND^ equalityExpr )*
- ;
- : relationalExpr
- ( ( EQUAL^ | NOT_EQUAL^ ) relationalExpr )*
- ;
- : shiftExpr
- ( ( LT^ | LTE^ | GT^ | GTE^ ) shiftExpr )*
- ;
- : additiveExpr
- ( ( LSHIFT^ | RSHIFT^ ) additiveExpr )*
- ;
- : multExpr
- ( ( PLUS^ | MINUS^ ) multExpr )*
- ;
- : castExpr
- ( ( STAR^ | DIV^ | MOD^ ) castExpr )*
- ;
- : ( LPAREN typeName RPAREN )=>
- LPAREN! typeName RPAREN! ( castExpr )
- { ## = #( #[NCast, "("], ## ); }
- | unaryExpr
- ;
- : specifierQualifierList (nonemptyAbstractDeclarator)?
- ;
- : (
- pointerGroup
- ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- | parameterTypeList
- )?
- )*
- | ( (LPAREN
- ( nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- | parameterTypeList
- )?
- )+
- )
- { ## = #( #[NNonemptyAbstractDeclarator], ## ); }
- ;
-/* JTC:
-LR rules:
- : nonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- | // null
- ;
- : LPAREN nonemptyAbstractDeclarator RPAREN
- | abstractDeclarator LPAREN RPAREN
- | abstractDeclarator (LBRACKET (expr)? RBRACKET)
- | STAR abstractDeclarator
- ;
- : postfixExpr
- | INC^ unaryExpr
- | DEC^ unaryExpr
- | u:unaryOperator castExpr { ## = #( #[NUnaryExpr], ## ); }
- | "sizeof"^
- ( ( LPAREN typeName )=> LPAREN typeName RPAREN
- | unaryExpr
- )
- ;
- : BAND
- | STAR
- | PLUS
- | BNOT
- | LNOT
- ;
- : primaryExpr
- (
- postfixSuffix {## = #( #[NPostfixExpr], ## );}
- )?
- ;
- :
- ( PTR ID
- | DOT ID
- | functionCall
- | INC
- | DEC
- )+
- ;
- :
- LPAREN^ (a:argExprList)? RPAREN
- {
- ##.setType( NFunctionCallArgs );
- }
- ;
- : ID
- | charConst
- | intConst
- | floatConst
- | stringConst
-// JTC:
-// ID should catch the enumerator
-// leaving it in gives ambiguous err
-// | enumerator
- | LPAREN! expr RPAREN! { ## = #( #[NExpressionGroup, "("], ## ); }
- ;
- : assignExpr ( COMMA! assignExpr )*
- ;
- : CharLiteral
- ;
- : (StringLiteral)+ { ## = #(#[NStringSeq], ##); }
- ;
- : IntOctalConst
- | LongOctalConst
- | UnsignedOctalConst
- | IntIntConst
- | LongIntConst
- | UnsignedIntConst
- | IntHexConst
- | LongHexConst
- | UnsignedHexConst
- ;
- : FloatDoubleConst
- | DoubleDoubleConst
- | LongDoubleConst
- ;
- : NTypedefName
- | NInitDecl
- | NDeclarator
- | NStructDeclarator
- | NDeclaration
- | NCast
- | NPointerGroup
- | NExpressionGroup
- | NFunctionCallArgs
- | NNonemptyAbstractDeclarator
- | NInitializer
- | NStatementExpr
- | NEmptyExpression
- | NParameterTypeList
- | NFunctionDef
- | NCompoundStatement
- | NParameterDeclaration
- | NCommaExpr
- | NUnaryExpr
- | NLabel
- | NPostfixExpr
- | NRangeExpr
- | NStringSeq
- | NInitializerElementLabel
- | NLcurlyInitializer
- | NAsmAttribute
- | NGnuAsmExpr
- | NTypeMissing
- ;
- import*;
- import antlr.*;
-class StdCLexer extends Lexer;
- {
- k = 3;
- exportVocab = STDC;
- testLiterals = false;
- }
- LineObject lineObject = new LineObject();
- String originalSource = "";
- PreprocessorInfoChannel preprocessorInfoChannel = new PreprocessorInfoChannel();
- int tokenNumber = 0;
- boolean countingTokens = true;
- int deferredLineCount = 0;
- public void setCountingTokens(boolean ct)
- {
- countingTokens = ct;
- if ( countingTokens ) {
- tokenNumber = 0;
- }
- else {
- tokenNumber = 1;
- }
- }
- public void setOriginalSource(String src)
- {
- originalSource = src;
- lineObject.setSource(src);
- }
- public void setSource(String src)
- {
- lineObject.setSource(src);
- }
- public PreprocessorInfoChannel getPreprocessorInfoChannel()
- {
- return preprocessorInfoChannel;
- }
- public void setPreprocessingDirective(String pre)
- {
- preprocessorInfoChannel.addLineForTokenNumber( pre, new Integer(tokenNumber) );
- }
- public void addDefine(String name, String value)
- {
- }
- protected Token makeToken(int t)
- {
- if ( t != Token.SKIP && countingTokens) {
- tokenNumber++;
- }
- CToken tok = (CToken) super.makeToken(t);
- tok.setLine(lineObject.line);
- tok.setSource(lineObject.source);
- tok.setTokenNumber(tokenNumber);
- lineObject.line += deferredLineCount;
- deferredLineCount = 0;
- return tok;
- }
- public void deferredNewline() {
- deferredLineCount++;
- }
- public void newline() {
- lineObject.newline();
- }
- : '\3'..'\377'
- ;
-/* Operators: */
-ASSIGN : '=' ;
-COLON : ':' ;
-COMMA : ',' ;
-QUESTION : '?' ;
-SEMI : ';' ;
-PTR : "->" ;
-// DOT & VARARGS are commented out since they are generated as part of
-// the Number rule below due to some bizarre lexical ambiguity shme.
-// DOT : '.' ;
-// VARARGS : "..." ;
-LPAREN : '(' ;
-RPAREN : ')' ;
-LBRACKET : '[' ;
-RBRACKET : ']' ;
-LCURLY : '{' ;
-RCURLY : '}' ;
-EQUAL : "==" ;
-NOT_EQUAL : "!=" ;
-LTE : "<=" ;
-LT : "<" ;
-GTE : ">=" ;
-GT : ">" ;
-DIV : '/' ;
-DIV_ASSIGN : "/=" ;
-PLUS : '+' ;
-PLUS_ASSIGN : "+=" ;
-INC : "++" ;
-MINUS : '-' ;
-MINUS_ASSIGN : "-=" ;
-DEC : "--" ;
-STAR : '*' ;
-STAR_ASSIGN : "*=" ;
-MOD : '%' ;
-MOD_ASSIGN : "%=" ;
-RSHIFT : ">>" ;
-RSHIFT_ASSIGN : ">>=" ;
-LSHIFT : "<<" ;
-LSHIFT_ASSIGN : "<<=" ;
-LAND : "&&" ;
-LNOT : '!' ;
-LOR : "||" ;
-BAND : '&' ;
-BAND_ASSIGN : "&=" ;
-BNOT : '~' ;
-BOR : '|' ;
-BOR_ASSIGN : "|=" ;
-BXOR : '^' ;
-BXOR_ASSIGN : "^=" ;
- : ( ( '\003'..'\010' | '\t' | '\013' | '\f' | '\016'.. '\037' | '\177'..'\377' | ' ' )
- | "\r\n" { newline(); }
- | ( '\n' | '\r' ) { newline(); }
- ) { _ttype = Token.SKIP; }
- ;
- : "/*"
- ( { LA(2) != '/' }? '*'
- | "\r\n" { deferredNewline(); }
- | ( '\r' | '\n' ) { deferredNewline(); }
- | ~( '*'| '\r' | '\n' )
- )*
- "*/" { _ttype = Token.SKIP;
- }
- ;
- :
- "//" ( ~('\n') )*
- {
- _ttype = Token.SKIP;
- }
- ;
-protected NonWhitespace
- : (~('\r' | '\n'))*
- ;
-options {
- paraphrase = "a line directive";
- :
- '#'
- ( ( "line" || (( ' ' | '\t' | '\014')+ '0'..'9')) => LineDirective
- | ( (Space)* "define" (Space)* i:ID (Space)* (n:DefineExpr)?
- nw:NonWhitespace
- ("\r\n" | "\r" | "\n") ) {
- if (n != null) {
- //System.out.println("addDefine: #define " + i.getText() + " " + n.getText());
- addDefine(i.getText(), n.getText());
- } else {
- setPreprocessingDirective("#define " + i.getText() + " " + nw.getText());
- }
- }
- | (~'\n')* { setPreprocessingDirective(getText()); }
- )
- {
- _ttype = Token.SKIP;
- }
- ;
- ((LPAREN) (Space)* (DefineExpr2) (Space)* (RPAREN)) | (DefineExpr2)
- (Number)
- ((Space)* (LSHIFT | RSHIFT | PLUS | MINUS | STAR | DIV | MOD) (Space)* (DefineExpr))?
-protected Space:
- ( ' ' | '\t' | '\014')
- ;
-protected LineDirective
- boolean oldCountingTokens = countingTokens;
- countingTokens = false;
- {
- lineObject = new LineObject();
- deferredLineCount = 0;
- }
- ("line")? //this would be for if the directive started "#line", but not there for GNU directives
- (Space)+
- n:Number { lineObject.setLine(Integer.parseInt(n.getText())); }
- (Space)+
- ( fn:StringLiteral { try {
- lineObject.setSource(fn.getText().substring(1,fn.getText().length()-1));
- }
- catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { /*not possible*/ }
- }
- | fi:ID { lineObject.setSource(fi.getText()); }
- )?
- (Space)*
- ("1" { lineObject.setEnteringFile(true); } )?
- (Space)*
- ("2" { lineObject.setReturningToFile(true); } )?
- (Space)*
- ("3" { lineObject.setSystemHeader(true); } )?
- (Space)*
- ("4" { lineObject.setTreatAsC(true); } )?
- (~('\r' | '\n'))*
- ("\r\n" | "\r" | "\n")
- {
- preprocessorInfoChannel.addLineForTokenNumber(new LineObject(lineObject), new Integer(tokenNumber));
- countingTokens = oldCountingTokens;
- }
- ;
-/* Literals: */
- * Note that we do NOT handle tri-graphs nor multi-byte sequences.
- */
- * Note that we can't have empty character constants (even though we
- * can have empty strings :-).
- */
- : '\'' ( Escape | ~( '\'' ) ) '\''
- ;
- * Can't have raw imbedded newlines in string constants. Strict reading of
- * the standard gives odd dichotomy between newlines & carriage returns.
- * Go figure.
- */
- : '"'
- ( Escape
- | (
- '\r' { deferredNewline(); }
- | '\n' {
- deferredNewline();
- _ttype = BadStringLiteral;
- }
- | '\\' '\n' {
- deferredNewline();
- }
- )
- | ~( '"' | '\r' | '\n' | '\\' )
- )*
- '"'
- ;
-protected BadStringLiteral
- : // Imaginary token.
- ;
- * Handle the various escape sequences.
- *
- * Note carefully that these numeric escape *sequences* are *not* of the
- * same form as the C language numeric *constants*.
- *
- * There is no such thing as a binary numeric escape sequence.
- *
- * Octal escape sequences are either 1, 2, or 3 octal digits exactly.
- *
- * There is no such thing as a decimal escape sequence.
- *
- * Hexadecimal escape sequences are begun with a leading \x and continue
- * until a non-hexadecimal character is found.
- *
- * No real handling of tri-graph sequences, yet.
- */
- : '\\'
- ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}:
- 'a'
- | 'b'
- | 'f'
- | 'n'
- | 'r'
- | 't'
- | 'v'
- | '"'
- | '\''
- | '\\'
- | '?'
- | ('0'..'3') ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: Digit ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: Digit )? )?
- | ('4'..'7') ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: Digit )?
- | 'x' ( options{warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}: Digit | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' )+
- )
- ;
-/* Numeric Constants: */
- : '0'..'9'
- ;
- : 'l'
- | 'L'
- ;
- : 'u'
- | 'U'
- ;
- : 'f'
- | 'F'
- ;
- : ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( Digit )+
- ;
- : ( ( Digit )+ ( '.' | 'e' | 'E' ) )=> ( Digit )+
- ( '.' ( Digit )* ( Exponent )?
- | Exponent
- ) { _ttype = DoubleDoubleConst; }
- ( FloatSuffix { _ttype = FloatDoubleConst; }
- | LongSuffix { _ttype = LongDoubleConst; }
- )?
- | ( "..." )=> "..." { _ttype = VARARGS; }
- | '.' { _ttype = DOT; }
- ( ( Digit )+ ( Exponent )?
- { _ttype = DoubleDoubleConst; }
- ( FloatSuffix { _ttype = FloatDoubleConst; }
- | LongSuffix { _ttype = LongDoubleConst; }
- )?
- )?
- | '0' ( '0'..'7' )* { _ttype = IntOctalConst; }
- ( LongSuffix { _ttype = LongOctalConst; }
- | UnsignedSuffix { _ttype = UnsignedOctalConst; }
- )?
- | '1'..'9' ( Digit )* { _ttype = IntIntConst; }
- ( LongSuffix { _ttype = LongIntConst; }
- | UnsignedSuffix { _ttype = UnsignedIntConst; }
- )?
- | '0' ( 'x' | 'X' ) ( 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' | Digit )+
- { _ttype = IntHexConst; }
- ( LongSuffix { _ttype = LongHexConst; }
- | UnsignedSuffix { _ttype = UnsignedHexConst; }
- )?
- ;
- options
- {
- testLiterals = true;
- }
- : ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' )
- ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '0'..'9' )*
- ;